Switzerland has some of the most beautiful railways, to say nothing of the quite extraordinary engineering associated with them. I look forward to seeing more of your work in 2019. Bravo!
Das war wieder ein sehr schönes Mitfahrvideo. Danke für die Einblendung der Stationsnamen und Streckenabschnitte. Die Schweiz ist ein wunderbares Bahnland! Vor allem die Bergstrecken gefallen mir sehr. Freue mich schon auf das nächste Video.
Another great video. I was fortunate to ride this route up front in 2001 in a 460. It was like being in a widescreen cinema. Now I can watch it anytime courtesy of your films. Thank you Railway Emotions, keep up the great work
Danke RailwayEmotions - eine Riesenbereicherung des CabRide-Angebotes - ich freue mich auf jedes neue Video - auch Dir alles Gute im Neuen Jahr und viele interessante Fahrten! Grüsse aus Rapperswil
Very nice video. First we ride in the rain, then through snow and finally back in the rain. The best view was when we went through the mountains at 1217 meters above sea level. Lovely ride through the tunnels as well.
Another awesome video and trip. Such beautiful scenery. Thanks for all the videos in 2018. I will be waiting for many more in the year ahead. One of my favorite train cab ride videos is yours. Happy New Years to you and your family. God bless.
Fantastic cab ride. It brought back memories. I was travelling through the old Lötschberg tunnel many times in my youth both with and without my cars. I loved the brief stop in Spiez to let the ICE pass. Sad to see that Einigen and Gwatt are no longer in service, I guess people need to pick up trains in Thun, (where I grew up.) I'd love to see cab rides through the much newer Lötschberg Base tunnel and the Gotthard Base tunnel for that matter. Thank you for posting these fantastic cab rides, I can watch in Queensland, Australia.
If you want to see the Lötschberg Base Tunnel, you should watch my "From south to north" cargo cab ride, it starts off in the morning in Brig and goes through the LBT. I have cut most of the ride through the LBT though, most viewers won't find a dark tunnel very attractive. ;)
That's the old Lötschberg tunnel. The Base tunnel goes from Frutigen direct through the alps into the Wallis. It doesn't go up to Kandersteg as far as I know.
Das ist eine wunderschöne Strecke ich mag die Tunnelfahrten ist interessant man fährt in den Tunnel im Gebirge rein und kommt an Stellen raus die man so nicht erwartet hätte 👍👍👍👍👍👍
Well, that was something very special to finish the year with. What a fantastic view when climbing out of Brig!! Looking forward to more great stuff in 2019. A very happy new year to you 👍🏼
A really awesome cab ride, I think it is one of the best so far. I am Rishad, a trainspotter/railfan from India. I have visited Switzerland a few times and love the Swiss railway network. Your cab rides are very interesting and I have been watching all your videos for the past few months. I enjoy the Zurich S-bahn rides, but I think this Lotschberg one is truly the best. Unfortunately in my trips to Switzerland I have never travelled on this route, but would definitely try to do this the next time. Do you also drive on the Gotthard pass line, because it would be really lovely to see your videos on that line too. I like the way your videos are made, a constant view, no zooming, station subtitles and all. It's really great work. I just have one question about this Lotschberg video - any particular reason you were switched onto the right hand track while climbing up to the pass? Keep making these videos because I am sure we all enjoy watching them. I have subscribed to you. I have my own channel too of Indian Railways in case you are interested in watching. Thanks for the lovely work!
Thanks for your comment! Unfortunately I don't drive on the Gotthard pass, but through the Gotthard base tunnel. I don't know why I was switched, but whenever a oversized SIM-train is on its way, other trains must drive on the non-SIM track. Probably that was the reason for the switching. The controller decides which track is being used, we just follow the orders given by the signals.
@@RailwayEmotions Oh okay, thank you for your reply! It's unfortunate because in spite of the Gotthard base tunnel being amazing and saving time, nothing can beat the scenic beauty of the mountain route. I travelled that route in an ICN in 2011 and it was just thrilling, the spiral loops and all.
That is true, but it's my company that chooses where I drive and where I get route knowledge, not me. ;-) Who knows, maybe one day I get to film the mountain route, but right now I can't.
Es war bisher ein ziemlich schwacher Winter, ja... aber da obendrüber werde ich sicher demnächst auch mehr Schnee anbieten können, hoffe ich zumindest ;)
Wie immer sehr schön. Nun ich als alter Fst-Fan muss sagen es gibt schon einige Aufnahmen von Domodossola / Brig - Bern. Schön wäre es mal in die Gegenrichtung ! Mfg grüßen und guten rutsch ins neue Jahr.
Bin jetzt erst auf dieses Video gestossen. Absolut faszinierend. Eine Frage, bei 48:07 auf der linken Seite steht doch eine alte BLS Lok (Doppellok) Ist das eine fahrbereite Lok?
Was there any particular reason why you were switched wrong line between 4:50 and 14:35? There was an engineering train at Lalden, but there didn't seem to be any engineering work going on.
They did some maintenance on the south side, but I don't know where and what they did. Whenever a SIM-train is on its way, other trains must drive on the non SIM track. Probably that was the reason for the switching. The controller decides which track is being used, we just follow the orders given by the signals.
Frohes neues Jahr!!!! Es ist immer wieder schön, über die Lötschbergbahn zu fahren. Auch viele Veränderungen neben und auf der Strecke gehören zum Alltag, so wie auch an und auf der BLS. Wurde das BLS - Depot in Brig renoviert? Sieht ziemlich neu aus :-), leider wurden auch zwei Gleise entfernt. Die typischen BLS - Fahrleitungsmasten werden wohl bald auch verschwinden und nur noch in Büchern zu bewundern sein, sehr schade. Ab der Rhonebrücke bis Lalden wurden sie schon komplett ersetzt wie auch in weiten Teilen auf der Nordrampe. Links am Nordportal des Scheiteltunnels ist schon der Installationsplatz für die Betonfahrbahn für den Tunnel sichtbar. Ca. 2Jahre wird es dauern, bis die Schienen esetzt sind. Ein tolles Video, weiter so!!!
Ich wünsche dir auch in 2019 immer unfallfreie Fahrten und viel Glück und Gesundheit 🍀 🚊 . Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr . Gruß vom Fahrdienstleiter Falk .
At Kandersteg there are cars driving onto covered wagons to be taken in the opposite direction. Will they be anchored to the wagons somehow or will it be sufficient for just a parking brake for each one? How is that done?
At the north end of the Lotschberg tunnel there are two sidings on the west side before the Kandersteg complex. At 32.01 there is now a complex of buildings and a number diesel shunters. Are they doing work on the tunnel just run through or is it access to the base tunnel below? Is Simplon Inter Modal route over the Lotschberg pass dependent on wagon length, wagon load height, wagon load width or a combination which could cause the running envelope to go out of running gauge? I suspect ROLA and trailers in well wagons need the SIM route as would containers on the longer (>60ft 3x20ft containers) flat wagons. However a 40ft container on a 40ft wagon should be able to follow a left track over the pass?
We're not informed about what is done when and where. If you drive a car, you also don't know exactly about which company is doing roadworks, where, how long why, it's quite comparable to us. We have the tools to look it up, but in most cases, it just is not of interest for us. What I can say is that this is definitely not a rail access to the base tunnel, which would be either from Frutigen or Raron. There are many standards for profiles on the railroad and that is a very deep topic on its own. If a train runs as a SIM train, we as drivers get informed about that fact. The signallers are informed about that, too, and guide us correctly, but we always have to make sure we don't get misdirected on a non-SIM route.
That must be a very very expensive road to maintain for the amount of traffic it sees now, apart perhaps from the Kandersteg - Goppenstein car shuttles.
But it is still necessary. The base tunnel is only a single track for 2/3 of the length, if a train breaks down or ETCS fails, there must be an alternative. Same goes for the Gotthard.
Thank you ! That was amazing ! I have a question for you ? How many passenger trains cover that route between Brig and Thun every day ? Just wondering ? I didn't see much traffic at all?? It seemed like a well maintained double track mainline ??? Thank you for sharing !!! :):):)
The intercitys and eurocitys go through the base tunnel, that's why you didn't see them. Only regional trains (like the one in Goppenstein) and some freight trains take the route over the mountain.
oh okay. That solves that !!! Thank you and have a Happy New Year !!!! Looking forward to the new year and more of your "excellent " video's ! All the best!
Greetings from the UK, amazing videos, just one question, the narrow gauge, is it a countrywide network or just in a certain Cantons. Best Wishes for 2019
Companies even pay themselves fees (for example SBB cargo or SBB passenger service pay to SBB infrastructure). This is written in the law and there are no discounts, this way, rail traffic is kept fair for everyone that wants to compete and fulfils the safety standards. While there are only a few passenger rail companies, there are a lot of freight companies in the market. They all pay the same, depending on the weight and length of the train. And yes you are correct, the Lötschberg route (top and bottom) is BLS infrastructure.
The loco has delivered carriages to Brig and is needed in Thun again. Since there was nothing to pull back there, it went solo. Like an empty truck going to the next customer.
Query! Are the 'H' signs a warning of a power circuit change? What is the power saving of going through the base tunnel over going over the top, for a equal weight train?
It shows that a small stop (in contrast to a proper train station with signals and switches) follows in stopping distance. The H stands for "Haltestelle" in German. I don't know what the power saving is, but it allows for longer, heavier trains with less power upfront and all that certainly saves a lot of energy.
Super Video!! Als wenn ich die Lok gefahren wär. ;-) Habe ALLE Videos geschaut, mit einer Träne im Auge, ...., wär mein Traumberuf, ....! Wieso die 2 Gleiswechsel? Und als der Bauzug kam, musstest du ja sowieso warten? Ist man schneller wenn keine Wagen hinten dranhängen, ..., oder fährt man trotzdem "normal"? Es guets 2019, ...., und wünsch Allzeit gute Fahrt!!
Warum "wärs" dein Traumberuf? ;) Lokführer werden händeringend gesucht, einfach bewerben und versuchen! Dein Jahrgang, sofern er das ist, ist übrigens nicht von Beginn weg ein Ausschlussgrund. Die Gleiswechsel werden vom Fahrdienstleiter disponiert. Entweder war ein anderer (evtl. SIM) Zug unterwegs und wir mussten daher auf die andere Seite, oder eine Weiche musste umgestellt/geprüft werden, vielleicht wars eine Konfliktverhinderung... das wissen wir im Führerstand nicht und brauchen wir auch nicht zu wissen, wir machen einfach das, was die Signale uns vorgeben. Man fährt nicht schneller ohne Wagen, man kann aber natürlich schneller beschleunigen und bremsen.
Danke für die Antwort. Schätze mal wenn man alles hinterfragt kann man nicht mehr „Entspannt“ fahren. ;-) Alter ja, aber meine Augen oder besser gesagt mein Auge, nein! :-(( War dazumal in Winterthur beim Lehrberufstag (oder wie immer das heisst), ...., lange Geschichte. Wie gesagt/geschrieben, ..., freue mich riesig über neue Videos!!!! Gruss
Unfortunately I cannot take anyone with me, but cab rides can be booked here -> www.sbb.ch/en/leisure-holidays/leisure-offers/day-trips/cab-view-rides.html If you happen to book a train which I am driving anyway, then you can be with me in there. Other than that, no ;) Greetings back!
Those were in service a long time ago for trackside staff, now with good phone coverage and technology, everything is controlled from a central signalling box and no personnel is around at the tracks.
One of the effects of Covid-19 is the time available to re-view past videos. What permission did you have to pass Thun signal E240 while showing a red aspect and proceed to track 150? I didn't observe any ground (dwarf) signal change either.
We rarely know why we were switched, but whenever a oversized SIM-train is on its way, other trains must drive on the non-SIM track. Probably that was the reason for the switching. The controller decides which track is being used, we just follow the orders given by the signals.
Vielen Dank. Worauf kommt es denn an? Fuhr z.B. ein Lokzug, der aus einer Ae 6/6 bestand, auch nach der Reihe R oder nach der Reihe A? Und wie verhält es sich bei einem Lokzug mit dem Bremsverhältnis? Braucht es das überhaupt, oder ist dies immer 100 (sorry, ich bin da wirklich Laie)?
Eine Ae 6/6 fährt immer nach Reihe A. Grundsätzlich fährt ein einigermassen moderner Lokzug wie gesagt Reihe R, wenn man aber dabei mehr als ein Triebfahrzeug schleppt (wobei das eigentlich kein Lokzug mehr ist), darf nicht mehr nach Reihe R gefahren werden. Das Bremsverhältnis ist nicht immer dasselbe, eine Ae 6/6 fährt daher A95, eine Re 420 R115. Darum gibt es auf deine Frage nicht nur eine Antwort, es kommt ganz auf das Fahrzeug an.
Es ist so toll, dass es Leute wie Sie gibt, die sich uneigennützig betätigen und uns Hobbyeisenbahnern nicht nur wunderbare Videos zur Verfügung stellen, sondern sogar Fragen beantworten. Ein ganz herzliches Dankeschön! Tim
Interessante Fahrt über die Bergstrecke auf jungfräulich verschneiten Schienen allerdings hört sich die Lok an, als würde der Zusammenbruch unmittelbar bevorstehen.😳
So eine Lok kostet bestimmt viel Geld! Wenn es die Konstrukteure nicht fertig bringen einen leisen Scheibenwischer zu entwickeln, dann gebt diese Aufgabe einer 5 Klasse Volksschule, die lösen das für euch!!
Für alle, die wissen wollen, wohin diese Führerstandsfahrt vom Regen in den Schnee und zurück geht, empfehle ich diese Eisenbahnkarte www.bueker.net/trainspotting/map.php?file=maps/switzerland/switzerland.gif Heinz
Switzerland has some of the most beautiful railways, to say nothing of the quite extraordinary engineering associated with them. I look forward to seeing more of your work in 2019. Bravo!
Great work man absoltly magiquent
fantastic, that change between rain, snow and heavy rain, and just passing a tunnel.... fantastic
Filmato bollo bello. Ottime riprese. Paesaggi innevati mi affascinano sempre. Complimenti e cordiali saluti.
Olá! Agradeço pelo passeio! Abraços.
Eine schöne Strecke und entspannte Reise vom Schnee in den Regen. Danke für's Mitnehmen 🙂
Amazing cab ride !!! This is the first time I have the rare opportunity to see this route as the whole route from Brig to Thun. Thank you very much.
Danke for labeling the longer tunnels and the towns....it helps me orient myself to the area.
You're welcome, usually I label all tunnels, but I skipped that on this video, except for the main tunnel. That would've been too much text.
Das war wieder ein sehr schönes Mitfahrvideo. Danke für die Einblendung der Stationsnamen und Streckenabschnitte. Die Schweiz ist ein wunderbares Bahnland! Vor allem die Bergstrecken gefallen mir sehr. Freue mich schon auf das nächste Video.
I would just LOVE to live in the house at 6:01....beautiful view, not much lawn to mow and TRAINS all day...who could ask for more!!
Great video again! Fascinating route... Tunnels, galleries, rain & snow..... Wonderful. Very happy you took us along for the ride.
This was wonderful! Thank you so much. My dream is to go to Switzerland and ride the trains and see the cities of that beautiful country!
Another great video. I was fortunate to ride this route up front in 2001 in a 460. It was like being in a widescreen cinema. Now I can watch it anytime courtesy of your films. Thank you Railway Emotions, keep up the great work
Dieses Video ist das Highlight des Jahres und danke für die Lötschberg-Scheiteltunnel-Durchfahrt :>)
Ich liebe Ihre Filme! Eine wunderschöne Fahrt, danke fürs Mitnehmen! :-) Beste Grüsse aus Österreich!
Danke RailwayEmotions - eine Riesenbereicherung des CabRide-Angebotes - ich freue mich auf jedes neue Video - auch Dir alles Gute im Neuen Jahr und viele interessante Fahrten! Grüsse aus Rapperswil
The Lötschberg a fantastic memory !
Thank you for the beautiful ride I enjoyed it, I really enjoy all your videos
Vielen Dank für dieses und all' die anderen tollen Videos! Wünsche einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr und für selbiges alles Gute!
Gorgeous! My kind of train ride either on a rainy or snowy day with a window seat!
Very nice video. First we ride in the rain, then through snow and finally back in the rain. The best view was when we went through the mountains at 1217 meters above sea level. Lovely ride through the tunnels as well.
Another awesome video and trip. Such beautiful scenery. Thanks for all the videos in 2018. I will be waiting for many more in the year ahead. One of my favorite train cab ride videos is yours. Happy New Years to you and your family. God bless.
Fantastic cab ride. It brought back memories. I was travelling through the old Lötschberg tunnel many times in my youth both with and without my cars. I loved the brief stop in Spiez to let the ICE pass. Sad to see that Einigen and Gwatt are no longer in service, I guess people need to pick up trains in Thun, (where I grew up.) I'd love to see cab rides through the much newer Lötschberg Base tunnel and the Gotthard Base tunnel for that matter. Thank you for posting these fantastic cab rides, I can watch in Queensland, Australia.
If you want to see the Lötschberg Base Tunnel, you should watch my "From south to north" cargo cab ride, it starts off in the morning in Brig and goes through the LBT. I have cut most of the ride through the LBT though, most viewers won't find a dark tunnel very attractive. ;)
That's the old Lötschberg tunnel. The Base tunnel goes from Frutigen direct through the alps into the Wallis. It doesn't go up to Kandersteg as far as I know.
I am very well aware of that ;) As I've said, the LBT is on a different video. Here it is -> ruclips.net/video/7CRKUJxFNDw/видео.html
I remember this ride, especially between my hometown, Frutigen, and Spiez. Ä sötigs Heimweh gits mir! Thank you for uploading this!
Some great mountain railroading on a wet winter day. Great video!
Das ist eine wunderschöne Strecke ich mag die Tunnelfahrten ist interessant man fährt in den Tunnel im Gebirge rein und kommt an Stellen raus die man so nicht erwartet hätte 👍👍👍👍👍👍
The best rail video I've ever seen ... All the best in the future
Well, that was something very special to finish the year with. What a fantastic view when climbing out of Brig!! Looking forward to more great stuff in 2019. A very happy new year to you 👍🏼
TOP-Video!! Da freut man sich jedes Mal schon auf das nächste... Alles Gute für das Neue Jahr!!
LG aus Hamburg.
Thank you for the videos. They certainly help pass the time while I'm on the elliptical!!
Wonderful train ride.
A really awesome cab ride, I think it is one of the best so far. I am Rishad, a trainspotter/railfan from India. I have visited Switzerland a few times and love the Swiss railway network. Your cab rides are very interesting and I have been watching all your videos for the past few months. I enjoy the Zurich S-bahn rides, but I think this Lotschberg one is truly the best. Unfortunately in my trips to Switzerland I have never travelled on this route, but would definitely try to do this the next time. Do you also drive on the Gotthard pass line, because it would be really lovely to see your videos on that line too. I like the way your videos are made, a constant view, no zooming, station subtitles and all. It's really great work. I just have one question about this Lotschberg video - any particular reason you were switched onto the right hand track while climbing up to the pass? Keep making these videos because I am sure we all enjoy watching them. I have subscribed to you. I have my own channel too of Indian Railways in case you are interested in watching. Thanks for the lovely work!
Thanks for your comment! Unfortunately I don't drive on the Gotthard pass, but through the Gotthard base tunnel. I don't know why I was switched, but whenever a oversized SIM-train is on its way, other trains must drive on the non-SIM track. Probably that was the reason for the switching. The controller decides which track is being used, we just follow the orders given by the signals.
@@RailwayEmotions Oh okay, thank you for your reply! It's unfortunate because in spite of the Gotthard base tunnel being amazing and saving time, nothing can beat the scenic beauty of the mountain route. I travelled that route in an ICN in 2011 and it was just thrilling, the spiral loops and all.
That is true, but it's my company that chooses where I drive and where I get route knowledge, not me. ;-) Who knows, maybe one day I get to film the mountain route, but right now I can't.
@@rishad_travel_diaries I have filmed the north ramp of the Gotthard, you can view it here: ruclips.net/video/nx9-LXdeIM4/видео.html&
After Kandersteg you can certainly see how steeply the line descends, can't you.
It's 27‰.
Wunderschön, diese verschneiten Berglandschaften! Schade nur, dass der Schnee bis jetzt sehr karg bleibt.
Es war bisher ein ziemlich schwacher Winter, ja... aber da obendrüber werde ich sicher demnächst auch mehr Schnee anbieten können, hoffe ich zumindest ;)
Beeindruckend schön, Daumen sehr weit hoch.
Wie immer sehr schön. Nun ich als alter Fst-Fan muss sagen es gibt schon einige Aufnahmen von Domodossola / Brig - Bern. Schön wäre es mal in die Gegenrichtung ! Mfg grüßen und guten rutsch ins neue Jahr.
Sobald ich in diese Richtung dazu komme, werde ich bestimmt filmen. Aber wann dass das sein wird kann ich noch nicht sagen.
Thank you for nice trip!
Awesome video! Thank you!
How long is the base tunnel?
Bin jetzt erst auf dieses Video gestossen. Absolut faszinierend. Eine Frage, bei 48:07 auf der linken Seite steht doch eine alte BLS Lok (Doppellok) Ist das eine fahrbereite Lok?
Das weiss ich nicht, sorry
Love video, hi from Venezuela
very nice video good comments at locations you pass thru great job
Was there any particular reason why you were switched wrong line between 4:50 and 14:35? There was an engineering train at Lalden, but there didn't seem to be any engineering work going on.
They did some maintenance on the south side, but I don't know where and what they did. Whenever a SIM-train is on its way, other trains must drive on the non SIM track. Probably that was the reason for the switching. The controller decides which track is being used, we just follow the orders given by the signals.
Hi. 49:17 where is it?
Fantastique! Merci pour cette vidéo.
More mountains, more snow!))
A double treat: the Lötschberg line proper, and an Re 6/6. And snow!
Frohes neues Jahr!!!!
Es ist immer wieder schön, über die Lötschbergbahn zu fahren. Auch viele Veränderungen neben und auf der Strecke gehören zum Alltag, so wie auch an und auf der BLS. Wurde das BLS - Depot in Brig renoviert? Sieht ziemlich neu aus :-), leider wurden auch zwei Gleise entfernt. Die typischen BLS - Fahrleitungsmasten werden wohl bald auch verschwinden und nur noch in Büchern zu bewundern sein, sehr schade. Ab der Rhonebrücke bis Lalden wurden sie schon komplett ersetzt wie auch in weiten Teilen auf der Nordrampe. Links am Nordportal des Scheiteltunnels ist schon der Installationsplatz für die Betonfahrbahn für den Tunnel sichtbar. Ca. 2Jahre wird es dauern, bis die Schienen esetzt sind. Ein tolles Video, weiter so!!!
..and into rain again. Ha, ha. Happy new Year, friends.
Excellent video I enjoy it let know when you get new one ☝️🤗
Danke für die Schönen Mitfahrten 2018 bin auf neue Mitfahrten 2019 gespannt. Bahnland Schweiz ist hochinterressant Viele Grüße aus Sachsen
What is the purple blinking light at 24:27 for?
To announce a stop for extra large SIM trains that carry trucks on this route through the alpine corridor.
Ich wünsche dir auch in 2019 immer unfallfreie Fahrten und viel Glück und Gesundheit 🍀 🚊 . Guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr . Gruß vom Fahrdienstleiter Falk .
Aha, ein Fdl auf meinem Kanal! ;) danke und ebenso!
I really liked this video. Pity that the weather with rain did not allow to see the landscape better. Congratulations.
I'll be there again soon, hopefully with better weather.
@@RailwayEmotions Thanks and Happy New Years 2019!. Regards.
Awsome Video
Salut, c'est un beau voyage que tu nous proposes là. Merci.
Schönes Video, tolle Landschaft, wenn nicht das klappern des Scheibenwischers wäre!😅
At Kandersteg there are cars driving onto covered wagons to be taken in the opposite direction. Will they be anchored to the wagons somehow or will it be sufficient for just a parking brake for each one? How is that done?
This should have all the info: www.bls.ch/en/fahren/unterwegs-mit/autoverlad/kandersteg-goppenstein/verladehinweise-kandersteg-goppenstein
At the north end of the Lotschberg tunnel there are two sidings on the west side before the Kandersteg complex. At 32.01 there is now a complex of buildings and a number diesel shunters. Are they doing work on the tunnel just run through or is it access to the base tunnel below?
Is Simplon Inter Modal route over the Lotschberg pass dependent on wagon length, wagon load height, wagon load width or a combination which could cause the running envelope to go out of running gauge? I suspect ROLA and trailers in well wagons need the SIM route as would containers on the longer (>60ft 3x20ft containers) flat wagons. However a 40ft container on a 40ft wagon should be able to follow a left track over the pass?
We're not informed about what is done when and where. If you drive a car, you also don't know exactly about which company is doing roadworks, where, how long why, it's quite comparable to us. We have the tools to look it up, but in most cases, it just is not of interest for us. What I can say is that this is definitely not a rail access to the base tunnel, which would be either from Frutigen or Raron.
There are many standards for profiles on the railroad and that is a very deep topic on its own. If a train runs as a SIM train, we as drivers get informed about that fact. The signallers are informed about that, too, and guide us correctly, but we always have to make sure we don't get misdirected on a non-SIM route.
I have a question, where did you start at?
That must be a very very expensive road to maintain for the amount of traffic it sees now, apart perhaps from the Kandersteg - Goppenstein car shuttles.
But it is still necessary. The base tunnel is only a single track for 2/3 of the length, if a train breaks down or ETCS fails, there must be an alternative. Same goes for the Gotthard.
@@RailwayEmotions The Gotthard Base Tunnel is double track the whole length.
Thank you ! That was amazing ! I have a question for you ? How many passenger trains cover that route between Brig and Thun every day ? Just wondering ? I didn't see much traffic at all?? It seemed like a well maintained double track mainline ???
Thank you for sharing !!! :):):)
The intercitys and eurocitys go through the base tunnel, that's why you didn't see them. Only regional trains (like the one in Goppenstein) and some freight trains take the route over the mountain.
oh okay. That solves that !!! Thank you and have a Happy New Year !!!! Looking forward to the new year and more of your "excellent " video's ! All the best!
Perfektes Video.Klasse.Du hast ein Abo von mir.Ich wünsche Dir einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr 2019
Greetings from the UK, amazing videos, just one question, the narrow gauge, is it a countrywide network or just in a certain Cantons.
Best Wishes for 2019
There are a lot of narrow gauge companies, but none of them runs countrywide, the main network is standard gauge.
Happy New Year. Does anyone else watch these videos with dual monitors - with the full screen video on one side and openrailwaymap on the other ?
Indeed, maybe not this one as I know the route so well, but I certainly do with many of his other videos. Also Google Maps in satellite view!
Thank you for all those beautiful cabrides!!! Do you have more snow rides?? All the best for 2019!!! Cheers Onno.
We only had very little snow so far. But I will continue filming and release more snow videos sooner or later.
SUPER 👍🏼👌🏼
sorry, another question: this route is owned by BLS, isn't it. So do SBB pay BLS access fees to use it (same through the base tunnel)?
Companies even pay themselves fees (for example SBB cargo or SBB passenger service pay to SBB infrastructure). This is written in the law and there are no discounts, this way, rail traffic is kept fair for everyone that wants to compete and fulfils the safety standards. While there are only a few passenger rail companies, there are a lot of freight companies in the market. They all pay the same, depending on the weight and length of the train.
And yes you are correct, the Lötschberg route (top and bottom) is BLS infrastructure.
alter endliiii Gruesli us holland!
Happy New Year! I love your videos and never miss one. Why just the engine? That seems inefficient to move it without taking any cars with it.
The loco has delivered carriages to Brig and is needed in Thun again. Since there was nothing to pull back there, it went solo. Like an empty truck going to the next customer.
une video hiver avec de la neige merci
Wasn't this tunnel constructed at the same time as the Gotthard? Why didn't this tunnel get the same amount of attention as the Gotthard did?
Query! Are the 'H' signs a warning of a power circuit change?
What is the power saving of going through the base tunnel over going over the top, for a equal weight train?
It shows that a small stop (in contrast to a proper train station with signals and switches) follows in stopping distance. The H stands for "Haltestelle" in German. I don't know what the power saving is, but it allows for longer, heavier trains with less power upfront and all that certainly saves a lot of energy.
Super Video!! Als wenn ich die Lok gefahren wär. ;-)
Habe ALLE Videos geschaut, mit einer Träne im Auge, ...., wär mein Traumberuf, ....!
Wieso die 2 Gleiswechsel? Und als der Bauzug kam, musstest du ja sowieso warten?
Ist man schneller wenn keine Wagen hinten dranhängen, ..., oder fährt man trotzdem "normal"?
Es guets 2019, ...., und wünsch Allzeit gute Fahrt!!
Warum "wärs" dein Traumberuf? ;) Lokführer werden händeringend gesucht, einfach bewerben und versuchen! Dein Jahrgang, sofern er das ist, ist übrigens nicht von Beginn weg ein Ausschlussgrund.
Die Gleiswechsel werden vom Fahrdienstleiter disponiert. Entweder war ein anderer (evtl. SIM) Zug unterwegs und wir mussten daher auf die andere Seite, oder eine Weiche musste umgestellt/geprüft werden, vielleicht wars eine Konfliktverhinderung... das wissen wir im Führerstand nicht und brauchen wir auch nicht zu wissen, wir machen einfach das, was die Signale uns vorgeben. Man fährt nicht schneller ohne Wagen, man kann aber natürlich schneller beschleunigen und bremsen.
Danke für die Antwort. Schätze mal wenn man alles hinterfragt kann man nicht mehr „Entspannt“ fahren. ;-)
Alter ja, aber meine Augen oder besser gesagt mein Auge, nein! :-((
War dazumal in Winterthur beim Lehrberufstag (oder wie immer das heisst), ...., lange Geschichte.
Wie gesagt/geschrieben, ..., freue mich riesig über neue Videos!!!!
Beautiful route, beautiful Mountains, nice Country. But far. Greetings from Poland.
BTW: Is it possible to drive with you in the loco cockpit? ;)
Unfortunately I cannot take anyone with me, but cab rides can be booked here -> www.sbb.ch/en/leisure-holidays/leisure-offers/day-trips/cab-view-rides.html
If you happen to book a train which I am driving anyway, then you can be with me in there. Other than that, no ;) Greetings back!
Can you explain the little white lights trackside please? They mostly appear near switches but not always.
It is explained here: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swiss_railway_signalling
Hello ! What the little houses are these on 5 : 00 and on 6 : 00 ?
Those were in service a long time ago for trackside staff, now with good phone coverage and technology, everything is controlled from a central signalling box and no personnel is around at the tracks.
One of the effects of Covid-19 is the time available to re-view past videos. What permission did you have to pass Thun signal E240 while showing a red aspect and proceed to track 150? I didn't observe any ground (dwarf) signal change either.
The dwarf is right there and it shows a driving aspect. There's no need for it to change visibly.
Ich wundere mich schon,daß das Fahrlicht von vielen Locks so dürftig leuchten,wie Taschenlampen. Eine Lock die Millionen kostet.
Please turn lights on in tunnel, I hard time seeing
Why did the train switch from left side to right side back to left side running again in the beginning?
We rarely know why we were switched, but whenever a oversized SIM-train is on its way, other trains must drive on the non-SIM track. Probably that was the reason for the switching. The controller decides which track is being used, we just follow the orders given by the signals.
Yes, I watch this video - Now I will have nightmares for a month - me - naw I am not afraid of heights - not even on a train!
Cool video ! There is something nostalgic-romantic in rainy weather. Please, make a video in summer, spring and autumn, but not in winter.
A lot of people enjoy winter cab rides and I will continue with them next winter.
Welche Zugreihe gilt eigentlich im Fall eines Lokzugs?
Das kann man pauschal nicht auf alle Fälle anwenden, grundsätzlich aber Reihe R.
Vielen Dank. Worauf kommt es denn an? Fuhr z.B. ein Lokzug, der aus einer Ae 6/6 bestand, auch nach der Reihe R oder nach der Reihe A? Und wie verhält es sich bei einem Lokzug mit dem Bremsverhältnis? Braucht es das überhaupt, oder ist dies immer 100 (sorry, ich bin da wirklich Laie)?
Eine Ae 6/6 fährt immer nach Reihe A. Grundsätzlich fährt ein einigermassen moderner Lokzug wie gesagt Reihe R, wenn man aber dabei mehr als ein Triebfahrzeug schleppt (wobei das eigentlich kein Lokzug mehr ist), darf nicht mehr nach Reihe R gefahren werden. Das Bremsverhältnis ist nicht immer dasselbe, eine Ae 6/6 fährt daher A95, eine Re 420 R115. Darum gibt es auf deine Frage nicht nur eine Antwort, es kommt ganz auf das Fahrzeug an.
Es ist so toll, dass es Leute wie Sie gibt, die sich uneigennützig betätigen und uns Hobbyeisenbahnern nicht nur wunderbare Videos zur Verfügung stellen, sondern sogar Fragen beantworten. Ein ganz herzliches Dankeschön! Tim
Aus welchem Fahrzeug schauen wir denn das Video( 425?) ?
Das steht wie immer in der Beschreibung, es ist eine Re 6/6.
Railway Emotions Beschreibung ging leider nicht auf, sorry der Nachfrage.
Kein Problem, wollte damit nur sagen, dass man das bei mir immer in der Beschreibung findet, fürs nächste Mal ;)
Railway Emotions dachte ich mir, so wie man in meinen Videos das auch in der Beschreibung findet🤣
Why were there no cars? [ Locomotive: Re 620 (solo, no cars)]
Because locomotives are needed at specific places and sometimes there's no weight to pull around. So they go solo.
Interessante Fahrt über die Bergstrecke auf jungfräulich verschneiten Schienen allerdings hört sich die Lok an, als würde der Zusammenbruch unmittelbar bevorstehen.😳
Das muss so sein, die alten Maschinen klingen alle so ;)
At this video you have passed in total 47 (bridges and tunnels).
So eine Lok kostet bestimmt viel Geld! Wenn es die Konstrukteure nicht fertig bringen einen leisen Scheibenwischer zu entwickeln, dann gebt diese Aufgabe einer 5 Klasse Volksschule, die lösen das für euch!!
Für alle, die wissen wollen, wohin diese Führerstandsfahrt vom Regen in den Schnee und zurück geht, empfehle ich diese Eisenbahnkarte
*Wonderful... but the tunnel areas should have been left out (editing) for there is nothing to see in them.*
Hello, check your mail inbox please. Thanks.
I gave you a fast answer, but didn't get a reply from you so far.
@@RailwayEmotions Just answered. Greetings.