Update video, New start!! (26/05/24)

  • Опубликовано: 12 окт 2024

Комментарии • 92

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 Месяц назад +1

    You will get there, beautiful lad…💜🌹🙏
    Keep fighting.. no matter what..💜✨🕊️
    Each time you do an update.. you give someone watching the courage to keep fighting.. to keep going.. to never give up..💜🦋🌱
    Thank you for showing us the way.. for being there.. for caring that we are not alone.. in this fight for life 💜🙏 🦅
    We can never love you enough Alfie 💜
    William and Jen

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 4 месяца назад +6

    Alfie… so good to see you feeling better.. smiling.. even a sweet laugh.. thank God we do to see you like this!
    And to hear you speaking up to the docs about the rescue meds.. so beautiful to see you like this.. you are making our day listening to you!
    And no auras.. this makes us cry.. but these are tears of joy.. like you said.. onwards and upward..
    You did this Alfie.. you spoke up and things are better..
    Seeing you talking and hearing that beautiful laugh.. best video we have ever seen..
    Thank you so very much for this.. best news ever..
    Our prayers have been answered.. and we love you so much.. wish more than ever we could give you a hug..
    We are so proud of you.. we believe in you.. and this update means the world..
    We love you with all our hearts.. so happy for you .. best day ever, Alfie.. just to see you smiling and hear you laugh.. thank you for this video..
    We send you all the love your beautiful heart can hold💜💙🌹🕊️✨

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 3 месяца назад +2

    Breaks our hearts that people would write hurtful comments.. to a courageous guy on a channel dedicated to helping those suffering from epilepsy..
    What to remember is that every bushel has a few bad apples in it.. and when the farmer notices he throws them out..
    And that’s what you do when you laugh them off as you did in this beautiful update.. you threw them out..
    You are strong and brave Alfie.. and you are so appreciated and loved by all of us being helped by your channel..
    What an example you set! We have all been cruelly treated.. embarrassed by public seizures.. accused of being drunk or on something by thoughtless ER or other medical workers.. been given dirty or disgusted looks by fellow workers who do not know we are epileptic..
    We have been there.. and many of us still are.. and when you put yourself out there in these videos.. we are grateful beyond words..
    Thank you for caring.. thank you for sharing your life.. with us who suffer too.. or love and care for one who does..
    We are here Alfie.. we support you with our prayers.. our tears.. our hugs.. our love..
    You are not alone.. and you are a hero to those of us who were.. before we knew you..
    You say our support for you means the world.. you mean the world to us Alfie ..
    Please remember that…💜💙

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 2 месяца назад +1

    To do an update video in an open car.. with people talking and walking by outside..
    Has to be an extremely stressful situation.. and you handled it beautifully, Alfie!
    Your voice steady.. your eyes shining.. those beautiful smiles.. and the delightful laugh..
    So welcome and beautiful to see! So grand to be see you relaxed.. happy.. looking great..
    Thank you for this incredible update Alfie.. our hearts are singing.. just watching you thru happy tears..
    Onwards and upwards, dear Alfie💜💙🤗🌹

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 2 месяца назад +1

    We’re sending you many prayers and much love Alfie..
    Keep going no matter what.. we believe in you..💜
    You will get there💜💙🌹

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 4 месяца назад +2

    We have followed you since we saw your seizure video before Christmas.. we subbed to your channel 30 seconds into it..
    Broke our hearts to watch and we wanted to see you were all right..
    We wanted to help.. when you spoke of your music channel in an update video.. we subbed to that as a way of supporting you..
    Alfie.. in that music channel we found the most beautiful and helpful music we have ever heard.. a joy to listen to.. we also found it helped us in ways hard to put into words..
    We found it eased pain.. helped us relax.. encouraged us to go out running.. lifted our mood.. brought joy back into our life..
    We understand your suffering.. my husband suffered dreadfully with this.. as your videos clearly show how much you have..
    And now to watch you on this beautiful video .. seeing the hope in your eyes.. hearing the confidence in your voice.. feeling the easing of the crippling anxiety you suffer.. and just seeing you smile.. all of these give us hope as well..
    You are a courageous and beautiful young man.. you are brave and honest.. and so caring to be sharing all of this with us..
    We think the hardest thing when you hurt is the feeling of being all alone in your pain.. suffering in silence as life continues on ..
    Just the fact that you cared .. because you understand what suffering is.. and how it breaks you.. and how it eats you alive from the inside out..
    Whether we suffer ourselves. Or care for and love someone who does.. it hurts, Alfie.. and to know you do not want anyone to go thru what you do and feel they are alone.. that means the world..
    Over these months of getting to know you thru your videos.. your updates.. and your amazing music.. we have come to love you..
    And to see you so hopeful.. so happy.. smiling and laughing .. is so beautiful to see we cry..
    This time tho the tears are happy ones..
    We don’t know words good enough to express how much you mean to us.. we think you say it best.. it means the world 💜💙🤗

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 2 месяца назад +1

    Keep going Alfie.. you are a kind and brave lad..
    You are determined and resilient..
    You care about all of us and want to help..
    We believe in you and love you tons..
    So.. keep going Alfie.. no matter what.. you will get there💜💙

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 3 месяца назад +1

    Thank you for standing up for yourself.. your courage helps us to do same..
    Keep fighting, Alfie 💜💙

  • @mikedurant78
    @mikedurant78 4 месяца назад +2

    Great news Alfie. Thank God. I'm so happy for you your amazing.

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 3 месяца назад +1

    Crippling anxiety is horrible to go thru.. rules your life it does.. only those who feel the pain of this can relate, Alfie..💜
    And the torture of social anxiety.. must also be experienced to be appreciated..
    When you described going out with others.. unable to eat.. unable to drink.. trying your best to come up with something to say.. then having the conversation move on to another topic.. whilst you sat there.. swallowing your words and saying nothing..
    At that point.. our hearts broke with sorrow for you.. and we cried for you 💔😭
    No one should have to go thru that..
    We are so thankful to hear that the meds the neurologist gave you are working.. the tone of your voice.. that beautiful smile.. the sweet laugh.. the light in your eyes.. all of these bearing witness to your new beginning.. so beautiful to see..
    Thank you so much for this wonderful update Alfie.. it is so good to see how much better you are.. and the pure joy you feel in being so..
    We pray that this will continue.. that each day you will wake up feeling better.. that each night you can sleep in peace..
    No one deserves this more than you Alfie.. and what absolute thanks to God we are feeling in seeing you so.,
    We love you Alfie.. we continue to support you with our prayers and our love..
    God Bless you and keep you safe💜💙🙏

  • @triciag3311
    @triciag3311 4 месяца назад +1

    I don't usually comment, but I found your channel when my 13 year old son started having tonic clonic seizures this past October.
    I'm do happy to see that things are looking up for you. You are so strong. Wishing you the BEST.

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 4 месяца назад +1

    Alfie… you are no weirdo, sweet lad…
    You are the most courageous and resilient man we know..
    So happy we are for you.. so good to see your smile.. and hear you laugh..
    We love you beyond life.. 💜💙🤗🦋✨

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 2 месяца назад +1

    We are thankful to hear from you Alfie.. had been a while and we missed you so much…
    Will be good to get another update.. we remember you told us that you were seeing the neurologist for a follow up in 3 months and that would be about now..
    And that you had MRI and CT scans a few weeks back..
    They should have these results when you go for the follow up..
    Will sure be a relief to get the recovery meds.. that will keep you from having to go to hospital and allow you to rest and recover at home..
    We think of you each day Alfie.. we pray for you to have less stress and anxiety so you can have your life back..
    You are a fighter and doing your best to get thru this.. want you always to remember we are here and we care for you..
    Alfie.. you are always here for us.. and we are always here for you.. no matter what..
    We love you so much,brave and beautiful lad..💜💙🙏

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 2 месяца назад +1

    We come back to see you on your update videos .. just like we would come see you at home.. were we close by…
    That’s what people in your life who care about you do Alfie..
    We read thru the comments.. makes our heart glow to see how many people who know you also do as we do.. to come see you via your updates.. just to touch base.. to see how you are.. to let you know we’re here ..for you..
    So happy for you we are Alfie.. you are taking charge and getting stuff moving.. you are helping yourself get the care you need..
    So beautiful to see the gentle and kind man you are.. filled with courage and strength..
    The road you travel is hard.. brutal at times..
    You are strong and capable.. you are moving along it well..
    As you do.. remember us here too.. you are not alone Alfie.. and you are loved 💜💙

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 2 месяца назад +1

    Hoping and praying all is going well with you Alfie..
    We are here for you no matter what.. hopefully you are still on course to be given recovery meds Alfie..
    Fight for these.. they are important.. not only to keep you out of the hospital.. they can save your life!! Speak from experience we do.. as you know..
    You are courageous.. strong.. resilient..
    Always remember.. you are not alone.. and you are loved 💜💙🙏

  • @mikedurant78
    @mikedurant78 4 месяца назад +2

    Stay strong Alfie. Focus on your words. It will come. Greatings from Bronx NY.

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 2 месяца назад +1

    All of us on your channel support you Alfie.. no matter what… we are always here…
    When you get new meds can take a while to see how you are.. we understand..
    We think about you every day..
    As we pray .. we hold you close in our hearts..
    So loved you are Alfie.. all these comments in the last several days say that..
    We know you do your best.. as always you have..
    We are here for you Alfie.. always here…💜💙🌹

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 3 месяца назад +1

    Dearest Alfie.. this is the best update ever..
    We pray your meds will keep you safe.. that your anxiety continues to improve..
    And that ultimately you will be seizure free..
    You are the strongest and bravest lad.. it is a joy to see your beautiful smile and hear you laugh..
    Btw.. your latest song.. Melodious.. is so beautiful.. we love it!
    Please continue to feel better Alfie.. and keep on making your extraordinary music..
    We send you prayers.. hugs.. Hope.. and love.. ever and always💜💙

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 3 месяца назад +1

    Keep making your music Alfie.. we support your music channel and we know how grand it is..
    Keep concentrating on your music.. definitely is helping you get thru this..
    We are so sorry for the awful comments you got on this channel .. even so.. they are few.. and you have all of us who love you in full support of you.. now and always..
    You are strong.. courageous.. as achingly beautiful as the music you make Alfie..
    We love your music.. and we love you.. so..
    Remember that..💜💙

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 4 месяца назад +1

    Alfie.. there is no one else we know with more courage than you..💜
    We look forward to your updates.. to see how you are.. to hear how your life is going..💜
    Thru it all you are as kind and caring as when you did your very first update..💜
    Know how hard that is from our own experience.. for that alone we respect you immensely..💜
    Thank you for sharing your channel with us.. for your courage in posting your seizure videos.. and for your kindness with keeping us updated..💜
    Those little Purple Hearts you send out mean so much to us., because they let us know you are able to post them.. that means the world..💜
    Your music is wonderful.. we so look forward to what is coming next.. we cherish your music which helps us more than you may realize..💜
    We pray for you each time we play your beautiful music.. every time we watch an update..💜
    You are never gone from our thoughts.. and always in our hearts.. 💜
    Tha gaol againn ort mar mhac.. gu brath agus gu brath.. means we love you like a son.. always and for ever💜💙🤗✨

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 3 месяца назад +1

    Some of your earlier updates popped up on our feed.. and we watched again..
    And we cried again.. this time because of our joy.. that you are still the same sweet and kind guy you were in your first update.. this horrible epilepsy has been awful hard on you.. as you explain in the updates.. you are honest and say it like it is..
    We appreciate that.. and so much we appreciate you.. so many of us are scared.. many are just beginning this horrific journey.. and they look to you for help.. for hope.. for understanding.. for support..
    Thru your wonderful channel you provide all of this Alfie.. even when you are just out of hospital you come to us to let us know how you are..
    Even when you are unfairly deprived of your job.. you come to us .. letting us know how it is..
    You share your pain and your gains.. you share your fears and your hopes..
    You share your life with us all.. and we do our best to support you every way we can think of..
    You mean the world to us Alfie.. you matter to us more than our words know how to say..
    We pray for you.. we send you hope.. we send virtual hugs we wish were real..
    Most of all we send our love.. to a man of strength and courage.. who fights for his consciousness and his life.. against this terrible epilepsy..
    And you, Alfie? You give us hope.. someone to believe in.. a guy as beautiful and strong and courageous .. as the wondrous music he makes..
    You are our light in the darkness Alfie.. May God Bless you.. and may you shine for us all.. forever💜💜💙✨

    • @alfiesepilepsychannel
      @alfiesepilepsychannel  3 месяца назад +1

      Thank you so much😊😁💯xxx

    • @Jen999
      @Jen999 3 месяца назад +1

      @@alfiesepilepsychannel You are welcome, dear lad.. stay safe and strong.. you are not alone Alfie.. we are here💜💙

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 4 месяца назад +1

    Check in with you often.. just to see and hear how grand you are..
    Know you are cared about by checking all the lovely comments..
    Believe in yourself you are.. just as we who love you do..
    Life is a sad struggle.. seeing you smile., hearing the strength in your voice.. feeling the hope in you now..
    Makes us grateful and thankful to God..
    Send you prayers and hugs.. and all the love you can hold in your courageous heart..
    Always we are here for you Alfie.. always we love you💜💙🤗🙏✨🕊️

  • @robertpate7161
    @robertpate7161 Месяц назад

    Love you Alfie, my thoughts and prayers are with you 😍🙏

    • @robertpate7161
      @robertpate7161 Месяц назад +1

      I watched and broke down, my heart broke to see you fight so hard for peace and relief. I am glad you're doing better.

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 4 месяца назад +1

    Alfie.. your little heart made our day.. forgive us for worrying so..
    Still water runs deep.. our emotions likewise..
    Scottish we are.. usually stoic.. except when it comes to you..
    We cannot be but who we are.. you mean the world.. thank you for the heart..a treasure it is to us..
    As you are, dearest lad.. please stay safe..💜💙🤗🙏🌟

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 4 месяца назад +1

    Alfie.. we are so happy that you spoke up for yourself.. that you explained to the neurologist that you wanted a recovery med.. because hospital causes you suffering even more stress.. and more seizures..
    We are praying for you.. that you get the rescue meds you need.. that the Keppra will do its job..
    So happy your meds are helping your anxiety..
    Makes us cry happy tears to see your beautiful smile.. to hear you laugh..
    Also we were glad to hear your reaction to the people who hate on you.. there are so few of them Alfie.. just keep brushing them off..
    Onwards and upwards for you now, sweet lad.. always you have our prayers.. our hugs.. our hope for you.. and our love 💙💜

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 4 месяца назад +1

    So wonderful to come on this channel and read all the grand comments from everyone💜
    Alfie.. you have so many of us who love you tons💜🤗
    Onwards and upwards now sweet lad.. always all of us are here for you..💜
    Such courage you have.. you are a brave lad with a beautiful smile.. makes our hearts sing when you laugh..💜
    You are never gonna be alone with all of us here for you Alfie.. we love you💜💙🌹✨

  • @kerriepearson2107
    @kerriepearson2107 4 месяца назад +2

    Good luck Alfie with your new medication I hope works for you your Amazing from kerrie 💜

  • @IO-zz2xy
    @IO-zz2xy 4 месяца назад

    You are looking and sounding so much better man. What a change. You also sound much more positive and alive . Wishing you all the best from South Africa

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 4 месяца назад +1

    We did the math once.. we figured out my beautiful husband William spent 90 percent of his life in hospital..
    During his lifelong battle with severe refractory nocturnal tonic clonic epilepsy.. and a bunch of other stuff associated with that.. including severe reactions to antiseizure meds .. horrible at best, these..
    And as I was with him 24/7.. we completely understand WHY you do not want to be in hospital!
    So.. fight hard for those recovery/rescue meds, Alfie..
    You need them.. you deserve them..
    You need to be home sleeping off the after effects.. not battling insomnia and a high stress load.. which only causes more seizures..
    Know this battle well.. I fought hard to get recovery meds for I William.. as he was too sick and weakened by this brutal disease to speak for himself..
    Having those meds meant the world..💜💙

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 3 месяца назад +1

    Alfie … Keep going no matter what…
    Hard fight this is.. as so many of us know..
    Do your best.. keep your chin up.. because you matter..
    You tell us we can do this.. and so can you..
    You need us.. we are here.. remember that always..
    Support is a two way street.. we are here.. to help each other..💜💙

  • @richardanderson-gj8wr
    @richardanderson-gj8wr 2 месяца назад

    I pray you are still doing good bro. Alfie your kind awesome and enduring. Keep us all updated if you want.

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 4 месяца назад +1

    Take it a day at a time Alfie..
    Enjoy making your music..
    Take time to appreciate yourself and what a fighter you are..
    As for us.. we are here for you always.. no matter what..
    Onwards and upwards Alfie..
    We love you.. like the stars in the sky..
    Remember that,…💜💙✨

  • @HeidiLynn-su7xt
    @HeidiLynn-su7xt 4 месяца назад

    Alfie I am to glad for you my mum goes through the same stuff. I hope everything goes really well from now on! 👍

  • @richardanderson-gj8wr
    @richardanderson-gj8wr 4 месяца назад

    I hope this works on the siezures happy to hear the anxiety is doing better i pray this works on the epilepsy. Your strong enduring and awesome Alfie.

  • @erikuniken
    @erikuniken 4 месяца назад +2

    Hey man. I can't find the words to express how happy I am for you. It moves me that you feel so much more free.
    Really, really happy. And proud of you.
    And did i already mentioned i'm happy for you? 😂😂😂
    Cuz i really am mate. 👊🏽

    • @alfiesepilepsychannel
      @alfiesepilepsychannel  4 месяца назад +1

      Thank you so much mate means the world really does feel like a massive weights been lifted off my shoulders 😁👊🏻

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 2 месяца назад +1

    Must be hard to keep up with all these comments…
    Reason we send them is simple.. we care..
    You are a brave lad.. we understand what you are up against..
    Please keep going Alfie.. this comes from us who truly know what it’s like..
    Thank you for your wonderful channel and all you do to help us..
    Our way of showing appreciation for you is to make these comments..
    They come with prayers.. Hope.. hugs.. understanding..
    And they come with love..
    Because you matter more than you know..
    Stay strong Alfie 💜💙🙏

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 4 месяца назад +1

    Miss your little hearts.. hope you are doing all right..💜
    Sending you prayers and hugs.. as well as hope and love, Alfie💜
    Sometimes it is one step forward.. then a couple steps back.. then forward again 💜
    Two things matter., that you keep on going 💜
    And that you remember all of us love you.. never alone will ever you be, sweet lad..💜
    We are here for you no matter what.. you are dearly loved 💜💙✨

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 4 месяца назад +1

    It’s Saturday and Luke is here.. he loves your new music and asked how you are..
    We told him in your new update you are feeling much better.. Luke wanted to watch… so..
    After watching Luke asked to write his own comment.. so..
    Hi Alfie…I am happy seeing you smile..
    I am happy you feel better..
    I like it when you laugh.. your music is cool..
    Please get well soon.. I love you.. Luke..
    We couldn’t have said it better.. love and many hugs from us here to you there💜💙❣️🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗❣️

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 4 месяца назад +1

    Your music is as inspiring and beautiful as you are, Alfie💜
    We subscribed as a way to support you.. and we were amazed and grateful.. 💜
    The music you make is beautiful and delightful.. it is also cool and really rocks..💜
    You cover all genres of music.. and make music of your own as well.. which are our personal favs💜
    We also found your music helped us feel better.. made our bad days brighter..💜
    We thank you first for making your music.. and second for offering to share it with us.,💜
    Alfie.. you are the most courageous and kindest guy we know.. we are so thankful you are finally getting the meds you need.,💜
    You deserve this so much.. to feel better.. to laugh and to smile.. to speak without concern for every word.,💜
    Made us cry with joy to see you being YOU..💜
    We are here for you.. as we will always be.. we love you Alfie.. just so you know💜💙🦋

  • @luthientinuviel1981
    @luthientinuviel1981 4 месяца назад

    Oh Alfie...that's great news. It's nice that you're in such a good mood and can laugh again. In any case, I hope that the new medication works so well that you can reduce the attacks. Keep a stiff upper lip.😉

  • @mumzyleezasmr7123
    @mumzyleezasmr7123 4 месяца назад +1

    Sending soo much love an peace an well wishes in hope that this is the right path u need to be on. Stay strong alfie an ur such a beautiful lad. Take care love scottish borders lass ❤

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 4 месяца назад +1

    You cannot help what happens with a seizure.. either before, during or afterward, Alfie..
    Watched a QA video yesterday about the myths of epilepsy.. stuff people actually believe.. was interesting and informative.. and so very sad..
    Remember only too clearly how the kids in school reacted to William after he suffered a rare daytime tonic clinic seizure in school.. almost all of his seizures were nocturnal.. but the stress of an assembly with the entire school involved brought it on ..
    Bad enough the looks.. the stares.. the whispers.. worse the next day.. how they shunned him.. so afraid they might “catch” it if they got too close..
    All because they did not understand.. William was so courageous.. he took my hand and we walked to the farthest edges of the playground.. where we talked about it all.. he held his head high.. refusing to be brought down by something he could not help..
    On that day.. we pledged to spend our lives together.. and so we did..
    Was it hard? Dreadfully.. Was it worth it? Absolutely.. would not have changed one moment of being with my William for the world..
    Life is truly hard for everyone.. and epilepsy makes it a hundred times harder.. and you must fight hard and long to survive.. attitude is everything..
    That is why seeing you in this video.. standing up for yourself with the neurologist.. and brushing off the rude and thoughtless and cruel comments of those hating on you.. was so beautiful to see, Alfie..
    That you .. like my William.. are refusing to allow epilepsy.. and all the myths and stigma surrounding it.. to rule your life..
    To see your brave smile.. and hear the hope in your beautiful laugh.. when you said “onwards and upwards” brought us to tears of joy for you..
    Keep fighting Alfie.. you are a brave and beautiful lad who can get his life back..you can do this..
    And we will support you with prayers.. and hope.. and love.. every step of the way..
    God Bless you and your dear family, Alfie.. keeping all of you safe💜💙

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 2 месяца назад +1

    Each day that you get up..
    And make the choice to keep going.. no matter what..
    That is a win.. a victory..
    For you, Alfie.. and for all of us..
    Who believe in you.. look up to you.. and love you 💜
    Remember that..💜💙🌹

  • @Grapevine_1987
    @Grapevine_1987 4 месяца назад

    That's exactly how much Keppra I take and I also take 50 mg Lamictal. It's working after ten years of seeking help. I love you Alfie ❤

  • @HeidiLynn-su7xt
    @HeidiLynn-su7xt 2 месяца назад

    Hey Alfie how is everthing going I hope your new medication is working 😊

  • @nikkijooste-strombeck5045
    @nikkijooste-strombeck5045 4 месяца назад

    So glad the Citalopram is helping with your anxiety. Living with Epilepsy is hard enough and then to have such extreme anxiety on top of it. I hope your new or increased doses of seizure meds work. My daughter was still having a few grand mal seizures in between the focal seizures on her Epilim, the dose was increased a few times but still not fully controlled. Then her neurologist added Lamotrigine so now she's on 500mg Epilim and 50mg Lamotrigine morning and 300mg Epilim and 100mg Lamotrigine at night and so far for the last few months she has been seizure free. That I know of anyway. Being a mom and watching and recording the seizures is tough, watching your child go through not only the seizure but the exhaustion and confusion afterwards is heartbreaking, knowing there's nothing you can do. Strength to you and your mom. Let us know if the meds are doing their job and what happened with your MRI and CT scans when you get the results. Take care Alfie and mom.

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 4 месяца назад +1

    Because it’s been several days .. we are thinking about how you are doing, Alfie..💜
    We know how it can be when you switch meds or change dosages.. and we feel concern for you..💜
    Worst part is not knowing.. we love your music channel.. we comment a lot.. and you are so diligent about responding ..💜
    And when you don’t for a few days.. we feel something is not right..💜
    We so long to know you are alright.. maybe just getting some well deserved rest.. taking a. break for a bit..💜
    Takes a while to adjust to med changes.. and we sensed your concern in the update video that you hoped the epilepsy meds would work well..💜
    Made our day to see your happiness with the improvement in your anxiety.. your beautiful smile and happy laugh warmed our hearts..💜
    We love you so much.. we want you to feel better and relax and enjoy your life.. and make more of your incredible music..💜
    No matter what.. we love you and we are here for you..💜
    You are not alone.. and all of us want the best for you Alfie.. you matter .. and you are so much loved 💜💙✨🙏🕊️

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 4 месяца назад +1

    Here’s the deal Alfie.. 💜
    You keep on making beautiful inspiring update videos .. like this one 💜
    You keep on making the best music we’ve ever heard 💜
    You keep on fighting hard and strong.. like the courageous warrior you are 💜
    And we keep on supporting you with our prayers.. our hugs.. our always and forever love💜
    And we will get thru this together .. cuz none of us will ever give up 💜
    So., …deal?

  • @alterman156channel
    @alterman156channel 4 месяца назад

    I'm glad to find out that you are generally doing better. It appears that your seizures are under control to my best guess. Hopefully it will stay that way.

    • @alterman156channel
      @alterman156channel 4 месяца назад

      Another thing that should improve with the seizures under control is your anxiety. I think that will improve considerably and your mental state should also improve with the seizures under control. With any luck, you could become seizure free.

  • @williamgoetz8094
    @williamgoetz8094 4 месяца назад +1

    It’s great to hear you’re doing better man💯
    I think I might aswell say I recently started taking a new medication called ‘cenobamate’ with my lacosamide daily and I only ever get a very small seizure if I actually miss a dose now.
    It’s worked very well for me so far. Obviously I’m not a neurologist but it could be useful for you to know if you haven’t tried it already👍

    • @Jen999
      @Jen999 4 месяца назад +2

      Saw your comment.. here in US Cenobomate is being hailed as the future of epilepsy meds.. its biggest feature is the ability to knock out tonic clonic seizures completely.. reduce severity of any seizures you do get.. and reduce recovery time to as little as 15 to 30 minutes.. and you are back to yourself rather than taking 24 hours to feel right..
      Said to be way stronger than Keppra with less side effects..
      The neurologists and epileptic specialists here are really excited about it..
      So glad you are taking this.. its only drawback is with a certain type of heart issue.. and it has to be started slowly as it can decrease or increase the effectiveness of other meds you are taking..
      Good luck with it.. from what we have heard.. this may be the help many have been praying for 💜💙🙏

    • @williamgoetz8094
      @williamgoetz8094 4 месяца назад +1

      Cheers, so far so good for me and I’ve been taking it for 6 months🤞🩵

    • @Jen999
      @Jen999 4 месяца назад +2

      @@williamgoetz8094 That is so good to hear.. God Bless you, William.. you are the first we have talked to who has taken Cenobomate.. and for 6 months.. we wish you the best.. thank you for your reply.. really made our day.. stay safe, William💜💙🕯️🦋👍

    • @alfiesepilepsychannel
      @alfiesepilepsychannel  4 месяца назад +3

      Thank you so much and glad to hear things are starting to look up for you now and becoming seizure free I’ve not had an aura in over a week now 😁😁😁

    • @Jen999
      @Jen999 4 месяца назад +1

      @@alfiesepilepsychannel Alfie.. could not resist commenting to William about Cenobomate.. we are so excited about this new med over here.. he is the first we have talked to on it.. for 6 months.. maybe it will work for you too..💜
      So thankful you’ve not had aura for a week.. Will pray this continues for you.. you are much loved Alfie.. by so many like us who want you to be seizures free💜💙🤗

  • @kerriepearson2107
    @kerriepearson2107 3 месяца назад

    Hello Alfie how are you doing been thinking about you how are the new medication I hope thay are working for you I hope having great weekend the weather in the UK is starting to get warmer now enjoy the rest of you Saturday take care from Kerrie 😘💜

  • @richardanderson-gj8wr
    @richardanderson-gj8wr 3 месяца назад

    Alfie i pray you are still doing well awesome enduring young man

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 4 месяца назад +1

    Alfie.. Toiseach ur! Tha sinn a’ creidsinn annad…
    Tha gaol againn ort mar ar mac.. gu brath agus gu brath..
    Gum beannaiche adh Dia thu! 💜💙🙏

  • @CarlosMartinez-s7f
    @CarlosMartinez-s7f 3 месяца назад

    You look good today. Keep up the good work.

  • @cowboy10231
    @cowboy10231 2 месяца назад

    Super happy to hear that you're doing better! I'm on Keppra as well, except I take 1000mgs at night and another 1000mgs when I wake up, as well as Dilantin 400mgs daily. If they can get you on a regimen that works, stick with it. Many blessings!

  • @daniahsewidan5952
    @daniahsewidan5952 4 месяца назад

    stay strong, we love u so much❤❤

  • @kerriepearson2107
    @kerriepearson2107 2 месяца назад

    Hello Alfie is been long time since updated how you doing with your new medication I hope you alright from Kerrie 💜

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 4 месяца назад +1

    Alfie.. sounds like splitting the Keppra into two doses might help it work better.. and be easier on you..💜
    Also having the other meds for the anxiety and the auras seems to be working as well 💜
    We will be praying for you.. that you will improve steadily and will get the rescue meds in 3 months..💜
    Hospital is no place to be.. when you cannot sleep.. 💜
    As for those bad comments you got.. we remember seeing them.. and thinking how much it hurts to know people can be so thoughtless and cruel..💜
    Wonderful to see how well you look, Alfie.. your sweet smile and gentle laugh cheers us.. onwards and upwards, dearest lad..💜
    Keep focused on the ultimate prize.. freedom from seizures.. and ignore the negative remarks.. concentrate on the positive ones..💜
    All of us who love you support you ardently.. we are here for you always, brave lad🤗

    • @alfiesepilepsychannel
      @alfiesepilepsychannel  4 месяца назад +1

      Definitely is easier on the side effects having split doses and I’m buzzing now I’ve not had an aura in over a week now and hopefully will get the rescue meds soon enough as the hospital is the worst environment to be in after seizures and I’ve heard it all at this point I laugh at most of them as they obviously don’t know or understand and some of the things I’ve heard are actually pretty funny “may the demons be gone from your soul” “apocalypse is starting over 4,000,000 people have started with the apocalypse disease” I just find it all funny and most of the one that hate on me I just brush it off people nowadays will hate on you no matter what your posting, saying or doing they’re bound to hate on you so I’m used to it now thank you so much for your support means the world 💜😁💜

    • @Jen999
      @Jen999 4 месяца назад +1

      @@alfiesepilepsychannel You know you mean the world to us.. so glad to hear your attitude about the haters and that you laugh and brush it off.. that’s the way to go!💜
      They don’t matter Alfie.. YOU do.. and we are so proud of you.. and so thankful stuff is finally turning around for you.. we are still flying high after your update.. seeing you so happy and confident made us cry with joy.. 💜
      Resilient.. determined.. courageous..positive.. perseverant.. brave..pick any one of these and it describes you now..💜
      We love you tons Alfie.. you are showing that you can.. and you will.. beat this thing.. 💜
      We pray every day and night this will put things right for you.. and it is.. as you said.. a new start.. God Bless you, sweet lad.. 💜💙🤗

  • @richardanderson-gj8wr
    @richardanderson-gj8wr 3 месяца назад

    I hope your still doing good my brother 😊

  • @Afrikan
    @Afrikan 2 месяца назад

    Alfieeeee how are you keeping? 💜

  • @doricotter4000
    @doricotter4000 4 месяца назад

    Best of luck 🙏🏼❤️

  • @LorettaWoods-dm9fg
    @LorettaWoods-dm9fg 3 месяца назад

    Hope you feel better

  • @jacquim4502
    @jacquim4502 3 месяца назад

    So sorry you have to deal with this. How long have you had seizures?

  • @CharleneDHatch
    @CharleneDHatch 3 месяца назад

    I go thru samething my worst was March 6th I almost died hospital ur me on med put me out stop them woke up over 16 hours later goin medical university next week discuss neurosurgery

  • @svetlanas3111
    @svetlanas3111 4 месяца назад

    Алфи, рада видеть твою улыбку и слышать слова надежды!

  • @LandonStrauss-hc1sc
    @LandonStrauss-hc1sc 3 месяца назад +1

    Have you considered cannabis? Ask your doctors, hope all the best for you and your family.

  • @omniamohy8775
    @omniamohy8775 4 месяца назад

    بتمنى لك من كل قلبى الشفاء وأدعو لك ربى ان يوفقك فى دواءك الجديد ألفى العظيم

  • @retronostalgic8515
    @retronostalgic8515 2 месяца назад

    Alfie, you are so cute. I'm a guy and I think you're very handsome. Stay strong.

  • @AgataRudak-nv9gl
    @AgataRudak-nv9gl 4 месяца назад


  • @Greciela
    @Greciela Месяц назад

    I just want to make you happy

  • @Greciela
    @Greciela Месяц назад

    My brother has epilepsy.

  • @angeladamron3645
    @angeladamron3645 4 месяца назад

    Sup Alfie how are you feeling

  • @mayyyy44
    @mayyyy44 3 месяца назад

    Hi alfie how are you doing now ?

  • @Ryan-kz7ej
    @Ryan-kz7ej 3 месяца назад

    Keppra works im on 1500mg a day

  • @Iga_khadiroffah
    @Iga_khadiroffah 4 месяца назад

    Be carefull 🤍

  • @ambiencebyareivaj8000
    @ambiencebyareivaj8000 2 месяца назад

    Have you ever done genetic testing?

  • @Jen999
    @Jen999 4 месяца назад +2

    Alfie… so good to see you feeling better.. smiling.. even a sweet laugh.. thank God we do to see you like this!
    And to hear you speaking up to the docs about the rescue meds.. so beautiful to see you like this.. you are making our day listening to you!
    And no auras.. this makes us cry.. but these are tears of joy.. like you said.. onwards and upward..
    You did this Alfie.. you spoke up and things are better..
    Seeing you talking and hearing that beautiful laugh.. best video we have ever seen..
    Thank you so very much for this.. best news ever..
    Our prayers have been answered.. and we love you so much.. wish more than ever we could give you a hug..
    We are so proud of you.. we believe in you.. and this update means the world..
    We love you with all our hearts.. so happy for you .. best day ever, Alfie.. just to see you smiling and hear you laugh.. thank you for this video..
    We send you all the love your beautiful heart can hold💜💙🌹🕊️✨

    • @alfiesepilepsychannel
      @alfiesepilepsychannel  4 месяца назад +3

      Thank you so much it means the world my anxiety is getting so much better so will more than likely have more regular update videos as that was what was holding me back. I had to speak up at the appointment I said enough Is enough I’ve been suffering so long on the same medication after multiple appointments so now’s the time to change. So the anxiety is getting better just hoping the medication for the epilepsy works full time 💜🙂🙂

    • @Jen999
      @Jen999 4 месяца назад +2

      A new start is right, Alfie.. so beautiful to see you like this.. so proud of you for speaking up!
      You look so grand.. this is who you are.. and that beautiful smile.. and to hear you laugh.. we are crying so hard we can barely see..
      Everything about you is so beautiful.. this is you.. and God Bless that excellent doctor who listened.. and then took action that is helping you..
      We got so excited we bumped our send button twice and it posted our comment twice.. we are just over the moon happy for you!
      God Bless you dear Alfie.. glad to see those thoughtless comments are running off your back like water from a duck.. might have said that wrong😂..
      Cannot even text we are so happy for you.. we love you so..
      Looking forward to many more updates like this!!!!!!💜💙🤗