Hes excited because of the money those hexpan people must be paying him. 5 bills for 7 pans. And he'd never used one until they started paying him, now all of a sudden their the "Rolls Royce"of pans.🤣🤣
My wife watched this video one time and then cooked it the next night for dinner. It was amazing! We had the ingredients already except for kimchi which I picked up at Publix on the way home from work.
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I've got the Ramsey in 10 cookbook and have really been enjoying working my way through the recipes and introducing my family to new styles of food through it; definitely recommend! A lot of times I'm a visual learner when it comes to cooking so videos like this have inspired me to take more risks in my quick meals and buy things I would never have cooked for myself before (like steaks). Truly amazing!
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I like how all those "10 minutes" videos are NOT including the prep time nor clean up time. Gordon is a brilliant cook. I wish more people were like him. His knowledge and enthusiasm are unbelievable.
@@Tom-yb6sl not in this video. But i meant that with this guys dumb logic you should add everything u do around with food... even when it's a fuckin COOKING video! :D
He became a chef because he was bullied on the bus to school for having smelly egg sandwiches. He was poor. All the b.s. all the bravado all the bullying of staff can be traced back to that bus.
Not all hero’s wear capes some cook flank steak in ten minutes. Just want to say thank you to Gordon for being a beacon of light in such a dark world. You helped give hope when I had none. Cooking saved my life.
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@@FahimEasyCooking we will let you know here.. and support Gordon at the same time.. Oh wait.. youre just shamelessly plugging your own channel.. I get it.
@Jesus is LORD Matthew 6:5 - "When you pray, you shall not be as the hypocrites, for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and in the corners of streets, that they may be seen by men. Most certainly, I tell you, they have received their reward."
Props to him. His speed is incredible. The fact that he can talk and yet cook so much in 10 mins is just amazing. Edit: I'M FAMOUS 1.6k LIKES THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERY MOST I'VE EVER GOTTEN
if you consider the cuts and all the differences in heat between them, it's perfectly clear that some stuff is done in cuts. this is ridiculous, honestly. i get that they have to make a show out of this, but the ending where he gets the people around him to call him incredible even and then finish before the time is up.. absolute BS and you know this if you've ever cooked before
@@wt9767 I've never met a smart adult without a sense of humour and childish wonder. Guess that left one of us who isn't so smart. Wanna know why? If you were smart you wouldn't spend energy putting people down, you wouldn't need to. You can go now :)
@@jas_bataille How is your comment at all related to my personal observation? You've never met a smart person who didn't have childish wonder? That just suggests you're a halfwit who surrounds himself likewise.
@@zach237 "Caring" is a strong term in reference to a youtube comment which took all of 7 seconds to compose. But nice try, I'm sure you're not living paycheck to paycheck.
I have watched probably thousands of hours of Gordon Ramsay. I can honestly say I’ve learned a shit ton. And it shows in my cooking. Wow, thank you guy. Basically every meal I make slaps.
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His style is impetuous, his cooking is impregnable, and he's just ferocious. He wants our hearts. We just want to eat his steak, fried rice and fried eggs.
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What I love about these videos (apart from the beautiful food/recipes) is the cooking tips i can pick up from them. Never thought of seasoning a fried egg while it's cooking and then adding the butter to cook the top - so much additional flavour. Will try this next time i cook up some eggs and mushrooms for Sunday breakfast for my wife and I (might add a sprinkle of chilli flakes to the eggs for a bit of extra kick!!)
My 18 year old son was home for winter break from college, where he lives in an apartment and cooks. I asked him to watch this video with me and he did, then when he went back to college he bought steak and made a nicely cooked, medium rare steak by the photo he sent. He even cut it fancy with the slices fanned out with a side salad. It was great. Thanks for being a good teacher!
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Cooking has changed my life for the better. It's relaxing and you actually know what is in your food, plus more often than not it is better for you than the preserved, packaged food.
Gordon, you are a legend, truly unbeliavably amazing trying to teach us all how to cook and give us more knowledge, tomorrow i will try my first burger thanks to watching your awesome videos :)
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This is my recipe, im Korean. Sugar instead of salt. Don't remove the kimchi soup but add it. cooking oil + sesame oil Instead of olive oil After it's done, sprinkle sesame seeds. Some people put gochu-jang, but I think gochu(chili) powder is enough.
@@chelsiee21 You have to put in a very small amount, and the spicy taste with a little bit of sweetness is very attractive. Gochujang is like that. that has sugar
I 54 years old and live alone. So I cook all my own meals, I am at a point I hate the idea of cooking for myself, this looks delicious, I doubt I could do the job you did, but at least it has me thinking about cooking a proper meal for myself, thank you for the inspiration.
As a korean, I recommend not removing the kimchi sauce. Even if the rice isn’t crispy, it’s going to have more flavor and you’ll be able to test the fried kimchi’s taste better. I personally pour in the kimchi sauce in my kimchi fried rice so that the rice turns out red, and that’s what you’ll get if you order kimchi fried rice in a restaurant in Korea.
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Watching you cook and be so immersed in your craft with such love and passion truly is a pleasure and honor to watch. Thank you for being such an inspiration Chef! Long live Gordon Ramsay!! ❤️❤️
when he said "Shit im getting good" it just shows how humble he is with a learner's mindset... he might already be the best to ever do it and he still thinks he's just getting good at it
@@oldscratch3535 I know this has nothing to do with Ramsey but Tom kerridge charges £32.50 in one of his places for fish n chips,,,,, he says his fish are soo fresh and the spuds are the best! Shouldn't all fish be fresh? The guy should be locked up for that, it's disgusting, ppl only pay that to tell their friends they've eaten at his restaurants
9 years ago, I watched the video on How to Cook The Perfect Steak. Today, I have to try this. Time to retire my pass down my All Clad pan and for 2022 get the Hex Clads.
It''s crazy how he's the most decorated chef in the world and simultaneously the only chef who shows you how to cook stuff YOU CAN ACTUALLY COOK WITH INGRIDIENTS YOU CAN BUY FROM A SUPERMARKET. Other chefs are like "so get your wagyu mixed with special kroean fish sauce and then some zimbabwe monkey brain, mexican agave and dust from mars", meanwhile Ramsay showing me the proper way to fry goddamn eggs and rice
He shows us everyday why people hire master chef’s. He can cook a full course meal in less than 30 mins let alone a single platter in under 10 mins, this is true skill and expertise, I admire his craftsmanship 💯
There’s a little tip for people who wants crispy or “hard” rice in a fried rice, and it’s to use left over rice (for a night) in this way the rice itself is already hard but cooked. (For me I can’t tell the difference between left over rice and freshly made rice apart from the texture) also, DongBei rice are particularly good as they are not like Japanese rice where you have a smoother and softer texture, it has my personal favourite texture. There’s one of my little thing about fried rice is to add diced cucumbers. It lighters the taste (worth of trying)
@@jmucr96 lol you are absolutely right. And there’s even a famous Cantonese comedy that use this as a meme, where a person who’s called the king of fried rice got criticised by not using leftover rice.
Gordon use to annoy me at first but i luv him now he has taught me so much abt Food what great food shod look like how it shod be prepared and now i have so much respect for foods and great chefs and cooks around the world and I've tried so many diffrent foods that i never thought I'd ever try thank you Chef Ramsay #ICON #LEGEND 🔥🔥 ❤🇨🇦
@@CustardCream33 i guess u got noting better to do with yr time than to point out my short way of spelling ok hope u sleep better ok stay in yr lane adios 🤣🤣
Same. I used to hate him so much because he was acting like a complete asshole in his famous show. But after seeing him in other video, he's a great guy and that a**hole character was all for the show.
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I so look forward to these videos! After purchasing the, "Ramsay in 10" cookbook, I discontinued my weekly, prepped meal delivery subscription & I'm having loads of fun in my kitchen again.
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It’s scary how easy this was to cook and how good it was. And I’m such a fanboy I had to get the pans that he’s paid to endorse to cook the actual dish with
The lake of fire - will be our future if we keep on being WICKED. The visions that some in every generation will have (bible talks about)...this was mine. As a child I had a vision where i was in my 70s - 90s years old. The whole world haven`t heard a children's laughs and cry's nor meet a new generations up to 30 - 50 years ( not sure about the numbers (age? year? time passed?). So yes mankind will be killed off almost up to 90% Creepy part: I`m not yet in old age, I`m 25.
The passion in this guy for food is just wow,,,he makes me wanna be a chef if this is how happy and satisfied I will feel after..I loooove cooking...you are my hero sir,,I hope one day I can tell you that in person.receive the love all the way from Kenya.♥️♥️♥️♥️
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fuck. love how he is subtly cleaning his cooking area/surfaces/plates as he's going. just shows you this man has all of the aspects of cooking, even the little stuff, dialed in
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Let’s be real this meal took more than 10minutes the time that it took to gather and organize the ingredients/pans/tools is not accounted for. But the recipe looks bomb 💣 fire 🔥
Yeah that at least takes another 10 minutes even with an organised kitchen, but it's still very impressive so not complaining.. would love to see a 20 min episode including the prep though it may be boring lol
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2 года назад+17
Dear Gordon, you’re a truly inspiration for us! Greetings from Brazil!
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My favorite memories with my mom is watch Gordon Ramsay on Hell’s Kitchen and us loving the show. Thanks Gordon, for all the memories. Huge fan forever!
looks yummy, reminds me of when I lived back at home. Mom would buy all grass-fed, free-range, ext. The beef was always top-notch, and eggs always had dark yolks. It's harder to find that stuff here in the states.
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It's more of a his style of cooking. It's not supposed to be traditional or authentic. Merely It's his personal tastes and he's a professional whose been around the world tasting and cooking foods. So he's got a good sense of taste on foods. He also cooks them too sometimes adding good ingredients to the food
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I have some cooking experience but I'm not a chef. I made this for my 13 year old son and he loved it! Thanks Gordon. I have always enjoyed watching your cooking shows.
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Gordon Ramsey is a LIVING LEGEND ‼️ History will *not* forget about The Great Gordon Ramsey. Mark my words. The next generation has No idea. the man is a juggernaut in the culinary world
lol Im native Korean and I never expected he brings out kimchi fried rice, maybe because he learned about this when he visit to Korea for his new Gordon Ramsay Burger in Seoul(by the way the burgers was STUNNING). However It is actually little similar to original Korean recipe so Im very curious what it would taste like but sure it would taste good cuz hes Gordon Ramsay.
@@Stinger913 well if I have to say a thing that need to be changed then it would be quantity of kimchi. and we usually fried kimchi and garlic together first.
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I doubt normal people can cook it in under 10 minutes, but it's worth noting that these 10 minute recipes are way more realistic for families than the other cooking shows where they tell you to spend hours making a perfect dish. Like who has that much time to cook? People are busy.
Yes I’m sure cooking steak, eggs, and Kimchi rice are far beyond the skill of one of the best chefs on the planet. Good thing you’re here to pick up the slack tho.
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@@uncreative5766 I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve. ruclips.net/video/vDlob-sK6_A/видео.html ruclips.net/video/OpJuopWCA7M/видео.html ruclips.net/video/TT4_dAJ09QQ/видео.html ruclips.net/video/lBVoYh7izVI/видео.html ruclips.net/video/boqEW-G2y9U/видео.html ruclips.net/video/fNU42iEawyM/видео.html
These 10min recipes have to be some of the best Gordon Ramsay content ever, just because he seems to be having tons of fun! And awesome for the viewers that don't like or can't spend a ton of time in the kitchen
I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve. ruclips.net/video/vDlob-sK6_A/видео.html ruclips.net/video/_NDZCzcGNQQ/видео.html ruclips.net/video/MkaXOr278j4/видео.html ruclips.net/video/4pu1gstiW6Y/видео.html ruclips.net/video/kFRjVmtrQ4I/видео.html
I really love how Gordon really shows how nice a guy he actually is , not the negative image he was given on T.V. People don't realize he wants to be absolutely professional and please his guests when working but when he is not in the "Head Chef Mentality" Gordon is the nicest guy who wants to make everyone happy and smile, he just wants people to respect everyone and love
This is why I could NEVER be a chef. It’s all about good ingredients and TIMING! This guy is absolutely brilliant! Beautiful dish, lovely, and unremarkable skill! Wow! This guy is GOOD! Wow!
One big secret to cooking food easily is through love! That and Ramsey teaching me taught me how to cook a few things like spaghetti, pizza, pork, and make salmon steaks.
“Pan down pan down” the man really shows us how excited he is with his cooking. True passion
BlackPan Down
Hes excited because of the money those hexpan people must be paying him. 5 bills for 7 pans. And he'd never used one until they started paying him, now all of a sudden their the "Rolls Royce"of pans.🤣🤣
@@notreal1477 Who cares lol, he's cashing out
but the camera man didn't pan down well on those eggs.
@@sharmamadhus09 yeah... camera man does not know yet how to do it... Gordon shouldn't need to say what he should be doing in the first place.
The secret is that he keeps his bladder full before filming.
This made me laugh thanks for that
That’s gotta be it! Or maybe it’s because he’s a Scorpio?
Ha, thanks. I just noticed he's always doing the pee pee dance.
His never ending passion for cooking is legendary, that's what makes Gordon Ramsay, Gordon Ramsay.
Everyone should have a deep passion for cooking. Without food. You die.
Shut. Up.
Absolutely love how excited Gordon is about cooking. I love the "pan down, pan down," and how he so eloquently compliments the ingredients.
I need to slap you.
thats not a flank steak its a hangar steak
Does this making you very hungry i know i am lol 😋
never said if light or dark soy!
@@thomasespositio3139it's different from their country
I love how he says “little butter on the side” and proceeds to add a 4 big knobs of it! Love it!
"A little touch of olive oil"
*Depletes Iraq's oil reserves*
He ain't no MPW ruclips.net/video/RWFuMmxBOo8/видео.html
Imagine the calories
@@gamer4ever838 probably like close to 1500-1600 for the whole plate honestly, 800 of the calories came straight from the oil and butter😂
@@gamer4ever838 it's obscene
My wife watched this video one time and then cooked it the next night for dinner. It was amazing! We had the ingredients already except for kimchi which I picked up at Publix on the way home from work.
I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
Must have been delicious.
Shout out to Publix
u have bad wife
Is your wife single?
I've got the Ramsey in 10 cookbook and have really been enjoying working my way through the recipes and introducing my family to new styles of food through it; definitely recommend! A lot of times I'm a visual learner when it comes to cooking so videos like this have inspired me to take more risks in my quick meals and buy things I would never have cooked for myself before (like steaks). Truly amazing!
I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
I like how all those "10 minutes" videos are NOT including the prep time nor clean up time.
Gordon is a brilliant cook. I wish more people were like him. His knowledge and enthusiasm are unbelievable.
if u mention clean up time then why not eating time also xD
@@rafabar6652 that is what the last minute is for....lol
@@Tom-yb6sl not in this video. But i meant that with this guys dumb logic you should add everything u do around with food... even when it's a fuckin COOKING video! :D
@@rafabar6652we have dishwashers, it takes like 2 min to put everything in there. Not an exaggeration.
He became a chef because he was bullied on the bus to school for having smelly egg sandwiches. He was poor. All the b.s. all the bravado all the bullying of staff can be traced back to that bus.
Not all hero’s wear capes some cook flank steak in ten minutes. Just want to say thank you to Gordon for being a beacon of light in such a dark world. You helped give hope when I had none. Cooking saved my life.
gordon ramsey is completing a prophecy
I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
@@theodorebundy2234 I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
@@FahimEasyCooking we will let you know here.. and support Gordon at the same time.. Oh wait.. youre just shamelessly plugging your own channel.. I get it.
The way he looks at his dishes after he’s done , that’s LOVE & PASSION 🙏🏽💪🏽.
Ramsay the 🐐
theres no goat anymore
@Jesus is LORD Matthew 6:5 - "When you pray, you shall not be as the hypocrites, for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and in the corners of streets, that they may be seen by men. Most certainly, I tell you, they have received their reward."
@@Nokia-yq9cp lol. The way he’s staring at the “meal” once he’s done making the dish “meal”
ㅅㅂ 다들 성불해라
Props to him. His speed is incredible. The fact that he can talk and yet cook so much in 10 mins is just amazing.
Buddy he s Gordon Ramsay
It was 9 minutes of cooking.
Especially when everything is already prepared and neatly organized for you, don’t forget the Rolls Royce of pans
if you consider the cuts and all the differences in heat between them, it's perfectly clear that some stuff is done in cuts. this is ridiculous, honestly. i get that they have to make a show out of this, but the ending where he gets the people around him to call him incredible even and then finish before the time is up.. absolute BS and you know this if you've ever cooked before
@@MyRealName you say a bunch of nonsense then back it up by saying more nonsense?
Just want to say I tried this last night as a Friday treat, obviously whilst not to the level of a prestigious chef, it was AMAZING!!! Nom nom nom!
I've never met a smart adult who used the phrase, "nom, nom, nom."
@@wt9767 I've never met a smart adult without a sense of humour and childish wonder.
Guess that left one of us who isn't so smart. Wanna know why? If you were smart you wouldn't spend energy putting people down, you wouldn't need to.
You can go now :)
@@jas_bataille How is your comment at all related to my personal observation? You've never met a smart person who didn't have childish wonder? That just suggests you're a halfwit who surrounds himself likewise.
@@wt9767I’ve never met someone who wasn’t a child who cared about someone saying something as harmless “nom nom nom” when they like food
@@zach237 "Caring" is a strong term in reference to a youtube comment which took all of 7 seconds to compose. But nice try, I'm sure you're not living paycheck to paycheck.
I have watched probably thousands of hours of Gordon Ramsay. I can honestly say I’ve learned a shit ton. And it shows in my cooking. Wow, thank you guy. Basically every meal I make slaps.
I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
His style is impetuous, his cooking is impregnable, and he's just ferocious. He wants our hearts. We just want to eat his steak, fried rice and fried eggs.
😅😅😅 nice Tyson reference
Imagine him on hot boxing podcast
He wants yo money not hearts
@@cl7700 I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
The way Gordon talks just keeps you engaged and your eyes on him the whole time. That’s something magical
What I love about these videos (apart from the beautiful food/recipes) is the cooking tips i can pick up from them. Never thought of seasoning a fried egg while it's cooking and then adding the butter to cook the top - so much additional flavour. Will try this next time i cook up some eggs and mushrooms for Sunday breakfast for my wife and I (might add a sprinkle of chilli flakes to the eggs for a bit of extra kick!!)
Do paprika not chili flakes. You're welcome.
False paprika has no flavor that I can tell
@@DhruvMonga then go to your doctor because there's obviously something wrong with your taste buds
“I got the marinade in there. I don’t need to oil the pan. *sets steak in pan* A touch of olive oil” 😂😂😂😂
@@kimonisandi1435 tf
@@kittixd7964 ikr, tf?
@@kimonisandi1435 shut up your in every comment
you don’t need too like he said but apparently he prefers too
How 'bout some tricks that I know: never piss people off in youtube comments
My 18 year old son was home for winter break from college, where he lives in an apartment and cooks. I asked him to watch this video with me and he did, then when he went back to college he bought steak and made a nicely cooked, medium rare steak by the photo he sent. He even cut it fancy with the slices fanned out with a side salad. It was great. Thanks for being a good teacher!
I hope he yelled pan down when the pic was taken.
Oh ok
You got the recipe maggie ?
Nobody cares lady. Quit telling everyone how great your kid is
He is a good teacher. I'm going to try that steak recipe too ❤️
Absolutely amazing to see this plate come together, fantastic job Chef.
I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
Passion shows in everything. Gordan is so passionate about cooking and it truly does show.
That looks absolutely amazing!! Thank you, Gordon!!!
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Cooking has changed my life for the better. It's relaxing and you actually know what is in your food, plus more often than not it is better for you than the preserved, packaged food.
Depending on ingredients you buy, yes
Yes! And it’s an essential skill to have.
Gordon, you are a legend, truly unbeliavably amazing trying to teach us all how to cook and give us more knowledge, tomorrow i will try my first burger thanks to watching your awesome videos :)
I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
Ramsay cooks with such passion, I love it. Makes cooking a pleasure not a burden
This is my recipe, im Korean.
Sugar instead of salt.
Don't remove the kimchi soup but add it.
cooking oil + sesame oil Instead of olive oil
After it's done, sprinkle sesame seeds.
Some people put gochu-jang, but I think gochu(chili) powder is enough.
Sugar? On the steak?
@@ianism1103 no, on the rice, When you fry kimchi fried rice, instead of salt
@@chi1391 it would be sweet i don't like sweet things specially rice ,so i will prefer something spicy
@@chelsiee21 You have to put in a very small amount, and the spicy taste with a little bit of sweetness is very attractive. Gochujang is like that. that has sugar
쌀도 바꾸고 고추장이랑 간장 그을리는것도..
I 54 years old and live alone. So I cook all my own meals, I am at a point I hate the idea of cooking for myself, this looks delicious, I doubt I could do the job you did, but at least it has me thinking about cooking a proper meal for myself, thank you for the inspiration.
me : looks burnt
As a korean, I recommend not removing the kimchi sauce. Even if the rice isn’t crispy, it’s going to have more flavor and you’ll be able to test the fried kimchi’s taste better. I personally pour in the kimchi sauce in my kimchi fried rice so that the rice turns out red, and that’s what you’ll get if you order kimchi fried rice in a restaurant in Korea.
lol i kinda cried when he dried off the kimchi 😂
@@Qogustmd00 lmao me too
The kimchi juice is the best part!
I agree
"what's the time?"
"6 minutes gone"
"6 mini- what the f*ck?!"
Had me laughing LMFAO
Really enjoy watching Ramsay cook. Makes it look so easy.
I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
Watching you cook and be so immersed in your craft with such love and passion truly is a pleasure and honor to watch. Thank you for being such an inspiration Chef! Long live Gordon Ramsay!! ❤️❤️
when he said "Shit im getting good" it just shows how humble he is with a learner's mindset... he might already be the best to ever do it and he still thinks he's just getting good at it
what a tool he is
The passion for his craft is still there , his eyes always sparkles when he finishes a good cooking set ! that's happiness right there
I need to go to one of his resturants and love the fact he is showing alot of these easy and quick dishes to make!
You'll probably need to take out a mortgage to pay your bill
Lies again? Faster Cook
@@hellohandsome9875 I don't think his places are too expensive. One of his biggest gripes is high priced meals.
@@oldscratch3535 so you've eaten in his restaurants?
@@oldscratch3535 I know this has nothing to do with Ramsey but Tom kerridge charges £32.50 in one of his places for fish n chips,,,,, he says his fish are soo fresh and the spuds are the best! Shouldn't all fish be fresh? The guy should be locked up for that, it's disgusting, ppl only pay that to tell their friends they've eaten at his restaurants
We can all agree that Gordon never fails to entertain us
Yeah, his ADHD is legendary.
Does anyone know what pans hes using there :)
I swear thats y i like him. Hes fast.
@@TermlessHGW lmaooo
9 years ago, I watched the video on How to Cook The Perfect Steak. Today, I have to try this. Time to retire my pass down my All Clad pan and for 2022 get the Hex Clads.
What do you think of the HexClad?
It''s crazy how he's the most decorated chef in the world and simultaneously the only chef who shows you how to cook stuff YOU CAN ACTUALLY COOK WITH INGRIDIENTS YOU CAN BUY FROM A SUPERMARKET. Other chefs are like "so get your wagyu mixed with special kroean fish sauce and then some zimbabwe monkey brain, mexican agave and dust from mars", meanwhile Ramsay showing me the proper way to fry goddamn eggs and rice
dust from mars 😂
😂😂😂😂 so true
lol you make my day
you forgot the unicorn hair and the breath of cthulhu
😂😂😂 precisely
He shows us everyday why people hire master chef’s. He can cook a full course meal in less than 30 mins let alone a single platter in under 10 mins, this is true skill and expertise, I admire his craftsmanship 💯
There’s a little tip for people who wants crispy or “hard” rice in a fried rice, and it’s to use left over rice (for a night) in this way the rice itself is already hard but cooked. (For me I can’t tell the difference between left over rice and freshly made rice apart from the texture) also, DongBei rice are particularly good as they are not like Japanese rice where you have a smoother and softer texture, it has my personal favourite texture. There’s one of my little thing about fried rice is to add diced cucumbers. It lighters the taste (worth of trying)
Thank you!
Bro i swear all the rice recipes in the world start with: get some leftover rice form the day before and…
@@jmucr96 lol you are absolutely right. And there’s even a famous Cantonese comedy that use this as a meme, where a person who’s called the king of fried rice got criticised by not using leftover rice.
@@jasonwang3303 God of Cookery 食神
@@jmucr96 for fried rice it is, it is impossible to stir fry a good fried rice nice freshly cooked rice. It is too moist and soft to cook.
having everything right there, prepped and ready makes all the difference
Gordon use to annoy me at first but i luv him now he has taught me so much abt Food what great food shod look like how it shod be prepared and now i have so much respect for foods and great chefs and cooks around the world and I've tried so many diffrent foods that i never thought I'd ever try thank you Chef Ramsay #ICON #LEGEND 🔥🔥
@@CustardCream33 i guess u got noting better to do with yr time than to point out my short way of spelling ok hope u sleep better ok stay in yr lane adios 🤣🤣
Same. I used to hate him so much because he was acting like a complete asshole in his famous show. But after seeing him in other video, he's a great guy and that a**hole character was all for the show.
Me too.I use to really despise him but only just realised what a good bloke he is
Definitely going to try this! You’re my favourite chef definitely impressed my girlfriend with your eggs Benedict recipe 👌🏻💪🏻
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I so look forward to these videos! After purchasing the, "Ramsay in 10" cookbook, I discontinued my weekly, prepped meal delivery subscription & I'm having loads of fun in my kitchen again.
How much was it?? I've been thinking of buying it! Love cooking and watching his videos!
Got it as a gift this Christmas, couldn't agree more!
west western white euros fast stealing stolen steal from asia eat rice and Fried rice from china
@@kege8388 you okay buddy
I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
It’s scary how easy this was to cook and how good it was. And I’m such a fanboy I had to get the pans that he’s paid to endorse to cook the actual dish with
This guy is the most passionate human i've ever seen, so incredible, love you gordon ❤️❤️❤️
I’ve never seen a person that “lives” cooking so much like Gordon. And that’s what makes him so unique! 👏
The lake of fire - will be our future if we keep on being WICKED. The visions that some in every generation will have (bible talks about)...this was mine.
As a child I had a vision where i was in my 70s - 90s years old. The whole world haven`t heard a children's laughs and cry's nor meet a new generations up to 30 - 50 years ( not sure about the numbers (age? year? time passed?). So yes mankind will be killed off almost up to 90%
Creepy part: I`m not yet in old age, I`m 25.
Sir how high are you?
@@himiko9767 🤣😂
@@himiko9767 i love you. :c
Da hell are you talking about. Many chefs live cooking like Gordon or even more. They just don't have a tv show.
I love so much the passion Gordon has for every single ingredient.
It's just crazy motivating!
I swear watching this guy cook while ur eating makes ur food taste 10x better
The passion in this guy for food is just wow,,,he makes me wanna be a chef if this is how happy and satisfied I will feel after..I loooove cooking...you are my hero sir,,I hope one day I can tell you that in person.receive the love all the way from Kenya.♥️♥️♥️♥️
Looks really good 😍 definitely gonna have to try this! 💯💯
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I admire him cuz he never stop moving forward. He is always seeking something new, challenging which makes us get inspired
I think I’m In love with Gordon for his passion he’s really is in a master class all on his own
fuck. love how he is subtly cleaning his cooking area/surfaces/plates as he's going. just shows you this man has all of the aspects of cooking, even the little stuff, dialed in
Cleaning his working area by throwing all the shit on the floor 😂
@@IsDitGerben well i noticed him wiping pans and his counter and his plate with his tower but hey, that too xD
I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
@@Ascendancy- I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
@@FahimEasyCooking No.
I love this man, I swear .. classic cooking and a classic simple meal..
I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
The dude bent a ladle to push the rice down better…what a legend
4:01 Kimchj doesn’t have any vinegar
If that Kimchi has vinegar, It’s not the real kind
Let’s be real this meal took more than 10minutes the time that it took to gather and organize the ingredients/pans/tools is not accounted for. But the recipe looks bomb 💣 fire 🔥
Yeah that at least takes another 10 minutes even with an organised kitchen, but it's still very impressive so not complaining.. would love to see a 20 min episode including the prep though it may be boring lol
@@CustardCream33 really? just how big is your kitchen and fridge? I can definitely get those things prepared in just a minute 🙄
Every single one of these videos takes way longer than 10 mins lol. Alot of times prepping the food takes 3x as long as it does to cook it
Honestly the prep for this one isn't too bad. Just the steak needs to come out first thing to come to room temp.
I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
Dear Gordon, you’re a truly inspiration for us! Greetings from Brazil!
I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
My favorite memories with my mom is watch Gordon Ramsay on Hell’s Kitchen and us loving the show.
Thanks Gordon, for all the memories. Huge fan forever!
Ramsay in 10 is so positive and upbeat that it's almost crossed into the Gordon Ramsay uncanny valley
looks yummy, reminds me of when I lived back at home. Mom would buy all grass-fed, free-range, ext. The beef was always top-notch, and eggs always had dark yolks. It's harder to find that stuff here in the states.
I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
I don't trust any adult who says "yummy"
@@wm1573 😂😂
Love your cookings very much. Hope to try some anytime soon. Well done man.
I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
Gordon: “Pan down, pan down!”
Oscar: “But you’re the one holding the pan…”
Somebody tell this guy.
Panning is camera movement
Ok in the Philippines we call it tapsilog. Thank you!
Quite unique way of cooking kimchi fried rice without it’s sauce and it seems good to taste with very crispy long grain rice, I love it :)
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yeah not really authentic. No korean would make kimchi fried rice this way.
@@jankay8569 yeah but at least he didn't say korean style . He just used a very easy and cheap ingredient .
It's more of a his style of cooking.
It's not supposed to be traditional or authentic. Merely It's his personal tastes and he's a professional whose been around the world tasting and cooking foods.
So he's got a good sense of taste on foods. He also cooks them too sometimes adding good ingredients to the food
Those eggs are super amazing brilliant!!! I am so going to make this recipe!!!
I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
I made this for dinner today and it was super simple and AMAZING!!!
Props to Gordon for making this video, it's finally a new one as far as I can tell.
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I have some cooking experience but I'm not a chef. I made this for my 13 year old son and he loved it! Thanks Gordon. I have always enjoyed watching your cooking shows.
I love Kimchi fried rice. As a Korean, I like to chop my Kimchi and use more Kimchi juice. Although, I am sure your fried rice is also amazing.
I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
imagine being the cameraman for Gordon, you'd eat like a king everyday lol
I bet their payments is food cooked by him
@@alexandro7552 Honestly, i'd do it for a plate or two lmao
For real lol
You probably won’t see this but you are one of my inspirations and a reason why I love cooking so much!
He definitely won’t lol
@@davidmunguia1020 I’d hope
@@moeveggies2292 that’s more realistic😂🥲
I am becoming super fan of yours Mr. Ramsay! my love is a executive chef, and he works in the UN. We both love cooking and we adore you! Thank you!
I'm watching Next level Chef and I love it I hope your team wins Gordon😎This dish looks delicious🤤Pan down!😁Well done Chef 🙌
Where can i watch next level chef ?
@@dylanhand6651 I'm watching on Hulu
@@bap8195 thanks dude.
@@dylanhand6651 You're welcome🙂
@@bap8195 who are the chefs on the show?
"Shit I'm getting good" 🤣🤣🤣 that was funny. It looks delicious!!
Gordon Ramsey is a LIVING LEGEND ‼️
History will *not* forget about The Great Gordon Ramsey. Mark my words. The next generation has No idea. the man is a juggernaut in the culinary world
"a bit of a chef's dish" is an understatement - browned kimchee, flipping the rice, butter and 3 pans for ONE dish. 😮
The man is not just a chef is he the artist !
lol Im native Korean and I never expected he brings out kimchi fried rice, maybe because he learned about this when he visit to Korea for his new Gordon Ramsay Burger in Seoul(by the way the burgers was STUNNING). However It is actually little similar to original Korean recipe so Im very curious what it would taste like but sure it would taste good cuz hes Gordon Ramsay.
Kimchi fried rice didn’t have that red kimchi spice/chili paste look to it
@@Stinger913 well if I have to say a thing that need to be changed then it would be quantity of kimchi. and we usually fried kimchi and garlic together first.
I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
@@ld9199 I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
@Jimmy Kim I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
More Kimchi please. That’s “Kimchi flavored” fried rice to me 😉
Excellent skill set. Can you do a second video on how to clean everything up in under 10 minutes pls. Will love it too. Thx.😅
You are seriously amazing and I love watching you cook ❤😊
I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
Hello beautiful, happy new year to you and how are you doing?
Chef, I just made one of your steak sandwiches, and there's only one word to it Perfectly Delicious 😋! You are one fricking good chef 👨🍳
I love steak and I love Korean food thank you Gordon Ramsay! 🥰
I doubt normal people can cook it in under 10 minutes, but it's worth noting that these 10 minute recipes are way more realistic for families than the other cooking shows where they tell you to spend hours making a perfect dish. Like who has that much time to cook? People are busy.
He's done perfectly everything a kimchi rice shouldn't be. That's impressive.
World renowned, 7 Michelin Star Chef Vs. Random RUclips commentor. Interesting.
I'm sorry but that plate is some shit that Ramsay would destroy on kitchen nightmares
Yes I’m sure cooking steak, eggs, and Kimchi rice are far beyond the skill of one of the best chefs on the planet. Good thing you’re here to pick up the slack tho.
@@shaneoshea6216Well good for him to have a lot of michelin stars. He still failed to make proper kimchi fried rice anyway.
I've noticed Gordon seems to really like Spring Onions. He uses them so frequently in his recipes
fried rice popular in asia and asian especially around china japan korean, spring onion are their jam
I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
Koreans have a fucking massive type of spring onion, called 'Pa' (파). They use it frequently, Pa Kimchi is incredible!
It's fascinating seeing Gordon getting amazed by his own ability.
Bless On Sunday Afternoon.
Your cooking method seems very easy to me and I have learned a lot by watching your video.
Props to him. His speed is incredible. The fact that he can talk and yet cook so much in 10 mins is just amazing.
This looks delicious. I have to get the cookbook.
As a Korean, you don't have to just use steak. Sometimes people use spam, pork belly, or any other protein is good.
i have it, and it's interesting that the recipes generally don't exactly match what he does on the video
Needs gochujang spice.
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@@uncreative5766 I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
You can also skip the kimchi and scallions and just use lots of garlic. Garlic rice will go well with those steak and eggs.
i like to think that gordon didn't know he was being filmed and this is him in his natural habitat- talking himself through the cooking process.
Asking random people to pan down?
@@shotgunmouthwash-2718 Not really random. He works for him.
These 10min recipes have to be some of the best Gordon Ramsay content ever, just because he seems to be having tons of fun! And awesome for the viewers that don't like or can't spend a ton of time in the kitchen
I followed the recipe and make this video... Kindly watch and let me know is there any suggestion to improve.
Flank Steak
Chili Oil
Soy Sauce
Hoisin Sauce
This looks like the most delicious recipe I've ever seen.
I really love how Gordon really shows how nice a guy he actually is , not the negative image he was given on T.V. People don't realize he wants to be absolutely professional and please his guests when working but when he is not in the "Head Chef Mentality" Gordon is the nicest guy who wants to make everyone happy and smile, he just wants people to respect everyone and love
Gordon your a perfect example of "you shouldn't judge someone how they act on screen" Your a genuine good man
Amazing. The end product looks tasty. You've done great on the fried rice. Looks forward to make one myself.
This is why I could NEVER be a chef. It’s all about good ingredients and TIMING! This guy is absolutely brilliant! Beautiful dish, lovely, and unremarkable skill! Wow! This guy is GOOD! Wow!
One big secret to cooking food easily is through love! That and Ramsey teaching me taught me how to cook a few things like spaghetti, pizza, pork, and make salmon steaks.