It is always a treat to watch one of Alma's interviews. She is frank, passionate about her music, yet not conceited, and she always seems to respond very well to, and captivate the interviewers she speaks with. Thank you for this one and for the subtitles.
Das Deutsch.... Ich bin hin und weg über die Sprachkenntnisse, wie sie sich ausdrückt und die Aussprache. Was kann diese junge Frau nicht... Welch Freude ein solches Ausnahmetalent aufwachsen zu sehen und teilzuhaben. Ich war immer traurig, dass ich nicht zu Mozarts Zeiten live dabei war. Ich kann sagen: Ich habe Alma Deutscher aufwachsen sehen, mehr brauche ich nicht. Danke für dieses Geschenk. Sie wird in einem Atemzug mit den größten Komponisten genannt werde. Auf Augenhöhe. Kein 'Zweiter Mozart', sondern Die Alma Deutscher. May you be blessed. I am.
right, und sie hat als Kind auch schon immer in Interviews gesagt, dass sie kein zweiter Mozart, sondern eine Alma sein will...sehr treffend und herzallerliebst!
Vielen Dank, Herr Doktor Schmidt für das wunderbare Interview. Ich folge der jungen Miss Deutsher seit vielen Jahren und ich kann nicht anders, als zu fühlen, dass wir das Privileg haben, ein Wunder in ihr zu erleben. Ihr Wissen über Musik in all ihren Aspekten, von der Komponistin über die Pianistin, die Geigerin bis hin zur Dirigentin, ist so selten ein Geschenk für irgendjemanden, geschweige denn für einen so jungen Talentierten. Es ist, als würden wir durch den Besuch eines Engels unter uns gesegnet. Noch einmal, ich danke Ihnen für das Teilen!
Größten Respekt vor dieser jungen Frau. Hoffentlich behält sie ihre Ursprünglichkeit, ihre natürliche Art und Weise bei. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Hartmut Gottschalch
Eine beeindruckende Persönlichkeit ... und noch soo jung 😍😍😍Sie erinnert mich in ihrem (gesamten) Ausdruck kolossal an Romy Schneider ❤ Hut ab 👏Vielen Dank für den Beitrag 🤩
hei alma, ich heisse auch alma, war auch ein wunderkind wie du, konnte mit 3 lesen und schreiben, habe 8 sprachen gelernt und bin jetzt hochschullehrerin für linguistik. Aber ich kann nicht so schön musizieren wie du, auch deine kompositionen sind weltklasse! ich bewundere deine talente. mach weiter so! gruss prof. alma kutscher
Großartig! Ich habe dich in London erlebt. Und wie du nicht nur dein absolutes Gehör bewiesen , sondern auch aus vier Tönen in wenigen Minuten eine schöne Melodie komponiert hast. Alles Gute dir und weiterhin viel Erfolg! Grüße auch an deine liebe Schwester, die dir dabei behilflich war.🎵🌹❤️
I love that I could understand, without looking at the English subtitles, almost everything they both said! What a lovely, gentle, intelligent interview. Thank you to everyone who brought this together.
It is the official German pronunciation (BTW historically hochdeutsch comes from Southern Germany and was learned by Northerners like a foreign language, so they speak it more consistently)
Rolf Altwein Alma's comprehension, vocabulary and speaking ability of German are excellent and very remarkable. Whereby it must be pointed out that the Austrian German has quite a different sound than the German Hochdeutsch which Alma is speaking.
It makes sense that Alma would use hochdeutsch. In that way, she comes across as an educated individual throughout the German speaking world. Using the various dialects from Austria, Switzerland and regions of Germany would be useful if she wanted to make a career as an actress. As it is, she can be easily understood by any German speaker, and can operate effectively in all her work and social situations.
I learned to understand German by listening to the Deutsche Welle on shortwave many years ago. I guess I should have also listened to ÖRF more often too. I was never in Wien, but I did spend a week in Graz. Alma carries on the conversation quite well. I enjoy listening to her in German and English as well as her music.
Her mother tongue is English and it would seem she has been studying German only recently-and learning material is typically standard German. In earlier videos it was mentioned she didn't speak German at all or at least not very well, so interviews were done in English. As she gets into teenage-hood and starts hanging out and drinking with Austrians in German, you can bet that dialect will work its way in! Will be fun to witness!
Alma, your German is already remarkable. I was in Vienna for 3 of my teen years - and also got my best music education there from, of all things, a music academy graduate who later returned to the DirigentSchule. It's quite a rush to be able to follow your German: you clearly can express yourself without limitations, and yet you still don't use a big word when a simpler one will do - - - so I can actually follow it and keep up with you.
Likewise appreciation and fun for me listening to Alma being interviewed! It is exciting to know I have now learned enough German to follow well and love how you worded your thoughts!
I think I have never been so impressed with a human being. Alma is at once immensely talented, delightfully open and honest, supremely happy within her self and her soul, ('Alma' means 'soul' in more than one European language). I have had the opportunity to speak with her a couple of times and she is gracious almost to a fault. She mentioned then that she is a synesthete; she sees musical notes as colors. What a wonderful gift she is to the world! I get tears in my eyes each time I see her, as I often do when exposed to genius.
So besides being a first class violinist, and a first class pianist, and composing the occasional opera or concerto (as we all do), she finds time to learn to speak fluent German. Wie ist das möglich? I have been trying to speak German, ever since, ten years ago, I first heard the exquisitely wonderful Helene Fischer. I now believe there is no hope for me. Moreover, since Helene has decided to become a "circus performer", instead of "eine Sängerin", there is a vacancy in my heart. That position may just have been filled.
Liebe Alma wann werden wir dich die regieren sehen ich freue mich wenn es soweit ist vielen vielen Dank für deine tolle Arbeit und da du großartigen Inspirationen Rasmus aus Schweden!
My theory: Alma plays music from the speaking part of her brain, unlike most Classical musicians. I transitioned to doing this over the past 15 years, since I was 40. It's a whole new thing for me. I can now play long Bach organ works from memory with easy, just like speaking. I no longer feel like I have a head full of notes and fingerings. Instead, I play ideas. It's just SO much easier and more relaxing and more pleasurable, and I can still play when I'm really really tired, unlike before. (See my channel for examples / evidence. Loads more waiting to be recorded). I so much wish I'd learned this way from the start, but I'm glad I've learned it now. Given this, I think she inherited her incredible music capabilities from her father, a brilliant linguist.
''Alle sind von anderen Komponisten inspiriert, es kommt nicht vom nichts." bei 15:15 . Ach,es würde mich sehr interessieren zu erfahren, wovon sie so sehr von Mozart inspiriert ist. Ich habe manchmal gedacht, sie könnte seine Reinkarnation sein. Auch wenn es nicht genau so ist, haben sie beide wahrscheinlich eine gewisse Seelenvervandschaft.
Je l'admire depuis quelques années. Je trouve que ses talents de compositrice sont beaucoup plus exceptionnels que ceux d'instrumentiste. Alors qu'il y a actuellement des milliers de personnes jouant aussi bien ou mieux du violon et du piano qu'elle, je trouve qu'elle est parmi les tout meilleurs compositeurs actuels. J'aime aussi qu'elle suive son propre chemin de composition, faisant fi de toutes les modes ou attentes. Ich Bewundere sie seit ein paar Jahren. Ich finde, dass ihre Komponistintalente ihren Instrumentistentalenten sehr viel überragen. Indem es zur zeit Tausende von Personnen gibt, die so gut oder besser Geige oder Klavier spielen, finde ich, dass sie unter den ganz besten Komponisten unserer Zeit steht. Ich mag auch, dass sie ihren eigenen Weg als Komponistin folgt, ohne die Moden oder Erwartungen zu achten.
Instruments : Alma ne recherche pas la virtuosité pour épater la galerie, comme d'autres parfois encore bien plus jeunes. Elle excelle suffisamment (au moins !) dans deux instruments, ce qui est moins courant. Je rejoins votre opinion : ses talents de compositrice -- dès 4 ans !! -- sont exceptionnels, à un âge où les petites filles jouent avec des poupées américaines. C'est avec stupéfaction qu'on écoute aussi bien "Le balayeur de rêves", écrit à sept ans ou même un peu avant, que le concerto pour violon (romanza) ou son poème symphonique des Sirènes de Solent, écrits tous deux à neuf ans. Quelle précocité ! Quel talent !
She has a social life, one that she picked out and loves! She is part of dancing… and dances not alone, but with a group of people who are learning such dances.
I wonder if Alma or her father have approached Andre Rieu. He seems to have the sort of accessible musical vocabulary that would make Alma a natural soloist on piano in one of his concerts. She could play her own concerto, or a new composition involving his orchestra.
Yes Eileen, I was also thinking of Andre Rieu. Whether Alma is way ahead of him or not it would be great to play to 1 000s of people in one of his concerts. He had Amira at one of his shows when she was young.
It's a strange thing for me to comment, but I have never seen her wear pants. It makes me feel like she really is growing up and making some of her own choices outside of music.
Aber es ist deutlich und langsam genug gesprochen. Für mich klingst nicht fremd, doch kann ich veil Schweizerdeutsch, und etwa Allemanisch verstehen, und übe meine hochdeutsch täglich bevor ich von der USA nach Deutschland umziehe.
@@marzipan24 What do you allow yourself??It' s the greatest insolence what somebody told to me! I am a musician and taught since 30 years young people and students , who really are intellegent and gifted with great success and thinking the same like me!! All they dont also like this people with ripped jeans and damaged clothes, like poor peole in Africa, and whole the day listen to some shallow music,a lot of my pupils are now musicians successful and with grea fun! I do enough for the society.Do you stop insulting me!!!
There is not such a thing "Viennese woman" (or English man or German or Israeli and etc.). Especially into international families. There are tax payers, living in some areas, which named "countries" or "states" or "nations", by the neurotypical humans. What a fiction and hard stupidity world!
She's brilliant! ... But the German language is so hard to learn ... lol ... I would like to speak German, but I'm losing hope ... My German language will never be as good as my English and English is not my native language also. lol
If she lacks a middle name, I might advance “Athena,” for just as Athena sprang fully armed from the brow of Zeus, so Ms Deutscher appeared to come into this world fully musical.
Yes. Of course. Once it has been said, it is so obvious. Pride and Prejudice has been sitting on book shelves just waiting to become an opera . . . . . . . . . or a cycle of operas . . . . . . . . . for 200 years. Or a musical (ALW note: you may now have lost your chance).
@@warrengwonka2479 Austrian, with local modern Austrian accent, sounds like almost totally different language. Actually, it sounds more like Galicien than German. Any ways, I find Austrian very annoying and unclear. Almost unbearable to my autistic ears/hearing.
It is always a treat to watch one of Alma's interviews. She is frank, passionate about her music, yet not conceited, and she always seems to respond very well to, and captivate the interviewers she speaks with. Thank you for this one and for the subtitles.
Yes, she is indeed genuine--a rarity in today's world! I also appreciate the English subtitles--danke!
Das Deutsch.... Ich bin hin und weg über die Sprachkenntnisse, wie sie sich ausdrückt und die Aussprache. Was kann diese junge Frau nicht... Welch Freude ein solches Ausnahmetalent aufwachsen zu sehen und teilzuhaben. Ich war immer traurig, dass ich nicht zu Mozarts Zeiten live dabei war. Ich kann sagen: Ich habe Alma Deutscher aufwachsen sehen, mehr brauche ich nicht. Danke für dieses Geschenk. Sie wird in einem Atemzug mit den größten Komponisten genannt werde. Auf Augenhöhe. Kein 'Zweiter Mozart', sondern Die Alma Deutscher. May you be blessed. I am.
ja, da stimme ich Dir zu,volles agreement!
Tausend Schutzengel mögen auf sie aufpassen.........überall auf der Welt.....
right, und sie hat als Kind auch schon immer in Interviews gesagt, dass sie kein zweiter Mozart, sondern eine Alma sein will...sehr treffend und herzallerliebst!
Well, her father is a famous linguist.
na ja ihre Stücke fand ich jetzt nicht so überzeugend. Kein Vergleich zu Mozart
Geniale Junge Dame, sehr erfrischend und ohne allüren! Wie schnell sie deutsch gelernt hat und spricht! Bravo Alma👍
eher Wienerisch ;-)
Man hört so gut wie keinen Akzent oder Dialekt.
Unglaublich! So schnell!
Her father is a world renowned linguist.
die Wiener sprechen sowieso im Allgemeinen deutsch 🤔😂
She is valuable gift to this world. I love her.
Vielen Dank, Herr Doktor Schmidt für das wunderbare Interview. Ich folge der jungen Miss Deutsher seit vielen Jahren und ich kann nicht anders, als zu fühlen, dass wir das Privileg haben, ein Wunder in ihr zu erleben. Ihr Wissen über Musik in all ihren Aspekten, von der Komponistin über die Pianistin, die Geigerin bis hin zur Dirigentin, ist so selten ein Geschenk für irgendjemanden, geschweige denn für einen so jungen Talentierten. Es ist, als würden wir durch den Besuch eines Engels unter uns gesegnet. Noch einmal, ich danke Ihnen für das Teilen!
Ja, Gott segnet die Menschheit durch Almas musikalische Gaben für uns. Hören wir ihrer Musik zu und lernen wir von ihr.
Thank you for the English subtitles :)
Alma just radiates music.
Alma radiates universal love.
Größten Respekt vor dieser jungen Frau. Hoffentlich behält sie ihre Ursprünglichkeit, ihre natürliche Art und Weise bei.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Hartmut Gottschalch
Eine beeindruckende Persönlichkeit ... und noch soo jung 😍😍😍Sie erinnert mich in ihrem (gesamten) Ausdruck kolossal an Romy Schneider ❤ Hut ab 👏Vielen Dank für den Beitrag 🤩
hei alma, ich heisse auch alma, war auch ein wunderkind wie du, konnte mit 3 lesen und schreiben, habe 8 sprachen gelernt und bin jetzt hochschullehrerin für linguistik. Aber ich kann nicht so schön musizieren wie du, auch deine kompositionen sind weltklasse! ich bewundere deine talente. mach weiter so! gruss prof. alma kutscher
Jede hat ihre eigene Talent und Wunder, und dass ist wohl recht und schön.
Alma is a true marvel ❤ Thank you for including subtitles in English.
Großartig! Ich habe dich in London erlebt. Und wie du nicht nur dein absolutes Gehör bewiesen , sondern auch aus vier Tönen in wenigen Minuten eine schöne Melodie komponiert hast. Alles Gute dir und weiterhin viel Erfolg! Grüße auch an deine liebe Schwester, die dir dabei behilflich war.🎵🌹❤️
Sirenklange - glad they have chosen the most Viennese portion of the piece - the waltz.
I love that I could understand, without looking at the English subtitles, almost everything they both said!
What a lovely, gentle, intelligent interview. Thank you to everyone who brought this together.
Alma speaks with a high accent such as people in Northern Germany use in their everday conversation - excellent German!
actually not really, Alma has such a sweet vienna-accent by now :-)
It is the official German pronunciation (BTW historically hochdeutsch comes from Southern Germany and was learned by Northerners like a foreign language, so they speak it more consistently)
Pop her into any country & she will be speaking the language before she arrives! 🥰
well, I doubt that ;-)...she just has been living in Austria for many years now...and has a very sweet vienna accent
Her father, Guy Deutscher, is a famous linguist.
I just love every word Alma says.
Every word!
(Even though I don't understand a single word that she says. ;)
Rolf Altwein
Alma's comprehension, vocabulary and speaking ability of German are excellent and very remarkable. Whereby it must be pointed out that the Austrian German has quite a different sound than the German Hochdeutsch which Alma is speaking.
It makes sense that Alma would use hochdeutsch. In that way, she comes across as an educated individual throughout the German speaking world. Using the various dialects from Austria, Switzerland and regions of Germany would be useful if she wanted to make a career as an actress. As it is, she can be easily understood by any German speaker, and can operate effectively in all her work and social situations.
I learned to understand German by listening to the Deutsche Welle on shortwave many years ago. I guess I should have also listened to ÖRF more often too. I was never in Wien, but I did spend a week in Graz. Alma carries on the conversation quite well. I enjoy listening to her in German and English as well as her music.
Her mother tongue is English and it would seem she has been studying German only recently-and learning material is typically standard German. In earlier videos it was mentioned she didn't speak German at all or at least not very well, so interviews were done in English. As she gets into teenage-hood and starts hanging out and drinking with Austrians in German, you can bet that dialect will work its way in! Will be fun to witness!
Es klingt alles toll!
It helps that her father is a world famous linguist.
Alma, your German is already remarkable. I was in Vienna for 3 of my teen years - and also got my best music education there from, of all things, a music academy graduate who later returned to the DirigentSchule. It's quite a rush to be able to follow your German: you clearly can express yourself without limitations, and yet you still don't use a big word when a simpler one will do - - - so I can actually follow it and keep up with you.
Likewise appreciation and fun for me listening to Alma being interviewed! It is exciting to know I have now learned enough German to follow well and love how you worded your thoughts!
Wow, so eine talentierte und intelligente junge Frau!
Alma Du wählst so wunderschöne Worte und spricht so fantastisch deutsch by now!!!
Sie ist ein wahrer Segen, ein Wunderkind.
Wunderbare Kinder faszinieren meine Oberflächlichkeit...
Was meinen Sie damit?
Mögen alle Wünsche Almas in Erfüllung gehen. Gott segne sie.
Bestimmt!! ❤❤❤
Ein sehr spannendes Gespräch! Danke
I think I have never been so impressed with a human being. Alma is at once immensely talented, delightfully open and honest, supremely happy within her self and her soul, ('Alma' means 'soul' in more than one European language). I have had the opportunity to speak with her a couple of times and she is gracious almost to a fault. She mentioned then that she is a synesthete; she sees musical notes as colors. What a wonderful gift she is to the world! I get tears in my eyes each time I see her, as I often do when exposed to genius.
Alma is amazing. Hope to listen to her on Colon's theather, in Argentina.
So besides being a first class violinist, and a first class pianist, and composing the occasional opera or concerto (as we all do), she finds time to learn to speak fluent German.
Wie ist das möglich?
I have been trying to speak German, ever since, ten years ago, I first heard the exquisitely wonderful Helene Fischer.
I now believe there is no hope for me.
Moreover, since Helene has decided to become a "circus performer", instead of "eine Sängerin", there is a vacancy in my heart.
That position may just have been filled.
Yes, please give us english undertext. It would be greatly appreciated by very many.
Thanks for the hint! We are working on the subtitles and will activate them quickly.
Best Regards administrator
Hi, the english undertext is online! We hope you enjoy the video!
Best Regards administrator
If you come back here, as has been said above, you will find the English subtitles. They did a wonderful job on them too!!
Alma, du sprichst inzwischen sehr gut deutsch!!
Sie spricht perfekt deutsch! 😀 😉
@@Philippepencet perfekter als viele Deutsche
It's an Austrian accent yes?
@@3dbadboy1 Mainly not at all.
@fermatichebellosei1595 Genies sowieso 😉☺️
Liebe Alma wann werden wir dich die regieren sehen ich freue mich wenn es soweit ist vielen vielen Dank für deine tolle Arbeit und da du großartigen Inspirationen Rasmus aus Schweden!
My theory: Alma plays music from the speaking part of her brain, unlike most Classical musicians.
I transitioned to doing this over the past 15 years, since I was 40. It's a whole new thing for me. I can now play long Bach organ works from memory with easy, just like speaking. I no longer feel like I have a head full of notes and fingerings. Instead, I play ideas. It's just SO much easier and more relaxing and more pleasurable, and I can still play when I'm really really tired, unlike before. (See my channel for examples / evidence. Loads more waiting to be recorded). I so much wish I'd learned this way from the start, but I'm glad I've learned it now.
Given this, I think she inherited her incredible music capabilities from her father, a brilliant linguist.
''Alle sind von anderen Komponisten inspiriert, es kommt nicht vom nichts." bei 15:15 . Ach,es würde mich sehr interessieren zu erfahren, wovon sie so sehr von Mozart inspiriert ist. Ich habe manchmal gedacht, sie könnte seine Reinkarnation sein. Auch wenn es nicht genau so ist, haben sie beide wahrscheinlich eine gewisse Seelenvervandschaft.
Je l'admire depuis quelques années. Je trouve que ses talents de compositrice sont beaucoup plus exceptionnels que ceux d'instrumentiste. Alors qu'il y a actuellement des milliers de personnes jouant aussi bien ou mieux du violon et du piano qu'elle, je trouve qu'elle est parmi les tout meilleurs compositeurs actuels. J'aime aussi qu'elle suive son propre chemin de composition, faisant fi de toutes les modes ou attentes.
Ich Bewundere sie seit ein paar Jahren. Ich finde, dass ihre Komponistintalente ihren Instrumentistentalenten sehr viel überragen. Indem es zur zeit Tausende von Personnen gibt, die so gut oder besser Geige oder Klavier spielen, finde ich, dass sie unter den ganz besten Komponisten unserer Zeit steht. Ich mag auch, dass sie ihren eigenen Weg als Komponistin folgt, ohne die Moden oder Erwartungen zu achten.
Instruments : Alma ne recherche pas la virtuosité pour épater la galerie, comme d'autres parfois encore bien plus jeunes. Elle excelle suffisamment (au moins !) dans deux instruments, ce qui est moins courant.
Je rejoins votre opinion : ses talents de compositrice -- dès 4 ans !! -- sont exceptionnels, à un âge où les petites filles jouent avec des poupées américaines. C'est avec stupéfaction qu'on écoute aussi bien "Le balayeur de rêves", écrit à sept ans ou même un peu avant, que le concerto pour violon (romanza) ou son poème symphonique des Sirènes de Solent, écrits tous deux à neuf ans.
Quelle précocité ! Quel talent !
Any chance of english captions?
Thanks for the hint! We are working on the subtitles and will activate them quickly.
Best Regards administrator
Hi, the english captions are online! We hope you enjoy the video!
Best Regards administrator
English captions were put on, did you come back and see them?
where did he get the idea she was from vienna?
Ms. Deutscher, bursting with talent, seems to have made lemonade out of the Covid lemon. But a teenage gal needs s social life too.
She has a social life, one that she picked out and loves! She is part of dancing… and dances not alone, but with a group of people who are learning such dances.
I wonder if Alma or her father have approached Andre Rieu. He seems to have the sort of accessible musical vocabulary that would make Alma a natural soloist on piano in one of his concerts. She could play her own concerto, or a new composition involving his orchestra.
you are kidding. Alma is playing in a totally different league. Much much higher than Andre Rieu (who is in fact a talented showman and businessman)
Her friend, Amira Willighagen, was discovered by him. Surely she could discuss him with her.
Yes Eileen, I was also thinking of Andre Rieu. Whether Alma is way ahead of him or not it would be great to play to 1 000s of people in one of his concerts. He had Amira at one of his shows when she was young.
It's a strange thing for me to comment, but I have never seen her wear pants. It makes me feel like she really is growing up and making some of her own choices outside of music.
The outdoor winter pics in Vienna in the apricot orchards etc also in her UK garden ...
Nichtt nur kann sie perfekt Deutsch, sondern sie versteht auch den Dialekt des Mannes. Wie kann man nur so reden mit einer Auslaenderin!
Da sie es versteht, ist es doch in Ordnung. Man spricht so in Österreich.
Aber es ist deutlich und langsam genug gesprochen. Für mich klingst nicht fremd, doch kann ich veil Schweizerdeutsch, und etwa Allemanisch verstehen, und übe meine hochdeutsch täglich bevor ich von der USA nach Deutschland umziehe.
When your father is a world famous linguist.
All you need to know is the words for violin (geige), piano, composer (komponisten), and Cinderella. You can figure out the rest.
@@Nonconform14 No need to bring children down. Alma is talented yes, but not everyone is a prodigy. You seem to be very disconnected from society.
@@marzipan24 What do you allow yourself??It' s the greatest insolence what somebody told to me! I am a musician and taught since 30 years young people and students , who really are intellegent and gifted with great success and thinking the same like me!! All they dont also like this people with ripped jeans and damaged clothes, like poor peole in Africa, and whole the day listen to some shallow music,a lot of my pupils are now musicians successful and with grea fun! I do enough for the society.Do you stop insulting me!!!
She's not actually a 'Viennese woman' - she is English.
She spoke about moving there!
She has been in Vienna for four years, now, and loves it.
There is not such a thing "Viennese woman" (or English man or German or Israeli and etc.). Especially into international families.
There are tax payers, living in some areas, which named "countries" or "states" or "nations", by the neurotypical humans.
What a fiction and hard stupidity world!
English subtitles plz
Thanks for the hint! We are working on the subtitles and will activate them quickly.
Best Regards administrator
Hi, the english subtitles are online! We hope you enjoy the video!
Best Regards administrator
She's brilliant! ... But the German language is so hard to learn ... lol ... I would like to speak German, but I'm losing hope ... My German language will never be as good as my English and English is not my native language also. lol
If she lacks a middle name, I might advance “Athena,” for just as Athena sprang fully armed from the brow of Zeus, so Ms Deutscher appeared to come into this world fully musical.
Her middle name is Elizabeth!
Yes. Of course. Once it has been said, it is so obvious.
Pride and Prejudice has been sitting on book shelves just waiting to become an opera . . . . . . . . . or a cycle of operas . . . . . . . . . for 200 years.
Or a musical (ALW note: you may now have lost your chance).
Is this German?
Yes, the interviewer speaks with an Austrian accent. Alma speaks standard German fluently and also fully understands Austrian German.
I studied at Stanford in Germany for six months. Visited Vienna at Thanksgiving and could hardly understand a word.
Austrian, with local modern Austrian accent, sounds like almost totally different language. Actually, it sounds more like Galicien than German. Any ways, I find Austrian very annoying and unclear. Almost unbearable to my autistic ears/hearing.
Yikes … her German is perfect!