I say, focus life on physical, financial, and intellectual goals; and do this your entire life. Life is better when you are physically fit. Life is better when you are financially secure. Life is better when you have the skills and intelligence to handle life's problems.
I have a rare condition which I can't eat fruits and sweets and some vegetables so I look a bit different due to not receiving the necessary nutrients, I'm underweight and can not gain enough weight cause of that so it sucks bc I will never be able to look fit and physically healthy, overall I look sick most of the time
@@saraa4283 Got type 2 diabetes so I no longer eat fruits, sugar, and have to restrict carbs. Took about 7 months to adapt to new diet of meat, cheese, nuts, salad, & eggs. I put Salsa on my salads which I assume is vegetable. Most days have steak & salad one day and ham & cheese & onion omelet the next. Pecans for afternoon snack which is mostly protein, fat, & fiber. This is a healthy diet and easy to gain weight.
@@darith770 Wrong. New diet of meat, cheese, nuts, eggs, & salad eliminated type 2 diabetes and my blood pressure became normal. In fact my whole blood work at the doctor was better. It is called Keto diet and it works. However, these are more expensive foods. No bread, no pasta, no pastries, no potatoes, no rice, no sugar, nothing made with flour; all that cheap food I love had to be eliminated. Also, I don't know if it the meat or the fat but my hair got thicker; was thinning at the part but new hair grew in.
To my younger self I would say: Don't stay in a relationship that ain't going nowhere or is toxic... Be brave and cut that person loose immediately and DON'T look back. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. You deserve to be happy today.
I am 68 and have done everything I desired from day one. Tons of adventures, tons of random encounters, lots of travel. Loved and lost, lived all,over the world. Still more to come.
I am 72. I took the risks. Sometimes they worked out, sometimes not. There was really no decision to it. I did what I felt needed to be done, with the best information I had at the time. Sure, I made my share of mistakes, but I lived the best of times. All in all, I'm happy. The bottom line to all of this is you should follow your heart. Then, good or bad, you will have no regrets.
You are a MAN, I can see that easily from your attitude. Fems give entitlement advices - you deserve that, you deserve this, don't hold yourself responsible blah blah blah
I am a south korean student. I dropped out of school and because of that, I need really need to get good grade in korean sat this november or I would just be a person who only graduated middle school. However, I have trouble sticking with the study I need to do. I really want to do everything I want to, and for that I know I need money and everything, but I just can't seem to study. I feel like if I go back to 10year old me, I would just do everything so perfectly but yet I feel so lost. I don't know how my life will go. I need some advice.
My dad died at 70, 9 months from cancer and he said he had no regrets even with his mistakes but he did apologise to us all for any wrong doings towards his kids. He tried his best; that’s all a person can do ay.
The man telling about enjoying your parents is very true... My first decade of life I spent as a spoiled ungrateful kid, the second I spent full of bad feelings and now my mother who loved me and fought for me is battling a cancer that doesn't seem to get cured, no matter how many treatments she took. Enjoy your parents.
The body can get rid of cancer by a strong immune system. Let her try the 100% plant based diet, sunshine, and fast (digestion takes alot of energy so fasting allows that energy for the body to repair)
Yep. I lost my dad in June 2020 to colon cancer. He was 49. I regret not spending enough time with him. Now I’m going through the same thing with my mom. She’s 49 now too. Treasure your time with her!
@@darith770 her blood tests show a good health, but she has a genetic anomaly that makes her cancer grow very fast. She's doing palliative chemotherapy twice a month. This is her 6th treatment. She had surgery, radiotherapy, 4 different types of chemotherapy. Doctors aren't gods on earth, i don't blame them..
@@heynhamnham Look up on RUclips Dr Wons anti cancer smoothie. That along with organic garlic not from China is the strongest anti cancer remedy in the world. Also all 90 essential nutrients. Vit C itself in high doses have shown to Eliminate terminal cancer as well. P.S chemo and radiation is a scam. Medical system ignores nutrition because it generates big pharma no money. Good luck.
Believe in yourself. You absolutely know what gives you joy... persue it. Never compare yourself to anyone else. Appreciate your own uniqueness. Always say thank you first before you desire for more. The physical beauty of your youth will fade. Enjoy it's power while you have it. ☺💖
To my younger self: Trust yourself and your feelings. Never go back, always move forward. Stay in the here and now, forget about the past, don't imagine the future, stay present. Don't believe people's words, feel them. As soon as possible, detach yourself from the masses and discover who you truly are. Love yourself the most!
Poor man who said do not commit crime, he seems to be in a very tough situation, hope for the best for him and to everybody else who are in a tough situation.
Set out a clear career path as early in school as possible, then straight to University. I didn't go to Uni until I was 28 and married, encouraged by my wife. Best thing we ever did. Now at 76 I'm not especially rich but comfortably off and look back at 52 years happy marriage and a great career in Education.
Some of the best advice comes from people who appear the most miserable, like the guy who avered about the dangers of crime. He stood out to me. Very heartfelt and genuine to the core. Keep up man. Indeed there is always a way out!
Note to younger self: don’t care about what others think. Don’t worry about not being included. Don’t be so hurt when rejected. Don’t chase shit people list goes on
Too many people chase financial goals and end up miserable. When you make money a priority, no amount of money is ever “enough”. Focus on connections and finding happiness in day to day life. Take care of your body and mind and the rest will come easier.
Great and beautiful video. At 35 this is what I know: Learn to develop a wonderful, healthy and beautiful relationship with your Self. You are the only sure thing you will have for the rest of your life; everything and everyone else will come and go, but your relationship with yourself is the only constant and it is the foundation of every person and circumstance you will draw into your life. Learn what brings you joy, what gives you peace, pursue what elevates you and love your Self enough to evict from your life that which does not honor you.
As 19 years old I would said to my younger self: Always be happy and grateful with everything you have. Always look at the beautiful and the positive things in the world. Help others and do good in this world and learn more about spirituality and religion (this helped me the most)
Most people say "take more risks" and they say it so lightly because at this older age, memories become mostly positive. I would appreciate someone saying "Prepare yourself for devastating failure and then go take risks". Because the outcome of risk taking has a very dark side as well.
I took risk and I am more happier paying for those actions than playing the safe road, doing what others told me… and it still failed. I have more regrets doing that.
I think you answered your own question . . The fact that the statement to take more risks requires a more detailed explanation on the chances of failure is precisely it . . You have to overcome the fear of failure and potential loss and just go for it . . Focus on the goal and not the obstacle . .
Mixed signals equals no.... One of the most valuable lessons I've learned in life. I didn't understand that some people can fall in love with the attention that you give them, while not being interested in a relationship with you of any kind... Learn this lesson, and save yourself years of wasted time and love: MIXED SIGNALS EQUALS NO... No, they do not like you No, they do not want a relationship No, they are not attracted to you No, they do not love you
@@centralintelligenceagency9003 um..... It's not a generalization. It's a guideline. There are people out there who waste their lives pining after others who for whatever reason, are not able to be in a relationship with them. Either..... They're not interested They're undecided They're not healthy enough to be in a relationship They're doing it for attention Or a hundred other reasons... Stop tolerating mixed signals. Leave that person alone. If after that, the person decides to engage you in a relationship? Great. If not. Move on to somebody who will.
yeah, if someone loves you they will tell you. My best learned advice on that front is to be straightforward and transparent with your feelings, and learn to respect others feelings.
The most important quality in life is self confidence. Not arrogance. Confidence. This opens up everything in the mind. No fear, no guilt, no self analysis, no shyness. With an inner confidence, a person will find life as an adventure. The most important quality a parent can give to a child is a high self esteem. Self esteem offers on boundaries in life.
No! On the contrary it is quite the opposite! the most important quality in life is enquiry and true enquiry! You need water only when you are thirsty! Right? When does one need confidence when there is fear on the inside. See anybody who is confident know immediately that he is afraid and fear is only when there is greed! Confidence is shallow but the understanding of fear is true freedom. Similar goes with everything you have, it has to have it's dual on the inside just like the day can not exist without night! Read duality! So fear and confidence are same! Sadness and happiness are same if you have not been sad you can't be happy the more one runs after happiness know that the more he is suffering. Just like one can't sleep if one is not tired enough or one doesn't relishes ones food until he is hungry. The dual, you see! More gross expample, hold your pee for some time and then the relaxation you have is equal to the uneasyness you had. It is not very easy to understnad that one who is not suffering or has no sorrow can't be made happier. He is a very dangerous personality! In a good way! Being confident is a tensed situation and a tremendous load on the brain as if one is guarding a palace all along the day with a gun in his hand! Now What would you want? Fearlessness or self confidence? Now do not conclude that greed is bad or any such thing! Enquire! It goes much deeper than any conclusion, it goes all the way upto what you have always wanted! The whole world is far far behind the true philosophy the eastern philosophy of which psychology is little subset! Try listening to Acharya Prashant! Or J Krishnamurthy!
Strengthen yourselve mentally. Be physically fit and manage stress. Have financial and career targets and try to fulfill them. Make the best of your good relationships
Never quit something you want to do in rage because that turns in uncurable regret and illness, this is the best advice for each one of us and always follow your heart,never betray it. Peace!
Just work the bare minimum. Don't work full time and live a minimalist lifestyle. It does wonders on my mental and physical health. I commit 3 days to maximum 4 days a week . This is to prevent a burnout.
i really love what the man in the purple blanket had to say. at the end of the day, we are all still human. we all bleed red and we are all connected by the thing we call humanity. very meaningful.
I love this video. As a woman approaching 60, I heard so many people say similar ideas that I, too have. GO FOR IT. Live Your Life to the Fullest. Don’t Settle. Face your Fears, and Follow your dreams.
I've never been afraid to take risks and, looking back at 68 I regret nothing. I've sometimes treated people badly, but I've aknowledged and apologised. I don't carry the weight on my back. My advice to young me: 1. Talk less and listen deeply to others. You'll learn a lot and they will love you. 2. Don't let your contentment depend on anything outside yourself. You are the boss of your feeling of well-being.
Funny how only one person said that your family is a top priority. He is right the one thing I would have told my younger self is to treat my family 100% better and actually see them as what they were human beings instead of what I felt they should be. I wish I had cherished them because when they are gone it's forever.
I have good news for you, it's not forever: John 5:28-29: "Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of judgement." Also, judgement is not bad or scary: Ps 96:10-13: "Say among the heathen that the LORD reigneth: the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people righteously. Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; let the sea roar, and the fullness thereof. Let the field be joyful, and all that is therein: then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice Before the LORD: for he cometh, for he cometh to judge the earth: he shall judge the world with righteousness, and the people with his truth." Isa 2:2-4: "And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more." This is also the message in many other places. Too bad religion spreads false information...
I road your commence last week and I felt it because I also have not much contact with my family and i expect instead of. Today i called my mother but again it went not okay. I love my mother/ familie very much but we speak like in another world. So that irritates me also because She has much tollerance for others also when they walk over bounderies. (Also from me). So indirect she give me a correction when i stay clear with the biunderies or say 'i do not tolerate this'. To be honest I expect feom my mother she dont say this things. It gives me a toxic impression. Also the way I act that moment. Its like a repead to begging for understanding. But thats not normal. Then she understand also. And is kind to me. But the circle repead another time. The last 10/12 years I walk my own pad and I grow. The better memories come back and i respect my family. Then for example i call them and realize 'thats gone'. I mean we talk another language (its always for mw toxic). Its horrible bcause i know how nice it can be (the nice moments but that means I have to forget my own bounderies and I am so strict in with them because I know its nessecairy. I will bot give in my bounderies. But to explain that so much is also a toxic energy. But that takes a lot energy. Also toxic because it lead to nowhere. So I had a horrible day, before i called het i was zen. So i guess watchin tonthis commence is not a good idea for me. Sometimes better to stay away from persons instead of trying to change them. Thats also very toxic for then
At almost 80, as a young person you know right from wrong. Don’t allow anyone to influence you to do anything you know is wrong…for yourself and anyone else. Self respect, pride in yourself will give you courage to do what you know is the right path to take. Live your time, it goes by quickly. Be a force for good. Leave behind you better than found.
As a 21 year old person, I would recommend to my younger self to get to know yourself and find out what makes you happy and go for it without any fear. Explore, enjoy and live. That is life . The biggest disability that exists in this world is lack of self-confidence.
@@bmg2507 Some of it struck me as advice that was useful in the late 20th century but is outdated today. Nearly everyone from that generation became more comfortably well-off than their parents; most young people today will be poorer than their parents. The job market diversified during those years, with many entirely new classes of jobs appearing; today the diversity of jobs is falling sharply. The challenges change in a changing world - maybe today's young people will be saying "I wish I hadn't consumed so much worthless crap" or "I wish I hadn't thought about my career instead of other things". Who knows. Without suggesting it's the intention of the video, one generation's advice to its younger self is not necessarily good advice for other generations.
@@daveseemerollin6357 That is a complete misunderstanding of what I actually wrote. And you assumed my situation (utterly incorrectly) to suit an argument just for the sake of arguing. Trying to start an argument with an invented adversary is often a sign of loneliness.
In my 20s and I'm taking the risks right now Most have been good some are a lesson. But if you don't take the risk you'll never what's waiting for you on the other side. Be bold my brothers and sisters
I like how encouraging the father was in the last clip. It kills me when elders discourage younger folks bc they don't understand their hobbies or it's not their cup of tea.
Regret is inevitable at old age. If you choose a path you are definately going to miss something so dont worry too much just do the right thing and enjoy the journey.
@@MrMAAAAAAR2123 That's not a problem. Just like one of them said: if it doesn't work, get over it and try something different. But trying is key. If you don't try, you will never know - and that's what people regret.
In my case I should have been more kind, caring and generous. At the same time, I believe that everyone is coded in a particular way that's very hard to change
Love this ❤!!!! Thank You! For some of us with childhood traumas, we spent half or all of our lives searching for selves and working backwards to resolve them.
I love all the character within the face of the man wrapped in the sleeping bag. If I were an artist, I would love to paint a model of his face. His visage offers so much to develop or display.
This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my RUclips channel 3 months ago about self development. Now I have 198 subs and almost 90 hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I couldn’t have learned without getting started in the 1st place.
Thanks so much! I realized that the main reason for doing this is not about the success but the inspiration I've been providing some people with my stories while helping others do the same as I shared the lessons & experiences through making videos to have a sense of meaningful purpose. Therefore, I’m planning to quit nursing to pursue youtube full time as there are lots of issues in our traditional health systems as these don’t align with my values. It’s a huge learning curve but I love helping people through making videos. Also, as part of my video creation progress, I’m switching to a better editing software and a camera so the learning curve is much higher and slows down the completion speed of my next video. I do appreciate your support and kind words! I am hoping that you can join me with this endless personal development journey! :) @@DoseofSociety
I want to become a writer but am afraid of going along that path.When these wonderful people talked about taking risks and just going for it ,I felt as if they are talking to me..Excellent video.
Long ago, I saw advice for entrepreneurs. It was to keep the day job that pays the bills, but build the intended business bit by bit, on the side. When it eventually grows to a high enough level of success, transition away from old day job to the new business, full time. So you could either jump into writing for a living, risking poverty, or you could build up gradually until that writing career is ready to fly. The safe way doesn't sound gutsy, but it does sound like a greater chance of succeeding.
Do you think they'd still follow that advice at their current age? If you told them to spontaneously go on an adventure (within reason), they'd go for it?
everything is in our mind, we put barriers to our dreams. I feel kind of stuck in my life. I don't enjoy anything I do, but at the same time I'm afraid to take risks and change the things I've been doing for years :(. I'm 24
Thank you for sharing this. You are still so young, you're just on the journey; learning about yourself and the world around you. Take a deep breath and trust in time - there is so much happiness to be found and I'm sure it's all around you waiting to be unleashed❤️
Im 51 i would say no matter what i did how much i tried i was always meant to be this addict who seems to always be a f$#@ up !! Not realising in 2014 i then discovered it was 2 members of my family who stole everything, my compensation my inheritance and they were sabotaging my life. If you can relate you cant get out of that same circle its ok you havent done anything bad and YOUR NOT A BAD PERSON life just gave you this journey as just like we need a nurse a doctor a police officer the world needs a person who gives these people meaning and purpose. So thats what we are meaning to someone else the trick is to find meaning from that and always be kind to yourself. You will find your strengthh and chatacter in these times in which your going nowhere. Hopefully there might be a heaven waiting i dont know but for the last few years ive just learned to be gentle with everything...
Hmmm interesting that the common denominator here should be to go for it and take risks. A decade ago I chose to live a life at the other end of the world, far from my family whom I'm still able to visit once a year or every 2 years. It feels reassuring in a way to know that taking that risk paid off but at the same time what that chap said about spending time with family cause you only have one set really resonates with me. Its not easy coming back home and seeing them a little older every time, a little more vulnerable and knowing you weren't/ aren't there accompanying them in their old days the way they accompanied you. I'm an only child which means there's no one else to look after them so the future can be scary- i have no idea how to handle the future with my life so far from them now. Maybe i'll read that post 30 years from now and wonder how i could let this happen or on the opposite think it was the right thing to do.
As someone who has spent his whole life struggling with confidence and self-esteem it bothers me to see that this problem I can't quite overcome is something that older people warn about.
I'm in a similar boat. I read this book, "the art of extraordinary confidence" by Dr. Aziz and also simultaneously got started on cognitive behavioral therapy. It's already having a great impact on my life. I'd highly recommend!
I started CBT recently and it's been doing good things for me. Love reading now, never used to. I am into the Bhagavad Gita which is an intriguing read, and I am not particularly religious. But thanks, I will 100% check it out when I finish.
Yup they’re all powerful I have no power let’s play monopoly though and give more money to those who are in greed because they will be the most successful put weight on them they do more important things in this world. They own land for godsake grass and dirt is expensive.
Everyone says take risks, and I listened to that advice, made bold choices and I look back on how my life would have been if I'd just stayed the course. 🤷🏾♀️ I'm still hopeful for the day where the risks feel super worth it.... I did grow alot from them, but it feels more like a trade off than the path to success.
Felt uplifted by the lovely woman at 1'45... 😊 "Just be a lovely person" 😊 Five words of great advice for everyone. Loved that moment she spontaneously laughed so warmly, instantly realising ....ambition achieved, after all, well done!😂 God bless.
You have a 20 year window from 17->37yrs to try a business start-up, nearly all successful entrepreneurs burn through 5-off failed businesses until they find the one that makes them rich. It's resilience and persistence that wins the day.
Taking risks is risky and i regret some of the risks i took. Just be careful where you are getting yourself into. The outcome is not always a pleasant one
Not a fan of all the "just do it!" advice. In retrospect if your life worked out your s impression is that taking a risk is not risky. This is biased advice. I have taken some large risks myself. And it worked out. But I also recognize that had a lot to do with luck - being the right place at the right time etc. - not just hard work and smarts. Not everything came easy to me, far from it. But there were a couple of times it could have tilted with huge long term consequences.
My advice would be, happiness isn't the goal of life, so many lives are destroyed in the pursuit of happiness, that they do not realise what they already have/could have.
the best advice: give time to your parents, know that they are also getting older and have a life and they will support us no matter. because when you get older and if your kids don't give you time you are gonna a lot of regret. a lot of regret. parents don't come again so make the best of it.
Advice to my younger self: Don’t smoke, don’t drink, save sex for marriage only, concentrate on academics, be kinder to others, trust in God, treasure your loved ones while they are still here, and a lot more.
Live your life so that when it's over and done - you look back without having any regrets. We all do good things. We all do stupid things. But that is basically what your life is - a series of choices that you take which eventually brings you to where you are. As long as you are not hurting others - live the life you want to live. Remember that its YOUR life - you don't have to live it under other people's expectations.
Here are ten things I would tell you, especially if you are younger than me: 1. Save your money. You worked for it. 2. Try to see your friends often. Life is difficult especially if you are mostly by yourself. Your mind can begin to warp itself. 3. Open a credit card early... say 18 or 19. Pay it off before the due date. Don't use too much credit monthly. If your limit is $500 per month, spend $135 or so and pay it off. Don't wait and let it the balance grow. 4. Try to calm down when annoyed/ angry. I have punched many things, fractured my hand, hit metal... thrown large objects (not at anything living of course, but still) Etc. It isn't worth having to explain to mom or grandma why your hand is red/ purple. You just end up embarrassing yourself or making people upset. Plus anger drives anger. Expressing it aggressively doesn't make it better... It makes it worse. Be calm... know things will be fine. If you have a hard time with something, ask for help... Walk away, etc. It can be a cycle. 5. Be nice (at least try to be even when it can be difficult. It is sometimes) 6. You don't control the world. Not the market, not your employer. Noone. Just do what you think is right based on what you know at the time/ people's advice. 7. Don't fall for scams (FB market place jobs, multi level marketing, pump and dumps, RUclips gurus, jobs that want an upfront fee, phone flipping, rental Application scams, paying someone on Cashapp before getting or even seeing a product, etc). 8. Use financial aid when possible and save refund checks (if you get them via Financial aid/ pell grants) 9. Have a good time. Ride your bike. Hit the college gym. Go to the beach... Idk what it is for you, but as long as it isn't illegal or dangerous/ immoral then do it. 10. Pick a major you think is good for you/ that will get you a good job (whether you are at community college/ university/ etc.) . Balance both of those things. Really look ahead and see how the courses line up. Put in a good effort. Some will take chemistry/ calculus and others won't. Not everyone needs it. Don't let your parents/ the world completely choose for you (even if they mean well) by being passive as you will have to deal with the results of your choice. Welding wasn't for me. I could have thought it all through harder. Don't take too many courses at once. 4 classes is better than 5. A 4.0 only matters so much, but aim for your best for your own reasons. If you really are interested naturally/ want to be there and are capable it will show. I finished CC in 2.5 years. I could have (maybe) finished it faster. But I was passive and didn't always choose correctly. I could have much more money saved. To the order of $50,000.00 to $100,000.00 even. But I don't. I didn't always do right. I overloaded myself. Or I invested $1,000.00 on a gamble... wrongly feeling entitled to a profit (it wouldn't be a gamble if you were owed a profit). I fell for scams. I didn't save as much as I could have and my bad decisions slowed me down. I let my pride and ego get in the way and demanded things from the world... thinking things "should be a certain way." I didn't always make friends... get enough phone #s. I have made some good decisions, but plenty of bad ones. The bad ones are probably more numerous. Hell, there are probably teens who have made smarter decisions than the 20 year old me, but that's an aside. Seek to make good ones or at least better ones. Also, don't blame god. It isn't His fault. People including us have free will, and sometimes unfortunately they'll use it to hurt others rather than help them... either maliciously or wantonly. God (or whatever/ whoever you believe in) gave us free wil because He wants us to choose Him willingly... to make the right choice. But it's a double edged sword free will is. Hopefully some 17 year old or 18 year old will see this and do better. 5 years will fly by more quickly than you realize. I graduated five years ago and will be 23 next week. My life is fine, but I sometimes feel tired/ upset/ frustrated looking back at what I could have or should have done. Sometimes I feel soul destroying loneliness and am irritable due to these regrets. It's all complex and each situation is different, but work towards it. It's all messy, but things can get better. It's possible. #dobetter #DoWell #BeSmart #good #try
Saving money is reasonable and it is also important not to live beyond one's means (to avoid living in debts), however it's not guaranteed that we'll ever achieve the age of retirement. My mom retired in 2020 and was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer shortly after (incurable, but treatable to slow down / halt the spread of cancer sells for an unknown period of time). I am saving up but I also treat myself (and my mom). I don't want to work and save all my money and never treat myself (especially travelling), just perhaps never reach the age of retirement or die at a young age without having truly lived, but only to have worked and saved up money.
I say to my younger self……don’t change a damn thing. Continue not caring what others think, sex isn’t the most important thing in life, choose the women who wears no make up, and continue working hard but maintain physically for the sake of aging very well and enjoying your retirement.
For my younger self, i would advice feel your emotions, confront your traumas release emotions and know that don't worry. It is your destiny to succeed. It is your destiny to be extremely blessed a life time in every area of your life. Do not be afraid to pursue what you want, you're literally born and made for the missions and dreams that were assigned to you. You are literally extremely lucky person. Do not be afraid, believe in yourself 100% No matter what problems you have, you will overcome it and come out on top no matter what. Things will eventually be great. My ending has always been "extremely blessed in every area of my life for a lifetime, extremely lucky a lifetime. Destined to live a life of greatness"
To my younger self, recent realization: You're always gonna feel different ways. Stop trying so hard to stay angry, or force yourself to feel happy when it doesn't feel natural. It will never work. Let your fortitude be the constant. Communicate in an authoritative but calm way, don't let your feelings be known around people who aren't close to you. (in a high stress environment) But also never be afraid to smile if something humors you.
This just changed my life❤..."JUST GO FOR IT" If you don't take the risk you never create that opportunity for yourself. Being a 22yr old rn scared af of how my planned goals will go, interests, never dating, pushing on with those masters applications etc ...I think I"ll just add take the calculated risk and be consistent with it.
I'm surprised how many people at that age tell actually that they have not been doing that what they now do advice. I feel sort of privileged because I've always been doing what I want, what I like and it has brought a bunch of failures, a bunch of successes, but over all A LOT OF FUN AND HAPPINESS! Which it still does nowadays, at almost 50. Who goes climbing fences and painting graffiti again tonight?
My advice is not to stay in a loveless marriage for too long. You deserve to be able to hold, to kiss, to hug, to comfort, to feel warmth. Love is why we live.
I have just one comment,,am happy i found this page especially at this age of mine,i have watched a number of the videos and am getting to learn tons of things...thankyou!!
Having lots of sex with a caring person is drastically different than having sex with the cold hearted monsters that exist in the dating world today. The number of women I have read about and heard about between 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s staying celibate now speaks to that.
The cold hearted monsters aka lying womanizers always existed. The difference is now with dating apps they can remain anonymous instead of getting a reputation. We used to have access to date only so many people and you'd get to know who has a bad reputation, but now with dating apps you have direct access to millions of people so you don't have that layer of social protection. Women need to get smart and protect themselves, but giving up isn't the answer. Instead of falling for the bad boys over and over again, getting hurt and then giving up, they should learn to recognize the signs of a charming womanizing bad boy and realize it's not a high value pattern. As a man it's incredibly easy to look at a guy or a guy's profile or talk to a guy for two minutes and tell whether he's a womanizing scumbag or not. I believe women can do it too, they just have to learn how to look past the "charm." For example, confidence with nothing to back it up is not masculine, it's bullshit, but women fall for it. Men don't respect another man who's confident when he has no reason to be, it's a sign of untrustworthiness and not someone you'd want to go into business with. Women should learn to recognize that too. Having an expensive car is not a sign of a high value man; it's a sign of financial irresponsibility and immaturity at best, or a sign of a womanizer who decided to make a calculated investment to impress girls at worst.
yes true...i mean id love to have mroe myself but i didnt like the idea of whoring myself around...so wihtin context i suppose..same goes for family..if your family is toxic and constantly put you down should you really be spending so much time with them?
Yeah I found that advice to be pretty bad. Nothing wrong with having sex but to simply mess around with a bunch of people, especially in current times, tends to have more bad results than good. Hookup culture has had more bad results than good. Anyone I've ever known that's slept around a lot regrets it to a degree. Not sure about this advice. I'd say do what you feel is right, with the right person/people, but don't pressure yourself into doing or not doing things.
I say, focus life on physical, financial, and intellectual goals; and do this your entire life. Life is better when you are physically fit. Life is better when you are financially secure. Life is better when you have the skills and intelligence to handle life's problems.
I have a rare condition which I can't eat fruits and sweets and some vegetables so I look a bit different due to not receiving the necessary nutrients, I'm underweight and can not gain enough weight cause of that so it sucks bc I will never be able to look fit and physically healthy, overall I look sick most of the time
@@saraa4283 Got type 2 diabetes so I no longer eat fruits, sugar, and have to restrict carbs. Took about 7 months to adapt to new diet of meat, cheese, nuts, salad, & eggs. I put Salsa on my salads which I assume is vegetable. Most days have steak & salad one day and ham & cheese & onion omelet the next. Pecans for afternoon snack which is mostly protein, fat, & fiber. This is a healthy diet and easy to gain weight.
@@miken7629 Eating too much fat is the cause of diabetes. Lookup Cyrus Khambatta on RUclips.
@@darith770 Wrong. New diet of meat, cheese, nuts, eggs, & salad eliminated type 2 diabetes and my blood pressure became normal. In fact my whole blood work at the doctor was better. It is called Keto diet and it works. However, these are more expensive foods. No bread, no pasta, no pastries, no potatoes, no rice, no sugar, nothing made with flour; all that cheap food I love had to be eliminated. Also, I don't know if it the meat or the fat but my hair got thicker; was thinning at the part but new hair grew in.
The statement "There is a way out, you just need to find it" really touch my heart. So touching
Yea I get touched in my heart everyday sometimes smashed in the heart.
Each and every day I think of killing myself because I find myself worthless.
Life will never be fulfilled
To my younger self I would say: Don't stay in a relationship that ain't going nowhere or is toxic... Be brave and cut that person loose immediately and DON'T look back. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. You deserve to be happy today.
Yeah... but the not looking back bit is tricky when you had a daughter with the toxic tart.
@@bigglyguy8429 I hear you and do empathize.
i have that also with my familiy. love them the most but can not be with them. but also not without
Such good advice. I'd only add that relationship can mean romantic, friendship or a job.
I am 68 and have done everything I desired from day one. Tons of adventures, tons of random encounters, lots of travel. Loved and lost, lived all,over the world. Still more to come.
I wouldn't say take blind risks, but absolutely take calculated risks no doubt
ah there is the point. If you are young take those "blind" risks. Go for it! Age teaches you to safeguard. That is a blessing and a curse.
I am 72. I took the risks. Sometimes they worked out, sometimes not. There was really no decision to it. I did what I felt needed to be done, with the best information I had at the time. Sure, I made my share of mistakes, but I lived the best of times. All in all, I'm happy. The bottom line to all of this is you should follow your heart. Then, good or bad, you will have no regrets.
Love this
You are a MAN, I can see that easily from your attitude. Fems give entitlement advices - you deserve that, you deserve this, don't hold yourself responsible blah blah blah
Can’t wait until I hit that age. I heard one less person would do wonders for the younger.
I am a south korean student. I dropped out of school and because of that, I need really need to get good grade in korean sat this november or I would just be a person who only graduated middle school. However, I have trouble sticking with the study I need to do. I really want to do everything I want to, and for that I know I need money and everything, but I just can't seem to study. I feel like if I go back to 10year old me, I would just do everything so perfectly but yet I feel so lost. I don't know how my life will go. I need some advice.
My dad died at 70, 9 months from cancer and he said he had no regrets even with his mistakes but he did apologise to us all for any wrong doings towards his kids. He tried his best; that’s all a person can do ay.
The man telling about enjoying your parents is very true... My first decade of life I spent as a spoiled ungrateful kid, the second I spent full of bad feelings and now my mother who loved me and fought for me is battling a cancer that doesn't seem to get cured, no matter how many treatments she took. Enjoy your parents.
The body can get rid of cancer by a strong immune system. Let her try the 100% plant based diet, sunshine, and fast (digestion takes alot of energy so fasting allows that energy for the body to repair)
Yep. I lost my dad in June 2020 to colon cancer. He was 49. I regret not spending enough time with him.
Now I’m going through the same thing with my mom. She’s 49 now too. Treasure your time with her!
@@darith770 if getting rid of cancer is this easy surely the health industry wouldn't have to spend so many resources on curing cancer....
@@darith770 her blood tests show a good health, but she has a genetic anomaly that makes her cancer grow very fast. She's doing palliative chemotherapy twice a month. This is her 6th treatment. She had surgery, radiotherapy, 4 different types of chemotherapy. Doctors aren't gods on earth, i don't blame them..
@@heynhamnham Look up on RUclips Dr Wons anti cancer smoothie. That along with organic garlic not from China is the strongest anti cancer remedy in the world. Also all 90 essential nutrients. Vit C itself in high doses have shown to Eliminate terminal cancer as well.
P.S chemo and radiation is a scam. Medical system ignores nutrition because it generates big pharma no money. Good luck.
Believe in yourself. You absolutely know what gives you joy... persue it. Never compare yourself to anyone else. Appreciate your own uniqueness. Always say thank you first before you desire for more. The physical beauty of your youth will fade. Enjoy it's power while you have it. ☺💖
"There's a way out in everything" I loved that
To hear that from people with years on us is so mentally freeing!
But there's a way in every hole
Silver lining 💕
not always true
Except death.
Do whatever it takes to not waste time being unhappy, appreciate the people that truly love you.
I loved the last person. Because he talks
little about if it doesnt work out, be Bold, be Brave, move on to something else something new.
To my younger self: Trust yourself and your feelings. Never go back, always move forward. Stay in the here and now, forget about the past, don't imagine the future, stay present. Don't believe people's words, feel them. As soon as possible, detach yourself from the masses and discover who you truly are. Love yourself the most!
The "don't imagine the future" really hits home. Boomers really followed their advice of not imagining their capacity for f. up their children future.
@@sodalitia Boomers?? THe people that hurt your chances are much much older than boomers
@@marcsteddybearShifting the blame on people who are long dead is what a true boomer would say.
@@sodalitia Go learn how the world really works, then form an opinion.
@@marcsteddybear Wow. Every time you say something, you prove the case in point.
Poor man who said do not commit crime, he seems to be in a very tough situation, hope for the best for him and to everybody else who are in a tough situation.
Set out a clear career path as early in school as possible, then straight to University. I didn't go to Uni until I was 28 and married, encouraged by my wife. Best thing we ever did. Now at 76 I'm not especially rich but comfortably off and look back at 52 years happy marriage and a great career in Education.
Some of the best advice comes from people who appear the most miserable, like the guy who avered about the dangers of crime. He stood out to me. Very heartfelt and genuine to the core. Keep up man. Indeed there is always a way out!
Yes, indeed. That's because they are more aware of the consequences of their actions
Yes, there’s people who stand out they are such role models for this infectious love.
Note to younger self: don’t care about what others think. Don’t worry about not being included. Don’t be so hurt when rejected. Don’t chase shit people list goes on
Too many people chase financial goals and end up miserable. When you make money a priority, no amount of money is ever “enough”. Focus on connections and finding happiness in day to day life. Take care of your body and mind and the rest will come easier.
Great and beautiful video.
At 35 this is what I know: Learn to develop a wonderful, healthy and beautiful relationship with your Self. You are the only sure thing you will have for the rest of your life; everything and everyone else will come and go, but your relationship with yourself is the only constant and it is the foundation of every person and circumstance you will draw into your life. Learn what brings you joy, what gives you peace, pursue what elevates you and love your Self enough to evict from your life that which does not honor you.
That is just beautiful x
@@MrsCrazyrange Thank you I appreciate that.
@@flexiveganc7441 Of course. Do what you need to do to spread the message.
What if I don't care about having such a relationship with myself?
As 19 years old I would said to my younger self:
Always be happy and grateful with everything you have. Always look at the beautiful and the positive things in the world. Help others and do good in this world and learn more about spirituality and religion (this helped me the most)
dhang se bada to ho le bete....
never afraid of death, afraid of a unfulfilled life
Most people say "take more risks" and they say it so lightly because at this older age, memories become mostly positive. I would appreciate someone saying "Prepare yourself for devastating failure and then go take risks". Because the outcome of risk taking has a very dark side as well.
Yes, all happy to tell you to take risks, and if or when they go bad they call you a risky fool. You should know better young man.. Go figure!!
I took risk and I am more happier paying for those actions than playing the safe road, doing what others told me… and it still failed. I have more regrets doing that.
This...this. Someone needed to say it. Thank you!
I think you answered your own question . . The fact that the statement to take more risks requires a more detailed explanation on the chances of failure is precisely it . . You have to overcome the fear of failure and potential loss and just go for it . . Focus on the goal and not the obstacle . .
Mixed signals equals no....
One of the most valuable lessons I've learned in life. I didn't understand that some people can fall in love with the attention that you give them, while not being interested in a relationship with you of any kind...
Learn this lesson, and save yourself years of wasted time and love:
No, they do not like you
No, they do not want a relationship
No, they are not attracted to you
No, they do not love you
No, you can't just make sweeping generalizations like that.
@@centralintelligenceagency9003 um..... It's not a generalization. It's a guideline. There are people out there who waste their lives pining after others who for whatever reason, are not able to be in a relationship with them.
They're not interested
They're undecided
They're not healthy enough to be in a relationship
They're doing it for attention
Or a hundred other reasons...
Stop tolerating mixed signals. Leave that person alone. If after that, the person decides to engage you in a relationship? Great. If not. Move on to somebody who will.
@@crystalcole888 you're saying the truth
yeah, if someone loves you they will tell you. My best learned advice on that front is to be straightforward and transparent with your feelings, and learn to respect others feelings.
The most important quality in life is self confidence. Not arrogance. Confidence. This opens up everything in the mind. No fear, no guilt, no self analysis, no shyness. With an inner confidence, a person will find life as an adventure. The most important quality a parent can give to a child is a high self esteem. Self esteem offers on boundaries in life.
This is really interesting - self confidence is so important❤️
I wish I realized this earlier.
you're so right, my man
what's confidence vs arrogance? grateful if someone could explain deeper.. thanks!
No! On the contrary it is quite the opposite! the most important quality in life is enquiry and true enquiry! You need water only when you are thirsty! Right? When does one need confidence when there is fear on the inside. See anybody who is confident know immediately that he is afraid and fear is only when there is greed! Confidence is shallow but the understanding of fear is true freedom. Similar goes with everything you have, it has to have it's dual on the inside just like the day can not exist without night! Read duality!
So fear and confidence are same! Sadness and happiness are same if you have not been sad you can't be happy the more one runs after happiness know that the more he is suffering. Just like one can't sleep if one is not tired enough or one doesn't relishes ones food until he is hungry. The dual, you see!
More gross expample, hold your pee for some time and then the relaxation you have is equal to the uneasyness you had. It is not very easy to understnad that one who is not suffering or has no sorrow can't be made happier. He is a very dangerous personality! In a good way!
Being confident is a tensed situation and a tremendous load on the brain as if one is guarding a palace all along the day with a gun in his hand!
Now What would you want? Fearlessness or self confidence?
Now do not conclude that greed is bad or any such thing! Enquire! It goes much deeper than any conclusion, it goes all the way upto what you have always wanted!
The whole world is far far behind the true philosophy the eastern philosophy of which psychology is little subset! Try listening to Acharya Prashant! Or J Krishnamurthy!
Strengthen yourselve mentally. Be physically fit and manage stress. Have financial and career targets and try to fulfill them. Make the best of your good relationships
Im 21 and am already regretting a lot of my life decisions 😭 this video helped me a lot
No regrets, just redirection❤️
All the shit I see nowadays is pettiness these people will never see a heart from me.
Don’t regret trust me I see people everyday horrible
21? Don't be silly. Most of your best opportunities are ahead of you so be prepared to grab them.
Haiz! 21 is too young to think too much! Your time worth for doing than regret.
Never quit something you want to do in rage because that turns in uncurable regret and illness, this is the best advice for each one of us and always follow your heart,never betray it. Peace!
To my younger self: manage stress, learn how to relax. Don't let your job take all of your energy.
My Job is eating me.
@@thomaspj1247 leave it
At least you have a job people are so thirsty for positions im giving up.take the jobs.
Just work the bare minimum. Don't work full time and live a minimalist lifestyle. It does wonders on my mental and physical health. I commit 3 days to maximum 4 days a week . This is to prevent a burnout.
i really love what the man in the purple blanket had to say. at the end of the day, we are all still human. we all bleed red and we are all connected by the thing we call humanity. very meaningful.
Love this - what great words❤️
I love this video. As a woman approaching 60, I heard so many people say similar ideas that I, too have. GO FOR IT. Live Your Life to the Fullest. Don’t Settle. Face your Fears, and Follow your dreams.
Love this🙌
This is the most encouraging 💪
Must be nice
Based 💯
I've never been afraid to take risks and, looking back at 68 I regret nothing. I've sometimes treated people badly, but I've aknowledged and apologised. I don't carry the weight on my back. My advice to young me: 1. Talk less and listen deeply to others. You'll learn a lot and they will love you. 2. Don't let your contentment depend on anything outside yourself. You are the boss of your feeling of well-being.
Treated people bad but I acknowledged it. No sir that doesn’t make it ok. I hope it comes back on you 10x
This tape is so helpful, Young people should watch this every day ❤
Funny how only one person said that your family is a top priority. He is right the one thing I would have told my younger self is to treat my family 100% better and actually see them as what they were human beings instead of what I felt they should be. I wish I had cherished them because when they are gone it's forever.
I have good news for you, it's not forever:
John 5:28-29: "Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of judgement."
Also, judgement is not bad or scary:
Ps 96:10-13: "Say among the heathen that the LORD reigneth: the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people righteously. Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth be glad; let the sea roar, and the fullness thereof. Let the field be joyful, and all that is therein: then shall all the trees of the wood rejoice Before the LORD: for he cometh, for he cometh to judge the earth: he shall judge the world with righteousness, and the people with his truth."
Isa 2:2-4: "And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."
This is also the message in many other places. Too bad religion spreads false information...
I road your commence last week and I felt it because I also have not much contact with my family and i expect instead of. Today i called my mother but again it went not okay. I love my mother/ familie very much but we speak like in another world. So that irritates me also because She has much tollerance for others also when they walk over bounderies. (Also from me). So indirect she give me a correction when i stay clear with the biunderies or say 'i do not tolerate this'. To be honest I expect feom my mother she dont say this things. It gives me a toxic impression. Also the way I act that moment. Its like a repead to begging for understanding. But thats not normal. Then she understand also. And is kind to me. But the circle repead another time. The last 10/12 years I walk my own pad and I grow. The better memories come back and i respect my family. Then for example i call them and realize 'thats gone'. I mean we talk another language (its always for mw toxic). Its horrible bcause i know how nice it can be (the nice moments but that means I have to forget my own bounderies and I am so strict in with them because I know its nessecairy. I will bot give in my bounderies. But to explain that so much is also a toxic energy. But that takes a lot energy. Also toxic because it lead to nowhere.
So I had a horrible day, before i called het i was zen.
So i guess watchin tonthis commence is not a good idea for me. Sometimes better to stay away from persons instead of trying to change them. Thats also very toxic for then
100 per cent correct!!!
At almost 80, as a young person you know right from wrong. Don’t allow anyone to influence you to do anything you know is wrong…for yourself and anyone else. Self respect, pride in yourself will give you courage to do what you know is the right path to take. Live your time, it goes by quickly. Be a force for good. Leave behind you better than found.
Love this - thank you ❤️
Me too!❤@@DoseofSociety
❤❤❤yes, sage advice!👏🏽
As a 21 year old person, I would recommend to my younger self to get to know yourself and find out what makes you happy and go for it without any fear. Explore, enjoy and live. That is life . The biggest disability that exists in this world is lack of self-confidence.
This is very powerful thank you ♥️
You are still in your younger self 🙂
youre still young lolol
@@Shubham-et8qk I know, I just sometimes feel like I'm too old for some things. But I guess it's the midlife crisis haha
@@sonnyc3826 thank you , i hope we continue learning from this thing called "life"
These people were young in the 60s 70s and 80s in the UK - a very unique period of time, one of the few periods when risk-taking really could pay off.
In what ways?
I guess people in 2050 will say the same about us
@@bmg2507 Some of it struck me as advice that was useful in the late 20th century but is outdated today. Nearly everyone from that generation became more comfortably well-off than their parents; most young people today will be poorer than their parents. The job market diversified during those years, with many entirely new classes of jobs appearing; today the diversity of jobs is falling sharply. The challenges change in a changing world - maybe today's young people will be saying "I wish I hadn't consumed so much worthless crap" or "I wish I hadn't thought about my career instead of other things". Who knows. Without suggesting it's the intention of the video, one generation's advice to its younger self is not necessarily good advice for other generations.
I took risks and it paid off, so did my brother he's now retired at 33.
Stop blaming your lack of courage on anything but yourself.
@@daveseemerollin6357 That is a complete misunderstanding of what I actually wrote. And you assumed my situation (utterly incorrectly) to suit an argument just for the sake of arguing. Trying to start an argument with an invented adversary is often a sign of loneliness.
In my 20s and I'm taking the risks right now Most have been good some are a lesson. But if you don't take the risk you'll never what's waiting for you on the other side. Be bold my brothers and sisters
This 💫
thank you!
I like how encouraging the father was in the last clip. It kills me when elders discourage younger folks bc they don't understand their hobbies or it's not their cup of tea.
I am taking the risks right now and I am happy that older people than me are saying I am right to do it
Regret is inevitable at old age. If you choose a path you are definately going to miss something so dont worry too much just do the right thing and enjoy the journey.
Enjoy the journey👏
I am amazed to see how much these older folks are clearer in their expression
So basically everyone said brave up, take a chance and be bolt. Live now and don’t wait ❤
A quick summary: it seems as though you’ll regret more in life of what you decided not to do over what you decided to do
Yep; “coulda shoulda woulda” is a bitch to look back on.
Yeah that's what I got from the video too
That opinion is in hindsight.
The Problem is: That fact that old people regret not having done x, doesn’t mean that x would’ve actually made their lives any happier or fuller.
@@MrMAAAAAAR2123 That's not a problem. Just like one of them said: if it doesn't work, get over it and try something different. But trying is key. If you don't try, you will never know - and that's what people regret.
For the love of God, stand up for yourself! Take some chances. Your parents do NOT always know best! Don’t live your life in fear.
In my case I should have been more kind, caring and generous. At the same time, I believe that everyone is coded in a particular way that's very hard to change
My two regrets are laziness and lack of confidence, pretty much aligns with all the interviewees, set a goal, be realistic and go for it.
Keep growing❤️
The world 🌎 needs more of this type of conversations, especially with the Youth. Spread the message to lengths and breadths of this world.
We agree! Thank you so much for being here and being part of the journey ♥️
Love this ❤!!!! Thank You!
For some of us with childhood traumas, we spent half or all of our lives searching for selves and working backwards to resolve them.
Take childhood truma as learning experience and move on. Use wisdom and get more priority to postive experience.
True I can relate it
Appreciate the most valuable (and fleeting) thing you’ve got while you’ve got it - Youth
Bless the guy with the pink blanket, and yo be fair to everyone who has taken part. Every advise is correct.
That guy in the pink blanket made a proper blanket statement
I love all the character within the face of the man wrapped in the sleeping bag. If I were an artist, I would love to paint a model of his face. His visage offers so much to develop or display.
Start now to do something you've always wanted to do even in small ways so you don't have regrets.
Yes, this🙌
This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my RUclips channel 3 months ago about self development. Now I have 198 subs and almost 90 hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I couldn’t have learned without getting started in the 1st place.
This is amazing to hear ❤️
Thanks so much!
I realized that the main reason for doing this is not about the success but the inspiration I've been providing some people with my stories while helping others do the same as I shared the lessons & experiences through making videos to have a sense of meaningful purpose. Therefore, I’m planning to quit nursing to pursue youtube full time as there are lots of issues in our traditional health systems as these don’t align with my values. It’s a huge learning curve but I love helping people through making videos.
Also, as part of my video creation progress, I’m switching to a better editing software and a camera so the learning curve is much higher and slows down the completion speed of my next video. I do appreciate your support and kind words! I am hoping that you can join me with this endless personal development journey! :)
Common theme - take risks, release anger, dont care what people think, have more sex, dont get run over by buses and go with the flow. Great advice.
« Have more sex » please tell me how this is supposed to be an easy thing to get 😅
I want to become a writer but am afraid of going along that path.When these wonderful people talked about taking risks and just going for it ,I felt as if they are talking to me..Excellent video.
You definitely saw this video for a reason - go for it!
Long ago, I saw advice for entrepreneurs. It was to keep the day job that pays the bills, but build the intended business bit by bit, on the side. When it eventually grows to a high enough level of success, transition away from old day job to the new business, full time.
So you could either jump into writing for a living, risking poverty, or you could build up gradually until that writing career is ready to fly. The safe way doesn't sound gutsy, but it does sound like a greater chance of succeeding.
Do a few hours a week at first and build into it
Interesting that the majority of the advice is to not be afraid and go for things. However, it is easy to say that in hindsight.
Nobody said it would be easy. If it was easy, everyone would go for it!
@@AdventureLad Correct.
@@AdventureLad very true
People are blocked by fear in the main
Do you think they'd still follow that advice at their current age? If you told them to spontaneously go on an adventure (within reason), they'd go for it?
Very cool, wisdom of the ages. Risks are everything, it's the general basis of all great stories that can be told.
everything is in our mind, we put barriers to our dreams. I feel kind of stuck in my life. I don't enjoy anything I do, but at the same time I'm afraid to take risks and change the things I've been doing for years :(. I'm 24
Thank you for sharing this. You are still so young, you're just on the journey; learning about yourself and the world around you. Take a deep breath and trust in time - there is so much happiness to be found and I'm sure it's all around you waiting to be unleashed❤️
Im 51 i would say no matter what i did how much i tried i was always meant to be this addict who seems to always be a f$#@ up !! Not realising in 2014 i then discovered it was 2 members of my family who stole everything, my compensation my inheritance and they were sabotaging my life. If you can relate you cant get out of that same circle its ok you havent done anything bad and YOUR NOT A BAD PERSON life just gave you this journey as just like we need a nurse a doctor a police officer the world needs a person who gives these people meaning and purpose. So thats what we are meaning to someone else the trick is to find meaning from that and always be kind to yourself. You will find your strengthh and chatacter in these times in which your going nowhere. Hopefully there might be a heaven waiting i dont know but for the last few years ive just learned to be gentle with everything...
To my younger self: Set better boundaries with my paternal relatives, cut out toxic and insecure friends and relatives, and listen to your gut 😊
There you go
I like how the old people say YOLO, but judge kids and shake their heads when they see them doing just that.
yep welcome to life LOL
Hmmm interesting that the common denominator here should be to go for it and take risks. A decade ago I chose to live a life at the other end of the world, far from my family whom I'm still able to visit once a year or every 2 years. It feels reassuring in a way to know that taking that risk paid off but at the same time what that chap said about spending time with family cause you only have one set really resonates with me. Its not easy coming back home and seeing them a little older every time, a little more vulnerable and knowing you weren't/ aren't there accompanying them in their old days the way they accompanied you. I'm an only child which means there's no one else to look after them so the future can be scary- i have no idea how to handle the future with my life so far from them now. Maybe i'll read that post 30 years from now and wonder how i could let this happen or on the opposite think it was the right thing to do.
The first woman, is actually talking to me straight to the heart.. I really needed this today
Thank you for being here❤️
Must be nice
As someone who has spent his whole life struggling with confidence and self-esteem it bothers me to see that this problem I can't quite overcome is something that older people warn about.
I'm in a similar boat. I read this book, "the art of extraordinary confidence" by Dr. Aziz and also simultaneously got started on cognitive behavioral therapy. It's already having a great impact on my life. I'd highly recommend!
I started CBT recently and it's been doing good things for me.
Love reading now, never used to. I am into the Bhagavad Gita which is an intriguing read, and I am not particularly religious.
But thanks, I will 100% check it out when I finish.
Same here, biggest struggle in my life is luck of confidence and fear.
@@oldgreen100 haha we're taking very similar paths. I'm also a fan of the Gita. Wishing you all the best moving forward!
Learn to be happy, confident and content in your own company. There is nothing more powerful than this.
Yup they’re all powerful I have no power let’s play monopoly though and give more money to those who are in greed because they will be the most successful put weight on them they do more important things in this world. They own land for godsake grass and dirt is expensive.
Everyone says take risks, and I listened to that advice, made bold choices and I look back on how my life would have been if I'd just stayed the course. 🤷🏾♀️ I'm still hopeful for the day where the risks feel super worth it.... I did grow alot from them, but it feels more like a trade off than the path to success.
the best advise is to know the purpose in our life and realize the one who created us that's the best advise anyone will ever give you.
Felt uplifted by the lovely woman at 1'45...
😊 "Just be a lovely person" 😊
Five words of great advice for everyone. Loved that moment she spontaneously laughed so warmly, instantly realising ....ambition achieved, after all, well done!😂
God bless.
Well done
You have a 20 year window from 17->37yrs to try a business start-up, nearly all successful entrepreneurs burn through 5-off failed businesses until they find the one that makes them rich. It's resilience and persistence that wins the day.
wrong- the window never closes until you die
Taking risks is risky and i regret some of the risks i took. Just be careful where you are getting yourself into. The outcome is not always a pleasant one
Not a fan of all the "just do it!" advice. In retrospect if your life worked out your s impression is that taking a risk is not risky. This is biased advice. I have taken some large risks myself. And it worked out. But I also recognize that had a lot to do with luck - being the right place at the right time etc. - not just hard work and smarts. Not everything came easy to me, far from it. But there were a couple of times it could have tilted with huge long term consequences.
Just go for it ,don’t worry about results coz that if factor(regret) then hurts back sometimes
My advice would be, happiness isn't the goal of life, so many lives are destroyed in the pursuit of happiness, that they do not realise what they already have/could have.
It's so beautiful to encounter this great advices at this moment of time
i loved the first one, thank you mam. 💐
Such a gem isn't she!
I say be more altruistic because that’s the key to true happiness.
the best advice: give time to your parents, know that they are also getting older and have a life and they will support us no matter. because when you get older and if your kids don't give you time you are gonna a lot of regret. a lot of regret. parents don't come again so make the best of it.
Never live ur life on expectations from kids. Will definitely make u sad in future.
@@De-tw7by thats not true but there are exceptions.
The gentleman who said don't commit crime. He spoke so much sense
GO YOUR OWN WAY! Do not live someone else's life. No matter who it is.
Live your truth❤️
Love the wisdom of old people
Can't beat it
Advice to my younger self: Don’t smoke, don’t drink, save sex for marriage only, concentrate on academics, be kinder to others, trust in God, treasure your loved ones while they are still here, and a lot more.
Exactly❤. Thanks
why have sex only for marriage ???with How many girls have you slept???
WTF. Sex for marriage only ?
@@Superjerayu 😂😂😂
Live your life so that when it's over and done - you look back without having any regrets. We all do good things. We all do stupid things. But that is basically what your life is - a series of choices that you take which eventually brings you to where you are.
As long as you are not hurting others - live the life you want to live.
Remember that its YOUR life - you don't have to live it under other people's expectations.
Thank you so much for this ♥️
Good advices. Many of us are too scared to risk sometnig new
Here are ten things I would tell you, especially if you are younger than me:
1. Save your money. You worked for it.
2. Try to see your friends often. Life is difficult especially if you are mostly by yourself. Your mind can begin to warp itself.
3. Open a credit card early... say 18 or 19. Pay it off before the due date. Don't use too much credit monthly. If your limit is $500 per month, spend $135 or so and pay it off. Don't wait and let it the balance grow.
4. Try to calm down when annoyed/ angry. I have punched many things, fractured my hand, hit metal... thrown large objects (not at anything living of course, but still) Etc. It isn't worth having to explain to mom or grandma why your hand is red/ purple. You just end up embarrassing yourself or making people upset. Plus anger drives anger. Expressing it aggressively doesn't make it better... It makes it worse. Be calm... know things will be fine. If you have a hard time with something, ask for help... Walk away, etc. It can be a cycle.
5. Be nice (at least try to be even when it can be difficult. It is sometimes)
6. You don't control the world. Not the market, not your employer. Noone. Just do what you think is right based on what you know at the time/ people's advice.
7. Don't fall for scams (FB market place jobs, multi level marketing, pump and dumps, RUclips gurus, jobs that want an upfront fee, phone flipping, rental Application scams, paying someone on Cashapp before getting or even seeing a product, etc).
8. Use financial aid when possible and save refund checks (if you get them via Financial aid/ pell grants)
9. Have a good time. Ride your bike. Hit the college gym. Go to the beach... Idk what it is for you, but as long as it isn't illegal or dangerous/ immoral then do it.
10. Pick a major you think is good for you/ that will get you a good job (whether you are at community college/ university/ etc.) . Balance both of those things. Really look ahead and see how the courses line up. Put in a good effort. Some will take chemistry/ calculus and others won't. Not everyone needs it. Don't let your parents/ the world completely choose for you (even if they mean well) by being passive as you will have to deal with the results of your choice. Welding wasn't for me. I could have thought it all through harder. Don't take too many courses at once. 4 classes is better than 5. A 4.0 only matters so much, but aim for your best for your own reasons. If you really are interested naturally/ want to be there and are capable it will show.
I finished CC in 2.5 years. I could have (maybe) finished it faster. But I was passive and didn't always choose correctly.
I could have much more money saved. To the order of $50,000.00 to $100,000.00 even. But I don't.
I didn't always do right. I overloaded myself. Or I invested $1,000.00 on a gamble... wrongly feeling entitled to a profit (it wouldn't be a gamble if you were owed a profit). I fell for scams. I didn't save as much as I could have and my bad decisions slowed me down. I let my pride and ego get in the way and demanded things from the world... thinking things "should be a certain way." I didn't always make friends... get enough phone #s. I have made some good decisions, but plenty of bad ones. The bad ones are probably more numerous. Hell, there are probably teens who have made smarter decisions than the 20 year old me, but that's an aside. Seek to make good ones or at least better ones.
Also, don't blame god. It isn't His fault. People including us have free will, and sometimes unfortunately they'll use it to hurt others rather than help them... either maliciously or wantonly. God (or whatever/ whoever you believe in) gave us free wil because He wants us to choose Him willingly... to make the right choice. But it's a double edged sword free will is.
Hopefully some 17 year old or 18 year old will see this and do better. 5 years will fly by more quickly than you realize. I graduated five years ago and will be 23 next week. My life is fine, but I sometimes feel tired/ upset/ frustrated looking back at what I could have or should have done. Sometimes I feel soul destroying loneliness and am irritable due to these regrets. It's all complex and each situation is different, but work towards it. It's all messy, but things can get better. It's possible.
#dobetter #DoWell #BeSmart #good #try
Thank you bud, wish you the best of good luck.
Saving money is reasonable and it is also important not to live beyond one's means (to avoid living in debts), however it's not guaranteed that we'll ever achieve the age of retirement. My mom retired in 2020 and was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer shortly after (incurable, but treatable to slow down / halt the spread of cancer sells for an unknown period of time). I am saving up but I also treat myself (and my mom). I don't want to work and save all my money and never treat myself (especially travelling), just perhaps never reach the age of retirement or die at a young age without having truly lived, but only to have worked and saved up money.
You're a gem
Live your family! Don’t hurt anyone! ❤ don’t please everyone and have a Goal that generates security to you and your family
Its not too late, no matter how old you are - start living, you only have now.
Trust your gut! I wish i had started doing this decades ago. Other people may mean well, but they are not you.
I say to my younger self……don’t change a damn thing. Continue not caring what others think, sex isn’t the most important thing in life, choose the women who wears no make up, and continue working hard but maintain physically for the sake of aging very well and enjoying your retirement.
2:14 is a great reminder to be kind. Always.
I really hope that one guy who was in the army is alright.
For my younger self, i would advice feel your emotions, confront your traumas release emotions and know that don't worry. It is your destiny to succeed. It is your destiny to be extremely blessed a life time in every area of your life. Do not be afraid to pursue what you want, you're literally born and made for the missions and dreams that were assigned to you. You are literally extremely lucky person. Do not be afraid, believe in yourself 100%
No matter what problems you have, you will overcome it and come out on top no matter what. Things will eventually be great.
My ending has always been "extremely blessed in every area of my life for a lifetime, extremely lucky a lifetime. Destined to live a life of greatness"
I relaized that mostly older people's advice is that 'take risks and don't miss the opportunities'. I think it is the key of life...
Love this!
For a pleb maybe
To my younger self, recent realization: You're always gonna feel different ways. Stop trying so hard to stay angry, or force yourself to feel happy when it doesn't feel natural. It will never work. Let your fortitude be the constant. Communicate in an authoritative but calm way, don't let your feelings be known around people who aren't close to you. (in a high stress environment) But also never be afraid to smile if something humors you.
This just changed my life❤..."JUST GO FOR IT" If you don't take the risk you never create that opportunity for yourself. Being a 22yr old rn scared af of how my planned goals will go, interests, never dating, pushing on with those masters applications etc ...I think I"ll just add take the calculated risk and be consistent with it.
love this video. Wishing all the best.
Its a lot of good people in this world. Best I've heard in a while
so glad to hear it ♥️
I'm surprised how many people at that age tell actually that they have not been doing that what they now do advice. I feel sort of privileged because I've always been doing what I want, what I like and it has brought a bunch of failures, a bunch of successes, but over all A LOT OF FUN AND HAPPINESS! Which it still does nowadays, at almost 50.
Who goes climbing fences and painting graffiti again tonight?
All they say "Take risks in life" Nice advice ❤
My advice is not to stay in a loveless marriage for too long. You deserve to be able to hold, to kiss, to hug, to comfort, to feel warmth. Love is why we live.
I have just one comment,,am happy i found this page especially at this age of mine,i have watched a number of the videos and am getting to learn tons of things...thankyou!!
This is amazing, thank you!
Having lots of sex with a caring person is drastically different than having sex with the cold hearted monsters that exist in the dating world today. The number of women I have read about and heard about between 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s staying celibate now speaks to that.
The cold hearted monsters aka lying womanizers always existed. The difference is now with dating apps they can remain anonymous instead of getting a reputation. We used to have access to date only so many people and you'd get to know who has a bad reputation, but now with dating apps you have direct access to millions of people so you don't have that layer of social protection.
Women need to get smart and protect themselves, but giving up isn't the answer. Instead of falling for the bad boys over and over again, getting hurt and then giving up, they should learn to recognize the signs of a charming womanizing bad boy and realize it's not a high value pattern. As a man it's incredibly easy to look at a guy or a guy's profile or talk to a guy for two minutes and tell whether he's a womanizing scumbag or not. I believe women can do it too, they just have to learn how to look past the "charm."
For example, confidence with nothing to back it up is not masculine, it's bullshit, but women fall for it. Men don't respect another man who's confident when he has no reason to be, it's a sign of untrustworthiness and not someone you'd want to go into business with. Women should learn to recognize that too.
Having an expensive car is not a sign of a high value man; it's a sign of financial irresponsibility and immaturity at best, or a sign of a womanizer who decided to make a calculated investment to impress girls at worst.
bingo. there is a difference between being a whore and holding out on sex with your husband who would die for you for leaving the toilet seat up.
yes true...i mean id love to have mroe myself but i didnt like the idea of whoring myself around...so wihtin context i suppose..same goes for family..if your family is toxic and constantly put you down should you really be spending so much time with them?
Yeah I found that advice to be pretty bad. Nothing wrong with having sex but to simply mess around with a bunch of people, especially in current times, tends to have more bad results than good.
Hookup culture has had more bad results than good. Anyone I've ever known that's slept around a lot regrets it to a degree.
Not sure about this advice. I'd say do what you feel is right, with the right person/people, but don't pressure yourself into doing or not doing things.
Adventureness with family and financial awareness. Definitely. Great advice from these people.