Damn, I just spent the last 1.5 hours looking for this track! I could've sworn it was in NHL 97... in any case, this is BY FAR my favourite NHL track, and easily one of my favourite game soundtrack tracks of all-time. The NHL 97 Menu Track 1 is a very behind. :)
Damn, I just spent the last 1.5 hours looking for this track! I could've sworn it was in NHL 97... in any case, this is BY FAR my favourite NHL track, and easily one of my favourite game soundtrack tracks of all-time. The NHL 97 Menu Track 1 is a very behind. :)
Never though I will hear this music again....good old days...
Fuck yeah! This was like one of the first games I played seriously and man, the music has been spinal tapped into my memory.
Juho Most time I ever spent on a menu.
Good classic
Hockey meets Doom