4:10 re; unwilling to change your opinion/beliefs when presented with new information is amongst the most TERRIFYING things in existence ! It's a phycoligical disorder called confirmation bias. Think Trump's sycophants or the "woke" people. It's also a sign of low iq, intellectual ability. The main reason Democrats lose so often is because they tend to be more intelligent than Republicans. I'm not throwing shade , it's just a fact. The less intelligent one is the more likely they are to be convinced of their superior intelligence and their belief in their "truths" .Basically the stupider you are the more convinced you are that you're smart and RIGHT. STAGGERINGLY HORRIFIC !!! This leads to fanavicism. The more intelligent you are the more likely you are to believe that you may be wrong. Ironic I know. The smarter a person is the less ego/pride one has tied up in the need to be right and the fear/anger towards anyone who possibly disagrees with them. It's about ego, fear, and control. Ironically they fulfill their own "prophecies" but don't realize that they're the evil that God warns them about. That's why they ridicule the educated and the intellectual. They lack the faith to except the fact that they may be mistaken. They worship at the alter of FEAR. That's why they are all willing to start a civil war etc. They'd rather burn it all down than compromise. They've been radicalized by FOX "news" Trump and Alex, Ross etc. Just like those I fought against in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and the rest of my deployments. They don't have even the slightest idea of just how ABUNDANTLY BLESSED we are in the United States and our allies but especially here. They've been conditioned to believe that things are really bad and that ( THOSE/THEM ) are taking everything away from them !? Even our poorest are better off by FAR than 80% of the world. I've seen first hand that civil war, unlike in the 1860s, ONLY makes things worse. In their fear they're actions will bring about the very things that they're afraid of. Food shortage, enemies all around their family, total decline of the economy and Healthcare ALL social services, public schools and on and on. What they don't understand is that there's NOTHING to take it's place. There'd be no coming back. We'd be a 3rd world country overnight. It's the reason why social media algorithms and the American people have been undermined by a state sanctioned constant and ongoing military attack from Russia and China to destabilize the United States. Trump and his ilk are bought and paid for by the 1% rich corporations Russia and China. Sorry for the rant. It's just a heartbreaking issue . I fought and lost so very much and it may be for nothing. Neither "side" could ever "win" with 50% of the country on the other "side". In our civil war the South's entire population was a bit over 5 million..and only 30-ish % of those were on the confederate side. The union had close to 19 million people. The South also had around 500,000 slaves. Interesting fact - around 230,000 of those were not African. Many were European. I.E. Irish, Italian, Chinese, Scottish etc. My point being that the war was only able to be concluded because the VAST majority were on one side. The tension and fallout still took over a hundred years to get past..and some we never have. Imagine how much worse it will be with a near equal split in the population !? Anyway..thank you for this video. To whomever this may concern. I hope you and those you care for are happy, healthy, and safe this new year. Semper Fidelis P.S I apologize for any words that are out of context or poor punctuation and misspellings. I lost my hand in Afghanistan so now I dictate rather than type and the program is NOT perfect 😂 I'm 30% certain that it assumes that due to my Italian Amarican heritage that I must have a speech impediment like Rocky 😂
It'd be AMAZINGLY AWESOME if you or someone would make a video in this format going over all of King's work and specifically the common thread of the black tower running through them all. Not necessarily a deep or even full explanation of each movie/book but just a focus on this one part of each. Does anyone know if this has been done and if so would you please let me know how to find it? Thank you very much.
Huh...I always thought that King wrote the book of In the mouth of madness and was surprised to find out 30 seconds ago that It was actually Lovecraft's novella, At the Mountains of Madness
I remember watching this movie with friends when it came out. We were absolutely floored about the ending, we couldnt believe it, some were crying in disbelief 😂, we were like 15 year old kids, Core memory right there
I got to pick out the movie from blockbuster(fk im old) friday night with my family. Everyone but me hated the ending. But I loved it. Also as a kid found it funny(like in a wtf type funny). Suffice to say I was not allowed to pick another movie. Good times@@heavyspoilers
... many decades ago when we're were young my mates and I got that from Harry and the Hendersons but in the opposite direction after we were done balling our eyes out by the fake out 😂
LOVED trhis movie, on many occasions. It's so underrated. And I just love the ending (really bad ending, but filmed well) where he just cracks, and cant stop screaming at what just happened.
did you read the book? The ending of that is much bleaker. Honestly if they'd have played it like that, they might have even been able to make a Straight to TV Sequel that might have not sucked.
@@nocheckmarkgames Didnt read the book. But NOw that you tell me, I think I'll go buy it. It's a great story. A few good moral/ethics lessons in there too.
The scene when they are trying to leave and the religious lady is holding the knife but puts her hands on her head. She’s exposing her vital organs showing she has complete control over the situation and has zero fear of David’s group. Of course she didn’t think Ollie was going to step up. Ollie was the hero of this story. He was done dirty in the end. Epic ending!
I loved Olie but he represented the perfect right hand man to me. Jesus he never wanted to step up as a leader just always had the perfect assist and never knew what the right thing was unless his leader or someone else acknowledged that he was doing the right thing. I liked his end because it displayed that smile looking in the mist for acknowledgement and for someone to be proud that he did exactly what he was told.
Yeah, this approach is just about my favorite thing about this channel. You guys know and master your lane so well that you are not afraid to tackle older movies that have impacted you. In the same way, you fearlessly do different videos that consider different ideas about some of these same movies. Thank you for that. That is just so beyond cool!
the pre-ending made me cry. The ending made me ugly cry for half an hour ! I was in shock and thought about it for days. Still give me goosebumps years later when I rewatch it.
*In the book* it’s sorta hinted that David has a sort of “Shine” to him cos he keeps predicting events that come to fruition.. wish he’d written more books in this world - or turned it into a series.
I've read The Gunslinger/Dark Tower series twice. It dealt in part with the thinning of barriers between realities. The characters talk about how there are monsters between worlds which could break through (Lovecraftian, as mentioned in the video). Likewise, Pennywise was a Lovecraftian creature. Both of these posters are shown in David's studio. Artists are shown to have insight into the future and other realities ("the Shine" from other works), which is part of why the MC is shown to have portrayed these other realities. Ofc, it's also a reference to King's other works. King considered The Dark Tower to be central to his world building, the Tower itself being something that connected all worlds, and the creatures between worlds
I still remember the first time I read the Dark Tower series, the thinnies, the descriptions of going "todash", the monsters swarming the todash darkness wanting a way into one of the realities, and immediately and thunderously connecting this idea with the phenomenon of the Arrowhead Project in The Mist. I'm due a re-read of The Dark Tower, but the world of The Mist is moving on, a thinny formed that the military quickly surrounded with the Arrowhead Project, and their meddling cracked a hole into todash darkness through which monsters of the Prim, the primordial chaos void that receded when the creator deity created the world, spilled in. As a self-contained story, the tragic end of the movie makes more sense and King admitted he preferred it. But, as a connected story with the rest of the works that interact with the Dark Tower story, the book's bleaker ending of the mist continuing indefinitely makes more sense. Releasing the Prim accelerated the deterioration of that world such that it's now fully moved and lost to unreality.
One of the BEST King adaptations ever done. It's a shame that Darabont's treatment by Hollwood execs in the last few years has robbed us of more great films by him.
Same here! I've already walked out at night and seen it so foggy I couldn't see 30 ft out into my driveway yet heard something running around just outside in the fog, and I just turned right around and Noped it right back in the house! I've also been camping up in Potter County, PA back in the late nineties when it was incredibly foggy one night and I heard all sorts of strange things out there in the darkness and the fog. Basically I stayed in my tent the entire freaking night hoping and praying that no Bears or other "creatures" would come out of the fog and try to attack me.
@@ThwipThwipBoom just glad that in the books canon ending they get the whimsical ride off into the distance ending but I like this ending aswell..certainly didn’t see it coming
i was like 13-14 when i saw this and is apart of why i became such a film nerd even going to school for digital film and video production. I tricked so many friends to watch this with me just to see their gut get punched by that ending. it was worth it all the 50 times ive seen this movie for their reaction.
I don't think there's any film I've seen that broke my heart at the end as much as this one. It's been years, and it still turns my stomach. Since seeing it, I've started a family of my own and wow... it's earth shattering.
The Irony of the end of The Mist, made it memorable. I heard even though the book ended differently. Steven King himself said he enjoyed the movie ending very much. I suppose it turned it more into ‘a horror movie’ Both Shawshank and The Green became dramatic favorites. John Coffey’s death was so heartbreaking it unified millions or perhaps billions
I read somewhere that killing the son at the end was decided by Durabond or King as a response to the movie Cujo where the son lives at the end but died in the book.
The book ends with them driving off into the mist. The changes in movie king loved and said he wished he thought of it (king knows he is bad with endings) I personally liked the ending it fits the theme of hope... They were hopeless in end giving up. That said they could've made it feel more hopeless to balance with the group delete and that's where I think most of the dislike for ending comes from that point. It didn't feel hopeless enough. Short version: it's alright but could've been better with few changes
There are parts of the Bible that offer so much insight, even in a secular context. “Love thine enemy” is one of my favorites. Imagine if we could still show empathy to those that disagree with us on a fundamental level. It’s really hard work to get to that place mentally, but it would be worth trying. I think that concept really encapsulates what this movie is about: working together, even if that means working with your enemy.
I'm not sure if that was really the point of the movie... The fanatic for example, they tried to work with her and be rational but the only solution was extreme violence. The point of my comment being that empathy is great and you need to work together BUT also some people can't and it might be harmful to try.
@@retsaMinnavoiG The fanatic Carmody was right about everything, even her most extreme and last demand to kill David's son is carried out by David himself. The mist fades after this happens.
I'm so happy Paul did this video... its one of my favourite movies, ending and all😅 Now I have hope that we'll get Misery soon. Great work Paul, keep it up!
From a big Stephen King fan, The Mist was one of my favourite stories. Even better is that King preferred the film ending than his own ending which says a lot.
I didn't get to watch this till the movie made it to the syfy channel, I was 7 or 8 when it came on and my mom just sat there knowing how it ended and wanted to see my reaction... core memories were formed that day. Love the movie but man that ending😢
I've been married for 13yrs caught my wife cheating on me 4months ago, now living alone & depressed 😔 It mite sound corny but this channel is like my bff 😮 I look forward to seeing new videos & it keeps me from thinking about my upcoming divorce. Love this channel ❤
@@johnmerced32Keep that chin up and embrace the things you enjoy! Shit happens, but life goes on. Glad this channel keeps you going. I hope it all works out.
Been in the same boat man, it’s a rough path. Keep your head high up on them shoulders, you’re worth more than what’s been presented in front of you. I’m not big on saying this, but I believe it, things happen for a reason. We move on, leave that shit in the past, and make ourselves into the best version of ourselves that we possibly can.. good luck with your path brother, take care of yourself, you’re the only one that truly will.
The woman who braves the mist to get to her kids saves them. Her courage kept them all alive. David feared what would happen to himself & the people with him so he does what he does & the results were tragic. Seeing her & her children was an added twist of the knife in his heart when he realizes all the wrong decisions he'd made, including the one that sealed his son's fate. He basically did what Mrs. Karmody wanted to do. The end result was the same. As you said, why not wait until a monster attacks? Why not cling to life as long as possible, esp. after going through so much already? That the other adults in the car all consent to the plan is strange to me. They were ALL that afraid to wait when there was no immediate threat? The woman who saved her kids ALSO had to face the unknown but she didn't give up in the face of that fear. The contrast between fear & courage and demonstrating the bad decisions we make when motivated by fear is what that final scene was all about. If they had just held out for 5 more minutes they would have all been rescued.
I personally believe it was her love that kept her/them alive. The biker, for examples as brave...but as ultimately killed. She was scared, clearly, but went anyway, not compelled by bravery but by love, imo. That was, unbeknownst to her, her shield again, in my opinion.
Yes, but David loved his son, too. It wasn't a matter of loving or not loving, either. You aren't compelled by bravery. Courage is what you DO in the face of fear or pain, but it's not a motivator in itself. Something else,- love, duty, moral obligation, faith, etc.- is the motivator. So yes, she was motivated by love for her children. I'd forgotten about any biker. I'd have to see that scene to comment intelligently upon it. @@treybrannon4964
Something that bothers me about your position is that every day there are MILLIONS of parents who love their children deeply & have to watch them suffer. Children with terminal illnesses, in war zones, or those who have been traumatized by crime are just a few examples of a parent's helplessness against powerful forces beyond their control. All the love in the world can't save a child from every possible tragedy in life. @@treybrannon4964
I took it to mean the space between worlds as well. Dark Tower series mentions the thinning of those barriers, and always made sense to me that the military breaks through and allows monsters through
Stephen King doesn't write horror stories he writes book about human emotions using horror as a tool to portray them. This film is amazing and the end scarred me for life as I'd read the book before watching the film and wasn't expecting it to end differently to the book.
If you can find it, I recommend everyone listen to the radio play of this story. A whole cast, sound effects, everything. It's also in 3D, it's a trip. Get some good over the ear headphones, and try not to get hit by the truck.... Apparently yiu can find it on youtube. I cant attest to the 3D effects of the platform.
Big King fan. I usually hate when they change his stories from the books. But Kings endings aren’t his strong suit. But this change, this ending, was absolutely amazing. Chef’s kiss.
@@chadcognac5626Agree!! the ending of the movie is truly an IRONIC, not a "bad ending" and also not a "good ending"... somehow it feels so grounded and people can also relate to it...
He shows the last lines of the book in this video! They stop at a Howard Johnson's & are staying in the restaurant. There's a gas station outside, but being outside is so dangerous they decide to stay in place. They find a radio & David searches up & down the dial, hearing nothing but static. Then he thinks he hears 2 words: "Hartford." And "hope." That's the setting & those are the last words in the book. @@jonbourgoin182
They don't just drive off into the mist. When they get low on gas, they park in front of a Howard Johnson's restaurant & make it inside. See my other comment for the final lines of the book. It's still an uncertain ending, but one that leaves the possibility of survival, unlike the film's tragic ending. @@chadcognac5626
Really good analysis, great video - so happy you pointed out how truly amazing the acting for Mrs Carmody was, because I hated her so much more than many of the big bad classic villains in horror movies. Super well done.
Most brutal ending ive ever seen. Also idk if anyone else has thought about this but Carmody sounds like comedy. It's like a reference to her actions being a dark farce.
She sure can get the crowd going. There are also are two places called Carmody, both relatively close by where King usually ground his stories or world.
I saw a lot of parallels between The Mist & Midnight Mass as far as the psychological break downs of the characters under extreme stress & the dark side of religious leaders witin an insular group trapped in an incredible situation that they don't fully understand causing them to act out violently towards their neighbors out of fear & suspicion of anyone who didn't or wouldn't conform. Such a tragic ending. If they had worked together & waited, everyone probably would have survived 😢
Paul!!! I read all of older Stephen King books back in my jail days ( 😂 ). This was in Skelton Crew book, the 1st story. Also, Carole was the better actor of the Walking Dead though I couldn't watch it past season 7. This was a great movie.
This was Brian Libby’s final movie, who played the biker and was also in Green Mile. Also, he didn’t mention that Thomas Jane acted in the 1922 SK adaption Back in 2017. The Mist is my top favorite SK adaptations, but I still hate the final scenes of them giving up and the military just suddenly rolling in like they’re the good guys simply fixing the accident they caused in the first place. The book ending felt far more eerie with them just driving off into the mist.
I seriously loved this episode. There are SO many tie ins to other movies and Steven King references. Whoever the people are that watched this movie basically in slow motion are geniuses. So many of the references were merely seconds long. I just found this guy, and as a movie lover, these are great. The first one I watched was for The Village. You have a new subscriber!
I remember going to see it the Friday it premiered with another big King fan. I was a little amazed it was empty. It was the ending. The reviews had spoiled it and rumors had made it more graphic. It was so well acted.
The Mist is a very underrated movie and fantastic short story in Skeleton Crew, and although the endings differ slightly, both endings were very moving and impactful, and it left me with more questions than it actually answered, leaving me wanting me more..... Brilliant
The first time I saw this movie , the ending shocked me . Never expected what happened . The second time I watched the ending brought a tear or two . Excellent movie.
This is my favorite short from King. I read it back when I was a kid in "Skeleton Crew". I remember when we saw it in the theater, and when we came out when it was over, the city was all foggy... Freaked out the kids. Haha
Been on a Frank Darabont binge after this breakdown. Watched the green mile last night and today just finished shawshank redemption. If you find the time you should down a quick breakdown of that movie and the meanings behind the messages simply because it’s such a good film. Thanks Paul
I’m a big King reader…on the side since it’s not a movie but I’d check out Skeleton Crew (the Mist is the first story). It has another one called The Jaunt, which I think you’d enjoy.
I loved that they expanded/changed the ending. Read the book/story years before the movie was made. And I love that picture of Roland Deschain (5:20). It's a shame Darabont didn't make a Dark Tower Trilogy or a series.
Carmody was not right about anything. Things coincidentally happened that she mentioned. You know, a broken clock is right twice a day. She was a great villain and well-deserved her two bullets.
Loving all these detailed breakdowns Paul. So pleased your channel continues to evolve and you’ve not become one of those channels giving us a Wolverine vs Deadpool trailer daily updates
When you think about it, Stepehen King just writes the same story over and over and over again. Just changes some names and whatever the "monster" is but they are all pretty much the same.
I've always liked to assume that Mrs Carmody was right all along.. and as soon as they were gone, the Mist lifted. Saw this one in the theater first day and being a long time BIG King fan, I thought it was pretty good. Not great, but good. I think I had my expectations for it set too high.. but I DO love the ending, especially the scene with the Behemoth and the Film Score's "Call to the Seraphim" playing throughout. A solid adaptation, overall.
That movie was actually filmed around my hometown Blanchard by Caddo Lake in Louisiana! Specifically the lakefront scenes in the opening! I don’t recall it being discussed as much among Shark Night and White House Down. Which were also using the areas for filming here in Shreveport. Great movie however, it’s brutal, psychological, multidimensional, and very sad. It’s still much better than the Happening with Mark Wahlberg, that movie is just off putting. A movie about a plot that cause people to become destructive like Kingsman is one line, but a movie about people “scientifically inciting suicide” is definitely a line crossed. The dialogue and characters are even poorly constructed compared to the residents in the Mist. Definitely a flop at minimum, terrible creation at worst.
The ending in the book is even worse! After overcoming every obstacle to get home to his wife, whether people, monsters or giant craters in the road. They get home and there's a tree across the driveway in front of his house and dude gives up and decides they can't make it to his wife so they leave and head to another building where they camp out and it ends.
Most don't understand the ending. This was their only way out. The creatures they had seen throughout got larger and deadlier as time went on. The last one they see is the Behemoth. There is nothing to suggest the Nightmare is going to end. Hence the decision, and his sacrifice, to end it humanely for everyone else, waiting was a potentially worse fate. This is amplified by his despair when the military turns up, and the mist disappears. I would do the same.
Such a great horror movie. It makes you feel frustrated, hopeful , sad and mad. I adore this movie. "[...] as long as the machines are working and you can dial 911 but you take those things away, you throw people in the dark. You scare the sh*t out of them. No more rules. You'll see how primitive they get!"
God i love this movie. I always love seeing the reaction of people experiencing the ending for the first time. I do kind of wish it had an end of the world ending. Those are my favorites
I personally like to consider the events of this film as a sort of side story involving regular people experiencing the fallout of the experiments that took place at the Black Mesa research facility from Half-Life.
I remember watching this movie when I was on tour, the ending was of course shocking. I couldn't help but think the film did a better job of tackling the times we were in back then than people realised.
lve seen this movie on cable briefly as a child , i didnt watch i was probably in & out . all i really could remember was the grocery store & the ending . definitely the ending, i brand this movie on the ending . Definitely something memorable
I feel like the ending ruined the whole concept and reason for the show. It was about not losing hope or giving in to the crazy beliefs or fear and hate. The book ending was very different where the family didnt give into the fear or hate and decided to continue inspite of everything and they ended up living. This was just like "dont give into the fear or hate. JK ur ganna die anyway and everyone that was crazy and fearful got away scott free lol."
Oh man you had to remind me of early lockdown days. As a key worker I found banging pots and pans less helpful than if some bog roll had remained in the shops at the end of a shift.
17:15 I don’t think the impossibly tall creature caused the earth quake at 14 minutes. And I definitely think the tentacles from outer space which ate norm are a totally different monster. The quakes don’t match the sounds of the foot steps toward the end of the movie. If I am wrong and this was the intention of Darabont and the editors, then they totally dropped the ball on selling it.
I will always love this movie but damn the ending always makes me cry 😭 and seeing carol and Andrea from the walking dead in this movie is amazing 😊 Great book and movie thank you Stephen King 👑
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yeah all 4k discs are region free
4:10 re; unwilling to change your opinion/beliefs when presented with new information is amongst the most TERRIFYING things in existence !
It's a phycoligical disorder called confirmation bias. Think Trump's sycophants or the "woke" people. It's also a sign of low iq, intellectual ability. The main reason Democrats lose so often is because they tend to be more intelligent than Republicans. I'm not throwing shade , it's just a fact. The less intelligent one is the more likely they are to be convinced of their superior intelligence and their belief in their "truths" .Basically the stupider you are the more convinced you are that you're smart and RIGHT. STAGGERINGLY HORRIFIC !!!
This leads to fanavicism. The more intelligent you are the more likely you are to believe that you may be wrong. Ironic I know. The smarter a person is the less ego/pride one has tied up in the need to be right and the fear/anger towards anyone who possibly disagrees with them. It's about ego, fear, and control. Ironically they fulfill their own "prophecies" but don't realize that they're the evil that God warns them about.
That's why they ridicule the educated and the intellectual. They lack the faith to except the fact that they may be mistaken. They worship at the alter of FEAR. That's why they are all willing to start a civil war etc. They'd rather burn it all down than compromise. They've been radicalized by FOX "news" Trump and Alex, Ross etc. Just like those I fought against in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and the rest of my deployments. They don't have even the slightest idea of just how ABUNDANTLY BLESSED we are in the United States and our allies but especially here. They've been conditioned to believe that things are really bad and that ( THOSE/THEM ) are taking everything away from them !? Even our poorest are better off by FAR than 80% of the world. I've seen first hand that civil war, unlike in the 1860s, ONLY makes things worse.
In their fear they're actions will bring about the very things that they're afraid of.
Food shortage, enemies all around their family, total decline of the economy and Healthcare ALL social services, public schools and on and on. What they don't understand is that there's NOTHING to take it's place. There'd be no coming back. We'd be a 3rd world country overnight. It's the reason why social media algorithms and the American people have been undermined by a state sanctioned constant and ongoing military attack from Russia and China to destabilize the United States. Trump and his ilk are bought and paid for by the 1% rich corporations Russia and China. Sorry for the rant. It's just a heartbreaking issue . I fought and lost so very much and it may be for nothing. Neither "side" could ever "win" with 50% of the country on the other "side". In our civil war the South's entire population was a bit over 5 million..and only 30-ish % of those were on the confederate side. The union had close to 19 million people. The South also had around 500,000 slaves. Interesting fact - around 230,000 of those were not African. Many were European. I.E. Irish, Italian, Chinese, Scottish etc.
My point being that the war was only able to be concluded because the VAST majority were on one side. The tension and fallout still took over a hundred years to get past..and some we never have. Imagine how much worse it will be with a near equal split in the population !?
Anyway..thank you for this video.
To whomever this may concern. I hope you and those you care for are happy, healthy, and safe this new year.
Semper Fidelis
P.S I apologize for any words that are out of context or poor punctuation and misspellings. I lost my hand in Afghanistan so now I dictate rather than type and the program is NOT perfect 😂 I'm 30% certain that it assumes that due to my Italian Amarican heritage that I must have a speech impediment like Rocky 😂
It'd be AMAZINGLY AWESOME if you or someone would make a video in this format going over all of King's work and specifically the common thread of the black tower running through them all. Not necessarily a deep or even full explanation of each movie/book but just a focus on this one part of each. Does anyone know if this has been done and if so would you please let me know how to find it?
Thank you very much.
Huh...I always thought that King wrote the book of
In the mouth of madness and was surprised to find out 30 seconds ago that
It was actually
Lovecraft's novella, At the Mountains of Madness
I remember watching this movie with friends when it came out. We were absolutely floored about the ending, we couldnt believe it, some were crying in disbelief 😂, we were like 15 year old kids, Core memory right there
I got to pick out the movie from blockbuster(fk im old) friday night with my family. Everyone but me hated the ending. But I loved it. Also as a kid found it funny(like in a wtf type funny). Suffice to say I was not allowed to pick another movie. Good times@@heavyspoilers
... many decades ago when we're were young my mates and I got that from Harry and the Hendersons but in the opposite direction after we were done balling our eyes out by the fake out 😂
I had the audio book on cassette and we listened driving through the desert as kids.
LOVED trhis movie, on many occasions. It's so underrated. And I just love the ending (really bad ending, but filmed well) where he just cracks, and cant stop screaming at what just happened.
did you read the book? The ending of that is much bleaker.
Honestly if they'd have played it like that, they might have even been able to make a Straight to TV Sequel that might have not sucked.
Didnt read the book. But NOw that you tell me, I think I'll go buy it. It's a great story. A few good moral/ethics lessons in there too.
@@nocheckmarkgames The ending in the book was much better. It was much creepier.
The scene when they are trying to leave and the religious lady is holding the knife but puts her hands on her head.
She’s exposing her vital organs showing she has complete control over the situation and has zero fear of David’s group. Of course she didn’t think Ollie was going to step up. Ollie was the hero of this story. He was done dirty in the end. Epic ending!
I loved Olie but he represented the perfect right hand man to me. Jesus he never wanted to step up as a leader just always had the perfect assist and never knew what the right thing was unless his leader or someone else acknowledged that he was doing the right thing. I liked his end because it displayed that smile looking in the mist for acknowledgement and for someone to be proud that he did exactly what he was told.
Yeah, this approach is just about my favorite thing about this channel. You guys know and master your lane so well that you are not afraid to tackle older movies that have impacted you. In the same way, you fearlessly do different videos that consider different ideas about some of these same movies. Thank you for that. That is just so beyond cool!
He just waits until other channels do theirs, then he makes his "own."
So many actors from this ended up in TWD. Never realized that Frank Darabont directed this, so that makes so much sense.
I was looking so desperately for this comment
the pre-ending made me cry. The ending made me ugly cry for half an hour ! I was in shock and thought about it for days. Still give me goosebumps years later when I rewatch it.
I saw this in the theater and that ending had everyone shook.
*In the book* it’s sorta hinted that David has a sort of “Shine” to him cos he keeps predicting events that come to fruition.. wish he’d written more books in this world - or turned it into a series.
Most people in Stephen King's universe have the Shine, including the Losers' Club ~
Especially with how the original novel ending was. Left a ton of opportunity to write other stories about other characters and locations.
There was a Syfy Mist series but it was pretty bad from what I remember.
@@presage23yes it was terrible
I've read The Gunslinger/Dark Tower series twice. It dealt in part with the thinning of barriers between realities. The characters talk about how there are monsters between worlds which could break through (Lovecraftian, as mentioned in the video). Likewise, Pennywise was a Lovecraftian creature. Both of these posters are shown in David's studio.
Artists are shown to have insight into the future and other realities ("the Shine" from other works), which is part of why the MC is shown to have portrayed these other realities. Ofc, it's also a reference to King's other works.
King considered The Dark Tower to be central to his world building, the Tower itself being something that connected all worlds, and the creatures between worlds
Arrowhead opened the door to Lobster Beach. :)
I still remember the first time I read the Dark Tower series, the thinnies, the descriptions of going "todash", the monsters swarming the todash darkness wanting a way into one of the realities, and immediately and thunderously connecting this idea with the phenomenon of the Arrowhead Project in The Mist. I'm due a re-read of The Dark Tower, but the world of The Mist is moving on, a thinny formed that the military quickly surrounded with the Arrowhead Project, and their meddling cracked a hole into todash darkness through which monsters of the Prim, the primordial chaos void that receded when the creator deity created the world, spilled in. As a self-contained story, the tragic end of the movie makes more sense and King admitted he preferred it. But, as a connected story with the rest of the works that interact with the Dark Tower story, the book's bleaker ending of the mist continuing indefinitely makes more sense. Releasing the Prim accelerated the deterioration of that world such that it's now fully moved and lost to unreality.
One of the BEST King adaptations ever done. It's a shame that Darabont's treatment by Hollwood execs in the last few years has robbed us of more great films by him.
Also this movie along with Slient Hill are why I absolutely hate fog... I'll walk outside and see it, followed by an immediate "OH HELL NAH"
Same here! I've already walked out at night and seen it so foggy I couldn't see 30 ft out into my driveway yet heard something running around just outside in the fog, and I just turned right around and Noped it right back in the house!
I've also been camping up in Potter County, PA back in the late nineties when it was incredibly foggy one night and I heard all sorts of strange things out there in the darkness and the fog. Basically I stayed in my tent the entire freaking night hoping and praying that no Bears or other "creatures" would come out of the fog and try to attack me.
My little son sees it and says “It’s ghosty out, mamma”.
The ending left me broken. Hell, even King himself love the changed ending.
You would think with how often King k*lls kids in his books that he would've thought of this ending. lol
@@ThwipThwipBoom It was one of his first works. He probably hadn't discovered that part of himself yet.
@@ThwipThwipBoom just glad that in the books canon ending they get the whimsical ride off into the distance ending but I like this ending aswell..certainly didn’t see it coming
i was like 13-14 when i saw this and is apart of why i became such a film nerd even going to school for digital film and video production. I tricked so many friends to watch this with me just to see their gut get punched by that ending. it was worth it all the 50 times ive seen this movie for their reaction.
You are a serial mister 😂 you even keep count lol
I don't think there's any film I've seen that broke my heart at the end as much as this one. It's been years, and it still turns my stomach. Since seeing it, I've started a family of my own and wow... it's earth shattering.
The Irony of the end of The Mist,
made it memorable. I heard even though the book ended differently. Steven King himself said he enjoyed the movie ending very much. I suppose it turned it more into ‘a horror movie’
Both Shawshank and The Green became dramatic favorites. John Coffey’s death was so heartbreaking it unified millions or perhaps billions
Such a great movie that trys to show you how society can unravel very quickly in a unknown disaster. And one of the craziest WTF endings in a movie.
This movie is the kind that stays with you in a good but also an unpleasant way like "requiem for a dream", that's why i love it
Andre Braugher is in this too. RIP Captain Holt
I read somewhere that killing the son at the end was decided by Durabond or King as a response to the movie Cujo where the son lives at the end but died in the book.
I love this movie and the ending, but I hate them together.
Spot on!
Well said! Thats always been my feeling. The first and second act are legendary.
The book ends with them driving off into the mist. The changes in movie king loved and said he wished he thought of it (king knows he is bad with endings) I personally liked the ending it fits the theme of hope... They were hopeless in end giving up. That said they could've made it feel more hopeless to balance with the group delete and that's where I think most of the dislike for ending comes from that point. It didn't feel hopeless enough.
Short version: it's alright but could've been better with few changes
Thomas Jane's performance at the end was something that just sticks with you.
There are parts of the Bible that offer so much insight, even in a secular context. “Love thine enemy” is one of my favorites. Imagine if we could still show empathy to those that disagree with us on a fundamental level. It’s really hard work to get to that place mentally, but it would be worth trying. I think that concept really encapsulates what this movie is about: working together, even if that means working with your enemy.
This movie depicts parts of the Book of Revelation.
I'm not sure if that was really the point of the movie...
The fanatic for example, they tried to work with her and be rational but the only solution was extreme violence.
The point of my comment being that empathy is great and you need to work together BUT also some people can't and it might be harmful to try.
We can work together, but when we do there will always be a group to take advantage of it.
@@retsaMinnavoiG The fanatic Carmody was right about everything, even her most extreme and last demand to kill David's son is carried out by David himself. The mist fades after this happens.
@@EmmettMontanaro if I remember correctly, that was the only thing she was right about and we don't know if it was cause and effect.
What really added to the grim-dark ending is the beautifully haunting song _Host of the Seraphim_ by Dead Can Dance.
My wife and I saw the black and white version last year in the theater. It was so bad ass.
It’s the best version! Makes the kinda ‘meh’ CGI look crazy scary!
I'm so happy Paul did this video... its one of my favourite movies, ending and all😅
Now I have hope that we'll get Misery soon. Great work Paul, keep it up!
From a big Stephen King fan, The Mist was one of my favourite stories. Even better is that King preferred the film ending than his own ending which says a lot.
I didn't get to watch this till the movie made it to the syfy channel, I was 7 or 8 when it came on and my mom just sat there knowing how it ended and wanted to see my reaction... core memories were formed that day.
Love the movie but man that ending😢
I've been married for 13yrs caught my wife cheating on me 4months ago, now living alone & depressed 😔 It mite sound corny but this channel is like my bff 😮 I look forward to seeing new videos & it keeps me from thinking about my upcoming divorce. Love this channel ❤
Sorry to hear that man and glad you’re able to find some solace in the channel. Best of luck with it mate and hope it goes ok.
@@heavyspoilersThank u brother 👍🏾
@@johnmerced32Keep that chin up and embrace the things you enjoy! Shit happens, but life goes on. Glad this channel keeps you going.
I hope it all works out.
i glad you could have caught her cheating you could have mist ba zing
Been in the same boat man, it’s a rough path. Keep your head high up on them shoulders, you’re worth more than what’s been presented in front of you. I’m not big on saying this, but I believe it, things happen for a reason. We move on, leave that shit in the past, and make ourselves into the best version of ourselves that we possibly can.. good luck with your path brother, take care of yourself, you’re the only one that truly will.
The woman who braves the mist to get to her kids saves them. Her courage kept them all alive. David feared what would happen to himself & the people with him so he does what he does & the results were tragic. Seeing her & her children was an added twist of the knife in his heart when he realizes all the wrong decisions he'd made, including the one that sealed his son's fate. He basically did what Mrs. Karmody wanted to do. The end result was the same. As you said, why not wait until a monster attacks? Why not cling to life as long as possible, esp. after going through so much already? That the other adults in the car all consent to the plan is strange to me. They were ALL that afraid to wait when there was no immediate threat? The woman who saved her kids ALSO had to face the unknown but she didn't give up in the face of that fear. The contrast between fear & courage and demonstrating the bad decisions we make when motivated by fear is what that final scene was all about. If they had just held out for 5 more minutes they would have all been rescued.
I personally believe it was her love that kept her/them alive. The biker, for examples as brave...but as ultimately killed. She was scared, clearly, but went anyway, not compelled by bravery but by love, imo. That was, unbeknownst to her, her shield again, in my opinion.
Yes, but David loved his son, too. It wasn't a matter of loving or not loving, either. You aren't compelled by bravery. Courage is what you DO in the face of fear or pain, but it's not a motivator in itself. Something else,- love, duty, moral obligation, faith, etc.- is the motivator. So yes, she was motivated by love for her children. I'd forgotten about any biker. I'd have to see that scene to comment intelligently upon it. @@treybrannon4964
Something that bothers me about your position is that every day there are MILLIONS of parents who love their children deeply & have to watch them suffer. Children with terminal illnesses, in war zones, or those who have been traumatized by crime are just a few examples of a parent's helplessness against powerful forces beyond their control. All the love in the world can't save a child from every possible tragedy in life. @@treybrannon4964
I was always under the impression that the dimension that the military opened was the Wastelands from the third Dark Tower novel.
I think it's the todash space in-between the worlds.
I took it to mean the space between worlds as well. Dark Tower series mentions the thinning of those barriers, and always made sense to me that the military breaks through and allows monsters through
It's todash space
King's works are all supposed to be linked.
Stephen King doesn't write horror stories he writes book about human emotions using horror as a tool to portray them. This film is amazing and the end scarred me for life as I'd read the book before watching the film and wasn't expecting it to end differently to the book.
I saw this in theaters with my dad when I was 12 and god damn that ending had my little brain spinning.
If you can find it, I recommend everyone listen to the radio play of this story.
A whole cast, sound effects, everything.
It's also in 3D, it's a trip.
Get some good over the ear headphones, and try not to get hit by the truck....
Apparently yiu can find it on youtube. I cant attest to the 3D effects of the platform.
Big King fan.
I usually hate when they change his stories from the books.
But Kings endings aren’t his strong suit.
But this change, this ending, was absolutely amazing. Chef’s kiss.
How did it end in the book? Was it a happy ending? I don't mind having it spoiled, I'm curious
@@jonbourgoin182 it’s open ended.
They just drive into the mist. You don’t learn their fate.
I like more definitive endings.
the ending of the movie is truly an IRONIC, not a "bad ending" and also not a "good ending"...
somehow it feels so grounded and people can also relate to it...
He shows the last lines of the book in this video! They stop at a Howard Johnson's & are staying in the restaurant. There's a gas station outside, but being outside is so dangerous they decide to stay in place. They find a radio & David searches up & down the dial, hearing nothing but static. Then he thinks he hears 2 words: "Hartford." And "hope." That's the setting & those are the last words in the book. @@jonbourgoin182
They don't just drive off into the mist. When they get low on gas, they park in front of a Howard Johnson's restaurant & make it inside. See my other comment for the final lines of the book. It's still an uncertain ending, but one that leaves the possibility of survival, unlike the film's tragic ending. @@chadcognac5626
Really good analysis, great video - so happy you pointed out how truly amazing the acting for Mrs Carmody was, because I hated her so much more than many of the big bad classic villains in horror movies. Super well done.
She was great in the role,especially her facial expressions.
One of the most brutal endings... I still remember how it hit, when I first saw it.
Most brutal ending ive ever seen.
Also idk if anyone else has thought about this but Carmody sounds like comedy. It's like a reference to her actions being a dark farce.
She sure can get the crowd going.
There are also are two places called Carmody, both relatively close by where King usually ground his stories or world.
Haven’t seen this movie in years!!! Forgot all about it. What a great movie 🍿
The B&W version is the only way to watch this movie! Also loved Andre Braugher’s small part. RIP
Ive had a weird obsession with this movie! Love the way King builds his worlds,communities & the players within.
love that 3 of the actors ended up playing characters on 'the walking dead' together.
I saw a lot of parallels between The Mist & Midnight Mass as far as the psychological break downs of the characters under extreme stress & the dark side of religious leaders witin an insular group trapped in an incredible situation that they don't fully understand causing them to act out violently towards their neighbors out of fear & suspicion of anyone who didn't or wouldn't conform. Such a tragic ending. If they had worked together & waited, everyone probably would have survived 😢
I read all of older Stephen King books back in my jail days ( 😂 ). This was in Skelton Crew book, the 1st story. Also, Carole was the better actor of the Walking Dead though I couldn't watch it past season 7. This was a great movie.
"not too sentimental when it comes to his family" quick cut to the muffled gunshot....that got me
This was Brian Libby’s final movie, who played the biker and was also in Green Mile. Also, he didn’t mention that Thomas Jane acted in the 1922 SK adaption Back in 2017.
The Mist is my top favorite SK adaptations, but I still hate the final scenes of them giving up and the military just suddenly rolling in like they’re the good guys simply fixing the accident they caused in the first place. The book ending felt far more eerie with them just driving off into the mist.
I seriously loved this episode. There are SO many tie ins to other movies and Steven King references. Whoever the people are that watched this movie basically in slow motion are geniuses. So many of the references were merely seconds long. I just found this guy, and as a movie lover, these are great. The first one I watched was for The Village. You have a new subscriber!
Cheers Mr. Spoilers. That Mr Nyarlathotep sure is a cheeky one.
_Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!_
I remember going to see it the Friday it premiered with another big King fan. I was a little amazed it was empty. It was the ending. The reviews had spoiled it and rumors had made it more graphic. It was so well acted.
Underrated movie, but also a great book. Quick gripping read
For some reason im OBSSESSED with The Mist that it's my comfort movie xD Glad you did a breakdown !
The Mist is a very underrated movie and fantastic short story in Skeleton Crew, and although the endings differ slightly, both endings were very moving and impactful, and it left me with more questions than it actually answered, leaving me wanting me more..... Brilliant
Jones town was also a mass murder. Some people wanted out and were forced. Those audio tapes of the final day are heartbreaking.
It was a test, precursor to the $camdemic.
Watched it one time while baked.... all I needed was one time.
Love this so much! I love this film as well as The Stand(the OG 80's) love these deep dives so much!!!!!!
Thank you
The only thing holding this movie back from being a top 10 horror movie of all time is some of the special effects
The fact that the Lady with her kids survives the movie makes it totally unbelievable to me.
The first time I saw this movie , the ending shocked me . Never expected what happened . The second time I watched the ending brought a tear or two . Excellent movie.
This is my favorite short from King. I read it back when I was a kid in "Skeleton Crew". I remember when we saw it in the theater, and when we came out when it was over, the city was all foggy... Freaked out the kids. Haha
This movie it's so great, and many people have no idea of it existence. Great breakdown 👌
Been on a Frank Darabont binge after this breakdown. Watched the green mile last night and today just finished shawshank redemption. If you find the time you should down a quick breakdown of that movie and the meanings behind the messages simply because it’s such a good film. Thanks Paul
The cast of this film is amazing.
The ending was so painful. Really well done but it hurt.
I’m a big King reader…on the side since it’s not a movie but I’d check out Skeleton Crew (the Mist is the first story). It has another one called The Jaunt, which I think you’d enjoy.
There are so many good stories in Skeleton Crew, by far my favorite book. I wish they'd make a movie for Survivor Type.
@@wemustexploit11 totally agree. I’d actually love to see Mrs. Todd’s Shortcut.
I loved that they expanded/changed the ending. Read the book/story years before the movie was made.
And I love that picture of Roland Deschain (5:20). It's a shame Darabont didn't make a Dark Tower Trilogy or a series.
Carmody was not right about anything. Things coincidentally happened that she mentioned. You know, a broken clock is right twice a day. She was a great villain and well-deserved her two bullets.
Agreed....reading some of the comments from some here is like listening to.Jim Jones.....it's sad.
Loving all these detailed breakdowns Paul. So pleased your channel continues to evolve and you’ve not become one of those channels giving us a Wolverine vs Deadpool trailer daily updates
As a father of a young boy, the ending is so brutal.. more than when I watched it when I was 18 or so
Awesome job. I love this movie. Yeah, it stays with you forever.
I can watch this movie over and over again but cannot watch the ending,it brings me to tears 😭 every time.
When you think about it, Stepehen King just writes the same story over and over and over again. Just changes some names and whatever the "monster" is but they are all pretty much the same.
Wow, you did this review seven months ago. I just rewatch it.
This movie is A lesson a masterpiece and its effects well. Go on for decades.
I've always liked to assume that Mrs Carmody was right all along.. and as soon as they were gone, the Mist lifted. Saw this one in the theater first day and being a long time BIG King fan, I thought it was pretty good. Not great, but good. I think I had my expectations for it set too high.. but I DO love the ending, especially the scene with the Behemoth and the Film Score's "Call to the Seraphim" playing throughout. A solid adaptation, overall.
Sam Witwer looks like Phil Dunster from Ted Lasso!! I thought that was Jamie Tart until I googled it!!!😂❤❤
The end of this film is one of the hardest gut punches ever.
That movie was actually filmed around my hometown Blanchard by Caddo Lake in Louisiana! Specifically the lakefront scenes in the opening!
I don’t recall it being discussed as much among Shark Night and White House Down. Which were also using the areas for filming here in Shreveport.
Great movie however, it’s brutal, psychological, multidimensional, and very sad. It’s still much better than the Happening with Mark Wahlberg, that movie is just off putting.
A movie about a plot that cause people to become destructive like Kingsman is one line, but a movie about people “scientifically inciting suicide” is definitely a line crossed. The dialogue and characters are even poorly constructed compared to the residents in the Mist. Definitely a flop at minimum, terrible creation at worst.
The ending in the book is even worse!
After overcoming every obstacle to get home to his wife, whether people, monsters or giant craters in the road. They get home and there's a tree across the driveway in front of his house and dude gives up and decides they can't make it to his wife so they leave and head to another building where they camp out and it ends.
😅 🤷♂️ wtf
Most don't understand the ending. This was their only way out. The creatures they had seen throughout got larger and deadlier as time went on. The last one they see is the Behemoth. There is nothing to suggest the Nightmare is going to end. Hence the decision, and his sacrifice, to end it humanely for everyone else, waiting was a potentially worse fate. This is amplified by his despair when the military turns up, and the mist disappears. I would do the same.
20:43 This was kinda one of the more wholesome and optimistic moments in the movie compared to the slaughter and death in almost all the other parts.
This was a great breakdown i love this movie. Dreamcatcher was another GREAT Thomas Jane- Steven King movie
Absolutely LOVE Dreamcatcher!
Underrated for sure
Such a great horror movie. It makes you feel frustrated, hopeful , sad and mad. I adore this movie.
"[...] as long as the machines are working and you can dial 911 but you take those things away, you throw people in the dark. You scare the sh*t out of them. No more rules. You'll see how primitive they get!"
Eh, Carmody wasn't right any more than a stopped clock is when 2 o'clock rolls around. I award her zero points, and may God have mercy on her soul.
A simple "no" would've done just fine.
God i love this movie. I always love seeing the reaction of people experiencing the ending for the first time. I do kind of wish it had an end of the world ending. Those are my favorites
I personally like to consider the events of this film as a sort of side story involving regular people experiencing the fallout of the experiments that took place at the Black Mesa research facility from Half-Life.
I remember watching this movie when I was on tour, the ending was of course shocking. I couldn't help but think the film did a better job of tackling the times we were in back then than people realised.
lve seen this movie on cable briefly as a child , i didnt watch i was probably in & out . all i really could remember was the grocery store & the ending . definitely the ending, i brand this movie on the ending . Definitely something memorable
I really enjoy these breakdowns - u and MT keep it up!!!!😊
I feel like the ending ruined the whole concept and reason for the show. It was about not losing hope or giving in to the crazy beliefs or fear and hate. The book ending was very different where the family didnt give into the fear or hate and decided to continue inspite of everything and they ended up living. This was just like "dont give into the fear or hate. JK ur ganna die anyway and everyone that was crazy and fearful got away scott free lol."
Exactly 🎯
One of the best short stories by SK.
I love the " Heartless Behemoth" such a cool look and it always reminds me of KH
Could you do a classic breakdown on Last Action Hero please? That movie is criminally underrated in my opinion.
The wasp thing not stinging her is an excellent example as to why the "elites" do horrific things to people.
The lizard queen desires to sip on your spleen. Come to the arctic we are waiting.
Oh man you had to remind me of early lockdown days. As a key worker I found banging pots and pans less helpful than if some bog roll had remained in the shops at the end of a shift.
One of king's Best shirt stories, my favorite story and movie if Kings, can't forget story nor movie Awesome!
I really enjoy your breakdowns, dude 👏
Not watched this film in a long time, but that ending was such a gut punch. Really want to watch the black and white director's cut now
The ending of this movie is one that has always stuck with me, it's just so chilling.
Yeah everytime I see fog I think about the ending lol
10 months late but damn what a breakdown one of your best.So many Easter eggs.
17:15 I don’t think the impossibly tall creature caused the earth quake at 14 minutes. And I definitely think the tentacles from outer space which ate norm are a totally different monster. The quakes don’t match the sounds of the foot steps toward the end of the movie. If I am wrong and this was the intention of Darabont and the editors, then they totally dropped the ball on selling it.
I will always love this movie but damn the ending always makes me cry 😭 and seeing carol and Andrea from the walking dead in this movie is amazing 😊
Great book and movie thank you Stephen King 👑
Thomas Jane is an underrated actor