You can ignore those guys with bad comments because they don't know the fact or the cost of living in USA. I have been here in US for 44 years, and I haven't gone back to Cambodia. In addition, I am a professional software engineer for 37 yrs with MS degree. The average cost of your utility bills (water, electricity/gas) were correct. I understood you perfectly because you did the estimate cost per month. The cost of utilities are dependent on the size of family and home, location, and weather. For example, I paid average $300/month for electricity/gas. I am in Northern California.
Be proud of your accomplishment young man. Dogs always baking; some human made "noise" with their mouth but mistakenly believed as human language. Please, no need to get upset or apologize, telling the reality is a quality of a human being. Love your way of life!
You are one hundred percent right people live in Cambodia they don't understand the situation we're in if you try to explain all day they still don't get it I support you brother good luck π
There are a few reasons for not visiting Cambodia as some of my friends who cane to the US since 1980, they don't have any relatives or family members who live there. For me, I like to visit my only sister who still lives in Khmer. Sharing is caring!
Tremendously amazing speech and I respect you understand that you are amazing and thanks you Khmer love Khmer kingdom of wonder achekryak πΊπππππ₯Άπ₯ΆππΎπ₯π²πππ΄πππ₯¦π₯ππ₯π½ππ₯°
I used to live in MA, owned 3 fam house in Lowell too. Itβs true live in MA is expensive. Iβve been living here over 35 years now, has chance to visit Cambodia 3 times. What youβve said true. No offense to people or family in Cambodia, I leaned my lesson the 1st I was there they really rob me lol like really I donβt have experience not just that some called my family in USA said am mean when I refused not to give. So yeah, never enough and every time we go to Cambodia mostly budget?? We go there for vacation not to take all the pain from them !! Anyway, nice videos oun bros!!
Everyone is over thinking of everything- remember this, you are going to Srok Khmer for vacation. You are not going there for humanitarian works. There is no need to pack a thousand boxes of stuffs for your vacation. There are so many reasons why each one of us cannot go to Srok Khmer for vacation. 1. It may be lack of fund but it is not always the causes, 2. Lack of time, which due to busy work schedules, busy with kids, busy with pets, etc., 3. Scare to fly, 4. Afraid of the unknown, 5. Still has bad memories of Khmer Rouge, and many other reasons. If you can go to Srok Khmer for vacation, enjoy your time there and don't over think about everything. Whenever I'm in Philippines, Thai, Srok Khmer, etc., I'm there to enjoy the foods, drinks, sceneries, cultures, people, etc. and isolate myself from works, news, politics, social media, etc... π
I donβt think itβs about money. Most Cambodian in the US, have PTSD from Khmer Rouge killings. Some of us gets Rip off by Khmer peoples in Cambodia. Families members in Cambodia only cares about money. Elders live in the US have their monthly incomes, theyβre not struggling as suggested. If youβre not lazy, there are so money jobs to make extra money.
Another I would like to address. Some of us Khmer-American purchase land with families and friends in Cambodia. Thereβre animosity towards Khmer peoples who took the land and sales them.
Please ignore all the bad comments. You donβt have to explain yourself. Ignorant people will not understand. Always wishing your family the best!ππ» Please post more cooking and outdoor videos.
Sorry, I donβt write or read Khmer. I donβt understand why Khmer folks are critical of each other. I have not watched all of your videos, but I think you have done well for yourself and your family. Bravo π As for me, I am almost 60 years old and my husband is almost 70 years old. I have not been back to my birth country, nor do I want to bring my husband and son there. My 21-year-old son can speak and understand Khmer. He knows and appreciates Khmer history, but I am sad to say that I do not want to travel back to my homeland. We are well traveled in the USA and other parts of the world. We just got back from a month in New Zealand. Maybe, according to that guy who is critical of you, we are too poor to travel to Cambodia. π
You are right about the USA ,WE MAKE a lot of money but the expense every month is a lot also. The family in Cambodia and Vietnam donβt know the cost of living in the USA is very expensive.we went to visit my in law in Vietnam l told my mother in law that USA is very expensive to live and money doesnβt grow on tree but she didnβt believe me. The neighbor son said heβs very rich in the USA, which was a lie he only make 1500 dollars a month because we him so lies to make himself look rich. βSADβ. Those people and families donβt understand and care, all they want is money. I have lived in the USA for 43 years and have not been back to Cambodia.
You can ignore those guys with bad comments because they don't know the fact or the cost of living in USA. I have been here in US for 44 years, and I haven't gone back to Cambodia. In addition, I am a professional software engineer for 37 yrs with MS degree. The average cost of your utility bills (water, electricity/gas) were correct. I understood you perfectly because you did the estimate cost per month. The cost of utilities are dependent on the size of family and home, location, and weather. For example, I paid average $300/month for electricity/gas. I am in Northern California.
Thank you so much.
αα»αααααα½ααα»ααα½ααα ααα·αααααααα»αα’αααααΆααα’ααααααΆα’αΆα αααααα·αααααααα»αα ααααααααααααααΆα ααΆαααΆαααΆαααααΎαα»αααΆαααα’ααααΆααααΎαααααααΆαααααααααααΆαααααααΎααααΆαααα αααα»ααααααααα»ααα½ααααα’ααα£α α αα»ααααΆααααααα ααααΆα αααααααααΎα’αααααααΎαααΆαα αααΆααααααααα»ααα ααΎααΆαααααααΎααααΆαααα αααα»ααααααα½ααααα’αααα·αααΈαααΆαααα»ααααΆααααα·αααΉαα’αααααααααααααΆαααΆααααα? π
Be proud of your accomplishment young man. Dogs always baking; some human made "noise" with their mouth but mistakenly believed as human language. Please, no need to get upset or apologize, telling the reality is a quality of a human being. Love your way of life!
Thank you so much.
α’αα»ααααααΆααααΆαα αααααααα
I would live in luxury if I pay $100 for water. Thanks for explaining the way of life here in the state.
@@vyp1053 Thanks for watching and welcome to my channel.
No need explanation! Yes youβre right we make more we spend more here in the USA. Every words is trueπ
Thank you so much.
Youβre on point! Thank you brotherπ
I appreciate that!
You are one hundred percent right people live in Cambodia they don't understand the situation we're in if you try to explain all day they still don't get it I support you brother good luck π
Thank you so much.
Thoughtfulness great explanation Iβm enjoying it thanks
Thank you so much.
EXPLAINED VERY WELL πSupported 100%π₯°
Thank you so much.
There are a few reasons for not visiting Cambodia as some of my friends who cane to the US since 1980, they don't have any relatives or family members who live there. For me, I like to visit my only sister who still lives in Khmer. Sharing is caring!
Thank you for sharing the comment.
Tremendously amazing speech and I respect you understand that you are amazing and thanks you Khmer love Khmer kingdom of wonder achekryak πΊπππππ₯Άπ₯ΆππΎπ₯π²πππ΄πππ₯¦π₯ππ₯π½ππ₯°
Thank you so much.
αα½ααααΈααΆαβ α’ααα»ααααααΆαααααβααΆααΈααα’αΌααααα
ααααΎαααα ααΆααα αα αα
αααΈααΆαααααα’αΌαααααααΈαβ ααΆααΆαααα»αβ 10β αα β 12ααααΆαα αααΈα’ααααΆαααβ ααΊααΆαααααΆαααααααααααααααΆαα ααΈαα ααΆαα ααααΈαβ αα·αααβ α«αβ αα·αα·αααααΆαα’αα·ααΆαα ααααΈαα α’ααα»ααααααΆαααααααΆααΈααα’αΌααααα
Thank you so much β€
You're welcome π
αααααα1ααα αααΆα$6000 αα·αααΆαααα·αα αααΆαααΎαααααα·αα αΌααααα αα
I used to live in MA, owned 3 fam house in Lowell too. Itβs true live in MA is expensive. Iβve been living here over 35 years now, has chance to visit Cambodia 3 times. What youβve said true. No offense to people or family in Cambodia, I leaned my lesson the 1st I was there they really rob me lol like really I donβt have experience not just that some called my family in USA said am mean when I refused not to give.
So yeah, never enough and every time we go to Cambodia mostly budget?? We go there for vacation not to take all the pain from them !! Anyway, nice videos oun bros!!
Thanks for watching like π comment and subscribe.
α‘αΌαααΆααααΆαααα’αααααΆ α’ααααααα»αααααα α’αααα»ααααααα ααααααα»α β’β’β’ααααΆααα»αα αΆαααα ααΆααααααα ααααα’αααααΆα α¬α’αααααααΌαααΈ αα αααα αα·ααα·ααΆα ααΈα’αααααααΎααΆααα·αααΆαααΎα ααααΌαααααα α’ααααααα ααα. ααΆααΎα. α αΆαααααα ααΆααα β’β’β’
αααα½ααα·ααΆαααααΌα αα·αααΆα’αααααΆααααααα. α’ααααα½αααααααααα α αααΆα ααΆααααααΎαα αααΌα ααΎαα·αα αααααααααα ααα ααααΆααα»αααααα
α’ααααα ααΆαα αΆααα αα·αα ααααΉα ααΆαααΎα α‘ααΈαα·α αααααα·αααααα ααααααα ααααΆα
αααααα αΆαα ααΊα αΆααα αα·ααα αΌαα αΆα α αα½αααααΎα αααΈααΉα β’β’β’αα α
Everyone is over thinking of everything- remember this, you are going to Srok Khmer for vacation. You are not going there for humanitarian works. There is no need to pack a thousand boxes of stuffs for your vacation. There are so many reasons why each one of us cannot go to Srok Khmer for vacation. 1. It may be lack of fund but it is not always the causes, 2. Lack of time, which due to busy work schedules, busy with kids, busy with pets, etc., 3. Scare to fly, 4. Afraid of the unknown, 5. Still has bad memories of Khmer Rouge, and many other reasons. If you can go to Srok Khmer for vacation, enjoy your time there and don't over think about everything. Whenever I'm in Philippines, Thai, Srok Khmer, etc., I'm there to enjoy the foods, drinks, sceneries, cultures, people, etc. and isolate myself from works, news, politics, social media, etc... π
Thanks for sharing your comment.
I donβt think itβs about money. Most Cambodian in the US, have PTSD from Khmer Rouge killings. Some of us gets Rip off by Khmer peoples in Cambodia. Families members in Cambodia only cares about money.
Elders live in the US have their monthly incomes, theyβre not struggling as suggested.
If youβre not lazy, there are so money jobs to make extra money.
Another I would like to address. Some of us Khmer-American purchase land with families and friends in Cambodia. Thereβre animosity towards Khmer peoples who took the land and sales them.
Thank you for the comment.
You're right young man I spent 3,500 dollars a month, I like the way you said πππ
Thank you so much.
You .are.good.talking.πππππ
Thank you so much.
Please ignore all the bad comments. You donβt have to explain yourself. Ignorant people will not understand. Always wishing your family the best!ππ»
Please post more cooking and outdoor videos.
Thank you so much.
I like the way you talk is itβs true I supposed you π
Thank you so much.
Sorry, I donβt write or read Khmer. I donβt understand why Khmer folks are critical of each other. I have not watched all of your videos, but I think you have done well for yourself and your family. Bravo π
As for me, I am almost 60 years old and my husband is almost 70 years old. I have not been back to my birth country, nor do I want to bring my husband and son there. My 21-year-old son can speak and understand Khmer. He knows and appreciates Khmer history, but I am sad to say that I do not want to travel back to my homeland. We are well traveled in the USA and other parts of the world. We just got back from a month in New Zealand.
Maybe, according to that guy who is critical of you, we are too poor to travel to Cambodia. π
Thanks for sharing your experience.
@@KhmerUSA999 Congratulations on your the purchase of your new home! πΎ
Good luck β€
Thank you so much.
Understand to much bill in USA πΊπΈ want to go Cambodia π°π so much π₯²π₯²π₯²π₯²π₯²π₯²π₯²π₯²but canβt π₯²π₯²π₯²π₯²π₯²π₯²π₯²
Thank you so much for watching.
Thank you.
ααΏαααααααααα αααα ααααααα»ααααααααααΆααααααααΎααΆαααΈαα’αΆαα·αααααΎαα’αΆα αα ααααααα»ααααααααΆαααΈααα±ααααααΎααα·ααααααα αααα»αααα
Only people lived in Usa πΊπΈ will Understand what expenses etcβ¦we r going through dailys!ππ½ππ½ππ½π¬π₯Άπ¬πππ
Thank you for the comment.
ααΎαα½ααααα»ααα·α ααΎαα·αααααααααααΎααααααα ααααΎαααΆαα»αΈααααααΆαα α€α α αα α₯α α αα»ααααΆα αααα»ααα½ααα ααΎααΉααα·αα‘α₯α αα α’α α αα»ααααΆααααα»ααα½ααα α
You are right about the USA ,WE MAKE a lot of money but the expense every month is a lot also. The family in Cambodia and Vietnam donβt know the cost of living in the USA is very expensive.we went to visit my in law in Vietnam l told my mother in law that USA is very expensive to live and money doesnβt grow on tree but she didnβt believe me. The neighbor son said heβs very rich in the USA, which was a lie he only make 1500 dollars a month because we him so lies to make himself look rich. βSADβ. Those people and families donβt understand and care, all they want is money. I have lived in the USA for 43 years and have not been back to Cambodia.
Thank you so much.
Just ignore those negative comments.
Thank you so much.
α α·αααα»αααΈααααααΌααααααααΎαα§α α α’αΊααΌααααααααααΆααα’αα.....αα»ααααααααΉαααα»ααααα·αααααααα½α
αα ααααααα·ααΆαααΆαααα’......
αααα·ααΆαααααΌαααΎαααΆαα αααΎααααααααα αααΆααα αα·αα αααΎαααα
αααα»ααα α’αΆαααα·αααΆααααα·αααααΆαα αΎα αααα·αααα αα ααα
ααΎα αΉααα αααα»ααααααααα’ααΆα
α’αααα»ααααααααααα»α αα
αα»αα αΆααα·αα’ααα
αααα»αααΆαααα’αΌααα α’αΆαααα·ααααααΆααα’αΆα ααααΆααα½ααα10 000$ ααααΆαααα α§ααααΆαααΎαααΆααααααα»ααααα
αα·ααααα ααααααααΎααΆαααΆααα»αα αααΎααα αΉααααααααααΆαα
α’ααα»ααααα½αααααα·ααΆαααΆααα·α ααΈααΈαααΆα α’ααααα α’αΆαααα·α
αα·αααΆαα αααα»αααΆαα αα»αααααΆαααΆ ααα»ααααα»ααααααΆ. ααααααΆααααααΆ αααααΈ ααΎαα αΆα ααΌααΆαα ααααΆαααΆααα ααααΌααα»α αααααα·αα αααα ααααααα ααααα αΆααα·αααΉα ααΆαααΆαααααΆαααααα·αα αααΎααα αααα·αααΆαα¬ ααααα αα½αααΉααααα·αα ααααααα ααΎαααα ααααΎαααααα’αΌα αα·ααα ααα. ααααα
αα»α α αΆα‘αΎααααααΆ α’αααα’αΆαααα·α α ααααααα. ααααΈαααααααααΆααα’αααα»α
α’ααα αααα’αΆαααα·α ααΆαα αααΎα ααΈα’α α¬ α£α ααααΆααα»α ααΆαααα ααααΎααα»α αααΆααααα αα·α ααΆαααα»αααααα ααααααΆααααΆααααααα αααα½ααααα
α₯α‘αΌα ααΈαααα αααααΈααΆαααΆα ααα α’αααα’αΆαααα·α
α’αααα»αααΆααααααΆ αα·αα·αααααΆααα ααΆα αΉα ααα ααΎααααααΎαααααΆαα α α αααΌαααΆααΆααΆαααΆαααΆααααααααα»ααα·αααααα
Not very good you're said like that because they don't like to go the past make us very bad story
Thank you for watching.
αααα»αααΆαα·ααααα αααααα»ααα αααα·αααΆααα ααααααααααα
ααΆααα·α αα α αααΎαααα
ααα’αΌααα·ααΆαααααΌααααα»αα’α¦ααααΆαα αΎααα·αααΆααα αααααα
αα·ααααα’αααα»ααα ααααααα»ααααααααααααΆαααααααα»ααααααααααΆαα’αΈα’ααα αΆααααα ααΎαααααααααααααααααα·αααα’ααΆα
ααααΌαα αΎα αααααααα·αα’αααα»ααα ααααΆααααΆαα’αΈ α’ααα αΆααα αααα αααα αα αααααααααααααα’ααΆα
ααααααααααΆα’αααα»ααα ααα ααα α αααΌααα·α α αααΆαα αααΎα
αααα»ααααααΈα’αΆαααααααααααααα αααα»ααααα ααΌα ααααΆααααααααααα»αααααΆαααα ααααα αααα»αααααΈαααΈααααααα