He´s great. He lives in the same town as I. And he is Jehovas witnesses, did you know that? It was funny, because you know, Jehovas witnesses go around knocking doors, and one day he came to our neighbours. The little girl opened the door and went to tell her mother that somebody from "rederiet" is outside the door :)
Jussi bad,NO WAY he was not as bad as Viggo,now that was a nasty fdude,atleast Jussi had some kind of moral,in a way I mean there was stuff he would never do,nuclear smuggeling,weponds smuggeling,ect yes but that can`t compare to what Viggo did to Kåkå and Irna
Jussi is one of the coolest bad guys in the series :D
Den här delen var helt kung, tre av de bästa Rederiet-skurkarna på en gång. =D
jussi e söt ju :)
"Nej, jag skulle bara..."
He´s great. He lives in the same town as I. And he is Jehovas witnesses, did you know that? It was funny, because you know, Jehovas witnesses go around knocking doors, and one day he came to our neighbours. The little girl opened the door and went to tell her mother that somebody from "rederiet" is outside the door :)
Hehhe when I was watching this with mum she got scared of Jussi*l*he dident scare me:P in realaty he was a softy:P
Haha nå har jeg hørt det også xD
Jussi bad,NO WAY he was not as bad as Viggo,now that was a nasty fdude,atleast Jussi had some kind of moral,in a way I mean there was stuff he would never do,nuclear smuggeling,weponds smuggeling,ect yes but that can`t compare to what Viggo did to Kåkå and Irna
Haha (I hate Irna. She was so silly -.-)
I had forgot Viggo for a while, but you have right. And I like Björn Lindman to ^^
Vad hende med Jussi foresten sidan han inte var sidan sesong 5
Tror han blev skoten også forsvann han.
Laurelido var vel meir spennande når det var Viggo vs Jussi nå det var kamphaner
Jussi is bad...