건강 health 健康, 행복 happiness 幸福, 사랑 love 愛, 부자 rich person = wealthy person 富者, 성공 success 成功, 행운 good luck 幸運, 인복 being blessed with helpful people 人福, 운수대통 I'm getting always super great good luck 運數大通, 무량대수사형통 Everything that is countless and infinite is done well 無量大數事亨通, 만사형통 Everything goes well 萬事亨通, 소원성취 My wish came true 所願成就, 긍정적인 생각 肯定的 思想, positive thinking = positive mind = positive heart = positive feeling, 노력 effort 努力, 정직 Honesty 正直, 성실 faithfulness sincerity 誠實, 근면 diligence 勤勉, 겸손 Modesty 謙遜, 배려 Consideration 配慮, 자원봉사 volunteer work 自願奉仕, 기부 Donation 寄附, 사회에 공헌 Society public contribution 社會 公共 貢獻, 훌륭한 인성 excellent personality 秀峻 人城, 가정교육 밥상머리교육의 중요성 The Importance of Home Education Dining table Education 家庭敎育 重要性
건강 health 健康, 행복 happiness 幸福, 사랑 love 愛, 부자 rich person = wealthy person 富者, 성공 success 成功, 행운 good luck 幸運, 인복 being blessed with helpful people 人福, 운수대통 I'm getting always super great good luck 運數大通, 무량대수사형통 Everything that is countless and infinite is done well 無量大數事亨通, 만사형통 Everything goes well 萬事亨通, 소원성취 My wish came true 所願成就, 긍정적인 생각 肯定的 思想, positive thinking = positive mind = positive heart = positive feeling, 노력 effort 努力, 정직 Honesty 正直, 성실 faithfulness sincerity 誠實, 근면 diligence 勤勉, 겸손 Modesty 謙遜, 배려 Consideration 配慮, 자원봉사 volunteer work 自願奉仕, 기부 Donation 寄附, 사회에 공헌 Society public contribution 社會 公共 貢獻, 훌륭한 인성 excellent personality 秀峻 人城, 가정교육 밥상머리교육의 중요성 The Importance of Home Education Dining table Education 家庭敎育 重要性