Well thats a Society finch you heard sing...There alot calmer than the Zebra finches. The white one I have is a female Zebra. If u want a bird to sing get a Male and a female Zebra. The Male finches sing. especially if there is a female in the cage :) Zebra finches are more active and breed alot easier than Society finches. And there easy to take care of and cheap..Zebra finches make a cute beeping sound than a high chirp. any more questions let me know
Yes I do....They chirp and sing alot, I guess that means there happy!!!
i only have two left... i have a yellow canary now
i hope you'll enjoy him & maybe post a video of him singing.
Depends on how they learned to sing. Sometimes if there around other species they pick up different songs..
I don't have finches any more. I kinda miss the song.
yea. i will.. i just got him... he hasnt sang yet.... I have to be patient
Thats soo cute:)
:D hahaha it makes my finches sing.
thank u!
Well thats a Society finch you heard sing...There alot calmer than the Zebra finches. The white one I have is a female Zebra. If u want a bird to sing get a Male and a female Zebra. The Male finches sing. especially if there is a female in the cage :) Zebra finches are more active and breed alot easier than Society finches. And there easy to take care of and cheap..Zebra finches make a cute beeping sound than a high chirp. any more questions let me know
the society finch is male. i dont have either anymore
Thanks alot.. What kind of finches do u have??
Pied fawned colored ?
Well a female will just make that beeping sounds and chirps and wont sing. Males also tend to have a redder beak and females a more orange beak.
Did the ever breed?
yes the white one is female
@rafad1269 ..... no they never did.. He tried mating once it was funny
@tribulation138 lmfaooo ohh thee eggs dontt hatch? :/
it could be a female. Look at the beak