That is not the main issue. The main issue is: who is behind all of this? Who funds them? Stop being emotional about a typical geopolitical game. We know who will benefit when this all ends. Only a bunch of dumbos will be angry at the wrong things.
When they want to defend the rights of Uyghur Turks under China's dictate and tyranny, they do not become terrorists. They want to remove the terror in their heads from the region.
That's why I like western media when these fighters are fighting in their interest they said they are freedom fighters and when they attack them they said they are terriost wow
The best thing is that they are not fighting for any of the western interests at all. Its just another case of western mainstream medias' poor judgement and stupidity. -'Wow they say they fight for freedom! Yay these are good guys...right....RIGHT?'
Syria didn’t have them before, but now they’re there, thanks to Erdogan and his fight against the Kurds. He’s using them strategically, even going as far as placing them in Kurdish cities to alter the region's demographics
For a better understanding: Go look for a group called "Hui". an ethnic population of Chinese Muslims. Most people don't know anything about them because that would go against western narration on Muslim situation in china
The 37 million Uyghurs have every right to their own country. The Uyghurs have a long and rich history of state institutions, of their own countries, of imperial traditions. So, yes, they have every right to their own country. They want to be free, just as China wanted to be free from Japan less than a century ago. And no, china were & is wrong.
@@HaveRightTobeanonimus Why stop there? Let's free Native Americans from Canada and the USA, free California, Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico from the USA, free Hawaii, free the Virgin Islands, free the Marshall Islands. These people have the right to secede as well. Also, free the Confederate states from the Union states; they were unjustly crushed by Lincoln in the Civil War
The same with Kurds, they talk about being persecuted by Turkey but they are the biggest cucks for Israel. They always got the nations by the balls by dangling independence in front of them.
Once a wheat exporter, Syria now finds 55% of its population facing food insecurity. The US is undeniably responsible for this. The US says it's there to fight terrorism, but in reality it's there to plunder.
And Turkey aint a joke for NATO, having biggest army (3rd-4th place) after USA, and other countries and they do have extended experiences on middle east, so Turkey can make a support in terms of equipment and maybe humans too? just curious though
Çinin ne yaptığının farkında mısınız? Güçlü uluslar insanları soykırıma uğratınca terbiye edici, zayıf uluslar kendini savununca terörist oluyor. Bir gün sizin bu masalsı dünyanız yıkılacak.
China, was a big very big Assad supporter, they have lots invested in Syria. These Rebel groups will simply be removing Chinese influence from Syria, that's all. Syria, was part of China's plan for power projection, and though they aren't in Syria with military forces, they are very much there.
_"..the third reason we're there is because there are 20 million Uyghurs and if the CIA has to mount an operation using those Uyghurs as Erdogan has done in Turkey against Assad there are twenty thousand of them in Italy and Syria right now. Well, the CIA would want to destabilize China and that would be the best way to do it. To full men unrest and to join with those Uyghurs in pushing the Han Chinese and Beijing from internal places rather than external."_ *- Lawrence Wilkerson retired United States Army Colonel and former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell delivers the first speech at the Ron Paul Institute Media & War Conference in Washington 2018*
Because it is... anyone who studies the history of these media groups knows exactly who they are. They're not news organizations. They've shown their true selves again and again.
the sickness coming from american "journalism" instead of reporting the facts, american hacks spin a story for their lobbyist funders...their approach is infesting UK media...we need to complain to ofcom, and let ofcom crack down of them
Yes, and I remember the afghan mujahadeen helped Rambo and James Bond in movies, so I am sure these guys will turn up in a movie helping tom cruise or some other nonsense too
Well, the British Government condones these groups, just look at this video, it is promoting TIP, they are a terrorist organization, so the Britsh should welcome these people into their bosoms so that they can experience what Syrians did, some people might just lose their heads because of this.
They were promised that after fighting in Syria they would be able to return to "liberate" their homeland. But in reality it was like Lenny being promised rabbits on his farm in Of Mice and Men. These guys would make prime cannon fodder.
Israel is occupying Syrian land and now after fall of Assad captured 30% of Syrian water supply, these fighters don't seem to be worried about it, I wonder why 🤔
الصين لم تقضي عليهم بل شردتهم إلى دولنا وكانوا سابقآ يقاتلون مع داااعش بالعراق ويدخلون من تركيا وسوريا والحمد لله قاتلناهم بالعراق والبقية رجعوا إلى سوريا ولا زالوا هناك .
@MahmudHasanAbir-yh7wiunlike Syria China is the 3rd strongest military in the world with over 200bn per year in military spending and a standing army of over 1.5million active troops. Icl it’s looking like a long day
@@ziyangfeng-q8h Doesn't matter what their ancestors were. What matters is who is native to the place. I didn't know that the Chinese ruled the region before the Uyghurs arrived there. I'll look into this one.
@@Rägarded EVERYONE suspects the media of mal-intent. It's a propaganda machine. Some selective reporting and FOCUS on certain issues. Anyways I do hope the militias fight China even though they'll lose.
They're funded by Israel/USA. Since the rebellions took over, Israel had been indexing Syria & destroying their fighter jets but these rebellions choose to fight China in Xinjiang instead defend Syria.????
They are funded by US/Israel. Since the rebellions took over, Israel had been indexing Syria & destroying their fighter jets but these rebellions choose to fight China in Xinjiang instead defend Syria.????
Not everyone is crying about isreal. Theres muslims living happily in isreal. Its pretty obvious why they hate china more their people are literally oppressed and in camps
@@axdf1245 , I'm not a supporter of Usa, But sure usa will support these groups,And create chaos in China, Usa will also deploys it's navy and carriers near Taiwan ,,To create war like situation, Indian will also deploy it's soldier near china border,Where china is doing illegal construction, India will create buffer zone between a Indian and China, Many small Countries' who are against China will also get freedom, USA will sure see all these things, China is challenging Usa
China realized the risk immediately and curbed these people out of their country. Clearly their reason for "oppressing" the Uyghurs was more nuanced than what western propaganda networks tell the people
PLA will desert in mass when fighting begin. Paper tiger is no match to battle hardened Uyghurs. Remember CCP's border dispute with India? The CCP commander 'captain' was the first to run away. Just look at those CCP mercenaries in Ukraine, they are worse than Russian regular armies.
What are Uyghurs doing in Syria? The narrative was supposed to be that native Syrian rebels are fighting against the oppressive Assad Regime and not that mercenaries shipped from distant lands are doing it.
@@JacekNasiadek Uyghur's are a Turkic people, who make up about one in twenty Syrians. Considering the friendliness between Assad and the CCP, I'd assume fighting for fellow Muslim Turkic independence would appeal to them, just like the Kurds have been.
What are Westerners doing in Ukraine? The narrative was supposed to be that native Ukrainians are fighting against Putins Invaders and not that merceneries shipped from distant lands are doing it...
@@MemekingJag The video description specifically states they come from China: “Now here in Syria, in all the cities here, we fight for Allah, and we will continue to do this in our Urumchi, Aqsu and Kashgar in the future,” said one masked man, listing cities in China’s Xinjiang region, from where the Uyghurs hail. “We will chase the Chinese infidels away.”
There's a difference between overthrowing a dictator barely holding on to a country that's already falling apart and fighting against one of the biggest countries in the world on their home turf, especially if they wont even receive support from the new Syrian govt.
Ridiculous, isn't it? And consider how deep is the pocket of the CCP, it's just so easy for them to infiltrate these people by bribing them. I wouldn't be shocked if they have already infiltrated them.
Ofc do u think people who fight for their religion and land and belives like arab the same as Chinese military they fight for money and president for God sake
Well, We can sit back and eat popcorn while we take advantage and mobilize around the Pacific. If TIP fights like other Muslim groups, China's gonna have their hands full for a while... numbers notwithstanding. They can't afford that conflict when they have the Free World to worry about.
If the PLA can be as ruthless as the US military in the Middle East, they will exterminate the Uighurs. Don't doubt the fighting capacity of China people. In fact, the Chinese have been fighting in Xinjiang for two thousand years.
They have been rebelling in Xinjiang since 1949, the PLA couldn’t stop them so they made camps around 2019 for them. They have been a problem for them for over 70 years.
@@mc6372 is that why the US is preparing to fight them? If they're so weak what's the point in preparing and spending 20 million for "jungle training" in hawaii
Che los chinos se creen poderosos pero no han tenido realmente conflictos importantes desde que perdieron contra los vietnamitas. La guerra sino vietnamita del 79 los chinos perdieron cerca de 700000 soldados contra los vietnamitas que tenían menos incluso de la mitad. Ni siquiera eran soldados vietnamitas regulares eran simplemente milicias bien organizadas que con ametralladoras y armamento moderno pudieron acabar con los chinos así que los chinos No saben realmente cómo es un conflicto a ese nivel en una gran magnitud Los chinos No son necesariamente poderosos tienen armamentos que imitan lo que hacen los occidentales pero el conocimiento occidental es más efectivo y más directo. Tal vez china reciba las mejores cosas por parte de los rusos Pero eso no quiere decir que los chinos sean necesariamente buenos así que su prueba de fuego viene ahora y Con decirte que el hecho de que los uigures tiene más conocimiento por Las guerras que han librado en Oriente medio es suficiente para darte a entender que su estrategia también va a ser muy diferente y más moderna que la que tengan los chinos. sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que esas regiones del oeste chino son extremadamente necesarias para la producción industrial así que si hacen ataques a gran escala contra la producción industrial china será un golpe directo en su economía y en su corazón. Y si logran mover el movimiento independentista hacia el Tíbet y hacia la frontera Qué tienen con birmania tendrán acceso a un gran mercado de armamentos y otros recursos por parte de los estados narcotraficantes que operan ahí. Es como una especie de cordón estratégico que podría hacerle demasiado daño a China. Además teniendo en cuenta de que birmania y Tailandia tienen conflictos con china podrían encontrar también milicias que puedan unirse en su apoyo y así hacer una guerra largo plazo bastante costosa y bastante ingeniosa contra china que haría que china tenga que desviar recursos muy importantes para combatir. Y no olvides que el punto débil de China o mejor dicho el más fuerte y terrible que tienen es que quieren hacer su proyecto de la franja y la ruta que pase desde el oeste chino hacia otros países del Asia interior. Si los rebeldes atacan esos trenes y toda la administración que están colocando ahí no solo en trenes sino también aeropuertos y vías para transporte entonces sería como cortar la ruta de la seda China desde su origen lo cual es perjudicaría mucho en otros lugares. Y si destruyen la ruta de la seda china que va hacia Europa a través de Asia entonces a China se le vendrá el mundo abajo porque arreglarlo sería muy difícil y teniendo en cuenta los ataques permanentes muchos países que se suscribieron a eso no van a querer ayudar. Y al ver qué es un dinero perdido se retiraran del proyecto lo cual para china sería una inversión perdida porque ya está gastando mucho dinero en ese proyecto y sería el peor golpe que se le podría dar a China. Si los rebeldes uigures quieren hacer eso y están lo suficientemente capacitados entrenados y dispuestos para hacerlo entonces será la perdición de China y su mayor golpe económico que han tenido en las últimas décadas. Un golpe tan fuerte que es demasiado probable que china tal vez ni se pueda recuperar de este daño y por el contrario les va a ser casi imposible siquiera conseguir consolidar el poder que tenían en el oeste chino a no ser que muevan todo su ejército para mantener el control pero al mismo tiempo sería una guerra bastante larga y costosa y como china está con una crisis ahora mismo retirar fuerzas ahí sería simplemente Cómo demostrar que no les interesa Taiwán y Taiwán lo va a utilizar para fortalecerse mucho más. China en realidad está perdiendo y va a perder mucho más no tiene otra alternativa porque se aferra un control militar total y brutal@@villiamfangy6205
@@villiamfangy6205that's because they want to rule the world it's not only for china but also for Russia arabs indians for everyone who will come in their way
Then explain the 10 dash line claim?, the china coast guards are harassing south east asian fishers there, And don't tell me about the Zheng He exploration claims
Every country around us has its own claims, and Vietnam occupies the most islands, not even China or the Philippines. It's just that the Philippines was once a US colony and the best controlled country in the surrounding area, which is why we suddenly have conflicts with the Philippines
China only went after the terrorist group, the oppression against their ethnicity is made up by the west to justify their actions and is supported by the west for obvious reasons
They are funded by Israel/USA. Since the rebellions took over, Israel had been indexing Syria & destroying their fighter jets but these rebellions choose to fight China in Xinjiang instead defend Syria.????
In fact, as early as 20 years ago, China and the five Central Asian countries had formed normalized military cooperation to fight against extremist religious elements such as the Uyghur Islamic Movement, the Uzbek Islamic Movement and the Islamic Party of Tajikistan. This normalized mechanism is today’s Shanghai Cooperation Organization. What is ridiculous is that Turkish President Erdogan is an observer state of this organization.
It is all a setup. Don't believe the optics. When Ukraine got independence, US, UK and Russia vowed to protect Ukraine. Today US&UK and Russia destroyed the country
Türkiye’s fertility rate is below 1.5, and there are a large number of Kurds in Turkey, while Israel’s fertility rate is 2.8. Türkiye can only move towards Pan-Turkism
@@Jinn-ww5co China is not communism. Communism does not allow privatized enterprises, stock markets, or investments from Wall Street financial institutions. And these can be found everywhere in China. Goldman Sachs Capital on Wall Street has allocated a large amount of stocks to Chinese listed companies. This has nothing to do with communism.
@@TinhLe-r5u They are ethnically not Han Chinese, but are Chinese. Just like Blacks, Asians, Indians and Native Americans are not White American, but they are American.
İnşallah Doğu Türkistan bir gün bağımsız olacağı günleri sabırsızlıkla bekliyoruz ve Türk halkı olarak dualarımız tüm mazlum Doğu Türkistan ve müslüman coğrafyası için, Amin 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
I don't see China being worried about this group.
yeaa cause they rich asf and strong too lol
Na winnie poo busy crying of their economic collapse😂🤣
I’m pretty sure china has higher numbers of army
Ah the constant shifting between "freedom fighters" and "terrorists" depending which side they benefit.
CIA funded "freedom fighters".
Syria wins a war faster then Palestine and Israel lol
This is the case for the Sahel especially 😢
That is not the main issue. The main issue is: who is behind all of this? Who funds them? Stop being emotional about a typical geopolitical game. We know who will benefit when this all ends. Only a bunch of dumbos will be angry at the wrong things.
Just because they want to fight a bad regime, does not make them the good guys
How to throw a bad regime while being a good guy also?
@@cryptohearttv6117 not being typical jihadist
I agree, still wouldn’t justify China’s actions against the Uyghur people
Jadi, kamu berharap kepada siapa untuk menentang kejahatan?
There the most honorable ppl in the world who else are the good guys.? Europe, america , russia, china???? There all evil
I love how they all of a sudden become freedom fighters😂 instead of terrorists when they try to attack China.
it's just hilarious
Don't trip these guys are close with isis
When they want to defend the rights of Uyghur Turks under China's dictate and tyranny, they do not become terrorists. They want to remove the terror in their heads from the region.
That's why I like western media when these fighters are fighting in their interest they said they are freedom fighters and when they attack them they said they are terriost wow
All Islam followers are terrorist
The best thing is that they are not fighting for any of the western interests at all. Its just another case of western mainstream medias' poor judgement and stupidity.
-'Wow they say they fight for freedom! Yay these are good guys...right....RIGHT?'
Right I noticed that too
The CIA is smiling while watching it.
While funding them at the same time
Arms dealers smelling the money to be made here.
Did cia invent Uigures?
I think its all about REVENGE on what CCP done to there Uyghur counterparts in china@@dano1307
The difference btw a terrorist group and a rebel is which one the CIA is currently funding against an adversary
HAHA 😂. Beautifully put. Eloquent, accurate and comprehensive!
CCP chinese criminal party and slaves not worry , then why why whine here.
Yes, to the American point of view. To most of the rest of the world USA and whoever they back are always the terrorists.
After Syria - Freedom for Scotland!!! Freedom for Texas!!!!
Scotland and Texas got freedom unlike China.
Link for russian financing Telegram? I wanna get some rubels for posting propaganda too
scotland + wales +united ireland.....TÜRKİYE support scottish independence
@@vizibilibende5194we don’t your help fook off
@@vizibilibende5194 olum uygurlarin elinde 2:56 deki silah MPT 76 deilmi türk bayragi var silahta amk puahahha biz desteklemisiz bunlari
Syria got Uyghurs too ???? Bruh Syria a GTA server at this point 😭
Syria didn’t have them before, but now they’re there, thanks to Erdogan and his fight against the Kurds. He’s using them strategically, even going as far as placing them in Kurdish cities to alter the region's demographics
They’re muslims.
Because Uighurs are isis fighters
The CIA is about to give these people so much money.
only if they are dumb... oh wait I take that back.
They've already been funding them for over 30 years. Looking to turn Xinjiang into "China's Chechnya".
They already did
So what won't help them beat China
A day without hypocrisy is a day wasted in the west.
Doesn't change the truth
Because the rest of the world is doing great in that department?
Damn it West
A day without bathing is a normal day in the east.
Suddenly, they're the good guys coz they want to fight China 😆
They’re the good guys cuz they’re standing up to China who’s currently genociding their people. Your ignorance is showing
Does anyone ever wonder how these guys suddenly have all this military equipment? This is some great propaganda.
Ukraina sell the west amo....
American funded.
cia probably
It's not a secret. U.S. just funded one particular cell 12 million. Them and their local affiliate are arming the radicals.
It begs the question: Who funds these guys?
Uncle Sam (USA) of course.
@@montanabykand there is also a lot of AKs, your point is?
@@montanabykwhat type of rifle?
It has been a common issue that Qatar and Iran are supporting terrorism.
@@anthony559 M4A1
This isn’t going to end well
no force can stop a true Islamic militia. Not USA, Russia or China. Do not have enough proof yet?
Nope. There's a huge difference between the surveillance and digital oppression in China and in Syria
Human history isn't going to end well, this is just a drop in time.
Don't worry, everything will be fine.
So China was correct about them all along.
For a better understanding:
Go look for a group called "Hui". an ethnic population of Chinese Muslims.
Most people don't know anything about them because that would go against western narration on Muslim situation in china
The 37 million Uyghurs have every right to their own country. The Uyghurs have a long and rich history of state institutions, of their own countries, of imperial traditions. So, yes, they have every right to their own country. They want to be free, just as China wanted to be free from Japan less than a century ago. And no, china were & is wrong.
@@HaveRightTobeanonimushow about the native Indian in USA?
@@HaveRightTobeanonimus Why stop there? Let's free Native Americans from Canada and the USA, free California, Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico from the USA, free Hawaii, free the Virgin Islands, free the Marshall Islands. These people have the right to secede as well. Also, free the Confederate states from the Union states; they were unjustly crushed by Lincoln in the Civil War
so do the millions of native Americans, Australians and Canadians. all white colonialist go back to Europe
Imagine the Telegraph spreading islamic propaganda
Don't mix religion here ignorant, uygyur want there land back which was stolen by CCP chinese criminal party.
Hypocrisy and double standards is western MSM daily bread
Cry, CCP propaganda
😂😂😂 literally they did
it’s not islamic it’s american propaganda
I notice the Free Uyghur spokespersons talk so fondly of Israel but show wrath when talking about China.
Really? Then we have to see who these Uighurs will attack in the end.
So what? 😁😁😁😁😁
The same with Kurds, they talk about being persecuted by Turkey but they are the biggest cucks for Israel. They always got the nations by the balls by dangling independence in front of them.
@@HumanButcher150 So they are American agents
Who brought these mercenaries to Syria?
Who trained them?
Who funds them?
Who supplies their weapons?
@@user-ottoyu123 Turkiye, only turkiye
@@user-ottoyu123UK: "Nah"
Once a wheat exporter, Syria now finds 55% of its population facing food insecurity. The US is undeniably responsible for this. The US says it's there to fight terrorism, but in reality it's there to plunder.
Commies vs jihadist 😂ive seen that show before
The reboot series will be wild
Why cant Turks leave islam dawg. They were chill when they believed that damn sky god 😭
Commies are more dangerous than jihadist clowns
@@royboiiiluo6178 this is between China and America
USA ran away from goat herders in Afghanistan and rice farmers in Vietnam.
Terrorists are called to be fighters when claim to anti China. What a double standard.
Crazy how the telegraph supports terrorism when it suits U.S interests!
The same pro China terrorists making threats on Taiwan. See how that is done.
They also do it towards turkey calling "freedom fighters" to people who kiled thousands of civilians. Western values 🤡
The enemy of my enemy...
What the heck is this? A promotion for TIP?
terrorist outlet
Yes, I thought that too
now when your comments are removed they change the reply number so it looks like they haven't taken any comments off
Jewish propaganda
Media stirring things up
This should be under comedy section on RUclips 😂😂😂
Like your mother
@ 🍌
They all have Turkish equipment and weapons. Turkey is preparing them against China.
And turkey is a NATO member
@@Modera658fg they work against nato in the middleeast
And Turkey aint a joke for NATO, having biggest army (3rd-4th place) after USA, and other countries and they do have extended experiences on middle east, so Turkey can make a support in terms of equipment and maybe humans too? just curious though
They are used by Turkey.
Çinin ne yaptığının farkında mısınız? Güçlü uluslar insanları soykırıma uğratınca terbiye edici, zayıf uluslar kendini savununca terörist oluyor. Bir gün sizin bu masalsı dünyanız yıkılacak.
Since when terrorist became fighter? Because they don attack Israel?
Senin ülken yıkılacak 💪🏻🇹🇷
@СлаваУкраїні-р4ю 你是恶心的蟾蜍
The people of East Turkestan are not terrorists, but rather they are Muslim lands that China has occupied for 70 years.
China is the leader of terrorists group.They alway support terrorists.
No offence, but how do they plan to achieve anything against China?
They are small rebel group.
They follow a religion. Logic was never the answer
@jbred00 atheism is a religion too. Communist regimes with 100 million deaths in 20th century.
Don't be naive
in their defence that is exactly how the CCP came to power - a small group of rebels that cracked the nut
China, was a big very big Assad supporter, they have lots invested in Syria. These Rebel groups will simply be removing Chinese influence from Syria, that's all. Syria, was part of China's plan for power projection, and though they aren't in Syria with military forces, they are very much there.
As a syrian citizen i love my Muslim brothers from everywhere and i welcome them in my country ❤
Now China can test its military readiness by going up against these militias
After watching Russia "a super power" fail so badly, I wouldn't bank on China just yet.
Plus the volunteer mercenaries that hated China.
Exactly 💯 china wanted to be part of the action in Syria now this gives them the green light
I'm pretty sure the video explains that these guys were kicked out by China in the first place...
@@wynn3077they were bound by UN humanitarian restrictions. In China they can unleash full firepower with no restrictions.
Sponsor by CIA 😂
ofc disguised themselves as muslim fingters to gain supports from muslim countries to hate china.
Uyghur genocide sponsored by CCP
and what?
@@有明-p4f 🤣🤣
The CIA thinks China is Syria 😂
china is like palestine
China is temu russia
@Ohsoheil AGREE!
_"..the third reason we're there is because there are 20 million Uyghurs and if the CIA has to mount an operation using those Uyghurs as Erdogan has done in Turkey against Assad there are twenty thousand of them in Italy and Syria right now. Well, the CIA would want to destabilize China and that would be the best way to do it. To full men unrest and to join with those Uyghurs in pushing the Han Chinese and Beijing from internal places rather than external."_ *- Lawrence Wilkerson retired United States Army Colonel and former chief of staff to United States Secretary of State Colin Powell delivers the first speech at the Ron Paul Institute Media & War Conference in Washington 2018*
China thinks i am the father of these Muslim world 🌍
“Vows to come for China” 😂
I think that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard this year! Lol
U are a human !!! 😂
I think that’s the funniest thing I’ve heard this year! Lol
with cia money they can do anything
11.5 million Uyghurs in China so is pretty logical.
@@cyberneticbutterfly8506as opposed to the remaining 1.4 billion something Chinese
Terrorists propaganda chanel
Wait a minute. That's MY map I made on the 00:50 mark. They never even asked for permission. LMAO.
Make a copyright claim and negotiate with them.
BWHAHA there’s no way they did that
😂😂 acayip
dam thief
Looks like Telegraph is quite explicitly hoping TIP targets Chinese projects, is this a news channel or a lobbying group?
Because it is... anyone who studies the history of these media groups knows exactly who they are. They're not news organizations. They've shown their true selves again and again.
All news channels are lobbying groups.
Even the small "independent" ones.
the sickness coming from american "journalism"
instead of reporting the facts, american hacks spin a story for their lobbyist funders...their approach is infesting UK media...we need to complain to ofcom, and let ofcom crack down of them
wdym "lobbyists"? I thought journal outlets like telegraph pass on information free of charge out of the kindness of their hearts!
1.4 billion Chinese support Kurdish independence
Who cares?
Плевать мы хотели на курдистан и то кого потдерживаете
@@avraam9135 我不懂俄罗斯语
@@thejewish916he is probably a russian-speaking muslim. He says that they don't care.
Is this the whole "we congratulate the Afghan Mujahadeen" from the 80s all over again?
both are Based
Yes, and I remember the afghan mujahadeen helped Rambo and James Bond in movies, so I am sure these guys will turn up in a movie helping tom cruise or some other nonsense too
@@geroutathat rambo win agains vietnam haha
@@mc6372 both Mujahadeen and Uyghurs? Yes.
but when china puts them in prison the world crys oud loud
Chyna has forced organ harvesting
these were the ones who fled Xinjiang before they could be arrested .
@@nanyanguo1 Probably the ones associated with the terrorists attacks in xinjiang as well.
Uyghurs are a Muslim land occupied by China for 70 years
Read the history of East Turkestan
@@nanyanguo1bullshit. Islamic extremism has been ruining Xinjiang way before the CPC even came to power.
They won't stand a chance but they might turn up as immigrants in the UK and then who knows what will happen?
Watch the Shawn Ryan episode that just came out with Sara's gonna happen more then just the UK
Good if uy can migrate to uk
Well, the British Government condones these groups, just look at this video, it is promoting TIP, they are a terrorist organization, so the Britsh should welcome these people into their bosoms so that they can experience what Syrians did, some people might just lose their heads because of this.
Who the f wants to go to your so great Britain?? By the way never was it great and u bet your ancestors were immigrants 😂 what a fool
Check out what happened to the ccp in Sudan
Who is the Telegraph representing on this video?
Corporate interests of NATO members
Whoever is funding the Uyghurs kiddo.
They are 5,796km away from China. Did someone tell them that? LOL
They were promised that after fighting in Syria they would be able to return to "liberate" their homeland. But in reality it was like Lenny being promised rabbits on his farm in Of Mice and Men. These guys would make prime cannon fodder.
well they all bad at geography because average IQ of them are 80.
在中国 没有人在乎他们😂 老虎永远不会理睬蚂蚁
Watch the video in it's entiteriy.
1:48 WHO ist PAYING for all these uniforms, rifles, ammunition, flags, badges, jeeps etc?
Mossad aipac cia
I do.
American tax money
We are dear boy
I swear journalists will call anything a tank.
"It has tracks or more than 4 wheels. It must be a tonk"
@ I’ve gotten almost this exact response from people who weren’t joking. 😂
Braindead journalists
“If something has armor and has a gun, its a tank”
Israel is occupying Syrian land and now after fall of Assad captured 30% of Syrian water supply, these fighters don't seem to be worried about it, I wonder why 🤔
I'm starting to understand why China is nipping the problem in the bud.
الصين لم تقضي عليهم بل شردتهم إلى دولنا وكانوا سابقآ يقاتلون مع داااعش بالعراق ويدخلون من تركيا وسوريا والحمد لله قاتلناهم بالعراق والبقية رجعوا إلى سوريا ولا زالوا هناك .
Everyone has a right to defend themselves. No one or no country is immune .
Only democracies.
Have that
Honestly their fight is for their land and their identity, the Chinese army will fight for their salary
we can see the success of Syrian people and Myanmar people in this regard
Chinese have a conscript army
lmfao. Turkish salary for the Uighurs
@MahmudHasanAbir-yh7wiunlike Syria China is the 3rd strongest military in the world with over 200bn per year in military spending and a standing army of over 1.5million active troops. Icl it’s looking like a long day
All the world is Turkish land is propaganda
I support the Uyghur's right to self determination. They're Sunni Hanafi Muslims. Why force them to accept a communist system?
We have long ruled Xinjiang before the ancestors of those Uyghurs ever arrived there. Btw their ancestors used to be Christians and Buddhists.
@@ziyangfeng-q8h Doesn't matter what their ancestors were. What matters is who is native to the place. I didn't know that the Chinese ruled the region before the Uyghurs arrived there. I'll look into this one.
@@ClubisteM ur right
@@ClubisteM Han Chinse actually arrived in that area long before the Uyghurs.
لماذا لا يقررون مصيرهم في دولتهم بدلاً من أن ياتو ا لبلداننا لممارسة الإجرام بحق الأبرياء .
Finally! It just became abundantly clear whos backing them financially after they said there coming for China
Turkey. Turkey wants a greater Turkey and the Turkic diaspora to be in union with them
@alika5771 Exactly!! They’re a Turkic people
@alika5771 The roaches who invaded europe?
Turkey is financing them
CIA is funding these groups to prepare for the supposed attacks on China, now the media will praise them as heroes instead of terrorists. 😂😂
what media. They are extensions of CIA.
Where is the evidence “CIA is funding these groups”? 🥱 where is the evidence they are “terrorists”? 🥱
Sounds quite familiar…similar situation to what happened to my own folk some half a century ago…
@DinoMan_6 Russia ?
They can fight China but not Israel ?
Israel has one of the most modern, most powerful and most battle proven armies in the world.
brothers killed by israeli army but fight china? lmao
They are Uyghurs, the come from Xinjiang. They are suffering a genocide by the CCP, Why would they fight Israel?
because Israel is always protected by Jehovah, China ain't.
Exactly funny that
Telegraph supporting terrorists or freedom fighters? What's your angle?
How did they support them? They literally just reported what's going on.
Terrorists propaganda chanel
Did they report what those people did in Kunming train station?😅@@Rägarded
@@Rägarded sponsored by the western sponsor of this radical group
@@Rägarded EVERYONE suspects the media of mal-intent. It's a propaganda machine. Some selective reporting and FOCUS on certain issues.
Anyways I do hope the militias fight China even though they'll lose.
While they were filming the video, Israel captured half of Syria
They're funded by Israel/USA.
Since the rebellions took over, Israel had been indexing Syria & destroying their fighter jets but these rebellions choose to fight China in Xinjiang instead defend Syria.????
They are funded by US/Israel.
Since the rebellions took over, Israel had been indexing Syria & destroying their fighter jets but these rebellions choose to fight China in Xinjiang instead defend Syria.????
They're a muslim military group, based in syria, and their first target is the thousands-miles-away china and not israel? LOL 😂
As israel makes incursions on their borders too. Oh well cant piss off their benefactor uncle sam
I wonder why...
Chinese "occupation"........dunce.
Not everyone is crying about isreal. Theres muslims living happily in isreal. Its pretty obvious why they hate china more their people are literally oppressed and in camps
The CCP has been doing genocide against them.
They fight always in the wrong side. We know who they are fighting for.
tiny hats
China have more drones than Uyghurs itself 😂😂😂
Good to see,
USA and western countries will sure be backing these,
@Nematullah_44 but dude, China is the major manufacturer of drones and even your Uncle Sam uses the Chinese drones.
@@axdf1245 , I'm not a supporter of Usa,
But sure usa will support these groups,And create chaos in China,
Usa will also deploys it's navy and carriers near Taiwan ,,To create war like situation,
Indian will also deploy it's soldier near china border,Where china is doing illegal construction,
India will create buffer zone between a Indian and China,
Many small Countries' who are against China will also get freedom,
USA will sure see all these things,
China is challenging Usa
@@axdf1245but uncle sam wouldn't be for too long😂
Still can't match with Chinese manufacturing@Nematullah_44
Now i understand what the “uyghur muslims” was about
Yes it was a CIA movement that failed
their father Erdogan is a clown. And most of Uyghurs dislike them and don't want any rubbish East Turkistan.
China realized the risk immediately and curbed these people out of their country. Clearly their reason for "oppressing" the Uyghurs was more nuanced than what western propaganda networks tell the people
Uyghur coming to China is like beef coming to BBQ griller.
That's what the Americans said about the Taliban or the Russians about the Ukrainians.
Cosmetic surgery is a multibillion dollar industry in China.
Both were aggressors in this case China is on the defensive.
@@jollypolly1686 Yes and we see how ukraine is going to turn up.
Birgün bütün Türk devletleri birleşecek!!!
In your dreams
One day Greece will get back Constantinople will be more likely than a United Turkish state. Keep dreaming Turk!
😂 they are and it's called toiletstan
How do they plan to get all there equipment and gear to China for this operation that will be one hell of a logistics mission.
@ just to weaken China and keep them occupied I can see that yeah.
Pakistan then Afghanistan?
US gave them F-35's and F-15's.
@@ExcelonTheFourthAvalonHeirs CIA is the one who got them and the Dalai Lama kicked out of China
It’s always hilarious when the media unabashedly romanticizes terrorists, lol!
Remember which media outlets have revealed themselves to be CIA propaganda tools. The Telegraph is one
Pompeo April 15 2019
"I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole… we had entire training courses."
@ Cool!
Well written!
East Turkestan will be free. Seethe 😂
I won't be placing any bets on this group if they think they're going to take on the Chinese; they'll be outnumbered 10'000 to 1.
China haven't been tested as to be in a fighting war. They only look threatening but haven't been fighting unlike the other the one.
PLA will desert in mass when fighting begin. Paper tiger is no match to battle hardened Uyghurs. Remember CCP's border dispute with India? The CCP commander 'captain' was the first to run away. Just look at those CCP mercenaries in Ukraine, they are worse than Russian regular armies.
Git tarihe bak turkler kucuk cine neler yapmis😀😀🕋😀
If numbers mattered more than motivation, maybe Assad wouldn’t have fallen despite his army’s number advantage over the Idlib rebels.
It depends on America and China getting into a war
They will find out God is on the side of the strongest army. In today's world, that's not the most religious army, but the most efficient one.
Turkey has enabled all of this.
@@siriusfun Thanksgiving is over, stop blaming the turkey
turkey is just a tool the US is behind this since 2011
@@jakeg3733turkey is helping terrorists everyone know this
Which channel is better in propaganda and lies, The Telegraph or The Sun?
Russia today
BBC, AlJazeera, RT and the likes
@@maxsever83 so basically qatari media, western media who have fueled the war in syria for the past 11 years.
RT, CCTV, Global Times 🤷🏻
@@maxsever83 al jazeera ? oh u hate hearing the truth abt west then lol
What are Uyghurs doing in Syria? The narrative was supposed to be that native Syrian rebels are fighting against the oppressive Assad Regime and not that mercenaries shipped from distant lands are doing it.
I presume they fled opression in China, where notoriously Uyghurs genocide doesn't happen.
@@aggressivedriver9109 What is their business in Syria? They don't look like refugees to me.
@@JacekNasiadek Uyghur's are a Turkic people, who make up about one in twenty Syrians. Considering the friendliness between Assad and the CCP, I'd assume fighting for fellow Muslim Turkic independence would appeal to them, just like the Kurds have been.
What are Westerners doing in Ukraine? The narrative was supposed to be that native Ukrainians are fighting against Putins Invaders and not that merceneries shipped from distant lands are doing it...
@@MemekingJag The video description specifically states they come from China: “Now here in Syria, in all the cities here, we fight for Allah, and we will continue to do this in our Urumchi, Aqsu and Kashgar in the future,” said one masked man, listing cities in China’s Xinjiang region, from where the Uyghurs hail. “We will chase the Chinese infidels away.”
they seem well equipped, trained and never attack or threaten a Western Ally (like Turkey/Saudi/Qatar/UAE), I wonder who fund them 🤔
There's a difference between overthrowing a dictator barely holding on to a country that's already falling apart and fighting against one of the biggest countries in the world on their home turf, especially if they wont even receive support from the new Syrian govt.
Ridiculous, isn't it?
And consider how deep is the pocket of the CCP, it's just so easy for them to infiltrate these people by bribing them. I wouldn't be shocked if they have already infiltrated them.
نعم لكن اصغر قوة قتالية يمكنها ان تستنزف اقوى اقتصادات العالم و إضعاف اقتصادها بشدة ، مادامت تصمد هذه القوة العسكرية
@@إبراهيمالحربي-و3ضcorrect, but unlike Afghanistan where America invaded, they have to invade China.
u think they don't know this lol
@@إبراهيمالحربي-و3ض😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 only in dreams for mohammeds...... aloha snake stars
Crazy how they just somehow got all this western equipment lol
Most of its from Turkey.
Turkey heavy backed the rebels
Thank Sleepy Joe for that.
I don't think they will breath long if the do that to China... China culture and their soldier not like arabian troops lol
Ofc do u think people who fight for their religion and land and belives like arab the same as Chinese military they fight for money and president for God sake
agree. So called East Turkistan should only buy ticket to the hell
chinese soldiers, like north korean soldiers, have no real battle experiences
1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre
Turkistan Turk istan "Turk"istan
China doesn't give a damn about them 😂🤣 btw, why they don't fight for Palestinians
Those aren't Uyghurs. They're Usaghurs.
Yes funded by the c! @
Hey look the CIA has a new unit
id rather have china than these guys
Yeap their mentality still stuck in stoneaged..
Nah not Mao zenong bois
@ I‘d take pretty much everything over Islamism
Free Tibet❤ Free Uyghur ❤ Free Mongol❤❤❤
We Mongolians stand on the side of China.
@ I`m Chengezhan
@@alexalex3618 it's God Khan. illiteracy
@@alexalex3618 it's shen khan. 🤣
How embarrassing :)
As an Indian I want to say that asians treat terrorist differently rather giving them shelter like Westerners.
90% of all Westerners want to treat the Islamic invaders like China or better yet like Israel.
It is ur backstabbing politicians who are betraying us.
Western nations got a lot to learn from Asian nations in many subjects.
@@n6itisixsixsix The westerner do not feel it until they get the same experience as the Bomb in Hawaii in WW2
Asians treat terrorists more terrifyingly than the terrorists themselves
Oh its a terrorist when quote unquote "we" do it but somebody else does it -nah its just diff
China would not have any problem dealing with these people.
Well, We can sit back and eat popcorn while we take advantage and mobilize around the Pacific. If TIP fights like other Muslim groups, China's gonna have their hands full for a while... numbers notwithstanding. They can't afford that conflict when they have the Free World to worry about.
If the PLA can be as ruthless as the US military in the Middle East, they will exterminate the Uighurs. Don't doubt the fighting capacity of China people. In fact, the Chinese have been fighting in Xinjiang for two thousand years.
They have been rebelling in Xinjiang since 1949, the PLA couldn’t stop them so they made camps around 2019 for them. They have been a problem for them for over 70 years.
How to lose an entire army in 10mins….
true the PLA is very weak lmao
@@mc6372 is that why the US is preparing to fight them? If they're so weak what's the point in preparing and spending 20 million for "jungle training" in hawaii
@@mc6372 87
Che los chinos se creen poderosos pero no han tenido realmente conflictos importantes desde que perdieron contra los vietnamitas. La guerra sino vietnamita del 79 los chinos perdieron cerca de 700000 soldados contra los vietnamitas que tenían menos incluso de la mitad. Ni siquiera eran soldados vietnamitas regulares eran simplemente milicias bien organizadas que con ametralladoras y armamento moderno pudieron acabar con los chinos así que los chinos No saben realmente cómo es un conflicto a ese nivel en una gran magnitud
Los chinos No son necesariamente poderosos tienen armamentos que imitan lo que hacen los occidentales pero el conocimiento occidental es más efectivo y más directo. Tal vez china reciba las mejores cosas por parte de los rusos Pero eso no quiere decir que los chinos sean necesariamente buenos así que su prueba de fuego viene ahora y Con decirte que el hecho de que los uigures tiene más conocimiento por Las guerras que han librado en Oriente medio es suficiente para darte a entender que su estrategia también va a ser muy diferente y más moderna que la que tengan los chinos. sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que esas regiones del oeste chino son extremadamente necesarias para la producción industrial así que si hacen ataques a gran escala contra la producción industrial china será un golpe directo en su economía y en su corazón. Y si logran mover el movimiento independentista hacia el Tíbet y hacia la frontera Qué tienen con birmania tendrán acceso a un gran mercado de armamentos y otros recursos por parte de los estados narcotraficantes que operan ahí. Es como una especie de cordón estratégico que podría hacerle demasiado daño a China. Además teniendo en cuenta de que birmania y Tailandia tienen conflictos con china podrían encontrar también milicias que puedan unirse en su apoyo y así hacer una guerra largo plazo bastante costosa y bastante ingeniosa contra china que haría que china tenga que desviar recursos muy importantes para combatir. Y no olvides que el punto débil de China o mejor dicho el más fuerte y terrible que tienen es que quieren hacer su proyecto de la franja y la ruta que pase desde el oeste chino hacia otros países del Asia interior. Si los rebeldes atacan esos trenes y toda la administración que están colocando ahí no solo en trenes sino también aeropuertos y vías para transporte entonces sería como cortar la ruta de la seda China desde su origen lo cual es perjudicaría mucho en otros lugares. Y si destruyen la ruta de la seda china que va hacia Europa a través de Asia entonces a China se le vendrá el mundo abajo porque arreglarlo sería muy difícil y teniendo en cuenta los ataques permanentes muchos países que se suscribieron a eso no van a querer ayudar. Y al ver qué es un dinero perdido se retiraran del proyecto lo cual para china sería una inversión perdida porque ya está gastando mucho dinero en ese proyecto y sería el peor golpe que se le podría dar a China. Si los rebeldes uigures quieren hacer eso y están lo suficientemente capacitados entrenados y dispuestos para hacerlo entonces será la perdición de China y su mayor golpe económico que han tenido en las últimas décadas. Un golpe tan fuerte que es demasiado probable que china tal vez ni se pueda recuperar de este daño y por el contrario les va a ser casi imposible siquiera conseguir consolidar el poder que tenían en el oeste chino a no ser que muevan todo su ejército para mantener el control pero al mismo tiempo sería una guerra bastante larga y costosa y como china está con una crisis ahora mismo retirar fuerzas ahí sería simplemente Cómo demostrar que no les interesa Taiwán y Taiwán lo va a utilizar para fortalecerse mucho más. China en realidad está perdiendo y va a perder mucho más no tiene otra alternativa porque se aferra un control militar total y brutal@@villiamfangy6205
@@villiamfangy6205that's because they want to rule the world it's not only for china but also for Russia arabs indians for everyone who will come in their way
Yolunuz açık olsun adalet savaşçıları
China does not play by the book . They have very strict laws against anyone who even remotely thinks they could challenge them !
Phillipines and Taiwan seem to be toying around with them
China needs to be stopped
@@rensloons2293 Who? Oh yes, the small islands, ok then, keep warning us lol
@@rensloons2293 Philippines? LMAO. they eat garbage.
China is just testing there limits
its so funny , they think coming for China will be like the walk in the park for them in syria.
It will cause u.s will pay them
Unlike Israel China doesn’t care about warcrimes or media
china is a paper dragon that is so scared of islam they ethnically cleansed muslims.
@@Instareels50099Worry Chinese, first learn to believe in true religion's that Almighty God gave to the world - Judaism/ Christianity & Islam.
China is a paper tiger
And of course, the USA will pay them for that too.
The US is broke.
USA bununla ne alakası varmış?
因为穆斯林的战斗力基本为零 只敢对付女人和小孩 面对正规军 会被打出屎来
Because we are not Arabs, let the Arabs save Palestine, let us save our own country. also in our eyes the only enemy is China
كانوا يدخلون العراق عن طريق تركيا وسوريا لقتل الابرياء ومعهم مقاتلين اتراك وشيشان وكل شياطين الأرض برعاية امريكا والحمد لله سحقنا رؤوس المعتدين .
Xitoydagilarni ham qutqarish kerak
Guardian openly backing a terrorist group. Time for prosecution.
That’s pretty consistent for them tbh
China is not interested in war! Which country caused wars everywhere? Adults understand
They are however interested in the eradication of uyghurs from their homeland.
China is only interested in genociding the ethnic minorities.
Then explain the 10 dash line claim?, the china coast guards are harassing south east asian fishers there, And don't tell me about the Zheng He exploration claims
Every country around us has its own claims, and Vietnam occupies the most islands, not even China or the Philippines. It's just that the Philippines was once a US colony and the best controlled country in the surrounding area, which is why we suddenly have conflicts with the Philippines
I can see why the chinese were going after them now
China only went after the terrorist group, the oppression against their ethnicity is made up by the west to justify their actions and is supported by the west for obvious reasons
TIP is rising Alhamdulilah☝🏻
Fighting for allah ❌
Fighting for money and usa ✅
Well written!
East Turkestan will be free. Cope harder 😂
Allah needs an Army?
Fighting for their land
@@julia2k8 When?? Why these losers flee from China?? Please come back...
Isn't Gaza closer to them than China ?!!
They are funded by Israel/USA.
Since the rebellions took over, Israel had been indexing Syria & destroying their fighter jets but these rebellions choose to fight China in Xinjiang instead defend Syria.????
EXACTLY My thoughts!
they are turkic people, gazans are arabs
This is such a dumb comment 😭
In fact, as early as 20 years ago, China and the five Central Asian countries had formed normalized military cooperation to fight against extremist religious elements such as the Uyghur Islamic Movement, the Uzbek Islamic Movement and the Islamic Party of Tajikistan. This normalized mechanism is today’s Shanghai Cooperation Organization. What is ridiculous is that Turkish President Erdogan is an observer state of this organization.
Да ,с Уйгурами лихо расправились..
Система баллов - лояльности, трудовые лагеря для не согласных, обязательное изучение языка...
It is all a setup. Don't believe the optics. When Ukraine got independence, US, UK and Russia vowed to protect Ukraine. Today US&UK and Russia destroyed the country
The communist and secular dictatorial regimes fight religion
Türkiye’s fertility rate is below 1.5, and there are a large number of Kurds in Turkey, while Israel’s fertility rate is 2.8. Türkiye can only move towards Pan-Turkism
@@Jinn-ww5co China is not communism. Communism does not allow privatized enterprises, stock markets, or investments from Wall Street financial institutions. And these can be found everywhere in China. Goldman Sachs Capital on Wall Street has allocated a large amount of stocks to Chinese listed companies. This has nothing to do with communism.
I support Uyghur, Tibet, and Taiwan independent.
good, then don't make me pay for your games and profit
I support every independence movement in each state of the US. May the American people be free from the reign of terror under the federal govt. Amen.
@ but no States wanted to be independent and it is the sane country shile Uyghurs and Tibets arent Chinese
@@TinhLe-r5u They are ethnically not Han Chinese, but are Chinese. Just like Blacks, Asians, Indians and Native Americans are not White American, but they are American.
@@TinhLe-r5u Also, the majority of American govt is White, just like the majority of CCP govt is Han.
Nothing about how the extremists committed acts of terrorism in Xinjiang and in China which called for stricter supervision of the area.
Western media will never say that, because the Western libs are pro-islamists.
I, as a Georgian, Caucasian, want to express great love and respect to the great Chines civilization and nation.
Poor innocent commie PRC they are always so helpful and kind
No, because it don't fit the China bad narrativee
WuMao detected
Haha, these people criticize China and then immediately go apply for asylum in Europe XD
What are they doing in Syria? These are people living on the other side of the world.
Terrorists used by Turkeye
Combat experience, Syria is basically a testing group for men and machines alike
They are Turkish terrorists
They helped ISIS
It’s the pregame lobby to WWIII (I forget which RUclipsr said that, maybe HLC, but it ain’t my quote)
China be like "who dis?"
the uyghurs who theyre genociding
china be like: Oh wait, thats the country we stole right??
The Telegraph lost my respect. Its supposed to be unbiased
Telegraph has never been unbiased.
@ They say things here that makes them sound more T.I.P. aligned rather than unbiased. Rewatch the video again and see how they describe China.
Who cares about your view CCP chinese criminal party slave.
@weihua_am who. Care about your respect, go and kowtow to CCP chinese criminal party chinese media only propaganda 24/7 .
They’re literally owned by Rupert Murdoch. No corporate media is unbiased, they’re propaganda machines.
Isn't the Telegraph showing a bit too much excitement over the prospect of this happening?
Shouldn't they be? China being destabilized and Xinjiang freed would be unimaginably based.
I've been wondering,if the Muslim world was going to stand up to China. Or if they are going to continue allowing the C.C.P to abuse their people.
@@newwaveinfantry8362used that word wrong.
Free East Turkestan, Free Tibet, Free Hong Kong!
Free Uyghurs!
"Don't question us"
"Don't do your own research"
"Listen, consume and obey"
Yup that's the plan 🤫
This is why they want to shut down Tic Toc.. Can't let the truth out.
İnşallah Doğu Türkistan bir gün bağımsız olacağı günleri sabırsızlıkla bekliyoruz ve Türk halkı olarak dualarımız tüm mazlum Doğu Türkistan ve müslüman coğrafyası için, Amin 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
Keep dreaming
I would love to track my actual tax dollars and see how much of my money was sent to the middle east
6 trillion officially. More like 12 trillion under the table.
well that's how they built usa , by creating wars that never existed , isn't it ?
This news has nothing to do with the United States my guy
@@sammxn-w2vyes it does actually