I think it’s a perfect metaphor, so I’m always trying to say that it’s a great job to keep cleaning even a small thing and I can enjoy my life happily thanks to my wife. But now I think I should’ve done housechores more a lot than just have said “thank you”.
Doing house chores is hardly noticeable. I didn't realize it until I moved out on my own. It's repetitive and endless. What I'm surprised about is that my mom had been doing it over 20 years for us. She had even taken care of my sister and me as well. I really regret that I took it for granted. I'm gonna call my mom tonight and say "Thank you".
Thank you for proper comments and good example sentences in every live streaming. This video clip must’ve been made thanks to your sentence. I hope there will be no more house chores today.
@장정현 If you're using galaxy s22 series, you might turn on the keyboard tool bar in keyboard setting! Just I'm guessing because I've been through this before 😂
Doing house chores is repetitive and endless. Nobody pays me to do house chores. Even if it is true, if you don't do them, you might be labeled as a lazy person. There's no reward. Even if someone gives me a big compliment about doing house chores, I would not be happy. Because it sounds like that you're doing great job on this and keep it going FOREVER! ^^ So sometimes I want to be rich. Being rich means for me I can have someone do my lots of house chores. ^^
So glad you fully understand the difficulties of housewife's house chores! How considerate! Exactly right! "It's hardly noticeable!" At the same time I can learn a good expression thanks to you!! In fact, my husband doesn't express his feelings. Especially about my doing house chores. So I sometimes complain about it! Nagging!😅 Thank you as always!
I spent all morning doing housechores like I do everyday. I hate doing housechores. It’s endless, repetitive, and even hardly noticable. Although it is part of one’s daily life that keeps our life going on as it is, but sometimes it feels like it’s quite time consuming. Seperately, each one of them seems very trivial, not that big of a deal, but when put altogether, it consumes annoyingly huge amount of my energy and time. But what can I say? Any work has something to do with chores, dealing with details and requiring repetitive simple tasks. Maybe life is somewhat like that. Now that I think of it, boredom or repetition or simplicity, on the flip side, can provide a sense of calmness or stability to one’s life. Like sometimes when I get very angry, I tend to do some housechores and find myself become calm after doing chores. I think repetitive and simple tasks can sometimes help you to get yourself together and organize your thoughts. Its effects are amazing because it’s just housechores you’re doing when your mind gets calm while doing it. (?) 선생님~~~ 정말 공감이 가는 주제입니다^^*
1. 연습 - 혼자 지내보면 집안일이 얼마나 힘든지 느낄 수 있지 : you can realize how housechores is frustrating things when you stay alone. 2. 개인정리 - it's hardly noticealbe - housechores - frustrating : 불만스러운
아내: How was your day at work? I know you had an important game to referee. 남편: Well, I think you might see me on the TV evening news. 아내: Really? Wow, that's good! 남편: No, actually it's not good. I think I made a bad call which tilted the game in the visitors' favor. So the whole home team crowd was upset with me. 아내: Well, usually you do a very good job. So don't . 남편: Yeah, I'm trying not to let it bother me. about referees. No one notices you when you do a great job. But if you mess up, everyone will notice immediately! 아내: Hmmm...guess it's like doing the house chores. It's week after week. But if you and , everyone complains right away! 남편: Yes, that's an excellent analogy! Hahaha...I guess I should thank you more often for keeping up with the house chores! let it bother you 사람들이 흔히 말하다 잘하면 표가 거의 안난다 작은 실수를 하다 일을 미루다
Regarding house chores, I think it is tough thing because normally both thing happened simultaneously. Somebody clean up and somebody mess up again and again. It’s repetitive, if you were married, you couldn’t agree more regarding my opinion. What are you thought on?
Because of this reason, i decided to work as a full-time job rather than do housechores throughly But it's really frustrating that after work i see the housechores which i should catch up on
I agree 100% with you. They barely don't thank you for doing housechorse because it seems that it's hardly noticeable. So people usually think about housechorse as just something having to do. But what I'm suprised is the fact that if I don't do housechorse regularly, it becomes noticeable soon. it doesn't make sense🤣. 집안일을 꾸준히 하지 않으면 금방 티가 나 (it becomes noticeable soon ?? )
A quick question: Why did you say that you wouldn't even say 'It's barely noticeable.'? (2:14) Is it because 'barely' is less close to 'no/not' than 'hardly'?
It suddenly occurred to me ,, I spend most of my time doing housechores I hate doing housechores. Doing housechores is so frustrating + because it's hardly noticeable .
집안일은 해도 티가 안난다는 것은 제대로 하지못하는 가정주부가 핑계를 대는 것이다 the fact that, why doesnot notice even if who do housework is because house wifes doesn't works properly so, it is all of wifes make excuses. be polite
이야 참... 세탁기.건조기 청소기 뭐 다 사줘도 이랗게.집안일이.힘들다고 징징거리는 사람들이.많네.. 다시 돌아가서 애들 들처엎고 개울가에가서 방망이로 빨래 패대기 치고 서방은 술이 곤죽이 되어 느즈막 들아와서 양말 벗겨달라고 하고 벗긴.양말 손수 다 빨아넣고 북어국 끄려서 아침에 해장하고 참 햇던 시절이 있는데 그걸 모르고 세탁기 버튼 하나 누르는거 힘들어서 남편도 집안일 어쩌고 하는거 보면....말세다 참 큰일이다. 애하나 낳으면 아주그냥 뼈가 다 떨어졌다가 붙었다느니 하면서 뭐 무슨 간호 하는 병원 그런데.입원해서 일주일 이상 호의호식하며 인스타에 사진올리고(뒤에 명품가방 있어야함) 시어미는 오지말라하고 친정 엄마랑 이바구 하고 남편 흉보고 시월드 흉보고 근데 태어난 애기가 아들인데 나중에 또 지 아들은 결혼해서 그일을 반복하고 참 복잡하다.. 라는 이 표현을 영어로 자유롭게 말하고 싶네요^^ 열공열공
대박! 집안일에 대한 말들 완전 주부가 느끼는 거랑 똑같아요. 집안일은 진짜 무한맵에서 끝없이 공격오는 저글링 같음
I think it’s a perfect metaphor, so I’m always trying to say that it’s a great job to keep cleaning even a small thing and I can enjoy my life happily thanks to my wife. But now I think I should’ve done housechores more a lot than just have said “thank you”.
그럼 나가서 돈버는게 낫겟어요 집안일 하는게 낫겟어요?
@@george2226 둘 다 하는 사람으로서 나가서 일하는게 다섯배 쉽습니다.
@@kdinky 경우없는 행동이네요
@@kdinky 그럼 집안일 하지말고 나가서 일하면 5배로 돈 더 벌어 올 수도 있나요??? 그럼 그렇게 하세요ㅎㅎ 그럼 마누라도 집안일 안시키고 나가서 일하라고 할것 같은데요? ㅎㅎ
바쁘다는 이유로 자주 찾아보지는 못하는데, 미국살다보니 정기적으로 영어의 부족함을 느끼게 되서 그때마다 보는데, 정말 실생활에 유용한 표현. 보고나면 꼭 제가 질문한거에 답변을 제대로 받은 기분입니다. 감사해요
오 ... 감사합니다
띄엄 띄엄 안 들리는 부분도 있지만 최대한 이해하려고 노력했어요.~
오늘도 선생님 강의를 들으며 저의 유튜브 공부 기록 100일을 하였습니다. 감사합니다.~
최고의 선생님😇😇😚
최고 최곱니다!!!
쌤 영상 보면서 발음 연습하는게 하루 중
즐거운 일과입니다!! 좋은 영상 항상 감사해요~~^^
남은 여름 마무리 잘 하시고 건승하세요~~🤗🤓🥰
선생님 유튜브 잘 보고있습니다!!
영상 마지막 문장 구조는 정말 영어를 접하면서 여태 거의 못 접해봤던 구조인 거 같네요. 익숙해져야겠어요
Doing house chores is hardly noticeable.
I didn't realize it until I moved out on my own. It's repetitive and endless.
What I'm surprised about is that my mom had been doing it over 20 years for us. She had even taken care of my sister and me as well.
I really regret that I took it for granted.
I'm gonna call my mom tonight and say "Thank you".
so true 😁 감사합니다 샘🙏🙇♀️
영어.한글 자막 같이 올려주셔서 넘넘 좋아요
내용 너무 좋다
이 부분 다시보기했는데 강의로 딱 만들어주셨어요 역시 선생님👍
하면 티가 안나지만 안하면 티나 나는 일이 집안일이네요
남편한테 꼭 말해야 되는 말이네요 !!!!! 감사합니다 😊
그니까 티나게 일좀 해요 했는데 티가 안난다고 하는건 ... 안한거나 마찬가지에요 안하면 티가난다? 말장난 그만하시구요 당장 욕실 타일 줄눈에 락스만 뿌려봐도 티가 나요
눈물이 울컥 눈물나게 영강이에요 ㅎㅎ 분명 그런데 컨텐츠가 ㅎㅎ 반복 바로 보상이 이어지지 않는 부분은 같은데….그래도 결국엔 집안일도 영어공부도 그저 열심히 하면 프로 주부, 플로언트 스피커가 되겠죠?! ㅎㅎ 집안일 하며 영어수업 듣는게 제일 귀한 시간입니다
집안일 하는거에 대해 이렇게 말씀하는 분은 처음 봤어요ㅠㅠ 하면 티가 안 나고 안하면 티가 나는 마법의 집안일...
House chores 라고 띄어 써야 하는데 제가 저렇게 붙여 썼더니 쌤도..
안그래도 어제 쌤 말씀 못알아 들어서 끝나고 다시 들었었는데 자막 달아주셔서 감사합니다!
You know about house chores very well!!
Thank you for proper comments and good example sentences in every live streaming. This video clip must’ve been made thanks to your sentence. I hope there will be no more house chores today.
@@닥터허니-p2k Thanks for the kind words! How nice of you!!! Emoji 를 붙이고 싶은데 폰 바꾼후로 Emoji 가 없어요ㅜ
@장정현 If you're using galaxy s22 series, you might turn on the keyboard tool bar in keyboard setting! Just I'm guessing because I've been through this before 😂
@@tube9854 Thanks! I'll try it!
헐, 저 이부분 좋아서 폰으로 따로 찍어서
오늘 지하철에서 다시 봤었어요!!
가사노동을 생각할때마다 늘 했던 생각이라…
너무 반가운 동영상이네요~
유익한 표현을 하나 더 배워갑니다~^^
와우.... 꼭 하고 싶은 말이었는데
진짜 하기싫은데 ,어쩔수없어서 최소한으로만 하면서 느낀 죄책감을 덜어주는 영상이라서 더 맘속 깊이 확 새겨졌어요.ㅎㅎ
저만 그러는게 아니라서 다행^:^
정말 재밌게 배우네요 문맥상 어색한것도 알려주시고
감사합니다 ^^>
Doing house chores is repetitive and endless. Nobody pays me to do house chores.
Even if it is true, if you don't do them, you might be labeled as a lazy person.
There's no reward.
Even if someone gives me a big compliment about doing house chores, I would not be happy.
Because it sounds like that you're doing great job on this and keep it going FOREVER! ^^
So sometimes I want to be rich. Being rich means for me I can have someone do my lots of house chores. ^^
너무 신기하다 내가 찾고 싶은 표현인데 도저히 파파고를 챗지피티 돌려도 원하는 뉘앙스가 안나와서 짜증났는데 ... 감사합니다.
Agree 100%
So glad you fully understand the difficulties of housewife's house chores!
How considerate! Exactly right! "It's hardly noticeable!" At the same time I can learn a good expression thanks to you!! In fact, my husband doesn't express his feelings. Especially about my doing house chores. So I sometimes complain about it! Nagging!😅 Thank you as always!
I spent all morning doing housechores like I do everyday. I hate doing housechores. It’s endless, repetitive, and even hardly noticable. Although it is part of one’s daily life that keeps our life going on as it is, but sometimes it feels like it’s quite time consuming. Seperately, each one of them seems very trivial, not that big of a deal, but when put altogether, it consumes annoyingly huge amount of my energy and time. But what can I say? Any work has something to do with chores, dealing with details and requiring repetitive simple tasks. Maybe life is somewhat like that. Now that I think of it, boredom or repetition or simplicity, on the flip side, can provide a sense of calmness or stability to one’s life. Like sometimes when I get very angry, I tend to do some housechores and find myself become calm after doing chores. I think repetitive and simple tasks can sometimes help you to get yourself together and organize your thoughts. Its effects are amazing because it’s just housechores you’re doing when your mind gets calm while doing it. (?)
선생님~~~ 정말 공감이 가는 주제입니다^^*
1. 연습
- 혼자 지내보면 집안일이 얼마나 힘든지 느낄 수 있지 : you can realize how housechores is frustrating things when you stay alone.
2. 개인정리
- it's hardly noticealbe
- housechores
- frustrating : 불만스러운
이렇게 콘텐츠 많은 채널에서 영어공부를 시작하고 싶다면 무엇부터 시작해야할지
Doing housechores doesn't bring any dramatic results. 라고 해보고싶었는데 이렇게 쓸수도 있을까요?
Another reason why it's annoying: It's noticeable when it's not done.
You can say that again !!
모자 벗으신 모습이 더 좋아요. 잘 듣고 갑니다.
In this case, I'm so lucky person. Beacuse my husband always tells me thanks for doing housechores ;^)
아내: How was your day at work? I know you had an important game to referee.
남편: Well, I think you might see me on the TV evening news.
아내: Really? Wow, that's good!
남편: No, actually it's not good. I think I made a bad call which tilted the game in the visitors' favor. So the whole home team crowd was upset with me.
아내: Well, usually you do a very good job. So don't .
남편: Yeah, I'm trying not to let it bother me. about referees. No one notices you when you do a great job. But if you mess up, everyone will notice immediately!
아내: Hmmm...guess it's like doing the house chores. It's week after week. But if you and , everyone complains right away!
남편: Yes, that's an excellent analogy! Hahaha...I guess I should thank you more often for keeping up with the house chores!
let it bother you
사람들이 흔히 말하다
잘하면 표가 거의 안난다
작은 실수를 하다
일을 미루다
안하면 금방 표시나는데, 하는건 표시나지 않는것...
Regarding house chores, I think it is tough thing because normally both thing happened simultaneously. Somebody clean up and somebody mess up again and again. It’s repetitive, if you were married, you couldn’t agree more regarding my opinion. What are you thought on?
Because of this reason, i decided to work as a full-time job rather than do housechores throughly
But it's really frustrating that after work i see the housechores which i should catch up on
I agree 100% with you. They barely don't thank you for doing housechorse because it seems that it's hardly noticeable. So people usually think about housechorse as just something having to do. But what I'm suprised is the fact that if I don't do housechorse regularly, it becomes noticeable soon. it doesn't make sense🤣.
집안일을 꾸준히 하지 않으면 금방 티가 나 (it becomes noticeable soon ?? )
House chores never end.
혹시 the effect of doing housechores is hardly noticeable 이건 안될까요...?
영국인 남편에게 꼭 써먹을겁니다😂😂 이런영상 넘 좋아요 👍👏🙌 제가 너무나도 하고픈 말이였습니다 ☺️ 일다녀왓으니 집안일은 안해도 된다고 생각하는 남자들대한 영상도 좀 부탁드려요 ㅋ😂
영국남자들도 그러나요? 저 영국에 있어서 물어봐요ㅎㅎㅎ
@@썬썬-g3n 영국남자고 한국남자고 남자들은 다 같은거같아요 😂😂
어머ㅋㅋ 다 같군요ㅜㅎ
말같지도 않은 소리 하지말구요 그럼 나가서 일하시고 돌아와서 또 집안일하세요 그럼 ㅋ 그건 또 실져????
모자 안쓰신게 더 멋있어요
The reason people easily give up studying English is that it is hardly noticable to see how you improve in a short time.
A quick question: Why did you say that you wouldn't even say 'It's barely noticeable.'? (2:14) Is it because 'barely' is less close to 'no/not' than 'hardly'?
It suddenly occurred to me ,,
I spend most of my time doing housechores
I hate doing housechores.
Doing housechores is so frustrating + because it's hardly noticeable .
I think a number of people who do house chore agree with that.
0:00 0:57
It is such a hassle ㅠㅠ
Lizzo - about damn time 들으면서 집안일 하시면 티 좀 나지않을까요
hardly noticeable!!!! ㅠㅠ 그런데 그걸 잠시라도 안 하면 엄청나게 티가 납니다. It would be terribly noticeable~~~
그니까요 안 하면 기가 막히게 티 남 ㅋㅋ 환장해요
@@Jumpingjay ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그쵸? 환장하죠~~~(근데 막상 저렇게 써놓고도 저 말이 맞는지는 모르겠음요)
어..간만에들어왔는데 빨강모자 없어서 당황😮
It's hardly noticeable and repetitive. That's why I hate doing housechores. 😑
쌤 모자 벗으셨네요. 약간 배우 느낌이세요.
Doing house chores is frustrating because it’s hardly noticeable but it would be VERY noticeable if no one does house chores.
집안일은 해도 티가 안난다는 것은 제대로 하지못하는 가정주부가 핑계를 대는 것이다
the fact that, why doesnot notice even if who do housework is because house wifes doesn't works properly so, it is all of wifes make excuses. be polite
이야 참... 세탁기.건조기 청소기 뭐 다 사줘도 이랗게.집안일이.힘들다고 징징거리는 사람들이.많네..
다시 돌아가서 애들 들처엎고 개울가에가서 방망이로 빨래 패대기 치고 서방은 술이 곤죽이 되어 느즈막 들아와서 양말 벗겨달라고 하고 벗긴.양말 손수 다 빨아넣고 북어국 끄려서 아침에 해장하고 참 햇던 시절이 있는데 그걸 모르고 세탁기 버튼 하나 누르는거 힘들어서 남편도 집안일 어쩌고 하는거 보면....말세다 참 큰일이다. 애하나 낳으면 아주그냥 뼈가 다 떨어졌다가 붙었다느니 하면서 뭐 무슨 간호 하는 병원 그런데.입원해서 일주일 이상 호의호식하며 인스타에 사진올리고(뒤에 명품가방 있어야함) 시어미는 오지말라하고 친정 엄마랑 이바구 하고 남편 흉보고 시월드 흉보고 근데 태어난 애기가 아들인데 나중에 또 지 아들은 결혼해서 그일을 반복하고 참 복잡하다..
라는 이 표현을 영어로 자유롭게 말하고 싶네요^^ 열공열공