I've rebuilt a 16 year old traeger with rust inside and currently on a 7 year old. I watched your video for tips. The 7 year old ill keep since no rust. Looks like you did it right. For the inside, I'd do the oil and torch method to season it. And the buckets are cheap. i use one for my Blackstone and traeger. I also completely take apart the smoker, but that's my preference.
Nice work keeping the Traeger alive. Doing the same to an old traeger that I got cheap... But I painted the inside with high heat grill paint. Will see what happens.
That is wonderful what you did to it, but man the previous owner was not schooled in basic maintenance apparently of any sort...what awful treatment of a nice cooking device....
That looks great. Happy found your video , I plan on doing the same thing to a neglected treager grill. Did you high or semi gloss black paint on the outside ?
You're using a grinder to take off rust without a mask & spray painting in a closed space that doesn't look to even be ventilated. That's a guaranteed way to have terrible problems in your older years, if not sooner. Please don't do this or show people to do it this way.
I find it ironic he's didn't paint the interior because it's "toxic" to the food, yet has no problem breathing all that powder coat, metal, paint fumes and rust. I also wouldn't suggest painting two feet from your car. smh
There is a way to touch up powder coat, but that wasn't it. that paint will chip away in a year. There is also High heat paint for painting grills, made by Rust oleum. The Drip pail you can order anywhere even Amazon for $10. All in all if you where looking to make a how too video to "How to repair a Traeger Grill the Cheap Way" then I guess you where successful. But basically the grill was no better off then when you started. Shame.
I mean, it did look better, and his buddy is going to appreciate it. He made content, and honestly decent enough content. Most people are gonna DIY this sort of thing, and are looking for conventional ways of doing it. If the new owner takes care of it, covers it, takes out the pellets when not in use, and touches it up along the way, it will continue to look and operate great. That being said, I just bought a Pro 34 but inherited a Tailgater 20, and the Tailgater is in rough shape. I’m glad there was a simple cost effective way to make it look better, since I can invest however much I want into it and know I paid $Free.99 for the grill itself.
I've rebuilt a 16 year old traeger with rust inside and currently on a 7 year old. I watched your video for tips. The 7 year old ill keep since no rust. Looks like you did it right. For the inside, I'd do the oil and torch method to season it. And the buckets are cheap. i use one for my Blackstone and traeger. I also completely take apart the smoker, but that's my preference.
Brave soul painting near your car there. Great video with a great turnout. Thanks for taking the time.
It's just a beater. Point A to point. 😁
Great video, I’m now going to attempt it on my Ironwood. Thanks for the great content, very to the point and helpful.
Quite the gesture gifting this Traeger to your buddy! Excellent Work!
Nice work keeping the Traeger alive. Doing the same to an old traeger that I got cheap... But I painted the inside with high heat grill paint. Will see what happens.
Definitely, I'm curious how the paint inside will treat the food. Let me know how it goes.
That is wonderful what you did to it, but man the previous owner was not schooled in basic maintenance apparently of any sort...what awful treatment of a nice cooking device....
That looks great. Happy found your video , I plan on doing the same thing to a neglected treager grill. Did you high or semi gloss black paint on the outside ?
@@christopherjpeters what kinda paint did you use?
High temp BBQ paint. You can get it from home depot
Walmart is cheaper.@christopherjpeters
Great work! And great editing/music and such
How long do you let dry after power washing till you can cook again?
Almost right away. It's just water. It will evaporate quickly. The paint I waited overnight
It’s seasoned on the inside. Great job man. Doing the same.
That thing came out awesome. 😱👍
So helpful, awesome, thanks!
That smoker turned out great!!!!
Thanks for the vid man great work.
Good job !!!
Have ever upgraded the controller ???
If you’re worried about the grease pail around your kids, we’ve got the fix!
Hahaha, the child is ridiculous 🤣❤️
You're using a grinder to take off rust without a mask & spray painting in a closed space that doesn't look to even be ventilated. That's a guaranteed way to have terrible problems in your older years, if not sooner. Please don't do this or show people to do it this way.
I find it ironic he's didn't paint the interior because it's "toxic" to the food, yet has no problem breathing all that powder coat, metal, paint fumes and rust. I also wouldn't suggest painting two feet from your car. smh
Why is your ur child touching the mold lol
There is a way to touch up powder coat, but that wasn't it. that paint will chip away in a year. There is also High heat paint for painting grills, made by Rust oleum. The Drip pail you can order anywhere even Amazon for $10. All in all if you where looking to make a how too video to "How to repair a Traeger Grill the Cheap Way" then I guess you where successful. But basically the grill was no better off then when you started. Shame.
I mean, it did look better, and his buddy is going to appreciate it. He made content, and honestly decent enough content. Most people are gonna DIY this sort of thing, and are looking for conventional ways of doing it. If the new owner takes care of it, covers it, takes out the pellets when not in use, and touches it up along the way, it will continue to look and operate great.
That being said, I just bought a Pro 34 but inherited a Tailgater 20, and the Tailgater is in rough shape. I’m glad there was a simple cost effective way to make it look better, since I can invest however much I want into it and know I paid $Free.99 for the grill itself.
The grill is better off now. Now it's up to the owner to give it some tlc!!