Please pray for my cousin who was hit by a car while on the motor cycle. Among other injuries, he may lose his finger. Thank you so much and God bless! I'm praying for all of you.
Father, may everything that I do this day, whether it be full of joy or pain, whether it be full of love or of grief, I ask that everything I go through today be offered to you just like Jesus offered everything to you. It is in his name we pray. Amen. 6/15/2023
It's hard for me to consider water so amiable as I consider it to be the most powerful substance on Earth and the most plentiful. Not only does it sustain and give life it also cuts through the hardest of rocky substance and is stronger than dynamite in its frozen form cracking the hardest of marble and granite. Yet even many times more stronger and many times more powerful is water in baptism by its purifying nature welling upto even life eternal, "But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never be thirsty; but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up to eternal life."
This teaching is deep. Thank you Jesus. Help us to unpack all these gifts you have bestowed on us. It's simply incredible. God bless Fr. Mike. Your reading of the catechism is excellent.
🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼Sacraments make me feel whole, I would feel lost and confused without them, learning more about them just makes me feel closer to God. Prayers to Fr. Mike for his energy to bring us closer to God.
I was baptized 65 years ago today. It’s no coincidence, it’s a Godincidence, that we’d be studying the Baptism in todays reading from the Catechism. Todays rosary was the Luminous Mysteries. And guess what? The first decade is the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan. Thank you all for praying for Fr. Mike!
Plunge from death into life, cleaning us from orginal sin. That's very beautiful all of the ways God uses water, that I'm sure tells us something about His immense character. For Europe, the island nations, North America, Australia, the Middle East, South America, Africa, Antarctica, Asia, and especially me and my family: My adorable Jesus, may our feet journey together, may our hands gather in unity, may our hearts beat in unison, may our souls be in harmony, may our thoughts be as one, may our ears listen to the silence together, may our glances profoundly penetrate each other, may our lips pray together to gain mercy from the Eternal Father. Amen. ❤
I’m finally caught up. I lost my best friend of 45 years, my RCIA sponsor. I wasn’t in a good place. Please continue to pray for me. I’ll continue praying for you.
Just WOW! We could do an entire study on the Bible's water analogies. One example (among many) Psalm 29 vs 3: The voice of the Lord is over the waters" Compare to Matthew 8;26, when Jesus calms the storm. I love it!
Lord, thank you for the precious gift of baptism, that we can publicly declare our love and passion for You. Lord, we ask for Your goodness and blessings to be poured out on Your faithful servants. We pray that You would work deeply within our hearts and souls to renew and refresh us each day.
I have waited 166 days just to get this for. For me this marks and accomplishment. Baptism is so fascinating. Plus finding out that Baptism, the Eucharist, and Confirmation are Sacraments of Initiation I didn't know that. I have all three I am initiated.
June 15, 2023 Please pray for Souls in Purgatory. Go ahead, just take about 30 seconds to help save a soul that maybe is your family member or friend! Go forth and help save! Here is the prayer: (According to tradition, St. Gertrude the Great was told by Our Lord that each time she piously recited the following prayer, it would release 1,000 souls (or a vast number) from their suffering in purgatory.) The Prayer of St. Gertrude Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen. God would reply to St. Gertrude that He would use whatever was offered to Him for the faithful departed, according to His inclination to show pardon & mercy.
I was raised Catholic (baptised and confirmed) but did not remain in the Church once I came of age. Now 40 years later the Lord in His mercy has called me home. But one thing I do not understand is how those who have trusted in Christ and live under His grace and recieved the sacraments can be sent to Purgatory. It is a very frightening doctrine. Can someone please explain this to me. Thank you.
@@kateleurs5012 it is a purification process for those who love and believe God but made grave mistakes, grave sins, and need a purification period. This is what I understand.
@@kateleurs5012 if I understand it correctly, there's no definitive teaching of the Church on **how** the purification process takes place, nor how long does it take. We believe there's a state of purification every person must go through (granted they're going to Heaven) between the moment they die, and the moment they enter our Father's Kingdom, because as said in Scripture, nothing impure can enter Heaven. That process may very well be almost instantaneous, but it must be done in order to fully purify the souls of those that died in His grace, but have still attachments to unholy things due to their sin (sin that what forgiven through Christ, so the eternal consequences from it no longer apply, but there are still consequences). That's as far as I understand, however, I also don't understand the over emphasis of some Catholics about "reducing" the time of people in Purgatory. I mean, they'll get to heaven when they get there, right? Anyway, I hope I could help with my answer. God bless.
Wow, I never thought about the sacraments that I received as a gift. It has put a new perspective on everything for me. I will praise and thank God for all that he has done and continues to do despite my stumbling and brokenness.
Day 166. Introduction to Baptism. Lord send out Your Spirit and renew the face of the earth. I CANNOT WAIT to hear you again. I am praying for all of you. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Please pray for me. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 God bless. ❤❤❤
Fr. Thank you ❤. Praying for you and for all my CIY sisters and brothers. God bless ❤🙏. Heavenly Father, thank you for the sacraments which unite us to you. We are called to be your children not because we deserve it but because, in your grace, you allow us to be called yours. Gratefully blessed. 😇😇😇
Thank you Fr Mike! I am so grateful for your daily reading of the Catechism and for all the people who are engaged in learning and understanding the Catholic faith. I really look forward to each session. May God bless your effort! May He deepen our trust in Him and perfect our love for one another! ❤
The faithful born anew by Baptism are strengthened by Confirmation and are nourished by the Eucharist. To baptise means to "immerse" in water - we are immersed into the death of Christ and rise with him as a new creature. In the Old Covenant, baptism was prefigured in various ways - creation of water; the Ark of Noah; passing through in the Red Sea; crossing of the Jordan River. Baptism saves. Praise God. 🙏
Heavenly father, we praise Your holy name. May all come to recognize You as the eternally loving and omnipotent creator. Surround us with your kingdom and may we eventually enter. Help us to meet our basic needs. O Lord, be merciful when we turn away from You--as we release those who have harmed us. Steer us clear of temptation and protect us from evil. Make us instruments of Your peace and may our faces be reflections of Your love, hope and grace. You have blessed me with another year on earth and yet another anniversary of my baptism. In this lifetime that has extended nearly 7 decades, I have seen, experienced and--through your gifts of grace, hope, faith and love--accomplished so much. Yet, despite this advanced age, I am still a neophyte in the discovery of the cornucopia of gifts and graces in which You have bestowed me and continue to confer on me. I implore You to continue these blessing as I walk through the autumn of my life with You. Help me to use these gifts to bring others to You. You have brought me to it; You will bring me through it. So be it.
I/we cannot thank you enough Father for all you do!! I'm sure that I am not the only one who shares your wisdom and explanations with others, so you are reaching a lot more people than just those of us who come here!
Amen, thank you Fr Mike for leading us, praying for us & praying too in unity with Your prayers for us & yourself...Lord open our hearts, minds, eyes & ears!!😇🙏🙏🙏❤️
I especially enjoy seeing where the Old Covenant prefigured the coming of Christ. It is something i did not pick up on when i read the Bible without Fr. Mike.
“Peter said to them, “Each one of you must turn away from your sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins will be forgiven; and you will receive God's gift, the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38
What an awesome God to claim us as his own! Wouldn’t want to Be claimed by none other than our God. What a beautiful reminder. Prayers for Father and the community
Today's Catechism is an eye opener for me. I have been baptized and this is so deep of how I am gifted with God's grace and being the light in the dark. 🙏
Thank you Fr Mike and everyone who's a part of bringing this podcast and the Catechism to life!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you. And above all, thank You Lord for this gift of life You've given us and the ability to worship You Lord!!
When I was in school in 1950s we were told if a baby were dying we could baptize it with plain water. We had to do this so the baby could go to heaven. Otherwise it would go to limbo where they would stay
Glad you spoke on water..I realized how important Jesus felt about the simplest ...things like water...Lady at the well in Sumaroa..Jesus says his water gives life...
Thank you God for all the Graces you have bestowed upon me.....Thank you Fr Mike for bringing this to us. Praying for you and everyone here. God bless🙏❤️🙏
Day 166 takeaways: There are 3 kinds of Sacraments: INITIATION (Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist); HEALING (Penance, Anointing of the Sick); SERVICE (Holy Orders, Holy Matrimony). The Sacraments of Initiation are the foundation of every Christian life. In Baptism we become Children of God. In the Holy Eucharist we are fed and nourished by the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. In Confirmation we are strengthened by the same graces of the Holy Spirit poured out to the Apostles at Pentecost. Originally the rite of Baptism was done by full immersion into water, but the Church permits a simpler way of pouring water over the head. Baptism is a rebirth. We become new creatures. We are given a new life. Baptism is a gift because it is conferred upon people who bring nothing of their own. Therefore infants can be Baptized. Baptism is the culmination of God slowly revealing throughout the Old Testament His power through water. Water is the source of life but it can also be the source of death as in the sea. In Baptism we die with Christ and rise with Christ. Noah’s Ark is the symbol of the Church bringing people through the chaos of life to a new life. In crossing the Red Sea, God led His people from slavery and death into freedom. In crossing the Jordan, God lead His people from wandering in the wilderness to the Promised Land which is a symbol and sign of Heaven.
ST. HIPPOLYTUS OF ROME wrote: The children shall be baptized first. All the children who can answer for themselves, let them answer. If there are any children who cannot answer for themselves, let their parents answer for them, or someone else from their family [Apostolic Tradition 21 (c. A.D. 215)].
Greetings Father Mike, Thoughts :- -> Message reflect with, "The Spiritual Induction of Holy Christian Faith through Holy Family in Holy Trinity in The Holy Church in all aspects of Human Life." -> Thanks Father Mike, Team Ascension Press for Wonderful Message. With regards and Prayers, Ranjith Joseph (R.J)
Hi Fr. Mike, Could you please tell me where I can read St. Gregory of Nanzianzus explanation of the Sacraments you referenced today. We thought Bible in a Year was incredible, Catechism in a Year is even more so. God bless you for all you and the team have done to help us increase our understanding of our faith. 🙏
Why are my prayers different by a few words in the catechism. Like in 1218.. "at the very dawn of creation your spirit breathed on the waters, making them the wellspring of all holiness "
Mine is the same! I figured it was because I’m using the older tan version of the catechism, which came out before the recent changes in some of the prayers of the liturgy.
All of the prayers from the Roman Missal were different in my version of the Catechism (second edition). I had to stop the tape to compare them to see that the context was similar. I was hoping father would have mentioned something about this when he discussed the prayers in his introduction. Now I wonder if other parts of my version of the Catechism may be out of date as well.
Questions: How might one respond to the following? I’ve had once-Catholic but now Protestant friends/family who’s pastors have “re-baptized” them because they did not believe in pouring on of water since we tend not to immerse infants for example. They said their pastor told them they should be immersed. If this is what the meaning is depending upon the translation apparently, why would we not quickly immerse the infant always? How might I respond to my Protestant friends who believe only in immersion? Lastly- how might I charitably defend infant baptism to someone who questions this practice for reasons of ability to choose for oneself?
The same thing happened with my son. He had to be “born again” in order to join the Baptist church that his father-in-law was the pastor of. They would not recognize his infant baptism. I’d like to know what to say also. My 6 year old grandson has not been baptized.
The Scriptures offer scant direct instructions on baptism. That makes perfect sense because Jesus founded a Church on Peter. Protestants are simply making interpretations of what little evidence exists that suit them. John the Baptist baptized in the Jordan, which may or may not have been full immersion. We don't know. But there many other instances of baptism in the NT that do not involve standing next to one of the largest rivers in the region, and the historical border of the promised land. On the day of Pentecost, did the thousands leave really Jerusalem to get baptized that day? There are no large bodies of water nearby. How about the Ethiopian eunuch (in acts)? One gets the sense of spotting a spring, not the Jordan from the account. We have no evidence either way of full immersion being required. For all we know the apostles were sprinkling water on the heads of first converts in a place where people were not tripping over large water bodies all the time. In other words, we can trust Peter and presumably the Church's long memory on this point. Even if it didn't happen that way at first, the point of the Peterine office (the Apostles) is to clarify what Scripture necessary leaves blank. Scripture does directly mention a household baptism, which would include servants and children. Further, baptism replaced circumcision as the mark of inclusion with God's people. Hebrews infant sons were not given a choice on the matter. Circumcision itself never stopped someone from abandoning their place in God's family. That too parallels baptism. For families intent on raising Christian children, bringing them into God's family and the regeneration of their spirit as soon as possible makes sense.
@@paularoussel7859 - I wrote up an explanation on this thread about infant Baptism and also Scripture, if it helps at all. Your son got wet the second time, nothing more. God has already washed away original sin from your son and joined him to Christ as infant. It can't happen again.
What about the Ethiopian in the desert or when the jailer went and got his family and was baptized? I doubt that they were plunged underwater, so I don’t think it has always originally been submersion has it.
After I was sprinkled as a baby I spent 13 years in Catholic school. All it took was one reading of The New Testament for me to realize that I couldn’t be a Catholic and believe the scriptures. The Bible clearly states not to pray repetitious prayers (Like the Rosary), Not to abstain from meats (Like we did every Friday), not to prohibit marriage (Celibacy), There is one mediator between God and man (No Immaculately conceived Queen of heaven), There is no Mass with marble altars with green and gold dressed priests and on and on. Constantine clearly weaved Roman Empire paganism with Christianity and created a religion that was politically exported from The Bishop of Rome throughout Europe. Don’t fear leaving your ethnic, cultural, familial false religion. Read the history of the ancient popes, you will be shocked. God open all your eyes.
Father Mike, I have a ten year old grandson who is not baptized. His mother, my daughter was raised Catholic, his father has no religion. They have been together for 14 years not married. How can I get my grandson baptized in the church?
Please pray for my cousin who was hit by a car while on the motor cycle. Among other injuries, he may lose his finger. Thank you so much and God bless! I'm praying for all of you.
My prayers for you and your cousin. God Bless you!
I will put you on the prayer list. Sorry for such tragedy; but no loss.
Prayers for healing!🙏
Praying for your cousin 🙏🙏🙏
United in prayer for the recovery of your cousin 🙏
Please pray for my grandchild to be baptized. Pray that his parents will come back to the faith and see the necessity of this gift of love. Thank you.
You are not alone….I am praying the same prayer….I believe it will happen! 🙏🏼❤️
Please pray for my grandneice also to be baptized + likewise parents to come back to the faith. 🙏🐇
Praying ❤🙏❤️
2nd time and learning so much more
For the sake of His sorrowful Passion have mercy on us and on the whole world. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us 🫀🔥✝️
🙏🕊️🙏Thank you🙏🕊️🙏
Prayers for all the babies they not baptised because they parents don't not believe. Amen
Hello everyone & Happy Day 166!🙏😊
🙋Elizabeth 😊day166. Storm hit at 12:20 no electricity for over 45minutes.
Father, may everything that I do this day, whether it be full of joy or pain, whether it be full of love or of grief, I ask that everything I go through today be offered to you just like Jesus offered everything to you. It is in his name we pray. Amen. 6/15/2023
It's hard for me to consider water so amiable as I consider it to be the most powerful substance on Earth and the most plentiful. Not only does it sustain and give life it also cuts through the hardest of rocky substance and is stronger than dynamite in its frozen form cracking the hardest of marble and granite. Yet even many times more stronger and many times more powerful is water in baptism by its purifying nature welling upto even life eternal, "But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never be thirsty; but the water that I will give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up to eternal life."
Wow what a beautiful illumination 🌊❄️🌧️🌀
Amen 🙏.
This teaching is deep. Thank you Jesus. Help us to unpack all these gifts you have bestowed on us. It's simply incredible. God bless Fr. Mike. Your reading of the catechism is excellent.
Praying for all babies to be baptised. Thank you Fr Mike. Praying for you and everyone here. God bless🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
Water- a Sign of Death and Life. Excellent!
🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼Sacraments make me feel whole, I would feel lost and confused without them, learning more about them just makes me feel closer to God. Prayers to Fr. Mike for his energy to bring us closer to God.
I was baptized 65 years ago today. It’s no coincidence, it’s a Godincidence, that we’d be studying the Baptism in todays reading from the Catechism. Todays rosary was the Luminous Mysteries. And guess what? The first decade is the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan. Thank you all for praying for Fr. Mike!
Plunge from death into life, cleaning us from orginal sin. That's very beautiful all of the ways God uses water, that I'm sure tells us something about His immense character.
For Europe, the island nations, North America, Australia, the Middle East, South America, Africa, Antarctica, Asia, and especially me and my family: My adorable Jesus, may our feet journey together, may our hands gather in unity, may our hearts beat in unison, may our souls be in harmony, may our thoughts be as one, may our ears listen to the silence together, may our glances profoundly penetrate each other, may our lips pray together to gain mercy from the Eternal Father. Amen. ❤
These videos are priceless. So much knowledge.
Thank you
I’m finally caught up. I lost my best friend of 45 years, my RCIA sponsor. I wasn’t in a good place. Please continue to pray for me. I’ll continue praying for you.
" you and I can participate in this incredible life that Jesus Christ has won for us." Fr Mike Schmitz
Just WOW! We could do an entire study on the Bible's water analogies. One example (among many) Psalm 29 vs 3: The voice of the Lord is over the waters" Compare to Matthew 8;26, when Jesus calms the storm. I love it!
Lord, thank you for the precious gift of baptism, that we can publicly declare our love and passion for You. Lord, we ask for Your goodness and blessings to be poured out on Your faithful servants. We pray that You would work deeply within our hearts and souls to renew and refresh us each day.
Amen! ❤🙏
I have waited 166 days just to get this for. For me this marks and accomplishment. Baptism is so fascinating. Plus finding out that Baptism, the Eucharist, and Confirmation are Sacraments of Initiation I didn't know that. I have all three I am initiated.
Day 166 is so emotional for me. Very powerful. Thanks Fr. Mike for making this day come alive.
June 15, 2023
Please pray for Souls in Purgatory. Go ahead, just take about 30 seconds to help save a soul that maybe is your family member or friend! Go forth and help save! Here is the prayer:
(According to tradition, St. Gertrude the Great was told by Our Lord that each time she piously recited the following prayer, it would release 1,000 souls (or a vast number) from their suffering in purgatory.)
The Prayer of St. Gertrude
Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the holy souls in purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.
God would reply to St. Gertrude that He would use whatever was offered to Him for the faithful departed, according to His inclination to show pardon & mercy.
I was raised Catholic (baptised and confirmed) but did not remain in the Church once I came of age. Now 40 years later the Lord in His mercy has called me home. But one thing I do not understand is how those who have trusted in Christ and live under His grace and recieved the sacraments can be sent to Purgatory. It is a very frightening doctrine. Can someone please explain this to me. Thank you.
@@kateleurs5012 it is a purification process for those who love and believe God but made grave mistakes, grave sins, and need a purification period. This is what I understand.
@@kateleurs5012 if I understand it correctly, there's no definitive teaching of the Church on **how** the purification process takes place, nor how long does it take.
We believe there's a state of purification every person must go through (granted they're going to Heaven) between the moment they die, and the moment they enter our Father's Kingdom, because as said in Scripture, nothing impure can enter Heaven. That process may very well be almost instantaneous, but it must be done in order to fully purify the souls of those that died in His grace, but have still attachments to unholy things due to their sin (sin that what forgiven through Christ, so the eternal consequences from it no longer apply, but there are still consequences).
That's as far as I understand, however, I also don't understand the over emphasis of some Catholics about "reducing" the time of people in Purgatory. I mean, they'll get to heaven when they get there, right?
Anyway, I hope I could help with my answer.
God bless.
@@jpesmar ...many thanks for taking the time to write such a comprehensive reply. It helped me gain understanding. .
Water, air, wind, fire the Sun and stars + disease, pain,poverty and death. Just like a rose among thorns.🌹🙏🏻
Wow, I never thought about the sacraments that I received as a gift. It has put a new perspective on everything for me. I will praise and thank God for all that he has done and continues to do despite my stumbling and brokenness.
Baptism symbolizes death of our sins and life in Jesus.❤🙏❤
But baptism is also more than symbolism.
Day 166. Introduction to Baptism. Lord send out Your Spirit and renew the face of the earth. I CANNOT WAIT to hear you again. I am praying for all of you. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Please pray for me. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 God bless. ❤❤❤
Wow, incredible, jam-packed episode! Definitely needs a second listen!🙏💧
Fr. Thank you ❤. Praying for you and for all my CIY sisters and brothers. God bless ❤🙏.
Heavenly Father, thank you for the sacraments which unite us to you. We are called to be your children not because we deserve it but because, in your grace, you allow us to be called yours. Gratefully blessed. 😇😇😇
Thank you ❤🙏
@@dianefrank3688 ❤🙏
Thank you Fr Mike! I am so grateful for your daily reading of the Catechism and for all the people who are engaged in learning and understanding the Catholic faith. I really look forward to each session. May God bless your effort! May He deepen our trust in Him and perfect our love for one another! ❤
Thank you father Mike.. praying for you all.. God bless ❤️🙏🏻
Thank you Monique and I am praying for you and all. ❤🙏🙏🙏
The faithful born anew by Baptism are strengthened by Confirmation and are nourished by the Eucharist.
To baptise means to "immerse" in water - we are immersed into the death of Christ and rise with him as a new creature.
In the Old Covenant, baptism was prefigured in various ways - creation of water; the Ark of Noah; passing through in the Red Sea; crossing of the Jordan River. Baptism saves. Praise God. 🙏
Amen! ❤🙏
This CIY is truly a blessing and I am so blessed to be listening 🙏🙏 Thank You Fr. Mike
Heavenly father, we praise Your holy name. May all come to recognize You as the eternally loving and omnipotent creator. Surround us with your kingdom and may we eventually enter. Help us to meet our basic needs. O Lord, be merciful when we turn away from You--as we release those who have harmed us. Steer us clear of temptation and protect us from evil. Make us instruments of Your peace and may our faces be reflections of Your love, hope and grace.
You have blessed me with another year on earth and yet another anniversary of my baptism. In this lifetime that has extended nearly 7 decades, I have seen, experienced and--through your gifts of grace, hope, faith and love--accomplished so much. Yet, despite this advanced age, I am still a neophyte in the discovery of the cornucopia of gifts and graces in which You have bestowed me and continue to confer on me. I implore You to continue these blessing as I walk through the autumn of my life with You. Help me to use these gifts to bring others to You.
You have brought me to it; You will bring me through it. So be it.
Amen ❤
I/we cannot thank you enough Father for all you do!! I'm sure that I am not the only one who shares your wisdom and explanations with others, so you are reaching a lot more people than just those of us who come here!
Thank you, Father Mike. It's always so good, God Bless You!
This is so beautiful. I wish our non Catholic friends would listen and gain the knowledge of scripture and tradition…thank you father Mike!❤️🙏✝️🌺🌺
Thank you. I bless the Lord for wanting the universe and me.
Such a revealing session today, connecting how God uses nature and a actually created it for our sanctification. There is no end to His love ❤
Praying 🙏 for you 🫵
Pray for all us Catechist who will start with our new student on the road to confirmation.
Praise to you God and Jesus Christ❤🙏🕊😇
Amen 🎉
Praying 🙏🏽 Amen
Amen, thank you Fr Mike for leading us, praying for us & praying too in unity with Your prayers for us & yourself...Lord open our hearts, minds, eyes & ears!!😇🙏🙏🙏❤️
Thank you Father Mike. Please pray for my special intentions. I am praying for you.
I especially enjoy seeing where the Old Covenant prefigured the coming of Christ. It is something i did not pick up on when i read the Bible without Fr. Mike.
In the name of the FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT - AMEN🙏
“Peter said to them, “Each one of you must turn away from your sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, so that your sins will be forgiven; and you will receive God's gift, the Holy Spirit.”
Acts 2:38
What an awesome God to claim us as his own! Wouldn’t want to
Be claimed by none other than our God. What a beautiful reminder.
Prayers for Father and the community
Thank you Fr Mike, I can't wait to hear more. Praying for you, and all. Please pray for me. God's Blessings to all.
Today's Catechism is an eye opener for me. I have been baptized and this is so deep of how I am gifted with God's grace and being the light in the dark. 🙏
Thank you Fr Mike and everyone who's a part of bringing this podcast and the Catechism to life!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you. And above all, thank You Lord for this gift of life You've given us and the ability to worship You Lord!!
When I was in school in 1950s we were told if a baby were dying we could baptize it with plain water. We had to do this so the baby could go to heaven. Otherwise it would go to limbo where they would stay
I Love You Lord Jesus....I don't remember my Baptism and I found out it was a "testy" area for those involved with it...
Praise be to You O' Lord Jesus Christ ❣️
Thank you so much Fr. Mike and Ascension. As always, my continued prayers for all. God Bless 🙏🏻
Thanks Irene praying for you also.❤🙏
Fr Mike you are AMAZING!! Thank you! 🙏
Glad you spoke on water..I realized how important Jesus felt about the simplest ...things like water...Lady at the well in Sumaroa..Jesus says his water gives life...
Thank you Fr. Mike! Blessings everyone! 🙏
Thank you Father Mike!🙏❤
Happy and blessed Day 166 🛐
Thank you Father Mike praying for all brothers and sisters
Fr Mike you are an excellent reader. You have tough me to become a fast reader. God bless 🙏
Thank you God for all the Graces you have bestowed upon me.....Thank you Fr Mike for bringing this to us. Praying for you and everyone here. God bless🙏❤️🙏
I was baptized but never knew about this!
How did you find out?
God give us Grace, Amen and God Bless🙏📿🙏
Amen ❤
Keeping you all in my prayers 🙏
God bless Father Mike
Thank you Father.
We love you Father Mike.
Day 166 takeaways: There are 3 kinds of Sacraments: INITIATION (Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist); HEALING (Penance, Anointing of the Sick); SERVICE (Holy Orders, Holy Matrimony). The Sacraments of Initiation are the foundation of every Christian life. In Baptism we become Children of God. In the Holy Eucharist we are fed and nourished by the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. In Confirmation we are strengthened by the same graces of the Holy Spirit poured out to the Apostles at Pentecost. Originally the rite of Baptism was done by full immersion into water, but the Church permits a simpler way of pouring water over the head. Baptism is a rebirth. We become new creatures. We are given a new life. Baptism is a gift because it is conferred upon people who bring nothing of their own. Therefore infants can be Baptized. Baptism is the culmination of God slowly revealing throughout the Old Testament His power through water. Water is the source of life but it can also be the source of death as in the sea. In Baptism we die with Christ and rise with Christ. Noah’s Ark is the symbol of the Church bringing people through the chaos of life to a new life. In crossing the Red Sea, God led His people from slavery and death into freedom. In crossing the Jordan, God lead His people from wandering in the wilderness to the Promised Land which is a symbol and sign of Heaven.
Praying 🙏
May God bless you always 🙏
Your Song of the Day: “Baptized in Water”- by Michael Saward.🎶видео.html
Beautiful song for the sacrament of Baptism. 🥰
I didn’t know that tune was an old Gaelic hymn.🤔 I thought Cat Stevens wrote it. Learn something new every day.😊🙏❤️
@@TrixRN I know wasn't his voice wonderful.
I've been very patient.
Hey good to see you back! God bless you and continue to guide your heart and mind.
Patient with whom about what? Patience is a virtue btw.
Have you been baptized?
@@grmalinda6251 so many questions.
I can't wait for Father Mike to get to the part of the catechism that outlines how we need all 7 sacraments to to Heaven! Which day is it!?? 👀 😉
I am just kidding for the record. 🙂
@@atrifle8364 oh Good One, you got me 🤣
ST. HIPPOLYTUS OF ROME wrote: The children shall be baptized first. All the children who can answer for themselves, let them answer. If there are any children who cannot answer for themselves, let their parents answer for them, or someone else from their family [Apostolic Tradition 21 (c. A.D. 215)].
Greetings Father Mike,
Thoughts :-
-> Message reflect with, "The Spiritual Induction of Holy Christian Faith through Holy Family in Holy Trinity in The Holy Church in all aspects of Human Life."
-> Thanks Father Mike, Team Ascension Press for Wonderful Message.
With regards and Prayers,
Ranjith Joseph (R.J)
Day166. 🙏🙏🙏
Hi Fr. Mike, Could you please tell me where I can read St. Gregory of Nanzianzus explanation of the Sacraments you referenced today. We thought Bible in a Year was incredible, Catechism in a Year is even more so. God bless you for all you and the team have done to help us increase our understanding of our faith. 🙏
Why are my prayers different by a few words in the catechism. Like in 1218.. "at the very dawn of creation your spirit breathed on the waters, making them the wellspring of all holiness "
Interesting question! Hopefully someone in the know can answer.
Mine is the same! I figured it was because I’m using the older tan version of the catechism, which came out before the recent changes in some of the prayers of the liturgy.
All of the prayers from the Roman Missal were different in my version of the Catechism (second edition). I had to stop the tape to compare them to see that the context was similar. I was hoping father would have mentioned something about this when he discussed the prayers in his introduction. Now I wonder if other parts of my version of the Catechism may be out of date as well.
Amen 🙏 24-06-24
Questions: How might one respond to the following?
I’ve had once-Catholic but now Protestant friends/family who’s pastors have “re-baptized” them because they did not believe in pouring on of water since we tend not to immerse infants for example.
They said their pastor told them they should be immersed. If this is what the meaning is depending upon the translation apparently, why would we not quickly immerse the infant always?
How might I respond to my Protestant friends who believe only in immersion?
Lastly- how might I charitably defend infant baptism to someone who questions this practice for reasons of ability to choose for oneself?
The same thing happened with my son. He had to be “born again” in order to join the Baptist church that his father-in-law was the pastor of. They would not recognize his infant baptism. I’d like to know what to say also. My 6 year old grandson has not been baptized.
The Scriptures offer scant direct instructions on baptism. That makes perfect sense because Jesus founded a Church on Peter. Protestants are simply making interpretations of what little evidence exists that suit them. John the Baptist baptized in the Jordan, which may or may not have been full immersion. We don't know. But there many other instances of baptism in the NT that do not involve standing next to one of the largest rivers in the region, and the historical border of the promised land.
On the day of Pentecost, did the thousands leave really Jerusalem to get baptized that day? There are no large bodies of water nearby. How about the Ethiopian eunuch (in acts)? One gets the sense of spotting a spring, not the Jordan from the account. We have no evidence either way of full immersion being required. For all we know the apostles were sprinkling water on the heads of first converts in a place where people were not tripping over large water bodies all the time.
In other words, we can trust Peter and presumably the Church's long memory on this point. Even if it didn't happen that way at first, the point of the Peterine office (the Apostles) is to clarify what Scripture necessary leaves blank.
Scripture does directly mention a household baptism, which would include servants and children. Further, baptism replaced circumcision as the mark of inclusion with God's people. Hebrews infant sons were not given a choice on the matter. Circumcision itself never stopped someone from abandoning their place in God's family. That too parallels baptism. For families intent on raising Christian children, bringing them into God's family and the regeneration of their spirit as soon as possible makes sense.
@@paularoussel7859 - I wrote up an explanation on this thread about infant Baptism and also Scripture, if it helps at all. Your son got wet the second time, nothing more. God has already washed away original sin from your son and joined him to Christ as infant. It can't happen again.
Not to be morbid, but what if a child passes before he or she gets to choose ie. accident, unforeseen illness etc.
@@cbtherepetitiveparthelpsme957 - The official answer as I understand it is: We don't know. God has to sort that one out.
Mark 10 38“You do not know what you are asking,” Jesus replied. “Can you drink the cup I will drink, or be baptized with the baptism I will undergo?”
Mass celebration has some days that the priest sprinkles the congregation with baptism.
The analogy with Moana 😆. But it works.
What about the Ethiopian in the desert or when the jailer went and got his family and was baptized? I doubt that they were plunged underwater, so I don’t think it has always originally been submersion has it.
After I was sprinkled as a baby I spent 13 years in Catholic school. All it took was one reading of The New Testament for me to realize that I couldn’t be a Catholic and believe the scriptures. The Bible clearly states not to pray repetitious prayers (Like the Rosary), Not to abstain from meats (Like we did every Friday), not to prohibit marriage (Celibacy), There is one mediator between God and man (No Immaculately conceived Queen of heaven), There is no Mass with marble altars with green and gold dressed priests and on and on. Constantine clearly weaved Roman Empire paganism with Christianity and created a religion that was politically exported from The Bishop of Rome throughout Europe. Don’t fear leaving your ethnic, cultural, familial false religion. Read the history of the ancient popes, you will be shocked. God open all your eyes.
Father Mike,
I have a ten year old grandson who is not baptized. His mother, my daughter was raised Catholic, his father has no religion. They have been together for 14 years not married.
How can I get my grandson baptized in the church?