+Eric Mudama Yeah, that's an artifact of me being in a too much of a hurry to get back into the fight after changing aircraft. This was actually our second attempt at doing this mission at night, and after being kicked around the first time I got sloppy with those sorts of things. Though it turns out that there's a way to adjust the HUD brightness directly without having to adjust the goggles: LAlt-x and LCtrl-x. The knob is on the far side of the sight armature (by the switch that turns the sight on and off) so it's kind of a pain to get to since virtual pilots can't feel around back there, but it's definitely something I should keep in mind for future night missions in the Huey. Thanks!
just a suggestion, you can adjust NVG gain with RCtrl-RShift-N and RCtrl-RAlt-N to keep your hud elements from being so blurry
+Eric Mudama Yeah, that's an artifact of me being in a too much of a hurry to get back into the fight after changing aircraft. This was actually our second attempt at doing this mission at night, and after being kicked around the first time I got sloppy with those sorts of things.
Though it turns out that there's a way to adjust the HUD brightness directly without having to adjust the goggles: LAlt-x and LCtrl-x. The knob is on the far side of the sight armature (by the switch that turns the sight on and off) so it's kind of a pain to get to since virtual pilots can't feel around back there, but it's definitely something I should keep in mind for future night missions in the Huey. Thanks!