Nadine Dorries, with not so much a chip on her shoulder as a luxury log cabin, is undoubtedly one of the worst people to have actually served as a UK minister. Her time in office, of which I had direct and miserable experience, was marked by an utter lack of interest in policy and every interest in any betrayal narrative she could get going.
This series was genuinely among the worst of the BBC's political docus and doesn't hold a candle to the stuff produced up to about a decade ago. Laura is a third rate hack. They didn't even bother interviewing Johnson, Truss, or May. Astonishing.
It’s absolutely bizarre, every single word she says is utterly at odds with objective reality. It’s like she lives in a fantasy and doesn’t realise no-one else shares her delusions.
Jacob Rees-Mogg sums up the Tories perfectly, smug, self-satisfied, arrogant, entitled, disconnected from reality and deeply, deeply wrong about how the UK should be run.
On my G-d! It truly was worse than it seemed. Its a miracle that the government didn't collapse! Still, it shows how steadfast the British civil service is that the country carried on.
🤣🤣🤣she is it is so obvious she is in love with Boris. She denies it but I can’t think of any other reason she would defend him when it is so obvious he’s a compulsive liar.
Well, as a Brit who is also a Londoner who watched it all unfold, even from before the disastrous Brexit Vote in 2016, the disbelief and horror was palpable. I had seen Boris Johnson in politics from when he was Mayor of London and just cringed with embarrassment whenever he appeared on TV representing London. While some liked his clown shoes and spinning bow tie appearance, I immediately disliked him. This grew and grew, particularly when (not for good reasons), he backed the leave campaign of the Brexit Vote. His personality deserves to be in a Big Top, not 10 Downing Street. I'm not saying politicians shouldn't have a sense of humour, on the contrary, I like it when politicians can laugh at themselves, but that needs to be balanced with the seriousness required to lead a government, especially when dealing with scandals and informing the Public. Johnson was a complete and utter failure in that regard. As for Liz Truss, I don't necessarily blame her for the subsequent financial mess we found ourselves in, rather I blame the combination of the Tory Party membership and Johnson loyalists who put her in Downing Street in the first place, purely to spite Sunak. Roll on 4th July 2024, I say, when we can finally be rid of these crazy people who have brought the country and its people to its knees
She was set-up to fail by the deep-state, who then replaced her with Sunak who was not even supported by the party membership, let alone the people in the country. The 2019-24 government was deliberately destroyed and vandalised by the socialist deep-state establishment so that they would lose the 2024 election. The idea is to replace the Tory as fast as possible by Labour, as Labour will overthrow the democratic referendum vote of 2016 and re-join the EU.
Laura Kuenssberg, who had to endure a great deal of character assassination herself when she was political editor, has shown in this documentary what an outstanding, hardworking journalist she is. A totally gripping and deeply insightful (if deeply chilling) series.
Christ - these are meant to be the brightest and best we have in Goverment. The cream of Oxford and Cambridge. I would not trust any of them to run a whelk stall on Skegness sea front. Utterly mediocre......The public school system and Oxbridge have a lot to answer for. I have utter contempt for them all.
We should keep the Commons as thriving place for serving and delivering . Seeing the decline and failure of the Parliament has been devastatingly sad since embezzlers and crooks tories took over to Lead .
Only if we move away from FPTP (First Past The Post) voting to a more Democratic PR (Proportional Representation) voting system. Currently the only thing the Commons can serve and deliver is Pizzas!!!!
Nadine Doriris... sticking your fingers down your throat in human form.. Her and Reese-smug backing the worst prime minister ever, just because they didn't want to back Rishi... because he was fairly well implicated in getting rid of the second worst PM.. Truth be told, Boris engineered his own downfall. ..but to be honest, they all make me puke..hear the cheers when Kweasy anounced the abolishment of the top tax rate... then all turn 3 weeks later.
They aren't being honest. What they're doing is rewriting history and making johnson the only one responsible. In actuality they're all complicit. All 3 pm's and all front benches and MANY back benches. Johnson was their useful idiot to install the right of the party into the power position. This goes back to Cameron and the pressure put on him by Tufton street to bring a referendum. Take for example Zahawi, an utter liar, he defrauded his taxes and had to back pay them plus a fine. He also charged the heating of his horse stables to the taxpayer. Take Dorrie's, she tried to muzzle channel 4 because they're the one channel who do independent reporting on the tories. Kwartang, met with hedge fund mates prior to his budget which would ahort the pound and they made a killing on it. Truss, in the pocket of the american right wing think tanks such as the IEA which is why she brought that disastrous budget. Raab stated he does not believe in human rights. Mogg, moved his finances to Ireland to avoid the mess of brexit. Their lies and greed and corruption goes on and on and on. Books will be written about this period in our politics, truthful ones, not the dorries lies or the truss raab collab along with two others that wants to shape britain as Singapore on Thames
"Boris was a phenomenal leader" says Kwarteng. Leaders are defined by what they achieve, and particularly, how they achieve it. Looking at politics since 2010 (perhaps even 1972) it can only be concluded that the UKs 'leaders' have been spectacular failures.
As an Anti Monarchist I have only ever felt sorry for them a couple of times and watching the Queen sitting all alone at her Husbands Funeral was devastatingly sad.Boris should have gone then.
@@harrydebastardeharris987 Why be an anti-monarchist when we have a constitutional monarchy? We had a revolution from 1642-1660, after which the monarch has had no political power and is only figurative head-of-state.
After watching this series, we can all be grateful that many of the key players in this circus including Liz Truss and especially Jacob Rees-Mogg are no longer MP's.
Something I find mad is that under any iteration of the Tories, the rest of the benches seemingly roar in support. Months later they claim they were always against what was going on
'The system worked'. Imagine claiming that a system works just fine in disposing of PM's unsuited to the job when that same system elevated those idiots to any high office, let alone elevating them all the way to the highest political office in the land. What a ludicrous thing it is to conclude that the system works. It is up there with the Americans claiming that 'the institutions held'. If you can't see the system falling apart around you, how are you going to fix it?
As a non Uk resident I have loved this wonderful series and am amazed at the level of skullduggery,and maybe corruption, that exists. MacDonald can say that the British political system has be proven to work but look at the state the country is still in.
So much better watching things like this when it’s not your country isn’t it? I am in uk but was watching the US elections with interest and would have preferred this to be another country. We had months of Boris getting away with everything so annoying but must admit the last days before he resigned were getting amusing but he did eventually get exactly what he deserved. He’s not even an MP now cos it was (correctly) found that he deliberately misled parliament so he resigned before he was forced to. As for Liz Truss she meant well but was clueless.
I would love to ask Nadine Dorries who "they" are because it just sounds conspiratorial. Where's the evidence? Ultimately, the people ramped the pressure on him to jack it in because, despite having voted for him, we were sick of him lying, cheating, and the corruption his time in office created.
Was disappointed in some of Kuenssberg’s interviewing at the time, but this documentary is excellent & doesn’t spare the government.I suspect that the problem at the time of this government of deplorables was BBC Management rather than Kuenssberg. Much other BBC News output pulled its punches, and many commentators thought that it was running scared of the Johnson regime. Had the BBC done its job of criticising the government, we might have avoided many disasters, in particular the handling of the Covid pandemic, the truth of which is just emerging.
Thats a good insight. Dont care for her BBC input mostly but near the start she said can it ever be the same again. Its actually a quite rebelious statement as nearly all of the UK corporate media are fearing their loss of control on behalf of the elite and are doubling down to try and make it continue. And its looking ridiculous. Without a whole system revamp without boolshit the UK is spiralling ever downwards.
If the BBC had done its job of impartial investigative journalism instead of meekly following the smear campaign which preceded this, we might not have had this shower as 'government'. Goonsberg was as culpable as anyone else in the media in unquestioningly presenting the establishment's case, instead of interrogating it's veracity.
Doesn’t help when you have the most factionalised political party in the western world as HM Government. The Conservative and Unionist Party is an electoral alliance of (in)convenience. 1922 Committee, One Nation, ERG, Tory Reform Group, Blue Collar Conservativism, Five Families, Common Sense Group, Scottish Tories, Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, Thatcherites, Cameroons, Red Wallers and many more!
My low value observations. That Kwarteng fella seems like an absolute clown but in general what a bunch of wasters. How can you successfully manage society when there’s so much dysfunction within your ranks. I do like William Hague though.
@@gumusluk05 - as an unofficial spokesperson for the rebarbative and incompetent Tory Government it is a little rich for Kuenssberg to be conducting this self serving autopsy. If you are unaware of Kuenssberg then may I suggest that you have probably been asleep for quite a while.
@@russelldean2085well this isn’t making the Tories look good is it? I’d say she’s doing her job well. Sick of people like you who have no evidence no actual examples. She’s as biased on the Tories as Andrew Marr was for Labour - SO actual what?
Grow up. Of course it isn’t making the Tories look good - Kuenssberg has recognised that the Tory lite Labour Party will form Government next time round so her sycophancy toward the incumbents is no longer necessary. As to evidence, try Kuenssberg’s character assignation of Corbyn over a long period of time. As I indicated before you must of been asleep or at the very least not paying attention to see that the BBC is simply a Tory/Labour version of Pravda. @@deanunio
We want Liz! We want Liz! Go on! Bring her back so we can all have a good old laugh to keep us going through the Winter months. Then kick her out at the next election!!?
Part of UK problem is journalists like Kuenssberg and Media outlet like Daily Mail, Sun and Daily Telegraph whom don't ask difficult questions from the politicians at the right time and they allow their political view affect their work ethics. What makes it worse is that these big outlets are owned by people like Keith Rupert Murdoch whom they only care about their pockets, profit and viewings .
@guyhoffmann5779 no, but I - like many others - have watched the interviews she did with those politicians, she never questioned their lies as she should have, she gave the Tory politicians a very easy ride, so yes, she didn't do the deed, but if her interviews at the time would have been as clear as this documentation is now, a lot might have been avoided
It doesn't help that people like her give Tories a free reign, not challenging them, and then acting a lot more hostile when talking to Labour MP's. Why doesn't she admit she's part of the problem and stop taking us for a ride. She's clearly a Tory supporter and as such isn't balanced in her broadcasting style. If you're truly balanced, you challenge the stances of both parties and what they stand for, not engage in pleasantries for one party, but be hostile to the other
Brexit caused the jobs of two Prime Ministers, Cameron and May, and staggering incompetence caused the jobs of two more, Johnson and Truss. All in the space of six years. Who knows what's in store for Sunak.
And all this in a little more than a French presidential term. Impressive. British people have nerves of steel to have endured such a freak show, either that or they were drunk all that time. That would have been my choice
I am watching this series as an American, and thus a complete outsider. We’ve had our own serious threats to our system of government, and hopefully will not enter into another period of chaos, so my attention on the affairs occurring in the UK has not been as intense as in the past (so this series has been informative), but the trio of May, Johnson and Truss reminds me of an old political joke from the 1960s. To paraphrase it, it would go, “While Theresa May proved that nobody could be Prime Minister, and Boris Johnson proved that anybody could be Prime Minister, Liz Truss may be proof that it may be dangerous to even HAVE a Prime Minister!” For anyone who may be interested, the joke originally went, “While Truman proved that anybody could be president, and Eisenhower proved that nobody could be president, Jack Kennedy proved that it may be dangerous to even HAVE a president!” - Obviously, that joke originated before JFK’s assassination, and probably originated shortly after the Bay of Pigs fiasco, early on in the Kennedy administration. Actually, it was Kennedy himself, who knew how to use self-deprecating humor brilliantly, who was interested and amused about the jokes circulating around the White House Press Corps, and would ask his Press Secretary, Pierre Salinger, for the latest round of jokes. This was long before the days of social media. Having seen this, I would adventure the opinion that Theresa May might well have been a successful Prime Minister under different circumstances. She was just the wrong person at the wrong time. The Prime Minister who really is not even mentioned here, but who, in my opinion, really deserves a huge share of the blame for the chaos was David Cameron, for two reasons- first, his austerity plan during and following the deep recession, and second, his decision to have a referendum on Brexit. Combined, these have had a disastrous effect on the British economy. Like it or not, Britain is part of Europe geographically, and inside the EU or out, the EU nations are going to be the UK’s trading partner. Now, British companies exporting to Europe have a lot more red tape (and resultant costs) to traverse, but they have absolutely no say in those trading regulations.
I just hope Tories are done for a generation This isn't about right or left, leave or stay It's about incompetence I have NEVER seen before in government
William Hague..." we were the laughing stock of the world" only problem William is that you were laughing as well but the people didn't see the funny side..that man has been on cloud cuckooland all his life..
I don't understand why the individuals interviewed cannot answer a simple question "was Boris Johnson a cock-up"‼️ Everyone skirt around the bushes when they were asked about Boris‼️
I'm not sure these programs tell us anything we didn't already know, apart from a few bits of gossip. And where is the analysis? It's just describing things.
I think that Sunak who couldn’t face the PM to resign & did it behind his back is just pure sneaky. How can you trust a man like him who can’t stand up for his own principles? It says a lot about his character. Totally untrustworthy.
Perhaps they would have not got in such a mess if you hadn't swallowed whatever the Tories said, Laura. You are part of the problem. As we have seen with the Angela Rayner story attempt.
Excellent documentary indeed, well done to all those involved in its making. If you like political documentaries like this check out PBS's An American Experience - Richard Nixon. It is, in my opinion, the best political documentary ever made. Also check out Ken Burns American Ministries series of documentaries especially those on the Civil War, WWII and the History of Jazz.
thanks for posting this. cancelled licence 2018. LK was a complicit enabler of those tory governments. here, she’s given an opportunity to erase herself from history. to recreate herself as innocent bystander. interesting that she wears red throughout. having pimped and fluffed johnson, she’s now ready to,do,the same for starmer.
Liz Truss is the perfect example of 'Failing Upwards', isn't she? I mean she had a meeting with the Russian foreign minister, and 14 days later Russia invaded Ukraine. Gross incompetence is her defining trait. Eight olds have lots of ideas, and all about action too.
37:00 This is typical of the BBC's shoddy journalism: no mention of the actual technicality that triggered the meltdown, the rise in interest rates and the run on the pound, It all had to do with the over-leveraged LDI structure of the defined benefits pension industry. This is something that the OBR itself wouldn't have seen, like everybody else
Thank you for making these informative programmes available to viewers outside of the UK.
Yes Thanks For Letting Us Give It All Back To Our Energizing Ones.
Nadine Dorries, with not so much a chip on her shoulder as a luxury log cabin, is undoubtedly one of the worst people to have actually served as a UK minister. Her time in office, of which I had direct and miserable experience, was marked by an utter lack of interest in policy and every interest in any betrayal narrative she could get going.
How many times did they have to change the cushions on that chair she was sitting on being interviewed? Nauseating.
You'd imagine the closest of relationships between Boris and Dories.
How can anyone be 'too kind', Nad?
@@memyself717 She was adjusing them so that they could hear her talk out of her arse clearly
Horrible Woman, WE remember the DORRIES family and where that Woman came from , oh yes, a very manipulative and shameless and GREEDY woman.
This was an outstanding documentary, even by BBC standards. Well done, Laura.
The BBC have standards? Who knew 🤷♂️
Don't encourage the smear artist. I'll never forgive what she did to Corbyn.
@@tomlevick2935 Corbyn did enough damage himself.
This series was genuinely among the worst of the BBC's political docus and doesn't hold a candle to the stuff produced up to about a decade ago. Laura is a third rate hack. They didn't even bother interviewing Johnson, Truss, or May. Astonishing.
One of the best political documentaries I've seen......really good.
I totally agree with you walie
Nadine Dorris, I think, is more embarrassing than Boris Johnston
What an enabler
Don’t be sexist
You think, sorry she and rees mogg are on a par with Johnson if not worse than him
Culture Secretary 😂
It’s absolutely bizarre, every single word she says is utterly at odds with objective reality. It’s like she lives in a fantasy and doesn’t realise no-one else shares her delusions.
Jacob Rees-Mogg sums up the Tories perfectly, smug, self-satisfied, arrogant, entitled, disconnected from reality and deeply, deeply wrong about how the UK should be run.
This is a good documentary and shows the Tories, especially Johnson and Truss as self serving liars
Now three in a row with the biggest liar still as PM
Thanks Brits for THE Brexit ! You taught some other member states that exiting it's not a really good idea.
On my G-d! It truly was worse than it seemed. Its a miracle that the government didn't collapse! Still, it shows how steadfast the British civil service is that the country carried on.
And now they’re all on strike - the civil service is a joke
I think we still don’t know the full truth and perhaps will never be fully disclosed in our lifetime.
What a superb documentary of the tumultuous years from the Brexit vote up to now within the Conservative Party. Well done, BBC.
Nadine Dorries really is a cult member isn't she. Shown the facts, ignores, defends or blames others.
🤣🤣🤣she is it is so obvious she is in love with Boris. She denies it but I can’t think of any other reason she would defend him when it is so obvious he’s a compulsive liar.
She's a scouse 😂😂
Liz Truss: dear oh dear.... As a Dutch historian I have watched this, then and now, in total disbelieve and horror.
Well, as a Brit who is also a Londoner who watched it all unfold, even from before the disastrous Brexit Vote in 2016, the disbelief and horror was palpable. I had seen Boris Johnson in politics from when he was Mayor of London and just cringed with embarrassment whenever he appeared on TV representing London. While some liked his clown shoes and spinning bow tie appearance, I immediately disliked him. This grew and grew, particularly when (not for good reasons), he backed the leave campaign of the Brexit Vote. His personality deserves to be in a Big Top, not 10 Downing Street. I'm not saying politicians shouldn't have a sense of humour, on the contrary, I like it when politicians can laugh at themselves, but that needs to be balanced with the seriousness required to lead a government, especially when dealing with scandals and informing the Public. Johnson was a complete and utter failure in that regard.
As for Liz Truss, I don't necessarily blame her for the subsequent financial mess we found ourselves in, rather I blame the combination of the Tory Party membership and Johnson loyalists who put her in Downing Street in the first place, purely to spite Sunak.
Roll on 4th July 2024, I say, when we can finally be rid of these crazy people who have brought the country and its people to its knees
She was set-up to fail by the deep-state, who then replaced her with Sunak who was not even supported by the party membership, let alone the people in the country. The 2019-24 government was deliberately destroyed and vandalised by the socialist deep-state establishment so that they would lose the 2024 election. The idea is to replace the Tory as fast as possible by Labour, as Labour will overthrow the democratic referendum vote of 2016 and re-join the EU.
I cannot believe that British citizens still have faith in this parliamentary establishment…
We don't.
English citizens, the rest of us dont vote Tory.
@@RobertLogan The North of England don't, generally.
@@RobertLoganNot even sure the majority of English citizens do, FPTP is the problem which Labour and the Tories still support.
@@RobertLogan As if left wing Labour would do better, lol.
Laura Kuenssberg, who had to endure a great deal of character assassination herself when she was political editor, has shown in this documentary what an outstanding, hardworking journalist she is. A totally gripping and deeply insightful (if deeply chilling) series.
I wonder if a 4th episode on the Sunak version of disappointments will get made. ... Excellent insight into the inner workings.
Thank you very much for your hardworking efforts in uploading specials like these.
Christ - these are meant to be the brightest and best we have in Goverment. The cream of Oxford and Cambridge. I would not trust any of them to run a whelk stall on Skegness sea front. Utterly mediocre......The public school system and Oxbridge have a lot to answer for. I have utter contempt for them all.
Top university in the world and look what they gift us!
Good rant 😅
We should keep the Commons as thriving place for serving and delivering . Seeing the decline and failure of the Parliament has been devastatingly sad since embezzlers and crooks tories took over to Lead .
Only if we move away from FPTP (First Past The Post) voting to a more Democratic PR (Proportional Representation) voting system. Currently the only thing the Commons can serve and deliver is Pizzas!!!!
Nadine Doriris... sticking your fingers down your throat in human form.. Her and Reese-smug backing the worst prime minister ever, just because they didn't want to back Rishi... because he was fairly well implicated in getting rid of the second worst PM.. Truth be told, Boris engineered his own downfall.
..but to be honest, they all make me puke..hear the cheers when Kweasy anounced the abolishment of the top tax rate... then all turn 3 weeks later.
I think the Truss Prime Ministership should be a warning. Don't just listen to what you want to hear, listen to everyone.
Thank you :)
The BBC is always the best at is work also that thumbnail described the entire situation of UK politics
It's a surreal experience to watch politicians being honest and truthful. They rarely do it while they are in office.
They aren't being honest. What they're doing is rewriting history and making johnson the only one responsible. In actuality they're all complicit. All 3 pm's and all front benches and MANY back benches. Johnson was their useful idiot to install the right of the party into the power position. This goes back to Cameron and the pressure put on him by Tufton street to bring a referendum. Take for example Zahawi, an utter liar, he defrauded his taxes and had to back pay them plus a fine. He also charged the heating of his horse stables to the taxpayer. Take Dorrie's, she tried to muzzle channel 4 because they're the one channel who do independent reporting on the tories. Kwartang, met with hedge fund mates prior to his budget which would ahort the pound and they made a killing on it. Truss, in the pocket of the american right wing think tanks such as the IEA which is why she brought that disastrous budget. Raab stated he does not believe in human rights. Mogg, moved his finances to Ireland to avoid the mess of brexit. Their lies and greed and corruption goes on and on and on. Books will be written about this period in our politics, truthful ones, not the dorries lies or the truss raab collab along with two others that wants to shape britain as Singapore on Thames
"Boris was a phenomenal leader" says Kwarteng. Leaders are defined by what they achieve, and particularly, how they achieve it. Looking at politics since 2010 (perhaps even 1972) it can only be concluded that the UKs 'leaders' have been spectacular failures.
Pre-tory national debt: £1 trillion. Post-tory national debt: AT LEAST £2.55 Trillion.
Party of fiscal responsibility?
If Britain had stayed out of World War One, they wouldn't be insolvent today.
Unhinged, detached from reality, The lot of them.
Thank you. Very interesting and insightful
When the Queen stood alone at her husband's funeral. It was over for Johnson and the Tories.
As an Anti Monarchist I have only ever felt sorry for them a couple of times and watching the Queen sitting all alone at her Husbands Funeral was devastatingly sad.Boris should have gone then.
@@harrydebastardeharris987 Why be an anti-monarchist when we have a constitutional monarchy? We had a revolution from 1642-1660, after which the monarch has had no political power and is only figurative head-of-state.
Thanks so much for uploading 👍👍👍
Awesome 👏👏
After watching this series, we can all be grateful that many of the key players in this circus including Liz Truss and especially Jacob Rees-Mogg are no longer MP's.
Something I find mad is that under any iteration of the Tories, the rest of the benches seemingly roar in support. Months later they claim they were always against what was going on
The role of the IEA and other fundamentalist free market "think tanks" on influencing Truss not mentioned?
In short Boris and Liz were so self serving and power hungry and it came back to bite them
'The system worked'. Imagine claiming that a system works just fine in disposing of PM's unsuited to the job when that same system elevated those idiots to any high office, let alone elevating them all the way to the highest political office in the land. What a ludicrous thing it is to conclude that the system works. It is up there with the Americans claiming that 'the institutions held'. If you can't see the system falling apart around you, how are you going to fix it?
As a non Uk resident I have loved this wonderful series and am amazed at the level of skullduggery,and maybe corruption, that exists. MacDonald can say that the British political system has be proven to work but look at the state the country is still in.
So much better watching things like this when it’s not your country isn’t it? I am in uk but was watching the US elections with interest and would have preferred this to be another country. We had months of Boris getting away with everything so annoying but must admit the last days before he resigned were getting amusing but he did eventually get exactly what he deserved. He’s not even an MP now cos it was (correctly) found that he deliberately misled parliament so he resigned before he was forced to. As for Liz Truss she meant well but was clueless.
I would love to ask Nadine Dorries who "they" are because it just sounds conspiratorial. Where's the evidence? Ultimately, the people ramped the pressure on him to jack it in because, despite having voted for him, we were sick of him lying, cheating, and the corruption his time in office created.
Nadine probably has posters of Johnson on her bedroom wall
Was disappointed in some of Kuenssberg’s interviewing at the time, but this documentary is excellent & doesn’t spare the government.I suspect that the problem at the time of this government of deplorables was BBC Management rather than Kuenssberg. Much other BBC News output pulled its punches, and many commentators thought that it was running scared of the Johnson regime. Had the BBC done its job of criticising the government, we might have avoided many disasters, in particular the handling of the Covid pandemic, the truth of which is just emerging.
Thats a good insight. Dont care for her BBC input mostly but near the start she said can it ever be the same again. Its actually a quite rebelious statement as nearly all of the UK corporate media are fearing their loss of control on behalf of the elite and are doubling down to try and make it continue. And its looking ridiculous. Without a whole system revamp without boolshit the UK is spiralling ever downwards.
If the BBC had done its job of impartial investigative journalism instead of meekly following the smear campaign which preceded this, we might not have had this shower as 'government'. Goonsberg was as culpable as anyone else in the media in unquestioningly presenting the establishment's case, instead of interrogating it's veracity.
The brexit chaos really devalued the Westminster model.
And brexshit has really devalued the uk on many levels
It absolutely stress tested it to breaking point.
Doesn’t help when you have the most factionalised political party in the western world as HM Government.
The Conservative and Unionist Party is an electoral alliance of (in)convenience.
1922 Committee, One Nation, ERG, Tory Reform Group, Blue Collar Conservativism, Five Families, Common Sense Group, Scottish Tories, Ceidwadwyr Cymreig, Thatcherites, Cameroons, Red Wallers and many more!
One of the great programmes from the BBC. Modern history is front of our eyes. Thank god we have some normalcy one more in July 2024. Well done BBC
Cannot remember any amazing highs
My low value observations. That Kwarteng fella seems like an absolute clown but in general what a bunch of wasters. How can you successfully manage society when there’s so much dysfunction within your ranks. I do like William Hague though.
Kuenssberg critiquing Johnson and Truss is like the Metropolitan Polizei investigating corruption in their ranks.
What's your problem ? Examples of her bias please ! Great upload, thanks 👍
@@gumusluk05 - as an unofficial spokesperson for the rebarbative and incompetent Tory Government it is a little rich for Kuenssberg to be conducting this self serving autopsy. If you are unaware of Kuenssberg then may I suggest that you have probably been asleep for quite a while.
@@russelldean2085well this isn’t making the Tories look good is it? I’d say she’s doing her job well. Sick of people like you who have no evidence no actual examples. She’s as biased on the Tories as Andrew Marr was for Labour - SO actual what?
Grow up. Of course it isn’t making the Tories look good - Kuenssberg has recognised that the Tory lite Labour Party will form Government next time round so her sycophancy toward the incumbents is no longer necessary. As to evidence, try Kuenssberg’s character assignation of Corbyn over a long period of time. As I indicated before you must of been asleep or at the very least not paying attention to see that the BBC is simply a Tory/Labour version of Pravda. @@deanunio
@@russelldean2085 I live abroad. So I'd love you to provide some Juicy examples of her Tory leanings !
thank so much miss folasade giwa safiyat good blessing you todary am?
I wish we got a Part 4 under Sunak and thus completing The Tale of The Tory reign.
We want Liz! We want Liz!
Go on! Bring her back so we can all have a good old laugh to keep us going through the Winter months.
Then kick her out at the next election!!?
Journalism at its best 👌
Part of UK problem is journalists like Kuenssberg and Media outlet like Daily Mail, Sun and Daily Telegraph whom don't ask difficult questions from the politicians at the right time and they allow their political view affect their work ethics. What makes it worse is that these big outlets are owned by people like Keith Rupert Murdoch whom they only care about their pockets, profit and viewings .
So it is Kuenssberg’s fault that BJ was a lying clown?
@guyhoffmann5779 no, but I - like many others - have watched the interviews she did with those politicians, she never questioned their lies as she should have, she gave the Tory politicians a very easy ride, so yes, she didn't do the deed, but if her interviews at the time would have been as clear as this documentation is now, a lot might have been avoided
At the next general I hope the tories get booted out !!
'Boring' and '21st century democracy' cannot stand in parallel. People simply do not have the patience any more.
God I hope you´re wrong! For the sake of all of us.
*THERE WAS NO METHOD IN THE MADNESS* it was driven by greed and personal ambition - and not the country dies...
Dories and JRM-pathetic.
It doesn't help that people like her give Tories a free reign, not challenging them, and then acting a lot more hostile when talking to Labour MP's. Why doesn't she admit she's part of the problem and stop taking us for a ride. She's clearly a Tory supporter and as such isn't balanced in her broadcasting style. If you're truly balanced, you challenge the stances of both parties and what they stand for, not engage in pleasantries for one party, but be hostile to the other
if only there were Oscars for documentaries, LK take 3!!
Tell me about it.
2.08. Great shot !
Why does Crazy Kwarteng look like he’s wearing a rubber mask?!
Brexit caused the jobs of two Prime Ministers, Cameron and May, and staggering incompetence caused the jobs of two more, Johnson and Truss. All in the space of six years. Who knows what's in store for Sunak.
Tell Laura ... I ‘hate’/‘distrust’ her ...
The crime minister and the house of conmens 😢
i despise tories
Me too.🤗👍
And me
For most of her time at the BBC, Laura Kuenssberg was a spokesperson for the Conservative Party.
According to your comment everybody else at the biased BBC is far right, lol, what a joke comment.
And still, they refuse to accept responsibility.
Why am I always reminded by Boris of a naughty schoolboy trying to buxxshit his way out of a sceptical headmasters office
And all this in a little more than a French presidential term. Impressive. British people have nerves of steel to have endured such a freak show, either that or they were drunk all that time.
That would have been my choice
Documentary would have had more credibility if it wasnt hosted by LK who was essentially a mouthpiece for successive Tory governments
Well said
I am watching this series as an American, and thus a complete outsider. We’ve had our own serious threats to our system of government, and hopefully will not enter into another period of chaos, so my attention on the affairs occurring in the UK has not been as intense as in the past (so this series has been informative), but the trio of May, Johnson and Truss reminds me of an old political joke from the 1960s.
To paraphrase it, it would go, “While Theresa May proved that nobody could be Prime Minister, and Boris Johnson proved that anybody could be Prime Minister, Liz Truss may be proof that it may be dangerous to even HAVE a Prime Minister!”
For anyone who may be interested, the joke originally went, “While Truman proved that anybody could be president, and Eisenhower proved that nobody could be president, Jack Kennedy proved that it may be dangerous to even HAVE a president!” - Obviously, that joke originated before JFK’s assassination, and probably originated shortly after the Bay of Pigs fiasco, early on in the Kennedy administration. Actually, it was Kennedy himself, who knew how to use self-deprecating humor brilliantly, who was interested and amused about the jokes circulating around the White House Press Corps, and would ask his Press Secretary, Pierre Salinger, for the latest round of jokes. This was long before the days of social media.
Having seen this, I would adventure the opinion that Theresa May might well have been a successful Prime Minister under different circumstances. She was just the wrong person at the wrong time.
The Prime Minister who really is not even mentioned here, but who, in my opinion, really deserves a huge share of the blame for the chaos was David Cameron, for two reasons- first, his austerity plan during and following the deep recession, and second, his decision to have a referendum on Brexit. Combined, these have had a disastrous effect on the British economy.
Like it or not, Britain is part of Europe geographically, and inside the EU or out, the EU nations are going to be the UK’s trading partner. Now, British companies exporting to Europe have a lot more red tape (and resultant costs) to traverse, but they have absolutely no say in those trading regulations.
Where is Episode 4 showing the fall of the Sunak government?
I just hope Tories are done for a generation
This isn't about right or left, leave or stay
It's about incompetence I have NEVER seen before in government
I should watch this but my stomach would never forgive me. Didn,t we all know this?
William Hague..." we were the laughing stock of the world" only problem William is that you were laughing as well but the people didn't see the funny side..that man has been on cloud cuckooland all his life..
I don't understand why the individuals interviewed cannot answer a simple question "was Boris Johnson a cock-up"‼️ Everyone skirt around the bushes when they were asked about Boris‼️
What happened? The Tories..... THAT'S what happened
I'm not sure these programs tell us anything we didn't already know, apart from a few bits of gossip. And where is the analysis? It's just describing things.
Sums up Kuenssberg really.
LT: put money back into people's pocket, really, she almost tanked down the economy
Shame Laura was not strong enough to hold Boris to account for his obvious lies at the time.
Where is Victoria Derbyshire?
It's my party and l'll lie if I want to.
I think that Sunak who couldn’t face the PM to resign & did it behind his back is just pure sneaky. How can you trust a man like him who can’t stand up for his own principles? It says a lot about his character. Totally untrustworthy.
He should be deported.
@@ednorton47 Yes back to the county of Hampshire where he was born, you ignoramus (look it up in the dictionary lol).
My god, we dodged a bullet, albeit with a hefty financial burden and pension black hole.
Is it just me or has Laura Kuenssberg aged a decade since 2019?
Ohhhh nasty!!!
She did us no favours holding the Tories to Account though.
She lost her smile like Shawn Michaels in 1997
Yes, it's probably both of you.
Steve Clark it is called turncoat
Maybe this is what being a closet Tory MP does. It ages you.
Perhaps they would have not got in such a mess if you hadn't swallowed whatever the Tories said, Laura. You are part of the problem. As we have seen with the Angela Rayner story attempt.
It must have cost Liz Truss and her husband a fortune for removals. They were in and out faster than the Hokey-Cokey.
Excellent documentary indeed, well done to all those involved in its making. If you like political documentaries like this check out PBS's An American Experience - Richard Nixon. It is, in my opinion, the best political documentary ever made. Also check out Ken Burns American Ministries series of documentaries especially those on the Civil War, WWII and the History of Jazz.
Sad. The 3 years lost post Brexit and not having Boris PM immediately put into office post Cameron was a disaster.
Not certain that would have helped since no type of Brexit had been agreed upon before the referendum.
thanks for posting this. cancelled licence 2018. LK was a complicit enabler of those tory governments. here, she’s given an opportunity to erase herself from history. to recreate herself as innocent bystander. interesting that she wears red throughout. having pimped and fluffed johnson, she’s now ready to,do,the same for starmer.
The BBC had management that consisted of Tory Cronies. They may have limited her ability to press what she asked.
I seem to recall her being very pro- Tory at the time. What a bloody turncoat.
Laura Kuennsberg, AKA tory hack
LK was an enthusiastic enabler for the mendacity that is now seen as a desirable and marketable
skill within the tory party.
Say what you will about Chris Pincher, he certainly got to the bottom of things.
I always end up on Brit channels when I get tired of American politics. 😮
I know lads, let's trust a woman who can't be trusted by her own husband! What could possibly go wrong?
Liz Truss is the perfect example of 'Failing Upwards', isn't she? I mean she had a meeting with the Russian foreign minister, and 14 days later Russia invaded Ukraine. Gross incompetence is her defining trait.
Eight olds have lots of ideas, and all about action too.
Why there is no interview of Mr.Sunak, I think he must have declined.
Truss was the embarassment of the decade, so fascinating how she failed 💀🤡
What was once Great Britain is now Little England.
This some real Knives Out stuff!!!!!
37:00 This is typical of the BBC's shoddy journalism: no mention of the actual technicality that triggered the meltdown, the rise in interest rates and the run on the pound,
It all had to do with the over-leveraged LDI structure of the defined benefits pension industry.
This is something that the OBR itself wouldn't have seen, like everybody else
Jaysus, that Kuenssberg would do well as a Halloween costume.
Is this the last episode?