I Feel Conflicted About God…

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • #thoughts #god #religion #whoisgod #deception #faith #hell

Комментарии • 63

  • @lishayost144
    @lishayost144 2 месяца назад

    For me when I read the old testament I actually see how patient God is. But evil does have to be destroyed at some point. This life is not all there is, but God has a purpose for this current earth realm existence for us and when things start to go too far He does eventually intervene, for His good will to take place in this realm. Some people have died in this process. Death in this realm is not the end of our existence. It's just a part of our earth existence. This realm is a very small part of our existence. We are not aware of the rest of our existence because we have a veil over our mind/eyes, we have amnesia for a reason, so that we can partake of this journey without any preconceived notions. It also has to do with our free will.
    Hell is not in the old testament. It does speak of "sheol" or "grave". It has been translated as "hell" in KJV. But hell is fear doctrine. And it is God's kindness and love that changes and transforms us, not fear.
    There is a phrase in the bible that talks about a "place of eternal punishment". So God created everything. And people who either do not want to believe Him or believe in Him can choose in their mind to stay separated from Him. It doesn't always feel like a choice, but it is a choice. Because what we believe is what ends up happening for us. It is because our faith is what makes everything manifest.
    This "place" of "eternal punishment" is also a translation issue. I don't think the word hell should even be used anymore because no one actually understands anything. Once you know the Kingdom of Heaven is for now (not just for after we die) and that hell is happening for most right now (not just a place after we die) that changes the entire perspective when reading the bible. I have experienced heaven on earth, that's what opened my eyes to this reality. And I know this to be true. I know it now and no one will ever be able to convince me otherwise because it was an actual real experience. Not my imagination, not a knowledge thing. It was an experience of my actual reality that took place. Within me. Nothing outside of my changed. My entire internal self was changed.
    So I realized most of us are actually in hell on earth. It's because of what is happening in our minds. What we are currently believing. Feeling absolutely no separation from God, feeling God's fullness of love is heaven. Period. Hell is any feeling/belief of separation from God or feeling like God has any negative feelings toward you.
    Also, there's nothing wrong with anything or any place existing forever. It doesn't mean a child of God will be there forever. It means the location will exist forever.
    There is only one place in the Bible that talks about who will be tormented forever and ever in the "lake of fire". The antichrist, the beast, and the false prophet. Nobody actually knows at this moment who or what these things/beings/people are. For all we know it could be spiritual.
    Also, fire is God's refinement...
    There is too much to know. Too much to type.
    In my opinion, Mike Parsons has a more accurate understanding of the afterlife than most Christian doctrines of man. I have a playlist on my channel of all his teachings on Unconditional Love of God. There's only a couple things I disagreed with him on. I can't remember exactly, but there's a couple things he seems to be stuck on and not progressing, but that's kinda normal as a human in this realm in the state this realm is currently in and the state we are currently in in this realm.
    But also, some of his experiences will blow your mind. I have had many spiritual experiences the last two years, so I believe him when he shares his experiences, buy my experiences have not been quite as extreme yet. God and creation, all of existence, the heavens, realms, dimensions, etc is so much greater than we know. We know so little from our human perspectives.
    Doctrines of man are fear filled, not accurate. God is love. Always was always will be. No one has to worry. God just wants a relationship with us and to believe the truth. He doesn't want to be separated from us and we are not separated from us because He dwells in each of us. But we with our own minds can believe lies. That we are separated from him, that he doesn't exist, that he doesn't love us, that we are in trouble, that he is mad at us for things we've done. And what we believe in our mind really affects us on a real level.
    Again, I support you on your journey. You don't have to believe anything I say, just giving you input to ponder and seek God about. You know God's real though. It doesn't matter what a book says, or what a person says a book says. The Bible is useful, but there are translation issues, and there are doctrines of man that Christians have that aren't even written in the bible at all too! LOL! Those get passed down and around and even people who haven't read the bible or gone to church have these false ideas in their heads that are just doctrines of man. Doctrines of man are just things that are made up by man that actually have no basis anywhere, but for some reason many people believe it, without realizing there's no backing for it whatsoever. They've just heard it over and over and over, so they even think it's in the bible when it's not. Also, even if it's "written" in the bible, there are translation issues sometimes. And sometimes the meaning is spiritual, so humans don't understand because we have very limited understanding of things that are spiritual.
    I do think it's good to read the Bible, but no matter what you feel when reading it, remind yourself that God is all powerful, all knowing (past, present, future, all realms, all facts, etc), and ALL LOVING, AND gave us free will. So if something doesn't add up it just means we don't understand yet with our feeble minds.

  • @natashasuniversityoflife
    @natashasuniversityoflife 2 месяца назад +2

    Through tangled paths of right and wrong,
    The truth we share will make us strong.
    Thank you for sahring.

  • @annapaulineogrady9184
    @annapaulineogrady9184 2 месяца назад +1

    How to pray. Start out giving thanks to God easy

  • @ArdnassakChreesmas
    @ArdnassakChreesmas  2 месяца назад +3

    Just to clarify, I have only read PARTS of the Bible, not the whole thing!

  • @paytonthornberry1382
    @paytonthornberry1382 2 месяца назад +1

    About Genesis having bad things happen. Blessing in my life have come from the worst things happening to me and me surviving, looking back, and realizing if I haden't suffered that then, would I have any idea of how good it feels to be done with that, after the fact? Drugs, porn addiction, intrusive thoughts, bad relationships with people etc. I met my best friend and picked up the bible for the first time in a long time in jail 6 months ago. Since everything has changed for me. I still hurt, I'm still broke, I still have scars, but I am alive and now know things I didn't before. If we run away from what makes us uncomfortable in the moment. Will we appreciate true comfort in knowing it will lead to destruction? Of the spirit of all things if the body is not enough for you. That is all ( I could elaborate more but I hate typing lol)

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  2 месяца назад

      Yeah, I see what you're saying. But it's just that he'll seems a bit too extreme to me, I think ceasing to exist would at least be merciful.

  • @respectkindness-oj6xz
    @respectkindness-oj6xz 2 месяца назад +3

    humans hurt me all the time

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  2 месяца назад

      That's horrible. 😞

    • @jamieSp69
      @jamieSp69 2 месяца назад +2

      Same here. People are horrible. God has to do what he has to do in order to keep things together.

  • @paytonthornberry1382
    @paytonthornberry1382 2 месяца назад +1

    Personally, in my life experience, people are evil at heart, so am I, so are you, and so are we. If Jesus is anything other than us, how can I deny Him?

    • @jamieSp69
      @jamieSp69 2 месяца назад +1

      Yeah. Her family probably shields her from a lot of the world, so it's hard for her to understand why God does what he does.

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  2 месяца назад

      I mean, yeah, my mom is pretty protective, but I am aware of horrible things and people. I just don't think *everyone* is that bad.

  • @DelRay333
    @DelRay333 2 месяца назад +1

    Check out kingdom in context Sean is a great teacher.

  • @GuardianAngel4Christ
    @GuardianAngel4Christ 2 месяца назад +1

    Keep in mind one night you might be given a vision, and it will change your life. You can ask God for a vision, and he will answer. When you read the Old Testament, you learn the heart of God and he is holy and had to do many things to protect his chosen people and nation. Ask the Lord for a vision and when you receive it you and I will have tons to talk about because you will know you have just chosen sides and grateful to God. Stay outta the heat my friend as its hot down there in your neck of the woods and humid too.

  • @HansUber
    @HansUber 2 месяца назад +1

    “God is greater than God.”
    ― Meister Eckhart

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  2 месяца назад

      Lol what does that even mean??? 😂

    • @HansUber
      @HansUber 2 месяца назад +1

      @@ArdnassakChreesmas ikr! 😂

    • @annapaulineogrady9184
      @annapaulineogrady9184 2 месяца назад

      Avoid it ✍️ ✔️ 😃

  • @endlessnameless7004
    @endlessnameless7004 2 месяца назад +1

    The Old Testament and Law of Moses are supposed to be difficult. The Law of Moses in particular was supposed to be a form of severe bondage designed to reveal our sin, from which Jesus would die to release us (Romans 6).
    That said, the Law of Moses is morally consistent with God's values in an extreme patriarchical world and age. It is by no means meant to be the moral ideal, but more like the ground-state of morality for unredeemed sinners in the flesh.
    The contrast between the Old Testament and New Testament is supposed to establish the stark contrast between the Old Covenant in the flesh and the New Covenant in the Spirit.

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  2 месяца назад +1

      Interesting. So it wasn't the ideal way?

    • @endlessnameless7004
      @endlessnameless7004 2 месяца назад +2

      @@ArdnassakChreesmas Really, the only ideal way is to believe in Christ according to the scriptures and to love one another in deed and truth. It's very minimalistic so that it can be universally applied to virtually any cultural with minimal modifications.
      The only other ideals are the gender roles between man and wife, and the obedience of children. This is to protect the family structure within society and to keep a nation balanced in individual and collective freedom. But gender roles are only relevant in the mortal life, and they don't seem to universally apply to people outside of marital relationships. Society always needs a margin of people who don't fit the mold.

    • @endlessnameless7004
      @endlessnameless7004 2 месяца назад +1

      @@ArdnassakChreesmas Also, a large portion of the Law of Moses was a response to the pagan nations surrounding Israel. God didn't want Israel even remotely resembling them, so he imposed a set of laws that made them stick out like a sore thumb. Compared to the brutality of the surrounding nations, the Law of Moses was a step up.
      Today, reverting back to the Law of Moses would be understood as a regression. That's how Paul understood it in Romans 7 and Galatians.

  • @jesusislord5275
    @jesusislord5275 2 месяца назад +1

    Pray to the God who will listen and hear you whoever the true God is He will hear you and answer you . And pray to experience God's love . Don't let fear discourage you . God is not the author of fear but of faith
    2 Timothy 1:7
    New King James Version
    7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
    I have had conflict with hell it's a hard concept but it's not God's desire for us to go there . From our own perspective we see a certain way it's like wearing blurry glasses we can kinda see but not very well but God's heart desires everyone to be saved and free . Imagine God sent His son to suffer just for us to go to Heaven He risked everything for you and I God knows so much more than we ever could God bless you with peace

    • @jayg3857
      @jayg3857 2 месяца назад +1

      Your god had to lie about people getting sent to a place of Eternal burning to keep his flock. He's a liar and a fraud.

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  2 месяца назад +1


    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  2 месяца назад

      ​@@jayg3857 I see what you mean, I understand your distaste for that completely.

  • @lewisvogel466
    @lewisvogel466 2 месяца назад +1

    I find the whole idea of the existence of hell the most depressing thing imaginable. I've read stories of near death experiences of people who went to hell and came back. I really wish that part of God didn't exist. It's depressing.

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  2 месяца назад +1

      Yes it is, it made me so sad when I really realized how bad it is. 😞

    • @wise_Cat777
      @wise_Cat777 2 месяца назад +3

      The Lake of Fire was created for only Satan and the 3rd of angels that rebelled against god not humans.
      the problem came when sin entered the world when it wasn't suppose to due to Adam& Eve disobeying god by eating from the tree of knowledge of good & evil. satan tricked them into eating the fruit. Genisis 1-3 . this caused curse to be put on man to die, the ground, and world.
      our hearts are evil in nature because of this so we sin everyday Mark 7:21-23 . God is loving, but because he is also Holy, and Righteous so sin has to be punished by death of the soul. God grieved because of this so why didn't God just stop things in advance? because god gave us freewill and we were given the right to choose even our own decisions if that means rebelling against god. Jesus his only son was sent here and died to save us of sin so that we can go to heaven instead of going to hell due to this curse of sin (john 3:16). why isn't everyone simply just saved of sin when jesus died ? again Freewill. we have a choice to walk with god or not and regardless of what we did in life he will accept us if we accept him and will help guide us through life and will never leave. there's much more to understand but consider reading the book of Genesis in the bible for more detail.

    • @jayg3857
      @jayg3857 2 месяца назад +1

      The fact that you try to justify Hell to anyone and everyone who would listen means you haven't thought about it enough or you don't know what eternity is. ​@krazyCat556

    • @jayg3857
      @jayg3857 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@ArdnassakChreesmasYou're valid in your objections.

    • @jayg3857
      @jayg3857 2 месяца назад

      Get it together, Grouch. Get a job, Grouch.​@@lewisvogel466

  • @respectkindness-oj6xz
    @respectkindness-oj6xz 2 месяца назад +1

    evil persons added complexes

  • @ianinfinite0171
    @ianinfinite0171 2 месяца назад

    There's an ancient language that's being used that people have forgotten. Things spoken in tongue and parables...
    In the gospel Jesus is saying what the things are. "I thank you Father for hiding these things from the learning and the wise and revealing them to the innocent and the simple."
    *"Eat my flesh and drink my blood." The flesh is the word of God and the wine is the preserved information..
    Noah had a vineyard. He got drunk on wine. His younger son saw him naked. When Noah awoke he cursed his grandson calling him a servant of servants...Was Noah really but naked and he was embarrassed..or did Noah's youngest son see Noah's fault/iniquities. Then Noah, being prideful, unflavored his youngest son and gave his other two sons good gifts to cover the "nakedness".....a recurring theme of one child getting the favor/blessing and one being cast out. One at the left and one at the right. But strait is the way that leads to life and wisdom is proven right by all her children.
    Did Daniel get thrown into a den of lions? Did Paul baptiste a lion? Did Samson eat honey out of a lion? ..A lion is a ruler or a king.
    Was Jesus a lamb or a shepherd. Is a shepherd just a person who herds sheep?.."Feed my sheep."
    Jesus said to the pharisees, "You brood of vipers!"...They are snakes because they misunderstand and use wise words to cause harm...
    Moses picked up the the snake by the tail and it became a staff. Moses had the understanding/the authority to carry the wisdom. And Mose's wisdom swallowed Pharoah and his servants/snakes wisdom.
    Exodus: "God speaks in visions and dreams. God speaks in riddles" "To see God face to face is to see God without riddle."
    Jeremiah: "Jeremiah what do you see? And I said, I see a branch or a shoot of an almond tree. (Aaron's rod...)Then the Lord said you have seen well. I am alert and active watching over my word to perform it.
    Jeremiah what do you see? I said, a boiling pot and it's mouth is about to poor on Judea in the south. The Lord said, the evil from the north nation's sins/wrongs ways/misunderstanding is going to disclose itself in the south."
    Jesus: "I will open my mouth in parables. I will utter things that have been hidden since the foundation of the world."
    Jesus was the name given to truth. Jesus said, "The flesh profits nothing, the spirit is what gives life and the words I speak are full of spirit and they are life." The more you understand the language the more you start to see it in everything..stories and symbolism in other cultures Egypt, Greece, Mexico, China, Assyria...because God preserved the truth.
    For instance look at the Assyrian Winged genie..he's holding a bag/basket and he's collecting words/information..In other depictions they are hunting lions or perhaps kings..the serpent is used in many cultures...
    Even today we use the language many times unknowingly. The government has a head and a body. Government leaders come together annually and the meet at a Summit/Mountain. There are giants in the land,..Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg...

  • @jasongates-
    @jasongates- 19 дней назад

    We have to remember that God is holy, the king of the universe, and the greatest being in existence. And He's also an eternal being. So, whatever we feel about His rules, it may sound harsh from our perspective, but that's our problem. From God's perspective, it's fair. With Him being God. Think of it this way: sometimes the government passes laws that we don't like, but that's the law. And if we break the government's law, they can do whatever they want to us for breaking their law, because they're the government. Or, if a mother tells her five year old son "I told you not to eat that cookie," then we see that mother spanking her son for eating the cookie, we may disagree with spanking. But he ate the cookie, and some people spank their children. How much more does God expect us to be holy, and His hand is heavy when we break His commands, because He is so holy.
    The reason Hell is eternal is because God is eternal, and because of our sin, we owe God our dues for our sin, just like we owe a debt to society, in jail, for breaking the government's law. Some say there is Purgatory, but that would make Hell temporary, when God is eternal. We don't temporarily fall under judgment, we eternally fall under judgment, since God is eternal, and there is nothing WE can do to make it up to God, like how we can make it up to the government, or our parent.
    I was never conflicted with the Old Testament. I simply read it and believed it. I noticed how difficult it was back then, to keep up with God's commands. More recently, I noticed myself wondering why some commands were given. Some of it didn't seem to me to be fair, that THAT would be a command (I would have to find the verses to include, here, to give an example). But they're still God's commands, so I resign myself to His will, like, "Oh well. That's just what He commanded, and I have to do what He commanded." So I guess that's how strong my faith in God is. Also, there's a reason He gave each of His commands. We don't understand it all, but we can rest that He had a reason for commanding it. One reason is to keep sin from spreading further (for our protection and for His glory). Another is to clean up the sin that already happened (like in my cookie example). And in that cleaning up, it matures us, if we are willing to listen to God's correction.
    God is super patient with us, and we are undeserving of His patience and grace. He does love us, and He doesn't want anyone to be lost. People think that God is unfair, because we are thinking from our perspective, but He would prefer that no one go to Hell. The reason that place exists is because God is allergic to sin, and He is physically unable to live with sin (God is holy), and that's the place to send anything associated with sin. He's not looking to destroy US. He's looking to destroy sin. It translates as US going there because we're contaminated with sin. And that's also why we die physically. Our body is contaminated with sin. God did not intend on anyone to die physically, either. But, we do. We sinned, so that's the penalty. Spiritually, thank goodness that God gave us a way out of going to that place, by sending Jesus to save us. All we have to do to dodge that place is to believe in Jesus (His death on the cross & resurrection from the dead). He paid our penalty for us, on the cross.
    Part of me wishes that there was nothing after this life, for the sake of those who are in Hell, because that's the worst possible place to be. It's really THAT bad there. But then, part of me is glad that there is something after this life, for the sake of those who are in Heaven, because it means we have a purpose. There would be no reason for us to come into existence in the first place if we're just here, and then we're gone, and that's it. Like an accident. I don't like the thought of me being here for the sake of me being here, and then I'm gone. And then, plus, even with those in Hell, there are some people who are so horrible, that it's great to know that there is a penalty for their behavior, besides just the fact that we cease to exist.
    But, it's good that you are asking questions. God will reward those who diligently seek Him, and He will show you the truth as long as you continue searching and going to Him for the answers. He will let us understand, in due time, so long as He sees that we're actually seeking Him.

  • @jamieSp69
    @jamieSp69 2 месяца назад +1

    I honestly don't know how to make you understand but I can try I guess. God is an emotional God, and we are made in his image, not the other way around. So, you have a child that you love and you want to raise your child up and keep your child safe from danger, but one day an evil monster desides to try and hurt your child. Because you love your kid, you do what you have to to protect him which might mean that the monster has to suffer and die. If you refuse to cause suffering and death, the monster would not fear you and your child would die.

    • @jayg3857
      @jayg3857 2 месяца назад +1

      Anyone who decides to bring a child into this world needs some serious therapy.

    • @jamieSp69
      @jamieSp69 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@jayg3857Which is why the monsters will one day be destroyed. Also, we maintain amongst the Wolves, so God knows what he is doing.

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  2 месяца назад

      Oh, I think I get what you're saying. 💚

  • @ianinfinite0171
    @ianinfinite0171 2 месяца назад

    Hell is not some fiery place in another dimension..HELL is of the world. All of the misunderstanding, the confusion, the lies/hypocrisy, the wrong teachings, and weakness of the the flesh in the evil world..that is hell.
    God is life: All good, all wisdom, all truth, all love, and all righteous...no darkness in Him AT ALL! Perfect love casts out all fear, and God is Love. The truth washes away all sin.
    God speaks in dreams and visions and parable..in a different tongue. People can be animals. A pharisee or someone who is vicious is serpent. An adulterous woman can be a nation. Jacob is Israel. Jesus is a lamb. God's word is true bread. David was a Shepherd..and he had sheep..what does Jeremiah 23 say a shepherd and a flock is?..
    "Wisdom is justified by her deeds."
    "Wisdom is justified by all her children."
    But to see God face to face is to see God clearly without riddle, as a friend/for you not against you.
    The form of God is Love and Truth without darkness. The fear of God is to hate evil.
    To be separated from God is to not know God. "This is life that they know you, the one and true God, and Jesus Chist who you sent." But those who see God in truth see God face to face as a friend.
    Having eyes that do not see and ears that don't hear, do they have life? The blind follow the blind into the the pit. The pit that the world sets. (It's like being a worm, this is what it is to be in darkness.)The pit is misunderstanding; lost in the wilderness/world not knowing where you come from or where you are going; which causes fear and confusion.
    Hell is the lies which lead to death.
    God is the truth that is life.
    Now knowing this, read the parable of the sower.
    At the end of the age, everything that causes sin and all who do evil will be weeded out of the kingdom. Those who aren't following the truth, but who are following the lies/the worldly ways, will resist the truth in anger(the weeping and gnashing of teeth)..but, at the end of the age when God's plan comes to fruition and the hidden things are seen, the truth will be as an unquenchable fire and they will have to acknowledge it. All kingdoms of the world come to an end. Then God's Kingdom will reign on earth. All will be taught by God, every knee will bow and tongue confess Jesus Christ/The truth is Lord.
    " This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for "fear" that their deeds will be exposed(They don't want to be seen naked so they keep trying to cover the lies). But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God."(They have nothing to cover because they are in truth)
    "The truth will set you free." Because many things the world claims as truth that cause fear, malice, confusion, despair, are the lies/sins of the world. But the truth "is" freedom; hope, love, faith, joy, and peace.

  • @twelvestitches984
    @twelvestitches984 2 месяца назад +1

    You don't have any really close relationships with people so you are looking to have a close relationship with God. That is great but too many people believe that God has to do something for them, something they want. God has much more important things to do. God does not serve humans, we serve or we cease to exist.
    When you pray, just say the Lords Prayer given to us by Jesus. You should not pray for God to do things you want Him to do. You can pray to be a better person.
    The Old Testament was written by selfish ignorant men who were afraid of comets. They had no undersanding of science and thought every unknown thing was an act of God when really God had no part in it other than creating the matrix. Most of the OT is NOT Christianity. Jesus preached against a lot of it.
    In the past all human beings believed in some idea of God but they were even more selfish than today and they needed to know that there are consequences for doing bad things to others. The current idea of hell is a mixture of two things, the life review that happens in the after life (You will experience all of the pain and suffering you caused others, it will be intense) and universal prison/payment for what you did to others. The bad energy you caused will be sent back to you.

  • @jerkojerkic9349
    @jerkojerkic9349 2 месяца назад +1

    Jesus Christ died for the sins of mankind and reseurected on the third day so that anyone who belives in him can live ethernal life. New testament is God's Grace and favour through his Son to all mankind who accept him as Lord and saviour and live by faith in him. He will soon take his people off the earth into heaven because we live in the last days before his coming. To be taken you need to be baptised by water, turn from the sins, have faith in Jesus and be obedient. Time is trully short.

  • @jerkojerkic9349
    @jerkojerkic9349 2 месяца назад +1

    Focus more on the new Testament because there is Jesus Christ by whom you are saved. Even the scripture says that old Testament was not enough and that's why God established new where mercy, love and forgiveness abide. Belive on Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. Don't care about what someone thinks. That's a mistake. In the end of the day it's between you and Jesus. Only Jesus has true Words of salvation and noone else has because God gave his Son by whom someone can be saved and there is no other; name, person, religion,... Or anything else exept Christ.

    • @ArdnassakChreesmas
      @ArdnassakChreesmas  2 месяца назад

      So why is the new testament there, then? What is its purpose?

    • @BingoNamo-gb8pz
      @BingoNamo-gb8pz 2 месяца назад

      @@ArdnassakChreesmasbecause we would be absolutely clueless without the gospel, without revelation of Jesus, without the wisdom of God, the word of God is the word of Truth. Without the New Testament we cannot know the truth we cannot know God we cannot see without the light. We would be stumbling in darkness without the light of God’s word shining giving us life & peace & joy. We are a new creation who believe in Jesus. We were crucified with Jesus so we could be raised a new creation with Jesus. One who is justified & forgiven & reconciled to God. We are now 1 with the Father because we have trusted in Jesus to take away the hostility (sin & condemnation) between us. The wrath of God has been removed & we are now united with the Father in 1 Spirit through the Son Jesus Christ taking away God’s wrath, judgement, by taking away the sin that produced wrath & judgement. The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus our Lord.
      Without the New Testament I would not have been able to say any of these things to you. So you see why it is important. But the Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God because we have believed Jesus is the Son of God. Therefore we are now children just as He is. The more you know Jesus the more you know yourself because Jesus is the firstborn from the dead. We are likewise born from the dead through His death & resurrection. We were raised as children of God with Him. God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ Jesus. This is why Jesus is the only way. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins. We are forgiven because of Jesus shedding His blood for us. This made peace with God. As long as you trust in His blood you have peace with God. Nothing can separate you from God because the blood of Jesus took away your sin forever. God will never remember your sins again.