It's normally the sensor that malfunctions. And you don't need to be doing that all the time. If it is still going out. Get a new sensor that locks well to the latch.
That is a temporary solution. Once you hit another bump in the road or it gets shaken loose, you will have the same issue. I can here hoping you had a permanent solution to keeping that thing in place
Normally if the locks on either side of the sensor is broken then that will not last long and that means you have to get a new sensor. But usually if they are good, it usually lasts. in that case what makes it to get off is banging the hood so hard when closing.
Thanks for your help, it works - From South Korea
You are welcome. I am so glad this has been of help to you. keep watching for more cool videos like this.
Is there a fuse for it just in case that don't work an do u gotta do that every time u open hood. ?
It's normally the sensor that malfunctions. And you don't need to be doing that all the time. If it is still going out. Get a new sensor that locks well to the latch.
What is that piece your pulling up called exactly?
Hood latch sensor
That is one dirty Mercedes
That is a temporary solution. Once you hit another bump in the road or it gets shaken loose, you will have the same issue. I can here hoping you had a permanent solution to keeping that thing in place
Normally if the locks on either side of the sensor is broken then that will not last long and that means you have to get a new sensor. But usually if they are good, it usually lasts. in that case what makes it to get off is banging the hood so hard when closing.