Dear eternally back in time and forward in endless time the result is that what means what was that is that will be ever is God with no exhaustion irrespective of the fact we may reach or know fully or not...
I pulled my children out of secular school. Placed them in a Christian academy and I'm watching them flourish. *They learn so much more with an open mind to the universe...* I tell my kids, science is looking at the power of God through a microscope! They are so eager to study science and see the wonders of God! *My oldest wants to be a chemist!*
Beautiful presentation. I paused the video throughout to take notes so I can explain to my dad and others. May God continue to move you by the Holy Spirit by way of Jesus Christ, the key to all of God’s wisdom:)
I want you to know that you are an amazing voice for the truth. Your fearlessness to stand up in front of your enemies and deliver the truth regardless of the horrible consequences that many have faced because of it is astounding. "Keep calm and carry on"
Mr. Stephen Meyer, can you please make a home-school curriculum?! I am getting married next year and Lord willing in time will have kids to home-school. I'm sure I speak for so many when I say that would be such a blessing
Schools will never allow it, especially now. Schools, directed by universities, which are directed by materialist dogma (yes, it is a dogma), declare that anything he and other like him are saying amounts to religion. It isn't, it's learning to think critically by allowing critique and skepticism of the reigning dogma, but unfortunately any notions of that are considered heresy in modern "science."
I hope Stephen Meyer knows he's helping a lot of the Christian youth to understand the deeper, theological side to evolution that they've been subjected to since middle school. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the next great Christian evangelists in 20 or 30 years doesn't quote some of the ideas about complexity in life discussed by Dr. Meyer.
Wow, what an excellent speaker. What an excellent presentation. A man inspired by and enabled by God. Theists have nothing to hide or be embarrassed about. Amen?
Dr. Meyer, thanks SO MUCH for your career, your work, your posts, your stunning support of Intelligent Design! I’m so thrilled to find your site: None of the rabid, pseudoscience trolls decrying everything! That’s quite a sign! God richly bless you, your career!
As my dad (who was a lifetime engineer/mathematician at NASA/JPL) said: Science is the study of the physical world and theology is the study of the spiritual realm.
Dr. Meyer, i applaud your efforts to explain the truth. I saw you in person in Spartanburg, SC. Enjoyed listening to your presentation and talking to you. Keep up the good work.
Wow! Stephen Meyer is a very good teacher; not only making some great, undeniable points, but also driving them home with history and the scrutiny of other great scientists of the past and present.
Superb - my medical doctor recently retired and I gave him one of your books. Over the 30 years as my doctor he has stood his ground re;big bang theory and we have had different views since I am a Born again Christian for 59yrs as per Ligonier R C Sproul now with God who is the Creator of all that is as you have rightly STATED and where I first heard you speak and will be listening to more.
The more I read, the more I ponder, and the more I ponder the more I start to realize that the ideas Dr. Meyer promotes make far more sense than does the ideas of Dawkins and others.
As breath of fresh air in a world of moral pollution. S Meyer is an extremely passionate and enthusiastic individual, his passion shines, his enthusiasm is bubbling and his arguments have no rival realistically. God bless you Dr Meyer ✝️
You can't stress enough the importance of people like Stephen Meyer, and others alike. Radical materialism (a.k.a atheism) is one of, if not the most, dogmatic religion there is. Although I do not like to use the word "religion" in a negative sense. Balance and reasonable discussion is always the way forward. That is to say, if truth is what you're striving for.
I love your Dad "son you need a job." 🤣 I got my teaching degree before I did a worship leader internship. My interest of singing in church didn't rank real high on the priority list for my dad either.
The biggest evidence for God: How deep does creation go? As deep as atoms, quantum realm, and what’s below that? What fuels it? We can’t comprehend it, only a God can understand such intricacies.
I am a conservative Christian engineer, believe in the Holy Trinity !! The only problem here is that Meyer is trying to 'understand God' and His place in the Universe and it's creation - do not believe that mankind will ever put their finger on it; too complex for us !
One of the greatest proofs for a Creator & Intelligent Design is the EXTREME fine-tuning of the Universe. Most people have absolutely no idea how extremely fine-tuned our universe, galaxy, solar system & planet must be for life to exist. Beside the complexity of the cell itself, the greatest PROOFS for a Creator is the extreme fine tuning that is required for life, and especially for advanced life to occur anywhere in the universe. Of ALL of these fine-tuning characteristics the greatest is the expansion of the Universe itself. If the expansion was just a tiny bit slower the universe would have collapsed in on itself. But if this expansion had just been a little bit faster our galaxies could never have formed to begin with. In order for life to exist anywhere requires the right type of galaxy cluster, the right type of galaxy (spiral, and only 5% of all galaxies are spiral). The star must also be in the right location in the spiral galaxy. The great majority of stars are located either in the central bulge and could NEVER have a planet with life due to the super-massive black hole in the central bulge, other black holes & supernova that are constantly spewing out deadly radiation. It is the same problem with the spiral arms. There is too much deadly radiation. But our own star, the sun, is located between the spiral arms; however, even this must be extremely fine-tuned. Almost all of the stars located between these arms travel at different speeds and eventually, they all wind up in the deadly spiral arms. But our sun is located at what is known as the corotation distance and it rotates at the same speed as the galaxy itself. So our sun constantly remains between these spiral arms. The planet’s star itself must also be the right size, contain the right mass, contain the right metallicity, and it must even be the right color in order for photosynthesis to occur on the planet. The stars planet (earth) must be the right distance from the star and it must remain there in a circular or near circular orbit. If the earth were just 2% closer or farther away from the sun, life on the planet could not exist. The planet must also have the right rotation rate of 24 hours.. If it were any less, our planet would constantly have hundred mile an hour winds like Jupiter. Any more, it would get much too hot during the day, then much too cold at night. The planet must also have the right gravity or we'd either be glued to the earth from the planets mass, or we’d be hopping around the planet like the astronauts did when trying to walk on the moon. The planet also requires the right number of moons (one), that is the right size and in the right location and distance to keep our planet from tumbling, and keep the poles where they are. It is also needed for our oceans tides which are also important for life. The History channel had a one hour program that showed just how important the moon alone is for life on earth. We also need the other huge planets like Jupiter & Saturn with their huge mass & in the right location in our solar system. These planets constantly protect the earth from asteroids, comets and meteors. During our own lifetime we witnessed the shoemaker levy impact that smashed into Jupiter. If it had hit the earth instead, that would have been the end of life on our planet. Even the moon helps to protect us to some degree and we can see all of the moon craters & the hits that it took for us in the past. The earth's escape velocity must also be fine-tuned so that deadly gasses such as methane & ammonia (16, 17) dissipate from the atmosphere, while oxygen (18), which we need to breathe, doesn’t. Moreover, we need the right amount of oxygen at 20%. If this level was greater, our planet would be too combustible & forest fires would rage out of control destroying life on the planet. But if our oxygen level was any less, advanced life could not exist. We also need the right amount of carbon. All life is carbon based, but too much, and it would combine with our oxygen forming carbon dioxide. There goes the oxygen we need to breathe. Our bodies also require dozens of other elements and minerals that are all readily available in just the right quantities. These include sodium, potassium, calcium that are needed in large amounts. Others, such as copper, fluoride, zinc, iron, selenium, iodine, etc. that we also need are all readily available in smaller amounts. We need the right quantity of water in our oceans for life to exist & even the salt content in the oceans has to be fine tuned to permit life. We need the right quantities & types of uranium and thorium, all in the right quantities and in the right locations under the surface of the earth in order for plate tectonics to occur. Without plate tectonics continually pushing up our continents, gravity, rain & wind erosion over millions of years would result in our entire planet covered with one mile of ocean. We need the earth's iron core creating the magnetic field that protects life on earth from the sun’s radiation, and we also need the ozone layer to protect us from the UV radiation coming from the sun. For almost a century now, scientists have been saying that our universe is “expanding”. At least a dozen times in the bible God confirms this when he said that He: “stretched out the heavens”. Recently, they’ve even been using the same word and saying that space has a self-STRETCHING property. Now these are just a few of the HUNDREDS of extreme fine-tuning characteristics that scientists have recently discovered and that are ALL required for life to occur anywhere in the universe. Each year these scientists are discovering more and more of this amazing and EXTREME fine-tuning. I only listed a few of them. These scientists have estimated that the odds of just one planet in our entire universe having ALL of the required characteristics for advanced life are more than the estimated number of electrons in our universe. For more information on this subject Google: Reasons to Believe [in a Creator] by Hugh Ross. Ross is an astronomer, scientist and former atheist. His book Reasons to Believe lists many more fine-tuning requirements & his work is also available on RUclips. Also, research the Anthropic Principle for more information on the miracle of God’s creation - our Universe.
I was born into an atheist family, and science actually helped me see and believe in God! If God underlies all reality, are not all scientific discoveries not evidence of God?
Dr. Meyer is such a delightfully speaker. Athirst like Hawkins have built nothing in their life. Dr. Meyer did not become an engineer to build things, but has come to appreciate those who do. Thank you Dr. Meyer for so elequently expressing your thoughts.
I have pre-ordered his book “The Return of the God Hypothesis” based on this speech - due out in March 2021. What a brilliant speaker! IN THE BEGINNING....GOD (Genesis 1 v 1). May we all get to know Him - for we all live, exist and have our being in Him.
This speech was amazing. In my search leading up to finding this video, I found something else that was helpful for me. A quote that says, "The truths we find in Scripture should not conflict with the truths we find in nature. Conflicts happen at the level of human interpretation." I think both the naturalists and the theologians need to accept this. The theory on the origin of the universe is a powerful example where there are conflicts on both sides.
I love to hear educated people like this guy that knows God exist especially after I had an NDE and I know for a fact that God is real and if it wasn't for God we wouldn't be real, I also know that you not only need to believe God is real but you also need to except the gift he offers us of his sons sacrifice on the cross, that's real also, people that read this comment and don't believe, please keep searching until you realize that this is true in fact it's the most important thing for mankind there ever was or ever will be.
Thank you! It’s comforting to know that I’m not really alone in these thoughts which were realized in a college biology course, and repeatedly reinforced in broader observations through life. Your quote of Book of Romans, Newton, and Hays truly helped me have a greater sense of hope that someday, the greatness and wisdom of the highest Being will be revealed universally.
"If matter itself comes into existence, you cannot invoke matter as the cause of the origin of the material universe. You need something that is immaterial, that transcends matter." 35:53 "The straightforward application of general relativity to the origin of the universe, implies a Creation event." 38:38
Napoleon said to his generals 'You are too proud to believe in God but I am not like you. This may not be word for word but it is gives the proper meaning.'
Easily one of the best (and shortest) explanations of origins, and taking the epistemological game right to the backyard of the scientific materialists - GREAT WORK Dr Meyers.....
How often is the fact that many new inventions are based upon nature and the "appearance of design" used as proof of design? If you apply the attributes of what appears to be design to an actual disign and it performs the function for which it is designed, isn't that proof that the appearance of design in nature is actually design?
Its sad in today's world I get teased, yelled at and completely disrespected over my belief in I.D. The crazy thing is it wasnt until I got more intelligent by studying the world and universe. Knowledge led me here. I'll never understand how people thinking a creator is insane but belief the universe exploded from nothing, created everything and here we all are. Were just floating on a ball in space. If you don't believe in a creator then study RNA/DNA. Learn how molecules have to firm, learn the complexity of the cell. Then ask yourself " who gave the cells information to copy themselves " . I'm not sure about Christianity, but I am sure that we were created. Just look around. But atheist believe nothing exploded and created everything over billions if years. The chance of a cell forming is 10 to the 70th. Theres only 10 to the 65 power of atoms in our universe. Mathematics proves this isn't random. Don't get me started on the fine tuning of the galaxy. Everything is so finely designed they say there's a better chance a tornado could blow through a junkyard and make a fully functional 737. This come from mathematicians who do statistics.
I literally thank God for men like Stephen Meyer. After many discussions with atheists on line, who use evolution as their creator, I have come to realize that no matter the considerable facts against evolution, they will not relinquish their paradigm. At the core, materialism is their religion. Rudyard Kipling wrote the children’s Just So stories which some have likened to Lamarck, but Just So also fits materialism’s cosmology, geology, and biology.
Dawkins has a value hierarchy that he cannot defend... undirected processes do not support a value hierarchy. He is internally inconsistent/indefensible
What I find amazing is that the creator of Multiverses at the minute is more concerned with the condition of our hearts, I believe secularists are like goldfish in a bowl oblivious to who sustains their very existence.
A book, particularly one in each word of which a minute pen has inscribed another whole book, and in each letter of which a fine pen has traced a poem, cannot be without a writer; this would be entirely impossible. So too this cosmos cannot be without its inscriber; this is impossible to the utmost degree. For the cosmos is precisely such a book that each of its pages includes many other books, each of its words contains a book, and each of its letters contains a poem. The face of the earth is but a single page in the book of the cosmos. See how many books it contains. Every fruit is a letter, and every seed is a dot. In that dot is contained the index of the whole tree in its vastness. A book such as this can have been inscribed only by the mighty pen of a Possessor of Glory Who enjoys the attributes of splendour and beauty, and Who is the holder of infinite wisdom and power. Faith, then, follows inevitably on the observation of the world, unless one is drunk on misguidance. Similarly, a house cannot arise without a builder, particularly a house adorned with miraculous works of art, wondrous designs, and amazing ornaments. As much art has been put into one of its stones as into a whole palace. No intelligence will accept that it could arise without a builder; definitely it needs a master architect. Moreover, within the building, veritable rooms take shape and change each hour with the utmost order and ease, just as if clothes were being changed, or as if scenes were passing across a cinema screen. We can say even that numerous little rooms are constantly being created in each of those scenes. In like manner, the cosmos also requires an infinitely wise, all-knowing and all-powerful maker. For the magnificent cosmos is a palace that has the sun and the moon as its lamps and the stars as its candles; time is like a rope or ribbon hung within it, on to which the Glorious Creator each year threads a new world. And within the world that He thus threads on the string of time He places three hundred and sixty fresh and orderly forms. He changes them with the utmost orderliness and wisdom. He has made the face of the earth a bounteous spread that He adorns each spring with three hundred thousand species of creation, that He fills with innumerable kinds of generous gifts. This He does in such a fashion that they all stand apart from each other, quite separate and distinct, despite their being at the same time so close and intermingled. Is it possible to overlook the existence of the Maker of such a palace? Words - 70 Risalei Nur Collection
Myers point regarding the metaphysical responses by science to fine tuning and origin of the universe are perfectly valid and correct. I mean, naturalism rejects supernaturalism but c'mon could you have something more supernatural than the multiverse!!
The universe is anything but fine tuned and ordered . 275 MILLION stars go nova EVERY SINGLE DAY ! AND a similar number of stars are born every day ! The universe is a shooting gallery ! We were lucky to have had Jupiter draw comet Shoemaker-Levy away from us. And the universe continues to expand into ? cornelluniversity>astro>curious>40...
Rolando Aponte, considering that a quantum physicist said that as we have learned more about the odds of life being possible it has become quite clear that it was either God/design or it is for all intents and purposes, impossible. This is paraphrased but quite the essence of what was said.
Forget every thing your saying,all these discussions comes because we have the mind,mind is spiritual,where did mind come from?it came from super mind:God.Mind makes the world we see.God is living mind without body(spirit),he is mind without organs,some thing like unseen electromagnetic waves. Being he is mind,he has always excisted,and that mind fills the whole universe(omnipresent)! And being he is imaterial he does not get old!Have never doubted God since i knew that!
Dear Sir , you are absolutely right, will now be black-balled by all your peers for the very mention of God in Science, unfortunately, yet, your bravery toward truth at all costs, is applauded...Good luck dear man.
You may be interested in Rupert Sheldrake - The Science Delusion. Search RUclips. Sheldrake destroys materialism as a dogmatic set of false beliefs, which he effectively dismantles, one at a time.
How bad a time our young ones who have Faith in the Creator must experience when entering the Colleges & Universities of the World, when the World of Science has only 1 answer & a wrong one at that ! ... Thankyou Mr Meyer .
@@GayorgVonTrappDo you mean like the general consensus for the theory of spontaneous generation, held for two millennia? But come to think of it, isn't Darwinism just a repackaging of spontaneous generation? Instead of "mosquitoes spawned from a pond" it's now "single-celled organisms spawned from a pond over millions of years". Not very original.
@@KevinB-pd3me When you pen sentences containing the phrase ‘Faith in the Creator’ … you got some ‘splainin to do. That phrase is loaded, and needs to be unpicked. And by ‘spontaneous generation’, what do you think it is that people think came out of what? Sounds more like the biblical narrative than something coming out of science.
He mentions pantheism towards the end of the video and I feel like he brushed off other (related) concepts which could fit the model of an origin theory just as well. There is a belief called panentheism (not to be confused with pantheism) which is the belief that God/Divinity pervades and interpenetrates every part of the universe but which also (unlike pantheism) extends transcendentally beyond space, matter and time.
Three proofs of an inteligent designer. 1. Double slit experiment 2. Entripy 3. Dr. Meyer's probability of a single protein folding on the way to creating a living cell.
If you follow all things, known and unknown, eternally back in time, eventually the result is God.
Dear eternally back in time and forward in endless time the result is that what means what was that is that will be ever is God with no exhaustion irrespective of the fact we may reach or know fully or not...
Such a beautiful presentation. Indeed, it is from God that we come from, and it is to God that we return.
Beautiful words.
Abiogenesis failure!
ive come to think that science is our way of trying to understand our creators work.
I pulled my children out of secular school. Placed them in a Christian academy and I'm watching them flourish.
*They learn so much more with an open mind to the universe...*
I tell my kids, science is looking at the power of God through a microscope!
They are so eager to study science and see the wonders of God! *My oldest wants to be a chemist!*
Beautiful presentation. I paused the video throughout to take notes so I can explain to my dad and others. May God continue to move you by the Holy Spirit by way of Jesus Christ, the key to all of God’s wisdom:)
Science and faith can complement, not conflict, each other 🙏
I'm Christian, I like Science too. Well explained DR Meyer. Keep it going.
God bless 🙂❤
I want you to know that you are an amazing voice for the truth. Your fearlessness to stand up in front of your enemies and deliver the truth regardless of the horrible consequences that many have faced because of it is astounding.
"Keep calm and carry on"
Jesus Christ loves us and saved us!
Mr. Stephen Meyer, can you please make a home-school curriculum?! I am getting married next year and Lord willing in time will have kids to home-school. I'm sure I speak for so many when I say that would be such a blessing
You want to seperate your children so they can be shielded from actual education and be forced into religious indoctrination instead? sad.
Bravo Dr. Meyer. Now how do we get more like you in the classrooms of America?
Buy more of his books?
Schools will never allow it, especially now. Schools, directed by universities, which are directed by materialist dogma (yes, it is a dogma), declare that anything he and other like him are saying amounts to religion. It isn't, it's learning to think critically by allowing critique and skepticism of the reigning dogma, but unfortunately any notions of that are considered heresy in modern "science."
So grateful for an excellent communicator such as Stephen Meyer.
I am so glad Dr. Meyer didn't become a mechanical engineer...Thank you Dr. Meyer for your knowledge and clear explanaton!
I crave for stimulating lectures since my father passed away. Thank you Stephen.
I hope Stephen Meyer knows he's helping a lot of the Christian youth to understand the deeper, theological side to evolution that they've been subjected to since middle school. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the next great Christian evangelists in 20 or 30 years doesn't quote some of the ideas about complexity in life discussed by Dr. Meyer.
Stephen please go on Joe Rogan
We need more guys like you in this world.👍🏾
I learned so much from this.
Stephen Meyer HITS the nail right on the head. A very brilliant man.
Wow, what an excellent speaker. What an excellent presentation. A man inspired by and enabled by God. Theists have nothing to hide or be embarrassed about. Amen?
Dr. Meyer, thanks SO MUCH for your career, your work, your posts, your stunning support of Intelligent Design! I’m so thrilled to find your site: None of the rabid, pseudoscience trolls decrying everything! That’s quite a sign! God richly bless you, your career!
God is in everything that exists. And holds all things together.
As my dad (who was a lifetime engineer/mathematician at NASA/JPL) said: Science is the study of the physical world and theology is the study of the spiritual realm.
I could listen to Stephen Meyer speak all day.
Dr. Meyer, i applaud your efforts to explain the truth. I saw you in person in Spartanburg, SC. Enjoyed listening to your presentation and talking to you. Keep up the good work.
Wow! Stephen Meyer is a very good teacher; not only making some great, undeniable points, but also driving them home with history and the scrutiny of other great scientists of the past and present.
Art doesn't exist without the Artist. Creation doesn't exist without the Creator. Design doesn't exist without the Designer.
Does it exist without a critic, though?
Those are tautologies. They don't prove that what exists is Art or Creation or Design.
A little bit far fetched... don't care about my opinion...
Very simple to understand
Superb - my medical doctor recently retired and I gave him one of your books. Over the 30 years as my doctor he has stood his ground re;big bang theory and we have had different views since I am a Born again Christian for 59yrs as per Ligonier R C Sproul now with God who is the Creator of all that is as you have rightly STATED and where I first heard you speak and will be listening to more.
The more I read, the more I ponder, and the more I ponder the more I start to realize that the ideas Dr. Meyer promotes make far more sense than does the ideas of Dawkins and others.
As breath of fresh air in a world of moral pollution. S Meyer is an extremely passionate and enthusiastic individual, his passion shines, his enthusiasm is bubbling and his arguments have no rival realistically. God bless you Dr Meyer ✝️
Glad to have you back in the discussion, Dr Meyer!
We missed you when you were writing your book.
Scientific discovery is the tool God uses to demonstrate the glory of His Creation.
Impressive that Dr. Meyer delivers this entire talk without referencing notes.
You can't stress enough the importance of people like Stephen Meyer, and others alike. Radical materialism (a.k.a atheism) is one of, if not the most, dogmatic religion there is. Although I do not like to use the word "religion" in a negative sense.
Balance and reasonable discussion is always the way forward. That is to say, if truth is what you're striving for.
I love how excited Meyer gets when communicating his ideas.
I love your Dad "son you need a job." 🤣 I got my teaching degree before I did a worship leader internship. My interest of singing in church didn't rank real high on the priority list for my dad either.
The biggest evidence for God: How deep does creation go? As deep as atoms, quantum realm, and what’s below that? What fuels it? We can’t comprehend it, only a God can understand such intricacies.
I am a conservative Christian engineer, believe in the Holy Trinity !! The only problem here is that Meyer is trying to 'understand God' and His place in the Universe and it's creation - do not believe that mankind will ever put their finger on it; too complex for us !
One of the greatest proofs for a Creator & Intelligent Design is the EXTREME fine-tuning of the Universe. Most people have absolutely no idea how extremely fine-tuned our universe, galaxy, solar system & planet must be for life to exist. Beside the complexity of the cell itself, the greatest PROOFS for a Creator is the extreme fine tuning that is required for life, and especially for advanced life to occur anywhere in the universe. Of ALL of these fine-tuning characteristics the greatest is the expansion of the Universe itself. If the expansion was just a tiny bit slower the universe would have collapsed in on itself. But if this expansion had just been a little bit faster our galaxies could never have formed to begin with.
In order for life to exist anywhere requires the right type of galaxy cluster, the right type of galaxy (spiral, and only 5% of all galaxies are spiral). The star must also be in the right location in the spiral galaxy. The great majority of stars are located either in the central bulge and could NEVER have a planet with life due to the super-massive black hole in the central bulge, other black holes & supernova that are constantly spewing out deadly radiation. It is the same problem with the spiral arms. There is too much deadly radiation. But our own star, the sun, is located between the spiral arms; however, even this must be extremely fine-tuned. Almost all of the stars located between these arms travel at different speeds and eventually, they all wind up in the deadly spiral arms. But our sun is located at what is known as the corotation distance and it rotates at the same speed as the galaxy itself. So our sun constantly remains between these spiral arms.
The planet’s star itself must also be the right size, contain the right mass, contain the right metallicity, and it must even be the right color in order for photosynthesis to occur on the planet.
The stars planet (earth) must be the right distance from the star and it must remain there in a circular or near circular orbit. If the earth were just 2% closer or farther away from the sun, life on the planet could not exist. The planet must also have the right rotation rate of 24 hours.. If it were any less, our planet would constantly have hundred mile an hour winds like Jupiter. Any more, it would get much too hot during the day, then much too cold at night. The planet must also have the right gravity or we'd either be glued to the earth from the planets mass, or we’d be hopping around the planet like the astronauts did when trying to walk on the moon. The planet also requires the right number of moons (one), that is the right size and in the right location and distance to keep our planet from tumbling, and keep the poles where they are. It is also needed for our oceans tides which are also important for life. The History channel had a one hour program that showed just how important the moon alone is for life on earth. We also need the other huge planets like Jupiter & Saturn with their huge mass & in the right location in our solar system. These planets constantly protect the earth from asteroids, comets and meteors. During our own lifetime we witnessed the shoemaker levy impact that smashed into Jupiter. If it had hit the earth instead, that would have been the end of life on our planet. Even the moon helps to protect us to some degree and we can see all of the moon craters & the hits that it took for us in the past.
The earth's escape velocity must also be fine-tuned so that deadly gasses such as methane & ammonia (16, 17) dissipate from the atmosphere, while oxygen (18), which we need to breathe, doesn’t. Moreover, we need the right amount of oxygen at 20%. If this level was greater, our planet would be too combustible & forest fires would rage out of control destroying life on the planet. But if our oxygen level was any less, advanced life could not exist. We also need the right amount of carbon. All life is carbon based, but too much, and it would combine with our oxygen forming carbon dioxide. There goes the oxygen we need to breathe. Our bodies also require dozens of other elements and minerals that are all readily available in just the right quantities. These include sodium, potassium, calcium that are needed in large amounts. Others, such as copper, fluoride, zinc, iron, selenium, iodine, etc. that we also need are all readily available in smaller amounts.
We need the right quantity of water in our oceans for life to exist & even the salt content in the oceans has to be fine tuned to permit life. We need the right quantities & types of uranium and thorium, all in the right quantities and in the right locations under the surface of the earth in order for plate tectonics to occur. Without plate tectonics continually pushing up our continents, gravity, rain & wind erosion over millions of years would result in our entire planet covered with one mile of ocean. We need the earth's iron core creating the magnetic field that protects life on earth from the sun’s radiation, and we also need the ozone layer to protect us from the UV radiation coming from the sun.
For almost a century now, scientists have been saying that our universe is “expanding”. At least a dozen times in the bible God confirms this when he said that He: “stretched out the heavens”. Recently, they’ve even been using the same word and saying that space has a self-STRETCHING property.
Now these are just a few of the HUNDREDS of extreme fine-tuning characteristics that scientists have recently discovered and that are ALL required for life to occur anywhere in the universe. Each year these scientists are discovering more and more of this amazing and EXTREME fine-tuning. I only listed a few of them. These scientists have estimated that the odds of just one planet in our entire universe having ALL of the required characteristics for advanced life are more than the estimated number of electrons in our universe. For more information on this subject Google: Reasons to Believe [in a Creator] by Hugh Ross. Ross is an astronomer, scientist and former atheist. His book Reasons to Believe lists many more fine-tuning requirements & his work is also available on RUclips. Also, research the Anthropic Principle for more information on the miracle of God’s creation - our Universe.
I was born into an atheist family, and science actually helped me see and believe in God!
If God underlies all reality, are not all scientific discoveries not evidence of God?
Dr. Meyer is such a delightfully speaker. Athirst like Hawkins have built nothing in their life. Dr. Meyer did not become an engineer to build things, but has come to appreciate those who do. Thank you Dr. Meyer for so elequently expressing your thoughts.
Here and there YAH sends us a champion. Stephan Meyer is a champion. He is handing us the tools to battle lying atheists and Satanists.
how are atheists liars?
I have pre-ordered his book “The Return of the God Hypothesis” based on this speech - due out in March 2021. What a brilliant speaker! IN THE BEGINNING....GOD (Genesis 1 v 1). May we all get to know Him - for we all live, exist and have our being in Him.
The real question isn't whether there is a God or not; the real question is what is behind all the bias against Him?
“Wisdom is proved right by her children”. (Jesus) ❤ love to listen to you!!😊
I absolutely love all of your presentations. You speak unpopular truth so boldly. Thank you !!!
Why is Energy, not WHAT is energy! That is the real question.
why is not something that can be subjectively answered.
Briliant!!! Excellent!! informative Presentation!!!
Keep the great work Dr Stephen Meyer, it's fundamentally important....
Think you'd be the man to go head to head with either Mr Dennett or Mr Dawkins .
Any chance that might happen ??
This speech was amazing. In my search leading up to finding this video, I found something else that was helpful for me. A quote that says, "The truths we find in Scripture should not conflict with the truths we find in nature. Conflicts happen at the level of human interpretation." I think both the naturalists and the theologians need to accept this. The theory on the origin of the universe is a powerful example where there are conflicts on both sides.
Found this to be fascinating.
I love to hear educated people like this guy that knows God exist especially after I had an NDE and I know for a fact that God is real and if it wasn't for God we wouldn't be real, I also know that you not only need to believe God is real but you also need to except the gift he offers us of his sons sacrifice on the cross, that's real also, people that read this comment and don't believe, please keep searching until you realize that this is true in fact it's the most important thing for mankind there ever was or ever will be.
Thank you! It’s comforting to know that I’m not really alone in these thoughts which were realized in a college biology course, and repeatedly reinforced in broader observations through life. Your quote of Book of Romans, Newton, and Hays truly helped me have a greater sense of hope that someday, the greatness and wisdom of the highest Being will be revealed universally.
If God is a God of order why is the universe in a state of entropy ?
Enjoyed the video, understood some of it, some was over my head. Really enjoyed the quote from Sir Isaac Newton, really love the work he did.
Awesome presentation for the common sensed who seek eternal answers of the beginning
Brilliant & Courageous! Thank you, SIR!!!
"If matter itself comes into existence, you cannot invoke matter as the cause of the origin of the material universe. You need something that is immaterial, that transcends matter." 35:53
"The straightforward application of general relativity to the origin of the universe, implies a Creation event." 38:38
the isaiah passage is actually isaiah 45:12, love the video, just for viewers if they were wondering!
Napoleon said to his generals 'You are too proud to believe in God but I am not like you. This may not be word for word but it is gives the proper meaning.'
Easily one of the best (and shortest) explanations of origins, and taking the epistemological game right to the backyard of the scientific materialists - GREAT WORK Dr Meyers.....
Stephen Meyer is amazing. Keep up the good work
Who else is planning on reading Stephens new book?!
Excellently explained. Expansion...I love how you explained it. Cause and effect! You had a wonderful presentation. Thank you.
This is beautiful to my mind. WOW!!
Very solid reasoning. Great speech.
How often is the fact that many new inventions are based upon nature and the "appearance of design" used as proof of design? If you apply the attributes of what appears to be design to an actual disign and it performs the function for which it is designed, isn't that proof that the appearance of design in nature is actually design?
I love ya', Bro!!!
Its sad in today's world I get teased, yelled at and completely disrespected over my belief in I.D. The crazy thing is it wasnt until I got more intelligent by studying the world and universe. Knowledge led me here.
I'll never understand how people thinking a creator is insane but belief the universe exploded from nothing, created everything and here we all are. Were just floating on a ball in space.
If you don't believe in a creator then study RNA/DNA. Learn how molecules have to firm, learn the complexity of the cell. Then ask yourself " who gave the cells information to copy themselves " .
I'm not sure about Christianity, but I am sure that we were created. Just look around.
But atheist believe nothing exploded and created everything over billions if years. The chance of a cell forming is 10 to the 70th. Theres only 10 to the 65 power of atoms in our universe. Mathematics proves this isn't random.
Don't get me started on the fine tuning of the galaxy. Everything is so finely designed they say there's a better chance a tornado could blow through a junkyard and make a fully functional 737. This come from mathematicians who do statistics.
Love this guy. More power to his arm.
Best channle ive ever seen in all youtube about ID👍
When ever I used to doubt I considered greater men than myself or considered the alternative of no God.......Thank you Stephen Meyer.
I literally thank God for men like Stephen Meyer. After many discussions with atheists on line, who use evolution as their creator, I have come to realize that no matter the considerable facts against evolution, they will not relinquish their paradigm. At the core, materialism is their religion. Rudyard Kipling wrote the children’s Just So stories which some have likened to Lamarck, but Just So also fits materialism’s cosmology, geology, and biology.
Science is objective religion and religion is subjective science... Wonderful presentation!
Steven Myers, thank God for you. You give the lay person the ability to understand. Thank you for your books.
Quran Adh-Dhariyat 51:47
[English - Sahih International]
"And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander."
Time to praise the remainder of Meyer's presentation; very fair and intelligently put.
Fascinating, enlightening and with common sense..thank you Dr Mayer
Loved his interview with Chuck Missler
An eloquent, well read and knowledgeable man, and still he falls into the gap.
Dawkins has a value hierarchy that he cannot defend... undirected processes do not support a value hierarchy. He is internally inconsistent/indefensible
That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence. - Hitchen's Razor
What I find amazing is that the creator of Multiverses at the minute is more concerned with the condition of our hearts, I believe secularists are like goldfish in a bowl oblivious to who sustains their very existence.
i love this guy! respect is all i want to give him!
Dr Stephen
You always Brilliant!!
May God strengthen you further!!
A book, particularly one in each word of which a minute pen has inscribed another whole book, and in each letter of which a fine pen has traced a poem, cannot be without a writer; this would be entirely impossible. So too this cosmos cannot be without its inscriber; this is impossible to the utmost degree. For the cosmos is precisely such a book that each of its pages includes many other books, each of its words contains a book, and each of its letters contains a poem. The face of the earth is but a single page in the book of the cosmos. See how many books it contains. Every fruit is a letter, and every seed is a dot. In that dot is contained the index of the whole tree in its vastness. A book such as this can have been inscribed only by the mighty pen of a Possessor of Glory Who enjoys the attributes of splendour and beauty, and Who is the holder of infinite wisdom and power. Faith, then, follows inevitably on the observation of the world, unless one is drunk on misguidance.
Similarly, a house cannot arise without a builder, particularly a house adorned with miraculous works of art, wondrous designs, and amazing ornaments. As much art has been put into one of its stones as into a whole palace. No intelligence will accept that it could arise without a builder; definitely it needs a master architect. Moreover, within the building, veritable rooms take shape and change each hour with the utmost order and ease, just as if clothes were being changed, or as if scenes were passing across a cinema screen. We can say even that numerous little rooms are constantly being created in each of those scenes.
In like manner, the cosmos also requires an infinitely wise, all-knowing and all-powerful maker. For the magnificent cosmos is a palace that has the sun and the moon as its lamps and the stars as its candles; time is like a rope or ribbon hung within it, on to which the Glorious Creator each year threads a new world. And within the world that He thus threads on the string of time He places three hundred and sixty fresh and orderly forms. He changes them with the utmost orderliness and wisdom. He has made the face of the earth a bounteous spread that He adorns each spring with three hundred thousand species of creation, that He fills with innumerable kinds of generous gifts. This He does in such a fashion that they all stand apart from each other, quite separate and distinct, despite their being at the same time so close and intermingled. Is it possible to overlook the existence of the Maker of such a palace?
Words - 70
Risalei Nur Collection
That was truly excellent. Thank you.
Myers point regarding the metaphysical responses by science to fine tuning and origin of the universe are perfectly valid and correct. I mean, naturalism rejects supernaturalism but c'mon could you have something more supernatural than the multiverse!!
The universe is anything but fine tuned and ordered .
275 MILLION stars go nova EVERY SINGLE DAY ! AND a similar number of stars are born every day ! The universe is a shooting gallery !
We were lucky to have had Jupiter draw comet Shoemaker-Levy away from us. And the universe continues to expand into ?
Rolando Aponte, considering that a quantum physicist said that as we have learned more about the odds of life being possible it has become quite clear that it was either God/design or it is for all intents and purposes, impossible. This is paraphrased but quite the essence of what was said.
God Bless you Stephen Meyer! 🙏🍻
Great speech, but where's the mentioned G. Gonzalez'es presentation?
Excellent! Brilliantly explained! Thank you much.
God bless you.
Forget every thing your saying,all these discussions comes because we have the mind,mind is spiritual,where did mind come from?it came from super mind:God.Mind makes the world we see.God is living mind without body(spirit),he is mind without organs,some thing like unseen electromagnetic waves. Being he is mind,he has always excisted,and that mind fills the whole universe(omnipresent)! And being he is imaterial he does not get old!Have never doubted God since i knew that!
Without God, science is conflicting can neither be destroyed nor be created, so where is the energy coming from?
Dear Sir , you are absolutely right, will now be black-balled by all your peers for the very mention of God in Science, unfortunately, yet, your bravery toward truth at all costs, is applauded...Good luck dear man.
Paula Feudo John 15:18 If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you
Eh he's used to it. He's a martyr for the cause and people are finally waking up
You may be interested in Rupert Sheldrake - The Science Delusion. Search RUclips. Sheldrake destroys materialism as a dogmatic set of false beliefs, which he effectively dismantles, one at a time.
Great presentation.
How bad a time our young ones who have Faith in the Creator must experience when entering the Colleges & Universities of the World, when the World of Science has only 1 answer & a wrong one at that ! ... Thankyou Mr Meyer .
It’s called a general ‘consensus’ and is based upon study uninfluenced by religious dogma.
@@GayorgVonTrappDo you mean like the general consensus for the theory of spontaneous generation, held for two millennia?
But come to think of it, isn't Darwinism just a repackaging of spontaneous generation? Instead of "mosquitoes spawned from a pond" it's now "single-celled organisms spawned from a pond over millions of years". Not very original.
@@KevinB-pd3me When you pen sentences containing the phrase ‘Faith in the Creator’ … you got some ‘splainin to do.
That phrase is loaded, and needs to be unpicked. And by ‘spontaneous generation’, what do you think it is that people think came out of what? Sounds more like the biblical narrative than something coming out of science.
Great talk. Now the question is, who or what is God??
Michael Richardson ... Jehovah.
Read the Bible
He mentions pantheism towards the end of the video and I feel like he brushed off other (related) concepts which could fit the model of an origin theory just as well. There is a belief called panentheism (not to be confused with pantheism) which is the belief that God/Divinity pervades and interpenetrates every part of the universe but which also (unlike pantheism) extends transcendentally beyond space, matter and time.
Three proofs of an inteligent designer.
1. Double slit experiment
2. Entripy
3. Dr. Meyer's probability of a single protein folding on the way to creating a living cell.
Excellent! Though I enjoy it better when he talks about proteins.