Both are great but the arcade has a bit more color and bigger characters. The 32x was powerful hardware at the time and could have done much better if SEGA would have made more intelligent decisions.
It's a pity that the backgrounds were not revised. In the 32X version, the backgrounds are still drawn from the Mega Drive, but of course you could still use a lot more colors when the 32X does the sprites. And even in the MD version the colors of the backgrounds differ unnecessarily.
The 32X does not support hardware scrolling so most developers chose to rely on the Mega Drive for this while the 32X handled the sprites, which means that the background colors were limited by the Mega Drive's palette.
@@kathleendelcourt8136 You missed my point. If the Mega Drive has to display backgrounds and sprites, there may only be 16 colors left for the background. On the other hand, if the 32X draws the sprites, you can use all 61 colors of the MD for the background since it doesn't have to draw anything else.
@@yasminesteinbauer8565 Well first it's not that easy to reach the 61 colors theoretical limit of the Mega Drive because it's a bit more complicated than that: the simultaneous number of colors the MD can display is divided into 4 palettes of 16 colors in which the first color of each palette has to be used for transparency, so it's 15x4 + 1, that's how we get to the theoretical number of 61. The fact that you have to work with 4 palettes of 15 instead of a single of 60 means that it's difficult to avoid overlapping colors between palettes, and that's why no MD game actually displays 60 colors at once. Second, there's another limitation at play. The MD only has 512 colors in total, and these are fixed. Which means that there's only a limited number of nuances of the same color you can work with. So, if the specific type of red you need doesn't exists, well you're out of luck and have to use another color or try to approximate it with dithering tricks. So even when you still have a color slot free in one of your 4x15 palettes sometimes you can't really use it for the color you need because it simply does not exists on the hardware. So this coupled with the 4 palettes you have to juggle with are the main reason why you practically never reach 60 colors on a Mega Drive game. Could the MK II devs have done a better job optimizing the color use? Most likely but with the usual time constrains in game development they probably chose to rely mostly on the original MD backgrounds, knowing that given the inherent limitations of the system they was only so much they could improve upon them anyway.
@@kathleendelcourt8136 These are all basics that I am fully aware of and have included in the considerations of my original statement. On the one hand, you can simply overlay both layers (and possibly even sprites) to combine colors of different palettes with pixel precision, on the other hand, each tile of the background can not only use a different palette but also activate e.g. shadow mode. So it is not only not difficult to fully utilize the color palettes, but even possible to have more than 61 colors on the screen. (With shadow and highlight you even have a total color palette of 1407 colors). The claim that the backgrounds could look much better is not a purely theoretical assumption. I've been working with MD graphics long enough and can estimate quite well what is technically possible. So I don't know what you want to achieve with your objection.
@@yasminesteinbauer8565 I always wondered, but where do the extra colors of the 32X come from? I read it can display way more colors than some systems available at the time but it looks like no game actually takes advantage of having the larger number of colors to use and display but always stays at a low count that doesn't look that much better than what the genesis alone can do.
That feeling when you plunk down $160 for an addon, then $70 for the game, expecting an arcade port and its just marginally better than the stock Genesis version.
@@WizardOfWorrename their company to Anal Probe. Makes you wonder if Midway too was bought off by Nintendo like Capcom to release inferior ports on purpose.
Imagine you still owned the SNES version of MK2 back then, and for some reason you buy the 32X add-on plus MK2 for about 220$. My dissapointment would've been huge...
Obrigado pelo vídeo @vcdecide . Muito boa a conversão para os 16 bits, mas no 32x poderia ser muito melhor, talvez perfeita como alguns colegas citaram. Agora precisamos ver a comparação da versão do Linkuei com o Arcade para vermos as melhorias do Mestre!
É visível que a versão de 32X foi rushada, assim como a grande maioria dos jogos do periférico. Tanto que muitos desses jogos estão ganhando hack roms de aprimoramentos, deixando os games do jeito que deveriam ser na época do lançamento
Tem o mod recente do brazuca Master Linkuei do MK2 do 32x que ficou uma maravilha! Até tem a opção de jogar com trilha de CD Audio (as músicas da versão arcade)
@@verdadeiroWolfRAC e tem a hack daquele port horroroso do Doom, o Doom Resurrection do 32X tbm, que melhora o jogo em 200%. Eu sou inscrito no canal do Master Linkuei, que é o cara que tá fazendo a hack rom, o cara manja demais
@@Evolution_BR811 Nem tinha noção que o Doom tinha pro falido 32x muito menos port do Doom (que é um gamezão de tiro que eu domino). Obrigado por me avisar, quero conferir este mod dele depois
ARCADE 1st Place Wins SEGA 32X is Super Excellent Ports + super good version is little bit very close to the Arcade , they have a Genesis original music sound and Arcade voice sound including that's awesome, 32X is way to go for home Ports version "SEGA 32X" GREAT😊
The most effective strategy to win any fight to the death is the rapid punches of fury. Anyways I liked the 32X's intro with the build up and percussion coming to life. The 32x's music sounded louder and clearer than arcade's.
Agreeing with @@eponymous7910 here. The 32x had a hell of a lot of CPU power that could have easily handled a fully software implementation of everything the Mortal Kombat II arcade hardware was capable of. Very underwhelming port.
Gotta agree with the other guys, the 32X had pretty equivalent hardware to the arcade, the only excuse here is the rom size. The Arcade game I think is around 12mb, while the 32X game is around 3-4mb. So maybe it’s impressive that they managed to squeeze all that into 1/4 of the memory size? But then you compare it with the snes, where the backgrounds are actually more colourful and detailed, and it’s the same 3-4 mb
@@masakreinflames3690 I don’t think the 32x has more frames of animation. The characters are smaller so if the 32x has a higher resolution the characters aren’t taking up more memory, but my money is on the 32x being the same or lower res than the arcade. The colour count on the mega drive powered assets is vastly lower. Overall asset count is lower on 32x looking at the cloud background it’s missing a full layer of clouds and details. If they gave 6-8mb of rom for the 32x I think it would look pretty close to the arcade to the point the compromises would be invisible.
@@iulianispas8634mega drive had better music than the arcade? Nah sorry…. I had MK2 for the genesis as a kid and played the hell out of it, but it didn’t have better music. I think if 32X port was handled better and utilized the Sega CD for the audio then we could’ve had something special but here we are…..
Probe should've compressed a few of the sound effects they put in the 32X version so they could've got a few more in. Sub-Zero's ice, Reptile's acid & energy ball, Scorpion's spear, Rayden's lightning bolt, Kitana's fan lift, Jax's energy wave & ground pound, Kung Lao's hat throw, Liu Kang's bike kick, Cage's energy ball, Kintaro's big roar & fireball & Shao Kahn's laugh, "no" & green energy beam effects were all missing. Sculptured would've got those in. They got most of them in the SNES version, which was 8 megabits less than the 32X one
@@BGizzle8098I think most ports for the 32X were rush jobs. Sega just wanted to fill the systems library with quick and dirty ports in order to make a buck and offer some sort of selling point to move units
В 32x своя атмосфера, всё из-за музыки, музыка в меню выбора бойца, на заставке, на некоторых аренах - она отличается. Когда игру портировали не пытались сделать точь в точь - и это хорошо. В MK2 32X играют именно, что из-за атмосферы, она отличается от аркады - и это тоже хорошо.
This is the sort of thing that killed the 32x. Imagine spending all that cash and having to pay for more expensive cartridges, and ending up with a port that still has the sound and backgrounds of the Genesis.
The 32X is good and for that reason it gets some applause... but it is a shame that even with its color palette it cannot match the Arcade... I would forgive it if it were the Genesis version, but in this case NO.
This hack is a major improvement. I just wish they would update the deadpool wall a bit more, it lost some shading in the spots. And Wasteland bg is still too bright purple. Other than that... It improves the original heavily, giving it warmer colors.
Arcade has higher rez sprites , bigger sprites, more blood, better color and sound, and also animation. Man to think we truly never gotten a 1 to 1 port of any of the mortal kombat arcade games with no concessions?. Its wild to think the best versions are still the arcade versions.
O que chama mais atenção é o pixelado de alguns backgrounds. Talvez em um TV de tubo isso não ficasse tão gritante. Fora isso, uma conversão razoável para um add-on que prometia transformar o Mega em um console de 32 bits.
Why was it that on the home versions characters were always smaller than the arcade counterparts. Can't be ratio because arcade cabinets were always CCR TV's back in MK1,2,3. So that can't be right, can't be sprites cuz they go by amount of them on screen not the size of them.
Resolution on the arcade game was higher than any home console at the time, so even if they got the size right on the 32Bit versions, you still had the clarity that wasn’t gonna be there. On top of that stuff like 32x and below had storage issues. The only time these games started looking proper coming home was through emulation in compilations. Then there was the issue that Probe insisted on changing too much of the games presentation.
O do 32x é simplesmente um MK requentado do MegaDrive e nada mais... Tanto poder de processamento e gráfico e nem se quer tiveram o bom censo de aproveitar...
O 32X podia ser alugado numa locadora perto de casa e esse MKII, é muito bom, joguei muito, era como ter o Arcade em casa.O próprio Mega rodaria essa versão facilmente, pois ela é a que sairia para o mesmo se não fosse a pressa da SEGA para lançar junto com o console.A PROBE só add tudo que ficou faltando na versão capada e portou para o 32X para impulsionar a venda do Add-ON.
La versión Arcade tiene sprites mas grandes y mejor colorido, también un mejor final.... pero la versión de 32X es bastante buena y tiene poco que envidiar, aunque de haber trabajado en ello, los programadores pudieron haber hecho un port casi igual al Arcade.
I worked at Blockbuster Games, and we had "play before you buy" stations for each console and working at Chuck E Cheese as well, we had an MKII machine(yes mk2 at cec), so i was easily able to compare the two. Closer to arcade gameplay/sound wise, than the SNES version, but visually not as good.
That 32x port sucks. A very lazy one. They took MK2 for genesis and moved the hud and some paralaxes to the render layer of the 32x. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the game still runs on the 68000 CPU and the 32x is only used for greater cartridge storage and some cosmetic effects that don't improve anything. At least, the game looks complete.
32X version is just fantastic best cartridge port ever possibly. MK2 32X definitely has way better game play then the original XBOX MK2 version even. 🙏🏻☯️🐲
A versão de 32x merece o mérito de uma ótima versão caseira, só uma pena "Probe" essa empresa relaxada ter a ousadia de capar as telas de finais de todos os personagens, fora muitos outros atributos dos quais se não estivessem em falta tornaria essa a versão caseira mais perfeita do game, a impressão que dá é que eles não permitiam que as versões caseiras tivessem uma certa proximidade com as versões para arcade, más tirando isso é uma versão de muito respeito, a versão SNES eu tenho um carinho especial por ela, até porque possui algumas destas telas que estão a faltar nestas versões Probes.
32x é boazinha , mas ainda perde pro Saturn que é a melhorzin e para o Ps1 Pra mim melhor port foi do Snes , Saturn Arcade perfect mas Muda , Ps1 Saturn levemente mais fraca.
@DrTech XX rapaz, jogava nessa época para PC, joguei as 3 versões, mk1 , 2 e 3 , era realmente uma obra prima, imagem incrível, som limpo e cristalino, era impressionante visualmente e sonoricamente, mk3 eu ficava hipnotizado com a sonorização, o som do cenario de fundo nítido, o som do narrador, cara nem tenho palavras pra descrever, eu jogava no snes e mega, quando ia para o pc era totalmente outro jogo, sem comparação kkk
There's nothing better than arcade perfect. Like, EVER. Besides, most people have the Genesis port in mind when they hail the 32X one... too bad SEGA purposedly ruined the Genesis one, so that the 32X port could be better with minimum effort put into it!
@@giuliobarbera6227 It's Probe. They're notorious for questionable graphics in their contract work. And Acclaim are famous for unreasonable deadlines. Not sure how you decided Sega was responsible, but please stop making up stupid bullshit to impress the other 12 year olds.
Mortal Kombat II é um claro exemplo de como é possível passar nervo em vários consoles diferentes, essa I.A nos jogos de hoje levaria a molecada ao $uicíd1o haha, ainda assim é o meu preferido, a versão do 32x fez o seu papel...ser um jogo jogável e caro até os dias de hoje, já a versão de Arcade não tem muito o que dizer, merecia um templo de adoração só para ela rs.
Pow o 32X poderia ter tido tantos portes legais da época , pois foi lançado no auge da era dos arcades , Foi muito mal aproveitado, Poderia ter tudo um Street zero ou Super Street turbo da vida tendo em vista que o mega não teve , Um KOF 94 ou 95 , Cara eram muitos games que se tivessem sido lançados pra ele , teria tido maior atenção do público, Imagina se aparece um Cadillac and dinossauros nele porte do arcade ( Não aquela merda que foi feita para Sega CD) Meu irmão só por conta deste game , o 32x teria tido uma procura inacreditável,, Foi total falta de visão da sega, Foi exatamente por isso que a sega quebrou , sua total falta de visão e aproveitamento de seus consoles fez o público desacreditar nela , Abandonou o Sega CD pra lançar o 32x , sedo que o Sega CD era caro pra Caraí , Aí vem o 32x o público já estava desconfiado com ela , pois bem mais um aparelho top abandonado pela Sega, O povo já puto aí vem com Sega Saturno, começou até bem o game cheio de recursos , O que fizeram abandonaram também pra lançar o Dreamcast um dos melhores consoles de todos os tempos , O verdadeiro fracasso do Dreamcast não foi a chegada do PS2, e sim a reputação da sega que já estava queimada com seu público, Eu tive todos estes consoles que falei e na época de seus lançamentos e é um relato de um fã insatisfeito com a sega devido a burrice de administrar sua empresa e a falta de respeito com seu público, por isso quebrou , e até hoje e motivo de piada quando se especula o possível lançamento de um console kkkkk ninguém acredita mais nela já era, e olha que todos os consoles dela foram abandonados sem nem sequer terem apresentado seus potenciais a o máximo, Sega CD tinha muito a oferecer e não teve chance o 32 x o Saturn o Dreamcast então , era um monstro tanto que é lembrado até hoje
Solo diré dos cosas... La primera, es que SEGA 32-X tiene una capacidad de Hardware muy buna, por lo que fácilmente puede competir con una NEO GEO. Y lo segundo, es que - Aunque este port de Mortal Kombat II no le hace justicia a las capacidades reales del 32-X; Aún así, lo que se muestra en este video no le hace justicia al juego, ya que ver el SEGA 32-X conectado a un CRT se ve mucho mejor de lo que se ve el MKII en este video!. SSEEEGAAAAA Forever! ;)
32x of MK2 was an improvement over Genesis and even the SNES in some ways, but I still prefer the SNES version. the 32x version feels like exactly what it is, two systems doing what could be done with one system and there is a disconnect in how the Gen portion and the 32x portion treat the game.
All that extra horsepower and still doesn't use the correct images for the endings; having to resort to the fightcard vs images instead (which the vanilla GEN version lacked). Even the SNES port, though shrunken down, had the correct ending images.
Tenho as três versões SNES, arcade e 32x, SNES ganha com folga do 32x só perde para o arcade. O som do SNES destrói a versão do 32x as vezes até melhor do que no Arcade. E olha que eu detesto a Nintendo mas tenho que admitir esse jogo eles capricharam, sou imparcial o que vi no 32x foi um gráfico cheio de granulado o único cenário que achei melhor no 32x foi o cenário do portal e aquele cenário todo lilás esses cenário no 32x realmente são bem melhores no 32x mas o resto perde.
@@alexandredossantosfrederic4034 acho que o gráfico do 32 x e bem melhor.. Só peca no som.. Agora você falar que o som do SNES e melhor que do Arcade pelo amor de Deus..
Especially since it was 8 megs smaller than the 32X cart. Imagine if Sculptured Software had used a 32 meg cart on the SNES rather than 24. It would've had every sound effect from the arcade (was only missing a dozen or so anyway & still outdid the 32X for overall number of effects albeit the quality suffered a bit) & it would've had the arcade intro screens. Heck, they probably could've added another background in from MK1 to boot! That would've been the best home version, based off of Sculptured's skill. But then again, if Sculptured had done the 32X version from the ground up, I think the SNES version would've come in a close 2nd.
@@laggyluke5700 Jesus, everything was better in the SNES port....I love Sega but the 32X version was not better than the SNES port in any way!!! Move along kid!!
I think this and NBA Jam are amazing ports for the 32x, both Midway. It's a bit hard to put into context in 2023 but in 1994 ... this was incredible.
Both are great but the arcade has a bit more color and bigger characters. The 32x was powerful hardware at the time and could have done much better if SEGA would have made more intelligent decisions.
It's a pity that the backgrounds were not revised. In the 32X version, the backgrounds are still drawn from the Mega Drive, but of course you could still use a lot more colors when the 32X does the sprites. And even in the MD version the colors of the backgrounds differ unnecessarily.
The 32X does not support hardware scrolling so most developers chose to rely on the Mega Drive for this while the 32X handled the sprites, which means that the background colors were limited by the Mega Drive's palette.
@@kathleendelcourt8136 You missed my point. If the Mega Drive has to display backgrounds and sprites, there may only be 16 colors left for the background. On the other hand, if the 32X draws the sprites, you can use all 61 colors of the MD for the background since it doesn't have to draw anything else.
@@yasminesteinbauer8565 Well first it's not that easy to reach the 61 colors theoretical limit of the Mega Drive because it's a bit more complicated than that: the simultaneous number of colors the MD can display is divided into 4 palettes of 16 colors in which the first color of each palette has to be used for transparency, so it's 15x4 + 1, that's how we get to the theoretical number of 61. The fact that you have to work with 4 palettes of 15 instead of a single of 60 means that it's difficult to avoid overlapping colors between palettes, and that's why no MD game actually displays 60 colors at once.
Second, there's another limitation at play. The MD only has 512 colors in total, and these are fixed. Which means that there's only a limited number of nuances of the same color you can work with. So, if the specific type of red you need doesn't exists, well you're out of luck and have to use another color or try to approximate it with dithering tricks. So even when you still have a color slot free in one of your 4x15 palettes sometimes you can't really use it for the color you need because it simply does not exists on the hardware. So this coupled with the 4 palettes you have to juggle with are the main reason why you practically never reach 60 colors on a Mega Drive game.
Could the MK II devs have done a better job optimizing the color use? Most likely but with the usual time constrains in game development they probably chose to rely mostly on the original MD backgrounds, knowing that given the inherent limitations of the system they was only so much they could improve upon them anyway.
@@kathleendelcourt8136 These are all basics that I am fully aware of and have included in the considerations of my original statement. On the one hand, you can simply overlay both layers (and possibly even sprites) to combine colors of different palettes with pixel precision, on the other hand, each tile of the background can not only use a different palette but also activate e.g. shadow mode. So it is not only not difficult to fully utilize the color palettes, but even possible to have more than 61 colors on the screen. (With shadow and highlight you even have a total color palette of 1407 colors).
The claim that the backgrounds could look much better is not a purely theoretical assumption. I've been working with MD graphics long enough and can estimate quite well what is technically possible. So I don't know what you want to achieve with your objection.
@@yasminesteinbauer8565 I always wondered, but where do the extra colors of the 32X come from? I read it can display way more colors than some systems available at the time but it looks like no game actually takes advantage of having the larger number of colors to use and display but always stays at a low count that doesn't look that much better than what the genesis alone can do.
That feeling when you plunk down $160 for an addon, then $70 for the game, expecting an arcade port and its just marginally better than the stock Genesis version.
This. Probe was the one who had developed the port (as well as MK 1 & MK 2 on Genesis) & were lazy on *all* of them.
@@WizardOfWorrename their company to Anal Probe. Makes you wonder if Midway too was bought off by Nintendo like Capcom to release inferior ports on purpose.
Imagine you still owned the SNES version of MK2 back then, and for some reason you buy the 32X add-on plus MK2 for about 220$. My dissapointment would've been huge...
Obrigado pelo vídeo @vcdecide . Muito boa a conversão para os 16 bits, mas no 32x poderia ser muito melhor, talvez perfeita como alguns colegas citaram. Agora precisamos ver a comparação da versão do Linkuei com o Arcade para vermos as melhorias do Mestre!
É visível que a versão de 32X foi rushada, assim como a grande maioria dos jogos do periférico. Tanto que muitos desses jogos estão ganhando hack roms de aprimoramentos, deixando os games do jeito que deveriam ser na época do lançamento
Most likely the developers did not have sdk tools for the add-on. Hardware relied on the genesis for sound and background graphics.
@@maroon9273 I understand, I'm sure that if the 32X was released a few years earlier, the games would be much better
Tem o mod recente do brazuca Master Linkuei do MK2 do 32x que ficou uma maravilha! Até tem a opção de jogar com trilha de CD Audio (as músicas da versão arcade)
@@verdadeiroWolfRAC e tem a hack daquele port horroroso do Doom, o Doom Resurrection do 32X tbm, que melhora o jogo em 200%. Eu sou inscrito no canal do Master Linkuei, que é o cara que tá fazendo a hack rom, o cara manja demais
@@Evolution_BR811 Nem tinha noção que o Doom tinha pro falido 32x muito menos port do Doom (que é um gamezão de tiro que eu domino). Obrigado por me avisar, quero conferir este mod dele depois
ARCADE 1st Place Wins
SEGA 32X is Super Excellent Ports + super good version is little bit very close to the Arcade , they have a Genesis original music sound and Arcade voice sound including that's awesome, 32X is way to go for home Ports version
When fighting Jax, I noticed the clouds go by quickly in the background…must be that blast processing! Lol
The most effective strategy to win any fight to the death is the rapid punches of fury. Anyways I liked the 32X's intro with the build up and percussion coming to life. The 32x's music sounded louder and clearer than arcade's.
To this day, it is a marvel that Sega 32x were able to replicate the graphics and gameplay to its limits.
Not really dude, it was a pretty underwhelming port. Used too many Genesis assets and the sprite sizes were puny given the 32x hardware.
Agreeing with @@eponymous7910 here. The 32x had a hell of a lot of CPU power that could have easily handled a fully software implementation of everything the Mortal Kombat II arcade hardware was capable of. Very underwhelming port.
Gotta agree with the other guys, the 32X had pretty equivalent hardware to the arcade, the only excuse here is the rom size. The Arcade game I think is around 12mb, while the 32X game is around 3-4mb. So maybe it’s impressive that they managed to squeeze all that into 1/4 of the memory size? But then you compare it with the snes, where the backgrounds are actually more colourful and detailed, and it’s the same 3-4 mb
@@sloppynyuszi What about the higher resolution, sharper characters, and better animation? That takes up space.
@@masakreinflames3690 I don’t think the 32x has more frames of animation. The characters are smaller so if the 32x has a higher resolution the characters aren’t taking up more memory, but my money is on the 32x being the same or lower res than the arcade. The colour count on the mega drive powered assets is vastly lower. Overall asset count is lower on 32x looking at the cloud background it’s missing a full layer of clouds and details. If they gave 6-8mb of rom for the 32x I think it would look pretty close to the arcade to the point the compromises would be invisible.
if the 32x had the arcade tracks, it would have been the best cartridge home port on console
It still was the best port for any console back then, without a doubt better than the snes port.
Actualy the mega drive have better music then the arcades and 32x is the best home port of mk2
@@laggyluke5700Snes was a glichy mess with slow downs
@@iulianispas8634mega drive had better music than the arcade? Nah sorry…. I had MK2 for the genesis as a kid and played the hell out of it, but it didn’t have better music. I think if 32X port was handled better and utilized the Sega CD for the audio then we could’ve had something special but here we are…..
@@iulianispas8634 I can't stand the MD/Genesis and 32X music in MK2, that "main theme" sounds awful
Say what u want about the 32x but there's only one word to describe this port - OUTSTANDING!
Probe should've compressed a few of the sound effects they put in the 32X version so they could've got a few more in. Sub-Zero's ice, Reptile's acid & energy ball, Scorpion's spear, Rayden's lightning bolt, Kitana's fan lift, Jax's energy wave & ground pound, Kung Lao's hat throw, Liu Kang's bike kick, Cage's energy ball, Kintaro's big roar & fireball & Shao Kahn's laugh, "no" & green energy beam effects were all missing. Sculptured would've got those in. They got most of them in the SNES version, which was 8 megabits less than the 32X one
Probe was lazy. Plus this was rushed.
@@BGizzle8098I think most ports for the 32X were rush jobs. Sega just wanted to fill the systems library with quick and dirty ports in order to make a buck and offer some sort of selling point to move units
You gotta do comparison between the arcade original and the 32x hack
100% agree
They still managed to misspell Raiden’s name on the sega version
There some legal trademark issue I believe with Raiden’s spelling at the time in the home market. So it’s misspelled on purpose.
@@Wizard66 I didn’t know that. Makes sense because I noticed that it was also spelled differently in the first Mortal Kombat port for Sega
@@Wizard66 it was a legal issue with SNK's Fatal Fury having a Raiden character
В 32x своя атмосфера, всё из-за музыки, музыка в меню выбора бойца, на заставке, на некоторых аренах - она отличается. Когда игру портировали не пытались сделать точь в точь - и это хорошо. В MK2 32X играют именно, что из-за атмосферы, она отличается от аркады - и это тоже хорошо.
Pra mim o principal defeito da versão 32X é o sumiço dos ossos nos fatalities. Tirando isso é uma conversão de respeito
Please can you do a Arcade vs Saturn or ps1 comparison like this at some point please. :)
This is the sort of thing that killed the 32x. Imagine spending all that cash and having to pay for more expensive cartridges, and ending up with a port that still has the sound and backgrounds of the Genesis.
The 32X is good and for that reason it gets some applause... but it is a shame that even with its color palette it cannot match the Arcade... I would forgive it if it were the Genesis version, but in this case NO.
This hack is a major improvement. I just wish they would update the deadpool wall a bit more, it lost some shading in the spots. And Wasteland bg is still too bright purple. Other than that... It improves the original heavily, giving it warmer colors.
Bastante interessante. Espero que um dia possa existir mais jogos de 32x feitos por fãs. Espero que haja, também, de Sega CD.
Arcade has higher rez sprites , bigger sprites, more blood, better color and sound, and also animation.
Man to think we truly never gotten a 1 to 1 port of any of the mortal kombat arcade games with no concessions?. Its wild to think the best versions are still the arcade versions.
Midway Arcade Treasures for PS2 I think has it, one of them anyway
Melhor parte desses vídeos é ler os relatos da galera que viveu na época
Essa versão de 32x é incrível! A Acclaim teve boas conversões de jogos pro 32x.
Pra mim tiveram uma tremenda preguiça nesta versão,pegaram a versão do mega ,adicionaram mais cores e melhoraram o som e só
@@capitaofelino9245 fora essas melhorias, você se esqueceu de citar a abertura igual a do Arcade. 🤭
32x não tinha como dar certo mesmo. A Sega perdeu a oportunidade de fazer um arcade perfect
Sega missed up 3x with Genesis, 32x and worst with the saturn.
O que chama mais atenção é o pixelado de alguns backgrounds. Talvez em um TV de tubo isso não ficasse tão gritante. Fora isso, uma conversão razoável para um add-on que prometia transformar o Mega em um console de 32 bits.
O 32x conseguiria fazer uma versão bem melhor.
Why was it that on the home versions characters were always smaller than the arcade counterparts. Can't be ratio because arcade cabinets were always CCR TV's back in MK1,2,3. So that can't be right, can't be sprites cuz they go by amount of them on screen not the size of them.
Resolution on the arcade game was higher than any home console at the time, so even if they got the size right on the 32Bit versions, you still had the clarity that wasn’t gonna be there. On top of that stuff like 32x and below had storage issues. The only time these games started looking proper coming home was through emulation in compilations. Then there was the issue that Probe insisted on changing too much of the games presentation.
O Sega 32x foi tão bom que só lançaram uns 40 jogos pra ele. PS: A versão mod do MK2 pro 32x do brazuca Master Linkuei ficou show
but I don't like the mod MK2 pro on 32x, I like the original
@@Aktased Why exactly? That version brings nice improvements. What's your pointings??
Meia boca essa hack do linkuei, mas acho que ele ainda nao acabou. Nem final tem ainda, so a mesma fotinha da tela de vs
Interesting. I like how Mortal Kombat's sprites scaled down very well, as opposed to Street Fighter II's, which were redrawn and looked bad.
O do 32x é simplesmente um MK requentado do MegaDrive e nada mais...
Tanto poder de processamento e gráfico e nem se quer tiveram o bom censo de aproveitar...
Diferente de Virtua Fighter que ficou bem melhor no Sega 32x do que na versão de Mega Drive normal.
Here in Latin America, was a bootleg port of Sega's 32x version into Psx/One.
I had it as a kid
I loved my 32X, it had the best ratio of good games compared to most consoles.
They could have an exact arcade port,just look at virtua fighter port and comment if you like
O 32X podia ser alugado numa locadora perto de casa e esse MKII, é muito bom, joguei muito, era como ter o Arcade em casa.O próprio Mega rodaria essa versão facilmente, pois ela é a que sairia para o mesmo se não fosse a pressa da SEGA para lançar junto com o console.A PROBE só add tudo que ficou faltando na versão capada e portou para o 32X para impulsionar a venda do Add-ON.
32x should have handled all, to be able to have all the original colors, still, good conversion, a bit limited memory-wise but very decent
La versión Arcade tiene sprites mas grandes y mejor colorido, también un mejor final.... pero la versión de 32X es bastante buena y tiene poco que envidiar, aunque de haber trabajado en ello, los programadores pudieron haber hecho un port casi igual al Arcade.
They need to do a MKII 32XCD resurrection version with music files from the arcade
I worked at Blockbuster Games, and we had "play before you buy" stations for each console and working at Chuck E Cheese as well, we had an MKII machine(yes mk2 at cec), so i was easily able to compare the two. Closer to arcade gameplay/sound wise, than the SNES version, but visually not as good.
They used the Genesis version, and add some features. They could made the perfect conversion...
Duro é aguentar os doentes da Nintendo dizendo a melhor é a Snes.
That 32x port sucks. A very lazy one. They took MK2 for genesis and moved the hud and some paralaxes to the render layer of the 32x. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the game still runs on the 68000 CPU and the 32x is only used for greater cartridge storage and some cosmetic effects that don't improve anything. At least, the game looks complete.
32X version is just fantastic best cartridge port ever possibly.
MK2 32X definitely has way better game play then the original XBOX MK2 version even. 🙏🏻☯️🐲
I find it weird that the 32X got a 2 year old arcade game when arcade games usually got home ports the year after and no ports after
A versão de 32x merece o mérito de uma ótima versão caseira, só uma pena "Probe" essa empresa relaxada ter a ousadia de capar as telas de finais de todos os personagens, fora muitos outros atributos dos quais se não estivessem em falta tornaria essa a versão caseira mais perfeita do game, a impressão que dá é que eles não permitiam que as versões caseiras tivessem uma certa proximidade com as versões para arcade, más tirando isso é uma versão de muito respeito, a versão SNES eu tenho um carinho especial por ela, até porque possui algumas destas telas que estão a faltar nestas versões Probes.
32x é boazinha , mas ainda perde pro Saturn que é a melhorzin e para o Ps1
Pra mim melhor port foi do Snes , Saturn Arcade perfect mas Muda , Ps1 Saturn levemente mais fraca.
@DrTech XX rapaz, jogava nessa época para PC, joguei as 3 versões, mk1 , 2 e 3 , era realmente uma obra prima, imagem incrível, som limpo e cristalino, era impressionante visualmente e sonoricamente, mk3 eu ficava hipnotizado com a sonorização, o som do cenario de fundo nítido, o som do narrador, cara nem tenho palavras pra descrever, eu jogava no snes e mega, quando ia para o pc era totalmente outro jogo, sem comparação kkk
Arcade wins
Always thought mk2 on arcade was released in 93 4.. wasnt mk1 released 92?
Original Arcade Sounds=Better
A versão do 32x os gráficos não são os melhores devido a limitação do cartucho
The arcade blows the 32x version away. I’m not sure why people were saying the graphics are Arcade perfect which they’re not.
There's nothing better than arcade perfect. Like, EVER. Besides, most people have the Genesis port in mind when they hail the 32X one... too bad SEGA purposedly ruined the Genesis one, so that the 32X port could be better with minimum effort put into it!
It's Probe. They're notorious for questionable graphics in their contract work.
And Acclaim are famous for unreasonable deadlines.
Not sure how you decided Sega was responsible, but please stop making up stupid bullshit to impress the other 12 year olds.
Glitch jabbing in the first round. XD
Mortal Kombat II é um claro exemplo de como é possível passar nervo em vários consoles diferentes, essa I.A nos jogos de hoje levaria a molecada ao $uicíd1o haha, ainda assim é o meu preferido, a versão do 32x fez o seu papel...ser um jogo jogável e caro até os dias de hoje, já a versão de Arcade não tem muito o que dizer, merecia um templo de adoração só para ela rs.
Por que arcade é Raiden e no 32x é Rayden?
Kung Lao's fatality is the best one ever of all the MK saga..
Arcade sprite sizes are better
Essa e’ a versão original do 32X, certo? Nem parece que necessitava de mudanças …
Pow o 32X poderia ter tido tantos portes legais da época , pois foi lançado no auge da era dos arcades , Foi muito mal aproveitado, Poderia ter tudo um Street zero ou Super Street turbo da vida tendo em vista que o mega não teve , Um KOF 94 ou 95 , Cara eram muitos games que se tivessem sido lançados pra ele , teria tido maior atenção do público, Imagina se aparece um Cadillac and dinossauros nele porte do arcade ( Não aquela merda que foi feita para Sega CD) Meu irmão só por conta deste game , o 32x teria tido uma procura inacreditável,, Foi total falta de visão da sega, Foi exatamente por isso que a sega quebrou , sua total falta de visão e aproveitamento de seus consoles fez o público desacreditar nela , Abandonou o Sega CD pra lançar o 32x , sedo que o Sega CD era caro pra Caraí , Aí vem o 32x o público já estava desconfiado com ela , pois bem mais um aparelho top abandonado pela Sega, O povo já puto aí vem com Sega Saturno, começou até bem o game cheio de recursos , O que fizeram abandonaram também pra lançar o Dreamcast um dos melhores consoles de todos os tempos , O verdadeiro fracasso do Dreamcast não foi a chegada do PS2, e sim a reputação da sega que já estava queimada com seu público, Eu tive todos estes consoles que falei e na época de seus lançamentos e é um relato de um fã insatisfeito com a sega devido a burrice de administrar sua empresa e a falta de respeito com seu público, por isso quebrou , e até hoje e motivo de piada quando se especula o possível lançamento de um console kkkkk ninguém acredita mais nela já era, e olha que todos os consoles dela foram abandonados sem nem sequer terem apresentado seus potenciais a o máximo, Sega CD tinha muito a oferecer e não teve chance o 32 x o Saturn o Dreamcast então , era um monstro tanto que é lembrado até hoje
32x está muito bom... mas ñ dá nem pra comparar com arcade né.
Mesmo assimmuito boa as 2 versões
MK2 arcade was released in November 1993 not in 1992. That's MK1. The home versions of MK2 in 1994.
Arcade vs 32x hack next?
Solo diré dos cosas... La primera, es que SEGA 32-X tiene una capacidad de Hardware muy buna, por lo que fácilmente puede competir con una NEO GEO.
Y lo segundo, es que - Aunque este port de Mortal Kombat II no le hace justicia a las capacidades reales del 32-X; Aún así, lo que se muestra en este video no le hace justicia al juego, ya que ver el SEGA 32-X conectado a un CRT se ve mucho mejor de lo que se ve el MKII en este video!.
And they called it 32bits!
IKR?! Pathetic...
32x best home version
@@mouratec nah the speed of the gameplay is way from the arcade
Arcade version - top
Raiden and Rayden, arcade far superior
Parece que o 32X tem mais resolução, se vê melhor com o personagem menor.
Não é melhor que a do Arcade, mais chega perto.
It was so close but still provided a small upgrade from the genesis version. It should’ve been way better than this…
Probe software probably invested minimal resources into this port. Remember, by 1995, the 32x was on its last legs.
O 32X poderia ter feito melhor, mas ficou boa.
a versão de mega drive é a melhor ......arcade jamais
VS do saturn da bom
32x só não é perfeito pois é escuro os cenários, e as músicas nada a ver, tirando isso é sensacional
32x of MK2 was an improvement over Genesis and even the SNES in some ways, but I still prefer the SNES version. the 32x version feels like exactly what it is, two systems doing what could be done with one system and there is a disconnect in how the Gen portion and the 32x portion treat the game.
Nunca justifica essa aparelho addon
Sega's sound effects and musics are way better than Arcade
All that extra horsepower and still doesn't use the correct images for the endings; having to resort to the fightcard vs images instead (which the vanilla GEN version lacked). Even the SNES port, though shrunken down, had the correct ending images.
32X vs Snes 🎮💪🎮
32x version is so lame... all that gen versions are lame except PC
Aff esse port do 32x é porco, muitos quadros de animacoes cortados
arcade is better in everything
Nossa vem os doentes Nintendo.. ops não intendo. Falar que o 32x e pior 😓😓
Super Nintendo ganha
32x foi um fracasso e sempre será
@@gugadu791aham cheio de aberração cromática.. vem falar de gráficos vai estudar um pouco ok..
Tenho as três versões SNES, arcade e 32x, SNES ganha com folga do 32x só perde para o arcade. O som do SNES destrói a versão do 32x as vezes até melhor do que no Arcade. E olha que eu detesto a Nintendo mas tenho que admitir esse jogo eles capricharam, sou imparcial o que vi no 32x foi um gráfico cheio de granulado o único cenário que achei melhor no 32x foi o cenário do portal e aquele cenário todo lilás esses cenário no 32x realmente são bem melhores no 32x mas o resto perde.
@@alexandredossantosfrederic4034 acho que o gráfico do 32 x e bem melhor..
Só peca no som..
Agora você falar que o som do SNES e melhor que do Arcade pelo amor de Deus..
Per usual to say games sounds like farts
I still think the snes port is better than the 32x
Especially since it was 8 megs smaller than the 32X cart. Imagine if Sculptured Software had used a 32 meg cart on the SNES rather than 24. It would've had every sound effect from the arcade (was only missing a dozen or so anyway & still outdid the 32X for overall number of effects albeit the quality suffered a bit) & it would've had the arcade intro screens. Heck, they probably could've added another background in from MK1 to boot! That would've been the best home version, based off of Sculptured's skill. But then again, if Sculptured had done the 32X version from the ground up, I think the SNES version would've come in a close 2nd.
*32X will be garbage, NO MATTER how many comparisons*
32x has inferior quality
SNES version is far better than the 32X sadly...and it really shouldn't be!! Lazy port!!
What was better in SNES port? That muffled music and sounds? Funny male ninja screams, blurry sprites or wrong aspect ratio?
@@laggyluke5700 Jesus, everything was better in the SNES port....I love Sega but the 32X version was not better than the SNES port in any way!!! Move along kid!!
@@needhambunch SNES fanboys were always so funny. You're one of the funniest of them all kiddo!
Super Nintendo wins