5 Of The Best Abilities You Need To Get In Assassin's Creed Valhalla

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @diversitycandle5708
    @diversitycandle5708 4 года назад +846

    Who else is just loving Valhalla so far?

    • @meek10yearsago45
      @meek10yearsago45 4 года назад +8

      Me i went to watch this video to help me defeat regan

    • @Millertimegeneral
      @Millertimegeneral 4 года назад +10

      Cant stop playing

    • @meek10yearsago45
      @meek10yearsago45 4 года назад +3

      Ikr i done like 7 alliances nearly

    • @tdtyyuf
      @tdtyyuf 4 года назад +3

      It’s awesome!

    • @unluckyphantom3356
      @unluckyphantom3356 4 года назад +8

      Me!! I really hope they add a new game plus like with the last two.

  • @ineedmoneysp
    @ineedmoneysp 4 года назад +135

    I really like the explosive arrow especially cause it is great for destroying rock doors and you don’t have to run around looking for a pot to throw at the door you can just shoot the explosive arrow and bring it down. The jump stab is one of my favorite moves too. I don’t know what they are called yet

    • @galllion1801
      @galllion1801 4 года назад +4

      Incendiary powder trap is the rock breaking one

    • @NordicJarl27
      @NordicJarl27 4 года назад


    • @well_as_an_expert_id_say
      @well_as_an_expert_id_say 4 года назад

      @SAM BROWN yessirski, one of my favorites

    • @goldtiger859
      @goldtiger859 3 года назад +1

      Why am I just now finding out about this after only needing 2 more alliances to have an alliance in every region in England? You literally just saved me so much time bro... I thought it needed movement.

  • @Dubyahh
    @Dubyahh 4 года назад +120

    I wish they would've polished this game a bit more maybe delayed it cuz it has game of the year potential without the bugs. I've been hooked

    • @shikniwho7215
      @shikniwho7215 4 года назад +5

      we always say that but not like that ever solve anything.

    • @shikniwho7215
      @shikniwho7215 4 года назад

      @VinAr Run i don't know about Odyssey done well since they are specially lazy with those dungeon you can explore for skill point, they pretty much the same with just slightly different layout, only the DLC has actual puzzle for you to do. Which kinda sad since all previous games have really fun ruined for you to explore.

    • @SubOfSlaanesh
      @SubOfSlaanesh 4 года назад +1

      I play it on day one original Xbox one and its perfect with very little bugs

    • @rap1dequal1zer77
      @rap1dequal1zer77 4 года назад

      @@SubOfSlaanesh Got it on the X an not many as well. Enjoying my first Assassin's Creed since Black Flag. Others was ok but got burnout quick. Not this one tho!

    • @cedricalecu4910
      @cedricalecu4910 4 года назад +1

      No chance for valhalla to get goty think about other games that are more polished

  • @redfishrambo5761
    @redfishrambo5761 4 года назад +80

    This game has grown on me a lot the last few days. I dont find myself slogging through missions like I did in Odyssey, the characters seem to be better written in Valhalla and I like the little changes they made to the gameplay.

    • @rap1dequal1zer77
      @rap1dequal1zer77 4 года назад +1

      100% agree

    • @noverlin9299
      @noverlin9299 4 года назад

      @@rap1dequal1zer77 I second that!

    • @Hazard598
      @Hazard598 4 года назад +1

      Do you mind listing just a few changes? I liked odyssey and am looking into vahalla

    • @noverlin9299
      @noverlin9299 4 года назад +8

      @@Hazard598 Sure!
      Most obvious thing that changed is the fighting.
      It's more challenging in my opinion.
      Next thing is finding/getting weapons. Every single weapon I came across is unique and cam be upgraded and holy hell after an upgrade the weapons look extremely badass and you can do this with every weapon and armour!
      Next thing is that everything you do levels you up EVERYTHING.
      Exploring is epic you stumble across little side missions randomly if ya walk or ride through the world and find funny stories or even get rewarded for helping some people! Hell I adopted 4 animals just by doing side missions and my god do I love the side missions.

    • @kylecab31
      @kylecab31 4 года назад +10

      Because Odyssey forces you to do side quests to level up and be able to beat the story.
      While valhalla has shorter but interesting side quests and you can do them anytime.
      Also because you don't spend all your time cruising in a ship. Naval travelling is soooo boring.

  • @FoxyRaven-TV
    @FoxyRaven-TV 4 года назад +14

    Best ability imo is the wolf.
    The fire trap arrow is also a must as you can break walls and floor, so you dont need to pick up those explosive fire jars.

    • @zachjennings5320
      @zachjennings5320 4 года назад +2

      The wolf can just straight break certain boss fight ai. They just don't know what to do against it haha

  • @vaassick8016
    @vaassick8016 4 года назад +51

    8:16 the moment I realized that I can break staind glass 0.o

    • @AP-xi4cc
      @AP-xi4cc 4 года назад +1

      Haha same here. Lots of places i need te get back to because i finally know how to get in

    • @vozzy06
      @vozzy06 4 года назад +1

      10/10 IGN

    • @dankajay8638
      @dankajay8638 4 года назад

      First thing i tried when i saw it hahaha i break everything, burn dvery house i can

    • @user-zh8ec8ms7f
      @user-zh8ec8ms7f 3 года назад

      @@dankajay8638 right! I always try everything in a spot w loot. I’d eagle eye spam the area

  • @nargalda773
    @nargalda773 2 года назад +9

    That fire arrow is absolutely a MUST HAVE, get it immiedely after landing in england, you will see how many nerves it will save you with picking that explosive jars

    • @killergamerz2716
      @killergamerz2716 2 года назад

      I didnt even know it was explosive like that till 40 hours in

  • @alexraghunandan7460
    @alexraghunandan7460 4 года назад +14

    Dude I wanna thank you for this video lmao I just spent the past three hours exploring and getting these abilities before even starting any real main missions. Imma be so op when I really start playing 🙏🏾🙌🏾

  • @dylanholly3647
    @dylanholly3647 4 года назад +6

    Loving the best armor and tips videos bro addicted to this game

  • @simonvermout7110
    @simonvermout7110 4 года назад +45

    I'm always impressed how ubisoft creates various abilities for every single game

    • @double5505
      @double5505 4 года назад +2


    • @simonvermout7110
      @simonvermout7110 4 года назад +4

      @@double5505 simp? Do u even know what a simp is are ya joking?

    • @fusionarrow2652
      @fusionarrow2652 4 года назад

      Tbh it looks exactly the same as the Ghost of Tsushima abilities. I’m getting Valhalla this weekend so I it might be different but it looks similar.

    • @noverlin9299
      @noverlin9299 4 года назад +2

      @@fusionarrow2652 did ya have Odyssey before or Origins?
      The abilities are in the franchise since origins and always get modified or new ones are added.
      Since game one new things are added with every game

    • @akwasiatuahene8433
      @akwasiatuahene8433 Год назад

      @@fusionarrow2652 Not even close too similar lol

  • @noahchannel5293
    @noahchannel5293 4 года назад +12

    Thanks for the streams and vid all the time, you make my day even better! ❤️Thanks from the whole communiter

  • @darkangel0275
    @darkangel0275 4 года назад +3

    Amazing dude! Thanks for the info, loving the harpoon finish!

  • @mickeycee8559
    @mickeycee8559 4 года назад +9

    I freaking love this game. And I love that tag is playing this game!

  • @DekkarJr
    @DekkarJr 4 года назад +44

    "He's just living his best life" right as you kill him :D

  • @jinhunterslay1638
    @jinhunterslay1638 3 года назад +5

    Sadly, Feign Death is pretty much useless at level 1 unless you have the patience to wait for the enemy to go away (and they usually don’t)

  • @twoseriousdogs6762
    @twoseriousdogs6762 4 года назад +2

    Thank you sir. Especially for the exploding arrows... Those walls been a pain in the ass

  • @autokilla3093
    @autokilla3093 4 года назад +3

    omg, i had that explosive arrow skill for so long now but i never even tried to use it for those breakable objects before. very good to know!

  • @holdenanderson9932
    @holdenanderson9932 4 года назад +1

    Thanks for the video Tag

  • @masters1902
    @masters1902 4 года назад +1

    Your vids are awesome dude informative and entertaining

  • @TylerWolfXIII
    @TylerWolfXIII 4 года назад +3

    If you use the rank 2 axe throw where they stagger plus harpoon rank 2 it makes for an amazing combo

  • @Calbenmike
    @Calbenmike 3 года назад +2

    My top three are:
    3.) Kick of Tyr
    2.) Dive of the Valkyries
    #1. Harpoon Inpalement

  • @robertclark4969
    @robertclark4969 3 года назад +4

    Did you know you can shoot ladders down and break some things by throwing a torch? Saves those 3 arrows you have left...

  • @past4you
    @past4you 4 года назад +2

    dive of the valkeries lvl 2 aslo breken open barricaded doors, so you just use it in front of the barricaded door and then it wil open for you. don't know if it is a glitch or kot but its does work right now

  • @SoA-Horseman
    @SoA-Horseman 4 года назад +2

    Great vid. The exploding arrow and the feign death upgrade are thing i need to go find.

  • @leoelvis524
    @leoelvis524 4 года назад +2

    I'm defeating the legendary animals by spamming flight of the Valkyrie then use Axe offhand skill where they mash it
    The flight of the valkrie will knock out them to the ground the spam L1 until your stamina runs out and your adrenaline filled back again
    Rinse and repeat

  • @ThisFlawedWorld
    @ThisFlawedWorld 4 года назад +3

    Thank you for this. Very helpful. I was really trying to find those explosive arrows. I am so sick of passing up loot because I can't find a bomb anywhere.

  • @ksmsm7521
    @ksmsm7521 4 года назад +2

    The harpoon ability is also in Lincolnshire at venison for lower level people easy to get

  • @zachj19991
    @zachj19991 4 года назад +30

    Take a shot every time he says book of knowledge

  • @jabobskistudios
    @jabobskistudios 4 года назад +1

    Great voice you got a new subscriber

  • @unclejeff68
    @unclejeff68 4 года назад +9

    What is the weapon you have in this video? and how to go about getting it.

    • @claytonryan2248
      @claytonryan2248 4 года назад

      You ever find out?

    • @unclejeff68
      @unclejeff68 4 года назад

      Not yet

    • @noverlin9299
      @noverlin9299 4 года назад

      @@unclejeff68 it's the hammer from the draugr pack

    • @noverlin9299
      @noverlin9299 4 года назад +2

      Only available in the ubi shop for helix or if ya get lucky, in Radus shop for probably 120 opals

    • @claytonryan2248
      @claytonryan2248 4 года назад +1

      @@noverlin9299 thank you bro

  • @나비love
    @나비love 4 года назад +3


  • @ovidiujulean86
    @ovidiujulean86 4 года назад +1

    you game look sooo smooth...u play on new xbox?...just saw u use a controller for pc

  • @cartercroft4867
    @cartercroft4867 2 года назад +1

    What weapons were you using during the video

  • @brendanjohnson4887
    @brendanjohnson4887 4 года назад +31

    I've had the explosive arrow this whole time and didn't even realize it. I thought it only hurt enemies. Im an idiot

    • @alexrock3162
      @alexrock3162 4 года назад +2

      I've been in Walden and got skill there, but it was smth else. Cos I still don't have explosives!

    • @percd
      @percd 4 года назад +1

      its not meant for enemies but its still fucking good for them

    • @Phroson
      @Phroson 4 года назад +1

      Brooo same

    • @Bigsal_1770
      @Bigsal_1770 Год назад

      Same 🤣

  • @ashleyroberts2560
    @ashleyroberts2560 3 года назад

    Thank you for this!

  • @danborg1228
    @danborg1228 4 года назад +1

    This is gona take some time when the game comes am from sweden eu sadly with no ft unlocked. but ty for the guide but this books you nead all of them to unlock the sleeping arrow thing how meny for the that one ?

  • @ChrisHitsTheWeb
    @ChrisHitsTheWeb 4 года назад +1

    A really fun one in my opinion is Thors Strike.

  • @ZoldyckYT
    @ZoldyckYT 4 года назад +1

    thanks for inspiring me to start a gaming channel and i feel its my real passion it still not big but im doing my best anyway thank you for being so awesome,

  • @lennoxia5764
    @lennoxia5764 4 года назад +2

    Do a best Raven oriented armor and weapon!

  • @welshddraig7223
    @welshddraig7223 4 года назад +1

    Thanks for your videos. Are amazing! Just a question, what sword is that at minute 2?

    • @owIface
      @owIface 3 года назад

      Scimitar, mythical weapon pack a

  • @987codman
    @987codman 4 года назад +1

    What armour set is that at 3:23 ?

  • @swivel_lock
    @swivel_lock 4 года назад

    Yay! Awesome vid. And Heeeeeelpful!

  • @blahblahblah6531
    @blahblahblah6531 4 года назад +3

    What's the armor set you're rocking there?

  • @mankjack215
    @mankjack215 4 года назад

    How you do that red thing ? 4:16

  • @huanzeus9917
    @huanzeus9917 4 года назад

    Thank you so much for this

  • @ildredd1016
    @ildredd1016 4 года назад +3

    2:58 - 3:04 haha that sword! Where TF did that guy fly to?! Also....what Sword is that and where from?!

    • @ale34454
      @ale34454 4 года назад

      I want to know what’s the name of the green hammer he use

    • @preston4871
      @preston4871 3 года назад

      Fr😭😭 He went to the moon.

  • @TheJiroScope
    @TheJiroScope 4 года назад +1

    Thank you💙❤️💚💜🔥

  • @Dagobert_DD
    @Dagobert_DD 3 года назад +1


  • @artemis5265
    @artemis5265 4 года назад +1

    Harpoon and fire coating are just op tbh

  • @TheJiroScope
    @TheJiroScope 4 года назад +1

    Harpoon is so good and crazy range.

  • @UltimateGraphics
    @UltimateGraphics 4 года назад +3

    Is it just me or the assassination animations look really weird? You cant barely see the hidden blade, its like just swinging with your arm. Also every time the same 1-2 animation... I expected more from this game. Btw the fighting looks ok.

  • @percd
    @percd 4 года назад +1

    the powder trap is the best one by far, i use that for everything...taking out big groups of enemies and for stuff like wealth when theres a broken concrete wall and its also good for dps-ing bosses

    @E5FOXTROT 4 года назад

    Another great video. Did you know you can spam heavy attack before landing to avoid fall damage?

  • @jacobgreen3047
    @jacobgreen3047 3 года назад +1

    what gloves are those and how do you get them?


    My favorite is harpoon it saved me so many times even when I have 4 bars and it upgraded just makes everything more easy

  • @nelsonnelson31
    @nelsonnelson31 2 года назад

    Just got this game and i somehow already found all these skills glad to know I'm on the right track

  • @hussienshinobido7909
    @hussienshinobido7909 4 года назад +2

    I’ll be happy to get these skiils, once game breaking bugs dont stop me from progressing the story

    • @SP-kk1sj
      @SP-kk1sj 4 года назад

      Yeah had to do the mission where you lead vada to her tent 7 times because she kept getting stuck

  • @speedguitardemon
    @speedguitardemon 4 года назад

    Hey Tag you should do all the best cloaks

  • @bendrew7343
    @bendrew7343 4 года назад

    What is the move called he uses at 8:38

  • @marcobisi7768
    @marcobisi7768 4 года назад +2

    What does the second level of the sleep arrow do?

    • @David-nq8cv
      @David-nq8cv 4 года назад +1

      It spreads so if there 2 next to each other you just need one arrow

    • @marcobisi7768
      @marcobisi7768 4 года назад +1

      @@David-nq8cv thanks

  • @TheKonzenDoji
    @TheKonzenDoji 4 года назад

    Your sword looks amazing! Where did you find it? Name of the sword? Thx m8

  • @InsomniacGamr
    @InsomniacGamr 4 года назад +1

    What armor set are you wearing in the beginning of the video???

  • @ck.365
    @ck.365 4 года назад +2

    What armour are you using in the first 9 seconds of the video

    • @jackbowen07
      @jackbowen07 3 года назад

      The thegn’s armour set

  • @greet3357
    @greet3357 4 года назад +2

    Dive of the Valkyrie is glitchy af. Ive literally teleported like 200m away from where i was twice now when ive uses it on an enemy. When fighting Tolga, we both used the Dive of the valkyrie on each other. I was sent 200m to the West of where i was and she dissappeared...🤔

  • @user-tg2nb5lx1w
    @user-tg2nb5lx1w 4 года назад +1

    I love this game but sometimes I don’t know which quest is the main campaign. I wish they would just write that on the quest

  • @crispyman3784
    @crispyman3784 4 года назад +1

    Plz make a top 5 weapons or 10

  • @sbrowne326
    @sbrowne326 3 года назад

    @TagBackTV didn’t they nerf the Thorn of Slumber? And perhaps another

  • @michaeljurs5705
    @michaeljurs5705 3 года назад +1

    Hey guys. Just saying...USE THE MANS BEST FRIEND ABILITY ON THE ZELOTS!!!!!!!! I didn’t use it but once I used it I killed the zealot the first try. It takes off and huge chunk of damage. Just use the focus ability and mans best friend to first destroy their armor then take off a good chunk with mans best friend. Then use the grappling ability twice and keep shooting him with arrows. If you run out of arrows on one bow then swap bows mid fight. If you do this then you will kill the zealot in like 1 minute.

  • @kanetidus
    @kanetidus 4 года назад

    I have obtain many of them, now I'm looking for upgrade lv 2. Can I ask, but what is mastery point? I have seen a trophy in the list of trophies, "to spent your first mastery point"!

  • @danilogue4198
    @danilogue4198 3 года назад

    What is that weapon you are using with the green glowing dot?

  • @NightDeamon
    @NightDeamon 4 года назад +1

    Does anyone know how to get to the ingot on the pig scene at the end you need a key but that key is in a room where you have to have the key

  • @jmatt9864
    @jmatt9864 4 года назад +1

    What the weapons he is using the green glowing ones that he dual wields with ?

    • @davehill5806
      @davehill5806 4 года назад +1

      I think its mournful cry...Its the one I use the most. I love it

  • @nicksairsoft6097
    @nicksairsoft6097 4 года назад

    Hello what type of gear do you wear?

  • @edk6593
    @edk6593 4 года назад +1

    Does the thorn of slumber work on the zealots?

    • @christybanta1485
      @christybanta1485 4 года назад

      I got it to work on one earlier but I don't have level 2 so I wasn't able to assassinate them, though I don't think you can assassinate them at all.

  • @texting7856
    @texting7856 3 года назад +1

    Whats the Armor with green glowing knuckles? It looks cool af

  • @ivo3405
    @ivo3405 4 года назад +2

    How long is story? I dont want to spend 60€+for game which i can finish in a day or two.

    • @mondsgesandter
      @mondsgesandter 4 года назад

      Around 70h and together with the DLC's that'll come later probably around 80-90h.

    • @mondsgesandter
      @mondsgesandter 4 года назад

      I haven't finished it yet but I already am playing for 54h and it feels like I haven't even started xD

    • @ivo3405
      @ivo3405 4 года назад

      @@mondsgesandter Ok thanks 😂

  • @carzyhorse1864
    @carzyhorse1864 4 года назад +1

    Anyone know where to get the lv2 version of the rope dart ability. I think it pulls the enemy to you then you can chope their head off

    • @thickboi5932
      @thickboi5932 4 года назад

      idk i just went and got every book of knowledge and got it

  • @Fidel_Cashflow
    @Fidel_Cashflow 4 года назад +1

    what bow is that? the only predator bows i've found so far are the recurve bow and bullseye

    • @norberto6005
      @norberto6005 4 года назад

      maybe its upgraded to mytichal

    • @tree4538
      @tree4538 4 года назад +1

      It’s a store bow, so just wait for it to rotate in to the Opal shop

  • @Poke-ladd
    @Poke-ladd 4 года назад +5

    2 of the grabbing skills seems to have very short range even when you lock on a target

  • @hun23nam
    @hun23nam 4 года назад +1

    Whats that armor?

  • @alexb6213
    @alexb6213 4 года назад +1

    This game looks awesome

  • @thesnitchninedog4269
    @thesnitchninedog4269 4 года назад +1

    Armor set?

  • @lrdphntm9865
    @lrdphntm9865 3 года назад

    What's the equip from the thumbnail?

  • @carlvu7
    @carlvu7 2 года назад

    I had it for a year but been on Division 2. Put only 20 hrs so far it it is really an indepth game.

  • @felixcote1697
    @felixcote1697 4 года назад +1

    Nightmare mode in early game is a pain in the ass lmao

  • @carzyhorse1864
    @carzyhorse1864 4 года назад +4

    Man I bet ghost of tushima twice its a great ooen world game. But valhalla has things going for that ghosts just dose not. And thats facts

  • @jonathandavis1100
    @jonathandavis1100 4 года назад

    What bow are you using

  • @richardwroblewski8458
    @richardwroblewski8458 4 года назад +3

    You forgot the secret way to make infinite money.... alcoholism. Keep doing the drinking mini game. Infinite money and mead

  • @Tovarishchostdeutsch
    @Tovarishchostdeutsch 4 года назад +1

    plot twist after 1 year a lot of assassins creed palyer are selfnamed "Nordic Mythology Experts"... i saw a lot of stuff to this just now.. and need to say that the storys of asgard are a little bit wrong each one. for example the builder never was killed by odin, he was killed by thor

    • @yockinnottou
      @yockinnottou 4 года назад

      Товариш Zauberwald thanks for that spoiler appreciate it

  • @WhiteWolf-di2nh
    @WhiteWolf-di2nh 3 года назад +1

    For me it's not worth it.. faint death is just so slow and not worth it sorry but I don't understand how and why you like it so much. Don't accept my words as trolling - but I really never found a good or productive use for that ability in my whole time with this game after more than 150 hours of gameplay! I prefer to use my adrenaline on good and more precious things that make so much more damage like Harpoon impale or Dive of the Valkyries. ;)

  • @heimirsindri21
    @heimirsindri21 4 года назад +1

    Hi man. Just out of curiosity, how long since you played animal crossing on your channel? Thats how i found you at least. But have a nice day

    • @emmanuelmunchies
      @emmanuelmunchies 4 года назад

      He does a ton of different let's plays. He will maybe eventually loop back to animal crossing but I don't know for sure.

  • @ZachforPresident
    @ZachforPresident 4 года назад +2

    How does one get back to Norway?

    • @jrsharker23
      @jrsharker23 4 года назад +1

      Go to the world map, look in the corner for the "atlas" and hit that button. Norway should pop up as an option.

  • @inyourgrillbrunson9575
    @inyourgrillbrunson9575 4 года назад

    I think op is an understatement before valhalla ppl were complaining about odyssey assinations not being powerful enough at first.

  • @aidanthebozo8647
    @aidanthebozo8647 4 года назад +2

    What is the armour he's wearing?

    • @Sum_tin
      @Sum_tin 4 года назад

      Theign armor he made a video on it, one of the best sets in the game

  • @t0q14s9
    @t0q14s9 4 года назад

    What armor are you using

  • @shx8524
    @shx8524 4 года назад

    Forget what i said about the cat suit you get it from completing a side mission you can only do after the campaign in miles morales sorry tag

  • @harshitrakhiani8833
    @harshitrakhiani8833 4 года назад +1

    What if I missed first ability in Norway? Is way back to Norway?

    • @harshitrakhiani8833
      @harshitrakhiani8833 4 года назад +1

      @Gurjot Singh Mann and can I fast travel again to England?

    • @marshallcraft25
      @marshallcraft25 4 года назад +1

      @@harshitrakhiani8833 yes it’s in the atlas

    • @harshitrakhiani8833
      @harshitrakhiani8833 4 года назад

      @@marshallcraft25 thanks..and can I again fast travel back to England?

    • @harshitrakhiani8833
      @harshitrakhiani8833 4 года назад

      @Gurjot Singh Mann thanks a lot bro 😀👍🙏

  • @Doerinq
    @Doerinq 4 года назад

    Thanks for the insightful video! It would really help if you added some timestamps/chapters to the timeline, especially with many single skills/items, providing a succinct table of contents. Would appreciate it! :)

  • @theninjaportal5814
    @theninjaportal5814 3 года назад +1

    What cloak is that in the beginning of the video?

  • @TJM_0
    @TJM_0 3 года назад

    11 minute video to a 5 hour running spree of having to get to places