Just walked away from a girl that block. Applied no contact and haven't heard from. I honestly feel like a king right now. Self esteem has increased a lot more.
My girl walked away from me but because I stood my ground and didn’t chase her and kept my CENTER . She came back to me crying 16hrs later lol... powerful video Corey thanks. Be strong men !!!!
A woman only has one card to play, destroy that one woman mentality in yourself and stand up straight and never think less of yourself all women are beneath you, GOD made MAN in his own image never be afraid or intimidated by any woman no matter who she is if she is not receptive to kindness and respect, you show her disrespect
I use Cory’s advice too.. He teaches men to have self respect, but many nice women can use it too.. women can be ass holes as much as men... so I take it as Cory is teaching good people (regardless if they are women or men) to have self respect.
this dude's amazing. when I watch his vids I look back to relationships I had and I know exactly where I fucked up now. Keep up the vids Corey, they're great!
Kendeas Harris horrible, she tried contacting me again i asked if she wanted to get together. then told me she has a bf and shit. then tried contacting me a week ago and i just told her to leave me alone
you know what i found out works? instead of saying shit like "if you cant love me and respect me ill find someone who can cause i aint got the fuckin time for games".....re-word it.....be like "well i love you and would love to see a future with us that involves mutual respect and common courtesy as well as love, it may not be what you want......but im sure there is someone out there for me that wants the same things i do"......just INSINUATE that you have been giving this serious thought and dont text/call them and return the first few texts she cant help but send you a few hours later and be vague, short and BUSY
If a woman doesn’t like a man back, the man has to walk away and leave her alone. That’ll actually increase her chances of contacting the man again anyway. Clinginess and trying too hard is bad lol.
I've watched enough of these videos to realize I'd made the right decision years ago. I did all the wrong things and everything turned out as described. Back then we didn't have the internet. You learned the hard way. One day I had a moment of clarity . Somehow I found my self respect. Quit being needy or smothering. I just did what i wanted. I went out with who I wanted to and I didn't go out with women I wasn't attracted to. I watch these for reassurance because every now and then I need a booster
Yep. I look at icons of my own life, like my brother, who has always been extremely good with women and has an absolutely beautiful wife. He naturally always did this type of stuff and was too busy chasing his dreams/purpose to get caught up in drama and diverted from his mission.
I treat life like I'm on a ship and a destination. People join your crew, sometime they stay a long time some get off at the next port. That's what makes it awesome. It's an adventure.
this was sick, it was all about power struggle and a need for control over another person, it was a manipulative play of hard to get, the guy should have walked away immediately, such relationships are very disturbed and always end bad. Relationships should be build upon sincerity, honesty, openness not on some kind of treat or tricks.
I agree but its clear she didn't want a relationship she wanted to be amused and his calm unorthodox response was amusing which turned her on. Definitely not relationship material but again, she was just having fun.
Yep, she's sick... And the poor guy who played her game will get played by this woman again and again. Maybe a good f**k but KEEP AWAY from long term! Definitely NOT wife material! Dishonest, female player... I had one like this before, with sick shit tests... I FLUSHED her in a day! She pursued me, but i showed her my middle finger in the air and told her she should get a f**ing therapist...
great stuff, Corey. I am reading your book now. I just wan to say something: all of these techniques work for sure, but they only work on people who are mentally sane. I have had an experience recently where I just did not understand what was going on. I started getting clingy, frustrated as a result. I tried "walking away". It got so bad, the whole situation how a person can get so cold after things were going so perfectly, I became physically and mentally unwell. After several weeks of no contact, I arranged a meeting and got a chance to hear her out. Let me just say that it's a good thing I did so, as a lot of things were clarified. I also realize that there is no way in hell I could ever be with a person like her. It's VERY important to get some sort of an understanding/closure before employing alpha male tactics, especially if the girl means a lot to you, which was my case. It turned out she had schizophrenia, and normal interactions with people simply did not work for her, she would never be able to really be with somebody, live together, or anything like that. She needed "space", but her space was different. Due to her condition, she needed to physically be able to be alone for some time to recharge, otherwise her other aggressive personalities would come to the surface. That's my story...
Simple and plain, dudes, don't chase, DO NOT chase women!!! When it comes to getting along with them, show your charm ane if ur truely interested don't show much of it. Keep some distance and they will be attracted to you ultimately. Trust me on this. This technique worked for me several times. It even got me hooked in a long distance relationship even though we fought a lot. I always walked away and surprisingly she always came back coz she couldn't resist my rejecting her. Showed her that she's not the end all and be all. Guess what, we ended up meeting in Thailand. It was more like a honey moon for me. She was so very into me coz I was that mysterious guy. Bottomline, show your charm and be mysterious. You're welcome!!!
Aminko u are right. It is very unattractive for a guy to smother a woman with texts right after the first date. This comes off as very needy and insecure, as well as controlling, and could possibly come off also looking like he doesn’t have a balanced emotional life nor anything else going for him in life. It’s the opposite of James Bond and makes me run for the toolies. I’m a woman, btw. ;)
I don t think so. If u like a girl, u should show it. I hate guys that play mind games. If she treats you bad, yes. You should walk away. But at first it s nice when they both take steps toward each other. There should be a balance! I also walked away from a guy who never never put effort! Into anything ! So well… it depends on the situation I think
@@mariam.6694 It's not about mind games or anything. Both should meet halfway. Guy shows interest, calmly approaches, keeps some distance for the girl to think about it and waits in patience.. Girl picks up the vibe, takes her time, gets attracted, approaches... Guy picks up the vibe and there you have it! If the girl never approaches then she is simply not interested. A palpable sign for the guy to move on. This guys-should make-the-effort-and-chase-until-girls-yield thing is one phat lie... Mind you, the guy can go all the way and still get rejected. I mean, girls are not obliged to go with whoever approaches them after all (not that they should be blamed for it)..... Now, rejection ain't healthy. If one zooms in, it does look absurd: Girls just sit pretty and get gassed up by endless praises, compliments and proposals with the advantage of rejecting or accepting as they please while guys risk it all with the posibility of getting shamed or rejected, sometimes with extreme prejudice.
@@aminelamin5692 it is true what u say but it s the same the other way around! It s not right either for a man to approach a woman , make her fall for him , take what he wants ( either ego boost, sex, etc) and then leave her. In this case he rejects her. Sorry but the rejection goes both ways!!! I have accepted guys that I thought they were good for me and they were players and liers. Then excuse me if next time I donn t chase you and I'm rather cautious of your intentions!!! There are good women ans bad women as well as good men and bad men! But the rejection goes always both ways. Also sorry to say it' but if the girl is all interessted in a guy, that s mostly a turn off cause u like the chase!! Sorry but it s the truth!!!
@@aminelamin5692 and by the way' I don t get u guys!!! If we chase u it s a turn off!!!!! So now please contradict this statement! If I come to you first, as a women, 90% of the guys won t like it! They ll get bored. They wanna do the chasing. Sorry but it s the real truth-. I also tried to approach a guy, initiated contact, kind of chases him and risked it all-.... he was turned off becuase I was not a challenge. I can 100% assure u he will value more the next girl, more difficult to get, unapproachable.... so please do not say those things as if it were a general aspect in dating. Maybe it applies to you but the real dating world is harsh and since a long time men loved chasing. It s a simple and real truth.
My ex partner always walked away when things didn't go her way when we had a disagreement. She eventually walked away as usual and was going to move out and we should break up ( this was about the 20th time) and I said I ain't stopping her, nor did I beg her to come back etc, her walking out back fired this time and I'm free from a controlling sulking bitch now! So she walked out and I'm laughing and totally liberated and free as a bird!
Great video! I'm learning more and more! Good job Corey aka Brett Farve haha I just had my broken by a woman I loved so much. I'm still trying to heal up from the break up and these videos are really good on how to get my confidence back going to find love again
Guys I have been friendzoned before but over a period of time, I've learnt how NEVER to make those mistakes again. The SECRET is make sure you're well groomed and smell good. That's it! If a girl turns you down or is wasting your time just move on to the next one... It really is that simple....In the club, Uni, even in the library, etc if you're looking good...women will notice you, just wait for that EYE contact and make your move...be CONFIDENT in yourself! the worst that can happen is she will say NO! or just IGNORE YOU. Women are attracted to confidence, thats why sometime you see a 'ugly' guy with a nice girl and you think how did he get her...its because he's confident...............Most of what women are saying, isn't coming out of their mouth, so pay close attention to their body language, ie her body language could be saying get away from me now or it could be saying damn he's so hot!!!... If you're groomed, smelling good and confident in yourself, most of the time you won't get turned down. I'm not bragging but I've fucked many women all over the world using this technique trust me, it works! Women that got it are: (English, French, Jamaican, Spanish, Hungarian, American, Pakistani, Romanian,Israeli, Italian,Lithuanian,Polish, Irish, Scottish, etc) It works on all race and cultures.
I have seen the "power of walking away" My uncle & I have a close relationship, so we talk about everything. He invited me to have lunch, and he just needed to offload about a woman he's pursuing, that's causing him to feel depressed. He would often call & text her, but she would hardly respond... and if she did, she wouldn't say much at all. He was really feeling down, and while he was talking about her, she walks in with her friend to the same mall. They saw us but didn't bother to come over and say hi, they didn't even order food. They just sat at a table waiting for someone... they didn't even wave or anything... they just ignored him. My uncle told me he needed to go over & talk to her & he's chest was feeling weird because he was sad, excited and confused all at the same time. He was like "I really need to go over and talk to her... I just need to! I said "Well, let's go over to her then! (I know, I know... Bad idea... But this was before I heard about Coach Corey) So he said, I just need to go to the men's room first before I can talk to her. I said "Ok, I'll just wait outside the men's room... Let's Go" Now the restroom is located next to the elevator and beside it is a separate door that leads to the parking lot. So, if you're going that way, you are out of sight and no one knows whether you're going to the men's room, or you're leaving the mall. He spent a couple of minutes in there trying to gather his thoughts and calm himself down. Suddenly he's crush and her friend came looking for him. They came to me asking..."Where is he? Where did he go? Has he left already? Now I'm standing there confused... because these ladies were avoiding him like the plague and now they're here looking for him? WTH!! So I said "No, he's in the men's room" Her "What's he doing in there?" Me "Do you really want to know?" They both laughed and my uncle came out quickly because he recognized her voice... And now, he's super excited to see her, and there's no mystery... he's just laying it all out there... Just all this Beta Male talk... and he's just being overt about his feelings and that he really needed to see her... then all of a sudden the woman and her friend are like... "well it was nice seeing you, we'll head back to our table, .. and she just gives him a hug, and now they walk away. Before we left the mall, because, well... they said goodbye to us... My uncle had to go back to work, but he decided to text her first right then and there. Before he left, he gives me some money and asks that I give it to her... I went back and gave her the money... To this day she still just wants to be friends... she 'doesn't want to lose him' she says... but she just wants to be friends...
"People will only treat you how you allow them to treat you." Well if it had been me, and some chick had done to me the crap that this chick did to this guy in the story Corey is relating, I'd have walked away and not ever seen her again. Because it seems to me that by continually going back, he's basically saying that it's okay for her to do that to him and that he has no self-respect. And a woman cannot love a man that she can't respect. Corey said in another video: "Stand your ground or get jerked around." And in another he said: "Never compromise your principles." Well if a man has self-respect, and values his time and his personal effort, he won't put up with people who treat him like the guy was being treated by that Asian girl in the video.
One thing that I must respectfully point out which seems to be missing from literally every NC advice video I’ve ever seen from any Coach, is, the power of No Contact, COMBINED with how you PUT IT DOWN when times were good. Like Eddie Murphy once said in his movie Raw, when you make her go “Woo Woo Woo, that’s when you know you got her”. If you ever smashed, to complete and total annihilation, this along with NC, seems to be something no woman can ever get pass. ‘Lay’ the groundwork on her FIRST, for maximum NC results. Miss Me!
Been reading your book for 8 times now, My girl was telling me that I was not giving her much attention Like I used too and ended up breaking up with me yesterday, unfortunately I've told her previously that this month is ramadaan And I'll be fasting so sometimes I just need my own space. Btw we are live together so I told her the next day about moving out by the end of the month and she actually started apologizing about what she said yesterday, she was getting carried and she actually meant she wanted me to think about whether I wanted to work things out and promised me she will never going to do it since it was a big misunderstood from what happened and will try to Communicate more instead of just going crazy. I did the walk away and it worked 👌🏽 she didnt expect that and was confused why I didnt try to say anything to fight for the relationship, then I told her it takes 2 for a happy relationship so what's the point fighting for something that will never going to work. Thank you so much Corey! You're the man!
I walked away today from a woman that I love. Hurts a lot. Saw her tonight and she ignored me and left the bar we were at. She also blocked me on Facebook. Guess it is truly over.
This one woman I was chasing. She kept giving me the beep, boop and whatever I let her..then I walk away! About a month or so wanted to come back..so I let her. It started again after a while..then walk away again only this time I grew a pair and she stay away. What did I learn? Grow a pair and make yourself happy.
Any worldly woman that isnt a virgin, or doesnt make you court her for an extended period of time is typically a jaw.....just another ....wear a raincoat or say a prayer for lil Jimmy and focus on living your best life.
I'm really just defeated and can't be screwed with people anymore. I was abandoned and betrayed so much that i an emotionally unavailable for the foreseeable future. I don't trust anyone anymore.
As gut wrenching as it it broke up with a girl walked away she contacted me 2 weeks later but said she wanted to try and be friends and talk but she didnt know what she wanted and I told her I cant be ur friend im not in this to be ur friend and I just told her tonight hey once you figure out what you want call me but I cant be your friend if you want to talk its on you but still instituting the no contact walking away rules it really is gut wrenching but from everything Corey says you gotta show her ur gonna stand ur ground and show her you value yourself and respect yourself enough to not give into what she wants and not put up with being treated as a pushover and weak so i guess we'll see if it'll work thanks for all the videos Corey.
It can be so frustrating when women do this. But yea, you just gotta be indifferent and come across like shit don't bother you. Ive found when these things have happened such as broken dates and leaving early, most of the time they are a test. Women just love to test you to see what reaction you give them. Dont give them the reaction of anger or blowing up their phone. Just wait for them to get back to you. If you can tell there is attraction above five.. they will always get back to you, every time.
This chick was DEFINITELY playing games, testing him. And honestly? I know I would’ve failed lol I’m not quite there yet. With her though, I imagine she’s dealt with a LOT of men that are in the 97%. Fortunately he was prepared, and won her heart.
Dude your shit fucking works thanks for the advice, she kept pulling away and flaking so I told her I’m done at 4:00pm contacted me what I’m doing after the gym at 8pm 😂 you’re too beast my G!!! I’m differently donating to your pay pal!!!!
After reading your book ten to fifteen times the girl will be long gone but oh well if the girl doesn't want to put any effort into relationship your gonna lose period so tired of these psycho girls last one said she floated across room at hyper speed
This is the all power of walking away series started but ironically i saw one year old female dating coaches video have more video than this now i understand sometimes life doesn't give you the recognition that you deserves.
Coach Corey Wayne is going to sky rocket in views. Coach is always 100% accurate in his teachings and his lessons are simply explained in his book. Much thanks to Coach Corey Wayne for making me into a chick magnet!
+Syndicate isalegend Sounds like a test to make you go along with what she wants versus what you want. Stay centered and calm and speak from your heart. "That's sad that you'll hate me but I love you and care for you and I can't just be your buddy after everything we've been through together. Do let me know if you change your mind, because you know how I feel about you." Then never look back. 4 months ago, I met with my ex after not speaking for about 3 months. She told me that she has a new guy and that she doesn't want to get back with me ever, even if it doesn't last with this new guy. She said she hopes that we can be friends, but by that time I may want to move back home. ( I live in Europe now, formerly US) I told her that she'll always be my baby, which is true, I don't think I can ever call any girl baby anymore, I'll have to come up with some other nicknames, she protested a bit. I told her that I love her and I can't just be her friend after everything we've gone through and to contact me if she changes her mind. That's all you can do. I wish you good luck. Who knows what the future will bring but as Corey says, there's no point to burn bridges or be mean to a person you love/loved.
Advice needed please ---- Have this girl woh I was texting and hooking up with. Suddenly she has given me the just friends "vibe". she sent me whats app messages I couldn't get because I deleted whatapp by mistake I texted her last night "Deleted whatsapp by mistake . You okay ?" to which I get zero response. I know she has been active since on whatsapp and not said two words to me. Do I A. Initiate contact ? B. Leave her to come back by saying nothing at all to her (As Coach says let her come to you) C. Tell her that I do not appreciate the lack of effort she is giving me D. Text her and try to set the next date?
+SmileyMT I would tell her what she wants from me is not what I WANT. After that I would tell her to call me if she changes her mind and walk away for good. That means no more texting, calling or any kind of pursuing
You can only give them the benefit of doubt so many times, for legitimate reasons, like they really are sick or going through something. Then these techniques are helpful, because you actually want that girl. But if she is pushing you away multiple times as a game, then she is immature and you better pass on her. If you get sucked into that, you will waste your time on her instead of finding the girl who is real.
10:48 if she starts playing games with you then start looking for a new chick at the same time use her as an advantage when you get rejected then go back to her and youll be happy because she'll give you kisses then you can try meeting other chicks at the same time
+Mr. Fishy ((eL pescado)) the problem with that is there information out there teaching women smart ways to know if their are been used as a confidence booster to launch you into your next relationsip...so at the end you both use each other for what you need and both end up loser...IF YOU GOT YOUR SHIT TOGETHER stop chasing emotionally avaible women ...it will force them into sorting out their life and you end up with no drama women...stop giving enerfy to people who dont deserve it..x
Had been in a situation with a coworker, we kissed twice and had this confusing friendship for a while. Every time we met was to work on something together after work and it ended up with intimacy's which she allowed . She would flirt with me a lot and I with her, I just felt like it's find to ask her out on a fun time but she refused. Anyway, she told me she doesn't want relationship with me but don't want to lose me in her life since I've became her closest friend. I told her we need to stop talking after work hours, she didn't respect that and told me she misses me a few days later and I did a really harsh thing and told respect my decision and not contact me after work. She got hurt and ignored me since then, I don't know if it was too harsh but I couldn't give her another answer at the time.
Good video. My ex and I mutually broke up over a month ago, and it was sort of flighty at first, with maximum seeing one another once a week. But since last week, I NC’d her on everything. Still getting my life together, and I’ve got a job interview in a few days, also planning to go and gym it up. Have some ups and downs, but I feel better with each day.
Her friend = Her Husband! She is married! She keeps screwing with him so much. Not a stable woman. Not worth it to make a relationship with her. Date her and leave! She will keep making the same excuse of her friend is coming up!
Hahaha...don't worry Corey we can't hear all the noises you hear...lol. Firealarms, dogs barking or the cat meowing..:-)...This is a great video presentation!
I'm just curious. What happens if both people are doing walk away/no contact yet they both still care for eachother, they're just trying to make one another pursue each other?
This is what I am trying to do now, but NOT to get her back or any shit like that, she has hurt me so many times and in so many ways that are hard to explain. She lives right on top of my floor and even her steps walking on top of me makes me feel how low I am. Depression has hit an all new high alongside my self doubts. It's better to walk away but still struggling to gather courage. I know that on the other side of it, lies dignity and happiness. Wish me luck guys.
This comment might be a bit off-topic. It seems like I am doing it all wrong with my fiancé. She is pregnant and about to give birth in 1-2 weeks but throughput her pregnancy I been over protecting her and over pursuing her. As a result, she's been avoiding me. While I am pursuing her, I lost my self value.
The best thing about walking away is winning yourself/boosting your selfesteem/Telling yourself i am worthy person. It has nothing to do with attracting a gril back, well it has a remarkable effect but it's not a good way to go (means walking away to attract a girl back = still not sure of your worthyness)
What if she cancels a date (last week), you tell her "No problem :) We'll do it some other time. Have a nice evening." and she reverts back to the original date and offers her schedule for next week? I obviously made other plans when she cancelled, so I set a date for Thursday for 8pm at X restaurant (this week). I might be wrong, but this sounds like 5 on the scale to 10? - so pretty low indeed
Hmm yeah I’m the opposite if a guy ignores me I take it as he’s not interested and I give up on him. Someone who is genuinely interested in you doesn’t let you have doubts.
Lee Bee You couldn’t be more wrong, honestly. You are a woman right? Your 🧠 is wired completely different from ours. Why are you even in here? I will Never ceased to be amazed at the extremes most women go to just to get as much attention from random man as they possibly can. Instant turn off 😤
women love games because it's fun... The book talks about how women love the thrill of the chase... their emotions are engaged quickly that way... If it's all predictable and boring, she will lose interest... Give her that gift of excitement and enjoy the whole thing as well with her...
Coach- previous advice you've given says "the woman will help you understand what she wants if you listen for the subtle clues" 4:53 seems contradictory to my understanding.of your wisdom.
My ex told me he "lost feelings" because I didn't appreciate him for his money and texted me after I hadn't responded to him for 3 weeks while I was on a trip at 12 am on Saturday night to tell me nothing would make him happier than to see me with a man that makes me happy and I deserve since I never appreciated his money. I waited several days to reply and said I won't apologize for loving him from him and wasn't worried about finding a man that loved me for not using them... why did he text me and will I hear back from him?
I really hope this works. I know this girl liked me at one time. We went skydiving together and I even kissed her a few times passionately. She recently said friends only now, although she’s said that in the past, but her actions say differently. This time I asked her if she was 100% sure friends only. I said I wanted to be lovers and not just friends. Now I haven’t heard from her for a week. 😱 I really like her. Hope this works. I guess if not I’m guessing she really didn’t like me that much, although it didn’t seem that way. We had great chemistry and instantly felt comfortable with each other when we met. I probably screwed up. 😀
I dont see love here at all.. everything takes time.. and love takes time... Sometimes if you meet someone in person, you can tell who you are with..!Please dont be with married men/women..you definitely ended up on as third wheel.intuition can be right sometimes...! I love this video..so true!!lovelots Corey wayne😘!
I was dealing with long distance for almost a year. Maybe did pursue too much. But felt walking away would of confirmed to me, that I was just good for one night 😔😔
What if she walked away from me, then I applied no contact. Then she contacts me saying she loves me and misses me, and when I bring up the relationship she doesn’t want to commit?
Hey coach, I honestly dont have the cash to pay for an email session but I hope you can answer this question. I'm at a point in my life where I just want to hookup and have fun. How do I go about that without giving the girl the impression that I want a relationship? Im definitely one of those "nice" guys so I would never want to hurt a female emotionally. Thanks in advance! P.S. I've read your book about 3 times so I have general knowledge about what you teach.
This definitely helped man thanks alot, I guess I was thinking about it in the wrong way haha. I've had a few dates but I didn't really escalate it any further than just making out because of what I just asked but now I see it differently. I appreciate your response!
Before I finish watching this video and it's the same idea in all of them and I do believe he is right, to a point. If anyone is reading this so many years after this video was posted, let me ask you this: so you are with a girl, she really really likes you, you do too, but then you show it too much, the shit tests begin and she dumps you. if you fail the shit tests, or you dump her if you don't feel like being treated not nice. Ok. The girl goes crazy after you and wants you and so on, but my question is, what is the point? If you want to fuck her, sure, but if you really liked her, like loved her, she comes back, good, BUT people don't change, you'll fuck up again or she will and you will be back to applying techniques 'n shit. Now I'm not saying you shouldn't try to learn and not even learn, mature, but you already know how you are with that woman, she saw weakness at one point and she bailed, period. She will see weakness again, if she couldn't accept it the first time, what is the use to try again? Try to move on and that's it, that is the way I see it. PLEASE... give me your opinion and it would be great if you would have a real life story attached to it that is different from what I believe, please.
My ex lives 40 miles away. I treated her like a Queen, then she dumped me, yet she’s coming to my town, to visit all the places I took her to, and posting the pics on I/G. It’s been just over 30 days into No Contact. Why is she visiting the places I used to take her to?
Guy made two mistakes and still sealed the deal. Show's how if a woman likes you, she'll let things slide. First mistake, he told her his name when introducing himself. Second mistake, he isn't seeing other women.
Just walked away from a girl that block. Applied no contact and haven't heard from. I honestly feel like a king right now. Self esteem has increased a lot more.
Do you have an update? I hope your life is going great!
Man you are S U P E R
Yea but you don't have the girl you wanted . That would make me feel like shit . Not weak
@@daysofmylife7546 if u see a dead end. Just turn around and take another road 😂. Just kidding im fucked rn.
@@daysofmylife7546well you dont want a girl that doesnt want you. So its a win/win.
Someone is searching your website for a book named “10 to 15 times”
This is perfect 😂😂😂
My girl walked away from me but because I stood my ground and didn’t chase her and kept my CENTER . She came back to me crying 16hrs later lol... powerful video Corey thanks. Be strong men !!!!
My ex pulled that and I stayed gone.
Too many other guys willing to deliver what he wouldn’t.
Watch your back...
Earth is misdescribed. Take optics to a large body of water and you'll notice we see too far. Establish a relationship w the creator folks
16hrs means she didn't mean it to begin with
Just be yourself with confidence. Walk away from the negative.
Exactly bro. You Filipino? Just asking but appreciate higher consciousness.
Asante-Sudani Adé yeah American of Filipino descent. I can’t speak Tagalog. I’m American lol.
A woman only has one card to play, destroy that one woman mentality in yourself and stand up straight and never think less of yourself all women are beneath you, GOD made MAN in his own image never be afraid or intimidated by any woman no matter who she is if she is not receptive to kindness and respect, you show her disrespect
Aftr evrything i learnt.... Live ur life.... Run towards peace and success.... Thats it
In a negotiation, three things are needed:
1. Power
2. Space
3. Info.
4. Restraint.
Dealing with women is no different.
Damn..a woman who can count. So sexy.
Robert Williams LMFAO 💀
That’s 4 things..
Robert ,3 ,huh?
I use Cory’s advice too.. He teaches men to have self respect, but many nice women can use it too.. women can be ass holes as much as men... so I take it as Cory is teaching good people (regardless if they are women or men) to have self respect.
Very very tru
I love your outlook !
That´s true.
this dude's amazing. when I watch his vids I look back to relationships I had and I know exactly where I fucked up now.
Keep up the vids Corey, they're great!
Dude u didn't fuck up.
@@jaj6800 Thank you, having to play a game is wack
Plus your playing a game that’s stacked against you
Just walked away from EX GF last night. She wanted to remain friends i just couldn't do it. Told her let me know if she changes her mind.
+ss15497 how it go?
Kendeas Harris horrible, she tried contacting me again i asked if she wanted to get together. then told me she has a bf and shit. then tried contacting me a week ago and i just told her to leave me alone
Sorry bro. How long did it take her to contact you ? I broke up with my ex. Told her I'm walking away and to contact me if she changes her mind.
Kendeas Harris just a week
you know what i found out works? instead of saying shit like "if you cant love me and respect me ill find someone who can cause i aint got the fuckin time for games".....re-word it.....be like "well i love you and would love to see a future with us that involves mutual respect and common courtesy as well as love, it may not be what you want......but im sure there is someone out there for me that wants the same things i do"......just INSINUATE that you have been giving this serious thought and dont text/call them and return the first few texts she cant help but send you a few hours later and be vague, short and BUSY
If a woman doesn’t like a man back, the man has to walk away and leave her alone. That’ll actually increase her chances of contacting the man again anyway. Clinginess and trying too hard is bad lol.
I agree!
Your the man Corey Wayne. Thanks for all you transparent and honest teachings. Indifference is the way.
I've watched enough of these videos to realize I'd made the right decision years ago. I did all the wrong things and everything turned out as described. Back then we didn't have the internet. You learned the hard way. One day I had a moment of clarity . Somehow I found my self respect. Quit being needy or smothering. I just did what i wanted. I went out with who I wanted to and I didn't go out with women I wasn't attracted to. I watch these for reassurance because every now and then I need a booster
Yep. I look at icons of my own life, like my brother, who has always been extremely good with women and has an absolutely beautiful wife. He naturally always did this type of stuff and was too busy chasing his dreams/purpose to get caught up in drama and diverted from his mission.
I treat life like I'm on a ship and a destination.
People join your crew, sometime they stay a long time some get off at the next port.
That's what makes it awesome.
It's an adventure.
this was sick, it was all about power struggle and a need for control over another person, it was a manipulative play of hard to get, the guy should have walked away immediately, such relationships are very disturbed and always end bad. Relationships should be build upon sincerity, honesty, openness not on some kind of treat or tricks.
I agree but its clear she didn't want a relationship she wanted to be amused and his calm unorthodox response was amusing which turned her on. Definitely not relationship material but again, she was just having fun.
and pixie dust. don't forget the pixie dust.
She just f with the guy. Just ignores them. Then they will text to meet up otherwise u let it go. Women want to know if u are a simp.
Yep, she's sick...
And the poor guy who played her game will get played by this woman again and again.
Maybe a good f**k but KEEP AWAY from long term!
Definitely NOT wife material!
Dishonest, female player...
I had one like this before, with sick shit tests...
I FLUSHED her in a day!
She pursued me, but i showed her my middle finger in the air and told her she should get a f**ing therapist...
It's ALL about trust. If you can't trust them, walk away and don't come back.
great stuff, Corey. I am reading your book now. I just wan to say something: all of these techniques work for sure, but they only work on people who are mentally sane. I have had an experience recently where I just did not understand what was going on. I started getting clingy, frustrated as a result. I tried "walking away". It got so bad, the whole situation how a person can get so cold after things were going so perfectly, I became physically and mentally unwell. After several weeks of no contact, I arranged a meeting and got a chance to hear her out. Let me just say that it's a good thing I did so, as a lot of things were clarified. I also realize that there is no way in hell I could ever be with a person like her. It's VERY important to get some sort of an understanding/closure before employing alpha male tactics, especially if the girl means a lot to you, which was my case. It turned out she had schizophrenia, and normal interactions with people simply did not work for her, she would never be able to really be with somebody, live together, or anything like that. She needed "space", but her space was different. Due to her condition, she needed to physically be able to be alone for some time to recharge, otherwise her other aggressive personalities would come to the surface. That's my story...
Simple and plain, dudes, don't chase, DO NOT chase women!!! When it comes to getting along with them, show your charm ane if ur truely interested don't show much of it. Keep some distance and they will be attracted to you ultimately. Trust me on this. This technique worked for me several times. It even got me hooked in a long distance relationship even though we fought a lot. I always walked away and surprisingly she always came back coz she couldn't resist my rejecting her. Showed her that she's not the end all and be all. Guess what, we ended up meeting in Thailand. It was more like a honey moon for me. She was so very into me coz I was that mysterious guy. Bottomline, show your charm and be mysterious. You're welcome!!!
Aminko u are right. It is very unattractive for a guy to smother a woman with texts right after the first date. This comes off as very needy and insecure, as well as controlling, and could possibly come off also looking like he doesn’t have a balanced emotional life nor anything else going for him in life. It’s the opposite of James Bond and makes me run for the toolies. I’m a woman, btw. ;)
I don t think so. If u like a girl, u should show it. I hate guys that play mind games. If she treats you bad, yes. You should walk away. But at first it s nice when they both take steps toward each other. There should be a balance! I also walked away from a guy who never never put effort! Into anything ! So well… it depends on the situation I think
@@mariam.6694 It's not about mind games or anything. Both should meet halfway. Guy shows interest, calmly approaches, keeps some distance for the girl to think about it and waits in patience.. Girl picks up the vibe, takes her time, gets attracted, approaches... Guy picks up the vibe and there you have it! If the girl never approaches then she is simply not interested. A palpable sign for the guy to move on. This guys-should make-the-effort-and-chase-until-girls-yield thing is one phat lie... Mind you, the guy can go all the way and still get rejected. I mean, girls are not obliged to go with whoever approaches them after all (not that they should be blamed for it)..... Now, rejection ain't healthy. If one zooms in, it does look absurd: Girls just sit pretty and get gassed up by endless praises, compliments and proposals with the advantage of rejecting or accepting as they please while guys risk it all with the posibility of getting shamed or rejected, sometimes with extreme prejudice.
@@aminelamin5692 it is true what u say but it s the same the other way around! It s not right either for a man to approach a woman , make her fall for him , take what he wants ( either ego boost, sex, etc) and then leave her. In this case he rejects her. Sorry but the rejection goes both ways!!! I have accepted guys that I thought they were good for me and they were players and liers. Then excuse me if next time I donn t chase you and I'm rather cautious of your intentions!!!
There are good women ans bad women as well as good men and bad men! But the rejection goes always both ways. Also sorry to say it' but if the girl is all interessted in a guy, that s mostly a turn off cause u like the chase!! Sorry but it s the truth!!!
@@aminelamin5692 and by the way' I don t get u guys!!! If we chase u it s a turn off!!!!! So now please contradict this statement! If I come to you first, as a women, 90% of the guys won t like it! They ll get bored. They wanna do the chasing. Sorry but it s the real truth-. I also tried to approach a guy, initiated contact, kind of chases him and risked it all-.... he was turned off becuase I was not a challenge. I can 100% assure u he will value more the next girl, more difficult to get, unapproachable.... so please do not say those things as if it were a general aspect in dating. Maybe it applies to you but the real dating world is harsh and since a long time men loved chasing. It s a simple and real truth.
My ex partner always walked away when things didn't go her way when we had a disagreement. She eventually walked away as usual and was going to move out and we should break up ( this was about the 20th time) and I said I ain't stopping her, nor did I beg her to come back etc, her walking out back fired this time and I'm free from a controlling sulking bitch now! So she walked out and I'm laughing and totally liberated and free as a bird!
Sounds like she has Border Personality Disorder. She saved you from a lot of stress drama and heartache!
How lucky you are.
It takes some getting used to but you have to prepare for it.
Great video! I'm learning more and more! Good job Corey aka Brett Farve haha I just had my broken by a woman I loved so much. I'm still trying to heal up from the break up and these videos are really good on how to get my confidence back going to find love again
Reading your book and watching your videos just puts a big ass smile on my face
Guys I have been friendzoned before but over a period of time, I've learnt how NEVER to make those mistakes again. The SECRET is make sure you're well groomed and smell good. That's it! If a girl turns you down or is wasting your time just move on to the next one... It really is that simple....In the club, Uni, even in the library, etc if you're looking good...women will notice you, just wait for that EYE contact and make your move...be CONFIDENT in yourself! the worst that can happen is she will say NO! or just IGNORE YOU. Women are attracted to confidence, thats why sometime you see a 'ugly' guy with a nice girl and you think how did he get her...its because he's confident...............Most of what women are saying, isn't coming out of their mouth, so pay close attention to their body language, ie her body language could be saying get away from me now or it could be saying damn he's so hot!!!... If you're groomed, smelling good and confident in yourself, most of the time you won't get turned down. I'm not bragging but I've fucked many women all over the world using this technique trust me, it works! Women that got it are: (English, French, Jamaican, Spanish, Hungarian, American, Pakistani, Romanian,Israeli, Italian,Lithuanian,Polish, Irish, Scottish, etc) It works on all race and cultures.
Chris Patterson - Pakistani women are very romantic and well mannered - you have no idea. I am Indian and saying that - and I speak from experience.
“Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.” - Hebrews 13:4
@@samueltadesse5494 you're so brainwashed . Gtfo with all this bullshit
@@samueltadesse5494 You’re going to hell Samuel
@@bernieoconnell5515 ok virgin.
Have you considered she was married?
Hotel room.
Sudden change of plans.
Intermittent contact.
My ex is married. I dont how to introduce her in my family im so hesitant she feels it too. And dumped me😂
I have seen the "power of walking away"
My uncle & I have a close relationship, so we talk about everything. He invited me to have lunch, and he just needed to offload about a woman he's pursuing, that's causing him to feel depressed. He would often call & text her, but she would hardly respond... and if she did, she wouldn't say much at all.
He was really feeling down, and while he was talking about her, she walks in with her friend to the same mall. They saw us but didn't bother to come over and say hi, they didn't even order food. They just sat at a table waiting for someone... they didn't even wave or anything... they just ignored him.
My uncle told me he needed to go over & talk to her & he's chest was feeling weird because he was sad, excited and confused all at the same time. He was like "I really need to go over and talk to her... I just need to!
I said "Well, let's go over to her then! (I know, I know... Bad idea... But this was before I heard about Coach Corey)
So he said, I just need to go to the men's room first before I can talk to her. I said "Ok, I'll just wait outside the men's room... Let's Go"
Now the restroom is located next to the elevator and beside it is a separate door that leads to the parking lot.
So, if you're going that way, you are out of sight and no one knows whether you're going to the men's room, or you're leaving the mall.
He spent a couple of minutes in there trying to gather his thoughts and calm himself down.
Suddenly he's crush and her friend came looking for him. They came to me asking..."Where is he? Where did he go? Has he left already?
Now I'm standing there confused... because these ladies were avoiding him like the plague and now they're here looking for him? WTH!!
So I said "No, he's in the men's room"
Her "What's he doing in there?"
Me "Do you really want to know?"
They both laughed and my uncle came out quickly because he recognized her voice...
And now, he's super excited to see her, and there's no mystery... he's just laying it all out there... Just all this Beta Male talk... and he's just being overt about his feelings and that he really needed to see her...
then all of a sudden the woman and her friend are like... "well it was nice seeing you, we'll head back to our table, .. and she just gives him a hug, and now they walk away.
Before we left the mall, because, well... they said goodbye to us... My uncle had to go back to work, but he decided to text her first right then and there. Before he left, he gives me some money and asks that I give it to her... I went back and gave her the money...
To this day she still just wants to be friends... she 'doesn't want to lose him' she says... but she just wants to be friends...
Hope u have told him this
"People will only treat you how you allow them to treat you."
Well if it had been me, and some chick had done to me the crap that this chick did to this guy in the story Corey is relating, I'd have walked away and not ever seen her again.
Because it seems to me that by continually going back, he's basically saying that it's okay for her to do that to him and that he has no self-respect. And a woman cannot love a man that she can't respect.
Corey said in another video: "Stand your ground or get jerked around." And in another he said: "Never compromise your principles."
Well if a man has self-respect, and values his time and his personal effort, he won't put up with people who treat him like the guy was being treated by that Asian girl in the video.
The Cowboy too True Cowboy 🤠 👍
Yeah this is what confuses me the most about what he teaches..
These get better and better every video !!!
One thing that I must respectfully point out which seems to be missing from literally every NC advice video I’ve ever seen from any Coach, is, the power of No Contact, COMBINED with how you PUT IT DOWN when times were good. Like Eddie Murphy once said in his movie Raw, when you make her go “Woo Woo Woo, that’s when you know you got her”. If you ever smashed, to complete and total annihilation, this along with NC, seems to be something no woman can ever get pass. ‘Lay’ the groundwork on her FIRST, for maximum NC results.
Miss Me!
Great video, Corey.
I love that quote by Lao Tzu at the end as well. God bless!
6:42 she wasn’t feeling well. Yeah she came down with a case of the coincidences
Been reading your book for 8 times now, My girl was telling me that I was not giving her much attention Like I used too and ended up breaking up with me yesterday, unfortunately I've told her previously that this month is ramadaan And I'll be fasting so sometimes I just need my own space. Btw we are live together so I told her the next day about moving out by the end of the month and she actually started apologizing about what she said yesterday, she was getting carried and she actually meant she wanted me to think about whether I wanted to work things out and promised me she will never going to do it since it was a big misunderstood from what happened and will try to Communicate more instead of just going crazy. I did the walk away and it worked 👌🏽 she didnt expect that and was confused why I didnt try to say anything to fight for the relationship, then I told her it takes 2 for a happy relationship so what's the point fighting for something that will never going to work. Thank you so much Corey! You're the man!
I walked away today from a woman that I love. Hurts a lot. Saw her tonight and she ignored me and left the bar we were at. She also blocked me on Facebook. Guess it is truly over.
Amen. Mr. Coach Corey. You have saved my dating life.
Put it in your minds guys, act like if you were James Bond and you'll keep your dignity in a classy way.
Coach, i want too thank you again. You have made me feel so much better with my current situation. Have a good night.
This one woman I was chasing. She kept giving me the beep, boop and whatever I let her..then I walk away! About a month or so wanted to come back..so I let her. It started again after a while..then walk away again only this time I grew a pair and she stay away. What did I learn? Grow a pair and make yourself happy.
She gets a Hotel right by his work, and has a friend coming over? Lies on her part.. Glad he hit it, but not GF material and not worth the time..
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.
***** just use her until you find a new chick then you can dump her and move on duh
Jacob Andrew 5
Any worldly woman that isnt a virgin, or doesnt make you court her for an extended period of time is typically a jaw.....just another ....wear a raincoat or say a prayer for lil Jimmy and focus on living your best life.
Yes.... I'd like to hear the long term outcome.... I'm calling a fu**ing world of pain for him.
She's playing games. I would walk away from her all together.
I'm really just defeated and can't be screwed with people anymore. I was abandoned and betrayed so much that i an emotionally unavailable for the foreseeable future. I don't trust anyone anymore.
What about calling her out on her immature and disrespectful behavior? Where do you draw the line between brushing it off and putting your foot down?
As gut wrenching as it it broke up with a girl walked away she contacted me 2 weeks later but said she wanted to try and be friends and talk but she didnt know what she wanted and I told her I cant be ur friend im not in this to be ur friend and I just told her tonight hey once you figure out what you want call me but I cant be your friend if you want to talk its on you but still instituting the no contact walking away rules it really is gut wrenching but from everything Corey says you gotta show her ur gonna stand ur ground and show her you value yourself and respect yourself enough to not give into what she wants and not put up with being treated as a pushover and weak so i guess we'll see if it'll work thanks for all the videos Corey.
did it work? ....
It can be so frustrating when women do this. But yea, you just gotta be indifferent and come across like shit don't bother you. Ive found when these things have happened such as broken dates and leaving early, most of the time they are a test. Women just love to test you to see what reaction you give them. Dont give them the reaction of anger or blowing up their phone. Just wait for them to get back to you. If you can tell there is attraction above five.. they will always get back to you, every time.
Coach... hope all is doing well. Your advises were golden for all men that weren't taught well growing up.
This chick was DEFINITELY playing games, testing him. And honestly? I know I would’ve failed lol I’m not quite there yet.
With her though, I imagine she’s dealt with a LOT of men that are in the 97%. Fortunately he was prepared, and won her heart.
I like this video.. This literally reminds me of my dating situation almost every time.. Now I know why I screw up.. thanks mate!
just act like James bond
How is that?
I’ll have a dirty martini, shaken not shtirred 🍸
Boss video....showing boss moves..... learnt from a Boss Coach! Thanks for sharing dude.
Dude your shit fucking works thanks for the advice, she kept pulling away and flaking so I told her I’m done at 4:00pm contacted me what I’m doing after the gym at 8pm 😂 you’re too beast my G!!! I’m differently donating to your pay pal!!!!
After the first turn down in the hotel room I would not have bothered any more.
I don't care to be indifferent if she's purposefully and blatantly disrespecting me.
Lol I tried walk away yesterday and she called me today brand new 😂😂
Remember Steve Erkel? He Finally won Laura over by being willing to step aside and walking away. She proposed to him.
This some real game right here. I'm actually picturing all of this story in my head as he is talking about it. LOL!
After reading your book ten to fifteen times the girl will be long gone but oh well if the girl doesn't want to put any effort into relationship your gonna lose period so tired of these psycho girls last one said she floated across room at hyper speed
That was good !! Wish I had acted similarly in these situations . Learning. Bought your book , gona read it 10-15 times !
This is the all power of walking away series started but ironically i saw one year old female dating coaches video have more video than this now i understand sometimes life doesn't give you the recognition that you deserves.
"I should be leaving soon"
I'll leave you able to walk.
I wish I had the patient confident temperment this guy has.
You will
Coach Corey Wayne is going to sky rocket in views. Coach is always 100% accurate in his teachings and his lessons are simply explained in his book. Much thanks to Coach Corey Wayne for making me into a chick magnet!
coach Corey I appreciate the advice so much it really works GOD has blessed you man for real
+Damarion Williams We're all blessed. It's your birthright to know these things.
+Syndicate isalegend Sounds like a test to make you go along with what she wants versus what you want. Stay centered and calm and speak from your heart. "That's sad that you'll hate me but I love you and care for you and I can't just be your buddy after everything we've been through together. Do let me know if you change your mind, because you know how I feel about you." Then never look back.
4 months ago, I met with my ex after not speaking for about 3 months. She told me that she has a new guy and that she doesn't want to get back with me ever, even if it doesn't last with this new guy. She said she hopes that we can be friends, but by that time I may want to move back home. ( I live in Europe now, formerly US) I told her that she'll always be my baby, which is true, I don't think I can ever call any girl baby anymore, I'll have to come up with some other nicknames, she protested a bit. I told her that I love her and I can't just be her friend after everything we've gone through and to contact me if she changes her mind.
That's all you can do. I wish you good luck. Who knows what the future will bring but as Corey says, there's no point to burn bridges or be mean to a person you love/loved.
Advice needed please ---- Have this girl woh I was texting and hooking up with. Suddenly she has given me the just friends "vibe". she sent me whats app messages I couldn't get because I deleted whatapp by mistake I texted her last night "Deleted whatsapp by mistake . You okay ?" to which I get zero response. I know she has been active since on whatsapp and not said two words to me. Do I
A. Initiate contact ?
B. Leave her to come back by saying nothing at all to her (As Coach says let her come to you)
C. Tell her that I do not appreciate the lack of effort she is giving me
D. Text her and try to set the next date?
+SmileyMT I would tell her what she wants from me is not what I WANT. After that I would tell her to call me if she changes her mind and walk away for good. That means no more texting, calling or any kind of pursuing
Damarion Williams I agree
When she said "a friend coming over", I would have said "is it a female friend, invite her in"
Savage ha
You can only give them the benefit of doubt so many times, for legitimate reasons, like they really are sick or going through something. Then these techniques are helpful, because you actually want that girl. But if she is pushing you away multiple times as a game, then she is immature and you better pass on her. If you get sucked into that, you will waste your time on her instead of finding the girl who is real.
10:48 if she starts playing games with you then start looking for a new chick at the same time use her as an advantage when you get rejected then go back to her and youll be happy because she'll give you kisses then you can try meeting other chicks at the same time
+Mr. Fishy ((eL pescado)) the problem with that is there information out there teaching women smart ways to know if their are been used as a confidence booster to launch you into your next relationsip...so at the end you both use each other for what you need and both end up loser...IF YOU GOT YOUR SHIT TOGETHER stop chasing emotionally avaible women ...it will force them into sorting out their life and you end up with no drama women...stop giving enerfy to people who dont deserve it..x
Thunder Welltravelled ,thats what i only how to do i dont know another style
I'm gonna start reading this book properly, ive read it twice, I'm gonna learn for sure now
Myself.. I'm wanting to walk away and I've tried so many times and shes not getting it
I love his rant about the fire alarm
"come on man... Shit" - classic coach Corey 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Had been in a situation with a coworker, we kissed twice and had this confusing friendship for a while. Every time we met was to work on something together after work and it ended up with intimacy's which she allowed . She would flirt with me a lot and I with her, I just felt like it's find to ask her out on a fun time but she refused.
Anyway, she told me she doesn't want relationship with me but don't want to lose me in her life since I've became her closest friend.
I told her we need to stop talking after work hours, she didn't respect that and told me she misses me a few days later and I did a really harsh thing and told respect my decision and not contact me after work. She got hurt and ignored me since then, I don't know if it was too harsh but I couldn't give her another answer at the time.
Hello, herd a frase from one of my other couches, and it brought me straight here. Awesome video!
Good video. My ex and I mutually broke up over a month ago, and it was sort of flighty at first, with maximum seeing one another once a week. But since last week, I NC’d her on everything. Still getting my life together, and I’ve got a job interview in a few days, also planning to go and gym it up. Have some ups and downs, but I feel better with each day.
Her friend = Her Husband!
She is married! She keeps screwing with him so much. Not a stable woman. Not worth it to make a relationship with her. Date her and leave! She will keep making the same excuse of her friend is coming up!
Hahaha...don't worry Corey we can't hear all the noises you hear...lol. Firealarms, dogs barking or the cat meowing..:-)...This is a great video presentation!
I'm just curious. What happens if both people are doing walk away/no contact yet they both still care for eachother, they're just trying to make one another pursue each other?
As much as you want to, don’t text her first. Make them chase you, in the meantime date or talk to other people.
When you are talking about the book, what book is it? The 3% man one?
No, he means nursery rhymes
S Bb Clifford
I wonder if I watch these videos 10 to 15 times will it count as the book read at least a few times?
I would say so
No, you need to read the book for a reason.
actually I prefer what would Bruce Wayne do?
Pull up in the motherfucking Batmobile like "BLAOW!"
Panties off.
No women can resist the power of the twin turbo baby!!!!!!
What would COREY Wayne do?
He would brood
I‘m pretty sure women wouldn‘t play any games with Bruce Wayne.😋
This is what I am trying to do now, but NOT to get her back or any shit like that, she has hurt me so many times and in so many ways that are hard to explain. She lives right on top of my floor and even her steps walking on top of me makes me feel how low I am. Depression has hit an all new high alongside my self doubts. It's better to walk away but still struggling to gather courage. I know that on the other side of it, lies dignity and happiness. Wish me luck guys.
Even when you complain about the sirens, drills and dogs in the background, you make it sound so positive and funny hahahahahahaha
This comment might be a bit off-topic. It seems like I am doing it all wrong with my fiancé. She is pregnant and about to give birth in 1-2 weeks but throughput her pregnancy I been over protecting her and over pursuing her. As a result, she's been avoiding me. While I am pursuing her, I lost my self value.
none of this works for me, stopped asking why.
it's a shame really as will be at the end of my sell by date soon.
Richard Dawson what? No such thing for a man
The best thing about walking away is winning yourself/boosting your selfesteem/Telling yourself i am worthy person. It has nothing to do with attracting a gril back, well it has a remarkable effect but it's not a good way to go (means walking away to attract a girl back = still not sure of your worthyness)
Real man don’t beg
What if she cancels a date (last week), you tell her "No problem :) We'll do it some other time. Have a nice evening." and she reverts back to the original date and offers her schedule for next week?
I obviously made other plans when she cancelled, so I set a date for Thursday for 8pm at X restaurant (this week).
I might be wrong, but this sounds like 5 on the scale to 10? - so pretty low indeed
i either get rejected or i spend my days frustrated hoping that this'll work.
Hmm yeah I’m the opposite if a guy ignores me I take it as he’s not interested and I give up on him. Someone who is genuinely interested in you doesn’t let you have doubts.
Unless your really into him.
Lee Bee You couldn’t be more wrong, honestly. You are a woman right? Your 🧠 is wired completely different from ours. Why are you even in here? I will Never ceased to be amazed at the extremes most women go to just to get as much attention from random man as they possibly can. Instant turn off 😤
I still don't see how a real man has time for these games.
women love games because it's fun...
The book talks about how women love the thrill of the chase...
their emotions are engaged quickly that way...
If it's all predictable and boring, she will lose interest...
Give her that gift of excitement and enjoy the whole thing as well with her...
@@1Tim1.15, so in other words keep them starved for attention and they'll beg for crumbs. Ok, that's fine with me. No problemo.
@Trust who gives a fuck what these hoes want.
Coach- previous advice you've given says "the woman will help you understand what she wants if you listen for the subtle clues" 4:53 seems contradictory to my understanding.of your wisdom.
My ex told me he "lost feelings" because I didn't appreciate him for his money and texted me after I hadn't responded to him for 3 weeks while I was on a trip at 12 am on Saturday night to tell me nothing would make him happier than to see me with a man that makes me happy and I deserve since I never appreciated his money. I waited several days to reply and said I won't apologize for loving him from him and wasn't worried about finding a man that loved me for not using them... why did he text me and will I hear back from him?
sara smith What happened?
This chick sounds super mental, lot of mood swings, maybe Bipolar or BPD
9:14 😂😂😂 I was cracking up when he said that
I just realized you remind me of John, Panch's partner on Chips!
I really hope this works. I know this girl liked me at one time. We went skydiving together and I even kissed her a few times passionately. She recently said friends only now, although she’s said that in the past, but her actions say differently. This time I asked her if she was 100% sure friends only. I said I wanted to be lovers and not just friends. Now I haven’t heard from her for a week. 😱 I really like her. Hope this works. I guess if not I’m guessing she really didn’t like me that much, although it didn’t seem that way. We had great chemistry and instantly felt comfortable with each other when we met. I probably screwed up. 😀
I dont see love here at all.. everything takes time.. and love takes time... Sometimes if you meet someone in person, you can tell who you are with..!Please dont be with married men/women..you definitely ended up on as third wheel.intuition can be right sometimes...! I love this video..so true!!lovelots Corey wayne😘!
I was dealing with long distance for almost a year. Maybe did pursue too much. But felt walking away would of confirmed to me, that I was just good for one night 😔😔
Wow I’m watching this the same day 4 years later
this girl been showing interest but not high, sick of trying to get up a date ima just leave and find someone who truely wants me
What if she walked away from me, then I applied no contact. Then she contacts me saying she loves me and misses me, and when I bring up the relationship she doesn’t want to commit?
Dont bring up relationship, create a fun filled romantic opportunity for sex to happen. Read the book 10 to 15 times!
Hey coach, I honestly dont have the cash to pay for an email session but I hope you can answer this question. I'm at a point in my life where I just want to hookup and have fun. How do I go about that without giving the girl the impression that I want a relationship? Im definitely one of those "nice" guys so I would never want to hurt a female emotionally. Thanks in advance!
P.S. I've read your book about 3 times so I have general knowledge about what you teach.
This definitely helped man thanks alot, I guess I was thinking about it in the wrong way haha. I've had a few dates but I didn't really escalate it any further than just making out because of what I just asked but now I see it differently. I appreciate your response!
What does walking away means ? Telling them that you are leaving them ?
Before I finish watching this video and it's the same idea in all of them and I do believe he is right, to a point. If anyone is reading this so many years after this video was posted, let me ask you this: so you are with a girl, she really really likes you, you do too, but then you show it too much, the shit tests begin and she dumps you. if you fail the shit tests, or you dump her if you don't feel like being treated not nice. Ok. The girl goes crazy after you and wants you and so on, but my question is, what is the point? If you want to fuck her, sure, but if you really liked her, like loved her, she comes back, good, BUT people don't change, you'll fuck up again or she will and you will be back to applying techniques 'n shit. Now I'm not saying you shouldn't try to learn and not even learn, mature, but you already know how you are with that woman, she saw weakness at one point and she bailed, period. She will see weakness again, if she couldn't accept it the first time, what is the use to try again? Try to move on and that's it, that is the way I see it. PLEASE... give me your opinion and it would be great if you would have a real life story attached to it that is different from what I believe, please.
My ex lives 40 miles away. I treated her like a Queen, then she dumped me, yet she’s coming to my town, to visit all the places I took her to, and posting the pics on I/G. It’s been just over 30 days into No Contact. Why is she visiting the places I used to take her to?
She's bipolar dude, stay away from them. Don't give them attention at all, screw them.
Guy made two mistakes and still sealed the deal. Show's how if a woman likes you, she'll let things slide. First mistake, he told her his name when introducing himself. Second mistake, he isn't seeing other women.