More than 100 people arrested, 4 officers injured as police break up Emerson College encampment

  • Опубликовано: 24 апр 2024
  • Three people were arrested following a high-speed police chase along several Massachusetts interstates.
    Full story:

Комментарии • 70

  • @loopba
    @loopba Месяц назад +4

    They were asked to leave and why several times. Those arrested should be investigated and deported if acting as foreign agents

  • @Johnnymize86
    @Johnnymize86 Месяц назад +11

    Go to Gaza then.

    • @derp8575
      @derp8575 Месяц назад +1

      "Queers for Palestine" lol

    • @SSKA57
      @SSKA57 Месяц назад

      @@derp8575 as a straight and veteran of Iraqi wars. I took them for granted too. Until i saw people like you hide behind their screen talking smack and they are actually the ones taking their voices and freedom of speech to the streets to demand changes in the cold past midnight with less food, while you sleeping in your cozy bed 🛌 😴 so S T F U and go back to sleep!

  • @aricv1295
    @aricv1295 Месяц назад +21

    Send the protesters overseas to help the situation.

    • @lameetcalice3845
      @lameetcalice3845 Месяц назад

      Malum In Se/Malum Prohibitum
      Nothing moral requires authority. Authority is the claim to the exclusive exemption to morality. It is a monopoly on violence. Violence is a violation because it is the initiation of aggression, not self-defense. Offense/defense are ontologically distinct. All crime has a legal equivalent (ie, taxation is extortion).
      Every government is founded on Ad Baculum.
      Petitio Principii can and will be used against you.
      Warren v. District of Columbia
      Town of Castle Rock v. Gonzales
      DeShaney v. Winnebago County
      Lozito v. New York City
      You are legally compelled via the logical fallacies Ad Populum, Ad Baculum and Ad Verecundiam to pay for protection that they are not legally obligated to provide. That's a mafia.
      The highest Abrahamic value is Ignorance of Good and Evil. It's right there in Genesis. They worship Yaldabaoth, God of the Scapegoaters: God blames Man; Man blames Woman; Woman blames Serpent; Serpent blames God, more accurately - the Serpent defines God.
      God Condones Child Rape
      No.s 31: 17-18
      God Condones Rape
      Deut. 22: 28-29
      God Condones Abortion
      No.s 5: 11-31
      Unquestioning Obedience to Government
      Rom.s 13: 1-7
      Ritualistic classifying surgery as a means of psychic castration, like circumcision and sub-incision, are hallmarks of patriarchal culture, a demonstration to the young that the venerable old ones still wield the all-powerful knife - and the beginning of transsexualism. Those who do not perform the cult's rite can never enjoy full social status.
      Symbols of the castrated member, the tie and bow-tie, are mandatory accoutrements of the political wardrobe and phallic monuments are erected to commemorate the minds conquered long ago. Brute force is no longer necessary.
      The capitalist priest class of Psychiatry, working in tandem with the State bureaucracy, regulates and polices the new Restriction and gelding of desire. Psychiatrists, along with other legal arbiters, help to obscure justice with grey areas of intentionality, mental state, etc.
      Some mistake this as a system of Liberty, ignorant of the fact that Psychiatric Control is a cornerstone of the perfected Totalitarian State.
      All modern illnesses come from the absurd and tragic struggle of man's inability to bridle Nature. This dogma echoes perpetually, omnisciently by understanding voices in self-help books, billboards, radio commercials and television talk shows to convince the public to practice continual self-suppression and hormonal restraint. Any deviation is an indication of something severely wrong with the individual.
      Perhaps Lycanthropic Transformation Rites are in some way a Psychic Preparation for the millennial calamities that are thought to lie ahead.
      Legalism is a Language of Equivocations, a process of assimilation to violence and illogic.
      Etymology: government
      Gubernare: to control
      Mens/Mentis: mind
      Colere: to inhabit, to till
      Cult: collective mind
      -ure: process of
      civilize, etc.
      Civitas: city
      -ize: to do/to make like
      police, policy, politics, polite
      Polis: city
      Auctor: master, father, creator
      -ity: quality of
      Religare: to bind fast, to place an obligation on
      -ion: noun-forming suffix
      Uni-: one
      Form: shape
      They lump themselves into a group. They want all the collective praise and none of the collective blame (No True Scotsman). If they were truly concerned for their reputation they wouldn’t wear a uniform. Badges are just snowflakes.
      "Everything is metamorphosed into its opposite to perpetuate itself in its expurgated form. All the powers, all the institutions speak of themselves through denial, in order to attempt, by simulating death, to escape their real death throes. [...] For example: it would be interesting to see whether the repressive apparatus would not react more violently to a simulated holdup than to a real holdup. Because the latter does nothing but disturb the order of things, the right to property, whereas the former attacks the reality principle itself." - Jean Baudrillard (Simulacra & Simulation - 1981)
      "Our rulers, who rule our symbols, and so rule a symbolic class of life, impose their own infantilism on our instituitions, educational methods, and doctrines. This leads to maladjustment of the incoming generations which, being born into, are forced to develop under the un-natural (for man) semantic conditions imposed on them. In turn, they produce leaders afflicted with the old animalistic limitations. The vicious circle is completed; it results in a general state of human un-sanity, reflected again in our instituitions. And so it goes, on and on." - Alfred Korzybski (Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics - 1933)
      "I am a cosmopolitan." - Diogenes
      "If I could not be Alexander, I should wish to be Diogenes." - Alexander the Great
      "A man is no less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years." - Lysander Spooner (No Treason: Constitution of No Authority - 1867)
      "It is incredible how as soon as a people become subject, it promptly falls into such complete forgetfulness of its freedom that it can hardly be roused to the point of regaining it, obeying so easily and willingly that one is led to say that this people has not so much lost its liberty as won its enslavement." - Étienne de la Boétie (Discours de la servitude volontaire ou le Contr'un - 1577)
      "Leadership in government is political power, and political power is an official form of antagonizing the people. Politics are rules imposed upon the people. They have every man in a straight jacket and without a passport he cannot move a toe. In a free world, they violate the natural rights of every citizen. They have become the weapons of political despots and if you don't think as they think you're deprived of your passport." - Michael Chaplin as Rupert Macabee (A King in New York - 1957)
      "Imagine, if you will, a world filled only with criminals of whom there are two classes: those too honest to rationalize their crimes and the powerful who scapegoat them." - Rod Serling
      "Eye have no Moral Obligation to ask permission from the person to whom Eye Morally Object if Eye may exercise mEye Moral Objection." - Unknown

  • @birdeyecloud6801
    @birdeyecloud6801 Месяц назад +2

    Better to ask their ID some people might associate with crimes.

  • @madworld3852
    @madworld3852 Месяц назад +4

    How you like them apples lol

  • @Nunyobu
    @Nunyobu Месяц назад +5

    These people need to be charged with sedition.

  • @vipaadmi8728
    @vipaadmi8728 Месяц назад +20

    Send them to Palestine

    • @lameetcalice3845
      @lameetcalice3845 Месяц назад +1

      If you don't love the protests then you can move to North Korea. Love it or leave it.
      "If taxation without consent is not robbery, then any band of robbers have only to declare themselves a government, and all their robberies are legalized." - Lysander Spooner (No Treason: Constitution of No Authority - 1867)

  • @cryptonighit
    @cryptonighit Месяц назад

    “ Police injuries “ ? 🤣
    Was he choking on donuts ?😂

  • @SSKA57
    @SSKA57 Месяц назад +1

    As a veteran of Iraqi wars. I took them for granted and lost hope in this generation long ago. Until i saw people like all of you who hide behind their screen talking big mouth while they are actually the ones taking their voices and freedom of speech , peacefully to the streets to demand changes, facing cold weather past midnight with less food, while you all sleeping in your cozy bed 🛌 😴 they made me proud American again… Everyone with only big mouth here, go back to bed and to the sleeping side of the history!

  • @gilbertflores4341
    @gilbertflores4341 Месяц назад +5

    I thought I would NEVER see the day this happening on OUR soil. Looks like the Middle East invaded America. 🇺🇸 😢

    • @corbin8930
      @corbin8930 Месяц назад +1

      Never thought you would live to see a peaceful protest in AMERICA!?!? Since when does not having unwavering support for Israel make us the “Middle East”??

  • @dravindion
    @dravindion Месяц назад +23

    Fools have forgotten 911 !

    • @checo8187
      @checo8187 Месяц назад +3

      Fools forgot that it should be America 1st!!

    • @kreativekulturetv2488
      @kreativekulturetv2488 Месяц назад +4

      What the hell does 9/11 have to do with anything? Palestine didnt have anything to do with that...

    • @corbin8930
      @corbin8930 Месяц назад

      9/11 happened because we support Israel ffs. If we didn’t support Israel it would have never happened.

    • @Cass-lv1on
      @Cass-lv1on Месяц назад


  • @sparklemonkey11
    @sparklemonkey11 Месяц назад +18

    This is stupid.

  • @jonbowles508
    @jonbowles508 Месяц назад +5

    They don't care if they go to jail they have nothing better to do anyhow.They're not going to get in any trouble at all. they'll just get released immediately

    • @lameetcalice3845
      @lameetcalice3845 Месяц назад

      You only bothered to speak up because you have nothing better to do like work a minimum wage job without complaining. I'm a Statist and Capitalist, and I'm entitled to dictate how you spend your time because I'm ultimately entitled to a cut of your money. It infuriates me to see you do things for free because that's means you're free and I can't extort you. So, why don't you go be employed in a way which I feel directly benefits me and my agenda - get a real job. Hooray for Apartheid!

  • @astralclub5964
    @astralclub5964 Месяц назад +2

    I think these protesters need a good talking to! Perhaps a bit…

  • @bayougtr
    @bayougtr Месяц назад +7

    If the homeless were squatting in that alley nothing would have been done.

  • @catistrolling7333
    @catistrolling7333 Месяц назад

    This is some free speech bs

  • @bobbiejeannebarnes2095
    @bobbiejeannebarnes2095 Месяц назад +11

    😢praying 🙏 for the police officers who are having to deal with this mess, all over the country, I wonder how much longer until we see military on the streets of America and the America 🇺🇸 We have loved for the past Freedom shutdown and we are like China and Russia and the world around us

  • @pt8208
    @pt8208 Месяц назад

    They're so decadent, until their Daddy's money from homes all spent.
    J. Carrol

  • @terryadkins9831
    @terryadkins9831 Месяц назад +1

    Get the pork bologna and cheese sandwiches ready for the Muslims, yum yum

  • @ricyman5110
    @ricyman5110 Месяц назад +6

    they jailed the cameraman from fox 7 too😂. AIPACmake american Communis is real😂😂

    • @checo8187
      @checo8187 Месяц назад +3

      Congressmen wear isralie flag pins inside congress, that should tell you everything you need to know

  • @corbin8930
    @corbin8930 Месяц назад +4

    Arresting Jews for protesting Israel is absolutely ridiculous. Criticizing foreign policy of the country of Israel is NOT ANTISEMITIC!!!!

    • @rhondadavis4285
      @rhondadavis4285 Месяц назад


    • @corbin8930
      @corbin8930 Месяц назад +1

      @@rhondadavis4285 do you disagree? Why is it okay to be critical of literally any other country in the world except for Israel?

    • @worldofdoom995
      @worldofdoom995 Месяц назад

      Taking over a roadway is not a protest.

  • @rahulnarang1089
    @rahulnarang1089 Месяц назад +15

    No protest in any of the islamic countries for what Hamas did to Israel on 7 Oct brutality. No protest in any of the islamic country when Iran fired 330 missiles on Israel. Unity of muslims in Christian countries are very strong 🤣

    • @NJIT22
      @NJIT22 Месяц назад

      More Muslims killed by other Muslims than by non Muslims. As far as Muslims killing others, that’s “politically incorrect” question. After all they are “freedom fighters”. Who remember Yazidis genocide? Very few.

    • @DrPrag
      @DrPrag Месяц назад

      Why should there be protest to Iran firing 300 rockets and missiles on Israel if Israel was the one who shot at Iran’s embassy? A country’s embassy is an extension to its sovereignty. The people of the world all know this, therefore over 140 countries in UN condemned Israel for such action because it is a violation of UN law. Furthermore, Iran has shown mercy by giving countdown time of his retaliation for Israel to prepare its defense of its missiles. All these were all so clear to all the people in the world except the Americans because the American media outlets had shielded and manipulated all the truth. You’re A fool who confuses right and wrong. I was from South East Asia with multi-lingual and I watch news from media outlets all over the world in several languages.

  • @arisrosario557
    @arisrosario557 Месяц назад +3

    Free Palestinos 🇺🇸

  • @longsleevethong1457
    @longsleevethong1457 Месяц назад +1

    Looks like an insurrection

  • @dannymccarty344
    @dannymccarty344 Месяц назад +2

    Only 4 officers injured? Come on, guys....only 4?

  • @ronnie5161
    @ronnie5161 Месяц назад

    Oh my God, it's an insurrection