Helicopter Safety match Vitamine C Atomic bomb Computer Ball point pen Rubik's cube Dynamo The "Gömböc" Holograph Horse cart Telephone Transformer Electric engine Bánki trubine And thats just a few. . .
A telefont nem mi találtuk föl, viszont a telefonközpontot igen Puskás Tivadar révén, a halló kifejezés állítólag tőle származik, mert amikor fölvette a kagylót a "hallom" kifejezés rövid verziójaként "halló"-val szólt bele.
Edison se tálálta fel a telefont, az egy Olasz származású fickó volt, de az Amerikai pasi a szabadalmi hivatalnál dolgozott és ellopta az ötletét. Teller a Hydrogén Bombát fedezte fel, az Ullam kalkulációjával, nem az eredeti Atom Bombát. És a Nobel Díjas Szentgyőrgyi a C-vitamínt kivonta jó magyarosan... paprikából!
Hungarian jokes have a reputation. Not necessarily a bad reputation, but certainly they are known to have a tendency of being just a little bit extreme. Naturally not every Hungarian joke is like that, but there is almost a "sub-genre" of jokes in Hungary that can only be described by the word "sick". Now, the important thing is, that there's nothing wrong with that. Most of these jokes are in fact very very funny, though some of them can be quite offensive. Truthfully, sick Hungarian jokes are an excellent example of why dark humor is just as great as "classic" humor, and their enjoyment just needs a bit of open-mindedness and a little more sense of humor This joke is a real classic born in the times before the fall of the Soviet Union, which was a time when fancy cars like a Mercedes were extremely rarely seen in Hungary and were owned only by the richest folk. Imagine how an old peasant from the countryside would react to seeing one of those from the inside: A man is driving through the countryside in a Mercedes. He sees a hitch-hiker on the road and decides to pick him up. The hitch-hiker, and old peasant, takes just one look at the multitude of displays and buttons in the car and he immediately starts asking the driver about them. The man patiently explains everything from the CD player to the air conditioner, but he quickly gets fed up with all the questions. So when the peasant asks him about the Mercedes logo at the very front of the car, the driver tells him that it's a crosshair which helps him with the aim when he tries to run over a pedestrian or a cyclist. The old man nods in silent understanding. Some time later they run across a bike rider by the road. The driver uses the Mercedes logo to target the cyclist so as to demonstrate its operation, but of course in the end he pulls on the wheel to avoid the collision. He hears a silent thud, but he keeps driving anyway, thinking it must have been the wind or something. Then the old peasant says: `You know something my good man, this fancy rolling machine of yours ain't so perfect. If I hadn't opened the door, we never would have hit that cyclist...' Hungary is known among other things for having a catastrophic health care system. A lot of people don't get proper treatment and many of the hospitals are struggling to meet the ever growing demands. For this reason, jokes like the following are considered quite morbid in Hungary: Intensive care. Busy day, dozens of patients on life support. Midday approaches, and a man in a jumpsuit enters with a box of tools. He's an electrician. He clears his throat, and announces the following to the patients: `Take a deep breath you all! Time to change the fuse!' 1) The number one on this list really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. Not if you payed attention to the name of the website: The bear writes a death list. News of his death list spread across the forest like wildfire. Some of the animals who hear about it decide to go ask the bear about the list, thinking, that living in uncertainty is worse than knowing for certain that a bear is going to eat you. So, the fox goes to the bear and asks him about the list. 'Hey bear, is it true that you have a death list?' asks the fox. `Yeah.' says the bear. `Well... is my name on it?' `I dunno, lemme check...' says the bear, and then he pulls out the death list. When the bear finds the fox's name on the list, he says to the fox: `Yeah, you're on the list.' And then the bear eats the fox. A few days pass and the wolf comes by and asks the bear about the list. `Hey bear, is it true that you wrote a death list?' asks the wolf. `Yeah.' says the bear. `Okay... is my name on it?' `I dunno, lemme check... Yeah, 'fraid so...' And then the bear eats the wolf as well. A couple of days pass and the rabbit comes by and asks the bear about the death list. `Hey bear, is it true that you have a death list?' asks the rabbit. `Yeah.' says the bear. `Tell me... is my name on it?' `I dunno, lemme check... Yeah, 'fraid so, you're on the list' And then the rabbit says: `Hey bear... Couldn't you... like... erase my name or something?' And then the bear says: `Sure, why not?' You see Hungarians are funny. ..yes I'm one of them 1956 remove. . It is November now something about November reminder. Köszönöm, hogy elolvasta és találkozunk újra.
Ezek jó viccek egyet sem ismertem még közülük, sőtt azt a biztosítékost nem is értem. És a kismalacost sem. Úgy gondolom valami lemaradt az elejéről. De én tudok ilyet: (angolul írom hagy nevessen az is aki nem tud magyarul) The aggressive little pig fall into a deep hole and cannot get out at all. The rabbit notice it, trying to help but soon realizes ;without a ladder no way the little pig can get out. So the rabbit says: wait little pig, I fetch a ladder. The pig aggressively responds: NO, I WON'T WAIT!!!!!!
+Gyalog Vagyok The angry (or "aggressive") little pig jokes are great. :) Here are some more: The angry little pig is at the ticket office. - I want a train ticket. - Where to? - NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! Angry little pig on the train: - Tickets please. - I DON'T WANT ANY! The angry little pig is having a university exam: Teacher: Alright, little pig, I'll let you pass. - NOT GOING! (These jokes satirize a character who constantly sabotages himself in an ongoing attempt to one-up others.)
Both funny and sad thing seeing my fellow Hungarians being offended because they don't speak English and automatically assuming they are talking shit about us in the video. Wanna hear the good about Hungary? Watch the video! The bad? Read the comments.
+Molnár István +Gergely Bertalan Én lepontoztam azért, mert jókat mondanak rólunk, ami - az itt kommentelők demonstrálása alapján - téves. :D Ennyi bunkó, műveletlen, xenofób fazont ritka látni :D És még csak arra se foghatom, hogy a RUclips az oka, mert pontosan tudom, hogy épp elég tajmagyar pont ilyen. :D Csak azzal vigasztalhatom magam, hogy nem mindenki. :)
whade62000 Tudod mi a baj? Fiatal vagy. Te már nem emlékszel, hányszor bántottak minket ha nem érdemeltük me, még akkor is, ha valami kiemelkedőt csináltunk. Ezért tartja a legtöbb magyar a kezét automatikusan védekező állásba.
+whade62000 Tenyleg sok itt a hulye, peldaul te is. Azzal nem segitesz a tobbi hulyen, hogy Szemmelveiszt es a hozza hasonlo kiemelkedo magyarokat dicsero videot lepontozod.
Who clicked on thumbs down has a serious mental problem. This video is informative and hilarious. Stephen Fry, the host of the show, is very proud of his maternal grandfather who was Hungarian. He wrote a lot about him in his biography (Moab is my washpot) and there was a show on BBC (I think it's still on) called "Who do you think you are?" and he talked about his Hungarian ancestors a lot. This show (Qi) is know for being funny, no matter what the main topic is. People....
Semmelweis did no go crazy because other physicians did not believe him, laughed on him (of course it changed). He got an infection while doing an autopsy, which damaged his nervous system, and sadly it effected his mental health.
That’s tragic and I didn’t know this. It’s not that Semmelweis was necessarily implying doctors were “unclean,” as suggested here, and dropping all their hospitalised patients, if memory serves he was very specifically focussed on infant mortality: medics going on to deliver babies after they’d performed autopsies.
Also he died by the consequences of the the excessive assaults he suffered in mental asylum. OFC the other doctors who put him there never intended to end him this way, but they still basically caused his horrific death.
Wow, I had no idea Stephen Fry had a Hungarian grandfather, no wonder he's so damn smart. I always thought of him as the essence of a British gentleman, he was probably wearing tweed diapers as a baby...
A lot of commenters here are trying to prove that Hungarians have no sense of humor. This is completely contrary to what I've experienced meeting ppl from Hungary. So don't believe what you read in youtube comments. Experience yourself!
***** The bum wiping part was probably just a joke too, they weren't serious, so I didn't take it seriously either. And yes, they gave us a lot of credit in the video, and there were very well educated about our small country, so really, if anything, we should respect them for that.
It’s funny that the most famous Hungarian wine is one of the country’s most mediocre vintages. Magyar whites are world-beating, especially its “half sweet” varieties, with even the British royal family favouring them alongside French reds. To the uninitiated get yourself a nice _Szürkebarát_ or _Hárslevelü_ if you ever spot a bottle on the shelves. You won’t ever regret doing so.
@@sanyey8405 That is bullsh*t ( sorry ;) )! Come to Balaton in the summer time! We eat so much lángos like no one else! Tourists use to eat lángos with marmalade and with other weird stuffs. We don't do that.
@@sanyey8405 Ups, Sorry ;-) Try the gulyás soup with freshly cut red onion! It's something new (not so boring), and really good combination! Csak szórd bele a tányérodba a vékony csíkokra vágott friss hagymát! Nem fogsz csalódni! ;-)
A Clever Hungarian Watched This Video, He Got A Little Bit Offeneded But Laughed At The Jokes, Then Didn't Write Hateful Comments. Good One Clever Hungarian, Good One.
And so many more.Vitamin C,the basic principles of digital computing,carburettor,holography,ball point pen,real 3D in the real space sytem,dynamo,a hefty part in the nuclear technology,Rubic's cube,3.5 "hard case floppy...did I mentioned safety natches?!Yes.And the phone center.
Van még pár magyar találmány.. Telefon hírmondó, Igen az Intel igazagatója is magyar volt, ahogy mondták automata váltó, a T modellhez is volt közünk, hidrogénbomba, biztonsági gyufa, golyóstoll, helikopter valamennyire, de sok mindent elmondtak. Rubik kocka minden tudományos filmben van;). Még az agymenőkben is. Ja szódavíz stb.... Ki tudja még....
Dr.Rhy†hm De a hidrogén bomba már a saját tervezése. De ha felkellene sorolni az összes találmányt amit a magyaroknak köszönhet a világ elég érdekes listát kapnánk
Egyébbként a számítógép nem magyar találmány annak ellenére, hogy soken ebben a tévhitben élnek. Neumann nem feltalálta a számítógépet, hanem lefektette a leghatékonyabb működéséhez szükséges szabályokat, a kettő nem ugyanaz. Ráadásul volt pár nem Neumann-elvű gép még a kezdetek kezdetén.
Paul Erdős, Paul Halmos, Theodore von Kármán, John G. Kemeny, John von Neumann, George Pólya, Leó Szilárd, Edward Teller, and Eugene Wigner... to name a few
the word "Hallom." (the "l" must be pronounced long otherwise it's a whole different word (halom = pile, heap)) means "I hear that." or also "I hear You. (in a polite/formal way)" The word alone covers a whole sentence. "Hall" is the base verb and the additional "om" tells that "I". Conjugation goes (don't need the personal pronoun as you know that from the modified endings) : [I] hallom/[you] hallod/[he/she/it] hallja/ [we] halljuk]/[you] halljátok/[they] hallják
Tényleg férreérthető , sokat is nevettek benne ... A magyar szavakat nem tudták kiejteni sok benne a férreértés az ő részükről is a gulyás levesről beszéltek és Semmelweis Ignácról aki ugye a kézmosás fontosságát emelte ki.
my only Hungarian joke: a n inmate of an asyium/ mental health clinic is escaping , he has been there since 1912 it is now 1923. He sees a man driving a horse drawn cart loaded with horse manure and asks him: Magyar! How is the Kingdom? Man says: We no longer have a king. What he says, Is Hungary a republic? Who is President? Man replies: Hungary is still a kingdom, we have a Regent Admiral Horthy. So the Navy still protects our seaports? No says the man, we have no navy or seacoast to protect, we are now landlocked. Want a ride? Where are you going with that manure? I am going home to put it on my strawberries. WHAT ?HUngary is a Kingdom with out a king, ruled by a regent for a nonexistant king, and is Admiral of a nonexistantt navy and you put manure on your strawberries? Please help me get back into the asylum!!!
We also gave the worlds best blues singer! No joke! Little G. Weevil! Check it out! Many Hungarians don't know that. He is really good i think, and he won the biggest blues competition in th US! Like white boy from east / mid Europe! Hats off!
heh, this was really a fine surprise to mee! i do love much of these guys, and it was a real pleasure to hear them talk about magyars and the significance of somes work, while delivering their usual jokebombs every 5 secs. best parts were the bit that even me not knew about and the stephen fry turning out to be a magyar descentant - of course, hes good enuff:) nowadays its esp. rare from western mainstraim media to portrait magyars in this way and acknowleding them contributions to the modern world - even more so at the beeb(c) whose - in other way excellent - science docus often portray britain like the sole creator of modern science and its most significant contributor ever since:) at least in none of them ever i heard to mention any magyar name, person or idea (not even the one about pennicilin). so this scetch was probably (one of) the most informative report on hungary and its ppl on the mainstream media what the brits (and yt watchers) could seen since ages:) and also the best propaganda hungary got from those sources they (with coogan) could do a "the trip" series in hungary. that would be fun:)
Ignaz Sommelwise WAT :D Sounds like Russian, French and English names are mixed there when he's pronouncing Ignác Semmelweis :) Egyébként nem lehúzzák Magyarországot és a magyarokat, tényleg arról beszélnek, hogy a nemzet szülöttei mit adtak a világnak - bár szerintem a felét se említik annak, ami a mai létezésünkhöz elengedhetetlen volna, de a kacagások ellenére pozitív dolgokat mondanak.
Also the 1st computer was invented by an Hungarian Jew but he was successful to promote his idea in Germany where he could patent it. USA stole his patent.
First I was skeptical and afraid to click because I was expecting dumb obnoxious mockery but instead I was surprised how well informed they were about Hungary. Great relief! I am happy about this video they said also a lot of nice things about Hungary. The only misconception they had is with the language. Hungarian has little to nothing to do with Baltic languages. Hungarian is predominantly an Uralic-Altaic language and has closer connections with Turkish languages. Overall a nice video, I am proud again to be Hungarian. :)
@@napoleonbonapathy6943 wow my guy, easy. u know nothing about my country or the ethnic culture nor the history of my country. I guess u don't even speak my language. I have both Finnish and Turkish and Iranian friends. There are a plethora of turkish and persian words in Hungarian and many historic evidences when Hungarians lived close to turkish and Iranian tribes. It's true the true ethnic background is shrouded in mystery but if there is one culture which is most dominant it is the Turkish background. There is no single Finnsih word in Hungarian and vice versa.
@@tommeiner9983 Sorry bro, but no. This theory was debunked a long time ago.Sadly there is no connection with Hungarians and Finnish people, however modern day Hungarians do have Baltic heritage due to mass migritation during 18th -19 th century (baltic germans for example) started to settle down different east European or central east European countries such as Hungary.
I know it sounds cocky-but my answer to the title is:"I hope-Not too much!" BTW: Semmelweiss did not die of poverty or madness. He went to a hospital in Vienna to check on the procedure descibed herewith but he was ignored. Confrontation ensued and gang of male nurses beat the subdued doc to death!💪👨✈️
Ok.. and where did they mention the dinamo, electric motor, first electric locomotive, atomic bomb, and all the other stuff, thats related to us? ://// theese were minor things.. what they missed, formed the wold to its current state :O
someone asked a physicist leo szilard who worked on the manhattan project if extraterrestrial life, aliens was possible. he said it was fact. ET would have a differant culture, differant language, come from no one knows where, would be scientifically advanced. And the project was full of them! Hungarians meet all of those criteria. Q what country is surrounded by itself? a: Hungary after Treaty of Trianon stripped it of it's peripheral counties, it's new borders were with previous hungarian areas.
I am a born hungarian. Yes the gulyas means cowboy and the real gulyas soup is made from beef. Paprika and caraway seed are also important ingriedients. But that is misbelief that the hungarians are related to the finnish. That fake news was spread during the Austro Hungarian kingdom time. Hungarians are descendant of the ancient huns and came from Central Asia in the late roman times.
most difficult question i have had about hungarians: what is proper pronunciation of magyar? i have heard several, mawdyar was my dad's version, maadjar is another, magyar, madyar... i guess it depends on how you grandparents pronounced it, with 29 dialects, take your choice.
Well you can just check Google Translate or just watch videos about it from Hungarians, but I guess the English language doesn't have a "gy" sound so it could be difficult to get it right. Also I read a few times that people wonder if they should call us magyars our Hungarians, which is something I don't understand. If you're talking in English just use English words.
English extensively uses diphthongs: written double-vowels, like _au, oi_ and _ou,_ which have a separate single vowel sound of their own. Hungarian conversely uses lots of digraphs, which are written double-consonants, like _sz, ly,_ and _zs,_ that similarly are pronounced as one separate consonant sound. That’s the first thing to understand. So even though _gy_ is written as two separate letters, in print, it’s voiced as one consonant sound: ma...gy...ar. It’s located much closer to how the English pronounce a “j” or a soft “d.” (there’s no real ‘G’ or ‘Y’ in it, at all, remember we’re dealing with a *digraph:* a separate sound all its own) Try forming your mouth exactly how you would to pronounce the letter “T” with the tip of the tongue, behind the bottom teeth, and its middle pressed up against the palate: but say the word “JAM,” instead. That will get you there... It’s simpler if you speak a little French: the “D” in that language used in the word: God, namely in properly pronouncing, _dieu,_ is very, very close to a Hungarian _gy,_ not exactly but close enough. Don’t criticise yourself if it doesn’t happen easily. Why this occurs is that the palates of human beings harden between 8-10 years of age. So, in order to really convincingly pronounce sounds, that are unique to a language alien to you, you generally have to have started speaking them before that age.
DoctoriusGaming Nem értem, mi a bajod, csak pozitívumokat mondtak. Olyan dolgokat soroltak fel 7 percben, amik hasznosak az egész világ számára, és amit a világ Magyarországnak köszönhet a mindennapi életben. Persze kihagytak sok mindent, de hét percük volt és ahhoz képes sok dologról beszéltek.
We created the Rubik's cube We created vitamin c We created the computer And so many more stop being such big haters on a beautiful country with really kind people
lehet hogy nagyon hülye vagyok.. de nem értettem a forgóajtós poént... X( valaki légyszi magyarázza el :o amúgy szerintem vicces az egész.. nem értem mit kell ezen felkapni vizet.. egy rossz szót se mondtak. vagyis nem gondolták komolyan X)
Chan Shiro Azt jelenti, hogy a Magyar ember Nagyon tehetseges, a lehetetlenre is kepes, keves lehetosege van es masok szamara behozhatatlan hatranyokkal indul, de Nagyon sok esetben meg igy is o az elso.
Máté Bánszki Szerintem rosszul ertelmezed. Nemetektol is hallottam mar, elismeressel. Egyebkent meg tokmindegy az o velemenyuk. Nehogy mar egy magyar akarjon megfelelni az angolszasz nepeknek.
i hear "maw yor" around here fromsome , mainly Canadian-born Hungarian speakers, maybe a legitimate pronunciation? or"gy" like"dg" edge? "Mawdgyar" Dyu" like French dieu Sounds like" Ma dy ar" to me .Those who are fluent seem to understand each other, like Anglophone Canadians and Australians.
Hungarian is indeed linguistically related to Finnish. I'm not saying that they are similar enough, but they are part of the same language family, and they're alike in some things. Neither Finnish, nor Hungarian are Indo-european, but Finno-Ugric.
Luki Manus Hungarian language IS Finno-Ugric. That's not a lie. Why don't you just search after that? I know what I'm saying because I am from Hungary.
I'm from Hungary too and it's a shame if you belive in these idiot lies. if you search for it you will only find lies. a real website with the truth is not common. i suggest you read László Gyula's books.
We haven't got any relation to Finnish language, this theory made up by the Habsburg dinasty. Btw I've met with Finnish guys and we've tried to find some common worlds such as "father, wind, fire, etc.", these are our most ancient worlds, and we couldn't find nothing similarity, these worlds are completely different in the 2 languages.
+SPQR Digo Regardless of who started it, it seems to be true according to modern linguistics. And the similarities are not to be found fundamentally in vocabulary (simply because that's the element of a language that is subject to the fastest pace of change), but rather in its deep grammatical structures.
@@splen-did5915 A hasonlóság nem elsősorban a lexikában van, hanem a nyelv struktúrájában. Tanultam finnül igen gyorsan haladtam, mert a felépítés teljesen hasonló a magyarhoz. ház, házak házakban talo, taloi, taolissa Van magas és mély hangrendű toldalék... Ráadásul a kiejtés sem bonyolul,t mert ezek a hangok a magyarban is megvannak. nagyon szép nyelv javaslom mindenkinek aki unikális nyelvet kíván tanulni... Kiitos.
And so many other words also coming from Hungarian roots... TERRITORY.... (terulet), HOME (ho.. snow it means cover), BUG (bogar), MAGIC (MAGUS, varazslo), HOUSE (haz, haza) . The language has nothing to do with Finnish language... rather... from Mesopotamia ... Persian .. a bit of Turkish, Sumerian. Old Hungarian is a secret language, words has special meaning and explanations of each word and meaning of the words. . It's a dimensional language... that means you can add... and take away... still understand the meaning of the word. You can take all the vowels and talk like that , still can understand what they're saying.
Completely false. English has taken virtually no words from Hungarian. You are defining examples which have the same but entirely separate roots/routes. The Magi were the priestly cast of the Ancient Persians, which is where all languages which use the word “magic” take their origins from, to give just one example. You missed the single exception to this. A genuine English word, in common use, with totally Hungarian origins. This is “coach,” used first for horse-drawn and now motor travel vehicles, which comes from: _kocsi;_ azaz lovaskocsi.
Territory - Latin Terra, meaning land Home - Old English Ham (from Proto-Germanic Haimaz) Bug - Early 17th century, origin unknown Magic - Old-French Magique (from Latin Magicus) House - Old-English Hūs, (from Proto-Germanic Hūsan) These words can't come from Hungarian roots, since these words themselves were already in use long before the Hungarians came to Europe (with Bug as the only exception). I think you just read something shady and accepted it as fact. If Hungarian has Sumerian origins, then show the evidence.
@@latulipenoire1549 Totális tévedés, emelett kissé értelmetlen is amit írtál. Sőt, mivel az alap is hibás amiből kiindultál, így ezáltal azonnal szimpla kötözködéssé avanzsált az oktondi hozzászólásod. Adott egy valójában lefordíthatalan szó, amiről itt hibásan magyarázol mindenfélét, miközben TELJESEN FIGYELMEN KÍVÜL HAGYOD a hozzászólásom mondanivalóját. Kihagytad a lényeget: A GULYÁS AZ NEM LEVES! Az amire te meg Czakó gondoltatok az a gulyásleves! A "stew" egyébként is ragu. Vagy jelenthet főzést-párolást. A pörkölt szót (az ételt) nem lehet lefordítani. Inkább mondhatnád akkor azt hogy "roasted", ha már valamit megpörkölsz ugye, de evvel az a baj hogy ez megint csak mást jelent. Annak a pörköltnek, mint ez a számunkra közismert étel, angolul nincs megfelelője. Stew="a dish of meat and vegetables cooked slowly in liquid in a closed dish or pan." Szóval inkább legyen ragu, de semmiképp sem pedig pörkölt. Ráadásul némelyik gulyás-receptben egyáltalán nincs még csak paprika sem, sőt nem is úgy főzik mint a pörköltet, ennélfogva itt ennek a szónak még csak az említése is hibás. A "GULYÁS"-t pedig le lehet fordítani! Fordítsd annak ami: GOULASH-nak! Ne rakd utána a leves (azaz a SOUP) szót, hacsak nem kimondottan gulyásLEVESről van szó. Mint jelen esetben; a videóban GULYÁST láthatunk, nem pedig GULYÁSLEVEST! A "stew" szó tökéletesen megfelel a célnak, ha már valmiképp ezt az ételt kellene megnevezni angol nyelven; azt a GULYÁST ami NEM LEVES! Keressetek egy szakácskönyvet nagyon gyorsan és győződjetek meg, hogy a GULYÁS és a GULYÁSLEVES két különböző dolog. EZ VOLT A HOZZÁSZÓLÁSOM LÉNYEGE! Czakó Zoli valószínűleg csak gulyáslevest evett eddig még és nem tudta, hogy a gulyás és a gulyásleves az két különböző étel, mint ahogy te sem. Gondoltam bővítem az ismereteket és felhívtam a figyelmét Czakó Zolinak, hogy bizony a GULYÁS az nem egyenlő a GUYLÁSLEVESSEL! Az biztos hogy egy faltot se ennék ha ti főznétek, sőt angol tolmácsnak se hívnálak el sehova FeketeTulipán. :D U.I.:Leközelebb hozzászólás előtt légyszíves tájékozódj... Vigyázz magadra és másokra, szép napot, kitartás, horgyámaszkot meg miegymás. Csá.
@@Sol_Solis_ Köszönöm a részletes magyarázatot, megnéztem a Wikipédiát és ott képen levest látok bográcsban vagy tányérban. Amúgy mi odahaza, "A mit főzzek ? " kérdésre a válasz : "Jó lenne egy kis gulyás." Nem tesszük hozzá, hogy leves. Minek, úgyis tudja mindenki miről van szó. Megyek a fürdőbe, nem teszem hozzá, hogy a fürdőszobába.Mellesleg készülhet bográcsban mint ahogy a kép is mutatja. Van persze aki sűrűbben szereti és kevésbé, és nem is annyira fűszeresen. "Goulash /( gulyás = cowboy ) means stew of some kind". - mondja a pasi.Vagyis olvasatomban valószínű, hogy vagy pörköltet adtak neki, nem feltétlenül nokedlival lehet pincepörköltként is enni kenyérrel és uborkával, vagy sűrű gulyáslevest. Ezt ugye nem tudjuk, mert az ételt nem látjuk. Csak beszélnek róla.... Ami a tolmácsolást illeti, számtalanszor tapasztaltam, hogy az amerikaiak, de britek is egyáltalán az angolul beszélők a pörköltre mondják, hogy gulyás/ goulash. De itt a közeli Burgenlandban is látom kiírva, hogy Gulasch és közben pedig pörkölről van szó. de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulasch És akkor a borscsról még nem is beszéltünk. Mennyi változata van, az oroszok és ukránok ezen gyakran összecsapnak... Mindenesetre köszönöm, hogy ennyi figyelmet szántál erre, és természetesen hasonlókat kívánok.
@@latulipenoire1549 A fürdőszoba az ugye csak vicc volt? A NÉMET nyelvű wikipédiát belinkelni, meg, hogy is mondjam. Kuruc-e vagy, vagy labanc? MAGYAR ételről beszélünk, te inkább hiszel abban amit vadidegen külfödiek ÖSSZEZAGYVÁLNAK, ÖSSZEFIRKÁLGATNAK egy olyan dologról amihez nem sok közük van? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU, TE FIÚ? A MAGYAR WIKIBŐL IDÉZEK alant, mert úgy látom te nekem nem hiszel, és ahogy látom szakácskönyvekhez sem tudsz hozzájutni, csak wikipédiához, abból is csak a külföldihez. Az idézet: "A gulyásleves a „valódi” gulyás távoli rokona, elkészítési módja inkább a paprikásra, pörköltre hasonlít. Kimondottan a polgári konyha szülötte. Legkorábbi említése 1859-ből való, de valószínűleg félreértésen alapult: egy Komárom megyei község lakodalmi menüjében főételként említik, de ez a korabeli lakodalmi szokásokat ismerve lehetetlen. Az akadémiai Nagyszótár szóanyagában 1886-tól fordul elő állandó jelleggel. Egyre többször volt olvasható különböző forrásokban, a századfordulótól használata töretlen, s a gulyás alatt egyre inkább a gulyáslevest értették. " NA? Kerek perec ott van, hogy egy félreértésen alapul, majd magukat tudós szakembereknek tartó akadémikusok, ezt a HIBÁS, ROSSZ TUDÁST NYOMTÁK LE A TORKOTOKON! MÉG CSAK VÉLETLENÜL SE JÁRTAK UTÁNA, NEM ELLENŐRIZTÉK LE! KORRIGÁLATLANUL HAGYVA, ÍGY HIBÁS TUDÁST ÖRÖKÍTVE RÁTOK. Beveheti tövig az akadámikusokkal együtt a wiki is. Olyan hosszú időn keresztül szívtátok magatokba a hibás tudást, hogy mára minden épész, és a legtöbb tudásunk, sajnos kiveszett a legtöbbetekből! Magyarkén még csak a saját nemzeti ételeitekeről se tudjátok mi az valójában! Hánynom kell. Na, te meg légyszi fogadd el a tényt, ármennyire is fáj az igazság; a GULYÁS nem leves, nem pörkölt, sem semmi egyéb. Csak "COWBOY", hogy te is értsd. A többi étellel kapcsolatban ne feszegessük a húrt. Igen sok változata van azoknak az ételeknek is, meg a gulyásnak is. Csak olyan vátozata nincs hogy leves. Mert az gulyásleves nem pedig gulyás. Na, itt pedig egy jó kis videó, amit ajánlok megtekintésre: (receptet azértsem, sem gulyásra, sem gulyáslevesre nem linkelek) ruclips.net/video/AidARyclvDA/видео.html
+Styrbjorn Thorstein ha meglátogatnánk a Hunza nevű népséget, akivel még a nevünk is hasonlít, akkor nyelvtudás nélkül tudnánk velük MAGYARUL beszélni, nyílván gondolom a jövevényszavak ismerete nélkül pl: a török rózsa szó, vagy a német vicc. De megértenének. A Hunzák földjén nincsenek betegségek, úgy hangzik ez az egész, mint egy tündérmese, de tényleg nincsenek betegségek. egésznap gyümölcsöt esznek, se tejet, se húst nem esznek. nincs gyógyító közöttük, valami sámánjuk van aki a házastársakat összeadja, füstös ceremónia közepedte gondolom, de orvosaik nincsenek. az ember átlag életkora kb duplája egy magyarnak, a férfiak 90 éves korukban is egészséges termékenyek, a nők nem menopauzálnak. kicsit más, mint amihez hozzászoktunk a nagyvárosokban...
What did Hungary ever do for the world ? Exellent authentic Hebrew food a root to our past maybe Hungary was like the very first truck stop in having to serve all them Israelite Hebrews in 741BC upon Our Exodus out of Israel of UR ?
Finish and Estonian ??? No , those languages absolutely not have ANY similarities with Hungarian language , our language its absolutely unique in this Planet , in fact we have deep roots in the Sumerian culture , many Sumerian names we read as Hungarian (Magyar) example : Anu = Anyu (mother) Nupisten = Napisten (Sungod) ... there was a story that an Amazonian tribe chief , (Suar tribe) hear our language and he said that its like the God's language
@Béla Bá Az osztrák magyar uralkodó örökösét lötték le emiatt küldtünk ultimátumot és hadüzenetet szerbiának aki behívta az oroszokat. Aztán jött német ország és az antant. Nem vagyok olyan rossz töriből.😄
Safety match
Vitamine C
Atomic bomb
Ball point pen
Rubik's cube
The "Gömböc"
Horse cart
Electric engine
Bánki trubine
And thats just a few. . .
A telefont nem mi találtuk föl, viszont a telefonközpontot igen Puskás Tivadar révén, a halló kifejezés állítólag tőle származik, mert amikor fölvette a kagylót a "hallom" kifejezés rövid verziójaként "halló"-val szólt bele.
meet someone-> we start to talk-> i tell her what have hungary done-> she leaves-> i meet someone
+a T-mobilba is segítettek
Edison se tálálta fel a telefont, az egy Olasz származású fickó volt, de az Amerikai pasi a szabadalmi hivatalnál dolgozott és ellopta az ötletét. Teller a Hydrogén Bombát fedezte fel, az Ullam kalkulációjával, nem az eredeti Atom Bombát. És a Nobel Díjas Szentgyőrgyi a C-vitamínt kivonta jó magyarosan... paprikából!
You forgot composer Franz Liszt and actress Zsa Zsa Gabor,oh,and Tony Curtis
Hungarian jokes have a reputation. Not necessarily a bad reputation, but certainly they are known to have a tendency of being just a little bit extreme. Naturally not every Hungarian joke is like that, but there is almost a "sub-genre" of jokes in Hungary that can only be described by the word "sick". Now, the important thing is, that there's nothing wrong with that. Most of these jokes are in fact very very funny, though some of them can be quite offensive. Truthfully, sick Hungarian jokes are an excellent example of why dark humor is just as great as "classic" humor, and their enjoyment just needs a bit of open-mindedness and a little more sense of humor
This joke is a real classic born in the times before the fall of the Soviet Union, which was a time when fancy cars like a Mercedes were extremely rarely seen in Hungary and were owned only by the richest folk. Imagine how an old peasant from the countryside would react to seeing one of those from the inside:
A man is driving through the countryside in a Mercedes. He sees a hitch-hiker on the road and decides to pick him up. The hitch-hiker, and old peasant, takes just one look at the multitude of displays and buttons in the car and he immediately starts asking the driver about them. The man patiently explains everything from the CD player to the air conditioner, but he quickly gets fed up with all the questions. So when the peasant asks him about the Mercedes logo at the very front of the car, the driver tells him that it's a crosshair which helps him with the aim when he tries to run over a pedestrian or a cyclist. The old man nods in silent understanding. Some time later they run across a bike rider by the road. The driver uses the Mercedes logo to target the cyclist so as to demonstrate its operation, but of course in the end he pulls on the wheel to avoid the collision. He hears a silent thud, but he keeps driving anyway, thinking it must have been the wind or something. Then the old peasant says: `You know something my good man, this fancy rolling machine of yours ain't so perfect. If I hadn't opened the door, we never would have hit that cyclist...'
Hungary is known among other things for having a catastrophic health care system. A lot of people don't get proper treatment and many of the hospitals are struggling to meet the ever growing demands. For this reason, jokes like the following are considered quite morbid in Hungary:
Intensive care. Busy day, dozens of patients on life support. Midday approaches, and a man in a jumpsuit enters with a box of tools. He's an electrician. He clears his throat, and announces the following to the patients:
`Take a deep breath you all! Time to change the fuse!'
1) The number one on this list really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. Not if you payed attention to the name of the website:
The bear writes a death list. News of his death list spread across the forest like wildfire. Some of the animals who hear about it decide to go ask the bear about the list, thinking, that living in uncertainty is worse than knowing for certain that a bear is going to eat you. So, the fox goes to the bear and asks him about the list.
'Hey bear, is it true that you have a death list?' asks the fox.
`Yeah.' says the bear.
`Well... is my name on it?'
`I dunno, lemme check...' says the bear, and then he pulls out the death list. When the bear finds the fox's name on the list, he says to the fox:
`Yeah, you're on the list.'
And then the bear eats the fox.
A few days pass and the wolf comes by and asks the bear about the list.
`Hey bear, is it true that you wrote a death list?' asks the wolf.
`Yeah.' says the bear.
`Okay... is my name on it?'
`I dunno, lemme check... Yeah, 'fraid so...'
And then the bear eats the wolf as well.
A couple of days pass and the rabbit comes by and asks the bear about the death list.
`Hey bear, is it true that you have a death list?' asks the rabbit.
`Yeah.' says the bear.
`Tell me... is my name on it?'
`I dunno, lemme check... Yeah, 'fraid so, you're on the list'
And then the rabbit says:
`Hey bear... Couldn't you... like... erase my name or something?'
And then the bear says:
`Sure, why not?'
You see Hungarians are funny. ..yes I'm one of them 1956 remove. . It is November now something about November reminder.
Köszönöm, hogy elolvasta és találkozunk újra.
Ezek jó viccek egyet sem ismertem még közülük, sőtt azt a biztosítékost nem is értem. És a kismalacost sem. Úgy gondolom valami lemaradt az elejéről.
De én tudok ilyet:
(angolul írom hagy nevessen az is aki nem tud magyarul)
The aggressive little pig fall into a deep hole and cannot get out at all. The rabbit notice it, trying to help but soon realizes ;without a ladder no way the little pig can get out. So the rabbit says: wait little pig, I fetch a ladder.
The pig aggressively responds: NO, I WON'T WAIT!!!!!!
Gyalog Vagyok
a biztosítékcsere alatt nyilván nem működnek a lélegeztető gépek
Jason Wilson These were some of the best. Great choices! Hope I'll remember to tell them to my friends. :)
+Jason Wilson Umm I think you're misrespresenting/creating myths about Hungary, I have never in my life heard a joke like that.
+Gyalog Vagyok The angry (or "aggressive") little pig jokes are great. :)
Here are some more:
The angry little pig is at the ticket office.
- I want a train ticket.
- Where to?
Angry little pig on the train:
- Tickets please.
The angry little pig is having a university exam:
Teacher: Alright, little pig, I'll let you pass.
(These jokes satirize a character who constantly sabotages himself in an ongoing attempt to one-up others.)
Both funny and sad thing seeing my fellow Hungarians being offended because they don't speak English and automatically assuming they are talking shit about us in the video. Wanna hear the good about Hungary? Watch the video! The bad? Read the comments.
tíz pont a griffendélnek
+Duck Is Coming xD
Mert a többség tanulatlan bunkó paraszt! :-D A véleményük is olyan mint a segg! Mindenkinek van! :-D
@@zoltangabordudas4393 _”Ha a paraszt nem szarik az úriember nem eszik.”_ - vidéki közmondás
@@zoltangabordudas4393 És aki így reagál, az is minimum bunkó.
Ha magyar vagy, es nem ertesz angolul, ne pontozd le a videot gondolvan hogy rossz dolgokat mondanak rolunk. Koszi.
Gergely Bertalan Akkor fordítást kérünk. Jó?
+Molnár István +Gergely Bertalan Én lepontoztam azért, mert jókat mondanak rólunk, ami - az itt kommentelők demonstrálása alapján - téves. :D
Ennyi bunkó, műveletlen, xenofób fazont ritka látni :D És még csak arra se foghatom, hogy a RUclips az oka, mert pontosan tudom, hogy épp elég tajmagyar pont ilyen. :D Csak azzal vigasztalhatom magam, hogy nem mindenki. :)
whade62000 Tudod mi a baj? Fiatal vagy. Te már nem emlékszel, hányszor bántottak minket ha nem érdemeltük me, még akkor is, ha valami kiemelkedőt csináltunk.
Ezért tartja a legtöbb magyar a kezét automatikusan védekező állásba.
+Molnár István Te meg egy idióta vagy. Ha valamit nem értesz, egyből elutasítod? Gyönyörű felnőttkorod lehet.
+whade62000 Tenyleg sok itt a hulye, peldaul te is. Azzal nem segitesz a tobbi hulyen, hogy Szemmelveiszt es a hozza hasonlo kiemelkedo magyarokat dicsero videot lepontozod.
Hungary also gave Stephen Fry to the world. His maternal grandparents were Hungarians from Surany, now Slovakia.
Who clicked on thumbs down has a serious mental problem. This video is informative and hilarious. Stephen Fry, the host of the show, is very proud of his maternal grandfather who was Hungarian. He wrote a lot about him in his biography (Moab is my washpot) and there was a show on BBC (I think it's still on) called "Who do you think you are?" and he talked about his Hungarian ancestors a lot. This show (Qi) is know for being funny, no matter what the main topic is. People....
I wish there were more videos like this in a similar style to see how other nations think of us, Hungarians.
Semmelweis did no go crazy because other physicians did not believe him, laughed on him (of course it changed). He got an infection while doing an autopsy, which damaged his nervous system, and sadly it effected his mental health.
That’s tragic and I didn’t know this. It’s not that Semmelweis was necessarily implying doctors were “unclean,” as suggested here, and dropping all their hospitalised patients, if memory serves he was very specifically focussed on infant mortality: medics going on to deliver babies after they’d performed autopsies.
Also he died by the consequences of the the excessive assaults he suffered in mental asylum. OFC the other doctors who put him there never intended to end him this way, but they still basically caused his horrific death.
As a hungarian I found this funny.
Wow, I had no idea Stephen Fry had a Hungarian grandfather, no wonder he's so damn smart. I always thought of him as the essence of a British gentleman, he was probably wearing tweed diapers as a baby...
A lot of commenters here are trying to prove that Hungarians have no sense of humor. This is completely contrary to what I've experienced meeting ppl from Hungary. So don't believe what you read in youtube comments. Experience yourself!
Cause we don't have.
Now that's funny. .. if you're looking for funny Hungarians try the bars where they serve vine...
We have! If we would not, then how could live here (I gues) the most humorists in the world per capita.
I'm Hungarian, I don't get why everyone is butthurt here. I bet most of them don't even speak English.
***** The bum wiping part was probably just a joke too, they weren't serious, so I didn't take it seriously either.
And yes, they gave us a lot of credit in the video, and there were very well educated about our small country, so really, if anything, we should respect them for that.
The Egri Bikavér is a famous wine and its name means bullblood from Eger. But the Tokaji aszú is much more well known.
It’s funny that the most famous Hungarian wine is one of the country’s most mediocre vintages. Magyar whites are world-beating, especially its “half sweet” varieties, with even the British royal family favouring them alongside French reds. To the uninitiated get yourself a nice _Szürkebarát_ or _Hárslevelü_ if you ever spot a bottle on the shelves. You won’t ever regret doing so.
We gave you Langos
Gulyás better
@@denifnaf5874 literally nobody except tourists eat that in Hungary.. We are more like in love with a good beef stew, or stuffed cabbage I think ;)
@@sanyey8405 That is bullsh*t ( sorry ;) )! Come to Balaton in the summer time! We eat so much lángos like no one else! Tourists use to eat lángos with marmalade and with other weird stuffs. We don't do that.
@@rpsridechannel7227 I was referring to gulyás ;)
@@sanyey8405 Ups, Sorry ;-) Try the gulyás soup with freshly cut red onion! It's something new (not so boring), and really good combination!
Csak szórd bele a tányérodba a vékony csíkokra vágott friss hagymát! Nem fogsz csalódni! ;-)
A Clever Hungarian Watched This Video, He Got A Little Bit Offeneded But Laughed At The Jokes, Then Didn't Write Hateful Comments. Good One Clever Hungarian, Good One.
Brainwashed buffoon. Sheeeeep
@@napoleonbonapathy6943 I made that comment 5 years ago, wow
@@napoleonbonapathy6943 Do you, by any chance think that the earth is flat?
Also Robert Capa one of the greatest photojournalist ever & some of the best cinematographers too.
Csak jot mondanak A Magyarokrol,Magyarorszagrol.
Hungary gave us Bella Lugosi and therefore The Count from Sesame street.
did you mean Bela Lugosi :)
No I meant Bella Lugosi,
totally different fellow.
@@AceOfClubsHUN Bella was his illegitimate daughter, who apparentally is a male.
And so many more.Vitamin C,the basic principles of digital computing,carburettor,holography,ball point pen,real 3D in the real space sytem,dynamo,a hefty part in the nuclear technology,Rubic's cube,3.5 "hard case floppy...did I mentioned safety natches?!Yes.And the phone center.
We also invented the BOJLER ELADÓ meme
Van még pár magyar találmány.. Telefon hírmondó, Igen az Intel igazagatója is magyar volt, ahogy mondták automata váltó, a T modellhez is volt közünk, hidrogénbomba, biztonsági gyufa, golyóstoll, helikopter valamennyire, de sok mindent elmondtak. Rubik kocka minden tudományos filmben van;). Még az agymenőkben is. Ja szódavíz stb.... Ki tudja még....
:reads title:
Well... we made Rubik's cube.
Don't forget the Hydrogen bomb as well.
And the computer is hungarian :)
Atombomb is hungarian (Teller Ede - name), C-vitamin is hungarian, safety-match is hungarian.......
Dr.Rhy†hm De a hidrogén bomba már a saját tervezése. De ha felkellene sorolni az összes találmányt amit a magyaroknak köszönhet a világ elég érdekes listát kapnánk
Például helikopter
Gábor Mátyás
Microsoft Office
Egyébbként a számítógép nem magyar találmány annak ellenére, hogy soken ebben a tévhitben élnek. Neumann nem feltalálta a számítógépet, hanem lefektette a leghatékonyabb működéséhez szükséges szabályokat, a kettő nem ugyanaz. Ráadásul volt pár nem Neumann-elvű gép még a kezdetek kezdetén.
*pálinka intensifies*
Paul Erdős, Paul Halmos, Theodore von Kármán, John G. Kemeny, John von Neumann, George Pólya, Leó Szilárd, Edward Teller, and Eugene Wigner... to name a few
the word "Hallom." (the "l" must be pronounced long otherwise it's a whole different word (halom = pile, heap)) means "I hear that." or also "I hear You. (in a polite/formal way)"
The word alone covers a whole sentence. "Hall" is the base verb and the additional "om" tells that "I".
Conjugation goes (don't need the personal pronoun as you know that from the modified endings) :
[I] hallom/[you] hallod/[he/she/it] hallja/ [we] halljuk]/[you] halljátok/[they] hallják
My grandmother, who was born in 1917, used even in the 90s cradle phone at home, and she said "hallom" ( I can hear you) as she picked up the phone.
Tényleg férreérthető , sokat is nevettek benne ... A magyar szavakat nem tudták kiejteni sok benne a férreértés az ő részükről is a gulyás levesről beszéltek és Semmelweis Ignácról aki ugye a kézmosás fontosságát emelte ki.
A gulya szarvasmarha csordát jelent, a gulyás akié a csorda, az ételt pedig róluk nevezték el. Így a gulyás tényleg a cowboy magyar megfelelője.
my only Hungarian joke: a n inmate of an asyium/ mental health clinic is escaping , he has been there since 1912 it is now 1923. He sees a man driving a horse drawn cart loaded with horse manure and asks him: Magyar! How is the Kingdom?
Man says: We no longer have a king.
What he says, Is Hungary a republic? Who is President?
Man replies: Hungary is still a kingdom, we have a Regent Admiral Horthy.
So the Navy still protects our seaports?
No says the man, we have no navy or seacoast to protect, we are now landlocked. Want a ride?
Where are you going with that manure?
I am going home to put it on my strawberries.
WHAT ?HUngary is a Kingdom with out a king, ruled by a regent for a nonexistant king, and is Admiral of a nonexistantt navy and you put manure on your strawberries? Please help me get back into the asylum!!!
They actually speak good of Hungary
Actors with hungarian roots: Goldie Hawn,, Joaquin Phoenix, Tony Curtis, Paul Newman, Béla Lugosi, Rachel Weisz, Peter Lorre, Hedy Lamarr, Leslie Howard, Mickey Hargitay, Zsa Zsa Gabor etc.....
some of the greatest musicians ever were hungarian
Case and point.
Lil uzi is hungarian?
@@MrPrankmastergeneral He said greatest ever
@@MrPrankmastergeneral Franz Liszt
We also gave the worlds best blues singer! No joke!
Little G. Weevil! Check it out! Many Hungarians don't know that.
He is really good i think, and he won the biggest blues competition in th US!
Like white boy from east / mid Europe! Hats off!
Thanks for sharing it, I haven't seen it before and I can't stop laughing at it! Imádom Mr. Fryt! :)
Hungary is the most patriotic country in the world and the most sane given the current climate
heh, this was really a fine surprise to mee!
i do love much of these guys, and it was a real pleasure to hear them talk about
magyars and the significance of somes work, while delivering their usual jokebombs every 5 secs.
best parts were the bit that even me not knew about and the stephen fry turning out to be a magyar descentant - of course, hes good enuff:)
nowadays its esp. rare from western mainstraim media to portrait magyars in this way and acknowleding them contributions to the modern world - even more so at the beeb(c) whose - in other way excellent - science docus often portray britain like the sole creator of modern science and its most significant contributor ever since:) at least in none of them ever i heard to mention any magyar name, person or idea (not even the one about pennicilin).
so this scetch was probably (one of) the most informative report on hungary and its ppl on the mainstream media what the brits (and yt watchers) could seen since ages:)
and also the best propaganda hungary got from those sources
they (with coogan) could do a "the trip" series in hungary. that would be fun:)
Ignaz Sommelwise WAT :D
Sounds like Russian, French and English names are mixed there when he's pronouncing Ignác Semmelweis :)
Egyébként nem lehúzzák Magyarországot és a magyarokat, tényleg arról beszélnek, hogy a nemzet szülöttei mit adtak a világnak - bár szerintem a felét se említik annak, ami a mai létezésünkhöz elengedhetetlen volna, de a kacagások ellenére pozitív dolgokat mondanak.
Also the 1st computer was invented by an Hungarian Jew but he was successful to promote his idea in Germany where he could patent it. USA stole his patent.
Oldskool= yes it is him....He is a Jew. He changed his name in Germany.
First I was skeptical and afraid to click because I was expecting dumb obnoxious mockery but instead I was surprised how well informed they were about Hungary. Great relief! I am happy about this video they said also a lot of nice things about Hungary. The only misconception they had is with the language. Hungarian has little to nothing to do with Baltic languages. Hungarian is predominantly an Uralic-Altaic language and has closer connections with Turkish languages. Overall a nice video, I am proud again to be Hungarian. :)
Brainwashed buffoon.
*Finno-Ugric, not Altaic, just like Finnish and Estonian
@@napoleonbonapathy6943 wow my guy, easy. u know nothing about my country or the ethnic culture nor the history of my country. I guess u don't even speak my language. I have both Finnish and Turkish and Iranian friends. There are a plethora of turkish and persian words in Hungarian and many historic evidences when Hungarians lived close to turkish and Iranian tribes. It's true the true ethnic background is shrouded in mystery but if there is one culture which is most dominant it is the Turkish background. There is no single Finnsih word in Hungarian and vice versa.
@@tommeiner9983 Sorry bro, but no. This theory was debunked a long time ago.Sadly there is no connection with Hungarians and Finnish people, however modern day Hungarians do have Baltic heritage due to mass migritation during 18th -19 th century (baltic germans for example) started to settle down different east European or central east European countries such as Hungary.
@@benjaminszatmari4714 This theory is not debunked at all, it's still the most accepted theory. Sorry bro.
Hungary gave the world the hydrogen bomb.
Ede Teller yes, but not the country.
@@tibilap You're right.
@@tibilap but the country give the word Teller Ede
@@eggscheese2763 gave, world...
And also the atom bomb
My experience of Hungarians is that certain British humour does not translate well at all. Can be quite insulting to them.
Their arrogant attitude.
@@AnnaLVajda literally everyone in Europe thinks of Brits as arrogant
Holy shit the revolving door analogy is the most accurate thing I have ever heard
I know it sounds cocky-but my answer to the title is:"I hope-Not too much!" BTW: Semmelweiss did not die of poverty or madness. He went to a hospital in Vienna to check on the procedure descibed herewith but he was ignored. Confrontation ensued and gang of male nurses beat the subdued doc to death!💪👨✈️
Ok.. and where did they mention the dinamo, electric motor, first electric locomotive, atomic bomb, and all the other stuff, thats related to us? ://// theese were minor things.. what they missed, formed the wold to its current state :O
Sanyey Come on they had like 7 minutes they couldn't fit in everything.
József Galamb enginering Ford T model
computers.helicopters,c-vitamin,rubik cube,matches
someone asked a physicist leo szilard who worked on the manhattan project if extraterrestrial life, aliens was possible. he said it was fact. ET would have a differant culture, differant language, come from no one knows where, would be scientifically advanced. And the project was full of them! Hungarians meet all of those criteria. Q what country is surrounded by itself? a: Hungary after Treaty of Trianon stripped it of it's peripheral counties, it's new borders were with previous hungarian areas.
Atomic bomb, vitamin C, rubik's cube, cept te ottomans out of Europe for more than a hundred years.
I am a born hungarian. Yes the gulyas means cowboy and the real gulyas soup is made from beef. Paprika and caraway seed are also important ingriedients. But that is misbelief that the hungarians are related to the finnish. That fake news was spread during the Austro Hungarian kingdom time. Hungarians are descendant of the ancient huns and came from Central Asia in the late roman times.
Thank you from a hungaian
most difficult question i have had about hungarians: what is proper pronunciation of magyar? i have heard several, mawdyar was my dad's version, maadjar is another, magyar, madyar... i guess it depends on how you grandparents pronounced it, with 29 dialects, take your choice.
Well you can just check Google Translate or just watch videos about it from Hungarians, but I guess the English language doesn't have a "gy" sound so it could be difficult to get it right. Also I read a few times that people wonder if they should call us magyars our Hungarians, which is something I don't understand. If you're talking in English just use English words.
@@werzheafas43 Duke Gyúk-nak ejtik, "mum" whitout the "m" at the and then d from "Duke" and "are" talán ez lehet a legközelebbi.
English extensively uses diphthongs: written double-vowels, like _au, oi_ and _ou,_ which have a separate single vowel sound of their own. Hungarian conversely uses lots of digraphs, which are written double-consonants, like _sz, ly,_ and _zs,_ that similarly are pronounced as one separate consonant sound. That’s the first thing to understand.
So even though _gy_ is written as two separate letters, in print, it’s voiced as one consonant sound: ma...gy...ar. It’s located much closer to how the English pronounce a “j” or a soft “d.” (there’s no real ‘G’ or ‘Y’ in it, at all, remember we’re dealing with a *digraph:* a separate sound all its own)
Try forming your mouth exactly how you would to pronounce the letter “T” with the tip of the tongue, behind the bottom teeth, and its middle pressed up against the palate: but say the word “JAM,” instead. That will get you there...
It’s simpler if you speak a little French: the “D” in that language used in the word: God, namely in properly pronouncing, _dieu,_ is very, very close to a Hungarian _gy,_ not exactly but close enough.
Don’t criticise yourself if it doesn’t happen easily. Why this occurs is that the palates of human beings harden between 8-10 years of age. So, in order to really convincingly pronounce sounds, that are unique to a language alien to you, you generally have to have started speaking them before that age.
@@michaeljames4904 |Magyar gy can sound like dg in edge?
Actually, it only means "I hear you" if you enunciate the l in "hallom". If you pronounce it "halom" it just means "a pile of something"
Great vid!
Refrigirator, vitaminC, computer, carburateur, waterpomp,atomic bomb, hbomb,helicopter, excell,airbag,telephone signals, coloured tv, puskás, poets food music like nowhere else.. ottoman empire defeat
Nemtudok angolul, nem lenne rossz ha valaki felíratozná magyarul, előre is köszönöm.
Há tanújjá' meg waze.
Arról beszélnek, hogy milyen sok mindent adott Magyarország a világnak, csak közben hülyéskednek egy kicsit (de attól még dicsérik a magyarokat).
What did Slovakia ever do for the world?
That would be an interesting video
The whole territory of Slovakia is the most beautiful Hungarian countryside known as Felvidék ("Highland")...
Hallod? Hallom! Hallod? Hallom! Hallod? Hallom! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! NEM HALLANI !!! 👍😁
A hello az tenyleg a hallom-bol van?
jaja 😂😂
bocsi elirtam hallora gondoltam, szoval akkor van meg egy dolog ami magyar eredetu de senki se tudja
+Bajnokable állítólag a hallod? hallom beszédből, mikor a telefonközpontot feltalálták a magyarok (akik Amerikában dolgoztak)
When Stephen Fry knows more about your country than you do...
Fry is of Hungarian origin....It is all good.
2024.07.12. 00:20
Hungary brought us Eva and Zsa Zsa Gabor. LOL!
Yesss, jews.
Ig nez szomelvájsz :D
I'm hungarian and even I didn't know what goulash means.
what's the guy's name in the yellow shirt?
He's called Rob Brydon
The man in the red shirt sounds like Jeremy Clarkson haha
Hungary is an ancient kingdom/country,idk what these guys were thinking about just making weird jokes xD Look up Wikipedia
DoctoriusGaming Nem értem, mi a bajod, csak pozitívumokat mondtak. Olyan dolgokat soroltak fel 7 percben, amik hasznosak az egész világ számára, és amit a világ Magyarországnak köszönhet a mindennapi életben. Persze kihagytak sok mindent, de hét percük volt és ahhoz képes sok dologról beszéltek.
Channel Ninbikun Oh, akkor elnézést, már régen írtam ezt a kommentet nem is tudtam hogy létezik
We created the Rubik's cube
We created vitamin c
We created the computer
And so many more stop being such big haters on a beautiful country with really kind people
True, just one correction though:
We *discovered* vitamin C, not created it.
Thx Slender Mane
Kata Pal, ha ezt a video készítőiről írtad, akkor sajnos kiderült, hogy szart sem tudsz angolul. CSAK DICSÉRŐEN beszélnek a magyarokról.
Én is csak korrigáltam kissé a dolgokat.
Slender Mane
Back when you could openly and directly reference selling dishwasher powder as coke to kids... strange place this 🤔
suomi mainittu, torilla tavataan
lehet hogy nagyon hülye vagyok.. de nem értettem a forgóajtós poént... X( valaki légyszi magyarázza el :o amúgy szerintem vicces az egész.. nem értem mit kell ezen felkapni vizet.. egy rossz szót se mondtak. vagyis nem gondolták komolyan X)
A magyar ember az egyetlen, aki utánad megy be a forgóajtón, de előtted jön ki.
Chan Shiro
Azt jelenti, hogy a Magyar ember Nagyon tehetseges, a lehetetlenre is kepes, keves lehetosege van es masok szamara behozhatatlan hatranyokkal indul, de Nagyon sok esetben meg igy is o az elso.
Én inkább úgy értelmezném, hogy ha nem nyer vele semmit, akkor is kérdés nélkül pofátlanul áttolakodik rajtad :)
Máté Bánszki
Szerintem rosszul ertelmezed. Nemetektol is hallottam mar, elismeressel.
Egyebkent meg tokmindegy az o velemenyuk.
Nehogy mar egy magyar akarjon megfelelni az angolszasz nepeknek.
Olyan mint egy macska,mindig talpra esik,
Keyser Söze! Keyser Sööööööööööööözeeeeeee!
jeaa, Unusual Suspects :) :)
OMG it's been a year.
i hear "maw yor" around here fromsome , mainly Canadian-born Hungarian speakers, maybe a legitimate pronunciation? or"gy" like"dg" edge? "Mawdgyar" Dyu" like French dieu Sounds like" Ma dy ar" to me .Those who are fluent seem to understand each other, like Anglophone Canadians and Australians.
az nem gulás hanem gulyás! :D
Rubik kocka?C vitamin?
They know everything about us :D
Hungarian is not related to Finnish ... Just accept it world! We're not from Europe...
Luki Manus Neither the Finnish...
Hungarian is indeed linguistically related to Finnish. I'm not saying that they are similar enough, but they are part of the same language family, and they're alike in some things. Neither Finnish, nor Hungarian are Indo-european, but Finno-Ugric.
Daniel Antonio Chida Suárez Hungarian is not Finno-Ugric.... That's just a lie
Luki Manus Hungarian language IS Finno-Ugric. That's not a lie. Why don't you just search after that? I know what I'm saying because I am from Hungary.
I'm from Hungary too and it's a shame if you belive in these idiot lies. if you search for it you will only find lies. a real website with the truth is not common. i suggest you read László Gyula's books.
We haven't got any relation to Finnish language, this theory made up by the Habsburg dinasty. Btw I've met with Finnish guys and we've tried to find some common worlds such as "father, wind, fire, etc.", these are our most ancient worlds, and we couldn't find nothing similarity, these worlds are completely different in the 2 languages.
+SPQR Digo Regardless of who started it, it seems to be true according to modern linguistics. And the similarities are not to be found fundamentally in vocabulary (simply because that's the element of a language that is subject to the fastest pace of change), but rather in its deep grammatical structures.
+SPQR Digo
kéz = käsi
vér = veri
méz = mesi
szarv = sarvi
vaj = voi
eleven = elävä
menni = mennä
reped = repeää
tudatlanságoddal = tuntemattomuudellasi
úszkálgatván = uiskentelemassa
nyelni = niellä
meny = miniä
kopognak koputtaa
tő = tyvi
kő = kivi
vő = vävy
I think we are definitely relatives.
A finn egy, kettő és a négy is hasonló a magyarhoz: ükszi, kakszi,...,nelja... :) Yksi, kaksi, kolme, neljä
@@splen-did5915 A hasonlóság nem elsősorban a lexikában van, hanem a nyelv struktúrájában. Tanultam finnül igen gyorsan haladtam, mert a felépítés teljesen hasonló a magyarhoz.
ház, házak házakban
talo, taloi, taolissa
Van magas és mély hangrendű toldalék...
Ráadásul a kiejtés sem bonyolul,t mert ezek a hangok a magyarban is megvannak. nagyon szép nyelv javaslom mindenkinek aki unikális nyelvet kíván tanulni...
Not in vocabulary but structure.
And so many other words also coming from Hungarian roots... TERRITORY.... (terulet), HOME (ho.. snow it means cover), BUG (bogar), MAGIC (MAGUS, varazslo), HOUSE (haz, haza) . The language has nothing to do with Finnish language... rather... from Mesopotamia ... Persian .. a bit of Turkish, Sumerian. Old Hungarian is a secret language, words has special meaning and explanations of each word and meaning of the words. . It's a dimensional language... that means you can add... and take away... still understand the meaning of the word. You can take all the vowels and talk like that , still can understand what they're saying.
@Béla Bá nagyon is igaz
Completely false. English has taken virtually no words from Hungarian. You are defining examples which have the same but entirely separate roots/routes. The Magi were the priestly cast of the Ancient Persians, which is where all languages which use the word “magic” take their origins from, to give just one example. You missed the single exception to this. A genuine English word, in common use, with totally Hungarian origins. This is “coach,” used first for horse-drawn and now motor travel vehicles, which comes from: _kocsi;_ azaz lovaskocsi.
Territory - Latin Terra, meaning land
Home - Old English Ham (from Proto-Germanic Haimaz)
Bug - Early 17th century, origin unknown
Magic - Old-French Magique (from Latin Magicus)
House - Old-English Hūs, (from Proto-Germanic Hūsan)
These words can't come from Hungarian roots, since these words themselves were already in use long before the Hungarians came to Europe (with Bug as the only exception). I think you just read something shady and accepted it as fact. If Hungarian has Sumerian origins, then show the evidence.
Hallom everyone!
Hmm.. Hát nem is tudom.. Puskás Öcsi? Hmm? Valaki? 6:3? Naná hogy ők nem emlékszenek rá! Dehogynem..! :)
Irorszagbol vagyok es Magyarul megtanitottam meg Puskasszal valo talalkozast. Megkoronazott a kiraly!!!
Sherlock Holmes 2
Goulash is not a stew. It is a soup.
Goulash IS a stew. Amire te gondolsz azt nem véletlenül hívják gulyásLEVES-nek...
@@Sol_Solis_ A pörkölt a stew. A gyulyás nem fordítható maximum gulyás soup.
@@latulipenoire1549 Totális tévedés, emelett kissé értelmetlen is amit írtál.
Sőt, mivel az alap is hibás amiből kiindultál, így ezáltal azonnal szimpla kötözködéssé avanzsált az oktondi hozzászólásod.
Adott egy valójában lefordíthatalan szó, amiről itt hibásan magyarázol mindenfélét, miközben TELJESEN FIGYELMEN KÍVÜL HAGYOD a hozzászólásom mondanivalóját. Kihagytad a lényeget: A GULYÁS AZ NEM LEVES!
Az amire te meg Czakó gondoltatok az a gulyásleves!
A "stew" egyébként is ragu. Vagy jelenthet főzést-párolást. A pörkölt szót (az ételt) nem lehet lefordítani. Inkább mondhatnád akkor azt hogy "roasted", ha már valamit megpörkölsz ugye, de evvel az a baj hogy ez megint csak mást jelent. Annak a pörköltnek, mint ez a számunkra közismert étel, angolul nincs megfelelője.
Stew="a dish of meat and vegetables cooked slowly in liquid in a closed dish or pan." Szóval inkább legyen ragu, de semmiképp sem pedig pörkölt. Ráadásul némelyik gulyás-receptben egyáltalán nincs még csak paprika sem, sőt nem is úgy főzik mint a pörköltet, ennélfogva itt ennek a szónak még csak az említése is hibás.
A "GULYÁS"-t pedig le lehet fordítani! Fordítsd annak ami: GOULASH-nak! Ne rakd utána a leves (azaz a SOUP) szót, hacsak nem kimondottan gulyásLEVESről van szó. Mint jelen esetben; a videóban GULYÁST láthatunk, nem pedig GULYÁSLEVEST!
A "stew" szó tökéletesen megfelel a célnak, ha már valmiképp ezt az ételt kellene megnevezni angol nyelven; azt a GULYÁST ami NEM LEVES!
Keressetek egy szakácskönyvet nagyon gyorsan és győződjetek meg, hogy a GULYÁS és a GULYÁSLEVES két különböző dolog. EZ VOLT A HOZZÁSZÓLÁSOM LÉNYEGE!
Czakó Zoli valószínűleg csak gulyáslevest evett eddig még és nem tudta, hogy a gulyás és a gulyásleves az két különböző étel, mint ahogy te sem.
Gondoltam bővítem az ismereteket és felhívtam a figyelmét Czakó Zolinak, hogy bizony a GULYÁS az nem egyenlő a GUYLÁSLEVESSEL!
Az biztos hogy egy faltot se ennék ha ti főznétek, sőt angol tolmácsnak se
hívnálak el sehova FeketeTulipán. :D
U.I.:Leközelebb hozzászólás előtt légyszíves tájékozódj...
Vigyázz magadra és másokra, szép napot, kitartás, horgyámaszkot meg miegymás. Csá.
@@Sol_Solis_ Köszönöm a részletes magyarázatot, megnéztem a Wikipédiát és ott képen levest látok bográcsban vagy tányérban. Amúgy mi odahaza, "A mit főzzek ? " kérdésre a válasz : "Jó lenne egy kis gulyás." Nem tesszük hozzá, hogy leves. Minek, úgyis tudja mindenki miről van szó. Megyek a fürdőbe, nem teszem hozzá, hogy a fürdőszobába.Mellesleg készülhet bográcsban mint ahogy a kép is mutatja. Van persze aki sűrűbben szereti és kevésbé, és nem is annyira fűszeresen.
"Goulash /( gulyás = cowboy ) means stew of some kind". - mondja a pasi.Vagyis olvasatomban valószínű, hogy vagy pörköltet adtak neki, nem feltétlenül nokedlival lehet pincepörköltként is enni kenyérrel és uborkával, vagy sűrű gulyáslevest. Ezt ugye nem tudjuk, mert az ételt nem látjuk. Csak beszélnek róla....
Ami a tolmácsolást illeti, számtalanszor tapasztaltam, hogy az amerikaiak, de britek is egyáltalán az angolul beszélők a pörköltre mondják, hogy gulyás/ goulash. De itt a közeli Burgenlandban is látom kiírva, hogy Gulasch és közben pedig pörkölről van szó.
És akkor a borscsról még nem is beszéltünk. Mennyi változata van, az oroszok és ukránok ezen gyakran összecsapnak...
Mindenesetre köszönöm, hogy ennyi figyelmet szántál erre, és természetesen hasonlókat kívánok.
@@latulipenoire1549 A fürdőszoba az ugye csak vicc volt?
A NÉMET nyelvű wikipédiát belinkelni, meg, hogy is mondjam. Kuruc-e vagy, vagy labanc? MAGYAR ételről beszélünk, te inkább hiszel abban amit vadidegen külfödiek ÖSSZEZAGYVÁLNAK, ÖSSZEFIRKÁLGATNAK egy olyan dologról amihez nem sok közük van? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU, TE FIÚ?
A MAGYAR WIKIBŐL IDÉZEK alant, mert úgy látom te nekem nem hiszel, és ahogy látom szakácskönyvekhez sem tudsz hozzájutni, csak wikipédiához, abból is csak a külföldihez.
Az idézet:
"A gulyásleves a „valódi” gulyás távoli rokona, elkészítési módja inkább a paprikásra, pörköltre hasonlít. Kimondottan a polgári konyha szülötte. Legkorábbi említése 1859-ből való, de valószínűleg félreértésen alapult: egy Komárom megyei község lakodalmi menüjében főételként említik, de ez a korabeli lakodalmi szokásokat ismerve lehetetlen. Az akadémiai Nagyszótár szóanyagában 1886-tól fordul elő állandó jelleggel. Egyre többször volt olvasható különböző forrásokban, a századfordulótól használata töretlen, s a gulyás alatt egyre inkább a gulyáslevest értették. "
Kerek perec ott van, hogy egy félreértésen alapul, majd magukat tudós szakembereknek tartó akadémikusok, ezt a HIBÁS, ROSSZ TUDÁST NYOMTÁK LE A TORKOTOKON! MÉG CSAK VÉLETLENÜL SE JÁRTAK UTÁNA, NEM ELLENŐRIZTÉK LE! KORRIGÁLATLANUL HAGYVA, ÍGY HIBÁS TUDÁST ÖRÖKÍTVE RÁTOK. Beveheti tövig az akadámikusokkal együtt a wiki is.
Olyan hosszú időn keresztül szívtátok magatokba a hibás tudást, hogy mára minden épész, és a legtöbb tudásunk, sajnos kiveszett a legtöbbetekből!
Magyarkén még csak a saját nemzeti ételeitekeről se tudjátok mi az valójában!
Hánynom kell.
Na, te meg légyszi fogadd el a tényt, ármennyire is fáj az igazság;
a GULYÁS nem leves, nem pörkölt, sem semmi egyéb. Csak "COWBOY", hogy te is értsd. A többi étellel kapcsolatban ne feszegessük a húrt. Igen sok változata van azoknak az ételeknek is, meg a gulyásnak is. Csak olyan vátozata nincs hogy leves. Mert az gulyásleves nem pedig gulyás.
Na, itt pedig egy jó kis videó, amit ajánlok megtekintésre: (receptet azértsem, sem gulyásra, sem gulyáslevesre nem linkelek)
ez így fájóan igaz
+Duck Is Coming Nem, nem vagyunk pattanások
+Duck Is Coming vagyunk Mongóliából származó eleje körül tudod, hogy a va
De mi Mongóliából xD
+Styrbjorn Thorstein ha meglátogatnánk a Hunza nevű népséget, akivel még a nevünk is hasonlít, akkor nyelvtudás nélkül tudnánk velük MAGYARUL beszélni, nyílván gondolom a jövevényszavak ismerete nélkül pl: a török rózsa szó, vagy a német vicc. De megértenének. A Hunzák földjén nincsenek betegségek, úgy hangzik ez az egész, mint egy tündérmese, de tényleg nincsenek betegségek. egésznap gyümölcsöt esznek, se tejet, se húst nem esznek. nincs gyógyító közöttük, valami sámánjuk van aki a házastársakat összeadja, füstös ceremónia közepedte gondolom, de orvosaik nincsenek. az ember átlag életkora kb duplája egy magyarnak, a férfiak 90 éves korukban is egészséges termékenyek, a nők nem menopauzálnak. kicsit más, mint amihez hozzászoktunk a nagyvárosokban...
What did Hungary ever do for the world ? Exellent authentic Hebrew food a root to our past maybe Hungary was like the very first truck stop in having to serve all them Israelite Hebrews in 741BC upon Our Exodus out of Israel of UR ?
This is so pathetic. That´s cuz we arent nasty as fuck, and we own some of the best foods, that was the whole video about. Nice one.
Holograms too
You guys need to study Hungarians a little bit more. Hungary has 14 Nobel prize winner. Also many, many invention, music, sport...etc.
Dont liberalised my hungary.hungary is conservative
Created gulash.
Im hungary and hungry LOoLl
Finish and Estonian ??? No , those languages absolutely not have ANY similarities with Hungarian language , our language its absolutely unique in this Planet , in fact we have deep roots in the Sumerian culture , many Sumerian names we read as Hungarian (Magyar) example : Anu = Anyu (mother) Nupisten = Napisten (Sungod) ... there was a story that an Amazonian tribe chief , (Suar tribe) hear our language and he said that its like the God's language
De van hasonlóság bőven. Ez persze nem zárja ki a többi dolgot, de hülyeség azt állítani, hogy semmi közük egymáshoz.
Monica Szeles
Rubiks cube
c vitamin
carbonated water
colored tv
Lel 0:50 Ash
A lot.
What pictures this from Hungary...they are in village xd
Then should we use amish peoples demonstrating USA???😂😂😂
What did ever do to the world? A world war (the first)
@Béla Bá Az osztrák magyar uralkodó örökösét lötték le emiatt küldtünk ultimátumot és hadüzenetet szerbiának aki behívta az oroszokat. Aztán jött német ország és az antant.
Nem vagyok olyan rossz töriből.😄
@Béla Bá rendben ha így vesszük akkor ausztria indította el mindkét világháborút.
@@WaitedBadger9428 Hogy érted hogy mi küldtük az ultimátumot? Az osztrákok rángattak bele
count your rings after shaking hands with a hungarian, that's the joke.