I did a 7 day water fast and lost 10lbs, but I noticed an overall flush and reboot of my whole system. I felt a great increase of energy. Way more focus and felt very alert. I even slept better.
Overcoming the mental challenges of fasting is extremely difficult, what mindset tricks can be used to make approaching those challenges more manageable?
I’ve fasted for 3 months and it’s incredible how light you feel, no longer this heaviness that weighs you down. Now I’m full of energy! Looking back at the amount of food I ate was astounding compared to now. My parents dislike it but I’m doing this for me, don’t let anyone discourage you along the way!!!
Latino guy currently staying with my grandmother and you can't even begin to imagine how much complaining I have to put up with when I'm fasting. So I completely understand when you say that you're doing it for you, no matter what others say.
@@Psych369 I completed 28 days and really didn’t have any problems. I broke my fast with watermelon on the first day. The second day I ate watermelon and salad. This continued for about a week and a half.
@@Psych369 mostly plain water. I also drank the occasional coffee (I work the night shift). If I felt the need for it, I would drink one of those vitamin waters with the added vitamins and minerals. That was it.
I am skeptical of every health video on RUclips. But I can say with certainty and from experience: fasting is the best way to lose weight for me…. And it’s crazy how calm and clear my mind becomes when fasting
At 56 - I just did a 72 hour fast and it was great! 🎊🎊🎊 Ready to go again. So very liberating, mentally, emotionally and physically! Every Heath care provider (mine) said eat more, eat more, eat more! But that was stressful, because I was not hungry. And advised a lot of carbs when I’m already overweight. I went back to intermittent fasting 18/6 and then at the beginning of the year I just did a reset of 72 hours. I felt so good. (Loss 9lbs) but more than that I felt good! Now I’m doing OMAD 5 days - 48hr water fast weekly lifestyle. I want to lose some unwanted weight bring my cholesterol down (sugars down). Not on any meds, eat healthy so Checking to see if I have any food allergies when re-feeding. Excited about the new journey renewing my body and mine! Health is wealth! Have an amazing day every one!
“The only secret of wealth creation is knowing how to use Cosmic Ordering.” 👉 tinyurl.com/y3cyb4eb !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候
I'm 6'4 and weighed 282 lbs. In October of 2019 I started fasting, but I ended up unknowingly doing the OMAD diet. I lost 60 lbs in 3 months without working out. I ate once a day and it was a very small meal. After about 2 weeks it was super easy to maintain it and I honestly felt pretty good doing it. There were days where I had to eat a "lunch" but that didn't happen often. No stretch marks and no extra skin.
@@ptej348 Thank you!! My diet wasn't really a "diet" per-se. I just made sure I got my daily intake of fruits, vegetables, and either chicken or salmon. A meal for me would look like Chicken, asparagus, rice, and an assortment of fruits. I'd eat as much as I could because they're not super calorie-dense.
@Fox 5 Man, I know! If your body is like mine or probably everyone else's, it has a comfort zone. Sounds like yours is 235. Mine is 225 or so. But man I'm back up to 238 and it's SO hard to get down. I just wanna be around 200 - 210. So now I'm back at the OMAD diet to lose the last 28-38 lbs. Sometimes it takes some switching up of diets and exercise, but it's totally doable. KEEP GOING!
If you do fasting, how can you only eat one meal? I tend to be a snack-er and get late night cravings and end up eating at night… I want to eat one meal a day, how do I do it without being hungry??
I eat once every 24 hours. So I fast every single day. I eat my daily calories in one meal usually between 4-5pm when I get home from work. Before I started this, I was 300 pounds, pre diabetic, diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, and anemic. After 20 days getting my physical and blood work done, my anemia was gone. My pre diabetes was gone. No longer suffering the pain of PCOS. My life was forever changed❤
At 18 i was a chubby teen. Then suddenly one day i stopped having breakfast and lunch. Never went back. Im 24 now at my fittest, flat tummy, no sagging skin, im more energetic too.
I'm 4'10 weighed 160 I been fasting for 4days now..I already drop 10 pounds..everytime I get hungry I watch mukbang video of people eating alot of greasy foods I immediately my hunger goes away..and I drink alot of water..this method has help me alot..
Fasting changed my life! I read about it like 3 years ago and ever since then I have been burning fat in a very efficient way What I LOVE about it is that it's very simple and it improves my life so much by keeping me with a lean body , a sharp mind and a clean soul. I would encourage everyone to try fasting because it's totally worth it! It's a bit hard in the begging but as you practice fasting more it easily becomes a lifestyle as soon as you see and feel the first results. GIVE IT A TRY! STUDY AND APPLY IT! IT WILL ABSOLUTELY CHANGE YOUR LIFE! God bless you all and greetings from Romania! P.S: When fasting try to go on a hike in nature it will help your experience fasting at a deeper level.
Salut! Ma bucur ca te a ajutat f mult postul. M ar interesa și pe mine protocolul pe care l ai aplicat.. Pe mine m ar interesa sa slăbesc, dar în același timp sa nu pierd masa musculara în condițiile în care o sa încep și sa fac exerciții cu greutăți! Mulțumesc anticipat
I'm down 90 pounds in a year! 6-8 hour somewhat inconsistent eating window. Mostly fats and proteins... It never felt difficult and I never took it too seriously. I was not that strict and hardly worked out for the first 60 pounds. Fasting has helped me evolve!
i tried intermittent fasting because i want to lose weight, i just want o share my experience with it, its really actually hard to sustain plus i do experience very excruciating headache thats why i stopped it and started agoge diet. i did lose weight without all those bad things and i have never been happier
I did keto and once I started eating carbs “slowly introducing them” I gained weight. I feel fasting allows you to still enjoy those carbs and lose weight.
This is an old video, but as a post menopausal woman, I’m finally losing weight again. It took going carnivore along with fasting. My BP is 111/68 and my inflammation is gone. I’m 60 in two weeks, and I’m finally below 200. Thank you carnivore!
*You have a dream.* *You chase it.* *You fall.* *You learn.* *You get better.* *You keep marching on.* *And so it goes.* If you saw this comment, I believe in you. I wish you the best. 🖤
The comment at 15:53 hope a lot of people really hear that. Just because something is plant based doesn't mean it won't shoot your blood glucose and insulin levels like a snicker bar. It's about keeping your blood glucose and insulin low and level. I think the blood glucose monitor would be great for everyone and really help people see how their bodies are reacting. I've done 74 hours and had no issues. Starting fasting again and am gonna try a long term one. One thing I really recommend is doing fasting like fight club. Don't talk to other people about your fasting until you're done with it, most people do not understand anything about fasting and fear monger about it.
@25:00 I am a recovering addict. Been sober for 6 years. Food has become my relapse now. What a relapse looks like for me isn't 15 beers and a bottle of vodka anymore, (thank god) but eating burger king alone in a parking ot at 2am. I am finally gaining control over my last addiction. The hardest one of them all and I've had them all, food.
Love this - such a great compilation of experts! Fasting is so insanely powerful for you health (for all the reasons they share here!) and for those in the comments who are struggling/just starting, I promise: IT GETS EASIER! So much easier with practice. Don't give up! You and your health are worth it! 🙂
I just started ketogenic diet, true keto (no carbs at all!). This triggers autophagy in the same way fasting does because it forces your body to burn fat for fuel and detox, just like prolonged, multiple day fasting. Only that with keto you make this a lifestyle. Adding coffee enemas and near infrared sauna help the body get rid of toxins easier. I tried this diet for 4 months some years ago and recall having lots of energy and mental clarity. Didn’t need coffee to help me focus or wake up in the morning.
I did keto for two months check my keto generic state and I was all the way there. I just wasn't happy with the lifestyle . I actually found myself fasting alot the high fats make you feel full and not hungry. I had results gained it all back and then some. I honestly think fasting and home cooked meals are the way to go . Keto is just too tough . The no carbs just too tough
Fasting is great but still you need to give some break from fasting for your body otherwise our body become more efficient and we may not yield the benefits .
I love all this information and I rewatch all these on fasting because I've always found fasting to be really beneficial for health and longevity...however, there really isn't any food that is organic anymore and it's disappointing the North Star expert still thinks veggies are ok at Costco and Walmart of all places. You've gotta be kidding... I tried an 8 day water fast once as I had a cancer scare, and it was miraculous...best thing I ever did for my health. It was difficult, but 8 days was enough for my body to reset itself. Cancer free.
I wish you would stop interrupting the people you interview… *update* after watching a lot more of your videos, it seems to be limited to this one only and you are actually a great listener. Maybe just getting really excited by the guest and topic
Thank you for this great episode, Tom! So I rarely see fasting experts who are women. Why do you think that is? Are there any key differences in fasting for women vs men? I've heard yes and no. Would love to see an episode on this if you think it could help others too :)
Yes! Would love to see more fasting experts who are women and to know what the differences. I know every body is different, but I’ve found it far harder to lose weight fasting than male counterparts. It take far more fasting for much longer to get the same amount of weight loss. It also doesn’t get easier after the 1st day for me. I was doing rolling 48s, hiking for work 8+ hrs a day, felt almost like passing out, and that was the only time I lost some weight fasting. Otherwise, was omad and doing the same physical activity, and would only maintain for the most part. It took months and months to lose maybe even 10#s!
Thanks for the information, very helpful and insightful. Fasting is a science that brings experiences with risks & benefits. Overall, Fasting is great for healing & divine power. Fasting for me is now a lifestyle. I fast every month for 7days. On Liquid for 4days and the remaining 3 days no food or water. This gives me spiritual guidance and mental strength. I recommend fasting to anyone who will like to consider it, but do the proper research for an effective time because the outcome is truly rewarding. 💪🏾🤓🥰💐
Fasting is a super power that almost everyone has inside of them. Thank you for making this new video.🤠There are a few exceptions that should be very careful with the fasting, but they are the exception not the rule.
I am trying to lose weight a couple of decades I am always ten to fifteen lbs of overweight finally with the help of IF and low carb diet in two years I lost twenty lbs I am 5"4 and 142 . If I am able to loose weight I think anybody can do it if you do it in a right way.
Mike is an interesting guy, I’ve seen him do some deep dives on research studies and the way he shares info can be very educational. He may ultimately practice a different approach than myself but I appreciate that he has shared his reasons for why he and his family decided to do it!
I've started trying to work intermittent fasting into my daily schedule. There's a lot more I can work on for my diet though. Thanks Tom! Great episode!
I did a 4 day water fast 2 weeks ago! I would have made it 7 days but my body said no this time. My plan is to do water fasting for 24 hours twice a month...and also go for 7 days another time.
Hi Tom , thank you for being your awesome self and your ability to get the insights out of your guest . Your channel and the topics you speak on have really changed my life for good. I first came across intermittent fasting on your channel and I have been on a 16/18 fast for a year now. Physical , emotional, mental, and spiritual I’m in a better state. I have also introduced my friends and family members and we have not just change when we eat but also what we eat.
I love Drew's way of telling the kids about macros! I'm a trainer and eat clean, I TELL THEM about macros and to read labels just so they know. We have to educate them, if not they will follow what we did growing up. This is an awesome tube bc we need information from various sources to figure out what works for us based on our personal results and understanding why it worked. Great video. Glad I came across this while doing my nice slow cardio so I can sleep better.
Let us also remember the risks of taking metformin : lactic acidosis . But it is quite interesting to see how to balance the risk/benefits of this drug . As a nephrologist, I have seen many cases of lactic acidosis in diabetics (usually in acute settings) and I am afraid this complication could rise with the new possible indication of this treatment.
I just did a short, 42 hour fast with some exercise. I'm going to repeat at least once this month, along with sticking to 16/8 eating schedule with pescatarian/vegetarian diet. Weight keeps going down! I haven't been below 16 stone since my teens, despite being in shape. Feels good!
Noone lives forever and I'm not interested in that. I want to feel good and enjoy my life as long as I live whether it until I'm 70, or 80 or 100 whatever I not sweat the small stuff or be obsessive about it at all.
This is what I do.. I fast 3 days and I eat something small and then I go back to fasting. I'm going to make it 5 days.. And keep going up and I'm new to fasting and I I have a question is fasting really going to help me lost weight?.. Thanks
@@shreyahundekar3436 the 29-30 days fasting is spiritual activity calles Ramadan, every muslim is expected to do, except for some reasons like illness and more, during this holy month, we stop eating at the dawn and break the fast at dusk. You can learn More on that by searching "Ramadan".
Eating one meal a day I can feel the different in waking up in the morning. My arthritis is getting better over time. This maybe the answer to my trigger fingers and dupytren's contracture besides my arthritis. And in this economy very helpful. Food is so expensive
I figured out how to eat and what to avoid or minimize 20 years and avoid all the new specialty drugs and fasting and vegan and keto as I weigh the same now as when I was 19 years old. I use my brain to eat in a way that I have and maintain a body and health that I respect myself and how I physically look and mentally feel in my emotions. The rest of the specially routines etc I leave to others who don't respect their body and don't eat that way the majority of the time. Specially drugs are for others to experiment with like Mad Scientists and Frankenstein.
Since I was 19 years old I eat relatively healthy and slighty refined that the rest of my life and eat real food and high quality supplements and organic superfoods, juices and teas and a lot of water. I don't fast ever. I also get high quality sleep and meditate and stay positive and feeling good. That was I don't have to eat like a saint I can sometimes eat whatever I want as much as I like including junk food and otherwise eat natural and mostly organic.
Wow, wish I knew this years ago. At 345 drop down to 308 it a life choice. My metor said he got to 200 and didn't like it. Now he's 165. The key is don't tell no one your doing it. Not even the doctor. Had a female friend do it she said the doctors were like I hope your not starving yourself, she was like no, what? 300lbs down to 180. The health benefits, plus financial are tremendous. Blood pressure goes down chance of diabetes down. I am going for 200lbs, or even less. I was spending so much on food. As I was budgeting. I would write everytime I spend money it was food. My metor said you know why people eat so much during the holidays. I was like why? They fast before than eat as much as they want. Than go back to fasting. Its in the Bible gluttony. 200 thousand years ago if man hunted and didn't catch anything he didn't eat. So why now are we eating like no tomorrow. THINK OF WATER AS YOUR CLEANER.
I hear Mike Mutzel advise us to eat in the SAME time window every day, to be consistent. Others say vary your feeding window to “keep your body guessing,” and “shake things up.” Now I don’t know which is better! 🧐🙄BTW, Tom, you are HANDS DOWN the best interviewer!
It's so interesting to see how there's only men promoting fasting and it is fascinating to watch how they always forget to differentiate fasting between men and women. It's vastly different, we can go anemic or have issues with conceiving and should not.fast every day of a week or with as much frequency as men.
Yes there is definitely a lot of information missing and being dismissed. I became very ill From fasting. Lost my menstrual cycle, cholesterol went through the roof developed intense anxiety and insomnia and night sweats. Since trying to recover my period and balance my hormones I have to practice the exact opposite of fasting to get my body out of fight/ flight state and restore my mind and body. My body shut down a whole system because of stress. I know many women now who are experiencing the same and now trying to reverse damage. I’m taking so much of this bro science with a pinch of salt and following what works for me intuitively.
You see it like that because you are only looking at this channel. A Healthy Alternative youtube channel has young, old, male, female, and all races/ethnicities fasting.
Protein is extremely important for everyone. My guess is that it is not the fasting, but the feeding part of your life. If you feel bad during a fast you stop.🤠
Depends, you can still work out but not as much. Drink a lot and you should be fine but if you feel tired or cold then just stop and wait till you feed yourself something.
I started intermittent fasting 2 months ago. I'm on a 20/4 schedule - 20 hours fasting, 4 hours eating. In that time I've lost more than 15kg. It's easiest and fastest I've ever lost weight. I say easy because I've never really been one for eating breakfast so extending not eating out by a couple more hours to mid-afternoon wasn't a stretch. I did, however, like my morning coffee, and I had to phase that out over a week or two at the beginning. I've also been doing 2 day fasts every 2-3 weeks. I may extend this to 3 days. What got me onto this was being sick for 5 days and in that time I hardly ate. I ended up losing 4-5 kg and that sent me down the rabbit hole so to speak to understand the science behind it. I should also note that I'm doing 30 mins of cardio daily but I was doing this prior to starting with fasting and while I was losing weight, it was very, very slow. In 2 months of fasting I lost 3-4 times more weight than I did with cardio alone in the 9 month prior (and that includes the period where I was sick).
I fasted for 33 days and the first 10 days were tough. But after that I felt clear in my head, I did have energy, focus, my seasonal allergies were gone and my gut issues were resolved. Trying to mentally prepare myself for another fast (years later). I wonder if Tom is being too restrictive with his diet. He doesn't look as healthy as his guests. His eyes look tired and his skin is a bit flat and gray instead of bright and glowing. Just concerned, we as humans can go too far with anything, hoping he's healthy inside and out.
I'm confused fe fasting & exercise. Is the only exception to NOT resting while fasting during aging fast, i.e 24 hours or more. OR while doing IF fasting daily, during the fast (say early a.m. and we aren't breaking our overnight fast until say noon or later. Are we STILL supposed to observe 'rest while fasting'... during our IF a.m. fasting window? S9 many of these doctors, clinicians & fitness guru's advise is to exercise in a fasted state. Now...I'm wondering about this basically bc of what I'm hearing on this podcast.
If you are doing IF daily there is no need to restrict your your exercise. But If you are doing extended fasting, you will start to burn muscle for gluconeogenesis if you exercise. That's how I understood it.
@@rvi3956 thanks for answering, Rose. That was my takeaway also, but was unsure bc what if I got it wrong!? It's so hard to know what to do anymore. I'll watch a podcast or read a book and think, 'OK. I'm all set now...know exactly what to do' - THEN I come across something by another 'expert'', touting a completely different set of data as radical as...'No! you should be doing exactly the opposite from what you've been doing.' (that you previously THOUGHT was optimal), Oh but now it's detrimental! WHAT??! ARGH!🤯
@@barbarafairbanks4578 I feel your pain. When it comes to diet/exercise/health there are so many conflicting voices you hear on these podcasts. Every time I want to start a diet or a fasting protocol or plan to work out at a certain time or under certain conditions I'll here a constructing opinion from another expert and it will throw me for a loop.
I had an eating disorder (anorexia) years ago, I have been doing intermittent fasting with no problems or set backs. I would say it would probably depend on the individual person and how long ago they recovered from their disorder.
@@eugenegreen9187glad to hear that it works for you! But fasting is known to work really well for recovering anorexics. Their brains and bodies are trained in food deprivation. That is why it's much easier to refrain from eating in a shorter time frame. This method is not so good for binge eating disorders and the recovered.
@@Mars1298 I bing eat and find freedom from addiction by fasting. It's like pressing the reset button on all the addicting sugars, carbs, and chemicals. Freedom!
Can you make a video on seasonal allergies and how foods can have a similar response causing sever bloat and digestion issues fatigue skin problems attacking of the immune system just by breathing in pollens that we are allergic to.
somehow it was easier for me to fast at start now i get 36hr here and there and usually 12 to 16, i think no matter how bad my diet gets i don't totally lose progress, it's more about adaptation
*Most great accomplishments were achieved by the people, who at first had no idea what they were doing.* Keep going my friend. I am cheering for you. 🙂🖤
Thank you. So many different messages out there but I’ve got to know who I am and my bodies gains weight with carbs. Simple. I’ve lost weight with keto but I allowed carbs back in my diet and I gain some back. I was already going to reduce the carbs and this dialogue helped seal the commitment.
I want to know if you have tried fasting and what results you saw.
I did a 7 day water fast and lost 10lbs, but I noticed an overall flush and reboot of my whole system. I felt a great increase of energy. Way more focus and felt very alert. I even slept better.
I did 3 days fasting , felt amazing
I did a 33 day water fast.Results were great.Cleaner skin,sharper mind,great detox💪🏾
Overcoming the mental challenges of fasting is extremely difficult, what mindset tricks can be used to make approaching those challenges more manageable?
@@slythehexecuter1314 323
I’ve fasted for 3 months and it’s incredible how light you feel, no longer this heaviness that weighs you down. Now I’m full of energy! Looking back at the amount of food I ate was astounding compared to now. My parents dislike it but I’m doing this for me, don’t let anyone discourage you along the way!!!
Latino guy currently staying with my grandmother and you can't even begin to imagine how much complaining I have to put up with when I'm fasting. So I completely understand when you say that you're doing it for you, no matter what others say.
Las abuelas no entienden de ayunos 😆. Suerte.
My grandma’s over here getting legit mad😂
Yep ...Ppl just don't understand this way
My Mom thinks I'm nuts
I’m in the middle of day 4 of fasting. Listening to this has helped keep me motivated. The goal is 14 days.
You got this I'm on my 4th 14 day fast
@@wifeyb.9779 how is the feeling at around a week? I've done 4 days max fasting before but I started feeling weak around 3-4 days
I just got through 1st full day and I’m feeling way more confident after watching this.👍
@r0seyxth0rnz well hell I heard it was at 2 days ..none of this makes sense. And it does not work for my body anyway or my mind. 🤣
Did it work ?? Because I REALLY need to loose weight
I’m on day 24 of a water fast. This human body is an incredible machine.
Did u survive? Howd you break fast
@@Psych369 I completed 28 days and really didn’t have any problems. I broke my fast with watermelon on the first day. The second day I ate watermelon and salad. This continued for about a week and a half.
What did youdrink? Only water? Did u add anything
@@Psych369 mostly plain water. I also drank the occasional coffee (I work the night shift). If I felt the need for it, I would drink one of those vitamin waters with the added vitamins and minerals. That was it.
@Bel_poupee17 yes. 34 pounds
I am skeptical of every health video on RUclips. But I can say with certainty and from experience: fasting is the best way to lose weight for me…. And it’s crazy how calm and clear my mind becomes when fasting
At 56 - I just did a 72 hour fast and it was great! 🎊🎊🎊
Ready to go again. So very liberating, mentally, emotionally and physically!
Every Heath care provider (mine) said eat more, eat more, eat more! But that was stressful, because I was not hungry. And advised a lot of carbs when I’m already overweight.
I went back to intermittent fasting 18/6 and then at the beginning of the year I just did a reset of 72 hours.
I felt so good. (Loss 9lbs) but more than that I felt good!
Now I’m doing OMAD 5 days - 48hr water fast weekly lifestyle. I want to lose some unwanted weight bring my cholesterol down (sugars down).
Not on any meds, eat healthy so Checking to see if I have any food allergies when re-feeding.
Excited about the new journey renewing my body and mine!
Health is wealth!
Have an amazing day every one!
For some people, hunger management is a _lot_ easier when fasting!
“The only secret of wealth creation is knowing how to use Cosmic Ordering.” 👉 tinyurl.com/y3cyb4eb
!💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候
Yes.... when I break my fast I have a hard time stopping eating .... 🍽
@@kimdavis7812 eat more vegetables
This is definitely true for me!
I'm 6'4 and weighed 282 lbs. In October of 2019 I started fasting, but I ended up unknowingly doing the OMAD diet. I lost 60 lbs in 3 months without working out. I ate once a day and it was a very small meal. After about 2 weeks it was super easy to maintain it and I honestly felt pretty good doing it. There were days where I had to eat a "lunch" but that didn't happen often. No stretch marks and no extra skin.
@Igster Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your inspiring story. So did you follow a keto diet? What exactly was your diet when you ate?
@@ptej348 Thank you!! My diet wasn't really a "diet" per-se. I just made sure I got my daily intake of fruits, vegetables, and either chicken or salmon. A meal for me would look like Chicken, asparagus, rice, and an assortment of fruits. I'd eat as much as I could because they're not super calorie-dense.
@Fox 5 Man, I know! If your body is like mine or probably everyone else's, it has a comfort zone. Sounds like yours is 235. Mine is 225 or so. But man I'm back up to 238 and it's SO hard to get down. I just wanna be around 200 - 210. So now I'm back at the OMAD diet to lose the last 28-38 lbs. Sometimes it takes some switching up of diets and exercise, but it's totally doable. KEEP GOING!
If you do fasting, how can you only eat one meal? I tend to be a snack-er and get late night cravings and end up eating at night… I want to eat one meal a day, how do I do it without being hungry??
I'm 6'4 and I was 215lbs. I went on the covid diet and now I'm 193lbs
I eat once every 24 hours. So I fast every single day. I eat my daily calories in one meal usually between 4-5pm when I get home from work.
Before I started this, I was 300 pounds, pre diabetic, diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, and anemic.
After 20 days getting my physical and blood work done, my anemia was gone. My pre diabetes was gone. No longer suffering the pain of PCOS.
My life was forever changed❤
I also have pcos. I hope fasting will help me
At 18 i was a chubby teen. Then suddenly one day i stopped having breakfast and lunch. Never went back. Im 24 now at my fittest, flat tummy, no sagging skin, im more energetic too.
Imagine a world where every teen knows this info!
I'm 4'10 weighed 160 I been fasting for 4days now..I already drop 10 pounds..everytime I get hungry I watch mukbang video of people eating alot of greasy foods I immediately my hunger goes away..and I drink alot of water..this method has help me alot..
I am so happy to be among the people who can bodly say they are herpes free with #Drokooboh I'm RUclips channel for quick response..
I am at 95 kgs and want to get at 60 kgs. I completed 3 days fast just now and lost 4 kgs. Fasting really works.
Dr. Fung is not an osteopath, he is a nephrologist, and the foremost authority on intermittent fasting for health.
Fasting changed my life!
I read about it like 3 years ago and ever since then I have been burning fat in a very efficient way
What I LOVE about it is that it's very simple and it improves my life so much by keeping me with a lean body , a sharp mind and a clean soul.
I would encourage everyone to try fasting because it's totally worth it!
It's a bit hard in the begging but as you practice fasting more it easily becomes a lifestyle as soon as you see and feel the first results.
God bless you all and greetings from Romania!
P.S: When fasting try to go on a hike in nature it will help your experience fasting at a deeper level.
Salut! Ma bucur ca te a ajutat f mult postul. M ar interesa și pe mine protocolul pe care l ai aplicat.. Pe mine m ar interesa sa slăbesc, dar în același timp sa nu pierd masa musculara în condițiile în care o sa încep și sa fac exerciții cu greutăți! Mulțumesc anticipat
I fast for 20 hours everyday and I feel wonderful. I have some much energy and my sleep has greatly improved.
I'm down 90 pounds in a year! 6-8 hour somewhat inconsistent eating window. Mostly fats and proteins... It never felt difficult and I never took it too seriously. I was not that strict and hardly worked out for the first 60 pounds. Fasting has helped me evolve!
i tried intermittent fasting because i want to lose weight, i just want o share my experience with it, its really actually hard to sustain plus i do experience very excruciating headache thats why i stopped it and started agoge diet. i did lose weight without all those bad things and i have never been happier
I've been fasting from 4.30am to 5.30pm for 30 days straight and it feels great.
I think Ramadan does that
That's awesome! I just learned about adding salt to your water when fasting (as it gives your body electrolytes and makes it way easier).
Just the 13 hours at a time ? What does this do for you if your not activating autophagy
You eat before 04:30?
Fasting has been a game changer for me and my clients. And most of them find that they're actually less hungry when they fast. Pretty great stuff.
I’m on my third day it’s definitely tough
You got this!!!!
It gets easier
In my experience, going gradually makes it more do-able. For instance, do IF for a week, then OMAD, then 24 hour fast etc.
Me too!!! Today is my 3rd day and girl!!! We got this.
I did keto and once I started eating carbs “slowly introducing them” I gained weight. I feel fasting allows you to still enjoy those carbs and lose weight.
Same here
Omad is great. You can eat and still get fasting benefits.
It's the only way I have been able to not only manage my weight, but my brain is clearer and my energy is endless...💙💙💙👍👍👍💚💚💚✌✌✌✌
Omg! I need that!
This is an old video, but as a post menopausal woman, I’m finally losing weight again. It took going carnivore along with fasting. My BP is 111/68 and my inflammation is gone. I’m 60 in two weeks, and I’m finally below 200. Thank you carnivore!
*You have a dream.*
*You chase it.*
*You fall.*
*You learn.*
*You get better.*
*You keep marching on.*
*And so it goes.*
If you saw this comment, I believe in you. I wish you the best. 🖤
Who talks like this? You don't even know me.
@@Nikki-nm8em 🙏🙏
Thank you!
The comment at 15:53 hope a lot of people really hear that. Just because something is plant based doesn't mean it won't shoot your blood glucose and insulin levels like a snicker bar. It's about keeping your blood glucose and insulin low and level. I think the blood glucose monitor would be great for everyone and really help people see how their bodies are reacting. I've done 74 hours and had no issues. Starting fasting again and am gonna try a long term one. One thing I really recommend is doing fasting like fight club. Don't talk to other people about your fasting until you're done with it, most people do not understand anything about fasting and fear monger about it.
@25:00 I am a recovering addict. Been sober for 6 years. Food has become my relapse now. What a relapse looks like for me isn't 15 beers and a bottle of vodka anymore, (thank god) but eating burger king alone in a parking ot at 2am. I am finally gaining control over my last addiction. The hardest one of them all and I've had them all, food.
Love this - such a great compilation of experts! Fasting is so insanely powerful for you health (for all the reasons they share here!) and for those in the comments who are struggling/just starting, I promise: IT GETS EASIER! So much easier with practice. Don't give up! You and your health are worth it! 🙂
Great episode! I practice fasting for 24hours once a week and I feel energized! Thank you for sharing with us🧡
OMG this is the BEST VIDEO ON RUclips ! Wow
I am so happy to be among the people who can bodly say they are herpes free with #Drokooboh I'm RUclips channel for quick response..
I love fasting. 29hrs into my water only fast as we speak. Next stop 48hrs then 72hrs.
Please do a video about fasting for women! I heard we shouldn’t be doing it the same way as men do. btw. currently fasting 16h ☀️
Check out Dr. Mindy Peltz ruclips.net/video/Btys5cEswrw/видео.html
Watch Dr. Mindy's video for woman fasting
I just started ketogenic diet, true keto (no carbs at all!). This triggers autophagy in the same way fasting does because it forces your body to burn fat for fuel and detox, just like prolonged, multiple day fasting. Only that with keto you make this a lifestyle. Adding coffee enemas and near infrared sauna help the body get rid of toxins easier. I tried this diet for 4 months some years ago and recall having lots of energy and mental clarity. Didn’t need coffee to help me focus or wake up in the morning.
🤯 🤦🏻♂️
I did keto for two months check my keto generic state and I was all the way there. I just wasn't happy with the lifestyle . I actually found myself fasting alot the high fats make you feel full and not hungry. I had results gained it all back and then some. I honestly think fasting and home cooked meals are the way to go . Keto is just too tough . The no carbs just too tough
You are a great listener and with a quick mind. I appreciate your quality of interviews.
I am 53 years old. Fasting it’s been working for me. I eat one big meal a day (dinner). Morning cup of coffee and between 2 snacks and a lot of water
Fasting is great but still you need to give some break from fasting for your body otherwise our body become more efficient and we may not yield the benefits .
what a coincidence I recently fasted for 3 days. I'm from Romania
si eu, 10 zile si vreau sa incerc 40 :D
Si eu
suntem mai mulți :)
Fasting is a total reset of whole human body..even soul..its good..its like you become one solid human being..
I love all this information and I rewatch all these on fasting because I've always found fasting to be really beneficial for health and longevity...however, there really isn't any food that is organic anymore and it's disappointing the North Star expert still thinks veggies are ok at Costco and Walmart of all places. You've gotta be kidding...
I tried an 8 day water fast once as I had a cancer scare, and it was miraculous...best thing I ever did for my health. It was difficult, but 8 days was enough for my body to reset itself. Cancer free.
Tom, I love your desire to live forever and how that is your major focus. You are a good role model.
to each their own, but I don't understand this desire to live forever.
Wouldn’t he eventually run out of money?
Needed this, thanks dudes.
I wish you would stop interrupting the people you interview…
*update* after watching a lot more of your videos, it seems to be limited to this one only and you are actually a great listener. Maybe just getting really excited by the guest and topic
Thank you for this great episode, Tom! So I rarely see fasting experts who are women. Why do you think that is? Are there any key differences in fasting for women vs men? I've heard yes and no. Would love to see an episode on this if you think it could help others too :)
Yes! Would love to see more fasting experts who are women and to know what the differences. I know every body is different, but I’ve found it far harder to lose weight fasting than male counterparts. It take far more fasting for much longer to get the same amount of weight loss. It also doesn’t get easier after the 1st day for me. I was doing rolling 48s, hiking for work 8+ hrs a day, felt almost like passing out, and that was the only time I lost some weight fasting. Otherwise, was omad and doing the same physical activity, and would only maintain for the most part. It took months and months to lose maybe even 10#s!
search for Buchinger Wilhelmi clinic, they have a channel and the main representative is a women that knows her sh*t
@@Djk8263 find out if you are insulin resistant
Dr Mindy Pelz is an expert about fasting and she talks about the hormonal side for women about fasting.
Best regards.
Day 5 water fast for me feel pretty good! Goal is 7 days
Thanks for the information, very helpful and insightful. Fasting is a science that brings experiences with risks & benefits. Overall, Fasting is great for healing & divine power. Fasting for me is now a lifestyle. I fast every month for 7days. On Liquid for 4days and the remaining 3 days no food or water. This gives me spiritual guidance and mental strength. I recommend fasting to anyone who will like to consider it, but do the proper research for an effective time because the outcome is truly rewarding.
Fasting is a super power that almost everyone has inside of them. Thank you for making this new video.🤠There are a few exceptions that should be very careful with the fasting, but they are the exception not the rule.
I'm dry fasting now on my 3rd day aiming for 5day. It feels easy. I eat red meat daily. I've been keto/lowcarb for 4 years.
I am trying to lose weight a couple of decades I am always ten to fifteen lbs of overweight finally with the help of IF and low carb diet in two years I lost twenty lbs I am 5"4 and 142 . If I am able to loose weight I think anybody can do it if you do it in a right way.
Mike is an interesting guy, I’ve seen him do some deep dives on research studies and the way he shares info can be very educational. He may ultimately practice a different approach than myself but I appreciate that he has shared his reasons for why he and his family decided to do it!
A very good point at 25:00 - emotionally consuming stuff, can fasting help cure this habit? If so, which is better intermittent or prolonged fasting?
I’ve found that prolonged fasting has helped me with this.
Big mac is life
Thank you. Love the compilation. Great for reinforcement of principles and hearing all your favourite experts in a condensed timeframe.
Would be awesome if you had an expert to speak on fasting for women. It’s a lot different than for men and that needs more air time :)
Please do! Also postmenopausal. Thanks
I've started trying to work intermittent fasting into my daily schedule. There's a lot more I can work on for my diet though. Thanks Tom! Great episode!
I did a 4 day water fast 2 weeks ago! I would have made it 7 days but my body said no this time. My plan is to do water fasting for 24 hours twice a month...and also go for 7 days another time.
I'm at 24 hours and I feel awesome.
I am so happy to be among the people who can bodly say they are herpes free with #Drokooboh I'm RUclips channel for quick response..
Hi Tom , thank you for being your awesome self and your ability to get the insights out of your guest . Your channel and the topics you speak on have really changed my life for good. I first came across intermittent fasting on your channel and I have been on a 16/18 fast for a year now. Physical , emotional, mental, and spiritual I’m in a better state. I have also introduced my friends and family members and we have not just change when we eat but also what we eat.
Did you mean 16:8?
@@debralbungermd8804 ohh yes… my mistake. I meant 16:8
I love Drew's way of telling the kids about macros! I'm a trainer and eat clean, I TELL THEM about macros and to read labels just so they know. We have to educate them, if not they will follow what we did growing up. This is an awesome tube bc we need information from various sources to figure out what works for us based on our personal results and understanding why it worked. Great video. Glad I came across this while doing my nice slow cardio so I can sleep better.
A big light went on! 💡
Let us also remember the risks of taking metformin : lactic acidosis . But it is quite interesting to see how to balance the risk/benefits of this drug . As a nephrologist, I have seen many cases of lactic acidosis in diabetics (usually in acute settings) and I am afraid this complication could rise with the new possible indication of this treatment.
I just did a short, 42 hour fast with some exercise. I'm going to repeat at least once this month, along with sticking to 16/8 eating schedule with pescatarian/vegetarian diet.
Weight keeps going down! I haven't been below 16 stone since my teens, despite being in shape. Feels good!
Noone lives forever and I'm not interested in that. I want to feel good and enjoy my life as long as I live whether it until I'm 70, or 80 or 100 whatever I not sweat the small stuff or be obsessive about it at all.
Heading into day 5.....first time in my 50 years on earth. Taking electrolytes and ready for more.
Your channel is amazing 🤩 Thank you for all the motivation 👍
Wow, 5-45 days fasting. I feel like that's insane for this day and age, but in the old times, this was probably a pretty regular occurance.
This is what I do.. I fast 3 days and I eat something small and then I go back to fasting. I'm going to make it 5 days.. And keep going up and I'm new to fasting and I I have a question is fasting really going to help me lost weight?.. Thanks
We just finished our 30 days fasting😀
@Beth Hourieh wow!! How was your experience and why did you do it?
@@shreyahundekar3436 the 29-30 days fasting is spiritual activity calles Ramadan, every muslim is expected to do, except for some reasons like illness and more, during this holy month, we stop eating at the dawn and break the fast at dusk. You can learn More on that by searching "Ramadan".
Mabrouk Ramadan !
@@shreyahundekar3436 it's not even intermittent fasting but religious one with appx 12hr eating window and 12hr fasting.
Eating one meal a day I can feel the different in waking up in the morning. My arthritis is getting better over time. This maybe the answer to my trigger fingers and dupytren's contracture besides my arthritis. And in this economy very helpful. Food is so expensive
Does fasting assist or inhibit muscle growth?
16:33 I'll be doing this. Fasting 3days/month, 7days/3months, 14days/year
This was a great video, best one I have found. The amount of knowledge here is amazing.
I figured out how to eat and what to avoid or minimize 20 years and avoid all the new specialty drugs and fasting and vegan and keto as I weigh the same now as when I was 19 years old. I use my brain to eat in a way that I have and maintain a body and health that I respect myself and how I physically look and mentally feel in my emotions. The rest of the specially routines etc I leave to others who don't respect their body and don't eat that way the majority of the time. Specially drugs are for others to experiment with like Mad Scientists and Frankenstein.
Since I was 19 years old I eat relatively healthy and slighty refined that the rest of my life and eat real food and high quality supplements and organic superfoods, juices and teas and a lot of water. I don't fast ever. I also get high quality sleep and meditate and stay positive and feeling good. That was I don't have to eat like a saint I can sometimes eat whatever I want as much as I like including junk food and otherwise eat natural and mostly organic.
I am doing my first fast today! Let's see how long I can go.
Mr. Tom
What are your inflammation markers? How have you varied from what time frame?
Thanks and really appreciate your interviews with so many different experts in a variety of fields!
Wow, wish I knew this years ago. At 345 drop down to 308 it a life choice. My metor said he got to 200 and didn't like it. Now he's 165. The key is don't tell no one your doing it. Not even the doctor. Had a female friend do it she said the doctors were like I hope your not starving yourself, she was like no, what? 300lbs down to 180. The health benefits, plus financial are tremendous. Blood pressure goes down chance of diabetes down. I am going for 200lbs, or even less. I was spending so much on food. As I was budgeting. I would write everytime I spend money it was food. My metor said you know why people eat so much during the holidays. I was like why? They fast before than eat as much as they want. Than go back to fasting. Its in the Bible gluttony. 200 thousand years ago if man hunted and didn't catch anything he didn't eat. So why now are we eating like no tomorrow. THINK OF WATER AS YOUR CLEANER.
I hear Mike Mutzel advise us to eat in the SAME time window every day, to be consistent. Others say vary your feeding window to “keep your body guessing,” and “shake things up.” Now I don’t know which is better! 🧐🙄BTW, Tom, you are HANDS DOWN the best interviewer!
Check out Huberman Lab. Great guy, good science. He'd say same everyday.
You need to get Dr. Mindy Pelz on your show!
Tom, you're a hack until you get Mindy on.
It's so interesting to see how there's only men promoting fasting and it is fascinating to watch how they always forget to differentiate fasting between men and women. It's vastly different, we can go anemic or have issues with conceiving and should not.fast every day of a week or with as much frequency as men.
Also most of them are quite young and do not earn their living using physical labor (privileged).
Yes there is definitely a lot of information missing and being dismissed. I became very ill
From fasting. Lost my menstrual cycle, cholesterol went through the roof developed intense anxiety and insomnia and night sweats. Since trying to recover my period and balance my hormones I have to practice the exact opposite of fasting to get my body out of fight/ flight state and restore my mind and body. My body shut down a whole system because of stress. I know many women now who are experiencing the same and now trying to reverse damage. I’m taking so much of this bro science with a pinch of salt and following what works for me intuitively.
You see it like that because you are only looking at this channel. A Healthy Alternative youtube channel has young, old, male, female, and all races/ethnicities fasting.
Protein is extremely important for everyone. My guess is that it is not the fasting, but the feeding part of your life. If you feel bad during a fast you stop.🤠
So is working out and excerciseing a bad idea during fasting?
Depends, you can still work out but not as much. Drink a lot and you should be fine but if you feel tired or cold then just stop and wait till you feed yourself something.
Awesome compilation. Thanks 🙏🏻
I started intermittent fasting 2 months ago. I'm on a 20/4 schedule - 20 hours fasting, 4 hours eating. In that time I've lost more than 15kg. It's easiest and fastest I've ever lost weight. I say easy because I've never really been one for eating breakfast so extending not eating out by a couple more hours to mid-afternoon wasn't a stretch. I did, however, like my morning coffee, and I had to phase that out over a week or two at the beginning. I've also been doing 2 day fasts every 2-3 weeks. I may extend this to 3 days. What got me onto this was being sick for 5 days and in that time I hardly ate. I ended up losing 4-5 kg and that sent me down the rabbit hole so to speak to understand the science behind it. I should also note that I'm doing 30 mins of cardio daily but I was doing this prior to starting with fasting and while I was losing weight, it was very, very slow. In 2 months of fasting I lost 3-4 times more weight than I did with cardio alone in the 9 month prior (and that includes the period where I was sick).
I fasted for 33 days and the first 10 days were tough. But after that I felt clear in my head, I did have energy, focus, my seasonal allergies were gone and my gut issues were resolved. Trying to mentally prepare myself for another fast (years later).
I wonder if Tom is being too restrictive with his diet. He doesn't look as healthy as his guests. His eyes look tired and his skin is a bit flat and gray instead of bright and glowing. Just concerned, we as humans can go too far with anything, hoping he's healthy inside and out.
Wonderful compilation in this subject 🙏🏻💖🌹
I wanted to do a three day water fast, what advice could you give me?
I'm confused fe fasting & exercise. Is the only exception to NOT resting while fasting during aging fast, i.e 24 hours or more. OR while doing IF fasting daily, during the fast (say early a.m. and we aren't breaking our overnight fast until say noon or later. Are we STILL supposed to observe
'rest while fasting'... during our IF a.m. fasting window? S9 many of these doctors, clinicians & fitness guru's advise is to exercise in a fasted state. Now...I'm wondering about this basically bc of what I'm hearing on this podcast.
If you are doing IF daily there is no need to restrict your your exercise. But If you are doing extended fasting, you will start to burn muscle for gluconeogenesis if you exercise. That's how I understood it.
@@rvi3956 thanks for answering, Rose. That was my takeaway also, but was unsure bc what if I got it wrong!?
It's so hard to know what to do anymore. I'll watch a podcast or read a book and think, 'OK. I'm all set now...know exactly what to do' - THEN I come across something by another 'expert'', touting a completely different set of data as radical as...'No! you should be doing exactly the opposite from what you've been doing.' (that you previously THOUGHT was optimal), Oh but now it's detrimental! WHAT??!
@@barbarafairbanks4578 I feel your pain. When it comes to diet/exercise/health there are so many conflicting voices you hear on these podcasts. Every time I want to start a diet or a fasting protocol or plan to work out at a certain time or under certain conditions I'll here a constructing opinion from another expert and it will throw me for a loop.
I’m on day 24 of fasting and breaking with fruits , it’s amazing
It would be interesting to find a professional who talks about eating disorders and how fasting can aggrevate their condition.
I think a lot of things can be unhealthy depending on how you view it. I think fasting can be motivating and rewarding.
I had an eating disorder (anorexia) years ago, I have been doing intermittent fasting with no problems or set backs. I would say it would probably depend on the individual person and how long ago they recovered from their disorder.
@@eugenegreen9187glad to hear that it works for you! But fasting is known to work really well for recovering anorexics. Their brains and bodies are trained in food deprivation. That is why it's much easier to refrain from eating in a shorter time frame. This method is not so good for binge eating disorders and the recovered.
@@Mars1298 I bing eat and find freedom from addiction by fasting. It's like pressing the reset button on all the addicting sugars, carbs, and chemicals. Freedom!
“The hard days are what make you stronger.” Sharing some love from small RUclipsr 🤍
I have a question
With omad how do you know what the bare minimum you need.
Just made 24 hrs it is ruff indeed 10 days but it is ruff.
I am so happy to be among the people who can bodly say they are herpes free with #Drokooboh I'm RUclips channel for quick response..
Much love, Tom! from the England Brothers!
What a coincidence, We just finished 30 days fasting ^^
you know russian youtuber recently died doing that🤔?
@@plavaovcica nah, may his soul rest in peace
But Did He fast exactly as Muslims do ?and you should know not everybody can fast
For clarification:
30day fasting muslims do is not 30days, it's a daily fastig. They eat at night time and fast for like 15-18 hours.
This is great motivation. I love fasting
I need to go back to school haha these guys are so smart 🤓
Can you make a video on seasonal allergies and how foods can have a similar response causing sever bloat and digestion issues fatigue skin problems attacking of the immune system just by breathing in pollens that we are allergic to.
somehow it was easier for me to fast at start now i get 36hr here and there and usually 12 to 16, i think no matter how bad my diet gets i don't totally lose progress, it's more about adaptation
Does anyone have experienced the limitless effect like reading books from pure memory as mentioned in the book unbroken ??
Tom,you had another "expert" on who said the exact opposite! Do we eat/fast same time or do we mix it up? REALLY want to know, please
Check out Huberman Lab. Great guy, good science. He'd say same time every day.
*Most great accomplishments were achieved by the people, who at first had no idea what they were doing.*
Keep going my friend. I am cheering for you. 🙂🖤
Thank you. So many different messages out there but I’ve got to know who I am and my bodies gains weight with carbs. Simple. I’ve lost weight with keto but I allowed carbs back in my diet and I gain some back. I was already going to reduce the carbs and this dialogue helped seal the commitment.