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Just respect the country you have come to, and leave the people with Serbian citizenship decide about their internal political issues. We're a democratic society, and everyone in Serbia is free to express his political opinion. In Serbia it's normal openly to express his political stence and argue about them. Leave our internal politics for us, and don't come here with the idea that you can express the frustrations you're taking with you from your own country and thinking you can usurp our society from within. If you like our country that's great for you, but you have to respect our society as a whole, or if you don't like it you're free to leave. If you don't like the politics of your country, there's Ukraine, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan etc. etc. where the government's share the same opinion. From what I've heard, the Russians aren't having an easy life over there. So enjoy the things in life that has been given to you in Serbia. Thanks.
I’m not gonna respect people who’re saying I’m a spy or I am not Russian, who is offending me. I’m protecting myself here. And I don’t really understand your point here.
@@SailorNom Everyone who's coming from outside to our country has to oblige to our country's official rights and our constitution. The values that we as people stand for have been forged for thousands of years, and our beliefs are based upon our collective experience taken directly from our past, and we won't allow it to be taken away and usurped from the outside. It's on anyone coming here as a tourist or to work has to acclimate to our society, if not everyone can feel free to get the fuck out. This doesn't go only for you, as the world doesn't spin around one individual, but it's meant for everyone wishing to visit our country. Is it clearer now?
No :) it is not clear, cuz I simply don’t understand why are you even saying these things to me. I don’t act rude or disrespectful or anything like that, so why are you warning me?
I think you are missing the point here. What triggered people the most was the comment that Russians actually don't know or care much about Serbia. That is a shocking revelation to people here who have some crazy and irrational love for Russia, although they lack knowledge about the country or of language. But you can't really explain anything to them. To me it was obvious what you wanted to say (because I went and watched the whole video, and btw I liked it a lot :) Please continue making more.
@@SailorNom As Vojislav already said, often the most vocal "Russophiles" in Serbia don't really know much about Russia. Or, as one of my friends put it, they can hardly distinguish between the flag of Russia and the flag of France XD They may have some vague ideas that are not grounded in reality. That does not necessarily make them ill-intentioned, however, they usually react poorly when those ideas clash with reality. However, there is also plenty of normal, decent people, so just laugh it off! Не стоит волноваться! :)
Absolutely true. Many people here simply can't embrace the fact that the things aren't as they think they are. Us Serbs love to live in our little fantasy world.
Јако ми је жао што ти се све ово догађа. Гледао сам спорни видео и ништа лоше или нетачно у њему нисам запазио, ни против Срба, ни против Руса. Напротив, мислим да је врло афирмативан за Србију и говори о нашим разликама којих нисмо свесни. Још једном, јако ми је жао због свих непријатности које си доживела.
@@SailorNom Dont let it bother you. its well known here in serbia about the bullshit the papers cover. It has become a kind of a meme amongst the normal people. But dumb ideas can only attract dumb people.. pay them no mind
Ivane popusis nam patku nama pravim Srbima,kad te ruska kurva pljuje ti otvaras usta klosaru....Sta joj se slihtas majmuncino glupa...Zbog takvih Srba smo tu gde jesmo....Jajaro jedna
@Stefan Podunavac zasto je zelen zato sto ima drugacije misljenje od tebe ? Decko nije opsednud budalastinama i teorijama zavere i meni se svidja njegovo misljenje.
She is not Ukrainian, English, or Russian, she is clearly Martian by way of Neptune, I don’t know why people can’t see that, lol. I have to go my toaster is trying to contact me.
Dear Kseniya, I watched your previous video... As a Serbian I can say that you did not say anything offensive or show disrespect regarding Serbia or Serbians. The newspapers wanted to attract attention, they are making money on it. Russia and Russians are now popular topic and they wanted to exploit that. By the way, I would like to say something about respect Serbians feel towards Russia. Russian Empire helped us a lot in our struggle for independence in 19 century and respect toward Imperial Russia was very strong in Serbia and was passing from generation to generation. In Serbian mentality treason is the greatest of all crimes. If someone did to you something good (like Russian Empire did to us) you should watch very carefully how behave towards that person (or in this case a state). That is a question of honor. Belgrade was a center of White Migration after Revolution 1918, because Serbians really respected and loved Imperial Russia. I noticed that some Russians think that Serbs treat well Russians because of Putin. That is not true. Indeed he is very popular in Serbia, but Serbian sympathy towards Russia is much older then Putin. Last but not least, I hope you and your family will enjoy your time in Serbia. Welcome! :)
OMG what the hell is wrong with us? The lady literally made a nice video and people went full hysteria and conspiracy theory. She didn't burn the Serbian flag or desecrate our monuments or something, sheesh. And then we have the audacity to brag about how we are brothers with Russians. I guess people with issues have too much spare time and love to spread bs on people's videos. But at least one good thing came out of this and that is that now you became more famous, so continue with what you are doing
Шта шта нам је баш зато има још већу тежину браћа и сестре то не'раде, Све на фино па спусти на фињака . Ми ово ми оно млако ово оно не зна за нас и дође и чуди се чуду као да није 21 век и да нема приступ свим информацијама итд... И дође баш у Србију о којој ништа не знаш и нико не зна за Србе у Русији и те како много Руса зна за нас поготово ако воле историју Русије. Много славних Срба војсковођа,писаца,научника итд је имало удела у самој Русији. Србин је цртао карту Русије и границу Кине и Русије и даље исту карту користе ,Срби са Русима у рату против Јапана ,Србин који је направио први Руски цепелин,авион итд.... И да не зна за Србе .... Моја Мајка је Рускиња и знала је за Србе и то доста ! И упорно користи Енглески језик. Извини молим те имаш људе из Бразила,Америке,Кеније који хвале Србе и имају ЈТ канале и ни један није рекао Срби све живо грле пуштају да им децу сви мазе да једемо фуј храну као што је замисли пихтија хладно печење пијемо ракију са водом гутљај по гутљај као да смо не знам шта шоње како је чудно што се Рукујемо ... Па Јапанка живи 5 година у Новом Саду они се не смеју не љубе не пружају руке па се није чудила што ми пружимо руку итд... Друже то се никако не ради нисмо ми берачи памука ми смо поносан народ народ војсковођа,писаца и научника са тим се не шали и то се не подржава ...🙂 То понашање и јавно прозивање на фињака и чуђење народу који воли Русе је срамно али баш Срамно ... Замисли Србин оде у Русију и тако почне да говори о Русима уз Енглески па види ја мислим да не би из куће смео да изађе дај мани се подршке зна за Братиславу или за Дубровник а не зна за Србију оно немаш интернет немаш струју (Никола Тесла) Не знаш тенисере (Новак Ђоковић) Ниси пратио пратила једини народ који није увео Русији 267 дана санкције итд... Ма дај смешно и жалосно. И притом и даље то ради цинично и препотентно , прави жртву од себе итд ... Итд иди у Британију па прави канал и причај Енглески ово је Србија едукују Србе на Руском поштуј државу у којој боравиш почни да учиш Српски и да ако хоће разлике да направиш између 2 народа може то много боље 🙂 И други су то већ радили нису говорили а ми не знамо за вас ви пијете као жене једете одвратне пихтије нико од нас не зна за вас итд ... То није Људски то је срамотно ! 🙂
Idk man :) all of these comments were translated as you can see on screenshots, I don’t think Russians were doing that. Anyways I see in my analytics where people came from, so… :)
@@SailorNom Also I think you take everything way too serious, this is a typical cliche of ice cold-tempered, way too serious and suspicious Russian person that's trying to communicate with warm, often ironic and not always serious Serbian people. I bet half of these comments are just troll kids if they even are Serbian... and the trashy tabloids translated your videos wrongly and exaggareted everything in order to get more views, so it's their fault not yours, but you need to relax, FSB is not tracking you, Russia is well controlled by secret services and I understand your healthy paranoia.. I remember in one of your videos when you suspicously said about Serbian restourant staff "They said they don't speak English... or maybe they just... pretended" I was laughing for 15 minutes straight, why the hell would they pretend? It is often for people here to not have a desire to learn English... you're suspicious, serious and cold in temperament we are pretty opposite: This situation is called culture shock and you may think that everyone here is eccentric or that you yourself is eccentric until you get to understand some basic patterns of country's culture... our language may be similar but our mentality is completely different from Russian/Polish and Slavic in general so there will be some months to get along.
Congratulations Kseniya! When you get mobbed by Trolls, you know you're doing well on RUclips! Just film what you feel like and all will be fine! ❤️ to 👪
I came because of those articles in the newspapers just to see what’s all the fuss about, and as expected from the news reporters, they always twist someone’s words and want to make the most sensational titles that will get them a lot of clicks, engagement and traffic. Let’s be real, nowadays, a lot of people don’t even read articles fully, they read only these sensational titles and will rely on the things from the said titles. As I said, I watched your video and I didn’t see anything bad said, you were very respectful. Keep up the good work, I subscribed to your channel.
Kseniya, don't let the minority, which does not wish you well, change your life, work and impression of the majority of people in Serbia, for whom you are welcome and have full support. Keep it up. I wish you all the best, good health, happiness and may God protect you!
Ljudi će uvijek pričati svašta, jer je to u prirodi ljudi, a ne do tebe. Svejedno je da li si ukrajinka, ruskinja ili srpkinja i svejedno je šta je u pitanju - ljudi su takvi i nije do tebe, ne shvataj licno.
I am sorry this happened to you, I very much enjoed your video, especially that one. Here in Serbia we have a saying that goes something along the lines get to know Serbia so you can love it more and you got to meet another "part" of Serbia, a bit uglier but I hope it doesn't ruin your experience but makes it fuller. There is a small but very loud group of people here who have some irrational love for Russia while knowing notthing about it but while having some imaginary picture of a country and people and when someone breaks that picture they just can't accept it. And like I said in some previous comments I made, media in Serbia is just terrible and alrmingly big part of people read only headlines. But like I said don't get too bothered by this, it will blow over.
Vi natisti ne mozete bez lazi, upravo ste vi ta glasna manjina, a ovi ostali koji podrzavaju Rusiju su vecina, i to ogromna vecina, al vi bi da bude po vasim zeljama iako vas je jedva 5%
@@danijelarandjelovic614 Ovde ili je radio google translate pa je lose prevedeno ili ti je mozdani kapacitet slab. Devojka je snimila video o razlikama i stvarima koje su je "sokirale" u Srbiji, ja sam taj video odgledao i u njemu nema nista sporno. A i da ima(a nema) kakav bi nacista ja trebao da budem da mi smeta i da napadam devojku koja uzme mobilni telefon i snima sebe kako prica. Ako je Srpsko Ruska veza toliko slaba da to moze da je poljulja onda ta veza i ne postoji. A inace, ja sam protiv clanstva u EU i NATO i svakako bi se moglo reci da sam rusofil. Samo sto nisam rusofil iz informera vec o toj zemlji po nesto i znam a volim i da naucim nesto novo. A sto se tice nacizma i fasizma, jedna od glavnih odlika tih ideologija je nepodnosenje suprotnog misljenja. Ja se na primer sa ovom devojkom politicki ne slazem, ali to ne znaci da je ona strani spijun vec samo da razlicito mislimo. A ako ti nisi u stanju da volis ili bar razumes nekoga ko misli drugacije od tebe mozda je vreme da preispitas samog sebe i proveris da mozda ti nisi deo neke ekstremne ideologije.
@@draganmarkovic491 onda verovatno je los prevod, ili sta vec. inace po prevodu ispada da si napisao da ti je zao zbog Rusofila u Srbiji i da su oni manjina(kao da je vecina prozapadna) i nisam napisao naCista, nego naTista, ja licno sam protiv zapada iz poznatih razloga, ali nisam ni narociti Rusofil, i ja smatram da je iracionalno biti ekstremni Rusofil. Ali sam ipak vise naklonjen Rusiji, a zapad prezirem, ali ne pristajem da mi je Rusija na prvom mestu i ne pristajem da budem veci Rus od Rusa, a ima takvih i to je iracionalno i sa tim se ne slazem. Za mene je Srbija na prvom mestu, takodje i moji sunarodnici, pa onda ostalo, ako je los prevod onda se izvinjavam,
@@danijelarandjelovic614 Ja sam napisao da su veoma glasna manjina ljudi koji imaju iracionalnu ljubav prema Rusima i Rusiji uprkos tome sto nista ili skoro nista ne znaju ni o Rusiji ni o Rusima. I da ti ljudi imaju neku svoju sliku u glavi kako Rus treba da izlgeda i sta da govori i da kada se Rus ne ponasa kako su oni zamislili oni to ne mogu da prihvate. Tako da su nasa misljenja veoma slicna.
If you want to avoid problems in any country ,any conversation,even among friends, the first rule is : ''Never discuss politics and religion''.That was established long before Internet and YT.
its ok to say whats on your mind, and how you see it, im a romanian and i saw a football match where romanian and serbians football fans was supportings each other. Romanians shouted: kosovo is serbia , and the serbs shouted : basarabia is romania, to be honest iv had to look on google to find out where or what is basarabia :)) i never met a romanian in my life who mention anything about it :) only in football :))
Don't worry about those idiots; in every culture there are always some extreme nationalists but thankfully they are not representative of most Serbian people. I just happen to be a Serbian American who was born and grew up in England and who has stayed in and have lots of relatives in both Serbia and Bosnia. I can 100% tell that you are not a British native speaker. Whenever I hear a Russian, Serbian or an Eastern European who has either spent time in the UK, or has learned English from a British teacher , they virtually always have a distinct accent that is obvious to native english speakers. However, to non native English speakers it may sound British. Serbs are very proud of their culture and heritage; they are also some of the warmest and most open people you are likely to find. I have seen your videos and you do not denigrate or villify Serbian culture. What you have done is point out the differences between how a Russian would see something and how a Serb would view the same thing. That is an interesting and often fun exercise. Keep to the moral high ground and don't get deflected by those individuals who have an agenda that is totally alien to your message. Интернет је обезбедио много добрих ствари за наш савремени свет, али је такође обезбедио платформу за оне који имају секиру за млевење или лажну причу за ширење. Cheers and Zivili.
I’m American and I support your last video, it was great! You’re video was NOT anti Serbian. Don’t let the trolls bother you. Your vids are excellent and informative. I liked your vlogs from Russia and now I enjoy these from Serbia too. Best of luck in your new country. Keep up the awesome work! ❤
Don't worry Kseniya, those comments are written either by trolls (there are many YT trolls that have task to post anti-russian comments in order to make some balance in mostly pro-russian environment) or by people who didn't even watched your videos and got click baited by tabloids. Some of them probably couldn't even understand you and assumed that you was speaking bad about Serbia. Most of older generations in Serbia dont know English and those comments really looks like that. Just don't worry, see this as good thing since you gain some extra audience 😂
Me as a Serbia support you and your video as well, because you made some good points and don’t care about this tabloids because their job is just to write 💩 and trash people. Just stay original and don’t care about negativity and miserable people, stay your self and keep going on 🌹
As an English speaker I can truly say that I have always loved your videos so my advice is to just ignore the haters and continue to make whatever videos that you want to make. For myself I love learning all about other cultures i.e. their lifestyle, their foods, their transportation systems etc. So speaking for myself please continue to make the videos that you like to make and please continue sharing with us. I truly believe that every video that people like you make helps bring people across the globe a little closer together and it shows just how much we all really have in common with each other. Thank you for what you do!
Welcome to Serbia, keep creating your vlogs and ignore the freaks. I don't love nor hate Russia, but I am happy that as a country we can help the people in need...wherever they come from.
As a Serbian I can confirm our news outlets will take the most benign things and take them out of context to spin their narrative, (which is mostly negative) disappoints me to see this happen every time to people who did nothing wrong. I hope you're doing okay now since this is mind boggling for anyone let alone foreigners.
Internet - world wide web. Inter_national. Not national. So it's normal to speak freely. In every language you want. Internet is free. It should be free from prejudice, conflicts etc. Let's be free here. Greatings for all people reading it. Kseniya keep up smiling!
@@SailorNom But that is actually what you wanted, to attract attention in order to increase number of your followers and get publicity? People in Serbia are sensitive when it comes to relations between Serbia and Russia and you are definitely not a typical Russian :)
Take a long walk in the woods. Very relaxing and nice this time of year. And while you're there try to find a good stick. With that stick you can poke the trolls. They don't like that. Greetings from the Netherlands.
Hey Kseniya 😊 All your videos are great💛 I'm sorry you have to deal with hateful people,you definitely do not deserve it. Just keep being you and make awesome videos. All these haters will get bored and disappear eventually. We love you!! Hope you have a good week😊💛
Sailor, Love you and your family. Your videos are interesting and I enjoy the comparisons in cultures. I have never heard you say anything disrespectful to culture. Please continue to be yourself. xxoo
3:10 - aw snap, girl!! I admire your courage to tell that филологиня off, hellz yeah 👏 I'm pretty sure she (or someone like her) was running her mouth on my channel earlier, and I just ignored her (но осадочек остался) 🙄 Also, I'm so happy that through this shitstorm your community grew and you are almost at 5K subs 💙 #LFG
Relax. You can always block the people who talk nonsense. After a while, you won't care. My opinion is that whatever someone tells you online isn't the real world, so it doesn't matter in your life. What people who are important to you say is the most important thing.
Kseniya you have to have a look on RUclips, Desi lydic foxsplains, she is a comedian on the late show, she is satirising all the rabbit hole theory's. I think you would find it so funny in light of all the rabbit hole stuff thrown your way. Again keep doing what you like and just laugh. You have lots of us who enjoy your channel 😉
Sorry u are going through this, u are doing great job, however they are miserable people in all shapes and nationalities 😅 just keep up good work. Hope u will enjoy Serbia more and have relaxing time from now on....Serbian subscriber😂
Only keep made videos before you talked about some "Stone Age" in Serbia (I watched whole video!) what even me as a big Russian fun and lover/Serbian speaker of Russian language many decades already and Russian amazing culture dissapointed. Not only from your words already earlier from other Russians (and Ukrainians too). It is not nice to talk stupidity about people who love you, respect you and warm welcomed you in their country. Sorry girl, but peple not stupid that you need to explane some your real mistake. Need to apologize only and stay welcome in Serbia. It was mistake or we calling it "bahatost". ;)
Yes, they were talking about some stone age. They said that our financial system and the options in that system are at the level of the Stone Age. This is not true. Why didn't you explain to them that we have almost the same system as most European countries? Why didn't you explain to them that some of those options are not allowed for foreign citizens? Why didn't you explain to them that we don't use some of the payment and transaction options ourselves? It's easiest to condemn and pretend to be smart, the hardest is to explain.
Ksenija, u svakoj zemlji ima budala. I kod vas i kod nas. Ne obracaj paznju na njih. Kod nas postoji jedna izreka. " Ne diraj govno da ne bi smrdelo".Vecina Srba vole Ruse i pomoci ce i tebi tvojoj porodici, sta god vam ovde bude trebalo. Prvo, dobro dosli u Srbiju. Pisem na srpskom jer smatram da bi ti to pomoglo u ucenju naseg jezika. Jos jednom DOBRO DOSLI.
Dear Ksenya, Ignore the haters. Many of them would not notice the video, if it would be on Russian and not on English. 😄 Your English is excellent and I really enjoy your British accent. I watched a few videos and I really enjoyed the content. I wish you all the best in Serbia. 😊
Hi Ksenya, I like your English accent. Maybe you can make videos about how you learn English. You can share your experience with us. You know there are also many platforms where you can teach people English, and some of them are paid very well, especially Betakid. By the way, I think that this scandal in Serbian portals will help you in your advertising.
Dobro nam došla u Srbiju. Vidim iz tvojih video klipova da ne znaš zašto Srbi vole Ruse. Pa zato što su nas pomogli (spasili) u svim ratovima od 18 do 21 veka. To učimo u školi , nas i Rusa 200 miliona...
@@SailorNom Yes I heard the couple of seconds. But people like to hear you speak Russian to confirm you are from Russia. And also this is your chance to be sarcastic to any Russian Speaking Trolls out there. But in addition there are always those videos on your channel where you were staying at your Mom's place in southern Russia last summer where we did hear you speak Russian momentarily when you were ordering food from Vendors. :)
@@SailorNom Don't forget that your accent sounds very British, and NOT Russian so this is a barrier to some to believe you are not from the West or you are truly Russian. It's almost incredible to believe you have never been to the UK! I myself was fooled in this regard. This shows that as a linguist, you are very very good at speaking and learning English and with the desirable accent!!!! So, I had to re-listen to your Serbian "comparison" video again to find out why all the negative comments. And you DID NOT say anything bad about Serbia,, most of it was positive comments about Serbia. It was truly just comparing a few things in each of the two cultures. I truly don't know why all the negative comments afterwards. Maybe they interpreted it differently given their various background experiences.
I only didn't like when you said that Serbian salad(Šopska) isn't anything special. That is a blasphemy😂. And dont care about Vučić's media, he is little Putin(only tall) 😀
Only problem about your accent is that it's obviously not native but forced British, which makes it super annoying to listen to. Love your videos content though, but for me it's hard to listen exactly because forced accent. Stay strong, haters gonna hate. And being targeted by medias is so unfortunate, they love to make things scandalous for more views. It can happen to anyone. Ignore them and move on. And all these comments were bunch of nonsense.
Hey, I am from Zemun, Serbia. I appreciated that video and enjoyed it for what it was. It was definitely entertaining! And the best thing I learned is that Russian salad is called Olivier! Thank you for making it and I hope you keep making it! Also it was expected that Russians do not care or know about Serbia. We are simply not big enough.
I polako :DDDDDDDDDD Thanks a lot man! I really appreciate it :)))) if you know some hella good places where to eat&drink in Zemun it would be great if you share :)))
@@SailorNom of course Real nice slow cooked veal and lamb (served warm hahahah) at restoran Gigo. The place does not seem like much on the outside but I asure you the food and drinks are amazing! If you do want a fancier place then Bela Reka is a good choice. Amazing barbecue chicken wings can be found at Gladni Vuk (they are near the quay/river Danube). There is also a nice chinese place (if you get bored with all the barbecue hahah) called Makao in Zemun (bordering New Belgrade). Also heard good stuff about italian place called Napoli but have not checked them out yet. Those were fine dining options, for fast food there is an entire street I would direct you to called bulevar Marsala Tolbuhina (street has changed name it is also called Goce Delcev) (aka bulevar gladnih (Boulevard of the Hungry)) they have plenty of choices there but one stands out of course and that is Sis cevap, always a huge line. Hope I was informative enough! :D
" I thought I made a fun video :) But I was completely wrong 😁." Well, not wrong at all, Kseniya. I enjoyed the video, watched to the end and then joined your channel because of it. I am a Serb, btw. Now, I discovered your channel yesterday, so I am a bit, say, one year late in my reaction. Better late than never. Reactions. Well, I even put the video into slow motion to read all of them. Many were quite amusing to me in their stupidity, but I can imagine how it has been to be on the receiving end of such a stream of insults and negative feelings. You probably know by now, most people in Serbia cannot stand the sight of the west for a variety and a growing number of very good reasons. You probably could not know it, but the most of the yellow online press reacting to your video are western financed or controlled, and their intent is obvious from the titles already - spoliling the support and positive feelings that the Serbs show to the Russians and their cause in this war. This should be very obvious, but our people stupid enough to read this BS took the bait at once, and heaped you with insults and their paranoic ramblings, even. And without even watching your video, many of them, it seems. October 2022 was a period of a transient crisis on the Russian fronts, and I imagine the Serbs understood no jokes then, if they even only suspected them being against the Russians and the Russian leadership. Could be you said something critical of Putin in another video, or similar, and the most Serbs were already electrified and allergic to the views of the Russian liberals at that moment. What makes me sad is that the people rather buy their own 'opinion' on the yellow sites, than use their own eyes and heart, and simply look and listen to a person. You are a good and honest person, that should be clear to anyone with an open heart, ears and eyes; and to close them and trust B92 and other BSers, I better not comment on that. My congats on excellent English, as well. Just like me, you have been taught British English, and to it never been to an English speaking country. My respect. Last but not least, you are a very honest, charming and likeable person. How on earth can someone oversee that to an extent that it results in writing of such rubbish, beats me. Best wishes, Xenia (Etym. Greek, "Foreign girl"; "Hospitality", as you know). So, 'nomen est omen', after all ♥ :)
Ha ha! 😅 I love when you sometimes say a few sentences in Russian in your videos. To me as a Swede, it sounds so wonderfully exotic, especially when it comes from someone who you are used to them speaking English. You can feel free to continue to do this sometimes to amuse us faithful followers. 😉 I don't understand why you want your videos to be streamlined in any particular genre or category. 🤷♂️ I think it's great to just see what you're up to!! Sometimes you have something important that you want to say, so then make a video where you say it. The next day you can make a video where you dress wild cats or play banjo... I'd also like to see more of the two family guys that you take care of, if they want to be involved of course, you shouldn't force them... 😇 Have a nice weekend, Kseniya! You're the best!! 💪 Greetings from your biggest fan in Sweden!! 🇸🇪🤗
watched the video.not knowing serbia i can't comment on the facts..but these were your observations ,very well delivered and with good humour and a good advert for sebia,seems some people just have a stick up their rear end. and i can say as a fact being born in wales from an english father and knowing every regional dialect in the uk..you are not english..very well spoken "you had a great teacher" but i would ask you which eastern european country you came from.you would probably do the same if i learned russian as they say"it takes one to know one"keep being you..whatever subject you choose to follow here the Don Quixotes here will soon find another windmill to joust with :)
Hi lovely girl, just keep doing your thing. You’re living in extraordinary circumstances and anything you show us about your life and how you’re surviving the insanity of that life, is pertinent and interesting to us. Why not show us around the people and places in your everyday life? ❤😊🇦🇺👏🏽
Ksenia, it is only after You : accept( react and consider) some narrow minded comments or not. Note: People here( online ) are with different backgrounds, life experiences, education and psychology. It is not possible to please everyone. I appreciate your videos with your honest and open attitude. 👍 You are enjoying life and sharing it with the world! Thank you .🌹
I think what pissed people off was one of your points that Russins do not know anything about Serbia (as Serbs are very very Russofil nation and consider them as brotherhood nation).
Well, this is very tough times for Serbia as well as we are under insane pressure to sanctions Russia but we are maintining to refuse that all these months (enourmus pressure comes from EU) and while we are trying our best to keep our head over the wather cause of that, the last thing people wanna hear was that Russia people do not know anything about Serbia.You have to be more carefull, as in this tough times people on all sides are very sensitive.I do not want to lecture anyone, but some elementary knowledge about Serbia is needed before any content you put outhere.
I am sorry for your experience Kseniya. As a Serbian I can confirm that Serbia is a country of extremes. Evil people are not a majority, but their poison is a strong one. And on the top of that, you are a woman. Those idiots do not forgive that! I hope no one will harm you physically. Stay safe.
Wow! What a week! Glad to hear that the Serbian people sent you messages. Maybe you can ask them or maybe you just did, what to put on your channel. I mean suggestions not mandates. :-) I was watching a guy who escaped to Turkey and so now he's there so, now what? But the weirdest thing is two of his friends went off with some other guys and when he finally was able to get in touch with them again, they were back in Russia! My goodness, I'm sorry but that's just so stupid! Apparently they believe mobilization is over. Wow they are going to be surprised. I heard the planned economy is coming back. I don't know whether it will but I heard somebody's mentioning it. Which is interesting cuz we were just talking about it yesterday. I know so much more about some other countries than I did last year, that's for sure! Anyway I still admire your husband for picking raspberries. I think this is what our ancestors did when they came to America. They did menial jobs and then they learned more things. My mother worked in a factory. When I asked my father if he was blue collar, he got mad at me and he yelled. I'm sorry! How did I know. I'm sure I was like 10 or 11 or something. So you just made it to White collar. Don't take it out on me. I apparently made it to pink collar, which I think is something they said in the '80s about female office workers who didn't make a lot of money. I was definitely one of those. People were putting together cars for $28 an hour and I was breaking my brain everyday for $7 an hour. Anyway... Hope your family is good and that your next week will be better than this one.
Omg I love your comments! They are always full of good stories and examples :) please keep it up! And I will do my thing for sure! Thanks for supporting! Much love ❤️
Well - as a native speaker you sound Eastern European - Slavic. Secondly you left Russia via Moskow Airport. Lastly I get the impression you really like Serbia and given your experiences why would you not? Stick to your guns Xenia
You did a really poor job of answering the allegations. You are beating around the bush and talking irrelevant stuff. If someone is accusing you of being an undercover mi5 agent, you dont respond to that with i love Serbia, i love Russia, wtf, are you even thinking or are you really a spy that is bad at his job?😆 I personally dont care about the truth about you, but if you do care about responding to those people you should focus on how can you prove what and staying on the point, not wandering about with your emotional responses.
I just want to send you support, I like your channel. I also fallow these two Russian youtubers: Natasha Adventures (ex yeah Russia) and Roman's channel, (NFKRZ). You may know them. Anyways, YOU GUYS ARE ROCK!. Don't wary about bad comments, it means you are doing something good!
I really don't get it' what made people so mad about your last video. For me it wasn't disrespectfull at all. It was funny and interesting observations of foreigner about Serbia. Can't wait for the next videos Kseniya and try not to take all those insults personally. It's like in that Taylor Swift's song "Haters gonna hate..." Ignore them.
I just found previous video on my YT homepage, probably because I already watch many of Russian and Ukrainian youtubers (some even before the SMO) ... I was pleasantly surprised how different your English is, and made a comment on it. I would comment about some other thing, if I knew that this "accent argument" is already being used in "MI6 conspiracy" :) I like this follow up video, keep up good work
How much does the KGB pay you to show the Serbs that not all Russians are rich IT experts or rich oligarchs? You were paid to come here and be nice, admit it!! :D
@@SailorNom haha If you are a double agent then you are in the right place. :D Dusko Popov, the man who was the inspiration for the movie character James Bond, is from Titel, which I doubt is close to your house where you currently live. ruclips.net/video/qyM2SuW2r54/видео.html
I have idea for next video.Listen this.This won't cause drama or new identity incident on YT.Reaction videos.They are cheap to make,not that hard to do.While you are here you may do reaction video on some serbian famous movies,series,books/literature if you can find it translated on russian or english.Also travel videos are great but expensive.Or normal day things in your regular life which serbian people do differently then russians.
IMHO, as an American living in UK you don’t have an English accent. But some of your words do.Accents can be pick up from tv or radio. Also who ever teaching might have had an English influence. As a note people here think I am Canadian.
Greetings from the extreme southwestest corner of the U.S. We are wishing you the best, no one is paying rent for space in your head, so do not let 'em in! Cheers to you, my Friend!
Keep calm and carry on Kseniya. I think you hit on the next topic for your blog, is Serbia predominately anti West, pro Russian, or mostly open to everyone?
Try not to think about what other people say or think. Who cares? The good thing is you got media publicity and more views of your videos... Even a negative publicity is free publicity. All of that will be forgotten... You do not need to apologize for who you are, for where you are from, for what language you speak. Like you said, it's your channel. So sorry this happened.
Dear Ksenia, I am sorry if you've felt uncomfortable with some comments. It is another proof that most of the Serbian people love and support Russia unconditionally. It is hard-wired into Serbian psyche. Why? It is a much longer story than this comment would allow. Serbian people also know history and global relations pretty well, infused with orthodox Christianity. I am not talking about all the people. There is a minority brain-washed with American/ Western soft power. Those are the people who hate Putin and support your statement about Russians not knowing or not being interested in Serbia. I am aware that you can only talk about people that you know, not about all of the Russian people. And that Serbs know more about Russia than vice versa. That is the product of educational system and upbringing. It is sad that knowledge about the ONLY brotherly people in the world is not wider spread in Russia. And to finish: When asked what kind of man she is looking to marry, Russian devushka said: "I would like only one thing. That he loves me as much as Serbs love Russians".
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Just respect the country you have come to, and leave the people with Serbian citizenship decide about their internal political issues. We're a democratic society, and everyone in Serbia is free to express his political opinion. In Serbia it's normal openly to express his political stence and argue about them. Leave our internal politics for us, and don't come here with the idea that you can express the frustrations you're taking with you from your own country and thinking you can usurp our society from within. If you like our country that's great for you, but you have to respect our society as a whole, or if you don't like it you're free to leave. If you don't like the politics of your country, there's Ukraine, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan etc. etc. where the government's share the same opinion. From what I've heard, the Russians aren't having an easy life over there. So enjoy the things in life that has been given to you in Serbia. Thanks.
Yo guyz, it’s me Kseniya? You mean this?
I’m not gonna respect people who’re saying I’m a spy or I am not Russian, who is offending me. I’m protecting myself here. And I don’t really understand your point here.
@@SailorNom Everyone who's coming from outside to our country has to oblige to our country's official rights and our constitution. The values that we as people stand for have been forged for thousands of years, and our beliefs are based upon our collective experience taken directly from our past, and we won't allow it to be taken away and usurped from the outside. It's on anyone coming here as a tourist or to work has to acclimate to our society, if not everyone can feel free to get the fuck out. This doesn't go only for you, as the world doesn't spin around one individual, but it's meant for everyone wishing to visit our country. Is it clearer now?
No :) it is not clear, cuz I simply don’t understand why are you even saying these things to me. I don’t act rude or disrespectful or anything like that, so why are you warning me?
I think you are missing the point here. What triggered people the most was the comment that Russians actually don't know or care much about Serbia. That is a shocking revelation to people here who have some crazy and irrational love for Russia, although they lack knowledge about the country or of language. But you can't really explain anything to them. To me it was obvious what you wanted to say (because I went and watched the whole video, and btw I liked it a lot :) Please continue making more.
Yeaaaaah! I understand it now really!!!
Bilo bi takođe dobro da Srbiju nije briga za Rusiju.
@@SailorNom As Vojislav already said, often the most vocal "Russophiles" in Serbia don't really know much about Russia. Or, as one of my friends put it, they can hardly distinguish between the flag of Russia and the flag of France XD They may have some vague ideas that are not grounded in reality. That does not necessarily make them ill-intentioned, however, they usually react poorly when those ideas clash with reality. However, there is also plenty of normal, decent people, so just laugh it off! Не стоит волноваться! :)
Absolutely true. Many people here simply can't embrace the fact that the things aren't as they think they are. Us Serbs love to live in our little fantasy world.
Ne znaju Rusi nista o Srbiji ali znaju gdje je guzici sigurno !
Јако ми је жао што ти се све ово догађа. Гледао сам спорни видео и ништа лоше или нетачно у њему нисам запазио, ни против Срба, ни против Руса. Напротив, мислим да је врло афирмативан за Србију и говори о нашим разликама којих нисмо свесни. Још једном, јако ми је жао због свих непријатности које си доживела.
Thanks a lot, Ivan! 🙏
@@SailorNom Dont let it bother you. its well known here in serbia about the bullshit the papers cover. It has become a kind of a meme amongst the normal people. But dumb ideas can only attract dumb people.. pay them no mind
Ivane popusis nam patku nama pravim Srbima,kad te ruska kurva pljuje ti otvaras usta klosaru....Sta joj se slihtas majmuncino glupa...Zbog takvih Srba smo tu gde jesmo....Jajaro jedna
@Stefan Podunavac zasto je zelen zato sto ima drugacije misljenje od tebe ? Decko nije opsednud budalastinama i teorijama zavere i meni se svidja njegovo misljenje.
@Stefan Podunavac putinofili su glupi i ne prihvataju cinjenice.
I like how you talk and is very interesting for me how you see us from ur point of wiev. Great videos go on please. Puno srece. Vladimir
Thank you :)))))
She is not Ukrainian, English, or Russian, she is clearly Martian by way of Neptune, I don’t know why people can’t see that, lol. I have to go my toaster is trying to contact me.
Dear Kseniya, I watched your previous video... As a Serbian I can say that you did not say anything offensive or show disrespect regarding Serbia or Serbians. The newspapers wanted to attract attention, they are making money on it. Russia and Russians are now popular topic and they wanted to exploit that. By the way, I would like to say something about respect Serbians feel towards Russia. Russian Empire helped us a lot in our struggle for independence in 19 century and respect toward Imperial Russia was very strong in Serbia and was passing from generation to generation. In Serbian mentality treason is the greatest of all crimes. If someone did to you something good (like Russian Empire did to us) you should watch very carefully how behave towards that person (or in this case a state). That is a question of honor. Belgrade was a center of White Migration after Revolution 1918, because Serbians really respected and loved Imperial Russia. I noticed that some Russians think that Serbs treat well Russians because of Putin. That is not true. Indeed he is very popular in Serbia, but Serbian sympathy towards Russia is much older then Putin. Last but not least, I hope you and your family will enjoy your time in Serbia. Welcome! :)
I really appreciate your kind words! Thank you very much!
" In Serbian mentality treason is the greatest of all crimes. "
Who measured it? Show it.
OMG what the hell is wrong with us? The lady literally made a nice video and people went full hysteria and conspiracy theory. She didn't burn the Serbian flag or desecrate our monuments or something, sheesh. And then we have the audacity to brag about how we are brothers with Russians. I guess people with issues have too much spare time and love to spread bs on people's videos. But at least one good thing came out of this and that is that now you became more famous, so continue with what you are doing
Hey, I really appreciate your words! Thank you 🙏
Шта шта нам је баш зато има још већу тежину браћа и сестре то не'раде,
Све на фино па спусти на фињака
. Ми ово ми оно млако ово оно
не зна за нас и дође и чуди се чуду као да није 21 век и да нема приступ свим информацијама итд... И дође баш у Србију о којој ништа не знаш и нико не зна за Србе у Русији и те како много Руса зна за нас поготово ако воле историју Русије.
Много славних Срба војсковођа,писаца,научника итд је имало удела у самој Русији. Србин је цртао карту Русије и границу Кине и Русије и даље исту карту користе ,Срби са Русима у рату против Јапана ,Србин који је направио први Руски цепелин,авион итд.... И да не зна за Србе .... Моја Мајка је Рускиња и знала је за Србе и то доста !
И упорно користи Енглески језик.
Извини молим те имаш људе из Бразила,Америке,Кеније који хвале Србе и имају ЈТ канале и ни један није рекао Срби све живо грле пуштају да им децу сви мазе да једемо фуј храну као што је замисли пихтија хладно печење пијемо ракију са водом гутљај по гутљај као да смо не знам шта шоње како је чудно што се Рукујемо ... Па Јапанка живи 5 година у Новом Саду они се не смеју не љубе не пружају руке па се није чудила што ми пружимо руку итд... Друже то се никако не ради нисмо ми берачи памука ми смо поносан народ народ војсковођа,писаца и научника са тим се не шали и то се не подржава ...🙂 То понашање и јавно прозивање на фињака и чуђење народу који воли Русе је срамно али баш Срамно ... Замисли Србин оде у Русију и тако почне да говори о Русима уз Енглески па види ја мислим да не би из куће смео да изађе дај мани се подршке зна за Братиславу или за Дубровник а не зна за Србију оно немаш интернет немаш струју (Никола Тесла) Не знаш тенисере (Новак Ђоковић)
Ниси пратио пратила једини народ који није увео Русији 267 дана санкције итд... Ма дај смешно и жалосно. И притом и даље то ради цинично и препотентно , прави жртву од себе итд ... Итд иди у Британију па прави канал и причај Енглески ово је Србија едукују Србе на Руском поштуј државу у којој боравиш почни да учиш Српски и да ако хоће разлике да направиш између 2 народа може то много боље 🙂 И други су то већ радили нису говорили а ми не знамо за вас ви пијете као жене једете одвратне пихтије нико од нас не зна за вас итд ... То није Људски то је срамотно ! 🙂
Cuz we Serbs and our medias are dorks and idiots.
I bet more than 70% of these comments come from Russians, Serbs wouldn't even care if you speak Brit accent or not... nonsense.
I am from Serbia and I adore British accent!
Idk man :) all of these comments were translated as you can see on screenshots, I don’t think Russians were doing that. Anyways I see in my analytics where people came from, so… :)
@@SailorNom Also I think you take everything way too serious, this is a typical cliche of ice cold-tempered, way too serious and suspicious Russian person that's trying to communicate with warm, often ironic and not always serious Serbian people. I bet half of these comments are just troll kids if they even are Serbian... and the trashy tabloids translated your videos wrongly and exaggareted everything in order to get more views, so it's their fault not yours, but you need to relax, FSB is not tracking you, Russia is well controlled by secret services and I understand your healthy paranoia.. I remember in one of your videos when you suspicously said about Serbian restourant staff "They said they don't speak English... or maybe they just... pretended" I was laughing for 15 minutes straight, why the hell would they pretend? It is often for people here to not have a desire to learn English... you're suspicious, serious and cold in temperament we are pretty opposite: This situation is called culture shock and you may think that everyone here is eccentric or that you yourself is eccentric until you get to understand some basic patterns of country's culture... our language may be similar but our mentality is completely different from Russian/Polish and Slavic in general so there will be some months to get along.
Omg yes, I’m Russian and I act suspicious 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 geez it’s true!!!!!
Congratulations Kseniya! When you get mobbed by Trolls, you know you're doing well on RUclips! Just film what you feel like and all will be fine! ❤️ to 👪
I think so 😁 thanks Colin :) ❤️
HAHAHA very, very accurate
@@janakolasinac1686 his name is Colin and he's from Edinburgh :) just saying :)
I came because of those articles in the newspapers just to see what’s all the fuss about, and as expected from the news reporters, they always twist someone’s words and want to make the most sensational titles that will get them a lot of clicks, engagement and traffic. Let’s be real, nowadays, a lot of people don’t even read articles fully, they read only these sensational titles and will rely on the things from the said titles. As I said, I watched your video and I didn’t see anything bad said, you were very respectful. Keep up the good work, I subscribed to your channel.
Phew!!!!! Thank you! I’m really glad you’ve found time to watch it :)
Hi Kseniya,i thought it was a great video comparing the two cultures ,just carry on what your doing ,look after your self,love to you all
I will :) cheers, my friend ❤️
Your video was not anti serbian, our tabloids are funny lol
I’m glad to hear that!
You just earned a new Serbian subscriber. Welcome!
Welcome here! Thank you very much!
Jaka stvar
and you aint a Serb youre suname isn`t Serbian enough , hahahahahahhhhahahahahhahah
Dobro dosli u Srbiju! Opustite se i uzivajte!
Lady, an old saying from Serbia, behind the excellent horse is always the dust! Just keep it up!
Nice one :) thanks
Kseniya, don't let the minority, which does not wish you well, change your life, work and impression of the majority of people in Serbia, for whom you are welcome and have full support. Keep it up. I wish you all the best, good health, happiness and may God protect you!
Aaaaw!!! Thank you very much for your kind words!
Ljudi će uvijek pričati svašta, jer je to u prirodi ljudi, a ne do tebe. Svejedno je da li si ukrajinka, ruskinja ili srpkinja i svejedno je šta je u pitanju - ljudi su takvi i nije do tebe, ne shvataj licno.
I am sorry this happened to you, I very much enjoed your video, especially that one. Here in Serbia we have a saying that goes something along the lines get to know Serbia so you can love it more and you got to meet another "part" of Serbia, a bit uglier but I hope it doesn't ruin your experience but makes it fuller.
There is a small but very loud group of people here who have some irrational love for Russia while knowing notthing about it but while having some imaginary picture of a country and people and when someone breaks that picture they just can't accept it. And like I said in some previous comments I made, media in Serbia is just terrible and alrmingly big part of people read only headlines.
But like I said don't get too bothered by this, it will blow over.
Vi natisti ne mozete bez lazi, upravo ste vi ta glasna manjina, a ovi ostali koji podrzavaju Rusiju su vecina, i to ogromna vecina, al vi bi da bude po vasim zeljama iako vas je jedva 5%
It’s totally fine, Dragan! I love being here anyways! It can’t be always 100% positive :) So I’m getting used to it 😁
Thank you! ❤️
@@danijelarandjelovic614 Ovde ili je radio google translate pa je lose prevedeno ili ti je mozdani kapacitet slab.
Devojka je snimila video o razlikama i stvarima koje su je "sokirale" u Srbiji, ja sam taj video odgledao i u njemu nema nista sporno. A i da ima(a nema) kakav bi nacista ja trebao da budem da mi smeta i da napadam devojku koja uzme mobilni telefon i snima sebe kako prica. Ako je Srpsko Ruska veza toliko slaba da to moze da je poljulja onda ta veza i ne postoji.
A inace, ja sam protiv clanstva u EU i NATO i svakako bi se moglo reci da sam rusofil. Samo sto nisam rusofil iz informera vec o toj zemlji po nesto i znam a volim i da naucim nesto novo.
A sto se tice nacizma i fasizma, jedna od glavnih odlika tih ideologija je nepodnosenje suprotnog misljenja. Ja se na primer sa ovom devojkom politicki ne slazem, ali to ne znaci da je ona strani spijun vec samo da razlicito mislimo.
A ako ti nisi u stanju da volis ili bar razumes nekoga ko misli drugacije od tebe mozda je vreme da preispitas samog sebe i proveris da mozda ti nisi deo neke ekstremne ideologije.
@@draganmarkovic491 onda verovatno je los prevod, ili sta vec. inace po prevodu ispada da si napisao da ti je zao zbog Rusofila u Srbiji i da su oni manjina(kao da je vecina prozapadna) i nisam napisao naCista, nego naTista, ja licno sam protiv zapada iz poznatih razloga, ali nisam ni narociti Rusofil, i ja smatram da je iracionalno biti ekstremni Rusofil. Ali sam ipak vise naklonjen Rusiji, a zapad prezirem, ali ne pristajem da mi je Rusija na prvom mestu i ne pristajem da budem veci Rus od Rusa, a ima takvih i to je iracionalno i sa tim se ne slazem. Za mene je Srbija na prvom mestu, takodje i moji sunarodnici, pa onda ostalo, ako je los prevod onda se izvinjavam,
@@danijelarandjelovic614 Ja sam napisao da su veoma glasna manjina ljudi koji imaju iracionalnu ljubav prema Rusima i Rusiji uprkos tome sto nista ili skoro nista ne znaju ni o Rusiji ni o Rusima. I da ti ljudi imaju neku svoju sliku u glavi kako Rus treba da izlgeda i sta da govori i da kada se Rus ne ponasa kako su oni zamislili oni to ne mogu da prihvate.
Tako da su nasa misljenja veoma slicna.
If you want to avoid problems in any country ,any conversation,even among friends, the first rule is : ''Never discuss politics and religion''.That was established long before Internet and YT.
Weeeell yea I kinda agree
its ok to say whats on your mind, and how you see it, im a romanian and i saw a football match where romanian and serbians football fans was supportings each other. Romanians shouted: kosovo is serbia , and the serbs shouted : basarabia is romania, to be honest iv had to look on google to find out where or what is basarabia :)) i never met a romanian in my life who mention anything about it :) only in football :))
Don't worry about those idiots; in every culture there are always some extreme nationalists but thankfully they are not representative of most Serbian people. I just happen to be a Serbian American who was born and grew up in England and who has stayed in and have lots of relatives in both Serbia and Bosnia. I can 100% tell that you are not a British native speaker. Whenever I hear a Russian, Serbian or an Eastern European who has either spent time in the UK, or has learned English from a British teacher , they virtually always have a distinct accent that is obvious to native english speakers. However, to non native English speakers it may sound British. Serbs are very proud of their culture and heritage; they are also some of the warmest and most open people you are likely to find. I have seen your videos and you do not denigrate or villify Serbian culture. What you have done is point out the differences between how a Russian would see something and how a Serb would view the same thing. That is an interesting and often fun exercise. Keep to the moral high ground and don't get deflected by those individuals who have an agenda that is totally alien to your message. Интернет је обезбедио много добрих ствари за наш савремени свет, али је такође обезбедио платформу за оне који имају секиру за млевење или лажну причу за ширење. Cheers and Zivili.
Thank you so much for your honest opinion and kind words! I’ll keep it up!
I wouldn't fret too much about it. Ignore all of that ignorant BS. You're more than welcome in Serbia :)
Thank you :)
I’m American and I support your last video, it was great!
You’re video was NOT anti Serbian.
Don’t let the trolls bother you. Your vids are excellent and informative.
I liked your vlogs from Russia and now I enjoy these from Serbia too.
Best of luck in your new country. Keep up the awesome work! ❤
Thank you my friend! I really appreciate it! ❤️
Такве су нам "новине" у Србији 🤷 Да нису налетели на тебе, преписивали би нешто са твитера.
Another excellent video Kseniya, positive as always and straight from your heart "Noli Illegitimi Carborundum."
Heeey ❤️ thanks
Don't worry Kseniya, those comments are written either by trolls (there are many YT trolls that have task to post anti-russian comments in order to make some balance in mostly pro-russian environment) or by people who didn't even watched your videos and got click baited by tabloids. Some of them probably couldn't even understand you and assumed that you was speaking bad about Serbia. Most of older generations in Serbia dont know English and those comments really looks like that.
Just don't worry, see this as good thing since you gain some extra audience 😂
Oh thank you, I agree and understand it now :)
Me as a Serbia support you and your video as well, because you made some good points and don’t care about this tabloids because their job is just to write 💩 and trash people. Just stay original and don’t care about negativity and miserable people, stay your self and keep going on 🌹
Thaaaaanks :) that’s what I’m trying to do :)
''You as a Serbia'', tužno je što svakakav nepismeni smrdljivi majmun može da napiše komentar ili kaže svoje mišljenje.
As an English speaker I can truly say that I have always loved your videos so my advice is to just ignore the haters and continue to make whatever videos that you want to make. For myself I love learning all about other cultures i.e. their lifestyle, their foods, their transportation systems etc. So speaking for myself please continue to make the videos that you like to make and please continue sharing with us. I truly believe that every video that people like you make helps bring people across the globe a little closer together and it shows just how much we all really have in common with each other. Thank you for what you do!
Darell!!!!! 🥹 thank you my friend :))))) ❤️❤️❤️
@@SailorNom You are most welcome and please don't let the naysayers get to you.
The video got 63K views. Wow!
Welcome to Serbia, keep creating your vlogs and ignore the freaks. I don't love nor hate Russia, but I am happy that as a country we can help the people in need...wherever they come from.
Thank you! ❤️🙏
As a Serbian I can confirm our news outlets will take the most benign things and take them out of context to spin their narrative, (which is mostly negative) disappoints me to see this happen every time to people who did nothing wrong. I hope you're doing okay now since this is mind boggling for anyone let alone foreigners.
I’m okay :) it’s in the past already :)
Internet - world wide web. Inter_national. Not national. So it's normal to speak freely. In every language you want. Internet is free. It should be free from prejudice, conflicts etc. Let's be free here. Greatings for all people reading it. Kseniya keep up smiling!
Thaaaaaank you :)))))
You're doing amazing videos, just keep doing! Normal Serbs are ashamed of those tabloids
Thank you ❤️
@@SailorNom But that is actually what you wanted, to attract attention in order to increase number of your followers and get publicity? People in Serbia are sensitive when it comes to relations between Serbia and Russia and you are definitely not a typical Russian :)
Take a long walk in the woods. Very relaxing and nice this time of year. And while you're there try to find a good stick.
With that stick you can poke the trolls. They don't like that. Greetings from the Netherlands.
😁😁😁😁😁😁 nice advice! Thank you ;))))))
Hey Kseniya 😊 All your videos are great💛 I'm sorry you have to deal with hateful people,you definitely do not deserve it. Just keep being you and make awesome videos. All these haters will get bored and disappear eventually. We love you!! Hope you have a good week😊💛
Holly! Thank you dear! ❤️
Sailor, Love you and your family. Your videos are interesting and I enjoy the comparisons in cultures. I have never heard you say anything disrespectful to culture. Please continue to be yourself. xxoo
Thank you!!!!! Happy you like my content :)
3:10 - aw snap, girl!! I admire your courage to tell that филологиня off, hellz yeah 👏 I'm pretty sure she (or someone like her) was running her mouth on my channel earlier, and I just ignored her (но осадочек остался) 🙄 Also, I'm so happy that through this shitstorm your community grew and you are almost at 5K subs 💙 #LFG
😁😁😁😁 she deserves some spice 😁
Thank you anyways!
Ты ничего не знаешь о Сербии, но знаешь, где спрятаться и где ты в безопасности!
@@Anna_talks_ zna ona gde je guzici sigurno 😉
Relax. You can always block the people who talk nonsense. After a while, you won't care. My opinion is that whatever someone tells you online isn't the real world, so it doesn't matter in your life. What people who are important to you say is the most important thing.
Yea, I blocked a lot of them 😁
Kseniya you have to have a look on RUclips, Desi lydic foxsplains, she is a comedian on the late show, she is satirising all the rabbit hole theory's. I think you would find it so funny in light of all the rabbit hole stuff thrown your way. Again keep doing what you like and just laugh. You have lots of us who enjoy your channel 😉
Your last video was great and your English is flawless. Love your accent. Do your thing and don't pay attention to the haters. I'll be watching.
Thanks Marta :)
You could do videos exploring different aspects of Serbian culture and history.
It is a good idea! Thank you!!
Sorry u are going through this, u are doing great job, however they are miserable people in all shapes and nationalities 😅 just keep up good work. Hope u will enjoy Serbia more and have relaxing time from now on....Serbian subscriber😂
Thank you Kristina! ❤️
Moja jedina primedba bi bila je to sto retko izbacujete videa 😁
Ooooooh I know! I’m working on it, I swear! 😁
Only keep made videos before you talked about some "Stone Age" in Serbia (I watched whole video!) what even me as a big Russian fun and lover/Serbian speaker of Russian language many decades already and Russian amazing culture dissapointed. Not only from your words already earlier from other Russians (and Ukrainians too).
It is not nice to talk stupidity about people who love you, respect you and warm welcomed you in their country.
Sorry girl, but peple not stupid that you need to explane some your real mistake. Need to apologize only and stay welcome in Serbia.
It was mistake or we calling it "bahatost". ;)
Yes, they were talking about some stone age. They said that our financial system and the options in that system are at the level of the Stone Age. This is not true.
Why didn't you explain to them that we have almost the same system as most European countries? Why didn't you explain to them that some of those options are not allowed for foreign citizens? Why didn't you explain to them that we don't use some of the payment and transaction options ourselves?
It's easiest to condemn and pretend to be smart, the hardest is to explain.
Ksenija, u svakoj zemlji ima budala. I kod vas i kod nas. Ne obracaj paznju na njih. Kod nas postoji jedna izreka. " Ne diraj govno da ne bi smrdelo".Vecina Srba vole Ruse i pomoci ce i tebi tvojoj porodici, sta god vam ovde bude trebalo. Prvo, dobro dosli u Srbiju. Pisem na srpskom jer smatram da bi ti to pomoglo u ucenju naseg jezika. Jos jednom DOBRO DOSLI.
That’s a nice expression :)) I like it! Thank you very much Dragan!
Your desire to sound british aside, our country is still called SeRbia, not Se’bia. Valid for all accents. And welcome everybody.
Cmon it’s just pronunciation :)
Ksenija if you love Serbia then stay, Serbia have beautiful women,good food, they are open people, take care
I agree with you!!!
@@SailorNom 🥰
Dear Ksenya,
Ignore the haters. Many of them would not notice the video, if it would be on Russian and not on English. 😄 Your English is excellent and I really enjoy your British accent. I watched a few videos and I really enjoyed the content. I wish you all the best in Serbia. 😊
Thank you so much for your kind words and coffee :) ❤️
Don't mind them. I guess the Olgino boys managed to lay off the vodka and krokodil for five minutes to stir shit.
omg 😁
My goodness, most of these people probably don't even know the word enmity!
The way you eat schwarma. drink beer and smoke is proving your 100% Dutch. 😄
Надам се да Србија довоњно поштује себе,да ће вам отказати боравак.Еxtradition
Ne, nego zato sto se politički angazuje…
Neka prestane sa antiruskim proseravanjima i neće biti problema.
Hi Ksenya, I like your English accent. Maybe you can make videos about how you learn English. You can share your experience with us. You know there are also many platforms where you can teach people English, and some of them are paid very well, especially Betakid.
By the way, I think that this scandal in Serbian portals will help you in your advertising.
I agree it helped :)
Maybe it’s a good idea for a video… thank you!
Relax, take it easy.
omg girly I’m so sorry for the trolls and kids please don’t worry about them ur always welcome to Serbia
It’s fine :))) thank you very much
Dobro nam došla u Srbiju. Vidim iz tvojih video klipova da ne znaš zašto Srbi vole Ruse. Pa zato što su nas pomogli (spasili) u svim ratovima od 18 do 21 veka. To učimo u školi , nas i Rusa 200 miliona...
do not wory, you are famous now 😄😄. all the best in Serbia👍
Thanks 😁
You forgot to speak for 2 minutes in Perfect Russian to prove all those trolls wrong !
I spoke a couple of seconds tho 😁
@@SailorNom Yes I heard the couple of seconds. But people like to hear you speak Russian to confirm you are from Russia. And also this is your chance to be sarcastic to any Russian Speaking Trolls out there. But in addition there are always those videos on your channel where you were staying at your Mom's place in southern Russia last summer where we did hear you speak Russian momentarily when you were ordering food from Vendors. :)
Yea :))))) I have a lot of Russian speech on my channel, agree :)
@@SailorNom Don't forget that your accent sounds very British, and NOT Russian so this is a barrier to some to believe you are not from the West or you are truly Russian. It's almost incredible to believe you have never been to the UK! I myself was fooled in this regard. This shows that as a linguist, you are very very good at speaking and learning English and with the desirable accent!!!!
So, I had to re-listen to your Serbian "comparison" video again to find out why all the negative comments. And you DID NOT say anything bad about Serbia,, most of it was positive comments about Serbia. It was truly just comparing a few things in each of the two cultures. I truly don't know why all the negative comments afterwards. Maybe they interpreted it differently given their various background experiences.
Yea! That’s true, absolutely positive video! 🤷🏻♀️
Anyways thanks I’m trying my best speaking English without visiting the UK yet 😁
I only didn't like when you said that Serbian salad(Šopska) isn't anything special. That is a blasphemy😂. And dont care about Vučić's media, he is little Putin(only tall) 😀
Did I say that? 🤔
@@SailorNom Yes, in a video when you went to visit a friend in Belgrade, and than you went to a castle Golubac.
@@SailorNom But i was joking, its okay if you didnt like it😀
Aaaaaaaa damn it
@@SailorNom But you like Gorki List, and that is enough for me😀 Enjoy your life in Serbia.
🇷🇸 🇷🇺💪
Unfortunately, people are going to say really stupid things on the internet. It's irritating, but it's "part of the furniture" as they say.
Welcome and feel like you're at home! 😇😇
Thank you!!! ❤️🙏
You are amazing. Never stop d everything you really love
Thank you! I won’t!
Yeah, I thought some of the replies were odd. Shame. Chin up, pip pip
Up up!
Just relax and enjoy in Serbia.
Thaaaanks :)
Only problem about your accent is that it's obviously not native but forced British, which makes it super annoying to listen to. Love your videos content though, but for me it's hard to listen exactly because forced accent. Stay strong, haters gonna hate. And being targeted by medias is so unfortunate, they love to make things scandalous for more views. It can happen to anyone. Ignore them and move on. And all these comments were bunch of nonsense.
Hey, I am from Zemun, Serbia. I appreciated that video and enjoyed it for what it was. It was definitely entertaining! And the best thing I learned is that Russian salad is called Olivier! Thank you for making it and I hope you keep making it! Also it was expected that Russians do not care or know about Serbia. We are simply not big enough.
Btw, subscribed 🎉
I polako
I polako :DDDDDDDDDD Thanks a lot man! I really appreciate it :)))) if you know some hella good places where to eat&drink in Zemun it would be great if you share :)))
@@SailorNom of course
Real nice slow cooked veal and lamb (served warm hahahah) at restoran Gigo. The place does not seem like much on the outside but I asure you the food and drinks are amazing!
If you do want a fancier place then Bela Reka is a good choice.
Amazing barbecue chicken wings can be found at Gladni Vuk (they are near the quay/river Danube).
There is also a nice chinese place (if you get bored with all the barbecue hahah) called Makao in Zemun (bordering New Belgrade).
Also heard good stuff about italian place called Napoli but have not checked them out yet.
Those were fine dining options, for fast food there is an entire street I would direct you to called bulevar Marsala Tolbuhina (street has changed name it is also called Goce Delcev) (aka bulevar gladnih (Boulevard of the Hungry)) they have plenty of choices there but one stands out of course and that is Sis cevap, always a huge line.
Hope I was informative enough! :D
Oh em gee… I screenshoted this! Thank you SOOOO MUCH!!! ❤️❤️❤️
" I thought I made a fun video :) But I was completely wrong 😁." Well, not wrong at all, Kseniya. I enjoyed the video, watched to the end and then joined your channel because of it. I am a Serb, btw. Now, I discovered your channel yesterday, so I am a bit, say, one year late in my reaction. Better late than never.
Reactions. Well, I even put the video into slow motion to read all of them. Many were quite amusing to me in their stupidity, but I can imagine how it has been to be on the receiving end of such a stream of insults and negative feelings. You probably know by now, most people in Serbia cannot stand the sight of the west for a variety and a growing number of very good reasons.
You probably could not know it, but the most of the yellow online press reacting to your video are western financed or controlled, and their intent is obvious from the titles already - spoliling the support and positive feelings that the Serbs show to the Russians and their cause in this war. This should be very obvious, but our people stupid enough to read this BS took the bait at once, and heaped you with insults and their paranoic ramblings, even. And without even watching your video, many of them, it seems.
October 2022 was a period of a transient crisis on the Russian fronts, and I imagine the Serbs understood no jokes then, if they even only suspected them being against the Russians and the Russian leadership. Could be you said something critical of Putin in another video, or similar, and the most Serbs were already electrified and allergic to the views of the Russian liberals at that moment.
What makes me sad is that the people rather buy their own 'opinion' on the yellow sites, than use their own eyes and heart, and simply look and listen to a person. You are a good and honest person, that should be clear to anyone with an open heart, ears and eyes; and to close them and trust B92 and other BSers, I better not comment on that.
My congats on excellent English, as well. Just like me, you have been taught British English, and to it never been to an English speaking country. My respect. Last but not least, you are a very honest, charming and likeable person. How on earth can someone oversee that to an extent that it results in writing of such rubbish, beats me. Best wishes, Xenia (Etym. Greek, "Foreign girl"; "Hospitality", as you know). So, 'nomen est omen', after all ♥ :)
I support you Ksenija i think you are a good person welcome to Serbia and i support Russia against Nato i am Serbian after all
Thanks :)
Ha ha! 😅 I love when you sometimes say a few sentences in Russian in your videos. To me as a Swede, it sounds so wonderfully exotic, especially when it comes from someone who you are used to them speaking English. You can feel free to continue to do this sometimes to amuse us faithful followers. 😉 I don't understand why you want your videos to be streamlined in any particular genre or category. 🤷♂️ I think it's great to just see what you're up to!! Sometimes you have something important that you want to say, so then make a video where you say it. The next day you can make a video where you dress wild cats or play banjo... I'd also like to see more of the two family guys that you take care of, if they want to be involved of course, you shouldn't force them... 😇 Have a nice weekend, Kseniya! You're the best!! 💪 Greetings from your biggest fan in Sweden!! 🇸🇪🤗
Play banjo 🤔….. that’s actually a good idea, Martin 😁😁😁😁
Anyways thank you very much, my friend ❤️
In Scandinavia they say that guests start to smell after 3days.
Geez I stink…
@@SailorNom nah,death to hitler and mussolini long live serbia and all its citizens
@@SailorNom: But sometimes it’s not the guests. Sometimes the hosts need to go take a shower too!
@@janakolasinac1686: Yes Jana, but in that original case it was the hosts who Should have taken the showers!!
watched the video.not knowing serbia i can't comment on the facts..but these were your observations ,very well delivered and with good humour and a good advert for sebia,seems some people just have a stick up their rear end. and i can say as a fact being born in wales from an english father and knowing every regional dialect in the uk..you are not english..very well spoken "you had a great teacher" but i would ask you which eastern european country you came from.you would probably do the same if i learned russian as they say"it takes one to know one"keep being you..whatever subject you choose to follow here the Don Quixotes here will soon find another windmill to joust with :)
Thank you! Yes, that what I was talking about :) nice English and nothing more
Please continue with your You Tube channel. Don't let the uneducated get you down.
North Carolina USA
I will! Thank you for your support! 🙏
Hi lovely girl, just keep doing your thing. You’re living in extraordinary circumstances and anything you show us about your life and how you’re surviving the insanity of that life, is pertinent and interesting to us. Why not show us around the people and places in your everyday life? ❤😊🇦🇺👏🏽
Hi!!! Thank you for your interest, right in this very moment I’m filming a boring vlog about today… we’ll see how it goes 😁
Ksenia, it is only after You : accept( react and consider) some narrow minded comments or not.
Note: People here( online ) are with different backgrounds, life experiences, education and psychology. It is not possible to please everyone.
I appreciate your videos with your honest and open attitude. 👍
You are enjoying life and sharing it with the world!
Thank you .🌹
Thanks a lot ❤️☺️
I think what pissed people off was one of your points that Russins do not know anything about Serbia (as Serbs are very very Russofil nation and consider them as brotherhood nation).
Yea, I understand it now…
Well, this is very tough times for Serbia as well as we are under insane pressure to sanctions Russia but we are maintining to refuse that all these months (enourmus pressure comes from EU) and while we are trying our best to keep our head over the wather cause of that, the last thing people wanna hear was that Russia people do not know anything about Serbia.You have to be more carefull, as in this tough times people on all sides are very sensitive.I do not want to lecture anyone, but some elementary knowledge about Serbia is needed before any content you put outhere.
film situation and make video,,totally not interesting to watch your monolog
Then you’d better find another channel :)
Congratulations, great marketing move, your channel will definitely have a great future👍👋
Hope so :)))
I am sorry for your experience Kseniya. As a Serbian I can confirm that Serbia is a country of extremes. Evil people are not a majority, but their poison is a strong one. And on the top of that, you are a woman. Those idiots do not forgive that! I hope no one will harm you physically. Stay safe.
It is fine :) thank you very much!
Wow! What a week! Glad to hear that the Serbian people sent you messages. Maybe you can ask them or maybe you just did, what to put on your channel. I mean suggestions not mandates. :-) I was watching a guy who escaped to Turkey and so now he's there so, now what? But the weirdest thing is two of his friends went off with some other guys and when he finally was able to get in touch with them again, they were back in Russia! My goodness, I'm sorry but that's just so stupid! Apparently they believe mobilization is over. Wow they are going to be surprised. I heard the planned economy is coming back. I don't know whether it will but I heard somebody's mentioning it. Which is interesting cuz we were just talking about it yesterday. I know so much more about some other countries than I did last year, that's for sure! Anyway I still admire your husband for picking raspberries. I think this is what our ancestors did when they came to America. They did menial jobs and then they learned more things. My mother worked in a factory. When I asked my father if he was blue collar, he got mad at me and he yelled. I'm sorry! How did I know. I'm sure I was like 10 or 11 or something. So you just made it to White collar. Don't take it out on me. I apparently made it to pink collar, which I think is something they said in the '80s about female office workers who didn't make a lot of money. I was definitely one of those. People were putting together cars for $28 an hour and I was breaking my brain everyday for $7 an hour. Anyway... Hope your family is good and that your next week will be better than this one.
Omg I love your comments! They are always full of good stories and examples :) please keep it up!
And I will do my thing for sure! Thanks for supporting! Much love ❤️
Sounds like insecurity to me 🤷♂️
Well - as a native speaker you sound Eastern European - Slavic.
Secondly you left Russia via Moskow Airport.
Lastly I get the impression you really like Serbia and given your experiences why would you not?
Stick to your guns Xenia
Huh 😁 thank you very much!
You did a really poor job of answering the allegations. You are beating around the bush and talking irrelevant stuff. If someone is accusing you of being an undercover mi5 agent, you dont respond to that with i love Serbia, i love Russia, wtf, are you even thinking or are you really a spy that is bad at his job?😆 I personally dont care about the truth about you, but if you do care about responding to those people you should focus on how can you prove what and staying on the point, not wandering about with your emotional responses.
I just want to send you support, I like your channel. I also fallow these two Russian youtubers: Natasha Adventures (ex yeah Russia) and Roman's channel, (NFKRZ). You may know them. Anyways, YOU GUYS ARE ROCK!. Don't wary about bad comments, it means you are doing something good!
I follow them too! Thank you so much!
I really don't get it' what made people so mad about your last video. For me it wasn't disrespectfull at all. It was funny and interesting observations of foreigner about Serbia. Can't wait for the next videos Kseniya and try not to take all those insults personally. It's like in that Taylor Swift's song "Haters gonna hate..." Ignore them.
thank you for your support
I just found previous video on my YT homepage, probably because I already watch many of Russian and Ukrainian youtubers (some even before the SMO) ... I was pleasantly surprised how different your English is, and made a comment on it. I would comment about some other thing, if I knew that this "accent argument" is already being used in "MI6 conspiracy" :) I like this follow up video, keep up good work
MI6 is my alter ego 😁 thanks anyways :)
Do they sell Salo (svenina meat) in Serbia I want to buy it online
They have smth similar, slanina I suppose :) we use it to oil the grill before roasting meat :)
How much does the KGB pay you to show the Serbs that not all Russians are rich IT experts or rich oligarchs?
You were paid to come here and be nice, admit it!! :D
@@SailorNom haha If you are a double agent then you are in the right place. :D Dusko Popov, the man who was the inspiration for the movie character James Bond, is from Titel, which I doubt is close to your house where you currently live.
We are in the same boat with him ;)
I like your vidéos, for me it's a way to listen english with some interesting topics.
Great! Thank you!
I have idea for next video.Listen this.This won't cause drama or new identity incident on YT.Reaction videos.They are cheap to make,not that hard to do.While you are here you may do reaction video on some serbian famous movies,series,books/literature if you can find it translated on russian or english.Also travel videos are great but expensive.Or normal day things in your regular life which serbian people do differently then russians.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm! That’s actually a great idea… thanks!!!
Now I need to figure out how it works technically, cuz I’m pretty dumb at editing 😁
@@SailorNom there is always video about certan topic with indian guy explaining it in english.
Hahahahaha yes!
IMHO, as an American living in UK you don’t have an English accent. But some of your words do.Accents can be pick up from tv or radio. Also who ever teaching might have had an English influence. As a note people here think I am Canadian.
Absolutely on point
Greetings from the extreme southwestest corner of the U.S. We are wishing you the best, no one is paying rent for space in your head, so do not let 'em in! Cheers to you, my Friend!
Thank you, Robert!
Most people in comments are kids
I don’t know…. Are they reading that kinda websites?
Keep calm and carry on Kseniya. I think you hit on the next topic for your blog, is Serbia predominately anti West, pro Russian, or mostly open to everyone?
Ouuuch! Dangerous 😁 it’ll be too acid
we are not hostile, be what you are, and be free to express yourself
Thanks 😉
@@SailorNom 💪 fools exists, but they exist in every country
Ksenija, skuvaj kafu, zvekni koju rakiju i polako. Ne sekiraj se šta pišu novine, to su sve gluposti.
E, ali dobro pričaš ruski za jednu Britanku 😄
Try not to think about what other people say or think. Who cares? The good thing is you got media publicity and more views of your videos... Even a negative publicity is free publicity. All of that will be forgotten... You do not need to apologize for who you are, for where you are from, for what language you speak. Like you said, it's your channel. So sorry this happened.
You’re absolutely fckin right.
If one day we decide to go Serbia I would really love to meet you.
Sure thing!
Dear Ksenia, I am sorry if you've felt uncomfortable with some comments. It is another proof that most of the Serbian people love and support Russia unconditionally. It is hard-wired into Serbian psyche. Why? It is a much longer story than this comment would allow. Serbian people also know history and global relations pretty well, infused with orthodox Christianity. I am not talking about all the people. There is a minority brain-washed with American/ Western soft power. Those are the people who hate Putin and support your statement about Russians not knowing or not being interested in Serbia. I am aware that you can only talk about people that you know, not about all of the Russian people. And that Serbs know more about Russia than vice versa. That is the product of educational system and upbringing. It is sad that knowledge about the ONLY brotherly people in the world is not wider spread in Russia. And to finish: When asked what kind of man she is looking to marry, Russian devushka said: "I would like only one thing. That he loves me as much as Serbs love Russians".