The work journalists do in war zones cannot be overstated. International laws protect journalists in war zones as long as they do not participate in the hostilities. They report on the fighting and, humanitarian issues and abuses. The news they provide today will be the history our children are taught. Thank you to every journalist who has ever risked their lives to bring us the stories we need to see and hear.
@Ops Blac The "protection" the laws provide is that it labels fighters who attack journalists as criminals as allows them to be prosecuted. All fighters/soldiers engaged in warfare should be familiar with who is fair game and who's not. Journalists are not.
Journalists have shown the brutality of war; how the civilian populations are affected and some of the terror faced by soldiers. Journalism has probably changed the perception the public has of war, and this is a good thing, but now that a clearer picture of the brutality of war has been created in the minds of the public, they provide little except entertainment.
2 года назад+952
They also beheaded our Tomislav Salopek. He was beheaded by Mohammed Emwazi who later ate a drone missile for that in 2017.
Prije pričanja laži burazeru, nije ga uopšte pogubio Mohammed nego nepozanti lik koje se desilo u EGIPTU.
2 года назад
@@Asmar420_ sad opet gledam po internetu i mislim da imaš pravo. Već sam godinama bio uvjeren da je Jihadi John bio onaj maskirani ubojica. Jel' moguće da nije i da je još na slobodi? Jel' se zna točno tko je to bio?
@John Weedon Drones massacred many innocent lives. Women, children, innocent relatives were killed by these drone attacks all around the world. Many times wrong info ensured that. I don’t know the stats in Syria, but in Pakistan and Afghanistan thousands of innocents were killed, unfortunately. Which is why more and more people became infuriated and joined the other side. Just imagine some wedding parties were also targeted. Which is why more and more people joined these groups.
@@theworldisavampire3346terrorism financed by the u.s. government they funded the free syrian army and islamic state to fight together against the assad regime not the first time they sponsored terrorism
I understand your sentiment. While being killed in a war zone is beyond one's control, being kidnapped and awaiting one's fate is truly horrific. @@Givemeproofkid
The first kidnapping was different and not in Syria. It was in Libya 18 months earlier when he was captured by pro-Gaddafi forces and released from jail after 45 days. He wrote about the experience and returned to Libya to witness Gaddafi's capture. He was a brave journalist who cared about people. He did have concerns about safety after Libya but felt his work was important. He was as decent as they come.
@FRMOutsideSpace Obama through McCain armed FSA, YPG, PKK, SDF not to fight Syrian regime but to defeat I.S and take the land I.S captured from the Syrian regime and Russian troops. In Iraq U.S armed the peshmerga, iraqi army and Iranian militants to fight I.S In Libya U.S, turkey armed the Tripoli government to fight I.S in west of sirte, the benghazi government is armed by France, Egypt, Saudi to fight I.S in East of sirte. Now I.S is more widespread than ever before, more dangerous cause there's no front line to fight them, they're behind enemy lines walking talking smiling right next to their enemies 😂
I don’t think it’s balls a lot of the time, some of them for sure but a lot of them (especially the ones who just YOLO travel out to insurgent run areas without any protection) I think they get a rush and feel untouchable doing this work until they get hurt.
Hate this happened I remember when it happened I was so furious as someone who fought in 2006 in Iraq it made my blood boil seeing the isis push. However if someone was kidnapped once and survived and got home safe that should be a sign never place yourself back in a area without a strong security team around you again ! These journalists should never be anywhere without a good security team. The jobs they do are very dangerous and is needed for information the United States should assign civilian security teams made up of veterans plenty of vets who need work and could use the contracting work! The news stations should hire these private security teams and always have security with their people if the government won’t assign them!
All US vets are mentally ill with severe PTSD and homicidal/suicidal tendencies 😂😂😂 you'll be lucky to find a vet that won't shoot the ones he's supposed to protect if not worse 😂
No one will talk to them if they have security with them. Worse, they will be a much bigger target if they have armed personal with them. But we (the citizens) need to know what happens in the world and journalists are a very important part of our society. Imbedded journalism is worthless and we get the best stories/info from independent investigative journalists. Unfortunately journalism becomes more dangerous every year and I don't think that it will change soon. These groups (Mexican Cartels, Fundamentalists and organized crime in general) aren't happy that the information about them becomes public.
Ive been in a lot of dangerous countries for my non government job. A couple of times just going about my daily work and routine, I found myself in a couple of hairy situations for no reason other than I was a western foreigner. Let me tell you, the majority of this world is a very dangerous place, journalist or not.
Especially when the US is fomenting coups, civil war or illegally invading other countries and murdering their population to pillage their natural resources.
Yeah nuts would be a understatement. No clue what he was thinking ,sadly enough any hostages left are most likely dead as ISIS collapsed in 2016 and 2018 after many governments started to attack them!
I respect journalists who want to get things out to the people, but I feel like a lot of them including John are also a sort of adrenaline junkies wanting to play closer and closer to the fire until they get burned. They dont even bother try to move with the protection of a friendly fighting force, they just YOLO out in insurgent run war zones and stick out like a sore thumb.
@@wala3o sold them like sheep? How about don’t go to a war zone where isis is? You get kidnapped or murdered that’s on them.. not the governments fault
The first time I knew about John Cantlie, he was in one of the ISIS movies, he was mocking the international coalition, but he appeared again in the Mosul movie, and this movie was a response from ISIS to Netflix.
I still remember how genuine his begging for help for the coalition airplanes flying above him were, although Isis wanted to market that scene as if he was mocking the coalition which he wasn’t.
I remember seeing one of those beheading videos soon after 9/11. I was in 7th grade. Afterwards I could feel a sour feeling in my stomach and had to go to the bathroom bc I thought I was going to throw up. I never liked seeing that extreme violence. The other one that stuck with me was the Jane Doe video from the Zetas. It was horrifying.
I cannot watch videos like that. Not at all. Even when it's a damn movie and it has torture. I cannot watch or listen. Especially when they are whipping someone. My god that sound does something to me. That I'll yell at my husband and say " change that! U know I can't hear that"
I couldn’t watch one but I listened to one of this white man with I believe orange hair and a beard around 2017. The screams will haunt me for life. At least I’m Dubai they do it by one whip of a sword. It’s quick compared to how is does it. I’ve heard they continue to keep yazidis in the camps as slves bc they’re too scared to speak up. Their hearts will forever be in my soul.
@@ruthbrent7048 yeah it’s terrible. The one I mentioned above with the cartel was bad not bc of screaming, oddly enough she was silent but it was the way he did it. He did one quick cut on each side of her neck as if he was cutting a steak. Then you can hear her neck crunching when he got to the bone. It’s awful. This was on Facebook too and they refused to take it down. You can read articles about Facebook not taking it down. Horrible.
@@dam11232 Mexican drug cartel or something killing people(other gang members) while recording it or something like that,if you want to know what they do in such videos without watching that disturbing stuff if you can't like me,the channel "disturbed reality" does it well,talks about the things happening in the videos(a lot of other disturbing videos too) without showing it,but he does it so well that you still feel like you watched the videos.There's one particular video that he has that is related to Isis and how they killed 30 or 40 people in a slaughter house like cattle on the holy day of ramadan or something like that,he describes that video also very well,all videos are great and you don't need to watch them since he doesn't show these videos but he talks them in detail what happens in them,don't really know how he can endure watching those videos to be able to tell us who can't watch them what happened
No, that was not in Syria. It was in Libya 18 months earlier when he was captured by pro-Gaddafi forces and released from jail after 45 days. He wrote about the experience and returned to Libya to witness Gaddafi's capture. He was a brave journalist who cared about people. He did have concerns about safety after Libya but felt his work was important. He was as decent as they come.
@@22mikemike not true. He was kidnapped in Syria just a few months before crossing the Turkey border with Jeroen. They were both shot and had to be rescued by the Syrian army. Literally as soon as he recovered he went right back to an even MORE violent area. I feel sorry for what happened to him but it was an incredibly idiotic move. Jeroen (who is in this documentary) was also killed later on in another warzone.
The car salesman saying "I had better insight into what was going to happen to her" which is sad because no, FBI/CIA knew exactly what was going to happen to her, they did not care.
Sadly when we are fighting a enemy that doesn't play by established courtesies of warfare, they become targets, if you aren't with those groups you are their enemy. It is the same for soldiers who fight these groups to a much lesser extent. We are bound by certain battlefield etiquette rules that these groups also don't have to follow, for example the killing of medical personnel.
The US murders everything that moves allover the world to pillage their natural resources. Etiquette doesn't even exist in the US foreign policy and military dictionary.
@@Givemeproofkidyou can literally be charged for crimes committed on the battlefield, war crimes are real. Some battlefield etiquette is also the existence of them being laws of war. Terrorists do not care, the goal is to rule by fear, and ISIS is/was looking to rule the world through its terror. They have no intention of playing by the rules when they desire complete world domination.
For context, as stated at the start of the video but may be forgotten once you've been watching a few minutes this "aired" June 2017. This is especially relevant at the end.
I have to give this beautiful journalist credit for going into war zone and doing her job my hat is off to her I wish her luck and protection so she can do her job and bring the world news of what's going on in Afghanistan in Iraq
I would never let my family negotiate with terrorists and they know that. I'm a ranger veteran. Many missions overseas. My family knew if I was ever captured. I'd do my best to get away myself. Other than that. Remember me in your hearts.
@@MarvoloSalazar I'm a civilian... don't negotiate on my behalf. I'll do my best to escape and if I die... I die. Don't incentive more Americans to be taken on my behalf.
The only rule in post modern warfare is there are no rules. Journalists know that, for any or no reason, they are at risk of Medieval cruelty and death at any time. Brave people, that's for sure! They are playing a game of cat and mouse and journalists are the mouse.
The premiums would be unaffordable in these areas. Ransoms being paid out we’re regularly in the 5-10 mill range per person. Good luck if you are an American.
@@WJWeber no it isn't I've worked as a contractor in Syria and depending they can be around 50k a yr in this case when it was so hot it might have been more or less but they definitely wouldn't insure them on the return trip ur probably right about 5 mil on a second go in the same warzone
you know, I have to say, I bet James would say he died doing what he loved and was passionate about. As much as the act of kidnapping and killing him made me RAGE, it consolidated the US public against ISIS and ultimately brought them down (was a part). I work in a very rare job, a very very dangerous job doing outbreaks of highly resisitant and deadly bacteria infections. I remember every day the danger I face but I also love the thrill of the chase, the danger is part of it. Its a challenge, its hard at times, but if I die doing this work, I had a good ride. I have to imagine anyone who does high danger jobs accepts that and the US government should NEVER negotiate with these terrorists. I hate it for the person, but it really does protect more people in the end. Very hard. Why these groups deserve no mercy. NONE
Brought them down? In 2014 they were only operating in Iraq and Syria, now they are all around the globe (Nigeria, Burkina Faso, still in the Middle east, Libya, Afghanistan, Philippines etc) They got what they wanted. what did the American public expect? hugs and roses after their government bombs cities en masse? churlish folk.
the US created ISIS, "public support" had nothing to do with their destruction but a change in policy, and "public support" is not what dictates policy, despite what you've been taught
You absolutely can't negotiate with terrorist. Is that so hard to understand why? They'll start asking to release imprisoned terrorist members more often that asking for ransom. Think
Well I can’t think of a time when people don’t negotiate with them. The us along with everyone has done it forever. It just depends where both lines are.
Risking your life being a Journalist in Syria I would imagine the thrill knowing the risks could be exciting adrenaline for some of them until the reality of actually getting captured by a terrorist organization happens then the reality of likely death sets in. ISIS took one looks at Cantlie and said this guy sounds believeable he Can't Lie lets make him our spokesman as crazy as that sounds i bet they did.
Watch both movies tied to this account and see for yourself, you will especially like the part when he's riding on the back of a police motorcycle in Mosul talking about how wonderful it is that the Dolat-alIslam is finally bringing justice to people in the form of Hadud, chopping off hands and feet and public beheadings to those who fall short of a true believer.
ISIS , is a nightmare in 2014 they attacked 2 mosques and a hospital , i still remember the blood and the dead bodies everywhere, and I can't forget that video when one of theme killed a patients and the nurse it's keep killing my soul
Mustafa set them up … he had intel to where they were and he’s the only one that was allowed to go. He played both sides. Translators and interpreters usually do.
The fbi doesn't operate outside of American soil...... That would be the CIA. But journalist were told the risk and that territory would not be negotiated with
@@respond2meifudareMaybe you should start with “People started a rumour that he joined ISIS”. He didn’t join ISIS, he was forced to be a spokesman for them while in captivity. He is presumed dead, and has been for years, but ISIS militants stated they had sightings of him in 2017 and 2019, but nothing was confirmed. The family held a funeral for him in 2022.
⭐The way to get out of a hostage situation is you have to be a prize he wants to keep alive... Be a worth to your kidnapper he cannot detach from. Be everything that she needs. That will keep you alive while you plan an escape.
Before you find yourself restrained with a dark hood over your head as you are taken for a long ride to nowhere, it is better to have a plan and a mindset to avoid being kidnapped. My experience and training on this subject includes making the criminal decide if you are worth the trouble, or if another person is a better candidate for abduction
Well that’s what happens in a warzone nobody is off limits, there is no rules. Only consequences after maybe but at the time anything goes without punishment in that moment.
Yeah a lot of journalists seem to enjoy the rush and have some ego that they are untouchable unless there’s an accident, but it’s not a game. Especially after already being kidnapped and released there’s no doubt in my mind he was murdered as soon as they realized it was him again.
I see it going two ways, she was already destined for death and he couldn't change that or he expedited her death because she became a easy target because she was already willing to be a martyr and they used it as a way to make the u.s. look bad
So wild that they were tweeting with anybody that would interact with them on twitter. Like that leader that was so affected by a tweet from a used car salesman that they started skyping?? 😳
Yeah, I'm pretty sure thaat the vast majority of people Middle East would rather never see an American soldier voluntarily bringing them "democracy", war, and regime change ever again, too.
@V B except there was no evidence for any nukes, it was just a lie to invade iraq and no consequences for anyone involved in letting that war based on lies happen
@V B that was in 1990, I'm taking about 2003 in which the excuse of nuclear weapons was used and none was ever found which just led to the deaths of a lot of innocent people and no consequences
When they were videotaping the be heading of those innocent people I was floored and haunted and I couldn’t watch them all the way through and I believe they were in God’s presence the second their heart stopped 😢❤
When I was in High School my curiosity got the worst of me and I saw the Nickburg beheading video. It does play part in numbing your emotions. I don't recommend that video to anyone. It shows you how evil other human beings can be ☹️
It's sad that they got killed like that but blaming government for not doing anything that is just throwing responsibility on others they knew the risks
My teacher in HS son actually got beheaded by isis actually my teacher ended up retiring from teaching because of it also son's name was Peter Kassig or something cant remember his last name
Honestly i see their point and it was made quite clear in the video. If people know youre paying ransom it just makes everyone else connected to you an even bigger target. The journalists here clearly knew what they were getting into. If you keep running into a wall face first and ignore the pain youre not long for this world. If your reaction to being kidnapped by terrorists is "not again" then you probably made some choices that werent contributing to your long term survival. Actions have consequences.
Negotiating with terrorists only makes them kidnap even more people and funds their operations. Only way to deal with a troll is ignore its taunts while bombing it into submission, or leaving the area all together.
It’s sort of a catch-22 situation. If they carry weapons, they may lose their protected civilian status and risk being misidentified as enemy combatants.
What is the movie called the one where Angelina Jolie plays the wife. They kidnap the husband I believe if I can remember correctly the name of the husband was Daniel Green or something like that. Eventually those tourists killed him and supposedly they recorded it. But in the movie Angelina she played the wife she didn't want 2 see it. She never has. And she did a phenomenal job played the wife. When they told her they killed him. Her cries and screams her sorrow was so sad. She did a good job.
Angelina Jolie played Marianne Pearl in A Mighty Heart. Probably the last time it was acceptable for a white actress to engage in some mild Blackface in order to be cast as a biracial woman.
@@mmggttmmggtt no, assets can be different nationalities. To be an Officer of the CIA you need to be an American citizen. Their are no agents at the CIA
I was 20 years old in 2001 and I remember how traumatizing it was for years following 9/11. Our entire way of life changed forever that day. It seems like kids nowadays are that they are now pro-terrorist. When I see them marching in the streets forfor Hammas, it makes me wanna throw up. I had to go to therapy during the entire war on terror. I saw so many kids, my age going into the military and dying. We watched 3000 of our own citizens die on TV that day. Words cannot describe how that felt.
They are journalists, it's their job. And they aren't dumb or naive most of them know EXACTLY 💯 what the risks are and they choose to go anyways. They do a lot of research they spend weeks months years sometimes cultivating sources and locals to help them move in those hard to reach areas. So no, they are not oblivious, they know very well what is happening and what could go wrong but they go anyways. To bring the truth to you and I
Did you actually watch this documentary ? They were definitely not oblivious and naive They knew the dangers more than any one Very very well seasoned and experienced journalists definitely wasn't there first rodeo
@@codercrisYT naive /nʌɪˈiːv,nɑːˈiːv/ Learn to pronounce adjective (of a person or action) showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement. They knew the dangers more than anyone , at least know what naive means before you comment 😆😅😅🤣
The work journalists do in war zones cannot be overstated. International laws protect journalists in war zones as long as they do not participate in the hostilities. They report on the fighting and, humanitarian issues and abuses. The news they provide today will be the history our children are taught. Thank you to every journalist who has ever risked their lives to bring us the stories we need to see and hear.
Well said!
@Ops Blac The "protection" the laws provide is that it labels fighters who attack journalists as criminals as allows them to be prosecuted. All fighters/soldiers engaged in warfare should be familiar with who is fair game and who's not. Journalists are not.
I think you meant to say overstated.
@@MR-cp4sj corrected! I love a good vocabulary teacher. Appreciate u
Journalists have shown the brutality of war; how the civilian populations are affected and some of the terror faced by soldiers. Journalism has probably changed the perception the public has of war, and this is a good thing, but now that a clearer picture of the brutality of war has been created in the minds of the public, they provide little except entertainment.
They also beheaded our Tomislav Salopek. He was beheaded by Mohammed Emwazi who later ate a drone missile for that in 2017.
Isis = pigs
🇺🇸 💣 😈
Prije pričanja laži burazeru, nije ga uopšte pogubio Mohammed nego nepozanti lik koje se desilo u EGIPTU.
@@Asmar420_ sad opet gledam po internetu i mislim da imaš pravo. Već sam godinama bio uvjeren da je Jihadi John bio onaj maskirani ubojica. Jel' moguće da nije i da je još na slobodi? Jel' se zna točno tko je to bio?
@John Weedon Drones massacred many innocent lives. Women, children, innocent relatives were killed by these drone attacks all around the world. Many times wrong info ensured that. I don’t know the stats in Syria, but in Pakistan and Afghanistan thousands of innocents were killed, unfortunately. Which is why more and more people became infuriated and joined the other side. Just imagine some wedding parties were also targeted. Which is why more and more people joined these groups.
War is horrible. These journalists are incredibly brave. RIP to all of them. I hope one day war will be a memory.
@@theworldisavampire3346don’t kid yourself
Israel killed 70+ journalists, how about that ?
Terrorism ? Or you are hypocrite as we all know
@@theworldisavampire3346terrorism financed by the u.s. government they funded the free syrian army and islamic state to fight together against the assad regime not the first time they sponsored terrorism
I understand your sentiment. While being killed in a war zone is beyond one's control, being kidnapped and awaiting one's fate is truly horrific. @@Givemeproofkid
Why on earth would John risk getting kidnapped again after he escaped the first time?!?!
Behooves me too
Exactly, I dont understand this way of thinking, it's like throwing your life away the second God gives you another chance.
Because he believes in what he's doing?
The first kidnapping was different and not in Syria. It was in Libya 18 months earlier when he was captured by pro-Gaddafi forces and released from jail after 45 days. He wrote about the experience and returned to Libya to witness Gaddafi's capture. He was a brave journalist who cared about people. He did have concerns about safety after Libya but felt his work was important. He was as decent as they come.
I just found out James was born in Evanston, IL, my current hometown. That brought this so much closer to home.
Hello fellow Cook County resident!
@@marissafavela8555 hello hello!
ISIS 1 - 0 Evanston, IL 😂😂😂
USA- 350 million plus
ISIS- donezo
I live about 30 mins away from Evanston
Man it was hard just re-watching and mentally re-living the 2014-2019ish Era that extremists terrorism had on the west, truly a scary time to be alive
You are probably unaware how western powers actively armed and trained those same moderate beheaders they pretended to fight against
@@djolivierastro no I remember seeing pictures of like McCain with these guys and reading how like before 2014 we sent like tons of weapons over there
@FRMOutsideSpace Obama through McCain armed FSA, YPG, PKK, SDF not to fight Syrian regime but to defeat I.S and take the land I.S captured from the Syrian regime and Russian troops.
In Iraq U.S armed the peshmerga, iraqi army and Iranian militants to fight I.S
In Libya U.S, turkey armed the Tripoli government to fight I.S in west of sirte, the benghazi government is armed by France, Egypt, Saudi to fight I.S in East of sirte.
Now I.S is more widespread than ever before, more dangerous cause there's no front line to fight them, they're behind enemy lines walking talking smiling right next to their enemies 😂
@@FRMOutsideSpace but weapons generate Peace and more weapons generate more Peace ..
Doesn't beat the initial 2001-02 era.
These journalists have the kind of balls I'll never have and don't want to ever have. Damn!!
I don’t think it’s balls a lot of the time, some of them for sure but a lot of them (especially the ones who just YOLO travel out to insurgent run areas without any protection) I think they get a rush and feel untouchable doing this work until they get hurt.
It's a rush for them , like druggies
How could a woman ever have balls
They were incredibly naive
@@adriennefried5368and also amounted more to greater society and history than you ever will, put respect on their names.
Hate this happened I remember when it happened I was so furious as someone who fought in 2006 in Iraq it made my blood boil seeing the isis push.
However if someone was kidnapped once and survived and got home safe that should be a sign never place yourself back in a area without a strong security team around you again !
These journalists should never be anywhere without a good security team.
The jobs they do are very dangerous and is needed for information the United States should assign civilian security teams made up of veterans plenty of vets who need work and could use the contracting work!
The news stations should hire these private security teams and always have security with their people if the government won’t assign them!
If you fought in Iraq, you're part of the reason Isis was able to come to power.
All US vets are mentally ill with severe PTSD and homicidal/suicidal tendencies 😂😂😂 you'll be lucky to find a vet that won't shoot the ones he's supposed to protect if not worse 😂
No one will talk to them if they have security with them. Worse, they will be a much bigger target if they have armed personal with them.
But we (the citizens) need to know what happens in the world and journalists are a very important part of our society.
Imbedded journalism is worthless and we get the best stories/info from independent investigative journalists.
Unfortunately journalism becomes more dangerous every year and I don't think that it will change soon. These groups (Mexican Cartels, Fundamentalists and organized crime in general) aren't happy that the information about them becomes public.
its your fault. the war in iraq is the whole reason this all happened
@@crackindenpockets6211 And why did they go to war with Iraq? How is that his fault?
Rest in peace journalists who were kidnapped and murdered by ISIS, we love you and we always will.
Isis is cia
Most journalists are clowns.
Yea bro they’re not gonna be able to see this. Sorry.
He will be missed by no one
No one cares about journalists 😂
Ive been in a lot of dangerous countries for my non government job. A couple of times just going about my daily work and routine, I found myself in a couple of hairy situations for no reason other than I was a western foreigner. Let me tell you, the majority of this world is a very dangerous place, journalist or not.
Western foreigners meddling around bring trouble on themselves. Don’t come crying to us when they come catch you
Especially when the US is fomenting coups, civil war or illegally invading other countries and murdering their population to pillage their natural resources.
Maybe more so for engineers and businessman than for journalists.
So which where the hairiest situations? What countries? What did they try to do to you my brother?
I can understand why. We've invested their countries fir generations.
Toby had his heart in the right place, but he's effing nuts
the guy was on a total ego trip
That dude is something else
@@ambikalx I'd say he earned his spot in this part of American history. He just went about it like a total bafoon and threatened the FBI 😂
What are the chances of speaking to the leader of a terrorist organization over a Twitter comment lmao
Yeah nuts would be a understatement. No clue what he was thinking ,sadly enough any hostages left are most likely dead as ISIS collapsed in 2016 and 2018 after many governments started to attack them!
I respect journalists who want to get things out to the people, but I feel like a lot of them including John are also a sort of adrenaline junkies wanting to play closer and closer to the fire until they get burned. They dont even bother try to move with the protection of a friendly fighting force, they just YOLO out in insurgent run war zones and stick out like a sore thumb.
they need a drug addiction to humble them
@@nowistime8070 truth.....
And then someone needs to get them out, it's a selfish act, I understand journalism, but still
@@nowistime8070 you’d think being captured the first time would do it but apparently not
This was deep man . The poor man’s fate is probably dying in an air strike with him captors from his own side
I could understand the feds telling him to stand down but arresting him that is really unbelievable. No one knows what happened to cantley to this day
Ur government sold them like sheep,
@@wala3o sold them like sheep? How about don’t go to a war zone where isis is? You get kidnapped or murdered that’s on them.. not the governments fault
@@wala3o and I bought two of them.
@@MASONDADDY1 are you happy with ur purchase? No leaks?
What kind of camera is he using?
The first time I knew about John Cantlie, he was in one of the ISIS movies, he was mocking the international coalition, but he appeared again in the Mosul movie, and this movie was a response from ISIS to Netflix.
@@RyanTaylor1223 mosul
I met Cantlie back in 2009/2010 just outside of Nowzad, Afghanistan. He lived with us and reported on our situation for about a month.
I still remember how genuine his begging for help for the coalition airplanes flying above him were, although Isis wanted to market that scene as if he was mocking the coalition which he wasn’t.
I love that his last name is " Can Not Lie"
I remember seeing one of those beheading videos soon after 9/11. I was in 7th grade. Afterwards I could feel a sour feeling in my stomach and had to go to the bathroom bc I thought I was going to throw up. I never liked seeing that extreme violence. The other one that stuck with me was the Jane Doe video from the Zetas. It was horrifying.
I cannot watch videos like that. Not at all. Even when it's a damn movie and it has torture. I cannot watch or listen. Especially when they are whipping someone. My god that sound does something to me. That I'll yell at my husband and say " change that! U know I can't hear that"
I couldn’t watch one but I listened to one of this white man with I believe orange hair and a beard around 2017. The screams will haunt me for life. At least I’m Dubai they do it by one whip of a sword. It’s quick compared to how is does it. I’ve heard they continue to keep yazidis in the camps as slves bc they’re too scared to speak up. Their hearts will forever be in my soul.
@@ruthbrent7048 yeah it’s terrible. The one I mentioned above with the cartel was bad not bc of screaming, oddly enough she was silent but it was the way he did it. He did one quick cut on each side of her neck as if he was cutting a steak. Then you can hear her neck crunching when he got to the bone. It’s awful. This was on Facebook too and they refused to take it down. You can read articles about Facebook not taking it down. Horrible.
What Jane doe zetas video?
@@dam11232 Mexican drug cartel or something killing people(other gang members) while recording it or something like that,if you want to know what they do in such videos without watching that disturbing stuff if you can't like me,the channel "disturbed reality" does it well,talks about the things happening in the videos(a lot of other disturbing videos too) without showing it,but he does it so well that you still feel like you watched the videos.There's one particular video that he has that is related to Isis and how they killed 30 or 40 people in a slaughter house like cattle on the holy day of ramadan or something like that,he describes that video also very well,all videos are great and you don't need to watch them since he doesn't show these videos but he talks them in detail what happens in them,don't really know how he can endure watching those videos to be able to tell us who can't watch them what happened
Am I understanding the beginning of this correctly, he was kidnapped there once then released and then went back?
No, that was not in Syria. It was in Libya 18 months earlier when he was captured by pro-Gaddafi forces and released from jail after 45 days. He wrote about the experience and returned to Libya to witness Gaddafi's capture. He was a brave journalist who cared about people. He did have concerns about safety after Libya but felt his work was important. He was as decent as they come.
@@22mikemike not true. He was kidnapped in Syria just a few months before crossing the Turkey border with Jeroen. They were both shot and had to be rescued by the Syrian army. Literally as soon as he recovered he went right back to an even MORE violent area. I feel sorry for what happened to him but it was an incredibly idiotic move. Jeroen (who is in this documentary) was also killed later on in another warzone.
The car salesman saying "I had better insight into what was going to happen to her" which is sad because no, FBI/CIA knew exactly what was going to happen to her, they did not care.
Sadly when we are fighting a enemy that doesn't play by established courtesies of warfare, they become targets, if you aren't with those groups you are their enemy. It is the same for soldiers who fight these groups to a much lesser extent. We are bound by certain battlefield etiquette rules that these groups also don't have to follow, for example the killing of medical personnel.
Like the ‘medical personnel’ who helped turn in osama? Many people believe they are legitimate targets if they help one side.
The US murders everything that moves allover the world to pillage their natural resources. Etiquette doesn't even exist in the US foreign policy and military dictionary.
No one follows any rule when dealing with enemies and we are not kids.
@@Givemeproofkidyou can literally be charged for crimes committed on the battlefield, war crimes are real. Some battlefield etiquette is also the existence of them being laws of war. Terrorists do not care, the goal is to rule by fear, and ISIS is/was looking to rule the world through its terror. They have no intention of playing by the rules when they desire complete world domination.
For context, as stated at the start of the video but may be forgotten once you've been watching a few minutes this "aired" June 2017. This is especially relevant at the end.
I think after the first kidnapping I would of hung up my war boots
Their “fixer” sold them out. It’s hard to get leads when you’re being MISLED from the beginning and buy all of it.
That is actually true according to most who had ties to these slain journalists. Money wins.
Thank you for sharing this information.
I have to give this beautiful journalist credit for going into war zone and doing her job my hat is off to her I wish her luck and protection so she can do her job and bring the world news of what's going on in Afghanistan in Iraq
Ok simp. The video is about a guy derp
Everyone who always says (they do not negotiate with hostage takers) is never saying that if it’s their own family that are the hostages 🙄🤷♂️🤔
I would never let my family negotiate with terrorists and they know that. I'm a ranger veteran. Many missions overseas. My family knew if I was ever captured. I'd do my best to get away myself. Other than that. Remember me in your hearts.
@@mmggttmmggtt Thats a horrible example youre a soldier do you honestly think a random civilian would respond the same way
I'll gladly send some of my family over
They can have my mother in law
@@MarvoloSalazar I'm a civilian... don't negotiate on my behalf. I'll do my best to escape and if I die... I die. Don't incentive more Americans to be taken on my behalf.
The only rule in post modern warfare is there are no rules. Journalists know that, for any or no reason, they are at risk of Medieval cruelty and death at any time. Brave people, that's for sure! They are playing a game of cat and mouse and journalists are the mouse.
What kind of camera is he using?
How these ppl don't have kidnap and ransom insurance is beyond me
@@jabru3092 it's very easy. I mentioned a company above that does it. Look at their website it's actually cool to see.
The premiums would be unaffordable in these areas. Ransoms being paid out we’re regularly in the 5-10 mill range per person. Good luck if you are an American.
@@WJWeber no it isn't I've worked as a contractor in Syria and depending they can be around 50k a yr in this case when it was so hot it might have been more or less but they definitely wouldn't insure them on the return trip ur probably right about 5 mil on a second go in the same warzone
Hold up
I feel sorry for those women and innocents who died and those European women and kids who are still in that camp .
Are you fool to be sorry for those Jihadis kids and child
The ones who willingly joined isis? 🤨
You shouldn't be sad for the one's in the camp, they chose that life.
you know, I have to say, I bet James would say he died doing what he loved and was passionate about. As much as the act of kidnapping and killing him made me RAGE, it consolidated the US public against ISIS and ultimately brought them down (was a part). I work in a very rare job, a very very dangerous job doing outbreaks of highly resisitant and deadly bacteria infections. I remember every day the danger I face but I also love the thrill of the chase, the danger is part of it. Its a challenge, its hard at times, but if I die doing this work, I had a good ride. I have to imagine anyone who does high danger jobs accepts that and the US government should NEVER negotiate with these terrorists. I hate it for the person, but it really does protect more people in the end. Very hard. Why these groups deserve no mercy. NONE
Brought them down? In 2014 they were only operating in Iraq and Syria, now they are all around the globe (Nigeria, Burkina Faso, still in the Middle east, Libya, Afghanistan, Philippines etc)
They got what they wanted. what did the American public expect? hugs and roses after their government bombs cities en masse? churlish folk.
What is " doing outbreaks" mean?
how does it protect more people in the end? they will still kidnap, not being able to sell them back only solidifies what will happen to them
@@rodmacd8357 It means she doesn't know that infections aren't contagious.
the US created ISIS, "public support" had nothing to do with their destruction but a change in policy, and "public support" is not what dictates policy, despite what you've been taught
Unexpectedly good documentary.
Rest in Peace Steve Sotloff. You are dearly missed.
You absolutely can't negotiate with terrorist. Is that so hard to understand why? They'll start asking to release imprisoned terrorist members more often that asking for ransom. Think
You should not deal with the Kiev regime.
@@thornil2231 you should take your medicine
Well I can’t think of a time when people don’t negotiate with them. The us along with everyone has done it forever. It just depends where both lines are.
At 17:00 the person wanted him to come interview him in person so he would feel compelled to pay him
Christ that was a rough watch. So sad that they they'll probably never find and identify John's body.
Thanks for the warning. I’m 5 minutes in and feeling like I don’t want to finish. It’s so disturbing.
@@motleymama6587 all stems from America invading Iraq in 03. What a mess.
Risking your life being a Journalist in Syria I would imagine the thrill knowing the risks could be exciting adrenaline for some of them until the reality of actually getting captured by a terrorist organization happens then the reality of likely death sets in. ISIS took one looks at Cantlie and said this guy sounds believeable he Can't Lie lets make him our spokesman as crazy as that sounds i bet they did.
so they shouldnt cover it unless they want their life converted into more funding for the terrorists operation....
Stop going over there.
typical georgian 😆
There is NO story that is worth your life like that.
I was hoping to hear good news about John Cantlie but looks like no updates.
Is it possible he is actually still there?
Watch both movies tied to this account and see for yourself, you will especially like the part when he's riding on the back of a police motorcycle in Mosul talking about how wonderful it is that the Dolat-alIslam is finally bringing justice to people in the form of Hadud, chopping off hands and feet and public beheadings to those who fall short of a true believer.
ISIS , is a nightmare in 2014 they attacked 2 mosques and a hospital , i still remember the blood and the dead bodies everywhere, and I can't forget that video when one of theme killed a patients and the nurse it's keep killing my soul
Guess we should stay off the internet
Were you there Boo?
Oooh i can not remember what the west did to native americans and african people.
Lets forget
@@DanB1987 no , im taking about Yemen
Mustafa set them up … he had intel to where they were and he’s the only one that was allowed to go. He played both sides. Translators and interpreters usually do.
Daniel Rye was a hostage also and his interview is candid. Well worth the time taken to watch ...
Damn the FBI cant save a ham sandwich
They are too busy going after Trump and the Republicans while covering up the truth about the elites linked to Epstein.
The fbi doesn't operate outside of American soil...... That would be the CIA. But journalist were told the risk and that territory would not be negotiated with
What about a cucumber sandwich 🥪?
Good documentary, except the part where Adam shiff started to talk
has there been any news at all about what happened to John Cantlie? I can't find anything anywhere.
last we heard he had joined isis as a journalist for the caliphate. most likely killed in an american air strike
@@respond2meifudareMaybe you should start with “People started a rumour that he joined ISIS”. He didn’t join ISIS, he was forced to be a spokesman for them while in captivity. He is presumed dead, and has been for years, but ISIS militants stated they had sightings of him in 2017 and 2019, but nothing was confirmed. The family held a funeral for him in 2022.
I don't know why governments bother keeping these surrendered/captured ISIS people fed and alive. Let there be some justice. Just unalive them.
Those drawings are really nice
Wander around a place like that unprotected don't be surprised if something bad happens
Jeroen Oerlemans died in 2016. He was shot by a sniper in Libië. RIP Jeroen 🙏🏻
RIP to the brave people who do this. I also am curious why something was blurred out on the web chart she was making..
brilliant directing and writing. "Let the players tell the story."
as if you would know anything about brilliant directing and writing, pleb
@@alexshapiro9841 good one
Always remember that the real power that media has is not the way they cover stories.
It is the choice over which stories to tell.
Why would other journalist even go out there knowing it has been so many other journalist that have been kidnapped from around that area. 🤦🏿♂️
More great work by the FBI.
Better than Our RCMP lol. But I am not sure if that inepitude is in order of magnification.
Screw the feds
@@andrewsawler875 rcmp eat donuts all day those mfs weak in Ontario opp worse
If you’re an American saying this, you’re a borderline traitor. Go live somewhere else.
38:25 They locked this guy up for talking to isis but in EU they give isis members a free house and let them roam around freely.
Makes sense they were kidnapped in Idlib because that's were the leader of ISIS and then his successor were killed.
Those beheading videos are still up and idk even how
where? i thought they took em all down
@@user-gt5me3nf6bmillions of copy of that video are still up on internet by there fans even I have the video
only seven comments? this needs way more appreciation
⭐The way to get out of a hostage situation is you have to be a prize he wants to keep alive... Be a worth to your kidnapper he cannot detach from. Be everything that she needs. That will keep you alive while you plan an escape.
Before you find yourself restrained with a dark hood over your head as you are taken for a long ride to nowhere, it is better to have a plan and a mindset to avoid being kidnapped.
My experience and training on this subject includes making the criminal decide if you are worth the trouble, or if another person is a better candidate for abduction
@@fz1000redand what is your experience on these matters? And what training
Well that’s what happens in a warzone nobody is off limits, there is no rules. Only consequences after maybe but at the time anything goes without punishment in that moment.
U gotta lose that name zombie
@@ShortSimson Learn to spell and I might consider it.
Yeah a lot of journalists seem to enjoy the rush and have some ego that they are untouchable unless there’s an accident, but it’s not a game. Especially after already being kidnapped and released there’s no doubt in my mind he was murdered as soon as they realized it was him again.
Exactly Civilian casualties does not invalidate a war of self defense and the reason foreign journalists are not allowed in Gaza.
That dude totally got that girl killed and still doesn't get it.
I see it going two ways, she was already destined for death and he couldn't change that or he expedited her death because she became a easy target because she was already willing to be a martyr and they used it as a way to make the u.s. look bad
🤷♂️ at this point who knows really
These journalists are real hero’s!
I feel awful for these fixers, you can see the guilt they are carrying.
And people still want to blame israel for having to deal with those people for decades
For the life of me I cannot understand the level of bravery needed to go into hell's domains. The sacrifices are huge and terrifying.
Cause we're hungry for information
Why can't the CIA use counterfeit money in this kind of situation..or are these sand ninjas to clever for that 🤔
It wud be money transfer not actual currency.. terrorists not dumb
I was under the impression that the US doesn't negotiate ransom with other countries because then it would open up the gates for others to do the same
That dude is a typical used car salesman, from his ego all the way down to his cheap watch.
well it's clear that the taxi driver and that mustafa have a hand on this RIP to them
Surely if you go to countries like these you prepare yourself for what could happen 👍
We have it so good in America I really wish we could all get along.
America is worse than Syria currently
“We are Flaming Dragon, simple jack belong to us Now.”
Ten years on, has anything changed or improved? Getting worse everywhere.
Perfect for my 1 day off from work. Laying in bed watching this. Lazy day
Go Brandon
Daniel Rye was one of the hostages and his intetview is well worth the time, haunting ...
You were naiive unfortunately. And someone paid the price. Now educate others and be vigilant please
I think you are naive to think they were naive
Well seasoned journalists/ very experienced
They knew the dangers it's risky business
Best documentary in the entire MSN social media messenger.
R I p for those poor victims used by the deadly IS.
So wild that they were tweeting with anybody that would interact with them on twitter. Like that leader that was so affected by a tweet from a used car salesman that they started skyping?? 😳
The Federal Burro of Incontinence at its best!
You spelled bureau wrong
@@thatonefatchic you don’t get it
I have a hard time feeling sorry for anyone who voluntarily goes to the middle east as an American.
So by that logic no one should come to the US from the Middle East? Just to clarify, not that I disagree.
@@chrisbato2093 the US isnt an active warzone so that’s a little bit of a stretch to say that.
Without them many crimes against humanity would never be found or exposed to the public ! There work is important but very dangerous!
Yeah, I'm pretty sure thaat the vast majority of people Middle East would rather never see an American soldier voluntarily bringing them "democracy", war, and regime change ever again, too.
They bomb our countries and expect us to be friendly.
Very confusing documentary imo.
yeah i got nothing out of watching this.
I was thinking the same thing. Nothing is explained properly
Imagine how peaceful the world would be if saddam was still running the show
Nah bruh i say its gonna be the same just more deadlier
RIP ghadafi
@V B lmao ok John Bolton !!!
@V B except there was no evidence for any nukes, it was just a lie to invade iraq and no consequences for anyone involved in letting that war based on lies happen
@V B that was in 1990, I'm taking about 2003 in which the excuse of nuclear weapons was used and none was ever found which just led to the deaths of a lot of innocent people and no consequences
@27:06 The most politician answer to a direct question ever
When in Rome you must be Romen. When In a war zone Camera or gun?
Their info was sold to a broker for kidnappings. usually someome in customs or at the airport. Closest to the area
Love your work!
Mrs Foleys testimony to Congress said the government(USA) was not very helpful at the time.
When they were videotaping the be heading of those innocent people I was floored and haunted and I couldn’t watch them all the way through and I believe they were in God’s presence the second their heart stopped 😢❤
watch the one were this journalist gets burned alive inside a cage!
why would you attempt to watch those videos in the first place? sick
When I was in High School my curiosity got the worst of me and I saw the Nickburg beheading video. It does play part in numbing your emotions. I don't recommend that video to anyone.
It shows you how evil other human beings can be ☹️
If only god existed
@@TheCameraNever if only.
why is no one talking about Austin Tice. He's an american still held captive in syria
It's sad that they got killed like that but blaming government for not doing anything that is just throwing responsibility on others they knew the risks
My teacher in HS son actually got beheaded by isis actually my teacher ended up retiring from teaching because of it also son's name was Peter Kassig or something cant remember his last name
@icankillbugs I mean your also probably not a journalist either who wants to get the stories out there either huh
@icankillbugs lol probably a real cool trades job or a cop where you over drink and beat your wife and kids 🤡
@@johnharvey4582 He sure is full of himself though.
@icankillbugs isn’t a reason to not feel nad
@icankillbugs bad*
Wow FBI is a real piece of work. 🥴 I hope
You win your case Toby
Honestly i see their point and it was made quite clear in the video. If people know youre paying ransom it just makes everyone else connected to you an even bigger target.
The journalists here clearly knew what they were getting into. If you keep running into a wall face first and ignore the pain youre not long for this world. If your reaction to being kidnapped by terrorists is "not again" then you probably made some choices that werent contributing to your long term survival.
Actions have consequences.
Negotiating with terrorists only makes them kidnap even more people and funds their operations.
Only way to deal with a troll is ignore its taunts while bombing it into submission, or leaving the area all together.
How are you gonna compare a terrorist with a troll
Exactly why Israel does not want to negotiate with Hamas
I’ll never understand why go into a war zone and don’t ask for a weapon that camera want shoot back
It’s sort of a catch-22 situation. If they carry weapons, they may lose their protected civilian status and risk being misidentified as enemy combatants.
informative and straight to the point.
lmao this is garbage lmao u cant be serious??? u work for fox or something lmao
What is the movie called the one where Angelina Jolie plays the wife. They kidnap the husband I believe if I can remember correctly the name of the husband was Daniel Green or something like that. Eventually those tourists killed him and supposedly they recorded it. But in the movie Angelina she played the wife she didn't want 2 see it. She never has. And she did a phenomenal job played the wife. When they told her they killed him. Her cries and screams her sorrow was so sad. She did a good job.
The movie is called - A Mighty Heart and her husband is the reporter Daniel Pearl
Angelina Jolie played Marianne Pearl in A Mighty Heart. Probably the last time it was acceptable for a white actress to engage in some mild Blackface in order to be cast as a biracial woman.
Sadd story I feel like the powers to be are more concerned about the Rusian war they have moved on forgotten these guys
So sad. But if you play with fire, you might get burned. God bless them
Plot twist, some of the captured journalists were probably CIA.
No doubt about it
Lmao, most executed journos weren't American. So how does that work?
@@chrisbato2093 you're told they weren't American. Also, agents can be a different nationality lmao
@@mmggttmmggtt no, assets can be different nationalities. To be an Officer of the CIA you need to be an American citizen. Their are no agents at the CIA
I was 20 years old in 2001 and I remember how traumatizing it was for years following 9/11. Our entire way of life changed forever that day. It seems like kids nowadays are that they are now pro-terrorist. When I see them marching in the streets forfor Hammas, it makes me wanna throw up. I had to go to therapy during the entire war on terror. I saw so many kids, my age going into the military and dying. We watched 3000 of our own citizens die on TV that day. Words cannot describe how that felt.
The fact that people were and are that dumb to go to these areas, blows my mind. Completely oblivious and naive
They are journalists, it's their job. And they aren't dumb or naive most of them know EXACTLY 💯 what the risks are and they choose to go anyways. They do a lot of research they spend weeks months years sometimes cultivating sources and locals to help them move in those hard to reach areas. So no, they are not oblivious, they know very well what is happening and what could go wrong but they go anyways. To bring the truth to you and I
Did you actually watch this documentary ? They were definitely not oblivious and naive
They knew the dangers more than any one
Very very well seasoned and experienced journalists definitely wasn't there first rodeo
Do you know what a journalist is dummy??
@@BarefeetB Not naive??? he was kid napped once and went back...
@@codercrisYT naive
Learn to pronounce
(of a person or action) showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement.
They knew the dangers more than anyone , at least know what naive means before you comment 😆😅😅🤣