🎯Satsangs and Private consults: tinyurl.com/3mh8kzzx Please see the playlist that resonates most with you: ⏯Surrender TO ACCESS OUR GREATEST POWER- tinyurl.com/496mk4h5 ⏯NON DUALITY POINTERS- tinyurl.com/mt55dkue ⏯SPIRITUAL AWAKENING- tinyurl.com/yc3nspuc ⏯SELF INQUIRY AND CONSCIOUS AWARENESS- tinyurl.com/4vnububc
I understand it now. Life is a trip. When we take a psychedelic substance we give up control before the trip starts, so there's no resistance because we know we won't have control during the trip anyway. But the illusion is to think that we will have control again after the trip. No. The trip continues but in a different form. Thinking is resistance but not wanting to think is also resistance. Everything just happens. Just let go. There is no control. Control is an illusion and IS the illusion that causes us to suffer👁👄👁
I resisted mild depression, trying to get rid of it with my spiritual practices. I finally looked at it and said, "Oh! I'm so glad I'm depressed again! This is wonderful! This is where my spiritual growth occurs. Thank you God that this is happening! Thank you for this gift!" I laughed and the gray cloud immediately disappeared. What we resist persists. Surrender to it or better yet "welcome and rejoice in it". Say "yes to everything that is appearing". Positive wipes out the negative.
@@chownful don't belittle their personal experience. You didn't experience it so you have no say. Their opinion and perspective is useful and matters
He’s describing his experience. Maybe he’s not ready to go through excessive suffering, or maybe that’s already burnt out from other lives. Life will undoubtedly kick our asses. Laughing or finding something that makes you happy can take you out of a negative state briefly, but just be thankful you havnt suffered more. When my first girlfriend left, it took me three years of extreme depression and drug abuse to finally go a day without thinking about it. That’s suffering. What you did would not have worked for me. I tried it. Of course you’re occasionally gonna have days you suffer less. But “being positive” is like telling a blind person to just eat more carrots.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom. Nothing helped me more than surrendering to the grace of God/life force. I had to try a lot of different techniques, practices, read tons of books to come to that point of where I couldn't and didn't want to try any more though. Maybe everything adds up to the final result but the cherry on top is always the surrendering! 🍒
My Girlfriend and I of 3 years recently parted ways. I held on for dear life to the point of humiliation. God awakened me though. Showed me this was happening because I needed to rekindle my connection to the universe, to focus on my work and purpose on this planet. My ego was the one with a clenched fist that refused to let things be swept into the air. It still hurts, I still weep over the woman who has my heart, but I know to open the door so that energies may fly out and that God may come in. I’m getting better everyday and my ego still hopes that she’ll contact me or show up randomly one day, but I know that God loves me so much that anything that happens is what he knows is best. Help me to accept things I cannot change and to embrace your path, oh wonderful Spirit 🙏🏼
Yea brother, I’ve been there and feel your pain. It does get better with time and introspection, god speed to your healing and spiritual prosperity. It’s a wonderful opportunity to lessen the grip of your own ego. Peace and love
This is just what I needed. I am dealing with this internal pain/conflict. Definitely causing neurological issues. I know that it’s happening for a reason. Currently learning how to deal with its energy. Thanks for sharing.
Being conscious of my overactive mind helps me. I get present by being grateful for everything in that moment. I’ve also found that mantra chanting helps quieten down the mind while raising my vibration. Stay away from big crowds, moody and low vibe people if you can too. They will suck your energy 🪫
The seeking will be missteps forward. All that knowledge will be experiences and a reference that will clear away the clutter and deceptions and distractions. The way to grace is softening your heart. The heart softens and then you can be humble, repent, believe, hope, trust, receive, accept, understand, be freed, rejoice.
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, you have and continue to help immensely! I have shared with many others that have found help listening to you as well, thank you!!!
I did a guided meditation experience for a few years that started off as basic meditations and gradually Moved into the area of out of body experiences and visiting spiritual planes. That subtle area after death you talk about hits so close to home. It’s such a weird environment. The souls there do not recognise or do not understand the meaning of the change. Sometimes you can’t even grab their attention because of how fixated they are still in physical life. It’s so hard to explain but the word you give is closest to explaining those places beyond death; subtle. So subtle. So similar to physical reality, yet so different.
I've spent the last few months in inner turmoil because I was shown that I'm more than my anxiety and depression. I had a period of peace and now I've slipped back into my "usual" state of being. After trying so many different things, it's almost relieving to hear that I'm not just "doing it wrong" and that time and acceptance is the only thing that's needed. Thank you for the wise words 🙏
I’m at the point where I’ve realised my chronic pain (a 10 year on/off journey with hair loss) is 1) Karmic 2) Due to a highly sensitive nervous system and overactive mind. Through my inner work and solitude I can see clearly how much darkness I’ve been around with my family for 44 years!! - a codependent mother wound, jealous siblings, fear, anger, controlling, dogmatic religious beliefs (Islam) and my goodness it’s been a lifetime of never ending judgements, criticism, and not being good enough!! I couldn’t see it before, but all this time I just absorbed it, betrayed my soul, and in the process let their darkness suck my life force energy. P.s. I know my family are just playing their roles in my life movie 🍿 Now, I’m trying my best to surrender and let life unfold. All I can do is be conscious of my thoughts, be more present, practice energy increasing and balancing stuff (yoga, sattvic foods etc), and stay away from dark energy 🌒 Thank you for being part of my self realisation journey. God sends his messengers in divine timing 🙏🏾💫
@@chownful I agreed to it in my soul contract before I came to earth to act out my life story. Why do you think babies are born with illnesses? As Yash says, we’re all playing roles in this collective movie
man your recent uploads have spoken to me so strongly. what I meant by you have no idea how far your reach is, I think I meant the spectrum of individuals you are capable of attracting through your way of expressing your view. and i’ve seen it first hand as i’ve grown through different stages of understanding, the things you say have clicked to me on all those levels. the ripples you make are undeniable. it’s so insane how vibrationally clear it is you are on the right path, and that your energy is directed towards individuals who are as well.
Especially in these times that existential pain has been crippling to deal with. I'm glad I'm here, but wtf man 😅 my ego tried to keep up with what my soul came here to accomplish and its like I got dissolved and fragmented, shot out of a cannon and put on a potters wheel to reshape. Working a 9 to 5 while on this path in this capitalistic hell has felt like being a piece of crappy poor quality steel being reforged and folded over every day. But then you must add the right minerals, the right frame of mind to keep that steel pure and durable. Its hard not to let that steel get weakened, brittle. Even right now theres deep cracks and cold spots that still need work, time to go back to the forge.
I get self conscious sharing this pain it just feels like if you tell someone, they'll find loads of ways to tell u to get over it or its not that deep or your observations get downplayed or something. Ive had periods of genuine bliss or clarity but they are shortlived, small mistakes like the wrong company, bad food, anything, just snatch it quickly and it takes a while to circle back. I know it's not fun to be around someone whos expressing that but it gets tricky living with it sometimes... creative outlets do help though, long walks, and videos like this (thank you)
yeah, deep existential pain. Sigh. Too strong to let go, too weak to beat it. Try to understand what "it" is so you can put your energy this way or that, swirl, swirl, swirl. F'ing brutal. It's like the process of breaking someone's will but in the end, that's all that's left. Just will, no person.
My twin has been screaming, crying and calling me absolutely crazy but she never let her foot off the gas, that is how I cleared up all psycological pain, after you find your twin you will move to stages of bliss.
thank you so much for this. I really felt as though I was free falling, clutching to every book, every practice, every idea, just to escape the magnitude of my feelings. I just gotta meet myself exactly where I am and not resist. The only way is through it, you are so right
Im telling you every time it has not missed, im going thru what you talk in your videos this are not coincidences. I go thru shifts then i see new video from yash notification and boom is about the things im dealing with.
Thank you, Spiritual Renaissance, for your powerful message. You mention: “…it helps when you stay in high vibration [especially] in community // groups.” 👁️ facilitate Group Musical Meditation for anyone who is curious to vocalize in community.
Door of my heart, Open wide I keep for Thee: Wilt Thou come, wilt Thou come? Just for once, come to me. Night and day, night and day, I look for Thee night and day.
Thank you dearly. Needed to hear that. My nervoussystem has been off since before I was born. Have had issues with addiction, still do eating carbs more than I intend to, calms me down, better than drinking as I used to. I also caused harm to others because of allways being hyper, putting on narcistic behavior. Hard to forgive myself.
I honestly don't know anymore man. I try in earnest to move into heavy emotions and I feel like it sometimes helps them to be processed and clear. Other times it makes it worse. Then I shift to gratitude which is probably the best I've found so far but doesn't seem to stick either unless I'm just constantly working at it. It just feels like so much work if I'm honest. Like I'm constantly forcing myself to stay above water with no end in sight. Just waiting for that next nasty wave of emotion to come that I have to head off with some gratitude. I got stuck when I realized my true power and felt too at odds with society and my social environment. I just haven't been able to reconcile the two. At my highest point I felt a strong desire to leave. More than desire. It felt like the right thing to do. Maybe I should have.. I got very confused by that. At the end of the day this environment we live in just doesn't feel right for me anymore and I don't know what to do about it other than just endure it and continue to be in varying amounts of pain. If what I discovered is what god wants me to be then I'm sorry I just can't do it right now. I can't cope with standing out that much. It's not what I want. My ambition to do much of anything has all but left me. I have a hobby I'm passionate about but that's about it. At least it keeps me going.
If only you knew how deeply I relate to your comment. Sometimes I think that I died and I am in some kind of life review, kind of like on that TV series LOST, only now I feel largely invisible to almost all peopIe. the only reason I stay alive is because I keep breathing, and every day I have to find some better meaning for my existence other than I am still here. I am not the same person, and yeah, no one attaches to me. I feel so forsaken, yet, I am still here, my eyes opening every morning and being given the opportunity to have 'life'. I am not convinced that there is another life outside of this, at least one that we will be able to remember this one, like being in the womb and then being born, no memory. But if there is no life outside of this life, then I want to stay and appreciate the beauty of nature, discovery etc. Perhaps I have gone too far into depression but I even think that people who have NDE's still don't get to that real place, cos if they did, they would not be able to come back. All the visions etc are that....visions, same as dreams here only 'more real'. But then they come back... where are the dead now, no one knows, so I want to stay alive. I so need to find the thing that I need, to feel what other people have and take for granted, but I have no idea what it is or where to look. Everything almost is lies and there is no substance or solidarity because of the constant change. It's all too much. I too have a project and a labour of love to work on, but when I am not working on them, I truly live in a pit of feeling such hopelessness of ever mattering to anyone again, and why I can't bring myself to just shut down and stop making an effort, making a fool of myself thinking that I have anything of interest to make someone want to spend time or work on a project with me, or even just help me out from time to time.. Hoping every day that a way will open up for me. I wouldn't change places with anyone, but I would never want my life to be inflicted on anyone. Have to coast in the rest of the way, running on empty.
I love you, Yash! I’ve been oscillating between different states of consciousness lately… from aligning with our source energy to those feelings of deep, existential dread/crisis that sits at the depth of our stomach for days/weeks at a time; roaming through life as a nomad, without any friends or family to connect with on a ‘deeper level’. I remembered you describing in another video that enduring those moments is what gives you that depth of character (analogous to a tree with its roots) - I’m sure that it’ll enable me to connect/help others with in the future… “as you cannot be more sensitive to pleasure without being more sensitive to pain” I’m trying to not identify with this play of life and take it too seriously, yet, at the same time, whole-heartily embracing these rich emotions on both end of the spectrum in their totally, without judging them. I’ve cried a lot recently. I believe that after a while, it isn’t plant medicine that is the ‘trip’, real life is the REAL ‘trip’. From my heart to yours. We’re all in this together.
“High quality church group (I don’t know of any)”😂 I envoke the power the love and the wisdom of my ashram soul and monad to guide me into the right activity in the plan, too clarify and stimulate my mind, too transform and transmute my feelings and emotions, too energized and vitalize and heal my physical and etheric body so there is a normal flow of energy in my physical and etheric body, through this day and everyday I ask this in the name of the Christ too serve the one, all in the name of the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen 🙏🏼 no need for the group, invoke the connection yourself.
I' m listening to this episode for the third time and I understood I cannot start the 12 step program without this deeper comprhension of the "surrender" thing and its unlogical and not intellectual consequence : ask God. Thanks.
I agree with all of these points though I like hearing it from a different persons perspective and I enjoyed the whirlpool analogy. I will avoid deep rivers with whirl pools , if I do happen to wonder into one hopefully I can remember these instructions.
I struggle to find the words to convey my deep gratitude for your teachings but please know how grateful I am to you and to god for speaking through you, for leading me to you. I cried listening to you talk about my life and struggles but feel so happy inside and less alone. Listening to your teachings reignites my faith, direction and purpose in this life. Thank you Yash 🙏🏽🫶
Ears ringing, static vision, derealization, itchy skin to the point of blood, and countless more. Truly have to live minute by minute most days until the season changes.
Thank you for posting this video. Thank you Lord. It reminds me how I told someone inside me it feels like in the Harry Potter movie (I haven't seen many movies) on the journey to the sorcerers stone and there's the tangled vines that are like a quicksand floor and the more the children try to resist when they fall in the more the vines tighten and restrain them, aiming to kill them, but Hermione figures out if they surrender instead of fighting for control, they peacefully fall through it and back out. But I feel thrown off and confused when spending time with others and by so many constant triggers pulling me into the whirlpools as other people don't seem to understand, my focus being strange to them. And right as I type this then you hit the 'don't compare to others' haha. God's word is the truth...it feels so hard...everyone and everything pulling me away! Massive resistance...but with God all is possible i spent my whole life being told to just do this, understand that, do that, try harder!!! 'maybe i need to be breatharian' lol would you believe the same train of progression has briefly ran through my mind
Spiraling through Lyfe while swirling through rebirth, continue moving forward ~ Fully surrender the pretender, in order to embrace and embody your true character 🤍🌊👀
I'm struggling to keep up with the rapid and stupid changes in the world, i sometimes feel like im getting emotionaly burried. It's hard not to feel discouraged by the negativity I see around me. We all make mistakes, and I've learned from mine. My life has always been weird in both positive and negative ways but I can sense my inner flame is fading, I know change is inevitable, but i seem to have lost my ability to adapt. This realy sucks big time,... I love the change in video backgrounds, if ever I spot a hungry jaguar in the background I will let you know, lol, love you, awesome video yet again! ❤
We can’t control the outside world. The goal is to master your inner world, your inner energies so that no matter what crap happens outside, you always remain in a beautiful state within 🧘🏽♀️💫🙏🏾
@@Xcstasy4u first and foremost, anything you want to change will require you to bring your energy to it. There are things you can do to get yourself out of a negative funk e.g. within 90 seconds of the negative state, get in the habit of getting up and moving your body for 30 seconds - that could be an on the spot sprint or just dancing with your arms up in the air. Movement is the most radical way to change a negative state. Also power postures (look them up) are great too. You have to commit to live in a beautiful state, and the energy you attach to it will push you there. Other tools are to focus on gratitude - this will help you be present e.g. when showering be thankful for the water energy that washes your body, the fire energy that heats the water etc. it’s about calming the mind and quietening the ego to come back to heart ❤️ All human suffering is because of tension. Tension is a result of worrying about what others think (in most cases). 2 books that really helped me are the “courage to be disliked” and “inner engineering”. It all comes back to attending to your inner garden, to really master a beautiful state, you need to find time in solitude and observe your triggers and habits to identify the root cause of fear, anger, sadness, people pleasing, perfection, validation etc. Once you pull the weeds out, you’ll switch that beam of light within - that my friend, is your true nature 💫
@@Xcstasy4u first and foremost, anything you want to change will require you to bring your energy to it. There are things you can do to get yourself out of a negative funk e.g. within 90 seconds of the negative state, get in the habit of getting up and moving your body for 30 seconds - that could be an on the spot sprint or just dancing with your arms up in the air. Movement is the most radical way to change a negative state. Also power postures (look them up) are great too. You have to commit to live in a beautiful state, and the energy you attach to it will push you there. Other tools are to focus on gratitude - this will help you be present e.g. when showering be thankful for the water energy that washes your body, the fire energy that heats the water etc. it’s about calming the mind and quietening the ego to come back to heart ❤️ All human suffering is because of tension. Tension is a result of worrying about what others think in most cases. 2 books that really helped me are the “courage to be disliked” and “inner engineering”. It all comes back to attending to your inner garden, to really master a beautiful state, you need to find time in solitude and observe your triggers and habits to identify the root cause of fear, anger, sadness, people pleasing, perfection, validation etc. Once you pull the weeds out, you’ll switch that beam of light within - that my friend, is your true nature 💫
Yash, your video came in right in time with what we’re experiencing in the world right now and in our community. Please could you delve a little deeper into spiritual psychosis. We need as much light shed on this right now 🙏🤍 much love and blessings
Hey Yash, you may have a video on it already I just couldn’t find it… but could you make a video on some of the positive aspects of having a very sensitive nervous system? Thanks brotha :)
0:16 Yash, you're right. I really want to know how you keep getting these gainzzz...😂 What's your exercise routine? Where do you do your training? What changes did you do compared to your 20s gym routine?
..:) In my 20’s heavy weight, excessive lifting, everyday almost, tearing my bones and joints up, killing my kidneys and health with over consumption of meat and processed protein powder. Now- balanced (60-70 percent maximum strain) full body calistenics (5 days a week or so) coupled with stretching and some yoga.
After years of spiritual journey I right now don’t understand ANYTHING and wanna really throw everything away and hide somewhere alone in the forest. It feels like I’ve tried everything, but nothing works. I don’t understand, what am I here for when nothing works? I don’t understand….
yes thats the point- that nothing will work. Be with that... Then something will shift inside (something that “does” work). But we first have to see that nothing works first. So you are further along than u relaize. Most havent realized that yet.
@@spiritualrenaissance thank you for your words. Right now I feel like an embryo in space, no way back (to the old), but no (visible) way forward, all doors seem shut and all efforts seem pointless, not understanding what God wants me to do or be or where to go. I feel all is left is to trust, but it’s like the toughest thing 🙏🏼 I just discovered your content and it helps me a lot cos I found a depth and at least some clarity which I don’t find often. Thank you 🌿
Hi Yash. I appreciate so much the way you approach everything. Thank you so much for all the videos all the time. Can you talk more about trauma, childhood traumas? About how can we be more aware of how traumas shapes our relationships?
This is deep, I actually experience this alot if I'm not mistaken. Always felt a sense of existential angst, never actually felt like this was my home. Besides these bodies are just so dense and limited lol. I remember what you said before, that human life isn't made to work, clearly this is true. I perceive some kind of comic book accurate lore / film or some kind of sci-fi fiction - time travel or the idea of UFOS and extraterrestrial life, having powers est, and I wonder to myself - why is this reality - world and body so boring - limited, and why can I not do that? But only in my dreams I can perceive the infinite consciousness of all that I am - within the subtle body and more subtle realms which I believe are much more realer than this existence. At least I can dream and watch those kinds of things whilst physical but something deep down Inside of my core wants to become everything, and manifest that as my ultimate reality, it's just to say I'm not very happy with this existence - I just want to go home. And I feel alone as a result, everybody is just so dumb down and judgemental - nobody understands me, neither do I want them to. I seek first to understand then to be understood.
I had 1 lucid dream when i was in my late teens (44 now), its fascinated me ever since. Try to make em happen, cant. Just came once... Anyway- is enlightenment like a lucid dream in full consciousness? In the "dream" I realized i was dreaming and could control everything, So i have to be able to realize im dreaming now, but on a different level, and take control? The mind is such an odd realm. I can intellectually see this, but have no emotional realization of it.
I need someone like Yash in my life. ❤ Haha I actually don’t think romantic relationships will ever work for me due to how much we evolve but that would be cool. ❤
@@spiritualrenaissance how is everyone trapped in this money and material. why the fear? why care about the world judging? even if i am fine with it, relationships family friends hold me back. everyone knows deep down nothing gives you happiness but yet chase something which we created? tough life, i just loose my energy with the outside, unable to keep it within.
Its a real test these days.. it’s damn hot with high humidity and the wildfires and crops burning here where i am.. looks like the earth is going for a reset.. but its a creepy situation
Gotta do what’s best for you in the moment. I was highly against pharmaceutical pills until life gave me no choice. Trust the process you’ll one day not need them anymore.
Hey yash not sure what music you like, but you should look up buckethead if you’ve never heard of him. Kinda off topic but I like to share his music cause it gets me through a lot.
Can I ask you a few important questions,I am just afraid that I have too much power that will be revealed,and my sensitive information and mind with knowledge,I am only 19
Hey man, I’m 19 as well. All I know is what seems to be working for me, and that’s building habits. Our strength, and subsequently our weakness, is all about how we perceive ourselves. We determine how we think about ourselves based on our habits. If you waste all of your time, you’ll feel like a waste. I think our challenge is to keep our eyes on the prize. Take action now instead of later. Go to the gym, make art, spend time outside, whatever. Do what you know you have to do, and do it every single day. Oh, and don’t doomscroll, I cut that stuff out a year ago and am only better for it. Power is nothing if it goes unused.
🎯Satsangs and Private consults:
Please see the playlist that resonates most with you:
⏯Surrender TO ACCESS OUR GREATEST POWER- tinyurl.com/496mk4h5
⏯NON DUALITY POINTERS- tinyurl.com/mt55dkue
⏯SPIRITUAL AWAKENING- tinyurl.com/yc3nspuc
I understand it now. Life is a trip. When we take a psychedelic substance we give up control before the trip starts, so there's no resistance because we know we won't have control during the trip anyway. But the illusion is to think that we will have control again after the trip. No. The trip continues but in a different form. Thinking is resistance but not wanting to think is also resistance. Everything just happens. Just let go. There is no control. Control is an illusion and IS the illusion that causes us to suffer👁👄👁
Wow! I’d write this down and stick it on my wall! May I use your words as inspiration?
Hi Yash, Hi people. Hope you all have a blessed day ❤
@@cattnipps hello sir
Namaste 🙏❤
I resisted mild depression, trying to get rid of it with my spiritual practices.
I finally looked at it and said, "Oh! I'm so glad I'm depressed again! This is wonderful! This is where my spiritual growth occurs. Thank you God that this is happening! Thank you for this gift!"
I laughed and the gray cloud immediately disappeared.
What we resist persists. Surrender to it or better yet "welcome and rejoice in it".
Say "yes to everything that is appearing". Positive wipes out the negative.
This is laughably horrible advice
@@chownfulhow so ?
@@chownful don't belittle their personal experience. You didn't experience it so you have no say. Their opinion and perspective is useful and matters
He’s describing his experience. Maybe he’s not ready to go through excessive suffering, or maybe that’s already burnt out from other lives.
Life will undoubtedly kick our asses. Laughing or finding something that makes you happy can take you out of a negative state briefly, but just be thankful you havnt suffered more.
When my first girlfriend left, it took me three years of extreme depression and drug abuse to finally go a day without thinking about it. That’s suffering. What you did would not have worked for me. I tried it. Of course you’re occasionally gonna have days you suffer less. But “being positive” is like telling a blind person to just eat more carrots.
Existential pain was always my biggest problem. Not many problems in objective terms as a teenager but interally feeling deeply.
you walk in paradise
High quality walk'n'talks 🤍
Thank You Yash 🙌
I just came across you, what a great pleasure it was to listen to you. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom. Nothing helped me more than surrendering to the grace of God/life force. I had to try a lot of different techniques, practices, read tons of books to come to that point of where I couldn't and didn't want to try any more though. Maybe everything adds up to the final result but the cherry on top is always the surrendering! 🍒
My Girlfriend and I of 3 years recently parted ways. I held on for dear life to the point of humiliation. God awakened me though. Showed me this was happening because I needed to rekindle my connection to the universe, to focus on my work and purpose on this planet. My ego was the one with a clenched fist that refused to let things be swept into the air. It still hurts, I still weep over the woman who has my heart, but I know to open the door so that energies may fly out and that God may come in. I’m getting better everyday and my ego still hopes that she’ll contact me or show up randomly one day, but I know that God loves me so much that anything that happens is what he knows is best. Help me to accept things I cannot change and to embrace your path, oh wonderful Spirit 🙏🏼
Keep going your at a good point
Appreciate you sharing that
Yea brother, I’ve been there and feel your pain. It does get better with time and introspection, god speed to your healing and spiritual prosperity. It’s a wonderful opportunity to lessen the grip of your own ego. Peace and love
Bro I’m there right now. Your message helps
This is just what I needed. I am dealing with this internal pain/conflict. Definitely causing neurological issues. I know that it’s happening for a reason. Currently learning how to deal with its energy. Thanks for sharing.
Being conscious of my overactive mind helps me. I get present by being grateful for everything in that moment. I’ve also found that mantra chanting helps quieten down the mind while raising my vibration. Stay away from big crowds, moody and low vibe people if you can too. They will suck your energy 🪫
I felt so seen and understood in this video. Thank you
Time and time again, I have found my way back with your awesome little mantra, "rid me of ego, merge me with you".
The seeking will be missteps forward. All that knowledge will be experiences and a reference that will clear away the clutter and deceptions and distractions. The way to grace is softening your heart. The heart softens and then you can be humble, repent, believe, hope, trust, receive, accept, understand, be freed, rejoice.
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, you have and continue to help immensely! I have shared with many others that have found help listening to you as well, thank you!!!
I did a guided meditation experience for a few years that started off as basic meditations and gradually
Moved into the area of out of body experiences and visiting spiritual planes. That subtle area after death you talk about hits so close to home. It’s such a weird environment. The souls there do not recognise or do not understand the meaning of the change. Sometimes you can’t even grab their attention because of how fixated they are still in physical life. It’s so hard to explain but the word you give is closest to explaining those places beyond death; subtle. So subtle. So similar to physical reality, yet so different.
I've spent the last few months in inner turmoil because I was shown that I'm more than my anxiety and depression. I had a period of peace and now I've slipped back into my "usual" state of being. After trying so many different things, it's almost relieving to hear that I'm not just "doing it wrong" and that time and acceptance is the only thing that's needed. Thank you for the wise words 🙏
You are super comforting to me, the way you communicate. I appreciate you. Much love.
You’re like the real Luke Skywalker everyone needs
I love this ✴️
I appreciate you sharing your stories
I’m at the point where I’ve realised my chronic pain (a 10 year on/off journey with hair loss) is 1) Karmic 2) Due to a highly sensitive nervous system and overactive mind. Through my inner work and solitude I can see clearly how much darkness I’ve been around with my family for 44 years!! - a codependent mother wound, jealous siblings, fear, anger, controlling, dogmatic religious beliefs (Islam) and my goodness it’s been a lifetime of never ending judgements, criticism, and not being good enough!! I couldn’t see it before, but all this time I just absorbed it, betrayed my soul, and in the process let their darkness suck my life force energy. P.s. I know my family are just playing their roles in my life movie 🍿
Now, I’m trying my best to surrender and let life unfold. All I can do is be conscious of my thoughts, be more present, practice energy increasing and balancing stuff (yoga, sattvic foods etc), and stay away from dark energy 🌒
Thank you for being part of my self realisation journey. God sends his messengers in divine timing 🙏🏾💫
Karmic? So you deserved your hair loss?
@@chownful I agreed to it in my soul contract before I came to earth to act out my life story. Why do you think babies are born with illnesses? As Yash says, we’re all playing roles in this collective movie
@@chownful also my hairloss has been life’s best gift. I wouldn’t be who I am if it wasn’t for it
man your recent uploads have spoken to me so strongly. what I meant by you have no idea how far your reach is, I think I meant the spectrum of individuals you are capable of attracting through your way of expressing your view.
and i’ve seen it first hand as i’ve grown through different stages of understanding, the things you say have clicked to me on all those levels.
the ripples you make are undeniable. it’s so insane how vibrationally clear it is you are on the right path, and that your energy is directed towards individuals who are as well.
🎯🎯🎯💎 Divine Timing…💕💫⭐️. Thank you.
Especially in these times that existential pain has been crippling to deal with. I'm glad I'm here, but wtf man 😅 my ego tried to keep up with what my soul came here to accomplish and its like I got dissolved and fragmented, shot out of a cannon and put on a potters wheel to reshape. Working a 9 to 5 while on this path in this capitalistic hell has felt like being a piece of crappy poor quality steel being reforged and folded over every day. But then you must add the right minerals, the right frame of mind to keep that steel pure and durable. Its hard not to let that steel get weakened, brittle. Even right now theres deep cracks and cold spots that still need work, time to go back to the forge.
I'm proud of you, the spiritual blender has you turning, I just know you gone be golden on the other side
@@DAWNg444 Thanks, i needed that
I get self conscious sharing this pain it just feels like if you tell someone, they'll find loads of ways to tell u to get over it or its not that deep or your observations get downplayed or something. Ive had periods of genuine bliss or clarity but they are shortlived, small mistakes like the wrong company, bad food, anything, just snatch it quickly and it takes a while to circle back. I know it's not fun to be around someone whos expressing that but it gets tricky living with it sometimes... creative outlets do help though, long walks, and videos like this (thank you)
I loved "So I understand. I do have compassion for that, at the same time I have to share the real solution".
Appreciate this video brother, this oneness knowledge left me with existential pain lol. It's much appreciated loads :)
I been watching you for a few weeks and I love your frequency. Thank you for just being yourself I love your vibe bro keep it up 🫡
Beautiful tropical forest you got there mate
Every time i think im getting somewhere I fall back into mental anguish... I cant handle it. I want my life to change
yeah, deep existential pain. Sigh. Too strong to let go, too weak to beat it. Try to understand what "it" is so you can put your energy this way or that, swirl, swirl, swirl. F'ing brutal. It's like the process of breaking someone's will but in the end, that's all that's left. Just will, no person.
Let go of your will :D,
The only reason we suffer is because we try to think our way through situations that the mind has created for us
@@DAWNg444 that's not really what I mean by will - but thanks for thinking of me
most resonant comment chain ive come across today 🫡 respect to both of you
My twin has been screaming, crying and calling me absolutely crazy but she never let her foot off the gas, that is how I cleared up all psycological pain, after you find your twin you will move to stages of bliss.
Thank you so much ❤
thank you so much for this. I really felt as though I was free falling, clutching to every book, every practice, every idea, just to escape the magnitude of my feelings. I just gotta meet myself exactly where I am and not resist. The only way is through it, you are so right
and I genuinely feel rewatching your videos, though a time investment, may greatly influence the flow of your content. just food for the mind
Im telling you every time it has not missed, im going thru what you talk in your videos this are not coincidences. I go thru shifts then i see new video from yash notification and boom is about the things im dealing with.
Needed to hear this rememberance. Thank you 🙏
thank you
Thank you, Yash. My gratitude and love for you brings me to tears many times. Peace bro☺
Thank you, Spiritual Renaissance, for your powerful message. You mention: “…it helps when you stay in high vibration [especially] in community // groups.” 👁️ facilitate Group Musical Meditation for anyone who is curious to vocalize in community.
The 12step program helped me alot with this feeling my sponsor will say go to god . Talk to GOD .
Thank you
Door of my heart,
Open wide I keep for Thee:
Wilt Thou come, wilt Thou come?
Just for once, come to me.
Night and day, night and day,
I look for Thee night and day.
Your vids have healing vibes bro.❤
Got a lot from that! Thanks for another good talk!
Thank you dearly. Needed to hear that. My nervoussystem has been off since before I was born. Have had issues with addiction, still do eating carbs more than I intend to, calms me down, better than drinking as I used to. I also caused harm to others because of allways being hyper, putting on narcistic behavior. Hard to forgive myself.
I honestly don't know anymore man. I try in earnest to move into heavy emotions and I feel like it sometimes helps them to be processed and clear. Other times it makes it worse. Then I shift to gratitude which is probably the best I've found so far but doesn't seem to stick either unless I'm just constantly working at it. It just feels like so much work if I'm honest. Like I'm constantly forcing myself to stay above water with no end in sight. Just waiting for that next nasty wave of emotion to come that I have to head off with some gratitude.
I got stuck when I realized my true power and felt too at odds with society and my social environment. I just haven't been able to reconcile the two. At my highest point I felt a strong desire to leave. More than desire. It felt like the right thing to do. Maybe I should have.. I got very confused by that.
At the end of the day this environment we live in just doesn't feel right for me anymore and I don't know what to do about it other than just endure it and continue to be in varying amounts of pain. If what I discovered is what god wants me to be then I'm sorry I just can't do it right now. I can't cope with standing out that much. It's not what I want. My ambition to do much of anything has all but left me. I have a hobby I'm passionate about but that's about it. At least it keeps me going.
There are many who struggle with this, you are not alone. It doesn't seem like it, but it does get better. Hang in there.
Why not put forth the effort and move into a new society? It's not easy, but possible.
If only you knew how deeply I relate to your comment. Sometimes I think that I died and I am in some kind of life review, kind of like on that TV series LOST, only now I feel largely invisible to almost all peopIe. the only reason I stay alive is because I keep breathing, and every day I have to find some better meaning for my existence other than I am still here. I am not the same person, and yeah, no one attaches to me. I feel so forsaken, yet, I am still here, my eyes opening every morning and being given the opportunity to have 'life'.
I am not convinced that there is another life outside of this, at least one that we will be able to remember this one, like being in the womb and then being born, no memory. But if there is no life outside of this life, then I want to stay and appreciate the beauty of nature, discovery etc. Perhaps I have gone too far into depression but I even think that people who have NDE's still don't get to that real place, cos if they did, they would not be able to come back. All the visions etc are that....visions, same as dreams here only 'more real'. But then they come back... where are the dead now, no one knows, so I want to stay alive. I so need to find the thing that I need, to feel what other people have and take for granted, but I have no idea what it is or where to look. Everything almost is lies and there is no substance or solidarity because of the constant change. It's all too much.
I too have a project and a labour of love to work on, but when I am not working on them, I truly live in a pit of feeling such hopelessness of ever mattering to anyone again, and why I can't bring myself to just shut down and stop making an effort, making a fool of myself thinking that I have anything of interest to make someone want to spend time or work on a project with me, or even just help me out from time to time.. Hoping every day that a way will open up for me. I wouldn't change places with anyone, but I would never want my life to be inflicted on anyone. Have to coast in the rest of the way, running on empty.
@@sserti0n Thankyou bro. Let's hope that it is all worth it.
I love you, Yash!
I’ve been oscillating between different states of consciousness lately… from aligning with our source energy to those feelings of deep, existential dread/crisis that sits at the depth of our stomach for days/weeks at a time; roaming through life as a nomad, without any friends or family to connect with on a ‘deeper level’.
I remembered you describing in another video that enduring those moments is what gives you that depth of character (analogous to a tree with its roots) - I’m sure that it’ll enable me to connect/help others with in the future… “as you cannot be more sensitive to pleasure without being more sensitive to pain”
I’m trying to not identify with this play of life and take it too seriously, yet, at the same time, whole-heartily embracing these rich emotions on both end of the spectrum in their totally, without judging them.
I’ve cried a lot recently.
I believe that after a while, it isn’t plant medicine that is the ‘trip’, real life is the REAL ‘trip’.
From my heart to yours. We’re all in this together.
“High quality church group (I don’t know of any)”😂 I envoke the power the love and the wisdom of my ashram soul and monad to guide me into the right activity in the plan, too clarify and stimulate my mind, too transform and transmute my feelings and emotions, too energized and vitalize and heal my physical and etheric body so there is a normal flow of energy in my physical and etheric body, through this day and everyday I ask this in the name of the Christ too serve the one, all in the name of the father, the son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen 🙏🏼 no need for the group, invoke the connection yourself.
Hey man! Didnt know you live in Ecuador! Me too haha would love to meet you👌🏽 take care
Hi, I left Ecuador a month or so ago
Thank you bro
I' m listening to this episode for the third time and I understood I cannot start the 12 step program without this deeper comprhension of the "surrender" thing and its unlogical and not intellectual consequence : ask God.
I agree with all of these points though I like hearing it from a different persons perspective and I enjoyed the whirlpool analogy. I will avoid deep rivers with whirl pools , if I do happen to wonder into one hopefully I can remember these instructions.
I am abt to graduate as a Chinese medicine doctor 🎉😊
I struggle to find the words to convey my deep gratitude for your teachings but please know how grateful I am to you and to god for speaking through you, for leading me to you. I cried listening to you talk about my life and struggles but feel so happy inside and less alone. Listening to your teachings reignites my faith, direction and purpose in this life. Thank you Yash 🙏🏽🫶
Me too ❤
This 👏🏾👏🏾
Whilst God, guru and self are one, and within me, god always sends messengers along the way to aid my journey 💫
Ears ringing, static vision, derealization, itchy skin to the point of blood, and countless more. Truly have to live minute by minute most days until the season changes.
Why do you feel that way? Don't you like summer? ☯️👁
Omg 😳 I been feeling off wow
I needed this video 👁️🧿👁️
Thank you for posting this video. Thank you Lord. It reminds me how I told someone inside me it feels like in the Harry Potter movie (I haven't seen many movies) on the journey to the sorcerers stone and there's the tangled vines that are like a quicksand floor and the more the children try to resist when they fall in the more the vines tighten and restrain them, aiming to kill them, but Hermione figures out if they surrender instead of fighting for control, they peacefully fall through it and back out. But I feel thrown off and confused when spending time with others and by so many constant triggers pulling me into the whirlpools as other people don't seem to understand, my focus being strange to them. And right as I type this then you hit the 'don't compare to others' haha. God's word is the truth...it feels so hard...everyone and everything pulling me away! Massive resistance...but with God all is possible
i spent my whole life being told to just do this, understand that, do that, try harder!!!
'maybe i need to be breatharian' lol would you believe the same train of progression has briefly ran through my mind
Gauge where you are at on the
Your so called Spiritual path by the the amount of space there I between stimuli and reaction ❣️🤗
Beautiful jungle vibes here bro 🙏
Spiraling through Lyfe while swirling through rebirth, continue moving forward ~
Fully surrender the pretender, in order to embrace and embody your true character 🤍🌊👀
Very good!
Meaningful, thank you
I'm struggling to keep up with the rapid and stupid changes in the world, i sometimes feel like im getting emotionaly burried. It's hard not to feel discouraged by the negativity I see around me. We all make mistakes, and I've learned from mine. My life has always been weird in both positive and negative ways but I can sense my inner flame is fading, I know change is inevitable, but i seem to have lost my ability to adapt. This realy sucks big time,... I love the change in video backgrounds, if ever I spot a hungry jaguar in the background I will let you know, lol, love you, awesome video yet again! ❤
"I know change is inevitable, but I seem to have lost my ability to adapt." Unfathomable how spot on this is in the current collective
We can’t control the outside world. The goal is to master your inner world, your inner energies so that no matter what crap happens outside, you always remain in a beautiful state within 🧘🏽♀️💫🙏🏾
@@rawshi7931 Any tips you can share on balancing to remain in a "beautiful state" when you've lost the feeling of life?
@@Xcstasy4u first and foremost, anything you want to change will require you to bring your energy to it. There are things you can do to get yourself out of a negative funk e.g. within 90 seconds of the negative state, get in the habit of getting up and moving your body for 30 seconds - that could be an on the spot sprint or just dancing with your arms up in the air. Movement is the most radical way to change a negative state. Also power postures (look them up) are great too. You have to commit to live in a beautiful state, and the energy you attach to it will push you there.
Other tools are to focus on gratitude - this will help you be present e.g. when showering be thankful for the water energy that washes your body, the fire energy that heats the water etc. it’s about calming the mind and quietening the ego to come back to heart ❤️
All human suffering is because of tension. Tension is a result of worrying about what others think (in most cases). 2 books that really helped me are the “courage to be disliked” and “inner engineering”. It all comes back to attending to your inner garden, to really master a beautiful state, you need to find time in solitude and observe your triggers and habits to identify the root cause of fear, anger, sadness, people pleasing, perfection, validation etc. Once you pull the weeds out, you’ll switch that beam of light within - that my friend, is your true nature 💫
@@Xcstasy4u first and foremost, anything you want to change will require you to bring your energy to it. There are things you can do to get yourself out of a negative funk e.g. within 90 seconds of the negative state, get in the habit of getting up and moving your body for 30 seconds - that could be an on the spot sprint or just dancing with your arms up in the air. Movement is the most radical way to change a negative state. Also power postures (look them up) are great too. You have to commit to live in a beautiful state, and the energy you attach to it will push you there.
Other tools are to focus on gratitude - this will help you be present e.g. when showering be thankful for the water energy that washes your body, the fire energy that heats the water etc. it’s about calming the mind and quietening the ego to come back to heart ❤️
All human suffering is because of tension. Tension is a result of worrying about what others think in most cases. 2 books that really helped me are the “courage to be disliked” and “inner engineering”. It all comes back to attending to your inner garden, to really master a beautiful state, you need to find time in solitude and observe your triggers and habits to identify the root cause of fear, anger, sadness, people pleasing, perfection, validation etc. Once you pull the weeds out, you’ll switch that beam of light within - that my friend, is your true nature 💫
Thank you Brother!
Great man 👍🏻🙋♂️
Yash, your video came in right in time with what we’re experiencing in the world right now and in our community. Please could you delve a little deeper into spiritual psychosis. We need as much light shed on this right now 🙏🤍 much love and blessings
true humility is the antidote to shame ~iroh
Hey Yash, you may have a video on it already I just couldn’t find it… but could you make a video on some of the positive aspects of having a very sensitive nervous system? Thanks brotha :)
Would love to see this too
Thank you!
0:16 Yash, you're right. I really want to know how you keep getting these gainzzz...😂 What's your exercise routine? Where do you do your training? What changes did you do compared to your 20s gym routine?
In my 20’s heavy weight, excessive lifting, everyday almost, tearing my bones and joints up, killing my kidneys and health with over consumption of meat and processed protein powder.
Now- balanced (60-70 percent maximum strain) full body calistenics (5 days a week or so) coupled with stretching and some yoga.
Intruders ! Lol made me laugh .
After years of spiritual journey I right now don’t understand ANYTHING and wanna really throw everything away and hide somewhere alone in the forest. It feels like I’ve tried everything, but nothing works. I don’t understand, what am I here for when nothing works? I don’t understand….
yes thats the point- that nothing will work. Be with that... Then something will shift inside (something that “does” work). But we first have to see that nothing works first. So you are further along than u relaize. Most havent realized that yet.
@@spiritualrenaissance thank you for your words. Right now I feel like an embryo in space, no way back (to the old), but no (visible) way forward, all doors seem shut and all efforts seem pointless, not understanding what God wants me to do or be or where to go. I feel all is left is to trust, but it’s like the toughest thing 🙏🏼
I just discovered your content and it helps me a lot cos I found a depth and at least some clarity which I don’t find often. Thank you 🌿
Maybe we are all supposed to become really attractive to attract the opposite sex.
@@truthseek3017 😅🙌
hes right
Good Stuff Yash, coming from one whose name is Yash as well.
Hi Yash. I appreciate so much the way you approach everything. Thank you so much for all the videos all the time.
Can you talk more about trauma, childhood traumas? About how can we be more aware of how traumas shapes our relationships?
I made these 2 vids on trauma
@@spiritualrenaissance Thank you so much. I'll watch them right away. Have a great day, Yash!
Intruders are coming… because they’re. 😂❤ the kisses to the passing dogs are precious.
Serious note…I want to be kissed by God
Love ya man.
what are your thoughts on listening to solfeggio frequencies?
I cried... Want God's kiss m sad but just for now... ❤❤❤
River Ganga ❤
To be absent with body is to be present with the Lord. Thank God, I don’t need someone from India to transfer me to the afterlife.
I was also in Rishikesh learning about Yoga and Aryuveda. Where have you been there?
everywhere. But mainly I was based in luxman jhula
This is deep, I actually experience this alot if I'm not mistaken. Always felt a sense of existential angst, never actually felt like this was my home. Besides these bodies are just so dense and limited lol. I remember what you said before, that human life isn't made to work, clearly this is true. I perceive some kind of comic book accurate lore / film or some kind of sci-fi fiction - time travel or the idea of UFOS and extraterrestrial life, having powers est, and I wonder to myself - why is this reality - world and body so boring - limited, and why can I not do that? But only in my dreams I can perceive the infinite consciousness of all that I am - within the subtle body and more subtle realms which I believe are much more realer than this existence. At least I can dream and watch those kinds of things whilst physical but something deep down Inside of my core wants to become everything, and manifest that as my ultimate reality, it's just to say I'm not very happy with this existence - I just want to go home. And I feel alone as a result, everybody is just so dumb down and judgemental - nobody understands me, neither do I want them to. I seek first to understand then to be understood.
I had 1 lucid dream when i was in my late teens (44 now), its fascinated me ever since.
Try to make em happen, cant. Just came once...
Anyway- is enlightenment like a lucid dream in full consciousness?
In the "dream" I realized i was dreaming and could control everything, So i have to be able to realize im dreaming now, but on a different level, and take control?
The mind is such an odd realm. I can intellectually see this, but have no emotional realization of it.
The "control" part of that all is part of the problem 🤔
I need someone like Yash in my life. ❤ Haha I actually don’t think romantic relationships will ever work for me due to how much we evolve but that would be cool. ❤
Do empaths or other types, absorb other peoples or the pain in the environment, Or is it just our own pain?
Can be both
Whsts the name of your other Channel?
brother i wanted to ask what do you do for money? just for my mental satisfaction the answer might help me lot.
I do consultations and groups. There is no time or energy left to do much else.👍
@@spiritualrenaissance how is everyone trapped in this money and material. why the fear? why care about the world judging? even if i am fine with it, relationships family friends hold me back. everyone knows deep down nothing gives you happiness but yet chase something which we created? tough life, i just loose my energy with the outside, unable to keep it within.
As always Yash your videos are a tremendous help❤
Its a real test these days.. it’s damn hot with high humidity and the wildfires and crops burning here where i am.. looks like the earth is going for a reset.. but its a creepy situation
Hey if I have chemical imbalance should I take pharmaceutical or can I just heal it naturally don’t want to have to keep taking pills
Gotta do what’s best for you in the moment. I was highly against pharmaceutical pills until life gave me no choice. Trust the process you’ll one day not need them anymore.
@brandon6577 : He said it 👍
Hey yash not sure what music you like, but you should look up buckethead if you’ve never heard of him. Kinda off topic but I like to share his music cause it gets me through a lot.
Intruders 👀
Why do you call them intruders? I’m just curious because I perceived it as something negative to say about someone.
your mind is taking me a bit too literal. Im having fun...
@@spiritualrenaissance I did think that too!! I do tend to take things literally but thanks for replying😂
Brutus says "with every ounce of pain I feel, my mind cannot deny that God is real." I think he got it from a Grammatrain song. 😅
Can I ask you a few important questions,I am just afraid that I have too much power that will be revealed,and my sensitive information and mind with knowledge,I am only 19
Hey man, I’m 19 as well. All I know is what seems to be working for me, and that’s building habits. Our strength, and subsequently our weakness, is all about how we perceive ourselves. We determine how we think about ourselves based on our habits. If you waste all of your time, you’ll feel like a waste. I think our challenge is to keep our eyes on the prize. Take action now instead of later. Go to the gym, make art, spend time outside, whatever. Do what you know you have to do, and do it every single day. Oh, and don’t doomscroll, I cut that stuff out a year ago and am only better for it. Power is nothing if it goes unused.
@@Maxlovy0 thanks man for advise! It really now helped me out and figured out.
This showed up right after a breakthrough, haha