The Flanger Bass I Serum Tutorial

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Learn how to produce Au5 & Chime's Song, "Voidwalkers" and download the free Voidwalkers Sample Pack here:
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Комментарии • 7

  • @loganlamoreaux5347
    @loganlamoreaux5347 2 года назад +5

    bruh that face

    • @DAWNation
      @DAWNation  2 года назад

      lol isn't it the best?

  • @2L3L
    @2L3L 2 года назад +2

    I appreciate all the classes you guys make, but you gotta clean up the website a bit, it looks pretty sketchy to buy from due to the prevalence of popups, large download buttons, etc. Additionally, I think you'd probably receive more sales if you scrap the whole making up random prices for each class segment, adding them up, and then saying a way lower price as the actual price. Also the "Order now or else you will never get this price again" is just misleading because it always says that no matter how many times you get back, and is also a pretty scummy marketing tactic. Many of these tactics are generally used to trick less-internet literate people into buying, but given the target audience of modern dubstep producers, I don't think it's an ideal strategy, even disregarding ethics. The prove source popups in the bottom left and the fact that all videos autoplay don't really help either.
    You got a really nice aesthetic going with the color scheme and whatnot though, and from what I've seen from RUclips and the previews you got, the content is great as well. Right now it just feels like you're loosing a lot of your credibility as soon as people visit your website. Maybe moving off ClickFunnels to a different provider like Shopify or something.
    Anyway, I don't want to sound too negative here, most things you do are great, keep it up!

    • @DAWNation
      @DAWNation  2 года назад +4

      Thank you for the feedback. This has been something that I have wanted to address for a really long time to everyone at DAW Nation.
      You have actually pushed me to record a Behind The DAW episode specifically explaining why I have chosen to market the way that I do, and why I continue to market the way that I do (short answer, because it works.)
      That podcast episode will probably come out next week. But just know that it's coming with much more detail. But I will briefly address your points here:
      1. "It looks pretty sketchy to buy from due to the prevalence of popups, large download buttons, etc."
      Answer: I don't particularly view websites that have popups that encourages you to buy a product, or to download something for free as "sketchy". Especially when the product or free download has a bunch of social proof behind it (testimonials) showing that it is the real deal and has helped a lot of people. In our eyes, if we genuinely believe our products really help people, which we do, a simple reminder (such as a pop up that can easily be closed out of) doesn't seem like it should be out of the question. Also, I don't think that having a big, vibrant colored button with an easy to see call-to-action is inherently "sketchy". I personally think a blue hyperlink that says "BUY NOW" would be WAY more sketchy. And also, there is a direct correlation with a smaller call-to-action button and less sales/downloads. So in conclusion, I disagree with what you are saying based off my own personal experience and data. I think that what you are ultimately saying is, you prefer sites with no popups or big download buttons. Which is completely fine, but just because you prefer sites like that, doesn't mean that our site is "sketchy."
      2. "Additionally, I think you'd probably receive more sales if you scrap the whole making up random prices for each class segment, adding them up, and then saying a way lower price as the actual price."
      Answer: We don't make up random prices. None of our prices are random. All prices are calculated on how much someone (for example, Au5) would charge in private lesson fees to teach the content. Au5 charges $600 per hour for a private lesson. So, if a piece of content takes him 2 hours to teach, that has a value of $1,200. This is how much you would have to pay to learn this information directly from him. If you are referring to something like a sample pack or preset pack, we then calculate that price based on either how much we have had to spend to make that pack, or how much the person making that pack would charge. For example, with our Your Brain on Drums sample pack with KJ Sawka, all of the prices are legitimate prices that KJ Sawka would charge if you wanted him to make you that sample pack. We show you the actual priced value of the thing that you are buying, and then show why buying it with us is actually way way way way way way less expensive, then if you went straight to Au5 or KJ Sawka, or Crywolf, or whoever, and paid them directly. So, in conclusion, we don't make up random prices. These are real prices, based off real value and we are simply showing you why it's much easier and cheaper to buy our products versus the alternative route.
      3. "Also the "Order now or else you will never get this price again" is just misleading because it always says that no matter how many times you get back, and is also a pretty scummy marketing tactic."
      Answer: This is not misleading. Whenever we have a sale or a one-time-offer, it is completely legitimate. None of our front end offers (meaning the first page you buy from) uses this language (again, unless we are having a sale). For example, if you go to the, you will see that the Alien Weapon Walkthrough is $37. There is no mention on this page that if you leave the price will change. There is no count down timer, etc. However, if you purchased the Alien Weapon Walkthrough, you will go to the next page where we have a one-time-offer for the Serum Masterclass. Usually the Serum Masterclass is $147. But you can get it for $97. This page does include a timer. And guess what happens if the timer hits zero, or if you come back to that page later? You will not be able to buy the Serum Masterclass for $97. That is because in order for it to be a "One-Click-Upsell" meaning you don't have to enter in your payment information again, you just click the button that says, "Upgrade My Order", that page holds your payment information for a very very short amount of time. As soon as that time experiences, it no longer has your payment information, and you can't access that One-Time-Offer anymore, unless you restart the funnel again by buying the Alien Weapon Walkthrough one more time. So in all of our funnels, if there is sale, timer, or one-time-offer, I can assure you, they are very very real. I can also assure you that our prices change all the time. So when I say that I cant guarantee that this price will be here tomorrow, that is a very very honest statement. Remember almost all of our products is in collaboration with another artist. And if that artist wants to increase or decrease the price of the product, my hands are tied, and this happens much much more often than you think. It is actually quite the bane of my existence. In conclusion, no we do not mislead our customers with fake sales, fake timers, or fake one-time-offers.
      4. "The prove source popups in the bottom left and the fact that all videos autoplay don't really help either."
      Answer: Not only do I disagree, I have well over 2 years worth of data that shows that every page where we put an auto playing video and a provesource social proof popup, our sales and increase anywhere from 10% - 30%. By the way, all of those prove source popups are 100% real. Trust me. I pay $50 per month to use Provesource. If it was just fake, I wouldn't bother paying them all that money. In conclusion, autoplaying videos and Provesource actually help profoundly.
      In summary, I really appreciate you and your feedback, and from the outside looking in, I can completely understand how you could come to those conclusions. And again, when I launch that podcast episode, it will explain much more of my stance. But what I have come to realize (because I have had this same conversation dozens of times) is that I think (and the data suggests this as well) that the way we do marketing at DAW Nation is not objectively sketchy, scummy, or unethical, in fact I think it's the opposite. It's just not some people's personal preference. And that's fine! That doesn't mean I'm going to stop doing it, nor does it make it inherently sketchy. Our marketing campaigns actually convert really really well. This suggests that we are doing something right.
      Let me know if all this makes sense,

    • @2L3L
      @2L3L 2 года назад +2

      @@DAWNation Ok, interesting, thank you for clarifying! I have a few concerns still however.
      For your first point behind you not finding certain things sketchy, obviously that comes down to personal opinion. I think it looks sketchy because I have seen many sites with the same buttons and pop-ups that are complete scams or download malware. As for the pop-ups, they come up only a few seconds after I'm on the page, and so for me they made it just slightly harder to read information about the product. Not a huge deal, but just made the experience less smooth in my opinion.
      As for random prices: It's good to know that they are based on private lesson rates, but private lessons are completely different from digital products which are bought by many people and they can't really be directly compared. I made a product for the 3d software Blender, for instance, which took me over a thousand hours to put together. If I were to charge even minimum wage for my efforts it would be $15,000 for my product. Which of course is a rediculous price given that I was aiming to sell multiple and compete with other sellers, so it's $50. I also do not think that that means the product has a "value" of $15,000. Value only exists if someone is willing to pay for it. Once again, this is more a matter of personal opinion, but for me viewing the site it just felt obviously rediculous and unneeded information. It's maybe a good fact to put somewhere smaller, but I don't think it's necessary to scroll past it all before buying a product or seeing testimonials.
      For the one time offers, I have a few questions. On one page, I forget which exactly, I was told that if I clicked off the page and came back the offer would be gone. So I closed the page and came back, and the same message was still there. If this is supposed to happen, then it's just straight misleading. If not, then hopefully that can be fixed.
      As for the other mid-purchase upsells, I don't agree with the tactic still, but thank you for clarifying they are truly one time. As for artists changing prices, yeah that's totally fair.
      As for prove source, its good to see it helps. It was definitely a minor gripe of mine as a whole, and I didn't doubt the validity of the popups. Autoplaying videos is also minor, and a personal preference thing, as long as they don't have sound automatically as well (I don't remember if I had my headphones on when I was on the page, but I believe you didn't have sound). I suppose from a web design perspective having a dedicated area for the provesource thing rather than just having it in the corner would help make it feel more intentional.
      I have one final question: Have you ever had your website not be the way it is now? I'm curious if it was always a funnel approach or not, and if so, would it be worth testing a non-funnel approach as well? I don't have the same data as you obviously, but I do know that every major successful company both inside and outside the music industry has a non-funnel based store page. For instance 2 (very successful) products I use a lot (vsts, not classes) the iZotope suite and many of Project SAMs orchestral packs, have non-funnel based store pages. They still have testimonials, demos, and video demos, but they are categorized into separate tabs or areas of the page, and they just list one price, not the cost it took to pay the orchestra or whatever to make the pack.
      I understand what you're doing is working, but I still think you would reach a wider audience if you changed things to become less aggressive. Even click-funnel's own page is much less aggressive than yours.
      Another thing you should have if you don't already is a main page with a list of all courses, even if you don't change anything else. Right now, the domain name without anything after it just goes to click funnels. Through this page you could also offer bundle deals and whatnot.
      But yeah, in conclusion, my theory (could be completely wrong, I don't have enough data) is that you have a high conversion rate of sales not necessarily because of the website, but because the producers you have classes from have very high-quality useful content. I think the website distracts from the producers personalities and, for me at least, makes them seem less ethical and more desperate for quick money, even though I know this isn't true.
      I am curious what your page view to sale conversion rate is, if that information is something you'd want to share. Also, I can make a mock-up of what I think would be a more professional website (in my opinion), while still including most of the things you know boost sales.
      My general idea is to just change the language to be less aggressive, move the testimonials to a dedicated drop-down area/column with the prove source notifications as well, and make the download buttons look a bit more modern while retaining their size. I do know for a fact that bright green rounded download buttons are almost synonymous with malware these days for much of the people who grew up with the internet.
      Anyway, thanks for the reply and explaining your logic!

    • @DAWNation
      @DAWNation  2 года назад

      @@2L3L Hey dude, just want to let you know that the episode of me going over my marketing reasoning is coming out today at noon. I've also included my answered to your follow up questions here.
      Also, please note that in no way am I trying to make fun of you or belittle you. Sometimes when I talk about things that I am passionate about, I come off a bit strong. But just know it's from a place of straightforwardness, not aggression.

    • @2L3L
      @2L3L 2 года назад

      @@DAWNation Alright, sounds good, I'll be looking forward to seeing it 👍