How to BREAK Planetside 2 and Earn over 100,000 Certs on Live in under an Hour!

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 122

  • @AeciusthePhilosopher
    @AeciusthePhilosopher Год назад +88

    As a veteran player (by your definition) I'd like to see more of a way for veterans to be able to spend certs on the rest of the community - like craftable squad boosts or something along those lines; a way for the super veterans like yourself to give more to the community and perhaps encourage players to participate with the community and help newer players along with the grind.
    The downside would be that it would have to be done in such a way that it doesn't become an expectation placed on newer squad or outfit leaders to do this as well; it should really be a gift and perhaps a mark of prestige (perhaps through a prohibitive buy-in cost in certs that makes it obvious to everybody involved that the person that is providing this boost is a maxed out living legend that's just showing off in a way that helps others.)

    • @corvushavok
      @corvushavok Год назад +4

      i mean gifting should extend to cert purchases rn im only maxing out everything cause its a thing to do would really like to help people spec load outs so i can do more focused squads

    • @EBAH_FEAR
      @EBAH_FEAR Год назад

      Unfortunately the issue with this is that the fact that this is a free game.
      They make their money back for servers and overhead costs from memberships and BC purchases.
      If you allowed the playerbase full of experienced people to spread their wealth, that system would become pretty useless.

    • @Annathroy
      @Annathroy 7 месяцев назад

      Im lvl 41 and no way I am getting into the grind. Feels massively overwhelming

  • @georgepal9154
    @georgepal9154 Год назад +22

    I was about to point out that this was a silly idea with plenty of potential to break the game.
    But, instead of modifying guns, I think it might be more interesting to gain access to guns from other factions by salvaging and building them from their parts. It wouldn't suddenly remove the faction flair, because getting guns from other factions would be significantly harder than certing into faction weapons. But obviously some guns are best in class for just one faction, so you'd be hunting those down.

    • @totalunconcern
      @totalunconcern Год назад +2

      sounds kind of cool, but also would make the meta even more onesides and homogenous

    • @michaelleza3291
      @michaelleza3291 Год назад +3

      In planetside 1 you could salvage weapons from enemy players and use them, you just had to salvage ammo too and store it in your locker.

    • @KaiserMattTygore927
      @KaiserMattTygore927 Год назад

      @@michaelleza3291 I like this idea, there's so many great ideas from PS1 that PS2 should be using.

    • @ncg8259
      @ncg8259 Год назад

      Regular bullets and shotgun shells were available to everyone. Only Vanu guns required you to stockpile ammo. It was however not a bad idea to keep a few boxes of ammo and some tools in the locker for the event that you needed to resupply in a base with a blown generator

  • @jtktomb8598
    @jtktomb8598 Год назад +71

    IMO the issue is attracting new players and mainly moderate players retention... and what's keeping them from playing more IS the grind

    • @kinnusai4432
      @kinnusai4432 Год назад +3

      Maybe that's true for some but personally I keep coming back because I have so much stuff left to grind. And not catering to vets that have been around for years doesn't seem the way to go. If people enjoy the game they'll keep coming back. I have to disagree with the argument that people will stop playing a game they're enjoying because they haven't unlocked everything. Seems more likely to me they'd stop playing because there's nothing left to unlock even though the game is fun. That's how I would think about it anyway.

    • @gtVel
      @gtVel Год назад +12

      ​@@kinnusai4432 You're not a casual player then. I tried getting my friends into the game with me and nobody stayed past a week from how grindy this game is.
      It's a shame, but it is a big issue.

    • @AverageWarCrimeEnjoyer
      @AverageWarCrimeEnjoyer Год назад +5

      Yup, basically for any new player any play style besides regular infantry is completely inaccessable. And even the infantry is quite questionable

    • @cephalonwolf8422
      @cephalonwolf8422 Год назад +2

      Me personally I love that grind, its why i play the game. If I don't have that I feel lost or if I don't have enough to work towards I lose interest.

    • @Phantom-el6oe
      @Phantom-el6oe Год назад +2

      Yeah, it's way over the top. Before quitting the game, I had one account per class that I often deleted so I can try out different builds. I had one main account that I played for a year, but the progress was so slow that I didn't want to bother anymore and went to play Battlefield again

  • @Vincenttst
    @Vincenttst Год назад +18

    Not sure if anyone ever played Battlefield Heroes. But one of the reasons why it got unpopular and hated was "weapon customization". It made certain weapons way to overpowered and it was really hard to buff/nerf it. So I would be quite worried about it if they would add weapon customization.
    What are your thoughts?

    • @diogodinis39
      @diogodinis39 Год назад +8

      Only OGs remember BF heroes

    • @Harp2033
      @Harp2033 Год назад +1

      i remember BF heroes. loved that game.

    • @ziwalker2954
      @ziwalker2954 6 месяцев назад

      Oh man that was my fav game..really miss this.. triple blastig strike and make those tanks and people fly in the Sky..😢

    @SHINYREDBULLETS Год назад +5

    When i first started, I couldn't understand how anyone would be okay with +1000 kills from gold to aurax, for the 200 cert bonus. Didn't think it was a realistic figure. Several years and a load of auraxium unlocks later, i started looking for "things to do," as i'd fully aurax'd and ASP'd my favourite class, upgraded everything, etc. I agree that having something "new" to grind towards would definitely be nice, but right now i'm thoroughly enjoying popping enemy mines through walls with EMP grenades - am about 300 kills from the emp grenade auraxium, haha! :D

  • @DarkSentry
    @DarkSentry Год назад +2

    The construction system is the endgame cert dump for Day1 vets. When you build off certs instead of cortium.
    Allowing temporary purchases of enemy weapons for certs similar to a 30 minute trial at a cost of1000 certs could be another good cert dump and would be considerably less dev time for the same end goal. Permanent unlocks would only increase the perceived grind for new players and at the same time would be inconsequential for vets who would unlock everything on its release.
    I don't think ps2 needs any additional grind added. If anything, veterans playing less probably helps new players to play/enjoy their time more.

  • @emericcoude4068
    @emericcoude4068 Год назад +3

    I'm a semi-casual player who plays the game in sparse burst of a few weeks to a few months multiple times each year. BR 100+ on TR. The grind is making me feel like I'm increasingly lacking in progress to make. Not because there isn't anything to unlock (I have so much to unlock still), but because unlocking these things feel slow. This is especially true for stuff like auraxium weapons which take me years to complete at my pace. It feels more exhausting then fun. I always thought that if I could make more meaningful progress each time I play, I'd want to stick around more.
    To me the Implants are cool cause they open up some wacky build, but the grind to reach them just doesn't feel good often, it feels unattainable even though it looks so fun. Took me a few years to get bionics & carapace, and by the time I got over them and didn't have a new shiny thing to play with yet. (and I did actually buy the yearly bundle a few times, especially when the implants seemed fun, actually this might be how I did unlock bionics & carapace lol).
    Yours is an interesting take, and possibly a good one! I'd be very intrigued as to what is the ratio of player types (new, casual, semi-casual, veterans), what's the average play habit, and to see who is spending the most, cause that can change drastically the approach here.

  • @Ihaveausernametoo
    @Ihaveausernametoo Год назад +7

    I get that it's the income model of the game to have this type of progression and I respect it. And it seems to contribute to a sense of "meaning" to a lot of people, something to strife for. Me personally I've never been much for it, the game's I've had most fun in are where everything's unlocked from the start, and it's the freedom of play-style that it opens up that kept my interest, not what's "around the corner". Plus, it feels more fair to everyone, but those games of course were not free to play, or had some other type of income model. The gameplay itself needs to keep me there, not anything else. I've played PS2 for thousands of hours, 90% of the time without membership or boosts but now have nearly everything certed but that's fine with me, in fact it's a relief. Makes me less inclined to chase anything but what's fun. I wish new players would have the same perks and I'd gladly give up mine, especially the ASP ones to level the playing field.

    • @TheRealBarrettWood
      @TheRealBarrettWood Год назад +1

      I feel the same. Unlocks stifle creativity by causing you to grind for the ability to experiment, and punish experimentation in the event that you didn't end up liking what you grinded for.

  • @silamphreps2353
    @silamphreps2353 Год назад +3

    It feels so unnecessary and almost out of place for Planetside.
    There is 4 factions to grind if you really want to grind. You said you didn’t want to grind the other factions but why would the dev create more stuff to grind for veteran players when they only want to play 1/4 of the game.
    This is not what PS2 need right now. And it comes from a guy with around 3500-4000h in the game.

  • @SystemBot
    @SystemBot Год назад +3

    f2p 2k+ hours, never enough ISO for the ISO lootboxes. Just can't obtain Berserker... only maxed a few implants.
    All currency (certs, iso, a7) gains need to be higher. Just way too many things to unlock especially for newer players and each individual things aren't even cheap. Aside from cheap attachments, but even attachments add up to be pretty costly.

  • @exorias625
    @exorias625 Год назад +1

    so youre pretty much suggesting a weapon blacksmith at this point
    it is a good concept but tbh i think its a little too advanced for a game of this age
    so yes im on board for this idea and would love to see it but i know wrel would fuck it up

  • @xoawolf
    @xoawolf Год назад +1

    Not normally one for grind, but this is a really intriguing idea

  • @Markfr0mCanada
    @Markfr0mCanada Год назад +4

    Cyrious, I gotta say buddy, I feel like you're diving down the wrong rabbit hole. Thinking from a perspective of "how can we put an ever tighter squeeze on an ever shrinking population" is just committing to the doom spiral.
    Instead I would urge anyone paying attention to just accept that players who've been playing for enough years, or thousands of hours, however you care to measure, just have ALL the kit. Even if you drop a new kit package into the game which allows for another 50k of cert expenditures, we're sitting on that.
    So, if not from squeezing the vets, where does the money come from? Focus on making sure that the game play loop is enjoyable enough to keep players interested even when they aren't grinding towards anything. That will require a variety of ways to play to keep the game interesting, so while the concerns of IVI mains are absolutely important, others need some mic time too. It will require listening to feedback and criticism in enough detail to make learning opportunities out of it, rather than trying to silence it as "arm chair generaling". This means figuring out things like:
    -WHY did CTF get a bad reception?
    -WHY won't players go to Oshur if a 2nd continent is open?
    -WHY don't players line interlinks?
    -WHY don't players like containment sites?
    -WHY do players generally prefer the older facilities?
    I could go on, but I'll stop there. My point is that ultimately this game is part of the entertainment industry. If you want money, sell whatever will entertain your customers. Once that is accomplished so that established vets stop leaving, old vets come back, existing players introduce the game to new players, and new players actually stick around, then the queue comes into play. If multiple continents are open, but the good action is on the full contient I have the choice of play the off content for free, or pony up $10 per month to play where the good action is.
    Hair brained ideas out of left field like CTF or pocket nukes won't accomplish that, and blaming the players for not liking what's being produced doesn't fix the problem either.

    • @totalunconcern
      @totalunconcern Год назад

      Couldn't agree more, working in the field of design it baffles me that so little of that experience and established/new ways of collecting and implementing people's opinions in a design (game design in this case) are being used in this field. Especially new content updates should start with asking these questions

  • @jobgreat9675
    @jobgreat9675 Год назад +2

    The claim reward system has been changed, so we cannot use that method to claim double cert now...

  • @Zekester014
    @Zekester014 Год назад +1

    My personal take on it:
    1) Currency that has been fully utilized needs to be spent
    2) The aim has to be something that players actually want to use rather than a mere money sink
    3) The new content can't result in veterans having a direct advantage over newer players
    Now then, with these points in mind, there is a way the game could take: It seems that the only alert that exists now (unless aerial anomalies are just that rare) is the continent cap alert. It seems lacking imo. Anomalies were fun, in concept. One thing that could be done would be to have "Sanctuary Research Terminals" at the warpgate/major bases to put into raising up the research progress. The progress itself could be donation-based from all factions (from a list of the different alerts possible, you pick where your currency goes), or a lottery style dice roll to see if one shows up/which one shows up. Continent capture alerts will be exempt and separate from this system so it can continue as normal. Anything from the Anomalies, to increased cortium count, to environmental effects, to something akin to the ghost ship alert -- DBG will decide the list, which will include a random selection or all of them (up for discussion as to which). You also choose which currency to spend. You can decide between certs, ISO-4, A7, and Merit, or split among all 4. Whether or not it should be limited to one donation per player is up for discussion.
    -) another way to solve this (though one that I haven't put much thought into) would be to give each currency its own boost checkbox to certain utilities. Perhaps hacking speed could take a boost by spending a certain amount of A7 per hour, that you could manually toggle? Perhaps ISO-4 could be used per loadout (via another toggle) to boost specific implants 1 tier higher (probably bad) or to be used in place of nanites for utility items, at a cost of reduced effectiveness? We're only limited by our creativity at this point.

    • @Zekester014
      @Zekester014 Год назад

      The point overall is to have a use for these currencies that will always be there, have a temporary but recurring benefit, and not be limited by in-game items or player experience

  • @kitsune_bot1654
    @kitsune_bot1654 Год назад +4

    This sounds like it would be harder to balance, however I main NSO and we have no weapons so I like it anyway. I can't wait to see an infinite mag butcher.

  • @TheRealBarrettWood
    @TheRealBarrettWood Год назад +1

    I think this is a really cool idea. I enjoy customizing guns and tweaking them, and I think that this would add a strong incentive for people to continue grinding. I feel that another viable direction would be for them to make cert based content that does not involve unlocks. These would demonstrate it's something clearly intended for vets who don't need the certs anymore and would give them a reason to continue to farm for that cool gameplay element. Maybe you can spend a ludicrous amount of certs to initiate varying types of world events which announce the player who purchased them. This would give recognition to the player, provide new gameplay options that anyone could use but that not everyone should, and would give vets something fun and cool to do with all of their spare certs. Maybe you can spawn as a nutty raid boss: the purchasing player becomes a giant titan suit that can't be healed, has absolute mountains of health that can be damaged by anything, and enemy players get armor or helmets or something from the depot based on the damage they dealt to the titan prior to its death. That'd really incentivise engaging with it, especially for f2p players.
    You could cap it 1 per a faction at a time, like bastions, or you could have them be a neutral boss that fights all 3 factions. I dunno if the devs would like this, though. 😂

  • @VoidvexVR
    @VoidvexVR Год назад +1

    Your part of the terrain! The new conglomerate will bring freedom!
    Edit: (thx for the heart! I just started playing and I’m a new conglomerate main)

  • @cephalonwolf8422
    @cephalonwolf8422 Год назад +2

    I really started playing planetside 2 sometime last year not sure when. But so far I have 388 hours and my TR character is br 73. Currently I'm taking a break from the game but I think the way you describe weapon crafting sounds very fun!

  • @famvirious
    @famvirious Год назад

    Playing only to veterans and not new/moderate players is historically how you kill your game. It's okay to stop playing a game after 10k hours my man. You've done it at that point

  • @MrChadders101
    @MrChadders101 Год назад

    I have 1700+ hours in Planetside II. I don't play nowadays because I'm in university, but Planetside will always be my favourite game, regardless of what I end up playing in the future. After uni, I will most certainly be back on.
    I play Vanu, Miller, and have never spent a cent on the game. I haven't needed or wanted to. I mostly play solo, and occasionally attend organised ops with DIG.
    For me, the aim of the game is directives. I don't pay much attention to cert gain, as I already have most of what I want, even though I still haven't bought half of the items in the game. Directives are what keep me driven to play. I have the white camo, directive rewards for LMG, Magrider, assault rifle and shotgun. When I come back, I'm intending to complete lightning, scout rifle, engineer and heavy assault directives. After that, I'll most likely feel quite lost, as other forms of gameplay don't particularly interest me.
    So I hope that another form of content will be released which I can really sink my teeth into.

  • @jeremiahshields7827
    @jeremiahshields7827 Год назад

    Barrowed a buddies old ps4 just so i can play this game, downloaded it today and it doenst work, cant load out of the sanctuary without getting disconnected from the server.

  • @robotmedic2720
    @robotmedic2720 Год назад

    Adopt the Dust 514 market and gear collection. ..then you always need certs to have a stack of your favorite gear and equipment.

  • @johnvanek9514
    @johnvanek9514 Год назад +1

    Adding a tier system would take away the "sidegrade rather than upgrade" philosophy that makes planetside function as an MMO. I like the idea of a crafting/modding system, but I hardly think it will really fix anything about the game. Isnt it about time the devs start fixing the bugs that were introduced in the last few updates? I think most ps2 veterans will still buy membership just for the nanite boost, and looking at population size, veterans are really the only people still playing this game. While that's a good thing in that planetside isn't going to die for a long time, even they will get tired eventually and the only solution IMO is a 3rd planetside.

  • @evanceaicovschi7230
    @evanceaicovschi7230 Год назад

    Drg uses overclocks to great effect with weapon customization.

  • @illegalalienfromsalviaspac449
    @illegalalienfromsalviaspac449 Год назад +1

    The grind fest doesn't keep me engaged in my experience. Only real things i grind for are good directive weapons like the fortuna, maxwell, betel, godsaw.. The real engagement for me is seeing my performance improve and going toe to toe with the sweatiest veterans. Started out as a bad player and working your way up to getting hackusations is what i strive for (hell in most things in life). Just getting better and better is the main reason play this game and you'll see you have more impact on the battlefield once your an elite player. I started out in 2013 with nc and have 6 characters in the following BR : NC Connery : LVL 85 asp1 NC emerald : LVL 52 asp1;
    Vs Connery : lvl 88;
    Tr Connery : lvl 60;
    Tr emerald : lvl 48;
    NSO connery: v.080
    Nso emerald : v.096

  • @lukaspokorny6276
    @lukaspokorny6276 Год назад

    Hi, I would like to ask you about the mod that you are using. The kill count, crosshairs etc. what’s it’s name and don’t you know any mods, that could maybe help me with performance ? Thanks in advance. Glhf

  • @kinnusai4432
    @kinnusai4432 Год назад +1

    I have just over 1k hours logged on my main. Only thing I need to cert out are some vehicles so I've been buying new weapons to replace my current ones once I auraxium them. Having said that, I have soooo many auraxium medals to go out and get that the lack of something to grind isn't on my radar at this point. I like the customisable weapons idea although I can just imagine all the new "this is op" type conversations and complaints that would arise. Whether stuff was balanced or not lol.
    Maybe I'm just dating myself here but remember when people played games cause they were fun and not to unlock anything? I played the same levels of mario bros over and over again when I was a kid because you couldn't even save your progress. Switch the console off and start over the next time you switched it back on. Maybe for this reason I've just never understood anyone complaining about the grind in video games. Ignore the grind, have fun and you'll get all that stuff eventually.
    I bet the algorithm LOVES this video title btw XD

  • @louctendo1321
    @louctendo1321 3 месяца назад +1

    im at 58 hours and just got my first character with complete ability suit utility and granate now im grinding for weapons

  • @wolfe8035
    @wolfe8035 11 месяцев назад

    Yea bro I went full blown mining between the levels of 0-10 and I made more certs in those few hours, than I did in nearly 6 hours of combat.
    How much did I make? Easily 800 in about 4 hours.
    Combat? Maybe 20, in SIX HOURS.
    Will always be glad to find more ways to make extra certs bc I don't wanna do mining exclusively to get everything.

  • @Its-Just-Zip
    @Its-Just-Zip Год назад +2

    My weapon crafting recommendation is actually completely different instead of at least initially providing modifiable weapons. Make it so that you can craft weapons from other factions. If you really need to, you can make them require parts from that faction. Just a thought
    Like I want to be able to craft a blitz for my vanu aligned NSO character

    • @BongRipBing
      @BongRipBing Год назад +3

      Then you'd end up with all 3 factions using the meta of all 3 empires and it'd blur all 3 factions infantry into something way more homogenized.

    • @Its-Just-Zip
      @Its-Just-Zip Год назад

      @@BongRipBing that's the point, it's a rolling selection of stuff to grind for that can be "added to" simply by doing basic balancing
      Granted it's the kind of solution that is best to implement during a famine cycle of having enough devs to make the feature but not necessarily enough devs to continue making new features at the speed the community might want

  • @sadot9315
    @sadot9315 11 месяцев назад

    A.S.P. is overpowered! Classes being able to carry 2 main weapons is too strong and versatile, especially against new players.

  • @helo1345
    @helo1345 Год назад

    Ok so as a new player, this did not tell me how to get more certs lmao I cannot bank missions for a double xp weekend and the ideas are neat, but I really don't have any idea how to advance faster.

  • @larrymcmund6600
    @larrymcmund6600 Год назад

    Seeing PlanetSide Arena gameplay looks so cursed after so much time in PlanetSide 2

  • @jakewebb7995
    @jakewebb7995 Год назад

    As a moderate player. At about 800 hrs. I havent even really dug into implants yet. I have basically lvl5ed my favs and have a few at 4 i switch between. Im not even sure how to specifically grind ISO. I just play and it seems to take FOREVER to grind ISO.

  • @l3viath8n14
    @l3viath8n14 Год назад +1

    I dont want to be reductive but are you suggesting a Planetside-Borderlands combo where you can find guns with differnt parts. So that each manufacter can have differnt stats. Or somthing closer to Warframe's kit guns and zaws (melee weapon). Where you can level up your syndicate with a combo of certs and A7, and purchase parts of a gun then combine those parts to make your very own gun?

  • @quixmith
    @quixmith Год назад

    Missions?... you telling me I'm that bad, and forgot to collect for the last couple years? Man I'm such a casual

  • @ascrassin
    @ascrassin Год назад +5

    I don't really like this proposition because of the consequence it could have on things like faction identity.
    Also, balance will become a nightmare (it's not for nothing that nearly all custom weapons game are mostly pve). Especially because doing it halfway would just be redundant to attachment.

  • @Error-mn4el
    @Error-mn4el Год назад +2

    i feel like you could have spared us the clickbait

  • @jamps_tv8778
    @jamps_tv8778 Год назад

    I think what they really need is planetside 3 and wrel removed from staff

  • @Sol-gl3nl
    @Sol-gl3nl Год назад

    returning player who has been playing for a decade on and off over several accounts. i got back into it and unlocked everything i wanted, which still is only like 10% of the stuff. game felt ever so slightly boring after.

  • @zakurn1086
    @zakurn1086 Год назад +1

    Crafting weapons is a very Destiny 2 approach to the game and let me tell you, this ain't it. It creates an initial rush to get the parts, then what else? Craftable weapons have been making the grind erelevant and the rest obsolete

  • @darkmadrap
    @darkmadrap Год назад +1

    damn i loved arena's look , both ui and graphic wise . even tho i did not play it myself , well , because i dont like BR's , all the videos of it or clips of it that ive seen makes ps2 look a bit outdated comparatively speaking .

  • @loshermetos
    @loshermetos Год назад

    It's a really nice idea Cyrious... I have dreamed that should be an ASP perk to choose one weapon from other faction to be available...

  • @MechShark
    @MechShark Год назад

    I really like the weapon building idea

  • @gamer64691
    @gamer64691 Год назад +3

    I just hit 2k hours and now have my main almost totally maxed out. Now I'm deciding whether to work on ASPing my alts. One thing I could see as an endgame goal is making leaderboards more visible in WGs or sanctuary. A screen that scrolls through various leaderboards one of which could be "certs earned" during the last 24 hours. That provides at least some incentive to run membership.

  • @connorblair6438
    @connorblair6438 Год назад

    I got br 100 on every faction while I was in Europe for 3 years, now I'm back in America and have to start all over again :( but hey, I got to see you on indar today!

  • @xVertigo101
    @xVertigo101 Год назад

    7.3K hours console, 1000 hours PC
    I have all characters A.S.P 2 100
    All weapons All cert weapons and attachments unlocked.
    I still don't have half the implants, araxium weapons, uranium vehicle trims exedra.
    What I honestly feel is console needs a free character copy to PC because it's dead with no updates for almost 2 years now.
    I would love to just copy all my characters to PC rather than feeling like I need to start over.

  • @SN1PERx64
    @SN1PERx64 Год назад

    I am a tale of opposites. I know by my nature that I aggressively pursue unlocks and progression, but often at the sake of enjoyment, and PS2 can definitely suck my enjoyment for that sake.
    But as someone who has 2k hours of play, 4 characters with different levels of dedication, I find the idea of more grind appalling, seriously. I consider the amount of work PS2 asks of your time to not be consistent of the effort unless you give considerable real money to RPG. At the same time I am aware that most games when I finish the grind, I stop playing the game entirely, but at 2k hours I still have plenty of stuff for me, so I don't think I am close to there yet.
    To me the Arsenal update is a great middle ground. Give me a reason to use weapons and tactics I didn't use before due to balance, maybe even give attachments like hybrid sights, and cosmetic/tiny different versions of existing attachments based on kills/xp earned and I think you can add value a lot to the game for all players.

  • @HeliGungir
    @HeliGungir Год назад

    Where are the vehicle implants? Where are the vehicle ASP perks? Still plenty of low-hanging fruit there.

  • @Half_a_bosco
    @Half_a_bosco Год назад

    that click bait was good, but i defiantly agree that another grind is needed

  • @uzziah134
    @uzziah134 Год назад

    can Recursion Stat Tracker | get you ban?

  • @pilentus
    @pilentus Год назад

    Thh, the longest term solution to this problem would be a 3rd game.

  • @Nommicus
    @Nommicus Год назад

    I just like shooting shit and teamwork in the chaos of Ps2, I liked the shiny of arena but not the implementation or core.
    Not sure about weapon mods, I've been in since 2012 and still Find it a challenge.
    I do miss, as someone I recently read said, the old lines of armour on a hill side at a bridge making a long stalemate which needed organised pushes to get through, before the orbitals and bastions.
    Before lattice when ninja "infil" squads made havok lol.
    Good old times.

  • @pinaerpowac4130
    @pinaerpowac4130 Год назад

    Totally forgot missions were a thing and was earning certs the old fashioned way for years.

  • @MasterRedwing
    @MasterRedwing Год назад

    I also used to do that, I think the highest I ever had was like 70 pages as with some 2x XP events I just banked so that I could do some more building of my char.

  • @Calvictus360
    @Calvictus360 Год назад

    I stopped playing a couple years ago at the 4500 mark With all classes but engineer auraxed on the 3 original factions. There Was just nothing left that i wanted to do. The game felt done and there were tons of other games to play.

  • @torindechoza7266
    @torindechoza7266 Год назад

    i dont udnerstand why people want to grind. Why not enjoy the weapons you have unlocked previously. Why do you prefer to have less?

  • @Markfr0mCanada
    @Markfr0mCanada Год назад

    If we could get the numbers back then queue jumping alone would be enough reason to buy membership.

  • @lParoXismel
    @lParoXismel Год назад

    the grind is mental in planetside 2 .. u want guns but they are useless... but u dont know that at start lol

  • @stormking1973
    @stormking1973 Год назад

    What game is that at the end?

  • @LanzerYT
    @LanzerYT Год назад

    What was that link to provide feedback on new grind?

  • @jimstunt9893
    @jimstunt9893 Год назад

    10k hours is 416 days. No way someone has played that much on this game. Whole year plus!

    • @CMDRCyrious
      @CMDRCyrious  Год назад

      There are some pretty "professional" players out there. Here is a guy that has played 1059 days so far:!/5428031585332027953/stats

  • @thomas-sh6bd
    @thomas-sh6bd Год назад

    i think there should be more events where ns bastions ns colossos and ns infantry squads spawn randomly at bases and beeing a third party making it more interessting

  • @firestorm1579
    @firestorm1579 Год назад

    I know a lot of ppl would hate it but I'd like to see stuff like a season pass.

  • @surr3ald3sign
    @surr3ald3sign Год назад

    I would really like to see a video on farming certs as a new player... i always feel like i cant get enough to upgrade stuff, i mean ive got less than 50 hours but after upgrading 2 classes a little bit (upgraded default abilities/suit and/or some attatchments for primary weapons

  • @ironperegrine7765
    @ironperegrine7765 Год назад

    A fantastic idea, I'd be all aboard. I'd love to have a weapon that gets a reputation one of its own in my hands >:D

  • @anubisTC
    @anubisTC Год назад

    That after the video saying the game is successful and they've done it all...yeah a great idea for sure.
    And I saw many games adopting this kind of mechanic when they are about to disappear and getting some extra breath. PS2, far from disappearing, but adopting that now...would be nice to see. We need the servers addressed still. Maybe will not escape migrating their code to UE5 to keep it going for a couple more years (hopefully they are considering it).
    IDK if PS3 is a thing or not, but MAYBE taking PS2 as the final version as Ongoing game would be better. Lets see...

  • @jamesedwards3923
    @jamesedwards3923 Год назад

    I have been bating the numbers in my head.
    In my opinion. It for the most part does not make economic sense to have a membership. You would have to be on for most of the day everyday.
    I played around with it for one year. It did not make sense.
    If you have multiple characters. I would say buy boost and bundles for your characters. What do I mean.
    Let us say you have a bunch of shiny new weapons you want to buy. NS weapons. They are all accessible to all characters. Last I checked. The boost are not.
    So if you know you play between characters frequently.
    If you have a job. I would say put some money into investments and accounts. That produce a minimal of $100 a year. Not just for updates to your rig, but to you in-game purchases.
    Also given where I live. I actually find lose change on he grounds. A few extra XP boost every few months. Used only during evens, double xp for all, good fights, and alerts. Goes a long way.
    Paying for empire specific weapons. While saving real cash for the XP or NX weapons. Goes a long way.
    Right now for my main. I have 6 Month XP boost collecting dust.
    Since I am working towards building my Channel. I will start using them.
    If you are a casual player or above. You need to figure out your budget for the game. What you want to try. Then optimize how you are going to pay per year.
    I believe in supporting the game to a moderate extent. Otherwise the game will not exist. So you freeloaders need to stop.
    Open Source Software, Free To Play, Etc. I am not saying go broke, but kick up something. If you can only afford $5 a year. Then commit that.
    If you are a whale. Then buy everything you can in the game please.
    The game will not survive if people do not kick up something to maintain it.

  • @curtisthornsberry4236
    @curtisthornsberry4236 Год назад

    I have a character from beta, I don't have anything maxed. I just binge the game every couple months for a few weeks and play something else. Played the heck out of the game 2020 though.

  • @zwojack7285
    @zwojack7285 Год назад

    there are missions?

  • @mat_max
    @mat_max Год назад

    That's not under an hour if completing all those missions took dozens of hours

  • @stevenharper9108
    @stevenharper9108 Год назад

    I threw down all my saved missions last month.

  • @Yo_MaNNix
    @Yo_MaNNix Год назад

    This could happen in Planetside 3❗

  • @M_R.b
    @M_R.b Год назад

    Weapon crafting would be awesome if you could do unique weapons

  • @jeepsblackpowderandlights4305
    @jeepsblackpowderandlights4305 Год назад

    I dont care about br or certs.. i just play to play... im only br70 after playing on and off 10 years. Only maybe 270 hours played.
    Most of my time is jist spent building bases and stuff..
    Forcing urself to grind in this game is jist boring.
    Certs dont give you that much of an advantage... just play to play.. im nearing 40.. dont care about grinds these days i log in.. kill people. Build a base.. call a night..
    Also 270 hours doesnt mean im a new player.. ive played this game and ps1 for years.. if you have a 1000 hours in any game as an adult. You need to rethink your life choices.. because ive done that before in games and requires no life playing forever sitting ina chair forever..
    Think about it 1000 hours in a game today 3 hours in a chair for a year.. or 6 hours for 6 months. Do you at 40 really play games like this... still.. lol

  • @BernhardRutzen
    @BernhardRutzen 8 месяцев назад

    currently on 2023 this doesn't exist

  • @Daddy010
    @Daddy010 Год назад

    Should just let us grind up to BR 1000 or something smh then vets would buy membership and boosters. Unfortunately RPG is notoriously bad at making money.

  • @michaelleza3291
    @michaelleza3291 Год назад

    I'd rather grind for cosmetics. Customized weapons would break the game.

  • @IMeanMachine101
    @IMeanMachine101 Год назад

    I have a method to get a cert every second

  • @sningo-zd6ns
    @sningo-zd6ns Год назад

    commens is a comment even if is not on the topic . I really miss Planetside Arena . it was awesome . why planetside 2 not have a build-in PSA mode ? so we could play it

  • @justinkelly7647
    @justinkelly7647 Год назад

    Bring back Brs!

  • @reapuout
    @reapuout Год назад

    YES!! I would love to see more variety in weapons.

  • @noble_lemon
    @noble_lemon Год назад

    Give me your certs!

  • @atlastheend
    @atlastheend Год назад

    to bad they patched this

  • @vasilijmorozov9571
    @vasilijmorozov9571 Год назад

    isnt this game dead?

  • @Fantastic_Mr_Fox
    @Fantastic_Mr_Fox Год назад +4

    First mwahaha

    • @anubisTC
      @anubisTC Год назад

      Really tho?
      What if there was someone before, with a really meaningful and well thought of comment? He saw your message and deleted it for you to be the first and not feel bad for not being actually the first. He deleted his comment, and when he was about to repost his comment, had a heart attack and now his well thought of comment is lost forever...Why did you do this? Why?

    • @Fantastic_Mr_Fox
      @Fantastic_Mr_Fox Год назад +1

      Oh, I hate that guy. Glad he's butten the dust

  • @RED--01
    @RED--01 Год назад

    What I get disappointed with this game is the shear lack of new guns and stuff to do..
    I don't want to see the same weapon with 500 different skins..
    How about New Specializations? Like imagine if you can go DEEP into infiltrator to be more skilled at bolt action or close smg..
    The new map is good and all..but i think they need some changes..
    Specially on weather effects.. Why can't we have a map with a massive storm! A planet that is always night time and the lightning coming from storms can light the map for a few seconds..
    A sand map with bases kinda covered by sand and partially abandoned with a HUGE sandstorm every hour or so..
    Some kind of star wars map that is full of water but with bases constructed on big bases floating over..with fights inside the factories and outside in the storm..
    How about a map with a massive vulcano in the middle that erupts everynow and then and your factions have to RUSH inside the facilities that will close down to protect people and equipment..if you stay outside... bye bye.
    The lack of innovation with the hardware and software being there makes me sad.