My Revert Story - Finding Peace and Who I Was Always Meant to Be

  • Опубликовано: 30 апр 2022
  • Salam everyone!
    Sharing with you all my revert story to Islam.
    Alhamdulillah for the guidance that Allah swt has blessed me with. May he keep us all on a straight path and prevent us from departing it, Ameen.
    *Please excuse any stutters or mispronunciations as I recorded this naturally with no edits. :) Only positive comments, please.
    Thank you for watching!

Комментарии • 656

  • @eischerschwederm7876
    @eischerschwederm7876 2 года назад +215

    I remember having the same experience..when I started reading Qur'an..the more I read I just got so obsessed.,sometimes I woke up at night and start reading..and whenever I had questions or doubts when I opened a Quran randomly guess what my questions or doubts that I had were answered without me looking for the page or knowing anywhere to find the answers subhanalllah..

    • @budihikmat8426
      @budihikmat8426 2 года назад +13

      One said if you want to communicate with The Creator just perform Salah as the perfect form of worship. While if you want The Creator to communicate with you just prepare pure heart before reading the Quran.

    • @afolabiprecious798
      @afolabiprecious798 2 года назад +8

      honestly i am so obsessed with the Quran i cant do without it, it gives peace

    • @orwellianyoutube8978
      @orwellianyoutube8978 2 года назад

      @ExMslm. How to give ''precise answers'' to crazy copy paste nonsense you shared here with us. Oh man, I wouldn't even know where to start, lol. You evangelicals are truly getting desperate.

    • @shidehanif8200
      @shidehanif8200 2 года назад +5

      @ExMslm. Muhammad is often referenced with these titles or epithets:
      Seal of the prophets (Arabic: خاتم النبيين, romanized: Khātam al-Nabiyyīn) [22][23]
      The Prophet, (Arabic: أَلْنَّبِيّ, romanized: al-Nabī), also, the Prophet of Prophets.
      Messenger of God, (Arabic: رسول الله, romanized: Rasūl’Allāh)
      The Beloved (Arabic: الحَبِيبُ, romanized: al-Ḥabīb) or The Beloved of God (Arabic: حَبِيبُ اللهِ, romanized: Ḥabīb Allāh)
      The Chosen or The Appointed (Arabic: المُصْطَفَى, romanized: al-Muṣṭafā)[24]
      The Genuine, The Trustworthy, or The Faithful (Arabic: الأَمِينُ, romanized: al-Amīn)[25]
      The Honest, The Righteous, or The Truthful (Arabic: الصِّدِّيقُ, romanized: al-Ṣiddīq)[26]
      Kind, Compassionate, or Affectionate (Arabic: رَءُوف, romanized: Raʾūf)[27]
      Model (of Conduct, Merit, or Virtue) (Arabic: أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَة, romanized: Uswatun Ḥasanah)[28]
      The Perfect (Arabic: أَلْكَامِل, romanized: al-Kāmil)[29]
      The Best of Mankind (Arabic: خَيْرُ البَشَرِ, romanized: Khayr al-Bashar)
      Mercy to the Worlds (Arabic: الرَّحْمَةُ لِلْعَالَمِينَ, romanized: al-Raḥmah lil-ʿĀlamīn)[30]
      al-Mubashir, "The Bearer of Good Tidings"[31]
      an-Nadhir, "The Warner"[31]
      al-Mudhakkir, "The Reminder"[32]
      ad-Dā‘ī, "The One Who Calls (unto God)"[33]
      al-Bashir, "The Announcer"[34]
      an-Nūr, "The Light Personified"[35]
      al-Misbah, "The Lamp/ Lantern" (lit. "Bringer of Light - Dawn") - i.e.: as-Siraaj al-Muneer, "The Lamp of Illuminated, Ever-glowing, Ever-Enlightening, Incandescent"[36]
      as-Siraaj, "The Lamp/ Lantern" - i.e.: as-Siraaj al-Muneer, "The Lamp of Illuminated, Ever-glowing, Ever-Enlightening, Incandescent"[36]
      Ni‘mat-Ullah, "The Divine Favour"[37]
      al-Ummiyy, "The Unlettered and Illiterate", i.e.: An-Nabiyyu l-Ummiyy, "The Prophet who is Unlettered and Illiterate"[38]
      al-'Aqib, "The Last (Prophet)"[39][40]
      al-Mutawakkil, "The One who Puts his Trust (in God)"[41]
      Qutham, "Of Perfect Character. Gifted With Every Merit."
      al-Mahi, "The Remover (of Disbelief)"[42]
      al-Hanif, "The One of Primordial Religion"
      Nâbîyyu at-Tawbah, "The Prophet of Penitence"
      al-Mu`azzaz, "The Strengthened One, the One Made Invulnerable"
      al-Muwaqqar, "Held in Awe"
      al-Fatih, "The Opener"
      al-Hashir, "The Gatherer (First to be Resurrected) on the Day of Judgement"[40][Quran 2:119]
      al-Shafî`, "The Intercessor"[43][44]
      Kareem, Noble and Generous (Arabic: كريمٍ),[45]
      Shahid/Shahed (Arabic: شَاهِدًا), A Witness[46]
      al-Mushaffa`, The One Whose Intercession Shall be Granted[47]
      al-Mujtaba, The Chosen (Arabic: اَلْـمُـجْـتَـبَى)[48]
      ‘Abd’Allah, Servant of Allah[49]
      Akhir, 'The Final, that is, the final prohet,[50] "Last Messenger"[51]
      Muhammad is sometimes addressed by designations deriving from his state at the time of the address: thus he is referred to as the enwrapped (Al-Muzzammil) in Quran 73:1 and the shrouded (al-muddaththir) in Quran 74:1.[52]
      He is also known by these epithets:
      Ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib, descendant of Abd al-Muttalib
      Abu ’l-Qasim (Arabic: أَبـو الـقَـاسـم, father of Qasim ibn Muhammad), a son by his first wife Khadija bint Khuwaylid
      And there are Many more TITLES of our Blessed Messenger Muhammad peace be upon Him
      So you are a LIAR and this is like an addiction for many Christians its like they are competing with the devils in LYING since they are CONSTANT LIARS 🤔🙄😊 and you are not an ex muslim because no one in their RIGHT MIND would stop believing in a SUPREME BEING the ALMIGHTY and start believing that a human being is god do you AGREE 🤔🙄😊😁😏 and for your information Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is ALIVE in his grave so are all the Messengers of ALLAH AZAWAJAL and all Messengers of ALLAH AZAWAJAL are sinless and the reason why Jesus peace be upon him is in Heaven is because he is going to come back to kill the antichrist and to PROVE to Christians that he is not god 🤔🙄😊 and by the way their were upto 50 authors of the bible and yet not one Bothered to give their names what did they have to HIDE this alone rings ALARM BELLS do you AGREE 🤔🙄 and none of the authors of the bible ever spoke to Jesus peace be upon him or his disciples so the bible is just ASSUMPTIONS of what Jesus peace be upon him ACTUALLY SAID do you AGREE 🤔🙄😊😏 and in the bible there are two different versions of how judah died either by hanging or falling headlong and his guts fell out so which one is the TRUTH they both cant be right one is either the TRUTH and one is a lie this is just one PROOF of CURRUPTION in the bible do you AGREE so therefore this is not the whole word of god because god does not make mistakes simple as that do you AGREE 🤔🙄 and in the bible god has REGRET so that means the god of the bible does not know the FUTURE because if he did he would not do something that he would later REGRET do you AGREE and therefore this is also not the word of god and the authors of the bible who wrote this do not know anything about god do you AGREE 🤔🙄😊😁😏 and in the bible it says that Lot peace be upon him got drunk and had sex with his daughters such Filth and evil how dare they speak such evil against a Messenger of god a Righteous man of god and his Blessed Daughters may peace be upon them you see the authors of the bible were DELIBERATELY trying to SLANDER and HUMILIATE Lot and his Blessed Daughters may peace be upon them do you AGREE 🤔🙄😑😔 and in the bible it says that god commanded Isaiah to walk NAKED in a HOLY LAND for 3yrs infront of men and women and children and keep the young girls who have not seen men for themselfs and do whatever they want with them Rape what ever you want and kill the animals now tell me do you really think that god would command such a evil thing you see this is the EVIL handywork of the authors of the bible do you AGREE🤔🙄😑😔 so now that i have EXPOSED your LIES and by the way there is nowhere in the bible where Jesus peace be upon him says im god or worship me nowhere in the bible so why do Christians say he is god 🤔🙄 and in the bible it says that god is not a MAN so a man can not be god do you AGREE 🤔🙄😊😁😏 and in the bible it says that no man shall see god on earth and live but all the people who saw Jesus peace be upon him LIVED proving he is not god do we AGREE 🤔🙄😊😁😏 and Jesus peace be upon him said to his disciples why do you call me good no one is good except the Father meaning Jesus peace be upon him is CLEARLY saying im not good only the Father is good so how can Jesus peace be upon him be god when he is not good do you AGREE 🤔🙄😊😏 and Jesus peace be upon him ate and drank and needed the toilet went to sleep and he did not know the HOUR and he WORSHIPPED his Lord by putting his face to the ground like muslims do so the bible is PROVING he is a Muslim someone who SUBMITS his Will to the CREATOR of everything that EXISTS and that EXISTS and god does not worship himself now does he do we AGREE 🤔🙄😊😁😏 and by the way anyone who says a man is god they are commiting BLASPHEMY and the punishment for that is ETERNITY in HELLFIRE so your choice either believe the TRUTH or believe a bunch of LIARS and DECEIVERS who HID THEIR NAMES Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and Christianity is declining worldwide statistics prove this for when TRUTH is hurled at falsehood by it's nature is bound to PERISH ALLAH AKBAR meaning god is GREAT you do AGREE yes 🤔🙄😊🤲🕋❤ Takbir ALLAH AKBAR meaning god is GREAT you do AGREE yes

    • @aservant2499
      @aservant2499 2 года назад +1

      This is so familiar 😅🙂

  • @Frankierios22
    @Frankierios22 2 года назад +268

    I’m looking into reverting to Islam as well, your story gives me motivation and comfort knowing other people have felt the same way I feel

    • @camilleannnee
      @camilleannnee  2 года назад +44

      I’m so glad to hear that! Definitely reach out if you need any help or advice. May Allah guide you to the religion of ultimate peace & surrender, Inshallah. ✨

    • @Frankierios22
      @Frankierios22 2 года назад +14

      @@camilleannnee Thank you so much ☺️ I appreciate your support and lending out a helping hand thank you again 🙏🏼

    • @abdia.1093
      @abdia.1093 Год назад +4

      Don’t think twice my brother, it will be the best decision you ever make! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. All the best bro

    • @thanksmercidanke
      @thanksmercidanke Год назад +2

      God protects you Frankie from the association [with Him] . Amin 🍓 وَٱللَّهُ خَلَقَ كُلَّ دَاۤبَّةࣲ... Allah has created every [living] creature from water. And of them are those that move on their bellies, and of them are those that walk on two legs, and of them are those that walk on four. Allah creates what He wills. Indeed, Allah is over allthings competent. (Quran) وَمَا مِن دَآبَّةٖ فِي ٱلۡأَرۡضِ إِلَّا عَلَى ٱللَّهِ رِزۡقُهَا... And there is no creature on earth but that upon Allah is its provision, and He knows its place of dwelling and place of storage. All is in a clear register.(Quran) PS : Allah is the name of God in arabic . The arabic jewish & christians arabs they say Allah too . In the arabic bible it is written Allah. Only 18% of Muslims are Arabs but 82 % they are Muslims but not Arabs so the majority of Muslims are not Arabs .& the arabic word islam, it means submission (Submit to God) which is the religion of all prophets since Adam including the messengers Moses, Jesus and Muhamad peace and blessing of Allah be upon Them all .They have One God, one Religion & one straight path (the pure Monotheism). إِنَّ هَـٰذِهِۦۤ أُمَّتُكُمۡ أُمَّةࣰ وَ ٰ⁠حِدَةࣰ وَأَنَا۠ رَبُّكُمۡ فَٱعۡبُدُونIndeed this community of yours (your religion) is one single community(is one religion), and I am your Lord, so worship Me.(Quran)مَا كَانَ إِبۡرَٰهِيمُ يَهُودِيّٗا وَلَا نَصۡرَانِیࣰّا... Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was one inclining toward truth, a Muslim [submitting to Allah ]. And he was not of the polytheists(Quran) إِنَّ مَثَلَ عِيسَىٰ عِندَ ٱللَّهِ كَمَثَلِ ءَادَمَۖ... Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam. He created him from dust; then He said to him, "Be," and he was. (Quran)وَإِلَـٰهُكُمۡ إِلَـٰهࣱ وَ ٰ⁠حِدࣱۖ لَّاۤ إِلَـٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ ٱلرَّحۡمَـٰنُ ٱلرَّحِیمُAnd your God is one God. There is no deity [worthy of worship] except Him, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.(Quran)مَّا یَفۡعَلُ ٱللَّهُ بِعَذَابِكُمۡ إِن شَكَرۡتُمۡ وَءَامَنتُمۡۚ...What would Allah do with your punishment if you are grateful and believe? And ever is Allah Appreciative and Knowing .(Quran) Thanks wich you the best from heart🍓All prophets came with abnormal proves to their people to prove their message from God. And because the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him) He was the last Prophet and messenger so his proves will exist till before the day of judjement , the day of Resurrection .And not like all other prophets which their Miracls and proves were just in their time . Miracls & secrets of the Quran. More than 1000 scientific discovery in the Quran till now. Modern science in Quran & sunnah :
      If you need any Question about Islam and converting to Islam please let me know . Greetings brother.

    • @xoxoisabellaxoxo
      @xoxoisabellaxoxo Год назад +2


  • @dbehoopin
    @dbehoopin Год назад +85

    Alhamdulillah 🤍 your revert story is inspiring I’m on a path to submit to Allah fully InshaAllah studying daily and spending time talking with my Islam sister.

    • @danzeladams856
      @danzeladams856 Год назад

      If you submit fully you will become a terrorist because your scriptures say you must convert none Muslims,if they don't want to convert you must tax them(bombings)?,then when your magdi,Isa,Muslim Jesus comes and you Muslims become strong you will either try to convert or kill everyone who does not want to become Muslim.I would have asked you to write back and tell me if you agree or not but then I realized or remembered that Muslims are told by your scriptures thar you can lie to advance Islam so it means nothing if you reply or not.

    • @user-ys9pr7lc6l
      @user-ys9pr7lc6l 2 месяца назад

      are you a muslim now?

  • @D33frmHawaii
    @D33frmHawaii 3 месяца назад +11

    I am also a revert, may Allah guide you through your journey. Allhumduillah.

  • @briannacolvin5712
    @briannacolvin5712 5 месяцев назад +16

    As someone who is contemplating on becoming a revert, this video was appreciated. I would love if you uploaded more on your personal revert story, to further influence with positivity.

    • @user-ys9pr7lc6l
      @user-ys9pr7lc6l 2 месяца назад +2

      hey! just curious if you converted?or if you're still interested in learning more about islam, if so i'd like to recommend a few channels to you, i'm sure they'd be a great help to know more about islam.

  • @rizwanrafeek3811
    @rizwanrafeek3811 2 года назад +126

    Out of 5.5 billion none-muslim people on Earth who do not have a relationship with the Creator and not knowing who their Creator is, yet that Creator has guided you to Islam that is priceless.

    • @fedesetrtatio1
      @fedesetrtatio1 2 года назад +1

      You think you muslims have a relationship with the creator and nobody else. Who is this Creator you have a relationship with. Is he the pagan God of the Kaabah or is he the true God of Abraham.

    • @rizwanrafeek3811
      @rizwanrafeek3811 2 года назад

      @@fedesetrtatio1 _"Is he the pagan God of the Kaabah or is he the true God of Abraham. "_
      You are not going to like my answer, so I will let you listen to a Jewish Rabbi answer it for you.видео.html

    • @rizwanrafeek3811
      @rizwanrafeek3811 2 года назад +9

      @@fedesetrtatio1 _"Is he the pagan God of the Kaabah or is he the true God of Abraham. "_
      You are not going to like my answer, so I will let you listen to a Jewish Rabbi answer it for you.
      You can search on YT for this video titled: "Tovia Singer Do Muslims Worship Mohammad in the Way that Christians Worship Jesus? Rabbi Tovia Singer Responds"
      Please listen to whole video, it is about 9 minutes.

    • @fedesetrtatio1
      @fedesetrtatio1 2 года назад

      @@rizwanrafeek3811 I have listended to this joker. First and foremost this joker in not a temple jew. He is a 4th Century Rabbinical jews. Jews whose single aim is to undermine Christianity just like you muslim. You come after Christianity not before it. But it does not matter. So give it to me, what has your jewish prophet have to say about Allah. Have you spoken to this genius about the accusation of the quran with regards to Jewish calling Uzzair the Son of God. So to save me the torture, if this guy has got convincing proofs give it to me.

    • @rizwanrafeek3811
      @rizwanrafeek3811 2 года назад +1

      @@fedesetrtatio1 Do you think, Jews have a relationship with the God of Abraham through current Judaism?

  • @AshrafAli-is4wv
    @AshrafAli-is4wv Год назад +26

    I also had these dark feelings i was doing all the wrong things and mentally i was lost, until i called upon God to show me the path.. after that when i was listening to quran i felt like God was speaking to me. Becoming more spiritual improved my life so much... i knew no therapy could heal me... i understand exactly what u went through.

    • @peace5272
      @peace5272 Год назад

      It's because you are ignorant bro. Allah did not even speak directly to Mohammed except through jibril. Do Muslim believe allah can speak to humans directly? To the best of my knowledge they don't. So were are you getting this God spoke to you from? Christians belief yes because in the bible God spoke to people directly and still does today but not in Islam.

  • @mechanicholmes7918
    @mechanicholmes7918 2 года назад +44

    At present, converted muslims r the genuine practicing muslims because they accepted Islam after the subtle verification & clear judgement of the Holy Quran.
    Congratulations ❤️

    • @mohammedalways358
      @mohammedalways358 Год назад

      #REVERTED ....

    • @sutil5078
      @sutil5078 Год назад

      idealization is extreme. There are many good reverts, good born muslims etc..

    • @cliptec
      @cliptec Год назад +2

      agreed. not to say there are no good born Muslims, but to listen to the journeys of converted Muslims, despite the unimaginable challenges, yet they accept the message of Islam, subhanallah 3x.

  • @Allaahuakkbar
    @Allaahuakkbar 3 месяца назад +7

    Being Muslim is a great blessing from Allah 😊😊

  • @naimaismail4356
    @naimaismail4356 Год назад +11

    Sister you sound so at peace, so satisfied and in comfort. Alhamdullilah, thank you for sharing your story. I’m proud to be Muslim as well, and I pray Allah guides more struggling souls to the truth 🙏🏾

  • @desokie257
    @desokie257 8 месяцев назад +6

    As someone who is slowly taking the steps to revert, I really appreciate you for sharing your story with us :))

    • @zafiraa9799
      @zafiraa9799 2 месяца назад

      Assalamualaikum, take 1 step at a time and Istiqomah.. Allah loves one who showed patience and Insyaallah you will feel satisfied and blessed in taking the first step by doing Shahadah..Aamiin

  • @user-uu8tn3fn2y
    @user-uu8tn3fn2y 2 года назад +105

    What a lovely story, I'm glad you found peace in Islam. Also Eid Mubarak.

    • @fedesetrtatio1
      @fedesetrtatio1 2 года назад

      Another one bites the dust. Victim of love jihad and love bombing.

    • @tariqabdullah8517
      @tariqabdullah8517 2 года назад

      I m glad you found Islam, the mist expensive gift for you, sister stay away from relationships that forbidden in Islam

    • @ryanfil1927
      @ryanfil1927 Год назад +1

      I try to give some answer about your doubts
      Isa in your bible is dead and in the Quran it was lifted and replaced by other body.
      People created Christianity and started worshipping isa thinking he is
      1- god
      2-son of god
      3-spirit of god that somehow came to earth
      Muhammad was different from isa to prevent people from worshipping him instead of worshipping god.
      The only message that isa and Muhammad brought to humanity is preaching people to worship the only god. God of Adam and Eve and Noah and Ibrahim and Moises and Jesus and Muhammad and all mankind

    • @ryanfil1927
      @ryanfil1927 Год назад

      Quran gives respect and mention isa that many times and described him as human and messenger. Quran never promotes human, animals or objects to be God

  • @fall2393
    @fall2393 2 года назад +33

    I am glad that you chose to share your story. This always helps me to re-evaluate my relationship with Allah.

  • @SxJxMx
    @SxJxMx Год назад +12

    Alhamdullilah sister your story is so inspiring and relatable to me, I had tears while watching.
    I was born Muslim but I lost my way for atleast 15 years and now I’ve reverted back to Islam subhanAllah since December 2022 ❤
    Wishing you peace and love on your journey 💕

  • @abdulrahmanmuhammed5513
    @abdulrahmanmuhammed5513 2 года назад +33

    Welcome to Islam

  • @amazingfaizworld4041
    @amazingfaizworld4041 2 года назад +14

    I just saw your video i am glad you chose islam allah will help you and he will never let you down

  • @Eyesofislaam
    @Eyesofislaam 2 года назад +76

    Subhanallah!! So happy for you sister! He found you lost and guided you 😍😭🤍🤍🤍🤍 (93:7)

    • @fedesetrtatio1
      @fedesetrtatio1 2 года назад

      Another one bites the dust. Victim of love jihad and love bombing.

    • @maryanne7161
      @maryanne7161 Год назад +2

      Y have u stopped posting sis? Waiting for ur new posts.

    • @maryanne7161
      @maryanne7161 Год назад +1

      @Gicybb Jcybh No. Alhamdolillah i was born n raised muslim.

  • @titinsuprihatin1063
    @titinsuprihatin1063 2 года назад +22

    May Allah guide you always. Amin

  • @NՓԵhing
    @NՓԵhing 3 месяца назад +2

    Alhamdulillah for Islam

  • @ellenhelen700
    @ellenhelen700 Год назад +17

    I love who diverse islam is when I went to Makkah I saw white people and black peoples/white Arabs and Indians Asians as well ❤

  • @rizwanrafeek3811
    @rizwanrafeek3811 2 года назад +13

    There is a white CDN reverted to Islam in Toronto, his name is: Damien Zielinski.
    Another Torontonian from Jewish background reverted to Islam too.

  • @fuadarif4056
    @fuadarif4056 5 месяцев назад +4

    As a second generation in Islam in my family, it’s aspiring people like you helps my faith grow stronger. Thanks for sharing. Those who don’t know think that Islam is a new invented religion, yet it’s the same continues faith since our Adam & Eve. Do visit Malaysia one of this day.

  • @Dr.M.Wahid-U-zzaman
    @Dr.M.Wahid-U-zzaman 17 дней назад

    From Bangladesh in Asia. Sister this is the best decision in your life. May Allah SWT bless you and grant you jannatul Ferdows.

  • @munirsharar2741
    @munirsharar2741 5 дней назад

    MashaÀllah. Thank you for sharing your story. You inspire us to be better Muslims. Please, pray for us.

  • @ourcreatorwords933
    @ourcreatorwords933 2 года назад +40

    Indeed Allah chosen you ❤️❤️❤️ Please don't stop asking Him for guidance 🥺❤️❤️

  • @asfi786
    @asfi786 Год назад +10

    subhanallah, how high is my lord.
    congratulations sister, welcome your real home: Islam 💗🇮🇳
    may allah elevates you high in this dunya and hereafter inshallah 🌼
    welcome to your family as muslim ummah of prophet muhammad peace be upon him who's the only most beloved of allah azzawajal ☝🏻

  • @naallahpatience5149
    @naallahpatience5149 11 дней назад

    I am a Catholic also in my early 40s. A friend of mine wants me to revert to Islam, which is a kind of weird for me. I feel at this age I should know what I want. I love your story ❤️ and I like the fact that you're are happy

  • @RafiqKhan-cn9jg
    @RafiqKhan-cn9jg 10 часов назад

    Alhumdulillah zazakallah khair my beautiful sister welcome to Islam love you lovely sis love you love you Allah hafiz ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @NՓԵhing
    @NՓԵhing 3 месяца назад +1

    MashaAllah tabarakAllah

  • @amineninja6111
    @amineninja6111 2 года назад +18

    Salam 3alaikum
    What an amazing story. Alhumdulillah it is such a blessing to be a Muslim and to be able to feel such peace and safety everyday. May Allah keep us strong upon Islam and guide us and keep us upon the truth and gather us with prophet Mohammed peace be upon him, ameen.

  • @abdallaismail2188
    @abdallaismail2188 2 года назад +14

    Thank you sister , your conversion story is tremendously inspiring , you are on the right path be firm and steadfast

  • @MohamedAli-ob7ps
    @MohamedAli-ob7ps 2 года назад +14

    May Allah guide you

  • @user-gp4bw4ko1x
    @user-gp4bw4ko1x 2 года назад +15

    AllahuAkbar! Very inspirational! May Allah bless you and keep you and us steadfast on the deen, sister.

  • @daffodil664
    @daffodil664 4 дня назад

    What you said about Islam protecting you YES!!!

  • @NՓԵhing
    @NՓԵhing 3 месяца назад +1

    JazakAllahu khair

  • @Nuria-fl2ux
    @Nuria-fl2ux 2 месяца назад

    Mesha-Allah! Welcome... May Allah's Blessings, Protection, and Guidance be upon you my sister! Ammeen.

  • @philesq9595
    @philesq9595 23 дня назад

    SubhanAllah. Thank you for sharing your journey, sister. May Allah guide you and give you joy.

  • @dooliejay8735
    @dooliejay8735 3 месяца назад +1

    Asalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatu…Guidance is from Allah and He guides whomever He Wills and I’m glad to hear from such beautiful story from a beautiful sister like you.. Allah(SWA) Has chosen you for reason and guided you to Islam so please keep doing more Videos and speak about what more have you learned from being a Muslim since you come to Islam..Please come to making videos….May the blessings of Allah showers upon you and the Muslim Community at large..Ameen ..
    I’m brother Jaffar sending my peace and love from US.

  • @User-s868
    @User-s868 2 года назад +1

    Congratulations, and welcome to the light ❤️

  • @akagamishanks7991
    @akagamishanks7991 2 года назад

    Welcome sister! We are very happy to have you within our community! May the most high grant you everything u ask for!

  • @username7326
    @username7326 Год назад

    This is amazing! Alhamdulillah 🥺💓

  • @tafsirdiallo8545
    @tafsirdiallo8545 2 года назад +5

    Allahu Akbar sister. You just earned your ticket to Jannah inshallah!! May Allah reward you Ameen!

  • @abbezeidan6404
    @abbezeidan6404 2 года назад

    keep on sis, may Allah swt give you all strength . happy for you found the right path in life and
    the next .

  • @motivateme288
    @motivateme288 2 года назад

    Subhaana Allah, welcome to the umma sis, and may Allah keep guide us all

  • @amania9254
    @amania9254 Год назад

    Thanks for sharing a piece of your history with us!

  • @AdrianMuslim
    @AdrianMuslim 2 года назад

    Alhamdulillah. May Allah bless and reward you sister! ✨💗✨

  • @lolax3378
    @lolax3378 2 года назад +1

    Hearing your story made me tear up because it matches me so perfectly, almost like we are the same people. This video really has helped me

  • @202machine
    @202machine Год назад

    I like that you talk about accountability and taking action.

  • @mohamadnazriabdullah8417
    @mohamadnazriabdullah8417 2 года назад +5

    Alhamdulilah sister. Just take your time to learn and practise Islam. Be patient and pray often to overcome our problems in this temporary world.

  • @muslimboyilyas775
    @muslimboyilyas775 2 года назад +15

    Welcome to the Deen of Fitrah(Natural disposition) and Submission sister.🥳
    Your story is very inspiring,MashaaAllah.
    May Allah keep you steadfast on his Deen uptill your last breath,ameen

  • @jamilelet8940
    @jamilelet8940 2 года назад

    Salem alaykoum welcome to the family sister. I enjoyed listening to your revert story and I’m so happy for you Mashallah.

  • @thetruth4855
    @thetruth4855 2 года назад +1

    God bless you sister! We are so happy for you. May God grant you victory in this life and the next.

  • @afinabuilders8619
    @afinabuilders8619 2 года назад

    Thank you for sharing your amazing story. May Allah protect, guide and bless you always.

  • @fatimafendi4153
    @fatimafendi4153 2 года назад +2

    Hey girl! I saw you at troid , happy to hear your story❤️ God bless ☺️

  • @midousalam3644
    @midousalam3644 2 года назад +1

    Great Story sister! May Allah guide us all ❤️

  • @moham.279
    @moham.279 3 месяца назад

    Masha Allah. Allah guides whosoever he wants. Welcome to Islam my sister…

  • @SpecialSoma
    @SpecialSoma 2 года назад +2

    Masha Allah, welcome to the deen sister. May Allah grant you the best in this life and the next! Ameen🤲🏽.

  • @Layth71
    @Layth71 2 года назад

    MashaAllah beautiful story, May Allah bless you and keep you steadfast and grant you al firdaws. Ameen!

  • @bouchagu4009
    @bouchagu4009 2 года назад +1

    May God bless you and bestow His peace into your life and everyone seeking Him 💕

  • @ranamohammad3614
    @ranamohammad3614 2 года назад

    Welcome sister
    Soooo happy for you 🥰

  • @norbayajamaludin7671
    @norbayajamaludin7671 2 года назад +1

    Alhamdulillah...congratulations. Happy for you.

  • @lanialost1320
    @lanialost1320 2 года назад +3

    Alhamdullilah! This was such a beautiful narration from you, and a pleasure to listen to your revert journey.

  • @nextstep7166
    @nextstep7166 2 года назад +1

    Ma'sha Allah Sister, May Allah Bless You And Protect You 🤲🏻

  • @KingKreem
    @KingKreem 2 года назад

    Mashallah sister. Im happy for you. May Allah keep blessing you.

  • @loveechristina1
    @loveechristina1 9 месяцев назад

    Your story is so wonderful ❤️🙏🏽

  • @eischerschwederm7876
    @eischerschwederm7876 2 года назад +3

    Subhanalllah..may Allah easy your journey..may Allah grant all of us Jannah

  • @karenrodriguez6601
    @karenrodriguez6601 8 месяцев назад

    Thank you, you’ve inspired me.

  • @jenna-tn4wj
    @jenna-tn4wj 2 года назад

    Ma sha Allah ! So beautiful sister ! 🌷 May Allah taala bless you every day sister 🤲🏻 and may Allah taala guide us and your family and prove us on the right and straight path 🤲🏻🌷💙 Ameen
    Eid Mubarak 🤲🏻💐🌾🌱🌻🍃

  • @ilyaastariq889
    @ilyaastariq889 2 года назад +7

    Subhan'llah.... Allah is most exalted and may he bless you....

  • @anwartuti7897
    @anwartuti7897 2 года назад +1

    Assalamualaikum Sister, welcome to our deen, May Allah keep u firm and steadfast!

  • @IsmiFarha
    @IsmiFarha Год назад

    Mash’Allah may Allah continue to bless, protect and guide you, and grant you jannah 🤲

  • @TheCanamera
    @TheCanamera Год назад

    Ma Shaa Allah Tabarakaallah beautiful story.
    Jazakaallahu Khair for sharing your story.

  • @aishabello8226
    @aishabello8226 2 года назад

    MashaAllah. I’m so glad for u sister 🤍🙏🏽 May Allah bless ur Hidayah

  • @dapsbusman6615
    @dapsbusman6615 Год назад

    Ma shaa Allah..keep what you're doing your in straight path.. alhamdulillah..may Allah blessed you and you're family.. Ameen 🙏

  • @khadijahhaque2205
    @khadijahhaque2205 Год назад +1

    Really loved hearing this story

  • @muhamedsegawa9298
    @muhamedsegawa9298 Год назад

    MashaAllah. May Allah keep guiding you through

  • @rabiuadamu1307
    @rabiuadamu1307 2 года назад

    Masha Allah. It's starts from a humble beginning and I prayed it ends in a more righteous way. The human in us can only be put to control by following the instructions from He that creates it. May Allah's companionship of guidance, mercy and blessings keep track of you till eternity. I love you sister

  • @nanabeenyi4016
    @nanabeenyi4016 3 месяца назад

    What an amazing story to hear.

  • @ahmadzakwani8125
    @ahmadzakwani8125 2 года назад

    Mashaalloooh alhamdulillaaah. .

  • @Bouyati.tlb96
    @Bouyati.tlb96 Год назад

    Beautiful story and wise words my sister, may allah protect you and your loved ones and keep u in the straight path

  • @Immortal_Dark410
    @Immortal_Dark410 2 года назад

    Masha Allah, may Allah accept you, continue to bless you and keep you happy and content with ease and comfort ameen, such a blessing that we can never fully pay Allah back for, as a fellow revert to Islam it's been 18 years of having this blessing from Allah tala of faith and belief.
    May Allah always keep showering us all with blessings, love and acceptance with ease and comfort ameen 🙏

  • @abdusshaikh4471
    @abdusshaikh4471 2 года назад +1

    MashaAllah sister, may Allah SWT bestow his mercy and rahma on you, make things easier for you, bless you with strong imaan good health and happiness, Aameen

  • @Halalprank
    @Halalprank 2 года назад

    Welcome to Peace ❤❤❤❤Sister
    May ALLAH bless you and protect you
    Ma sha ALLAH

  • @yusufabdillebarodiintaada8498
    @yusufabdillebarodiintaada8498 2 года назад +2

    May Allah protect you the time remain for you and to show you the good path

  • @jzazf6207
    @jzazf6207 Год назад +1

    Keep at it. Endure. Endurance and patience is the key 💪

  • @ahmoobabal4192
    @ahmoobabal4192 2 года назад

    Alhumdulillah!! Very happy to hear that your life has become easier and more peaceful. Understand that even us muslims dont understand Islam, or ever will 100%, so keep learning. Dont stop!

  • @AsadKhan-ej7dr
    @AsadKhan-ej7dr Год назад +1

    May Allah keep you safe and sound. Your story was really very motivetiol.

  • @Neighbourhood5555555
    @Neighbourhood5555555 5 месяцев назад

    Please continue to make these videos, so grateful to have found your story

  • @aleemasnabani1134
    @aleemasnabani1134 2 года назад +3

    Mashaalah, keep going sister may Allah bless you

  • @mustdiekat
    @mustdiekat Год назад

    What a beautiful story. May Allah bless you and make your path easy. Cape town South Africa

  • @abdullahkafi4133
    @abdullahkafi4133 Год назад

    Absultlly good decision by you sister ❤may Allah help you and accept all good deeds❤

  • @moniqjennisa
    @moniqjennisa 3 месяца назад

    Welcome my sister. keep istiqomah yaaa

  • @DrAhmed-or9rf
    @DrAhmed-or9rf Год назад +1

    So happy for you
    May Allah bless you and me and All believers ❤

  • @sunmoon5305
    @sunmoon5305 2 года назад

    Mash allah! May allah bless you my dear sister. Good job!

  • @syarizalmohdyusof
    @syarizalmohdyusof 2 года назад +1

    Subhanallah. You Never Walk Alone.

  • @dewiadithya5159
    @dewiadithya5159 2 года назад +1

    MasyaAllah ❤️
    Assallamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh...
    I just made dua for you that Allah keeps you in guidance and faithfully in love with Allah Subhanallahu Wataala till our end of life ❤️
    Love, your sister from Indonesia 🇮🇩

  • @hmakash.5212
    @hmakash.5212 2 года назад +4

    love from Bangladesh may allah bless YOU

  • @sofiansulaiman4308
    @sofiansulaiman4308 2 года назад

    Assala-mualaikum warohmatullah hiwabarokatuh my sis in Islam
    Every time I feel "empty" of complacent with my life, I will always tune-in to REVERT STORIES.
    It will inspire me tremendously.
    Jazakaallah khairan sis
    Love from Malaysia

  • @OrbitalPulsar
    @OrbitalPulsar Год назад

    Salaam! Revert from the UK here
    Be strong sister. It's okay if your faith weakens and strengthens in waves. It is quite normal for a muslim to experience. Just as long as you keep trying to do your genuine best, and you make small changes wherever necessary to help you. Your efforts to follow Allah's teachings will continue to light up the world around you.
    BE strong. You got this. Ignore the hypocrites that bark harsh nonsense online without following anything themselves. Have faith that Allah, the Maker and Sustainer of the whole universe, has chosen you as His a beloved ally.

  • @SaadonAksah
    @SaadonAksah 2 года назад +3

    Thanks for sharing your story! Im your 64th subscribers! 👍