Transsexuals: Pope responds to dubia: Last Week in the Church with John Allen Jr.

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 182

  • @psallen5099
    @psallen5099 10 месяцев назад +18

    Why aren’t the Belgium bishops asked to resign for promulgating euthanasia or the German bishops for promulgating communion for non Catholics which are clearly against Catholic teachings?

    • @Fiat.Voluntas.Tua22
      @Fiat.Voluntas.Tua22 10 месяцев назад

      Because they Are doing what the Vatican really wants. Hold on because Hod will soon cleanse the church and the world.

  • @johnjon1823
    @johnjon1823 10 месяцев назад +12

    The new policy will result in any priest who refuses ANY trans ANYTHING AT ALL EVER being persecuted by the madmen in charge which will include the bishop WHO WILL stick it to any priest who DOES NOT submit to all things trans. Because they have zero backbone and if they don't then Rome will come down on them for being "rigid' . That is absolutely how it will all come down. Scandal is introduced just by the policy they have announced. The scandal is built-in to the policy. It is joke to contend otherwise.
    So, the policy makes scandal the norm. How can you NOT be scandalized by normalization of things which NO child should ever see. Where I S the call to repentance from lies?

  • @patricknunan7097
    @patricknunan7097 10 месяцев назад +13

    Oh, but the German Bishops can violate Catholic teaching?

    • @PollyAlice2000
      @PollyAlice2000 10 месяцев назад +1

      Patrick, you bring up an excellent point about the tragedy of the German church. Worldwide leadership of our church seems to be very obviously scattered and incoherent.
      Hang in there! We will get through this!

    • @nathandg0924
      @nathandg0924 10 месяцев назад

      No they cannot. Even the Pope himself is against their synod.

    • @nathandg0924
      @nathandg0924 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@PollyAlice2000Born-again Christian.

    • @nathandg0924
      @nathandg0924 10 месяцев назад

      Here's the problem. The German Bishops are pretty much a conference. It's not the same issue as removing individual bishops. Removing the German bishops would mean reforming pretty much the entire German hierarchy, and that is NOT an easy task. If it were about one or three German bishops, that would be easy, but we're talking about a large part of the hierarchy.
      Also, the Pope is against their Synod.

  • @caterinemasak2193
    @caterinemasak2193 10 месяцев назад +11

    I remember when the Church spoke with one voice that of Christ and not as a conservative or liberal which are political words. Viva Cristo Rey!

    • @mvill9898
      @mvill9898 10 месяцев назад +6

      The universal church is being viewed from an American perspective that is why. The reality is all these so-called church dividing issues are not really the concerns of the rest of God’s faithful. Only by some vocal minority with loudspeakers.

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 10 месяцев назад

      @@mvill9898 So Pope Francis ISN'T a leftist?
      The US Dem Party love him. The UN loves him. The EU love him. The WEF loves him. The WHO loves him (and I'm not talking about the great 60's rockn'roll band). The Advocate America's premier Gay men's magazine had him as Man of the Year. 'Time' had him on their cover 5 times.
      Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are "devout catholics" by their own acclamation and Pope Francis panders to them and they to him whilst they actively support abortion to term politically. Both Americans. Both the most powerful Democrats of the past 7 years - From America with oodles of love to and from Francis.
      Pope Francis campaigned for Hilary Clinton (pro abortion) over Donald Trump (pro Life) and then subsequently for Joe Biden (pro abortion) over President Trump (Pro-Life record second to none) whose Supreme Court nominations saw Roe v. Wade finally overturned.
      Pope Francis has released two encyclicals on his favourite religion of climate change and one sentence of the first mentioned abortion. Otherwise nada.
      His encyclicals are dreadful leftist brotherly love and the primacy of the poor wherein his rhetoric is word for word communist.
      Francis is a nasty small-minded clerical politician on the world stage. A leftist. A far leftist. A globalist who instructed his flock to take a novel vaccine created on the back of aborted foetuses.
      All too often he is definitely NOT a Holy Father

    • @7349yt
      @7349yt 10 месяцев назад +3

      But it never has. Even in the New Testament there were disagreements and fights. Jesus called Simon a rock/Peter on which he would build his church in one breath, as it were, and in the very next he calls him "satan" and "an obstacle/skandalon in my path" ... A monolithic and unanimous church that speaks with "one voice" is a false memory, a nostalgic fabrication, a delusion. It's just that when the authoritarian "conservatives" were in power (under Pius XII and John Paul II) they didn't allow the "progressives" to speak, making it look like we all agreed on everything that came out of Rome.

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 10 месяцев назад

      @@7349yt Awwww.... you poor lefty petal.
      Off the top of my head, Francis has fired Strickland, Ganswein, Fernandez Torres, Muller, Burke, Rome's Pontifical John Paul II Institute theologians (and changing it's constitution. to a point it is not recognisably what JohnPaul ll instituted. No reason is ever given.
      JohnPaul ll appointed and promoted lotsa modernists and progressives. He made Martini Archbishop of Milan and subsequently cardinal 3 years later. That's the most prestigious episcopate in the world outside of the Pope's.
      JohnPaul ll and Benedict XVl's cardinals elected Francis.
      What of Francis' conservative and traditional appointments in the last 11 years?
      Long long long years.
      Give us an example or two.

  • @k.c.sunshine1934
    @k.c.sunshine1934 10 месяцев назад +5

    Ephesians 6:
    12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [c]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
    May God bless us all - we need Him as much as ever!

  • @frekigeri4317
    @frekigeri4317 10 месяцев назад +18

    If you’re best choice as God parents is a transvestite, you have serious issues.

  • @crazyedswonderfulworldofso9370
    @crazyedswonderfulworldofso9370 10 месяцев назад +3

    On July 16, 2021, Pope Francis issued an Apostolic Letter and subsequent clarification, restricting the widespread usage of the Tridentine Mass which has led to the current division and polarization among the faithful. This was done to safeguard the Church and the liturgical life of the faithful. Bishop Strickland, by his own admission, chose to publicly ignore and disobey these instructions from his leader and boss, the Supreme Pontiff of the Holy Catholic Church.
    On September 16th, 2022, Bishop Strickland signed a public document that condemned Pope Francis's teaching in an Apostolic Letter entitled Desiderio Desideravi regarding the reception of Holy Communion, as contrary to a dogma of the Catholic Church thereby accusing the pope of heresy.
    In May 2023, Bishop Strickland tweeted that he “rejects” Pope Francis’ “program undermining the Deposit of Faith”. He has built an increasingly hostile national profile and following, on a number of other issues concerning the Pope.
    In June 2023, he led a rally outside the stadium of the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball club, against the team’s decision to honor the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, an LGBT activist group specializing in Catholic-themed drag acts. All this was done against the wishes of the local bishop, who had not given his “backing or approval” and who called for a prayer vigil instead. This action of not following proper protocol and custom by Bishop Strickland was seen as an affront to the local Bishop and the Church because it was seen as undermining the authority of a fellow Bishop and showed a deep lack of respect.
    In August 2023, following an apostolic visitation, Strickland released a pastoral letter in which he warned Catholics about “the evil and false message that has invaded the Church, Christ’s Bride.”
    Two things that are certain to get you fired anywhere, but in particular, in the Catholic Church, are disobedience and insurrection! There are proper ways to go about getting things done and dealing with problems. I fear Bishop Strickland has fallen for the most common of sins, the sin of pride. He is on a personal crusade and has now become the source of his own glory. He follows in the illustrious footsteps of such clerics as, Fr. James Altman, Fr. Frank Pavone, and a myriad of other priests who have defied authority and claim to have a “better way”.
    In less than twenty-four hours of the Bishop's dismissal, two priests have come forward from the Diocese of Tyler, Texas, that describe Bishop Strickland’s management style as narcissistic, tyrannical and hurtful and, as a leader who has made several blunders in Diocesan appointments and firings that has hurt the diocese. As is normally the case in situations like this, there appears to be more to the story than meets the eye.
    It was a result of these incidents of disobedience and insurrection that the Bishop was dismissed. His dismissal was not just inevitable and not just necessary, but sadly, urgent. For Bishop Strickland, his recent actions made his position completely untenable.
    The problem today is, that we are getting our Catechism from the Internet. We aren’t listening to Christ’s Vicar on Earth or, the teaching Magisterium. Let Pope Francis have a chance to defend his actions and dissect what is actually said rather than swallow what popular podcasters on RUclips, or rebellious clerics, have to say. You can’t encourage the faithful to reject Christ’s Church just because you don’t like the current Pope. As a Bishop, you cannot preach disobedience. Obviously, some minds have been made up. Period! Francis is being crucified without any evidence. Sound familiar?
    Let’s all take a deep breath and calm down. Let’s not panic while not having all the facts or, in advance out of worry of what Pope Francis might do or not do, in the future.

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 10 месяцев назад

      Popesplainers always call faithful Catholics who uphold the Deposit of Faith 'heretics' and 'schismatics' for not accepting their heresies.

    • @mandatumnovum7127
      @mandatumnovum7127 10 месяцев назад

      You could have spared yourself this long thesis by simply declaring either that you support the lavender mafia's activity in the Church or hate Strickland because you can't stand 'conservative' clerics' apparent opposition to US Democrats' policies! Would have been more honest on your part than this pitiful attempt to justify blatant double standards from Rome.

    • @crazyedswonderfulworldofso9370
      @crazyedswonderfulworldofso9370 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@mandatumnovum7127 you are in desperate need of expanding your horizons. The world doesn't revolve around the USA. It's the other way around. Not everyone is American.

    • @mandatumnovum7127
      @mandatumnovum7127 10 месяцев назад

      @@crazyedswonderfulworldofso9370 So its the lavender for you then...(as if TDS is restricted to Americans) notice how you all daintily tiptoe around the issue😂

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 10 месяцев назад

      NEWS UPDATE: Popesplainers always smear faithful Catholics who uphold the Deposit of Faith 'heretics' and 'schismatics' or 'Americans' for not accepting their heresies.

  • @ZenBen_the_Elder
    @ZenBen_the_Elder 10 месяцев назад +4

    1) The status of trans folks 4:52-12:21
    2) Papal Memo to Bishop Strickland:
    'Hit the road, Jack'
    3) Boring intramural Vatican office gossip

    • @LS-ei7xk
      @LS-ei7xk 10 месяцев назад +1

      But that was an interesting bit of trivia about Pope Leo XIII and the porn films!

  • @anthonyhulse1248
    @anthonyhulse1248 10 месяцев назад

    Men who have had vasectomies are not required to have surgery to have them reversed. Even though the surgery is grave matter and needs to be confessed, still the Church does not require the penitent to have surgery to restore the vas deferens in order to be forgiven.

  • @HartponderJr
    @HartponderJr 10 месяцев назад +4

    This is the age of Apostasy from the truth. Saint Paul pray for us.

  • @jduffyification
    @jduffyification 10 месяцев назад +1

    How often does Pope Francis have to see his proctologist ??? When is Francis coming out ???

  • @thedangeroussaint
    @thedangeroussaint 10 месяцев назад +4

    First! Thank you for an amazing weekly show! God Bless from Eugene, Oregon, USA.

  • @jerryritchie1080
    @jerryritchie1080 10 месяцев назад +1

    We are Catholics not Protestants.

  • @ruggermulan
    @ruggermulan 10 месяцев назад

    God bless you, and your wife, John.

  • @Jimboken1
    @Jimboken1 10 месяцев назад +31

    The Babylon Bee's headline take on Bishop Strickland is altogether more succinct and honest than John's: 'Pope Francis Fires Bishop For Being Too Catholic'

    • @jfmc6170
      @jfmc6170 10 месяцев назад

      “Pope Francis Fires Heretical MAGA Shill Masquerading as a Bishop”

    • @chrisbiddle3674
      @chrisbiddle3674 10 месяцев назад +12

      The statement about Bishop Strickland being fired for being "too Catholic" is a simplification that doesn’t reflect the complexity of Church governance. The Church’s decision-making, especially regarding bishops, involves various factors, including adherence to Church teachings, unity, and obedience to the Pope. It is not a matter of being "too Catholic" but rather how one's actions align with the broader mission and unity of the Church.

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 10 месяцев назад

      @@chrisbiddle3674 The Babylon Bee is a news satire website.
      It's nearly impossible to parody leftism as leftists accept the parody - no matter how obviously ridiculous - as truth.
      The Atlantic Oct 5, 2018:
      "Over the past 12 months, three scholars-James Lindsay, Helen Pluckrose, and Peter Boghossian-wrote 20 fake papers using fashionable jargon to argue for ridiculous conclusions, and tried to get them placed in high-profile journals in fields including gender studies, queer studies, and fat studies. Their success rate was remarkable: By the time they took their experiment public late on Tuesday, seven of their articles had been accepted for publication by ostensibly serious peer-reviewed journals. Seven more were still going through various stages of the review process. Only six had been rejected."

    • @KanjiMadeEasy
      @KanjiMadeEasy 10 месяцев назад +3

      Babylon bee is not fully Catholic

    • @zaqtutubo
      @zaqtutubo 10 месяцев назад +1

      Honest, uh?

  • @paulkiernan3256
    @paulkiernan3256 10 месяцев назад +1

    How vould pope John 23 get cannon8sed after he declined to obey the instructions from Heaven via Fatima?

  • @maec.8264
    @maec.8264 10 месяцев назад

    About Bishop Strickland, is he now emeritus bishop of Taylor now? I believe the status of emeritus isn’t acquired automatically, but has to be conferred (though usually, it’s *practically* an automatic thing). After removal from Memphis, Bishop Holley was allowed to retire as emeritus.

  • @cbauman100
    @cbauman100 10 месяцев назад +2

    You seem to dance around things a lot also. Let your yes be yes and your no be no!

  • @vickyvilleneuve8829
    @vickyvilleneuve8829 10 месяцев назад +1

    Wholey cow. This trial is huge. Uh oh. Rescripts. Papal power will become a referendum?
    Would this have negative implications on Apostolic Succession, in that the laity would decide on the selection of the Pope?

  • @guineapig0199
    @guineapig0199 10 месяцев назад +5

    When St. Paul rebuked his superior, St. Peter, to his face, St. Peter humbly corrected himself. With the current pope, he is stubbornly digging his heels in. There are many St. Pauls rebuking him. He knows full well he is opposing God. He seems to be doing it to spite God.

  • @jmcallion2071
    @jmcallion2071 10 месяцев назад +1

    Another mouth piece for the rubbish currently offered from the Vatican today!

  • @RyanK-100
    @RyanK-100 10 месяцев назад

    Did the pope break a canon law or was there no law on the matter? You can't argue that the law doesn't allow something is it doesn't forbid it. But, I guess, a defense lawyer has to throw all kids of shit against the wall to see what will stick. It seems that financial records should always be traceable and allowed.

  • @cindys1819
    @cindys1819 6 месяцев назад

    When a religious body orca society in general, abandons one of its most basic moral teachings its in a usually in a fatal downward spiral. The peoplecwho just wave thatcaway saying endlessly that "the Churchvis eternal" dontvunderstand that A) the Church can go into a functional near total moribund state and B) yhey dont considervthe hundreds of thousands (or millions) who's souls will end up in HELL because the Church during a period is occuluded
    and has minimal spiritual effectiveness.

  • @guineapig0199
    @guineapig0199 10 месяцев назад +1

    God incinerated two cities, Sodom and Gomorrah, for the sin of homosexuality.
    All homosexuals died when Our Lord Jesus Christ was born.
    Can God be any clearer on what He thinks about homosexuality?

    • @chrisbiddle3674
      @chrisbiddle3674 10 месяцев назад +3

      The claim about God destroying cities solely for the sin of homosexuality and the assertion about the fate of homosexuals at Christ's birth are not supported by Church teachings. The Catholic Church interprets the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah as a consequence of a lack of hospitality and grave sinfulness, not solely homosexuality. Furthermore, the Church teaches that all individuals are called to chastity and are worthy of dignity and respect, regardless of their sexual orientation.

  • @gonehome2
    @gonehome2 10 месяцев назад

    Can you please elaborate on what is ocurring next month concerning papal power?? Thank you

    • @jjt9201
      @jjt9201 10 месяцев назад

      There IS no such thing as papal power . There IS the state power. Point blank.

  • @user-ql5yb2hs2p
    @user-ql5yb2hs2p 10 месяцев назад +5

    All humans are equal under God and deserve to be treated equally

    • @joseph71823
      @joseph71823 10 месяцев назад +1

      What about the parable of the wise and foolish virgins....?

    • @Fiat.Voluntas.Tua22
      @Fiat.Voluntas.Tua22 10 месяцев назад +1

      You are not acting in love if you allow someone to think sin is okay. You make them happy now, accepted now but hlyou sentence them to an eternity of suffering in fire. Is that love? No it is evil and Satan gains more of God’s children thanks to bad shepherds.😢

  • @monicaperry6605
    @monicaperry6605 10 месяцев назад

    Why wouldn't you say that the German bishops who propose their own version of synodality painted the Pope into a corner. He seems more tolerant of them .

  • @sissybrooks8588
    @sissybrooks8588 10 месяцев назад +2

    What a load of BS.

  • @eleanatopp1
    @eleanatopp1 10 месяцев назад

    Gosh! Who's this man?
    Is he Catholic? 😢

    @SOCORROGM 10 месяцев назад

    Something about this guy doesn't seem right 😢

  • @GnohmPolaeon.B.OniShartz
    @GnohmPolaeon.B.OniShartz 10 месяцев назад +1

    You know why no one is satisfied? Its a compromise, everyone hates a compromise. The Lord doesn't compromise. He let's you mess up until it almost kills you, stops it to check your heart. Then decides if he's going to intervene anymore.

  • @alfonsvancraeynest2461
    @alfonsvancraeynest2461 10 месяцев назад

    History has shown that popes have too much power so rightly or wrongly nobody can challenge him. Jesus and the Bible tells us what is sinful or not and not a world view of things.

  • @paulmacaree
    @paulmacaree 10 месяцев назад +3

    Francis pope for all sides??LifeSite news hard right?? I’m sorry you appear to have departed from your moderate commentary.

    • @djspenceital
      @djspenceital 10 месяцев назад

      LifeSite news isn’t even Catholic

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 10 месяцев назад

      @@djspenceital They'd more accurately say the same about you. Where does that leave us?

    • @djspenceital
      @djspenceital 10 месяцев назад

      @@Jimboken1 I’m not constantly doubting whether the Pope is the Pope

    • @djspenceital
      @djspenceital 10 месяцев назад

      @@Jimboken1 and besides, how do you know my views, to assume that their estimate would be more accurate?

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 10 месяцев назад

      @@djspenceital You attacked a straw man and I got bored. Did you win?

  • @davidg2840
    @davidg2840 10 месяцев назад

    This is often when the Pope says something unusual that is consistent with Catholic teaching, but by leaving the Catholic Church unclear, it seems as though he is attempting to alter and abolish the teaching. Eliminate traditionalists at the same moment. If this continues, the church will eventually cease to be Catholic and become more like the rest of th world. Then will be no difference.

    • @andridefian_
      @andridefian_ 10 месяцев назад

      Catholic will stay Catholic, the teachings will never be changed.
      I think Pope trying to factory reset and bring those people to go back to God.
      Because popes can be changed, but teachings never.

    • @davidg2840
      @davidg2840 10 месяцев назад

      ​@@andridefian_ I disagree, and we should pray more-especially the Rosary-because Bishop Heiner Wilmer, the most radical priest, was elevated to the position of Doctrine of the Faith, while Bishop Strickland, the most devoted and defender of the church, was dismissed for wrong reasons like believing in the deposit of faith and on the eucharist. Action speaks louder than words. Sorry, those people are not interested in returning to God. The pope or anyone can't change people. Only God has the power to help someone change. Plus, remember we have a free will.

    • @andridefian_
      @andridefian_ 10 месяцев назад

      @@davidg2840 well, idk. Popes are only church leaders, they can even get kicked out or excommunicated.
      Nobody can mess with the Church, not bishops, deacons, priests, patriarchs, nuns, and even popes.

    • @andridefian_
      @andridefian_ 10 месяцев назад

      @@davidg2840 catholic church is fine, there is no teachings been changed or breach.
      Not even a compromisal of teachings.
      Catholic Church is like Orthodox Church, it has teaching reforms as its protection from heresies, degeneracies.
      So what he ask is for trans to get cleaned, repented, then baptized as laity member of the church. Only it.
      i hope Pope Francis didn't do anything stupid, because i believe in papal infallibility by God's or Jesus' Holy Ghost, which prevent him from doing so.

    • @davidg2840
      @davidg2840 10 месяцев назад

      @@andridefian_ Bro, don't leave the church for nothing. We are just the laypeople; we can only comment and express our concern with this infiltration of the church. I disagree with you because I don't know any Popes who were excummunicated. Please name Pope from today until apostal Peter. Give me the Canon Law that states that.

  • @DSTH323
    @DSTH323 10 месяцев назад

    The bishop is wrong: John Allen is a well paid gargoyle who finds absolutely everything "Catholic" amusing. He can't be "an idiot".

  • @patricknunan7097
    @patricknunan7097 10 месяцев назад +3

    I have lost all respect for you. You and your wife have made a living by adoring a Pope who is leading us down a bad path. Other Cardinals and Bishops are speaking out about him.

    • @chrisbiddle3674
      @chrisbiddle3674 10 месяцев назад

      Accusing John Allen and his wife of "adoring a Pope who is leading us down a bad path" fails to recognize the role of journalists in providing objective coverage and analysis of Church affairs, including the papacy. Catholic teaching emphasizes respect for the Pope's authority and role as the leader of the Church. While it's valid for Cardinals and Bishops to express concerns or differing viewpoints, this should be done within the framework of ecclesial communion and respect for the Holy See. Personal attacks on journalists for their coverage of the Pope do not contribute constructively to the discourse within the Church.

    • @georgemcbride7857
      @georgemcbride7857 10 месяцев назад +3

      Never be afraid of the truth. Your comment does not deserve respect. We are in the 21st Century not the 13 th.

  • @tjdomerny4847
    @tjdomerny4847 10 месяцев назад +2

    Once again, you leave out historical context. JP2 and B16 removed numerous bishops for even the most benign reasons.

    • @Thomas-dw1nb
      @Thomas-dw1nb 10 месяцев назад +3


    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 10 месяцев назад +3

      Strickland, Ganswein, Fernandez Torres, Muller, Burke, Rome's Pontifical John Paul II Institute theologians (and changing it's constitution. to a point it is not recognisably what JohnPaul ll instituted)
      Just off the top of my head.
      None with benign reasons. All with no reason at all.

    • @Thomas-dw1nb
      @Thomas-dw1nb 10 месяцев назад

      Still waiting on those examples, btw.

  • @virginiahughes3182
    @virginiahughes3182 10 месяцев назад +1

    You should be very concerned about a suit for libel. You make vague allegations without citing any proof against a bishop of the church. I understand you do not like traditional/conservative Catholics. If Pope Benedict ever tried to remove a liberal bishop you would have been all over it. If the Pope wants to remove the bishop because he disagrees with his pastoral position that is fine. One does not need to smear his name by vague allegations of mismanagement.

    • @LS-ei7xk
      @LS-ei7xk 10 месяцев назад

      Other publications have suggested mismanagement, too. It is vague, because no one is going into detail, so far.

    • @josefinborg3069
      @josefinborg3069 10 месяцев назад +1

      there is political pressure behind it all.Bishop Strickland follows the teachings of Pope St.JohnPaul,about the family, abortion,euthanasia,fornication etc,as directed by God’s Commandments;modernists, atheists,marxists,etc are allies opposing God in some way or other.

  • @Mr2Badboybrown
    @Mr2Badboybrown 10 месяцев назад +1

    the Pope is absolute and ALWAYS SHOULD BE

    • @carolynkimberly4021
      @carolynkimberly4021 10 месяцев назад

      The Pope is a dope to put it charitably

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 10 месяцев назад

      Pope Francis is certainly an absolute catastrophe for Mother Church.
      But we must pray that he shouldn't always be.

  • @anthonydecastro6938
    @anthonydecastro6938 10 месяцев назад

    oh look, Allen finally paid attention to the Strickland affair. one wonders whether his friendship with the Houston prelate had anything to do with that long silence, but depending on how Strickland behaves in the next few months, then the possibility remains: strip him of his episcopal status. Allen should revisit Church History and its lessons: the Church is not without its resources in consigning an incorrigible prelate like Strickland to the dustbin of history.

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 10 месяцев назад

      Cardinal DiNardo is Archbishop of Houston.
      Leftism and totalitarianism are pair bonded as Anthony and Pope Francis never tire of demonstrating pretty much on a weekly basis.
      Apart from the world conforming to your desires, what makes you happy Anthony?
      We catholics have an idea......

  • @inesmartinez7888
    @inesmartinez7888 10 месяцев назад +5

    Altering or modifying our body is a serious grave sin for a genital operation since each individual is uniquely determined and fashioned by God Almighty and His Holy Arraignment. It is Sacramentally forgiveable in Confessional Reconcilation. Yet it is a constantly outwardly sign of confusion. For those who have personally sought extreme bodily tatoo covering, tubal ligation, vasectomy, etc. are frequently encouraged to reverse these inward/outward operations as an act of full repentance. Shouldn't that be done to those who repent of body/genital altering because it creates increased public confusion? Most importantly isn't it even confusing and offensive for those who are unrepentant sponsors for Catholic candidates when receiving the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist, Confirmation, etc in the Holy Presence of God in His House and the Tabernacle?

    • @jfmc6170
      @jfmc6170 10 месяцев назад

      It would be helpful if you let us know what theological degrees you hold from which Catholic universities, or what ecclesiastical office you hold which affords you the authority to make these sweeping pronouncements. Or are you simply expressing your opinion, in which case you might clarify that you’re just bloviating.

    • @LS-ei7xk
      @LS-ei7xk 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@jfmc6170 Not only that, but how would anyone know what surgeries these sponsors had undergone-- unless it is somehow public knowledge? Shouldn't such operations be private? Some "transexuals" are that way from birth, btw. I mean, mixed genitalia with genetics of the opposite sex. How is anyone to know, unless it is advertised? Then I think that person would be reprimanded for causing scandal, along with-- hopefully-- whoever is gossiping about them. And gossip is a mortal sin.

    • @inesmartinez7888
      @inesmartinez7888 10 месяцев назад

      To jfmc6170
      Are you a repentant sinner, a faithful practicing Catholic, a Catholic in good standing with the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, an obedient servant of Jesus Christ Authority and His Mercy?

    • @jfmc6170
      @jfmc6170 10 месяцев назад

      The author of these comments refuses to answer where her mandatum was granted. She is in violation of Ex corde Eccelesiae and thus her comments are to be ignored. She is not licensed by the Catholic Church to give instruction in theology. She may be an agent of the Evil One trying to mislead with her false pieties.

    • @inesmartinez7888
      @inesmartinez7888 10 месяцев назад +2

      To jfmc6170
      Read the Catholics Catechism of the Catholic Church. I'll pray for you🙏

  • @ideasman88
    @ideasman88 10 месяцев назад +5

    Our best wishes to you and your wife on your anniversary! Let’s give thanks to the Lord for all his blessings!

  • @Jimboken1
    @Jimboken1 10 месяцев назад +3

    A catholic priest surely has to be obliged to point out that the body we are born into is deemed God given. An individual may believe contrary to this but ipso facto that belief is then contrary to God. Without any judgment.
    This response to the dubia is quintessential ambiguous confusing Francis.
    Now we still love the sinner but rather than hate the sin we are supposed to be tolerant of it. Hating the sin is equivalent to hating the sinner in the Francis/Fernandez worldview.
    Developing this general disposition forward is tantamount to the doctrinal death of the Church. But to John this only means the response will leave nobody happy. How sad.
    But one side has just had a huge win so why would they be unhappy? There were no trans baptisms yesterday and tomorrow they'l be all the rage.
    Priests' fear of the hierarchy and social media guarantees trans baptisms will be videod, not counseled and spread throughout the world for political purposes. Francis knows this.
    Post irreversible surgery more and more will (and presently do) regret their earlier decision. They will (and do) rightly ask: Why didn't you tell me the Truth?

  • @AnselmInstitute
    @AnselmInstitute 10 месяцев назад +3

    Bishop Strickland's letter was read at a conference for life site news. He never endorsed Veritatis splendor and was cautious in this regard..

  • @BlessedThursday-1901
    @BlessedThursday-1901 10 месяцев назад +3

    Dont do it, but do it. Make sense 😉

  • @mariac4602
    @mariac4602 10 месяцев назад +2

    Prayers for a safe and happy vacation!

  • @gtkrk9539
    @gtkrk9539 10 месяцев назад +1

    Unfortunately we have a cowardly Pontiff. No longer Christ's "let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No' be 'No.' Whatever is more than these is of the evil one" but Francis' "well, you decide yourself". Is this still a Catholic Church or just Francis' sect?

    • @jimsy2008
      @jimsy2008 9 месяцев назад

      We have a loving Pontiff you mean? Like a loving God? Like the loving father , instead of a prodical son.

  • @caterinemasak2193
    @caterinemasak2193 10 месяцев назад +2

    A reforming Pope reforming the teachings of the Church ???? Wow! "Wow"

    • @andridefian_
      @andridefian_ 10 месяцев назад

      I think pope trying to bring those people back to God, he want to factory reset them.

  • @ZenBen_the_Elder
    @ZenBen_the_Elder 10 месяцев назад +2

    We need time stamps for the segments.

  • @markgraham2312
    @markgraham2312 10 месяцев назад +1

    This is one crazy Church!

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 10 месяцев назад +1

      Yes. But the Church thinks it's Francis and Francis thinks it's the Church.

  • @robertmullen2083
    @robertmullen2083 10 месяцев назад +1

    I usually find Crux topics interesting, but find it takes too long to get to, if I may, the crux of the story.

  • @ronm1837
    @ronm1837 10 месяцев назад

    All I can say is the papacy of francis needs to be seen through critical eyes...bshp Strickland is not the only one of both bishops, priests and Kay faithful to question the ambiguity and confusion the pope has deseminated......all we catholics want is clarity to the truths of our most holy faith which unfortunately has not happened and is reinforced by the people he has put around him and those he has promoted....pray for the pope..absolutely but to blindly follow him off the path without bringing it to his attention is dereliction of duty especially for the bishops who are in collegiality with him......

  • @davidg2840
    @davidg2840 10 месяцев назад

    I disagree, and we should pray more-especially the Rosary-because Bishop Heiner Wilmer, the most radical priest, was elevated to the position of Doctrine of the Faith, while Bishop Strickland, the most devoted and defender of the church, was dismissed for wrong beliefs like believing in the deposit of faith and believing in the eucharist.

  • @danocinneide1885
    @danocinneide1885 10 месяцев назад

    John you're confused ... there is no such thing as progressives and conservatives in the Church ...there is simply those who keep our Lord's commands and those who don't

  • @jakehccc1
    @jakehccc1 10 месяцев назад

    Why is Reforming defined in terms of Catholic Teaching instead of policies. For example we have Bishops who think Women in power position is not a bad thing or Blessing of Gay marriage is acceptable and GOD only kows what else. There needs to be strict requirements for rising to the top in the Hierarchy other that charisma.

  • @jjt9201
    @jjt9201 10 месяцев назад

    Why so much fuss. The only valid law is the law of the state. Point blank. There is no other law.

  • @canden-t7w
    @canden-t7w 10 месяцев назад

    ✝The Holy Bible informs God made humans male and female also all authority in Heaven and on Earth been given to Jesus Christ !!.

  • @EdwardGraveline
    @EdwardGraveline 10 месяцев назад

    169,000 followers on X

  • @FrenchGalante
    @FrenchGalante 10 месяцев назад

    Heresy..all the way!!

  • @mrkiplingreallywasanexceed8311
    @mrkiplingreallywasanexceed8311 10 месяцев назад +3

    I just love that JA can saunter joyfully through a half hour episode and have to say "transsexual" a dozen times wholly unabashed. A trouper!😎

  • @jerryritchie1080
    @jerryritchie1080 10 месяцев назад

    John I thought the Holy Father was all about the small reaches of the the apostolic Church.

  • @jerryritchie1080
    @jerryritchie1080 10 месяцев назад

    Very weak from the Servant of the Servants of Christ.

  • @scottstevens3045
    @scottstevens3045 10 месяцев назад

    Hope the trip to Colorado is a great one and gent to the highest peaks Jonathon!

  • @Jimboken1
    @Jimboken1 10 месяцев назад

    Can't wait for Francis to finally visit his homeland.
    It's been 11 long long long long so very very long years
    He'll get a Buenos Aires style tickertape parade in his popemobile.

    • @jduffyification
      @jduffyification 10 месяцев назад +1

      Francis won't head home. He's too scared - because they know who the old serpent is in Argentina...

  • @burtonsankeralli5445
    @burtonsankeralli5445 10 месяцев назад

    Scandal is a theological term

  • @RichardGerenza
    @RichardGerenza 10 месяцев назад +3

    I came from small town.I go to Church everyday,I am 60 yrs old and everyone at morning Is about 40 to 80 years about 50 of usThere is young family of 2 parents and 4 children 5 years to newborn.If we transgender come flamboyant outfit.How many of that 50 will not be at Church next time.This category is 1% of population.What we doing.I know the Pope is a vicar of Christ.Unfortunatly we have Popes that weren’t vicars of Christ.Pope John did not release the 3rd secret of Fatima in 1960 disobeyed Mother Mary ,then opened partial in 2000.Nineveh listened to Jonah and did repent 40 day and were saved.We missed our 40 yrs because Vatican did not release letter.

    • @chrisbiddle3674
      @chrisbiddle3674 10 месяцев назад +3

      You meant to say:
      "I hail from a quaint small town where my daily routine includes attending Church. I'm 60 years old and find myself amongst a congregation primarily ranging from 40 to 80 years old, approximately 50 members in total. Among us is a young family with four children, aged from newborn to 5 years. My concern arises with the recent discussions and decisions regarding the Church's stance on transgender individuals. If a transgender person were to attend our Church in a flamboyant outfit, I wonder how many of our regular parishioners would feel uncomfortable or choose not to attend next time. This category of individuals represents about 1% of the population, and I ponder the broader implications of this on our Church community.
      The Pope, as the vicar of Christ, holds a significant role in guiding the faithful. However, there have been moments in Church history where the actions of the Popes have raised questions. For instance, Pope John XXIII did not reveal the third secret of Fatima in 1960 as it was expected, which some interpret as disobedience to the Blessed Virgin Mary. This secret was only partially opened in 2000. The story of Nineveh in the Bible, where the city listened to Jonah and repented for 40 days to be saved, comes to mind. In a symbolic way, it feels like we missed our '40 years' to repent or act because the Vatican did not release the letter when it was initially intended.
      These issues weigh on me as I reflect on the future of our Church and the diverse challenges we face, including how we respond to and integrate individuals of different backgrounds and identities into our faith community. It's a delicate balance between upholding the teachings of the Church and embracing compassion and understanding for all God's children."

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 10 месяцев назад

      @@chrisbiddle3674 How to win friends and influence people, eh Chris?

    • @LS-ei7xk
      @LS-ei7xk 10 месяцев назад

      @@chrisbiddle3674 Thank you. Well put!

  • @yj7598
    @yj7598 10 месяцев назад +2

    It is a shameful low that Bishop Strickland was dumped by the Pope BorGOGlio. And that action throws dark shadows on the pristine and very decent and honorable character of Bishop Strickland. Yet, all these actions by the Pope are not transparent, and cannot be easily scrutinized by the Catholic faithful or the public generally.

  • @robertwaguespack9414
    @robertwaguespack9414 10 месяцев назад +1

    Didn't St. Phillip, moved by the spirit, baptize a eunuch?

    • @Thomas-dw1nb
      @Thomas-dw1nb 10 месяцев назад +2

      Learn about eunuchs from that day and transsexuals of this day before attempting to make lame equivalencies.

    • @robertwaguespack9414
      @robertwaguespack9414 10 месяцев назад

      @@Thomas-dw1nb if a man goes through the complete sex change operation does that not make him equivalent to a eunuch?

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@robertwaguespack9414 Did the eunuchs have a choice?

    • @robertwaguespack9414
      @robertwaguespack9414 10 месяцев назад

      @@Jimboken1 does it really matter. Maybe some did , but most probably not.

    • @Jimboken1
      @Jimboken1 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@robertwaguespack9414 Sanctifying grace of baptism requires acceptance of God's word. The eunuch is not at variance with God's will. The transexual is.
      So yes it does really matter.The sinner is always loved, we meet them where they are. The sin is rejected and they have to be willing to move with Christ however imperfectly.
      It's not difficult.

  • @estebanmoeller
    @estebanmoeller 10 месяцев назад

    In other words, No, unless a case could be made in individual cases (which is not easy)