I am so upset about what I Read about this whole thing,Who are we supposed to believe,God sees everything ,I am surprised with Pope Paul II My heart went to the family, I can’t say any more
Well, ... JPII refused to do ANYTHING about that vile beast Marciel Marcial - even when Ratzinger told him what was what. So ... there is a "marked difference" - but ignoring truth and reality is NOT "being a good Catholic".
Omission and silence is a sin/crime, and tantamount to complicity. If JPII, at Abu Dhabi, and the bare-breasted dancing women, and kissing the Koran is the criteria for raising him to sainthood, how is true sanctity now evaluated????
The issue of the disapearance of Orlandi and association with the Vatican Bank and Black Friars Bridge are very persusavive and the their association with La Camora and the Polish Solidarity Union is of such importance that investigation should be investigated by as many forces as possible.
I came into The Catholic Church from a very fundamentalist background. I loved the glorious churches, the holy rites, and that I could see in the missal the English; or, simply enjoy the atmosphere and look things up before or after mass. Almost immediately, I felt I was sitting in a public meeting house, not The Earthly Home of Our Lord. The songs all changed - there were no more hymns. In my previous church, people were friendlier, chatting after services, pot luck dinners, home Bible Studies. “Catholic” is supposed to mean “universal.” People cannot learn a few recurrent passages in Latin? People dressed for the beach in church. We had “church clothes;” human behavior has a tendency to follow their mode of dress. I am disappointed. This is not worship, it’s a CYA to avoid a mortal sin.
The church has no Shepard's leading the church its divided out of fear trying to bend to the will of the age , its upsetting and worrying all one can do is try to set up prayer groups at your local church and try to help to organise events with in your local parish parishioners are the future of the church .
@@opencurtin The other thing to do is give up all this nonsense and make sense of the human predicament in your own way, guided from within. It's what Christ recommended. Pope Francis agrees.
I was baptized a Roman Catholic in 1958. I don’t remember being any church with my parents even though I have pictures of my brother being baptized with me there. I would have been 2 years old then. I think my grandfather recommended we don’t go there anymore. Some parishioners who are older than me tell me that they weren’t allowed to have Bibles at home. Others told me they had their Bibles at their wedding. It depends on the church. I don’t believe that the Doctrine of Discovery has been dropped. There would have to be an apology and an exposing where all dead female bodies are.
Quite some years ago when all this investigation was going on by Orlando, Emanuella's eldest brother, on the disappearance of Emanuella, I had read and heard the entire interview of Orlando, and really it gives me the creeps that you'll address John Paul II as 'Saint'. And now you are creating grounds for the 'Saint hood' of Jorge Mark Bergoglio immediately after his death?? And already creating grounds of him being a 'martyr for Christ'? How insane you can be to give false info of miraculous happenings to the present so called 'Pope'.
Akita is a Japanese dog. I’m not Catholic so don’t have a lady. Protestants go right to the throne of God as it says in the bible to “come boldly to the throne.” We aren’t to try to go through other people first. That’s wrong.
Respect for all must be essential however the truth must always be put in the first place. The ultimate goal should be seeking the truth first does not matter if it’s related to a pope or a beggar. Not saying the pope is guilty of anything, but put yourself in Pietro place, and his family. The Vatican cover up many things about this case, only this fact should be subject to repudiation. Please reflect on the facts impartially.
Karol Wojtyla was not a saint. He was a coward. He died knowing the truth about Emmanuela Orlandi. To this day, her family doesn't know what happened to her. That's not right. But God will judge the Vatican popes and priests. Karol Wojtyla won't escape God's judgment.
Your absolutely correct in stating that jp2 is not a saint, More likely jp2 The Great Imposter, Liar, and Thief. What else? Rushed to "sainthood" by Polock politicals. All phony crap!
Quite apparently, there seems to be little or no latitude afforded the Vatican in episcopal appointments in China. We know nothing of the Francis/McCarrick deal with the CCP.
And that hasn't worked out well. They didn't do their homework; look what the Chinese have tried to do with the successor to the Dalai Llama. The CCP now control the Chinese church with pictures of Xi.Jinping replacing saints on the walls, and Cardinal Zen in prison. Apparently all the fault of Catholics who attend the traditional rite, judging from the Vatican's strategic.direction. It's incompetent, and quite the wrong priorities.
It happened, with no doubt about it. Yes, Bergoglio praised the CCP. About a week later, out came the new bishops and priests, with big smiles. All appointment by the CCP. Soon after, faithful Catholics were arrested all over China. Cardinal Zen of Hong Kong was arrested. Heavy machines tore down cries from churches . The “pope” received 2.5 billion dollars from the CCP, funneled via Australia.
I'm a Polish Catholic and would not trust this Pope. He is a big follower of Juan Peron of Argentina and is more of a political figure than a Pope Francis should be concentrating on saving souls. Instead he's hell bent (literally) on destroying the Church and its original teachings that came from Jesus Christ himself and his apostles. Can you imagine if Christ was alive today and had a meeting with this Pope 😮 would be a very interesting conversation indeed. 😢
@@cindiloowhoo1166 Someone who politically advocates for the lower classes but is themself a part of the upper class, and who does not personally associate with many people socially lower than themselves. At best, a champagne socialist is someone who sincerely believes in the righteousness of their beliefs and actions but finds it subjectively difficult to understand and relate to the people they wish help, but at worst, it is someone who will only adopt a "social justice" position as a pretense for obtaining the esteem of others, while personally harboring distain for the very people that they claim to care about.
@ bartholomewrubendelatorreo9528 Hmmm ... Post Vatican ii popes were fast-tracked to sainthood. I do not know the motivation for such rapid declarations of sainthood.
@@Bytheirfruitsshall Yeah. I forgot about that. Christopher Hitchens probably helped change the minds of people in the Church hierarchy about the Church having a Devil's Advocate as part of the canonization process. Hitchens certainly did a hit on Mother Theresa -- Of course, that is what he was supposed to do as the Devil's Advocate. She got canonized anyhow.
it’s all hearsay.and scandal mongering. During the last war, our very brave parish priest accompanied by the sacristan used to search young silly girls roaming the streets during curfew,to take them back to their terrified parents and this was during air raids as well.l once read that the very devout Belgian prince Baudoin accompanied by security men, used to do the same and saved these girls from bad company. So let us not have bad thoughts and conjectures about what may be good deeds. ,
Sounds like Pope Francis actually and correctly understands the claim of “aggressor” in the Russia & Ukraine conflict is not a “black and white” issue.
Mind you, if the Church is going to be honest: it has NO LIMITS to any accusations against those considered sacred by it; as anyone considered sacred is automatically a means for the *devil* to corrupt man- hence if the church stands against *any* claims at all for who is accused: they themselves, including those in Heaven, are automatically by the very act in Hell for all eternity!
John, I disagree respectfully with your analysis of the Ukraine item. You gave all the importance to the political aspect, and none to the spiritual truth. Yet our responsibility as Christians is to emphasize the human suffering caused by this war, and - most important! - the salvation of the human souls endangered by the terrible hate that it is spawning. In a (Western) world that is demonizing not only Putin, but all those poor Russian souls caught up in the war, yes, it IS the Pope' s duty, IMO, to underline the EQUAL value of the suffering of Ukrainians and Russians, and - most important - to remind Westerners (and hopefully Ukrainians...) not to damage their souls by demonizing Russians, devaluing their sufferings relative to that of Ukrainians. I think the Pope consciously chose to underline, stubbornly for the second time, spiritual truth vis-a-vis political alliances, or even humanistic political-ethical values (such as the justness of the Ukrainian cause). (The Ukrainian argument you quoted, that this angle should be discussed after the war, but not now, is of course ethically untenable.)
Feels to me gormless and insensitive, like banning Latin Mass. We don't demonise Russians but we do demonise that Communist regime, which exhibits a Stalinist predisposition to violence as a resolution for disputes. Like the China accord, the Popes evenhandedness feels gutless, and offensive to good Catholics.
If the Vatican was smart it would ask an independent commission from Scotland Yard to investigate this case. The Vatican doesn’t have the experience to do this but SY does. And Italian Carabinieri are too close to home. SY has been handling cases of murder and disappearances for decades. But at this point it’s probably beyond what is possible to discover.
And to boot: Any agent of God is automatically lying whenever they say anything, same with any mouthpiece of the authorities: they are lying whenever they make any claims on anything at all- and the thing that has confirmed me in that truth is the Church history *as it itself teaches the topic*!
Why are there posts showing there are replies, but it is blank. If one feels compelled to remove a reply to a comment please also remove the remark ticker ~ Thank You.
Mr Allen once again showing everyone else how it's done! I try not to bring this up too often, never mind every week - but the whole carnival going on with the bleeding Madonna? It's precisely that sort of old flannel and superstition that confirms my position as an avowed atheist - yet, with the lightest of light touches, John just gets in a throwaway observation about an elderly lady who, while equally dubious of the roadshow as me, is almost certainly an avid believer. John's task on Earth is clearly Vatican journalism but I still think he should run a weekly seminar for members of the clergy of all ranks on how to inspire with humour and wisdom without even trying😆
Nevertheless these are seriously unhealthy times in the church, with deep polarization being stoked by the Pope over healthy traditional observance in the Liturgy, which is bringing in the young, and actually implements Vatican II far better than the mundane sixties rubbish that.got shoved in everyone's face back in 1970, and that Rome inexplicably thinks is the only way forward. Most of the young people i meet, including aspiring priests, want their heritage back.
Well, if you're accusing any canonized saint; or God Himself, you're automatically telling the truth. Likewise, if you're defending the leadership, such as any pope, canonized saint, and especially God Himself: you as a human being are automatically the very father of lies itself *while* you remain a human being, and cannot hope to attain Heaven by that singular lie to defend the 'good name" of the vicar of Christ- a being automatically written off to Hell for his supreme office in the church to being with, and the same with anybody at all who would claim any sort of divine right to begin with, or even the more heretical dogma that God Himself could ever have any rights at all, period!
I really do enjoy your sense of humour and quite balanced presentation of the Church and the Holy Father.. it is actually a moment of respite amidst the mainstream maelstrom of depressing news. As a comment on the Western Church on the whole, it is time for our Churches to take off their rosy hued glasses regarding Ukraine. The war is a ruthless Nato sponsored act of Aggression to militarize the Ukraine contrary to every peace treaty ever signed. Angela Merkel pretty much confirmed that the West and the Ukraine violated the Minsk Agreement before the ink was dry on the. At least Pope Francis seeks to respect the age old Roman maxim: audi alteram partem
@ josephblain9677 It was Putin/Russia that made the coup in Crimea (2014) and later, the invasion of Ukraine. NATO nations are defending the people of Ukraine from Putin's/Russia's invasion.
@@cindiloowhoo1166 Hello Cindi Loo this is a very old legal principle of law used in all cases of conflict. It means:!Listen to the other side. You can’t just listen to one side. Solomon used the same principle when he listened to both women claiming a child. It is the same thing Pope Francis has to do
The pope should quit pushing these 2 countries together...It is not his purvue....It is a terrible, terrible time to try to get Ukranians to forgive! It is not really your business...why are you trying to be a geopolitical figure?
@@YiriUbic3793 No, that's a Protestant chiming in, reminding us that "Catholics worship statues". They despise our beliefs, or at least their misunderstanding about what we believe, but they just can't stay away from Catholic podcasts.
@@cindiloowhoo1166 The Church catechism defines a miracle as “a sign or wonder such as a healing, or control of nature, which can only be attributed to divine power.”
In what I have gathered in Spain -South Korea and Thailand areas I am connected with. Pope Francis seems to be a more Hollywood influencer doing photo opps. People who receive sacraments frequently, prayer devotional such rosary, stations or the liturgy of the hours, these people feel that the church is going through a 1960s identity crisis. The Asian church so far Is more Catholic the pope. U can ask many people on any given Sunday if they have a picture of the pope and majority will say either St JP2 or Benedict. This is 10 years of his pontificate ( he has visited both Seoul and Bangkok). This past Easter when he was sick people were more interested in praying for Benedict to be canonized and the retirement of Francis. On holy Saturday vigil at the cathedral of the 30 New catechumens 3 chose either some form of John, Paul, John Paul or Benedict as their baptism and/or confirmation names. One guy chose Francis but for Francis Xavier.
Luke 12:35-48. Vigilant and Faithful Servants. 35 ‘Be dressed for action and have your lamps lit; 36be like those who are waiting for their master to return from the wedding banquet, so that they may open the door for him as soon as he comes and knocks. 37Blessed are those slaves whom the master finds alert when he comes; truly I tell you, he will fasten his belt and have them sit down to eat, and he will come and serve them. 38If he comes during the middle of the night, or near dawn, and finds them so, blessed are those slaves. 39 ‘But know this: if the owner of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into. 40You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour.’ The Faithful or the Unfaithful Servant. 41 Peter said, ‘Lord, are you telling this parable for us or for everyone?’ 42And the Lord said, ‘Who then is the faithful and prudent manager whom his master will put in charge of his slaves, to give them their allowance of food at the proper time? 43Blessed is that slave whom his master will find at work when he arrives. 44Truly I tell you, he will put that one in charge of all his possessions. 45But if that slave says to himself, “My master is delayed in coming”, and if he begins to beat the other slaves, men and women, and to eat and drink and get drunk, 46the master of that slave will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour that he does not know, and will cut him in pieces, and put him with the unfaithful. 47That slave who knew what his master wanted, but did not prepare himself or do what was wanted, will receive a severe beating. 48But one who did not know and did what deserved a beating will receive a light beating. From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and from one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded. These are the readings for the Week of April 24, 2023. Be it done according to your word, O Lord. 10:19. PM. EDT. May you receive my Spirit of Peace, Mercy, Joy and Love this day, 04.23.2023. Be.
Well, given the endorsement of John Paul 2 by God Himself, any and all attacks on his reputation and position, as well as the mere *heretical idea* of God's goodness, those attacks on the Church's reputation are always *RIGHT, HOLY, and GOOD*, especially as they use the truth to counteract the word of God and thus prove that God Himself is a liar and the very father of lies Himself *while* He remains the deity, from this singular act of Hell by the vicar of Christ, thus proving that yes, we *WILL* find canonzied saints on Christ's left at the end of time, and in Hell while they're all known to be in Heaven. Hence the only truthful stance to take is that what's theologically impossible is truthful, and what's dogmatic and doctrinal is heretical!
When the non-Catholics or those “of the world” TRUST the Pope more than actually practicing Catholics… then you know where the Pope stands in the world.
Actually it is the 3rd time this pope has angered Ukrainians worldwide. The 1st time happened earlier when the war started when the statue of Our Lady of Fatima was presented in the Vatican and the Pope eas seen praying in front of it with 2 children present a boy and a girl. Prayers were recited for Ukraine and Russia. When in fact the Fatima apparition quite clearly asked for the conversion of Russia to her Immaculate Heart. Again the Pope did not do what was asked of him.
Of course this is garbage. jP2 used to have dinners where he would invite visitors to Rome to dine with him in the company of some cardinals. Ratzinger was a frequent dinner guest. These dinners run till late. This was well known as a day in the life of that Pope. Then he would retire to the chapel and when tired lean over to his left side and sleep on the floor. His staff found him asleep many times in that position. So JP2 picking up girls. Nah! No matter how late there would be photos and eyewitnesses from people sleeping rough. Perhaps it was Abp Marcinkus curb crawling in the company of some mafia types dressed as msgrs to gain access. I could be convinced to believe that.
Mr. Orlandi was very nice to the Vatican for decades ... and nothing came out. Patience has limits.
I am so upset about what I Read about this whole thing,Who are we supposed to believe,God sees everything ,I am surprised with Pope Paul II My heart went to the family, I can’t say any more
Well, ... JPII refused to do ANYTHING about that vile beast Marciel Marcial - even when Ratzinger told him what was what. So ... there is a "marked difference" - but ignoring truth and reality is NOT "being a good Catholic".
Omission and silence is a sin/crime, and tantamount to complicity. If JPII, at Abu Dhabi, and the bare-breasted dancing women, and kissing the Koran is the criteria for raising him to sainthood, how is true sanctity now evaluated????
The issue of the disapearance of Orlandi and association with the Vatican Bank and Black Friars Bridge are very persusavive and the their association with La Camora and the Polish Solidarity Union is of such importance that investigation should be investigated by as many forces as possible.
I came into The Catholic Church from a very fundamentalist background. I loved the glorious churches, the holy rites, and that I could see in the missal the English; or, simply enjoy the atmosphere and look things up before or after mass. Almost immediately, I felt I was sitting in a public meeting house, not The Earthly Home of Our Lord. The songs all changed - there were no more hymns. In my previous church, people were friendlier, chatting after services, pot luck dinners, home Bible Studies.
“Catholic” is supposed to mean “universal.”
People cannot learn a few recurrent passages in Latin?
People dressed for the beach in church.
We had “church clothes;” human behavior has a tendency to follow their mode of dress.
I am disappointed. This is not worship, it’s a CYA to avoid a mortal sin.
The church has no Shepard's leading the church its divided out of fear trying to bend to the will of the age , its upsetting and worrying all one can do is try to set up prayer groups at your local church and try to help to organise events with in your local parish parishioners are the future of the church .
Wake up so called educated zombie of masonic lingo. Repent ere it's too late.
The other thing to do is give up all this nonsense and make sense of the human predicament in your own way, guided from within. It's what Christ recommended. Pope Francis agrees.
I was baptized a Roman Catholic in 1958. I don’t remember being any church with my parents even though I have pictures of my brother being baptized with me there. I would have been 2 years old then. I think my grandfather recommended we don’t go there anymore. Some parishioners who are older than me tell me that they weren’t allowed to have Bibles at home. Others told me they had their Bibles at their wedding. It depends on the church. I don’t believe that the Doctrine of Discovery has been dropped. There would have to be an apology and an exposing where all dead female bodies are.
Quite some years ago when all this investigation was going on by Orlando, Emanuella's eldest brother, on the disappearance of Emanuella, I had read and heard the entire interview of Orlando, and really it gives me the creeps that you'll address John Paul II as 'Saint'. And now you are creating grounds for the 'Saint hood' of Jorge Mark Bergoglio immediately after his death?? And already creating grounds of him being a 'martyr for Christ'? How insane you can be to give false info of miraculous happenings to the present so called 'Pope'.
We as faithful Catholics have witnessed Our Lady of Akita. Since 1973 Our lady is crying for all of us to repent.
Akita is a Japanese dog. I’m not Catholic so don’t have a lady. Protestants go right to the throne of God as it says in the bible to “come boldly to the throne.” We aren’t to try to go through other people first. That’s wrong.
Respect for all must be essential however the truth must always be put in the first place. The ultimate goal should be seeking the truth first does not matter if it’s related to a pope or a beggar. Not saying the pope is guilty of anything, but put yourself in Pietro place, and his family. The Vatican cover up many things about this case, only this fact should be subject to repudiation. Please reflect on the facts impartially.
On that basis, the Vatican, and those who control it, have a lot to answer for.
Great commentary as always
Congrats on the 10K Subs
Karol Wojtyla was not a saint. He was a coward. He died knowing the truth about Emmanuela Orlandi. To this day, her family doesn't know what happened to her. That's not right. But God will judge the Vatican popes and priests. Karol Wojtyla won't escape God's judgment.
Your absolutely correct in stating that jp2 is not a saint, More likely jp2 The Great Imposter, Liar, and Thief. What else? Rushed to "sainthood" by Polock politicals. All phony crap!
As I've pointed out before, the Vatican has cozied up to the Red Chinese, perhaps in return for latitude in appointing clerics in China.
Quite apparently, there seems to be little or no latitude afforded the Vatican in episcopal appointments in China.
We know nothing of the Francis/McCarrick deal with the CCP.
And that hasn't worked out well. They didn't do their homework; look what the Chinese have tried to do with the successor to the Dalai Llama. The CCP now control the Chinese church with pictures of Xi.Jinping replacing saints on the walls, and Cardinal Zen in prison. Apparently all the fault of Catholics who attend the traditional rite, judging from the Vatican's strategic.direction. It's incompetent, and quite the wrong priorities.
It happened, with no doubt about it.
Yes, Bergoglio praised the CCP. About a week later, out came the new bishops and priests, with big smiles. All appointment by the CCP.
Soon after, faithful
Catholics were arrested all over
China. Cardinal Zen of Hong Kong was arrested.
Heavy machines tore down cries from churches
The “pope” received
2.5 billion dollars from the CCP, funneled via Australia.
I'm a Polish Catholic and would not trust this Pope.
He is a big follower of Juan Peron of Argentina and is more of a political figure than a Pope
Francis should be concentrating on saving souls. Instead he's hell bent (literally) on destroying the Church and its original teachings that came from Jesus Christ himself and his apostles.
Can you imagine if Christ was alive today and had a meeting with this Pope 😮 would be a very interesting conversation indeed. 😢
Christ is indeed alive today.
19:35 This is just like how the champagne socialists of the United States are estranged from the American working class!
What is a “champagne socialist?”
@@cindiloowhoo1166 Someone who politically advocates for the lower classes but is themself a part of the upper class, and who does not personally associate with many people socially lower than themselves.
At best, a champagne socialist is someone who sincerely believes in the righteousness of their beliefs and actions but finds it subjectively difficult to understand and relate to the people they wish help, but at worst, it is someone who will only adopt a "social justice" position as a pretense for obtaining the esteem of others, while personally harboring distain for the very people that they claim to care about.
@@cindiloowhoo1166 Think Leonardo DiCaprio, Nancy Pelosi or John Kerry.
I absolutely love this show!
You love Catholic anti-Catholic bigotry?
But it happened on the Pop's watch and he new IIT it's because he never cleaned up the church
Were not all possible criticisms against St. John Paul thoroughly investigated before his elevation to sainthood?
@ bartholomewrubendelatorreo9528
Hmmm ...
Post Vatican ii popes
were fast-tracked to
sainthood. I do not
know the motivation
for such rapid declarations
of sainthood.
How would they do that without a Devil's Advocate?
(Also all Pontiff's personal papers are burnt post mortem.)
@@here_we_go_again2571 "Streamlined" in 1983, by PPII. By eliminating the position of Devil's Advocate.
Yeah. I forgot about that.
Christopher Hitchens probably helped
change the minds of people in the
Church hierarchy about the Church
having a Devil's Advocate as part of
the canonization process.
Hitchens certainly did a hit on Mother
Theresa -- Of course, that is what he
was supposed to do as the Devil's
Advocate. She got canonized anyhow.
it’s all hearsay.and scandal mongering. During the last war, our very brave parish priest accompanied by the sacristan used to search young silly girls roaming the streets during curfew,to take them back to their terrified parents and this was during air raids as well.l once read that the very devout Belgian prince Baudoin accompanied by security men, used to do the same and saved these girls from bad company. So let us not have bad thoughts and conjectures about what may be good deeds.
Sounds like Pope Francis actually and correctly understands the claim of “aggressor” in the Russia & Ukraine conflict is not a “black and white” issue.
If the pope plays politics religion goes out the window.
Whaddya mean if?😃
Organized religion IS politics. Real religion is personal, not congregational.
There should always be a separation of state & religion
Mind you, if the Church is going to be honest: it has NO LIMITS to any accusations against those considered sacred by it; as anyone considered sacred is automatically a means for the *devil* to corrupt man- hence if the church stands against *any* claims at all for who is accused: they themselves, including those in Heaven, are automatically by the very act in Hell for all eternity!
Bloody Hell! Is there nothing sacred anymore?
John, I disagree respectfully with your analysis of the Ukraine item. You gave all the importance to the political aspect, and none to the spiritual truth. Yet our responsibility as Christians is to emphasize the human suffering caused by this war, and - most important! - the salvation of the human souls endangered by the terrible hate that it is spawning. In a (Western) world that is demonizing not only Putin, but all those poor Russian souls caught up in the war, yes, it IS the Pope' s duty, IMO, to underline the EQUAL value of the suffering of Ukrainians and Russians, and - most important - to remind Westerners (and hopefully Ukrainians...) not to damage their souls by demonizing Russians, devaluing their sufferings relative to that of Ukrainians. I think the Pope consciously chose to underline, stubbornly for the second time, spiritual truth vis-a-vis political alliances, or even humanistic political-ethical values (such as the justness of the Ukrainian cause). (The Ukrainian argument you quoted, that this angle should be discussed after the war, but not now, is of course ethically untenable.)
Untenable indeed while ZELENSKY bombed Orthodox Cathedral in Gdańsk on Orthodox Easter…we all need conversion
Feels to me gormless and insensitive, like banning Latin Mass. We don't demonise Russians but we do demonise that Communist regime, which exhibits a Stalinist predisposition to violence as a resolution for disputes. Like the China accord, the Popes evenhandedness feels gutless, and offensive to good Catholics.
No surprise if the accusation to JP2 is true.
We should remember what Pope Alexander VI did....
so somebody makes up some slanderous gossup and you obviously think it's true, how pathetic
If the Vatican was smart it would ask an independent commission from Scotland Yard to investigate this case. The Vatican doesn’t have the experience to do this but SY does. And Italian Carabinieri are too close to home. SY has been handling cases of murder and disappearances for decades. But at this point it’s probably beyond what is possible to discover.
What and let the works crawl out?😢
And to boot: Any agent of God is automatically lying whenever they say anything, same with any mouthpiece of the authorities: they are lying whenever they make any claims on anything at all- and the thing that has confirmed me in that truth is the Church history *as it itself teaches the topic*!
Why are there posts showing there are replies, but it is blank. If one feels compelled to remove a reply to a comment please also remove the remark ticker ~ Thank You.
Take a guess,
Faithful Catholics around the world distrust Pope Francis.
I'm not devout like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden but I distrust him as well.
The Pope is chosen by the Holy Spirit. We can trust the Holy Spirit
Wake up zombie lipserving God.
@@nelled6240 While Francis tears down the Church.
John, are we in great apostasy? If yes, explain please.
Weeping statues and money. Sounds like Christine Gallagher in Achill Co Mayo, Ireland. She's living in a gated mansion driving a luxury Mercedes Benz.
Well it may get things in done
The statements about JP2 deserve a counter-suit for slander/defamation
Only if the statements are untrue. It hasn’t been proven wrong yet.
Sue for those vile accusations including Netflix.
Almost 15 minutes, it’s all about repeating the news. It’s too long.
Mr Allen once again showing everyone else how it's done! I try not to bring this up too often, never mind every week - but the whole carnival going on with the bleeding Madonna? It's precisely that sort of old flannel and superstition that confirms my position as an avowed atheist - yet, with the lightest of light touches, John just gets in a throwaway observation about an elderly lady who, while equally dubious of the roadshow as me, is almost certainly an avid believer. John's task on Earth is clearly Vatican journalism but I still think he should run a weekly seminar for members of the clergy of all ranks on how to inspire with humour and wisdom without even trying😆
Love you and your reporting, John; you are a national treasure. Thanks
Nevertheless these are seriously unhealthy times in the church, with deep polarization being stoked by the Pope over healthy traditional observance in the Liturgy, which is bringing in the young, and actually implements Vatican II far better than the mundane sixties rubbish that.got shoved in everyone's face back in 1970, and that Rome inexplicably thinks is the only way forward. Most of the young people i meet, including aspiring priests, want their heritage back.
John Allen is a V2 guy of upside-down cross/witchcraft carrying V2 masonics pops past 60 years. Wake up. Repent suited and booted atheist.
I am praying for St. JP ll! I hope you are not part of his defense.
Well, if you're accusing any canonized saint; or God Himself, you're automatically telling the truth. Likewise, if you're defending the leadership, such as any pope, canonized saint, and especially God Himself: you as a human being are automatically the very father of lies itself *while* you remain a human being, and cannot hope to attain Heaven by that singular lie to defend the 'good name" of the vicar of Christ- a being automatically written off to Hell for his supreme office in the church to being with, and the same with anybody at all who would claim any sort of divine right to begin with, or even the more heretical dogma that God Himself could ever have any rights at all, period!
I really do enjoy your sense of humour and quite balanced presentation of the Church and the Holy Father.. it is actually a moment of respite amidst the mainstream maelstrom of depressing news. As a comment on the Western Church on the whole, it is time for our Churches to take off their rosy hued glasses regarding Ukraine. The war is a ruthless Nato sponsored act of Aggression to militarize the Ukraine contrary to every peace treaty ever signed. Angela Merkel pretty much confirmed that the West and the Ukraine violated the Minsk Agreement before the ink was dry on the. At least Pope Francis seeks to respect the age old Roman maxim: audi alteram partem
@ josephblain9677
It was Putin/Russia
that made the coup
in Crimea (2014) and
later, the invasion of
NATO nations are
defending the people
of Ukraine from
Hello ~ I do not speak Latin and am not a cradle Catholic. What are you saying, please?
@@cindiloowhoo1166 Hello Cindi Loo this is a very old legal principle of law used in all cases of conflict. It means:!Listen to the other side. You can’t just listen to one side. Solomon used the same principle when he listened to both women claiming a child. It is the same thing Pope Francis has to do
The pope should quit pushing these 2 countries together...It is not his purvue....It is a terrible, terrible time to try to get Ukranians to forgive! It is not really your business...why are you trying to be a geopolitical figure?
Statues do not bleed! They are idols.
Ok sectarian
@@YiriUbic3793 No, that's a Protestant chiming in, reminding us that "Catholics worship statues". They despise our beliefs, or at least their misunderstanding about what we believe, but they just can't stay away from Catholic podcasts.
The definition of a miracle is that it cannot be defined.
@@cindiloowhoo1166 The Church catechism defines a miracle as “a sign or wonder such as a healing, or control of nature, which can only be attributed to divine power.”
They finally realized everything was a fake. Period.
In what I have gathered in Spain -South Korea and Thailand areas I am connected with. Pope Francis seems to be a more Hollywood influencer doing photo opps. People who receive sacraments frequently, prayer devotional such rosary, stations or the liturgy of the hours, these people feel that the church is going through a 1960s identity crisis. The Asian church so far Is more Catholic the pope. U can ask many people on any given Sunday if they have a picture of the pope and majority will say either St JP2 or Benedict. This is 10 years of his pontificate ( he has visited both Seoul and Bangkok). This past Easter when he was sick people were more interested in praying for Benedict to be canonized and the retirement of Francis. On holy Saturday vigil at the cathedral of the 30
New catechumens 3 chose either some form of John, Paul, John Paul or Benedict as their baptism and/or confirmation names. One guy chose Francis but for Francis Xavier.
Luke 12:35-48.
Vigilant and Faithful Servants.
35 ‘Be dressed for action and have your lamps lit; 36be like those who are waiting for their master to return from the wedding banquet, so that they may open the door for him as soon as he comes and knocks. 37Blessed are those slaves whom the master finds alert when he comes; truly I tell you, he will fasten his belt and have them sit down to eat, and he will come and serve them. 38If he comes during the middle of the night, or near dawn, and finds them so, blessed are those slaves.
39 ‘But know this: if the owner of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into. 40You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour.’
The Faithful or the Unfaithful Servant.
41 Peter said, ‘Lord, are you telling this parable for us or for everyone?’ 42And the Lord said, ‘Who then is the faithful and prudent manager whom his master will put in charge of his slaves, to give them their allowance of food at the proper time? 43Blessed is that slave whom his master will find at work when he arrives. 44Truly I tell you, he will put that one in charge of all his possessions. 45But if that slave says to himself, “My master is delayed in coming”, and if he begins to beat the other slaves, men and women, and to eat and drink and get drunk, 46the master of that slave will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour that he does not know, and will cut him in pieces, and put him with the unfaithful. 47That slave who knew what his master wanted, but did not prepare himself or do what was wanted, will receive a severe beating. 48But one who did not know and did what deserved a beating will receive a light beating. From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and from one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded.
These are the readings for the Week of April 24, 2023. Be it done according to your word, O Lord. 10:19. PM. EDT.
May you receive my Spirit of Peace, Mercy, Joy and Love this day, 04.23.2023. Be.
Wht is d truth? To say he or she is right is doubtful.
Wht is the right thg accdg to OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Well, given the endorsement of John Paul 2 by God Himself, any and all attacks on his reputation and position, as well as the mere *heretical idea* of God's goodness, those attacks on the Church's reputation are always *RIGHT, HOLY, and GOOD*, especially as they use the truth to counteract the word of God and thus prove that God Himself is a liar and the very father of lies Himself *while* He remains the deity, from this singular act of Hell by the vicar of Christ, thus proving that yes, we *WILL* find canonzied saints on Christ's left at the end of time, and in Hell while they're all known to be in Heaven. Hence the only truthful stance to take is that what's theologically impossible is truthful, and what's dogmatic and doctrinal is heretical!
Oh ye of little Faith. God can do all.
When the non-Catholics or those “of the world” TRUST the Pope more than actually practicing Catholics… then you know where the Pope stands in the world.
Actually it is the 3rd time this pope has angered Ukrainians worldwide. The 1st time happened earlier when the war started when the statue of Our Lady of Fatima was presented in the Vatican and the Pope eas seen praying in front of it with 2 children present a boy and a girl. Prayers were recited for Ukraine and Russia. When in fact the Fatima apparition quite clearly asked for the conversion of Russia to her Immaculate Heart.
Again the Pope did not do what was asked of him.
Of course this is garbage. jP2 used to have dinners where he would invite visitors to Rome to dine with him in the company of some cardinals. Ratzinger was a frequent dinner guest. These dinners run till late. This was well known as a day in the life of that Pope. Then he would retire to the chapel and when tired lean over to his left side and sleep on the floor. His staff found him asleep many times in that position. So JP2 picking up girls. Nah! No matter how late there would be photos and eyewitnesses from people sleeping rough.
Perhaps it was Abp Marcinkus curb crawling in the company of some mafia types dressed as msgrs to gain access. I could be convinced to believe that.
Gossip gossip gossip.. May God have mercy on us humanity! Let he with no Sin cast the first stone!😓🙏🙏🙏😓