Imagine being a soviet soldier in the outskirts of Stalingrad, it's night, everything is silent and suddenly you start listening this song in the dark. Must be a heavy image.
The painting is called "Ursa Major". The stars around the man symbolize his fellow soldiers, who could also smoke a cigarette with him but died in battles. This painting us not original one but meaning is same.
@SRM Official еще грустнее становится от невероятного количества таких судеб Русских людей В двух мировых войнах, гражданской войне и от репрессий большевиков погибли десятки миллионов лучших людей На все это наложилась глубочайшая депрессия от поражения в холодной войне и развала исторической России в 1991
This song happened to pop up while I'm standing outside at night at work smoking a cigarette. The music fits the 20 degree weather and the foggy weather.
The very first version of this song was irreversibly damaged by some factory worker because she couldn't stop crying while copying and listening to this track so her tears accidentally ruined the tape. In soviet culture such things are called "the magic power of art"
@@vasin7480 Согласна,это одна из немногих песен,способных вывести меня на слёзы.Помню,готовились к 9 маю и искали разные песни.В начале поиска я была в приподнятом настроении,но,послушав эту песню,разрыдалась как ребёнок.
Hello i saw yakutia sun festival like the festival just before the sun sets for months, made me respect my ever available asian sun existence, perspectives are great. Yakutian youtubers are great
My great-grandfather stormed Berlin as part of this division, which eventually captured the Reichstag. He died on the stairs of the Reichstag after the final assault from a heart attack. He met the war in his home in 1941 and went through the whole thing, and eventually died unable to withstand the joy and excitement of anticipation of the end of the war and the peaceful sky above his head. Both a tragic and a wonderful story about human emotions in war and peace
My grandfather went as infantry soldier all the way to Elba river, met Americans there. Another grandfather was a military truck driver, was wounded and lost a sightseeing in one eye. Both survived the War.
I can’t imagine being in the USSR during world war 2 and wrap my mind around the loss of almost 27,000,000 people. No one can. Americans call it the lost generation what we went through after the war, the soviets lost entire towns, cities and all the rest. What a great song with an eerie undertone that still preaches hope through the worst of times.
I'm a 30 year old from an ex-Soviet country and the war left permanent marks on everyone here. My dad's side of the bloodline is uncertain because of the war, but we know at least one of them died in the war. Others were just "lost" and so on WW2 was a terrible, terrible tragedy and I hope to god we never have to repeat it. But then again, if we do, I'll probably be lying in a ditch at some point because I wouldn't take it sitting down either sad life when you have to think like this
Jesus, imagine losing so many people over a bunch of dudes disagreeing, reminds me of why I refused to be drafted, I'm merely a cigarette seller in here, but it keeps a roof over my head, food in my tummy and enough internet to shield myself from ignorance.
Only communism allows a country to lose 20+ million people in a war. It destroys the idea of the individual and individual freedoms disappear. Makes my teeth hurt when I see people defending communism and even socialism. Same thing
, идиот, «позволила потерять 20 миллионов людей»…. Как раз самые ожесточёные сражения были именно на восточном фронте, так же очень много советских солдат и жителей подверглись пыткам и смерти в концентрационных лагерях. Именно Советский Союз нанёс основное поражение нацистам, освободил всю восточную Европу и освободил рейхстаг. Враг напал достаточно внезапно (советский союз был слишком поздно осведомлён что Германия готовиться атаковать) и крушил всё до чего мог дотянуться, однако ТОЛЬКО СССР смог выстоять, другие страны быстро пали под натиском фашистов. Больше всего гитлер хотел смерти славян, после того как СССР дал жёсткий отпор. А то что гитлер своим главным врагом считал Молотова Рибентропа из-за того что он видел в нём угрозу пропаганды, наверное ты не в курсе. P.S Специально написал комментарий на русском языке чтобы ты пошёл переводить, так как большего невежества нежели от тебя (и в твоём комментарии в частности) я ни у кого не видел.
From Turkey here. I don’t know how on earth I landed this song but one of the most beautiful and emotional songs I ever heard . May the soul of all those lost rest in peace❤
@@HereJohnsonCave it's a similar feeling, but different. Toska is an all-consuming and oppressive feeling of despair and despondency, it's like glue from which you can't get out, when you're in toska you don't want anything
That was my grandfather's favorite song. He went from 1941 till Königsberg and then been fighting against Japan in Manchuria and came home only in september 1945
The feelings of this song break the language barrier, I am not Russian, in fact, I am from the United States, my close ancestors were made to hate Russians and fear them, yet I find their art beautiful, their history tragic, their worries very real, I wish all of you the best through hard times.
I'm a Fulani (an ethnical group in Africa). I've found this magestic chef-d'œuvre randomly. But to be honest I've been listening to it for days now. I have no clue in Russian langage but I will learn just to get true essence of the song. I can't describe the feeling I have. So imagine being a Russian speaker and understanding the Russian culture, I can just imagine the feeling you would have.
Hello! I am Russian. This is a farewell letter from a man who doesn’t want his wife to worry, this is a letter in which you tell your wife that everything will be fine, but I will not return alive from this war.
Hello! I am Russian. This is a farewell letter from a man who doesn’t want his wife to worry, this is a letter in which you tell your wife that everything will be fine, but I will not return alive from this war.
The calmness of this is haunting despite of how loud the pain in the words is . I do not speak Russian but the tragedy crosses all the borders & barriers. I’ve always admired Russian literature & how truthful and poetic they are , and this song isn’t an exception. It makes me nostalgic to an era I’ve never witnessed.
They are not perfect, but tend to lie less than the western people. An example, (In America at least) we smile way too much. Everything you do with someone you don’t know is almost always done with a smile. Defeating the purpose of it. Russians do not. When they smile, they do it for a reason. I can relate to that a little bit more. I don’t like smiling all the time for no reason, it’s almost dystopian.
Holy shit, my family and I are camping, everybody is asleep, I have a good view of the mountains, the surroundings are foggy, I can hear thunder, AND I AM LISTENING TO THIS SONG. This feeling is something else. (I left this comment, it didn't really do well for a few months, now it's suddenly blown up lol)
I'm glad that so many foreigners express their love for the song. I hope that I can sing this masterpiece for the holiday at my school. By the way, greetings from Russia! (sorry, I'm using a translator)
Dark night Only bullets are whistling across the steppe Only the wind hums in the wires Dimly the stars twinkle On a dark night You, my love, I know you're not sleeping. And at the crib secretly You're wiping away a tear [Verse 2] How I love The depth of your gentle eyes How I want to To press my lips to them now Dark night Divides us, my love And the disturbing, black steppe It lay between us [Verse 3] I believe in you To my dear friend This faith is from the bullet of me I kept it on a dark night I'm happy I am calm in mortal combat I know you will meet me with love No matter what happens to me, Death is not terrible We met with her more than once in the steppe And now She's spinning above me Are you waiting for me And you don't sleep by the crib And that's why I know: with me Nothing's going to happen.
The Russian experience is one of tragedy, pain, and sorrow. As an American, I absolutely love and adore Russian culture and art! Our governments may try and put us against each other but deep down I know Russians are some of Gods strongest soldiers and I pray one day we will hold hands with one another in peace!
Я из города Санкт-Петербурга и я всегда рад иностранцам надеюсь что когда нибудь я смогу приехать в Америку и подробнее узнать вашу культуру и увидеть своими глазами достопримечательности :)
I'm Russian. And I want to express my gratitude to all those who left a kind comment for this video. The Second World War left a terrible mark on the face of humanity, and over time the pain does not subside. The world is changing, people are changing. One thing is invariably the pain and sadness for tens of millions of dead.
It’s truly sad how the Cold War has tarnished everyone’s opinion towards Russia and the Soviet Union itself, how western propaganda dictates Russians as ‘murderers’ and arsonists This isn’t the case, if only they had experienced the brutal conditions that was the Nazi Invasion and saw what it was truly like for the Russian people. A revival of the USSR is needed, greetings from Britain 🇬🇧🤝🇷🇺
@@ctzaire The USSR was good, but it showed its inconsistency. After all, the essence of the USSR was based on the honesty and integrity of people, all people living in the country. And this is not very stable. Thank you for your kind words. In Russia, propaganda also speaks of a decaying West and a soulless America. But fortunately, many people don't care about these words, just like me. Neither race nor nation matters to me. The main thing is that a person should be capable of kindness to his neighbor
@@НикитаТимошенков-в4щ так запад действительно загнивает, в том плане что там кругом ЛГБТ и всё такое. По телевизору и не говорят, что запад загнивает в экономическом плане
@@СырАрбузов А у нас лучше? Экономика трещит, все системы обеспечения безопасной жизни народа гниют. Народ быдлеет, все больше и больше религиозных фанатиков которые с криком безбожники сами же нарушают все заветы своей религии. Процветающий алкоголизм и нарастающая ксенофобия и нетерпимость ко всем кто не соответствует взглядам нашей страны. Коррупция и много еще чего. А на Запад не стоит отсылаться. Мы не запад. У нас никогда не будет как у них, даже если мы разрешим все тоже что и у них
Помню сидели и всем классом слушали историю о войне от ветерана, было всего-то несколько лет назад, сейчас в нашем городе больше не от кого не услышать эти рассказы
Помню как нас называли братским народом... а щас разхреначюют наши города и называют нас нацыстами хотя наши деды во ВОВ воевали пличем к плечу, Извеняюсь за политику
Глаза наполнились слезами, грустно, возможно мое поколение последнее поколение застававшее ветеранов ВОВ. Надеюсь мы не будем видит новых, и ветераны с Украины станут последними
I was born in the Soviet Union, 20 years after the Second World War. I've listened to and loved this song since childhood. I couldn't even imagine that non-Russian speakers could feel and understand the meaning and emotions of this song.
Комментарии под этим роликом буквально заставляют заново хотеть жить.. Это невероятно, что здесь такой островок добра, где все желают друг другу только хорошего. Значит песня действительно легендарная. Мой папа поет ее ветеранам 9 мая, когда он выезжает к ним под окна вместе с театром, в котором работает, чтобы дать небольшой концерт для них, потому что многим уже тяжело ходить. Наш город маленький, осталось всего 10 ветеранов. Каждый раз, когда папа поет эту песню, вижу как, слезятся его глаза, и не могу не перенять это настроение от него. Эта песня всегда трогает. Все мы люди и хотим мира. Боже, скорее бы он наступил... Это всё так невыносимо.
Сентиментальная хуйня. Пиздеж полный. На войне человек чувствует несколько вариантов реакций и ни одна из них даже близко не похожа на текст этой песни. А) либо человек чувствует бешеную ярость и/или страх, которые дают ему силы драться как берсерк и прорываться во что бы то ни стало. Б) либо полную отстранннность и замороженность. (это шоковая реакция на психилогически травмирующую обстановку). Человек как будто наблюдает за собой со стороны и холодно подмечает отдельные вещи. Иногда думает о деле (и только о деле, ему не до мыслей про свою любовницу в этот момент). Иногда во время дела пролетают странные несвязанные мысли (типа человек подмечает цвет травы, или замечает какие-то мелкие детали как в slowmo). Но совершенно точно ни один солдат во время боевых действий не думает с нежностью и спокойствием как он вернётся домой и девушка будет дарить ему нежность. Сентиментальная лживая ебань. Сраный дешёвый пиздеж. Ненавижу дешёвое манипулятивное "искусство". Которое чтобы выдавить слезу или умиление из слушателя врет ему о реальности. Это лишь делает людей более глупыми и оторванными от реальности, внушает им искаженные представления о жизни и о войне. Особенно опасно это делать в отношении войн. Про войну люди должны знать настоящую правду по- максимуму. Что это шок, боль, страх и ярость. Иногда это ледяное равнодушие и цинизм, даже с грязным юморком в адрес чужих страданий. Не обязательно даже вражеских, а просто чужих, лишь бы не твоих. Как Доренко рассказывал "на войне ты ржёшь, когда ты своей машиной поднял мину, а ноги оторвало тому кто ехал после тебя". Люди должны понимать, что никогда ты не будешь прежним, после того что там видел. Спиваться или провоцировать драки с прохожими, чтобы попиздиться и вылить ярость - это да, нормальный образ жизни экс-комбатанта. Или бить своих ребёнка и жену, потому что кипит пост-травматическая ярость. Тоже норм, бывает. А наслаждаться нежностью "любимой" это из области сказок. лол)))) нежность доступна только здоровым невинным людям, а после войны человека ждёт сплошной эмоциональный надрыв и драма. У меня и дедушка был ветеран войны с серьёзными орденами, и я сама как психолог работала с людьми, которые были в Чечне и спивались от своего птср. Про войну я кое-что знаю. Своими глазами не видела, но когда тебе люди подробно в деталях на протяжении многих часов рассказывают про кровь и насилие, ты в какой-то степени все же проживаешь это вместе с ним. (а иначе человек не получит облегчение; только когда ты действительно эмпатически присоединяешься к нему и видишь картины, которые он описывает, он начинает чувствовать что он не один в своей травме, а рядом с ним есть кто-то; и только после такого контакта он начинает доверять специалисту и позволяет ему делать работу, подпускает к своей травме). Ненавижу лживые романтизации страшных событий. Меня бомбит холодной злостью от этой песни. П.с. написала это и вдруг подумала: дедушка бы мною гордился. хотя он как раз мало пил, бабушку не бил и циничных шуток не шутил, человек он был жёсткий и на разговоры о войне реагировал очень зло, так что отец не решался его спрашивать даже про ордена. Я знаю, что дедушка бы мной гордился за этот коммент. Злоба - это именно то как дедушка реагировал на романтизацию и мифологизацию войны. Мифологии надо рассеивать, а не сочинять сраные сентиментальные сказки чтоб покайфовать от своих сентиментальных фантазий.
My grandfather was wounded in battle. And when he came to his senses, he saw that the battle was over and the german officer was walking around and finishing off wounded russian soldiers with his pistol. When he approached my grandfather, they looked into each other's eyes and the officer was unable to shoot. He turned around and walked away... This is how my grandfather was captured. They were transported to Polish territory to a concentration camp for prisoners of war. They all spent the first night standing in a cattle pen, knee-deep in mud. And in the morning they could not get out, because the frost had frozen the ground... I can't imagine it all, but that's exactly how it was. My grandfather survived and returned home because he knew agricultural work and was taken from a concentration camp by a German landowner to work on his farm. I remember my grandfather alive, but it was my mother who told me this story. And I understand well now how difficult it was for them to keep them alive. That's why this song is so real and heart-taking...
@@Gold_Not_GodRussians were also from the USSR? So were Kazakhstans and Mongolians and etc etc. They were all part of the USSR and have just as much right to share the stories of their ancestors as Ukrainians.
A perfect world that is, your wish could only be granted and be reality by a genie, it truly is sad to know that until the end of humanity, hatred towards each other will always occur, what a sad realization isn't it.
As a Russian, I am extremely happy and proud that songs in my language, which touch the soul of so many people in my country, are being distributed to other countries. It means a lot to all of us. Thank You, truly
Not everyone agrees with the dogmatic anti-Russian zeitgeist currently sweeping the Western countries, where people think everything Russian should be banned. I got into Russian music years ago btw and always come back to it regardless of geopolitics, even though I don't speak Russian. Lyube, DDT, Elka, etc. and then all the Russian doomer stuff. Respect from Belgium.
@@der1222 iam dutch here we dont hate russians either but its the news that spreads the bad news although i do have to say that putin acts like a total ret*rd with this war causing thousends of deaths i do not russia for it they cant do anything about it they are forced into it its like i always say those rats at the high table are not agreeing and the civilians have to pay the price for it like always This is also thr reason i refuse to go into the army im not fighting for a bunch of rats who take our money and leave us to starve and obey them
Не забыт, говоришь... Если бы так было, то лозунг "никогда больше" не превратился бы в "можем повторить". Если бы так было, сотни тысяч трупов не гнили бы сейчас в украинской земле. Все таки забыли. Забыли цену человеческой жизни, теперь это снова просто ресурс, расходник...
@@folton12 ты тупой или что-то? Ты вот так взял вытянул лозунг, который говорит, о том что герои не забыты в ебаную политику, со своим оценочным суждением. У тебя половины мозга нету или что или ты бот? Причем тут вообще Украина, ебнутое ты существо?
Somehow a Russian poem has travelled through time and borders to reach us now, to make us realise how human emotions can be preserved with art and how everyone can feel the pain regardless of language barriers and nationalities ❤
@@NesTesik Можливо, бо починаючи з вимушеного входу в Радянський Союз, українську мову й літературу намагалися знищити (як й культуру інших народів), потім було три штучно створених голодомори для не одної лиш України, а ще в наслідку, ми можемо бачити таку хворобу, що більш є психічною (відсталістю) як рашизм? / Ну це про перше, а кажучи про друге, то СРСР все одно був, а він народився в роки його існування. Тому робіть висновки😝. Та й взагалі, тут воно більш для того, щоб принизити росіян і т.д., бо в людей чисто більша половина досягнень - це те, що зробили інші, але вони привласнили собі
my grandfather fought in the second world war for the soviet union. When all the soldiers died and he took a bullet, he hid behind the corpses and pretended to be dead. And the Germans pierced all the corpses with shovels. My grandfather was also pierced, right in the stomach, but he was able to endure it and he himself crawled to our field hospital. I am still very impressed by this, and I understand how much people fought for our country back then.
Did he tell you there is no heroism in war? My grandfather was english and he drank every night because he thought he should've died with his friends and had shame for killing
Россияне, не забывайте что оружием США, а именно Хаймарсами и гаубицами М777 уничтожают пачками ваших солдат, которые решили оккупировать чужие территории.
@@kyle6448 How silly! We don't eat and we don't make ur Kpop here, gay South Korean! USSR is always with the North Korea; the real people with pride and dignity, not their ***** neighbors who sold themselves to US!!
Привет вам из России! Да, это кстати одна из известных песен в России. Она запоминается нами просто так, из года в год. Её часто можно услышать на 9 мая, праздник Победы над фашизмом.
From Iraq. This is my taste in music and I like to listen to it in cold weather at night with a cigarette and a hot drink and in the moonlight. I love this music. Thank you to whoever released it.
Such a beautiful yet devastating song, I most certainly was not alive during the Soviet era or WW2, but my grandparents and specifically my grandpas family and himself were alive then and they lived in Germany and had to flee through different countries (I can’t remember which ones at this moment) and then had to move to America, his mom also had to give birth by herself in her home with no help or medicine. They were very poor, it was a very unfortunate/sad situation especially with the war going on at the time; and I love how this song conveys with such emotion and use of tone the dread of war and of the thought that one may not be able to return home to one’s family or loved ones or may be harmed in the war, and how the description of the dangerous or death-filled environment (bullets whistling, fighting, war, etc) sets the mood for the song. The “dark night” or the “dark” being used to describe the war and it separating him (the singer(?) / songwriter) and his wife + child from one another also conveys a lot of emotion and my interpretation of the war being described as the “dark” / the “dark night” is that the war is so intense and chaotic or full of violence that it all is muddied and blurred into this mass of darkness because of how war blinds a person both mentally and emotionally. The soldier / songwriter (?) longing for his wife & his child, or longing to return from this horrible war also stirs a lot of emotion in me, especially dread, sadness, regret, hiraeth, and more. Apologies for writing a whole book here haha I just feel very strongly towards this song 😅 and I’m only 14, I don’t know why I do, maybe it’s just that the song is just so well written / sung.
@@unknown_bitmaker3325 Russia and Ukraine will unite back as well as China and Taiwan, and many countries will join with them two to invade USA, WW3 has been prophesied
@@kmore8866 Ukrainians and Russians are basically the same, the song portrays the suffering of a people, the east slavic people. Do not try to negate my comment by just stating that Soviet =/ Russia because it sure was in some point. They suffered the most and you can figure that out from every one of their songs.
@@Densdel russians and ukrainians were never the same and will never be the same. how can you even say such a disrespectful thing during the war we have now?
man, i hate stereotypes. i just wish we could all understand that we are humans, and we make mistakes. i want us to unite in this world, come together, and heal the earth's wounds.
It's nice to see that in the comments people from different countries share their warm impressions of a beautiful song and kind words, despite the tense situation in the world Peace and goodness to all❤
Песня так и наполняет странным чувством, от чего так у лезут высокие мысли в голову. Пропадает желание спорить, остаётся только покой и приятное чувство тишины. Такие письма правда имели место быть во времена ВОВ. Мало кто способен выдать такие слова и от этого кажется, что человек в те годы чётко понимал, что живым он может, и не вернуться, и он решил излить все свои чувства свой второй половинке
Google Translate: "The song fills (me) with a strange feeling, from which lofty thoughts come into my head. The desire to argue disappears, only peace and a pleasant feeling of silence remain. Such letters really took place during the Second World War. Few people are able to give out such words, and from this it seems that a person in those years clearly understood that he might not return alive, and he decided to pour out all his feelings to his soulmate"
I’m Russian and I’m literally crying. People are so kind, I feel like we’re a big family. Love you all, wish things will get better and everyone will live in peace!!
I’m from the United States, and I wish you the best of luck in dealing with your leader that you have. This rough spot in history will hopefully be glossed over by intelligence, and international cooperation.
@@bluedinosaur7397 As a Russian we don't really have a problem with our leader but life still suck and even thought fancy i prefer live in the ussr even thought not fancy but Its much more safe than we have now
for people who want to sing it but dont know russian Tyomnaya noch', tol'ko puli svistyat po stepi, Tol'ko veter gudit v provodakh, tusklo zvyozdy mertsayut... V tyomnuyu noch' ty, lyubimaya, znayu, ne spish', I u detskoy krovatki taykom ty slezu utiraesh'. Kak ya lyublyu glubinu tvoikh laskovykh glaz, Kak ya khochu k nim prizhat'sya khot' raz gubami! Tyomnaya noch' razdelyaet, lyubimaya, nas, I trevozhnaya, chyornaya step' prolegla mezhdu nami. Veryu v tebya, v doroguyu podrugu moyu. Eta vera ot puli menya tyomnoy noch'yu khranila... Radostno mne, ya spokoen v smertel'nom boyu: Znayu, vstretish' s lyubov'yu menya, chto b so mnoy ni sluchilos'. Smert' ne strashna, s ney vstrechalis' ne raz my v stepi... Vot i teper' nado mnoyu ona kruzhitsya, Ty menya zhdyosh' i u detskoy krovatki ne spish', I poetomu znayu, so mnoy nichego ne sluchitsya!
My great grandfather died inWW2 And when i was a child I asked my grandpa “What happened to your dad” -He responded “He went to war and never come back”😢 I’m from Uzbekistan 🇺🇿, hello to anyone listening to this masterpiece
My great-grandfather died in the battle of Stalingrad. He died so that I could live now. When I listen to this song, I remember him and imagine how he sang this song in between battles and realized that he would never return home and see his family again...
@@Gold_Not_Godлюди хвалят за эту песню не Россию, не Украину, а СССР. Тогда русские и украинцы были братьями. Также существует песня, в которой есть слова «Киев бомбили, нам объявили, что началась война» и «война началась на рассвете, поднялся украинский народ», но в России её всё равно считают великой и слушают с гордостью за своих предков, что отстояли великую социалистическую Родину.
My great-grandfather's cousin also fought in the Battle of Stalingrad. He knew he would have to lay down his life to save his family. And the thanks he got was a fate worse than death: Stalin put him in a gulag in 1947.
my great-grandfather was a gunslinger. he fought near Moscow and Leningrad. they were commissioned for 2 severe wounds at 1943. his wife thought he was dead because a funeral letter came, but it turned out that he was alive. he lived up to 95 years old, never talked about the war and did not listen to military songs.
I’m an Englishman and for as long as I remember I’ve been told to be worried about Russia and the Russians, I do not fear you brothers and sisters we are all united, peace and love to my russian friends 🇷🇺 ❤️ 🇬🇧
Sadly I don’t speak Russian but this song is just incredibly beautiful. You don’t have to understand the words to know the meaning and to feel the emotions. That’s true art
The night is dark, only bullets are whizzing over the steppe Only wind rumbles in the wires, and faded stars twinkle. I know that you don't sleep in this dark night, my lovely, And you secretly wipe your tears by the cradle. I love so much the depth of your gentle eyes, I want to touch them now with my lips! The dark night divides us, my lovely, And severe, black steppe was pushed between me and you. I do believe in you, my dear friend, This faith prevented me from the bullets in the dark night... I am glad and calm in this deadly fight, Because I know that you will show me love, no matter what wrong happens to me. The death is not scary, we have faced it many times on the steppe. And even now it circles around me. You are waiting for me and you cannot sleep by the cradle. That's why I know: nothing wrong will happen to me
It is an war, since 2014 when russia started its illegal invasion of Ukraine, it isn’t an “SMO” but N unjust invasion of Ukraine, the russian government are the nazis.
No one will ever experience the tragedy the soviet people experienced during ww2. literally every family lost someone on the battlefield or else. its when everytime you are with our grandma, all she can think of is this war and the horrors she saw/lived through.
The Soviet's experienced a Massive Tragedy, We hope to god noone experiences what they did, but that'd be naive to assume suffering doesn't find a way.
In Brazil, it is difficult to find good music. That is why I decided to search in the distant memories of people on the other side of the world. Thank you, Soviet people, for this contribution.
@@dianapototska6684 ele provavelmente não gosta de gêneros antigos como bossa nova e samba, nem gosta das músicas atuais o que é totalmente compreensível pra quem fala português
@@sleepydog4205 Wunderbar. Ich liebe Deutsche, ich weiß nicht, wie du dich fühlst und ich finde, ich sehe gerade aus wie ein Kind. Aber ich möchte sagen, dass Deutsche und Nazis nicht dasselbe sind. Während des Großen Vaterländischen Krieges tauchten viele Deutsche unter und halfen dem sowjetischen Volk. Was trotz der Angst, von den eigenen gefoltert zu werden, die Bewohner der besetzten Dörfer rettete.
During the war, all he could think about was his wife and child, that’s what kept him going. The faith he had that he would get back to them when the war is over. It’s not death he’s afraid of, it’s never being able to see his family again😢 Edit 2024 Actually, it’s even more sad because a lot of fallen soldiers from the Allies had wives who were left widowed and their children left fatherless. So even though the war was won, it was the families of the fallen soldiers that lost 😞
@@RrhyzZ7690 Полагаю, предыдущий комментатор имел ввиду, что у солдата который верит в свою неминуемую смерть на войне , больше шансов погибнуть. Ибо он уже не бережет свою жизнь. А тот, который ВЕРИТ, обязательно вернется домой живым. По крайней мере больше вероятности.
my great-grandfather's favorite song, he held the defense of Stalingrad, and reached Berlin, he never talked about the war, but after each of my questions he wrote them down on a piece of paper, and when he was dying he handed them to me, when I read it all it was difficult to hold back tears. We will always remember the heroes of the old days.
@@Gold_Not_God Nobody here's "praising Russians" we're Praising the Sacrifice of Russians, Belorussians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Dagestanis, Georgians, a variety of Siberian People's and More who fought to preserve their Revolution, their Lives and to Crush the Nazis.
@@Ekaterina40219 Kalinka is not a Soviet song, The Sacred War was also written by Ukrainians and afterwards it was simply remade for Soviet propaganda, as well as "The Red Army is the strongest" or "Yablochko" - in fact, the four best Soviet songs were written by Ukrainians, all the rest are little-known songs in the writing of which other peoples besides Russians also participated.
My great-grandfather defended the Barricades factory, I am very proud of him :).Greetings to all from Volgograd (from Voroshilovsky district) (former Stalingrad) It is very nice to see how foreigners like this song.
Тёмная ночь, только пули свистят по степи, Только ветер гудит в проводах, тускло звёзды мерцают. В тёмную ночь ты, любимая, знаю, не спишь, И у детской кроватки тайком ты слезу утираешь. Как я люблю глубину твоих ласковых глаз, Как я хочу к ним прижаться сейчас губами! Тёмная ночь разделяет, любимая, нас, И тревожная, чёрная степь пролегла между нами. Верю в тебя, в дорогую подругу мою, Эта вера от пули меня тёмной ночью хранила… Радостно мне, я спокоен в смертельном бою, Знаю, встретишь с любовью меня, что б со мной ни случилось. Смерть не страшна, с ней встречались не раз мы в степи. Вот и теперь надо мною она кружится. Ты меня ждёшь и у детской кроватки не спишь, И поэтому знаю: со мной ничего не случится!
back in 2020 when we were all in lockdown, a friend of mine showed me some russian song. that little thing changed me forever, changed my cultur, my opinions and my music taste. thanks to him
@@Gold_Not_God The song dark is the Night was written by composer Nikita Bogoslovsky (1913-2004) Born in Sankt Petersburg Russia 🇷🇺. But hey you Ukrainians have Stephan Bandera the natsii.
@@RominaCardenas-u6t The song and lyrics were created by Vladimir Garievich, born in 1901, in Kiev. The singer is Mark Bernes was born in 1969, in the city of Nizhyn, Ukraine. The song was created for a ukrainian movie directed by Leonid Davidovich, who was born in Mariupol (which now by the way russian fascist army has leveled to the ground). The only russian who participated in writing the song is Nikita Vladimirovich, the composer of the barely audible melody in the background.
My grandmother was at WW 2 as a nurse , she sang me this song as lullaby. She was Polish Jew , who was taken by Russians to army , and that saved her from horrible death by Nazis . She loved Russian war songs and sang them to me . Please , everybody , stop saying horrible things about Russians , they are different people , don't generalise , please . And don't say , that this song , such as victory at WW2 and all good things which was built at USSR , belong only to Russians , they belong to all people of former USSR , who built it together. The poet who wrote the words of this song and the singer were Jews , who sincerely felt that every Soviet soldier was their brother. Please , everybody , stop to say hateful things about any nation .
As a foreigner (ironically, an American), I agree that one shouldn't generalise. Every being has their own uniquenesses that defer them from each other, and it is better to read the pages/detailed reviews before you make your own judgements. After all, everything has far more nuances than you see easily. Red is considered a violent colour, but it is the very essence of a mammal that keeps it alive. And blue, while it is the vast ocean, can be overwhelming and drowning. Your country has some very nice songs, by the way.
I dunno. I remember my grandmother vividly telling me about how the Soviets forced their best friend (a jew) to leave the country when she was still a child only allowing to take one single bag on the way. Doesn't seem very tolerant to me tbh.
Thank you so much, I’m very appreciate it, when somebody saying warm words about Russia. It’s hurt to see awful stuff about your country and your people everyday in the Internet. So thank you very much for you story, it’s make me happy and strong.
@@Gold_Not_God потому что Россия правоприемница СССР, все совесткое в прошлом - это все русское в настоящем и будущем, в том числе и творчество, которое шло под общим флагом, флагом СССР, на который полные права сейчас имеет РФ
@@rdxedf5923 Этот бред кроме тебя никто в мире не признает, даже Россия при всём старании путинизма Советский союз исключительно своей территорией или историей не признал.
@@Gold_Not_Godну что же, раз это бред, то когда Украина свою часть советских долгов выплатит? Можно сразу России, которая по всем долгам СССР рассчиталась, скинуться так сказать.
@@РикСанчес-я6з Пхахаха если что долг за лендлиз был выплачен меньше одного процента и даже так то что выплачено - не было обязательством, Путин сам умолял США взять деньги чтоб потом начать реваншистскую пропаганду и пиарить мнение что СССР = россия
It's truly astonishing, to think about the massive carnage the men that sung this song not even a century ago must have endured, among the cold of the steppes, men that had thoughts and dreams just like us. And they died in the millions, and we owe them the world... literally. I don't even want to imagine a world where the nazis succeded in their invasion. May all the souls that were lost in the war rest in peace
@@szymonbaczek7885 i mean that the tens of millions of brave souls that were courageous enough to give away literally everything that they could have ever had in their lives, just to protect their wives, children and the world at large form the monstrosity of the nazi beast… i assume you’re polish by your name, you should be more aware than everybody else of what those sick people were able to do. Stalin was a really bad man too, of course, and had his share of atrocities and brutalities, and forever stained the name of communism to the many people that were, and aren’t, willing to research what it’s actually supposed to be according to people with common sense (and marx himself) with an open mind, but i’m diverging. He arguably helped much to industrialise a broken country like the post-civil war soviet union though, something that surely helped against the german war machine and perhaps was the saving grace of the whole country, given how little the nazi divisions were close to conquer its major cities, and even though the soviet rule after the war, especially with stalin, was oppressive and dictatorial it would be hypocritical to say it was worse than the nazi’s, because it’d be just plain not true… TLDR, it’s really not what i meant with my comment, i was just empathising with the brave ww2 russian soldiers.
Тёмная Ночь - Текст Тёмная ночь, только пули свистят по степи, Только ветер гудит в проводах, тускло звёзды мерцают В тёмную ночь ты, любимая, знаю, не спишь, И у детской кроватки тайком ты слезу утираешь Как я люблю глубину твоих ласковых глаз, Как я хочу к ним прижаться теперь губами Тёмная ночь разделяет, любимая, нас, И тревожная, чёрная степь пролегла между нами Верю в тебя, в дорогую подругу мою, Эта вера от пули меня тёмной ночью хранила Радостно мне, я спокоен в смертельном бою, Знаю, встретишь, с любовью меня, чтоб со мной ни случилось Смерть не страшна, с ней не раз мы встречались в степи Вот и теперь надо мною она кружится Ты меня ждёшь и у детской кроватки не спишь, И поэтому знаю со мной ничего не случится И поэтому знаю со мной ничего не случится
I, a natural Canadian, will share this every 9th day of May for the rest of my life. No matter what happens in these times, I will never forget what the Russian people sacrificed for our collective future as decent human beings; and I will forever resent the despicable acrimony and bloodlust cast upon you by your lessers, among them the evil governance of the western nations. With all my spirit I wish you success in your campaign for peace and evenness against the imperial chauvinism that operates with an unconscionable contempt for life. May the killing be stopped. May all kinds come together to make a world, once and for all.
My grandparents on my mom’s side use to sing this to each other during their hard times; wanting to cheer another up and remind the other of the love they felt. She sung this song the day before she died, a day me and my mom severely mourn. Rest In Peace babushka medved'. I’m only around half Russian, and I can’t speak or read it, but my appreciation for this song is immense.
Imagine being a soviet soldier in the outskirts of Stalingrad, it's night, everything is silent and suddenly you start listening this song in the dark. Must be a heavy image.
more like laying in а trench and guessing if you will make it through the night.
I now live in the former Stalingrad (Volgograd). my great-grandmother survived the siege. thank you for honoring our culture, it's very nice nowadays
we salute the brave soviet warriors@@aanchoyss
yes. because the soviet soldiers had the ability to play music while deployed to the front lines almost a hundred years ago.........
Sorry i dont imagine things
0% language knowledge
100% emotions
Music can reach even the most divided territories, that's why its an universal language
@@OsnoloVrach золотые слова
Means you have a heart
Согласен, это Русский язык
@@KtośCoś-f7lУх тыж, ладно, учту
The painting is called "Ursa Major". The stars around the man symbolize his fellow soldiers, who could also smoke a cigarette with him but died in battles.
This painting us not original one but meaning is same.
I swear to God i was thinking this is Stalin
@@belaprela2485 Сталин с усами и постарше выглядит
@@РоманДобрый-б1к something like that
@@belaprela2485 exactly
@SRM Official еще грустнее становится от невероятного количества таких судеб Русских людей
В двух мировых войнах, гражданской войне и от репрессий большевиков погибли десятки миллионов лучших людей
На все это наложилась глубочайшая депрессия от поражения в холодной войне и развала исторической России в 1991
This song happened to pop up while I'm standing outside at night at work smoking a cigarette. The music fits the 20 degree weather and the foggy weather.
20 is room temperature. How is it foggy?
@Мирич-з4е They're likely using fahrenheit, not celsius
Same here.
@@lunar58071 They should've mentioned it. Only a few out of 195 countries are using Fahrenheit.
The very first version of this song was irreversibly damaged by some factory worker because she couldn't stop crying while copying and listening to this track so her tears accidentally ruined the tape. In soviet culture such things are called "the magic power of art"
No wonder. Back then memories of war would have been so much more traumatic.
Да я и сам сейчас слушаю, и чувствую, слезы подступают. Какая то в нас прошивка сидит, очень трогают эмоции, переданные в песне.
@@vasin7480 Согласна,это одна из немногих песен,способных вывести меня на слёзы.Помню,готовились к 9 маю и искали разные песни.В начале поиска я была в приподнятом настроении,но,послушав эту песню,разрыдалась как ребёнок.
and y'know what else they're called in russia... "your discretions have been noted"
@@Googleusergoogleuser-b4p this song was recorded in 1942, during the darkest hours of the war, that's why it's called "Dark night"
My grandfather used to sing this song, although our first language is Sakha (Yakut). Hello from Yakutia.
Чуваааак!!! 👋
@CiskoLunar-mk3yw Due to the dry climate, the cold is felt less. For example -40 will feel like -30. I'm from Russia
Hello i saw yakutia sun festival like the festival just before the sun sets for months, made me respect my ever available asian sun existence, perspectives are great. Yakutian youtubers are great
@CiskoLunar-mk3yw Bro, Russians can dive into a hole in -20 and not get sick.
@@potanyy9962-30 doesn’t make it any better bruh
My great-grandfather stormed Berlin as part of this division, which eventually captured the Reichstag. He died on the stairs of the Reichstag after the final assault from a heart attack. He met the war in his home in 1941 and went through the whole thing, and eventually died unable to withstand the joy and excitement of anticipation of the end of the war and the peaceful sky above his head. Both a tragic and a wonderful story about human emotions in war and peace
Rest in peace...🕯🥀
Where was he from?
@@miovicdina7706 the Belarusian SSR
Такая история… и ведь она не одна… (((
My grandfather went as infantry soldier all the way to Elba river, met Americans there. Another grandfather was a military truck driver, was wounded and lost a sightseeing in one eye. Both survived the War.
This song feels like a warm embrace
yes, and yet the embrace is as far as his lover, as unachievable, and as unlikely to ever return to him
It feels more like a freezing and completely windless night.
Language barrier ain't shit. This got me depressed
I fell asleep to it (I’m Russian)
Translate it, you will feel way better of knowing what is it about. 🫡
But it's a beautiful love song 😅...
About how he loves his soulmate 😢❤
@@Northy129Xx22 You meant to say that this was your lullaby as a child.
@@Northy129Xx22you should teach me
I can’t imagine being in the USSR during world war 2 and wrap my mind around the loss of almost 27,000,000 people. No one can. Americans call it the lost generation what we went through after the war, the soviets lost entire towns, cities and all the rest. What a great song with an eerie undertone that still preaches hope through the worst of times.
I'm a 30 year old from an ex-Soviet country and the war left permanent marks on everyone here. My dad's side of the bloodline is uncertain because of the war, but we know at least one of them died in the war. Others were just "lost" and so on
WW2 was a terrible, terrible tragedy and I hope to god we never have to repeat it. But then again, if we do, I'll probably be lying in a ditch at some point because I wouldn't take it sitting down either
sad life when you have to think like this
Jesus, imagine losing so many people over a bunch of dudes disagreeing, reminds me of why I refused to be drafted, I'm merely a cigarette seller in here, but it keeps a roof over my head, food in my tummy and enough internet to shield myself from ignorance.
Only communism allows a country to lose 20+ million people in a war. It destroys the idea of the individual and individual freedoms disappear. Makes my teeth hurt when I see people defending communism and even socialism. Same thing
, идиот, «позволила потерять 20 миллионов людей»….
Как раз самые ожесточёные сражения были именно на восточном фронте, так же очень много советских солдат и жителей подверглись пыткам и смерти в концентрационных лагерях. Именно Советский Союз нанёс основное поражение нацистам, освободил всю восточную Европу и освободил рейхстаг.
Враг напал достаточно внезапно (советский союз был слишком поздно осведомлён что Германия готовиться атаковать) и крушил всё до чего мог дотянуться, однако ТОЛЬКО СССР смог выстоять, другие страны быстро пали под натиском фашистов.
Больше всего гитлер хотел смерти славян, после того как СССР дал жёсткий отпор.
А то что гитлер своим главным врагом считал Молотова Рибентропа из-за того что он видел в нём угрозу пропаганды, наверное ты не в курсе.
Специально написал комментарий на русском языке чтобы ты пошёл переводить, так как большего невежества нежели от тебя (и в твоём комментарии в частности) я ни у кого не видел.
@@abdou.the.heretic so all the people fought nazis are idiots? If good people stop fighting evil will priveil
This song reminded me of memories I never had in the Soviet Union.
If reincarnation is real, it’s not to crazy if your previous life was there; it was pretty big after all
Maybe in your past life
Same I felt like I fought in the war
No incarnation, no past life, you're a human being who can relate to others.❤
@@Steve_Harvey940and now you are the jonkler
From Turkey here. I don’t know how on earth I landed this song but one of the most beautiful and emotional songs I ever heard . May the soul of all those lost rest in peace❤
@@Redsaticmerhaba :)
@@omerrasidsak9206 nasilsin
This isn't depression, this isn't sadness, this is peace.
No, this is toska
Yes, it's toska
Isn’t тоска a synonym for sadness?
@@HereJohnsonCave it's a similar feeling, but different. Toska is an all-consuming and oppressive feeling of despair and despondency, it's like glue from which you can't get out, when you're in toska you don't want anything
This is Patrick
That was my grandfather's favorite song. He went from 1941 till Königsberg and then been fighting against Japan in Manchuria and came home only in september 1945
@@ilya1488krutoj тогда и после войны он был Кёнигсберг, в 1946 году он стал Калининградом
Are you russian, right?
@@benkenobi3703 general kenoooobi. you are bold one
@@abracadabra6203 bald one
@@benkenobi3703 no, he german
The feelings of this song break the language barrier, I am not Russian, in fact, I am from the United States, my close ancestors were made to hate Russians and fear them, yet I find their art beautiful, their history tragic, their worries very real, I wish all of you the best through hard times.
It's sad. In 21 century people hates other people because of their nationality. Hope you will find more things of our culture.
@@Kremlinbot-mz1cm I think something was lost in translation, I don't hate the Russians, but my parents were told that is what they must do
Тебе тоже здоровья и удачи, всë будет хорошо!🖤
У нас, у русских трагичная судьба, последние 200 лет с властью не везёт :(
А люди то хорошие, с богатой культурой, языком, умные, красивые, эх...
Thank you
I'm a Fulani (an ethnical group in Africa). I've found this magestic chef-d'œuvre randomly. But to be honest I've been listening to it for days now. I have no clue in Russian langage but I will learn just to get true essence of the song. I can't describe the feeling I have. So imagine being a Russian speaker and understanding the Russian culture, I can just imagine the feeling you would have.
❤hello from usa
Так и есть брат. Я нам с первых классов школы приходили ветераны м кратко , скупо рассказывали о войне о ее боли и ужасе .
Hello from santiago de chile
Hello! I am Russian.
This is a farewell letter from a man who doesn’t want his wife to worry, this is a letter in which you tell your wife that everything will be fine, but I will not return alive from this war.
Hello! I am Russian.
This is a farewell letter from a man who doesn’t want his wife to worry, this is a letter in which you tell your wife that everything will be fine, but I will not return alive from this war.
it's one of those songs that makes you "nostalgic" for a time you've never experienced...
you are nostalgic for war?
nostalgia? this is a song about being in the darkest moments of the deadliest war in history.
nostalgiatarding over ww2 is the funniest shit ever lol
nostalgia is wild 💀🔥
no way your deadass makes you "nostalgic" about war. You've never experienced it because you DON'T WANT to. smh
The calmness of this is haunting despite of how loud the pain in the words is . I do not speak Russian but the tragedy crosses all the borders & barriers. I’ve always admired Russian literature & how truthful and poetic they are , and this song isn’t an exception. It makes me nostalgic to an era I’ve never witnessed.
They are not perfect, but tend to lie less than the western people. An example, (In America at least) we smile way too much. Everything you do with someone you don’t know is almost always done with a smile. Defeating the purpose of it. Russians do not. When they smile, they do it for a reason. I can relate to that a little bit more. I don’t like smiling all the time for no reason, it’s almost dystopian.
That feeling of yours is called "anemoia"
i speak rus and it is very sad... if i had epathy i suspect i would have cried
Откуда ты?
@@Санечка-д6в я только понимаю Русский... Я од Македоний 😀🇲🇰... Но мой русский есть А2 😭
Holy shit, my family and I are camping, everybody is asleep, I have a good view of the mountains, the surroundings are foggy, I can hear thunder, AND I AM LISTENING TO THIS SONG. This feeling is something else.
(I left this comment, it didn't really do well for a few months, now it's suddenly blown up lol)
*HOLY* SHIT indeed JoJo...
@@thefanboy3285 shit's good
Based weekend
That sounds like a dream.
Im sorry but qhat the fuck was you doing with your phone with such a view like that?, i mean... nature
I'm glad that so many foreigners express their love for the song. I hope that I can sing this masterpiece for the holiday at my school. By the way, greetings from Russia! (sorry, I'm using a translator)
0% language knowledge
100% pain
Необязательно знать язык,чтобы понять смысл этой песни...
Pain increase after U have language knowledge
And ik we don't need that but it's still painful
Dark night
Only bullets are whistling across the steppe
Only the wind hums in the wires
Dimly the stars twinkle
On a dark night
You, my love, I know you're not sleeping.
And at the crib secretly
You're wiping away a tear
[Verse 2]
How I love
The depth of your gentle eyes
How I want to
To press my lips to them now
Dark night
Divides us, my love
And the disturbing, black steppe
It lay between us
[Verse 3]
I believe in you
To my dear friend
This faith is from the bullet of me
I kept it on a dark night
I'm happy
I am calm in mortal combat
I know you will meet me with love
No matter what happens to me, Death is not terrible
We met with her more than once in the steppe
And now
She's spinning above me
Are you waiting for me
And you don't sleep by the crib
And that's why I know: with me
Nothing's going to happen.
@@mesteroogweylalulanga8862Yeah, that's our thing 🥲
Songs like this make me want to learn Russian so bad. I just hope I'l be able to understand everything he's singing in the future.
Good luck! Удачи!
Don't worry, VERY VERY soon you will be learning russian for- Willfully! I mean't Willfully!
Good luck my friend! ) Удачи!
Break a leg! It's gonna be an intimidating but funny journey
@@RealCuckoo cringe, bro.
The Russian experience is one of tragedy, pain, and sorrow. As an American, I absolutely love and adore Russian culture and art! Our governments may try and put us against each other but deep down I know Russians are some of Gods strongest soldiers and I pray one day we will hold hands with one another in peace!
In pain you become stronger
мы все справимся, брат, и всё у нас будет хорошо
Я из города Санкт-Петербурга и я всегда рад иностранцам надеюсь что когда нибудь я смогу приехать в Америку и подробнее узнать вашу культуру и увидеть своими глазами достопримечательности :)
War is a profitable business, in modern times(
Every Human in this world can understand this song through the raw feeling of emotion. Rest in Peace to all soldiers who were forced to fight.
Спокойная и в то же время безумно тяжёлая песня, которая пронзает душу и сердце
@Гражданин Советского Союза проглоти лезвие с молочком
@Гражданин Советского Союза commie basterd
@Гражданин Советского Союза cringe
@@dooes8337 no
да, но ее ускорили
I'm Russian. And I want to express my gratitude to all those who left a kind comment for this video. The Second World War left a terrible mark on the face of humanity, and over time the pain does not subside. The world is changing, people are changing. One thing is invariably the pain and sadness for tens of millions of dead.
It’s truly sad how the Cold War has tarnished everyone’s opinion towards Russia and the Soviet Union itself, how western propaganda dictates Russians as ‘murderers’ and arsonists
This isn’t the case, if only they had experienced the brutal conditions that was the Nazi Invasion and saw what it was truly like for the Russian people. A revival of the USSR is needed, greetings from Britain 🇬🇧🤝🇷🇺
@@ctzaire The USSR was good, but it showed its inconsistency. After all, the essence of the USSR was based on the honesty and integrity of people, all people living in the country. And this is not very stable. Thank you for your kind words. In Russia, propaganda also speaks of a decaying West and a soulless America. But fortunately, many people don't care about these words, just like me. Neither race nor nation matters to me. The main thing is that a person should be capable of kindness to his neighbor
@@НикитаТимошенков-в4щ так запад действительно загнивает, в том плане что там кругом ЛГБТ и всё такое. По телевизору и не говорят, что запад загнивает в экономическом плане
@@СырАрбузов А у нас лучше? Экономика трещит, все системы обеспечения безопасной жизни народа гниют. Народ быдлеет, все больше и больше религиозных фанатиков которые с криком безбожники сами же нарушают все заветы своей религии. Процветающий алкоголизм и нарастающая ксенофобия и нетерпимость ко всем кто не соответствует взглядам нашей страны.
Коррупция и много еще чего.
А на Запад не стоит отсылаться. Мы не запад. У нас никогда не будет как у них, даже если мы разрешим все тоже что и у них
ваши люди прошли через многое, я поддерживаю вас за это
Середина 80-ых. Я в детском садике пою эту песню перед ветеранами. Боже как летит время. Помню как 9 мая автобусы наполнялись людьми с орденами.
Помню сидели и всем классом слушали историю о войне от ветерана, было всего-то несколько лет назад, сейчас в нашем городе больше не от кого не услышать эти рассказы
Помню как нас называли братским народом... а щас разхреначюют наши города и называют нас нацыстами хотя наши деды во ВОВ воевали пличем к плечу, Извеняюсь за политику
Глаза наполнились слезами, грустно, возможно мое поколение последнее поколение застававшее ветеранов ВОВ. Надеюсь мы не будем видит новых, и ветераны с Украины станут последними
@@СтаниславБайгер-ч8т Это ведь именно в Москве переименовали проспект боевого генерала ВОВ в проспект коллаборациониста и офицера СС, да ?
@@antonSlashCo Какого СС? :/
I wish more music these days had this soft tune and beautiful, deep lyrics.
Я рад, я понимал около 70 процентов эту песню без читая субтитрами. Ещё учу. Привет из NZ 🇳🇿🩷🇷🇺
Вау, довольно хорошо говоришь
@@SubscribeSRpelo спасибо большое 💚
Какая Ваша мотивация изучения столь тяжелого языка? И сколько Вы его уже учите?
как приятно читать комментарии,когда ты русский человек
We are allies at heart, but made to think we're enemies in this sick world
Да тут все русские, просто на англ комменты пишут
@@CBeTuHblTpycbl 💯😁
I'm Sudanese, but I'm learning Russian Is this song is the Russian language?
When i was a boy. My father sang for me this while i sleep.
Im from Hungary. Im 33 but i still in love with Russian songs.
This is very cute🥹.
Szerencsét továbbra is és részvétem🙋♂️🫡👍
But Mark Berne's from Ukraine
Love from usa❤
wow, i got so many likes.. my father in a hospital now (sick and old)... its mean a lot to me.. thx guys...
I was born in the Soviet Union, 20 years after the Second World War. I've listened to and loved this song since childhood. I couldn't even imagine that non-Russian speakers could feel and understand the meaning and emotions of this song.
А откуда именно?
Песня - топ)не могу перестать слушать
May the soldiers of U.S.S.R rest in peace….
@@simyagrafik9414 Yup, autocorrect mistake 🤭
And may nazis and successors of their ideas never will
@@schwarz4not all germans were nazis
Putin: And I took that personally
Комментарии под этим роликом буквально заставляют заново хотеть жить.. Это невероятно, что здесь такой островок добра, где все желают друг другу только хорошего. Значит песня действительно легендарная. Мой папа поет ее ветеранам 9 мая, когда он выезжает к ним под окна вместе с театром, в котором работает, чтобы дать небольшой концерт для них, потому что многим уже тяжело ходить. Наш город маленький, осталось всего 10 ветеранов. Каждый раз, когда папа поет эту песню, вижу как, слезятся его глаза, и не могу не перенять это настроение от него. Эта песня всегда трогает. Все мы люди и хотим мира. Боже, скорее бы он наступил... Это всё так невыносимо.
much much love from india🤍 we love you guys so so much💕
Мир так легко не получить. Придётся приложить огромную силу, возможно с огромными потерями, ведь как по-другому получить мир в таком Мире?
И у моей мамы это любимая песня,, ей много уже. Читая комментарии я плакал, плакал от того что отец Ваш герой.....
Сентиментальная хуйня. Пиздеж полный. На войне человек чувствует несколько вариантов реакций и ни одна из них даже близко не похожа на текст этой песни.
А) либо человек чувствует бешеную ярость и/или страх, которые дают ему силы драться как берсерк и прорываться во что бы то ни стало.
Б) либо полную отстранннность и замороженность. (это шоковая реакция на психилогически травмирующую обстановку). Человек как будто наблюдает за собой со стороны и холодно подмечает отдельные вещи. Иногда думает о деле (и только о деле, ему не до мыслей про свою любовницу в этот момент). Иногда во время дела пролетают странные несвязанные мысли (типа человек подмечает цвет травы, или замечает какие-то мелкие детали как в slowmo).
Но совершенно точно ни один солдат во время боевых действий не думает с нежностью и спокойствием как он вернётся домой и девушка будет дарить ему нежность. Сентиментальная лживая ебань. Сраный дешёвый пиздеж.
Ненавижу дешёвое манипулятивное "искусство". Которое чтобы выдавить слезу или умиление из слушателя врет ему о реальности. Это лишь делает людей более глупыми и оторванными от реальности, внушает им искаженные представления о жизни и о войне. Особенно опасно это делать в отношении войн. Про войну люди должны знать настоящую правду по- максимуму. Что это шок, боль, страх и ярость. Иногда это ледяное равнодушие и цинизм, даже с грязным юморком в адрес чужих страданий. Не обязательно даже вражеских, а просто чужих, лишь бы не твоих. Как Доренко рассказывал "на войне ты ржёшь, когда ты своей машиной поднял мину, а ноги оторвало тому кто ехал после тебя".
Люди должны понимать, что никогда ты не будешь прежним, после того что там видел. Спиваться или провоцировать драки с прохожими, чтобы попиздиться и вылить ярость - это да, нормальный образ жизни экс-комбатанта. Или бить своих ребёнка и жену, потому что кипит пост-травматическая ярость. Тоже норм, бывает.
А наслаждаться нежностью "любимой" это из области сказок. лол)))) нежность доступна только здоровым невинным людям, а после войны человека ждёт сплошной эмоциональный надрыв и драма.
У меня и дедушка был ветеран войны с серьёзными орденами, и я сама как психолог работала с людьми, которые были в Чечне и спивались от своего птср. Про войну я кое-что знаю. Своими глазами не видела, но когда тебе люди подробно в деталях на протяжении многих часов рассказывают про кровь и насилие, ты в какой-то степени все же проживаешь это вместе с ним. (а иначе человек не получит облегчение; только когда ты действительно эмпатически присоединяешься к нему и видишь картины, которые он описывает, он начинает чувствовать что он не один в своей травме, а рядом с ним есть кто-то; и только после такого контакта он начинает доверять специалисту и позволяет ему делать работу, подпускает к своей травме).
Ненавижу лживые романтизации страшных событий. Меня бомбит холодной злостью от этой песни.
П.с. написала это и вдруг подумала: дедушка бы мною гордился. хотя он как раз мало пил, бабушку не бил и циничных шуток не шутил, человек он был жёсткий и на разговоры о войне реагировал очень зло, так что отец не решался его спрашивать даже про ордена. Я знаю, что дедушка бы мной гордился за этот коммент. Злоба - это именно то как дедушка реагировал на романтизацию и мифологизацию войны.
Мифологии надо рассеивать, а не сочинять сраные сентиментальные сказки чтоб покайфовать от своих сентиментальных фантазий.
Вторая мировая война коснулась каждого поэтому все и с ужасом её и вспоминают
My grandfather was wounded in battle. And when he came to his senses, he saw that the battle was over and the german officer was walking around and finishing off wounded russian soldiers with his pistol. When he approached my grandfather, they looked into each other's eyes and the officer was unable to shoot. He turned around and walked away...
This is how my grandfather was captured. They were transported to Polish territory to a concentration camp for prisoners of war. They all spent the first night standing in a cattle pen, knee-deep in mud. And in the morning they could not get out, because the frost had frozen the ground...
I can't imagine it all, but that's exactly how it was. My grandfather survived and returned home because he knew agricultural work and was taken from a concentration camp by a German landowner to work on his farm. I remember my grandfather alive, but it was my mother who told me this story.
And I understand well now how difficult it was for them to keep them alive. That's why this song is so real and heart-taking...
thank you for sharing ❤ wow..
Представьте: вы ходите и добиваете солдат противника, понимая, что каждый выстрел-это слёзы семьи.
Lol what does this have to do with Russia if this song is Soviet and the singer and author of the lyrics are ukrainians?
@@Gold_Not_GodRussians were also from the USSR? So were Kazakhstans and Mongolians and etc etc. They were all part of the USSR and have just as much right to share the stories of their ancestors as Ukrainians.
@@tfan2222 Meaningless comment
I really wish for all of us to just get along and all be friends for once. Without bias, fear, prejudice. Just different friendly people.
Most of the people are friendly but the propaganda and the politics we hear all the time can really mess us up
The Jews don’t want that.
No. All you can do is accept this is all meaningless and accept it while smoking a cigarette and thinking desperately
There's only one reason why humans will never get along.
A perfect world that is, your wish could only be granted and be reality by a genie, it truly is sad to know that until the end of humanity, hatred towards each other will always occur, what a sad realization isn't it.
This is truly the best version of the song, because it is sung with so much emotion. It's solemn loneliness, remembrance and love mixed to perfection.
I totally agree with you. Do you know where to stream it?
in case you still search, i recently found this version on apple music by aleksandr tsfasman, havent found anything on spotify or anything else though
❤!!(⊃ Д)⊃≡゚ ゚(((UωU` *)(* ´UωU)))(*^3(*^o^*)(((UωU` *)(* ´UωU)))(uωu*)(^3^)/ヽ(●´ε`●)ノ(^3^)/(〃´ー`人´ー`〃)(^3^)/(^3^)/(〃´ー`人´ー`〃)(^3^)/(´∀`*)ε` )(^3^)/(´∀`*)ε` )ヽ(●´ε`●)ノ(^3^)/(*^3(*^o^*)(((UωU` *)(* ´UωU)))(^-^)/(*^^*)(^o^):-);-)(^ー^)( ̄ー ̄)( ゚ー゚)p(^-^)q(^ー^):->;-):->( *´・ω)/(;д; )(/_;)/~~( *´・ω)/(;д; )( *´・ω)/(;д; ):-(( *´・ω)/(;д; )( *´・ω)/(;д; )( *´д)/(´д`、)( ´⊇`)( >Д<;)( ・3・)( ´-ω-)( ω-、)( -д-)( ´-ω-)( ´-ω-)(゜ロ゜):-O(゜ロ゜):-O(゜ロ゜)(/--)/!!ヽ(゚д゚ヽ)(ノ゚д゚)ノ!! ゚ ゚ ( Д )!!(⊃ Д)⊃≡゚ ゚!!( ; ロ)゚ ゚!!(⊃ Д)⊃≡゚ ゚!!(゜ロ゜ノ)ノ!Σ(×_×;)!( ゚□゚)( Д ) ゚ ゚(((^^;)(^^;(^_^;)(^^;X-゜)))彡○o。. ̄(=∵=) ̄
600th like!!!
Папа пел мне это как колыбельную
До сих пор приятно под это засыпать :3
this song calms me for reasons i don't have the words to explain. i use it to study and now i feel fine even if i'm all alone
As a Russian, I am extremely happy and proud that songs in my language, which touch the soul of so many people in my country, are being distributed to other countries. It means a lot to all of us. Thank You, truly
Not everyone agrees with the dogmatic anti-Russian zeitgeist currently sweeping the Western countries, where people think everything Russian should be banned. I got into Russian music years ago btw and always come back to it regardless of geopolitics, even though I don't speak Russian. Lyube, DDT, Elka, etc. and then all the Russian doomer stuff.
Respect from Belgium.
@@der1222 iam dutch here we dont hate russians either but its the news that spreads the bad news although i do have to say that putin acts like a total ret*rd with this war causing thousends of deaths i do not russia for it they cant do anything about it they are forced into it its like i always say those rats at the high table are not agreeing and the civilians have to pay the price for it like always
This is also thr reason i refuse to go into the army im not fighting for a bunch of rats who take our money and leave us to starve and obey them
Анна! Скинь ножки
No matter what happens to me, i still respect Russia, Comrade, even tho im from Lithuania (it was a part of the USSR)
We are all human!
26.6 мл погибших. Никто не забыт... Слава героям! Спасибо всем кто стоял в одном ряду!
Death to fascism,Freedom to the people
Не забыт, говоришь... Если бы так было, то лозунг "никогда больше" не превратился бы в "можем повторить". Если бы так было, сотни тысяч трупов не гнили бы сейчас в украинской земле. Все таки забыли. Забыли цену человеческой жизни, теперь это снова просто ресурс, расходник...
@@folton12 я тоже не понимаю как можно было начать что то настолько страшное снова...
@@folton12 ты тупой или что-то? Ты вот так взял вытянул лозунг, который говорит, о том что герои не забыты в ебаную политику, со своим оценочным суждением. У тебя половины мозга нету или что или ты бот? Причем тут вообще Украина, ебнутое ты существо?
@@folton12 промытыш...
Somehow a Russian poem has travelled through time and borders to reach us now, to make us realise how human emotions can be preserved with art and how everyone can feel the pain regardless of language barriers and nationalities ❤
Скоріш радянське. Ну якщо взагалі точно, то українська поема.
@@chatfache5939то вам совок тоталитарная диктатура, то это все в СССР сделано, в республике Украина
@@chatfache5939 она была в Ташкенте написана, хоть бы погуглили
@@NesTesik Можливо, бо починаючи з вимушеного входу в Радянський Союз, українську мову й літературу намагалися знищити (як й культуру інших народів), потім було три штучно створених голодомори для не одної лиш України, а ще в наслідку, ми можемо бачити таку хворобу, що більш є психічною (відсталістю) як рашизм? / Ну це про перше, а кажучи про друге, то СРСР все одно був, а він народився в роки його існування. Тому робіть висновки😝. Та й взагалі, тут воно більш для того, щоб принизити росіян і т.д., бо в людей чисто більша половина досягнень - це те, що зробили інші, але вони привласнили собі
Lol what does this have to do with Russia if this song is Soviet and the singer and author of the lyrics are ukrainians?
Crazy to think almost as many people have seen this video as people who died fighting in the East
No people can express the depth of human emotions as deeply as Slavs can especially Russians, much love from your southern brothers Serbs 🇷🇸❤️🇷🇺
Спасибо большое! Любим вас тоже❤❤❤ 🇷🇺💗🇷🇸
Единая судьба единого народа
Благодарим! )))
man, if there's a world war next time don't involve me again plz
Славяне. Вместе. Сила.
This guy is Ukrainian.
After Ukraine go away from soviet Russia lost that.
It is Ukrainian thing you are talking about)))
my grandfather fought in the second world war for the soviet union. When all the soldiers died and he took a bullet, he hid behind the corpses and pretended to be dead. And the Germans pierced all the corpses with shovels. My grandfather was also pierced, right in the stomach, but he was able to endure it and he himself crawled to our field hospital. I am still very impressed by this, and I understand how much people fought for our country back then.
That is insane, huge respect
Did he tell you there is no heroism in war? My grandfather was english and he drank every night because he thought he should've died with his friends and had shame for killing
@@herbertmoon998 2 of my great grandparents who died in their 20s would also say the same if they were alive
@@herbertmoon998 its callled surivors guild
@@herbertmoon998 Слава героям Советского Союза
Я рад, я понимал около 70 процентов эту песню без читая субтитрами. Ещё учу. Привет из Техас 🇺🇸 🤝🏻 🇷🇺
Не думайте, что мы вас ненавидим! У на люди понимают, что нету плохой нации, а есть плохие люди! Мы вас любим🇷🇺☦️💪🏼💕
@@SPPLrise Мы тоже. Самые громкие люди - самые глупые люди.
Россияне, не забывайте что оружием США, а именно Хаймарсами и гаубицами М777 уничтожают пачками ваших солдат, которые решили оккупировать чужие территории.
Как здоровье
I'm sitting on the edge of my bed reading in candlelight in the dead of night at the moment, this song feels so perfect for this
I'm Korean, and I happen to listen to this amazing music. And I'm very glad I'm the 500,000th person who liked this song.
Ive been listening to this since years now I'm happy to see that it reachs more and people day by day
Better than Korean nowadays silly pop music.. doesn't it?
@@the_Carthaginian Well... Though I don't like Kpop much, I just think it is difference in taste.
How silly!
We don't eat and we don't make ur Kpop here, gay South Korean!
USSR is always with the North Korea; the real people with pride and dignity, not their ***** neighbors who sold themselves to US!!
I have never cared about a Russian language in my life, but when I hear this magical song, I think of the greatness of this language.
Привет вам из России! Да, это кстати одна из известных песен в России. Она запоминается нами просто так, из года в год. Её часто можно услышать на 9 мая, праздник Победы над фашизмом.
When the Soviet Union and the Russians stood up to the Germans
@@n12_9Что? Советский союз и есть Россия + республики. О чем ты?
@@NesTesikWell, I didn't say anything. I said when the Soviet Union stood up to the Nazi Germans
@@n12_9 Oh, okay. I must have misread it
From Iraq. This is my taste in music and I like to listen to it in cold weather at night with a cigarette and a hot drink and in the moonlight. I love this music. Thank you to whoever released it.
Thank you from Russia
From Al-Rutbah, I do the same habibi in the middle of desert
Iraqi people trying not to say "I'm from Iraq" in the comments
level : impossible
Such a beautiful yet devastating song, I most certainly was not alive during the Soviet era or WW2, but my grandparents and specifically my grandpas family and himself were alive then and they lived in Germany and had to flee through different countries (I can’t remember which ones at this moment) and then had to move to America, his mom also had to give birth by herself in her home with no help or medicine. They were very poor, it was a very unfortunate/sad situation especially with the war going on at the time; and I love how this song conveys with such emotion and use of tone the dread of war and of the thought that one may not be able to return home to one’s family or loved ones or may be harmed in the war, and how the description of the dangerous or death-filled environment (bullets whistling, fighting, war, etc) sets the mood for the song. The “dark night” or the “dark” being used to describe the war and it separating him (the singer(?) / songwriter) and his wife + child from one another also conveys a lot of emotion and my interpretation of the war being described as the “dark” / the “dark night” is that the war is so intense and chaotic or full of violence that it all is muddied and blurred into this mass of darkness because of how war blinds a person both mentally and emotionally. The soldier / songwriter (?) longing for his wife & his child, or longing to return from this horrible war also stirs a lot of emotion in me, especially dread, sadness, regret, hiraeth, and more. Apologies for writing a whole book here haha I just feel very strongly towards this song 😅 and I’m only 14, I don’t know why I do, maybe it’s just that the song is just so well written / sung.
The russian language is so beautiful... That and combined with their culture and history makes for some amazing songs
Russia and China will invade USA, WW3 has been prophesied (800+ prophecy videos) -
What do you know about the culture and history of Russia?
@@unknown_bitmaker3325 Russia and Ukraine will unite back as well as China and Taiwan, and many countries will join with them two to invade USA, WW3 has been prophesied
@@unknown_bitmaker3325 why did you get offended lol, he just said he likes russian music, history and culture?
Russia's pain and suffering condensed in a single piece of music. Truly wonderful.
There are a lot more….
Its Soviet song made by Ukrainian author Russia has nothing with it
@@kmore8866 Ukrainians and Russians are basically the same, the song portrays the suffering of a people, the east slavic people. Do not try to negate my comment by just stating that Soviet =/ Russia because it sure was in some point. They suffered the most and you can figure that out from every one of their songs.
@@kmore8866 Soviet union and Ukraine is all Russia. Russian song, Russian history, Russian pain.
@@Densdel russians and ukrainians were never the same and will never be the same. how can you even say such a disrespectful thing during the war we have now?
As a child of war, where I had to call the girl I loved while being stuck in combat to say goodbye, this song touches a special part of my heart.
man, i hate stereotypes. i just wish we could all understand that we are humans, and we make mistakes. i want us to unite in this world, come together, and heal the earth's wounds.
Unfortunately it looks like we are headed in the other direction, and fast.
@@jimmyjoe8225 I think you are correct about that, which is the sad thing.видео.html
I think it’s starts with condemning war criminals in the USA
Социалист... Ай-ай-ай такими быть в просвещённой европе.
I don't even know Russian language but God this is masterpiece.
It is
Thank you!❤
I am Russian (though living in Germany) and I can confirm: It's a masterpiece.
It's funny how everyone praises Russia so much for this song, even though it's a Soviet song whose author and performer are Ukrainians.
It's nice to see that in the comments people from different countries share their warm impressions of a beautiful song and kind words, despite the tense situation in the world
Peace and goodness to all❤
Yes. Peace to all... and slava ukraini !
@@Aktharinovitch sure)
@@Aktharinovitch Slava Russia.
@@vzv3235 You mean RuZZia. The fascist state who breaks his teeth against Ukraine.
@The Boss Baby Motherland? State of lies and disgrace for sure ! What a shame to be a putin's slave...
To my russian friends. An american here, and i love this song. It is beautiful, also your laugange is beautiful too.
Песня так и наполняет странным чувством, от чего так у лезут высокие мысли в голову. Пропадает желание спорить, остаётся только покой и приятное чувство тишины. Такие письма правда имели место быть во времена ВОВ. Мало кто способен выдать такие слова и от этого кажется, что человек в те годы чётко понимал, что живым он может, и не вернуться, и он решил излить все свои чувства свой второй половинке
От такого комментария мурашки по коже…
Google Translate: "The song fills (me) with a strange feeling, from which lofty thoughts come into my head. The desire to argue disappears, only peace and a pleasant feeling of silence remain. Such letters really took place during the Second World War. Few people are able to give out such words, and from this it seems that a person in those years clearly understood that he might not return alive, and he decided to pour out all his feelings to his soulmate"
@@andryshe4ka8 обыкновенный комментарий
I’m Russian and I’m literally crying. People are so kind, I feel like we’re a big family. Love you all, wish things will get better and everyone will live in peace!!
We love you too, my brother ❤️
these are just cringe guys from the comments, in fact the majority hates Russians, and its correct to some degree
Сема, спокойствие только спокойствие
I’m from the United States, and I wish you the best of luck in dealing with your leader that you have. This rough spot in history will hopefully be glossed over by intelligence, and international cooperation.
@@bluedinosaur7397 As a Russian we don't really have a problem with our leader but life still suck and even thought fancy i prefer live in the ussr even thought not fancy but Its much more safe than we have now
Rest in Peace to the fallen soldiers of the U.S.S.R.
Peace is the way.
I wish I was there to fight for their families
@@kruusmannjoosep4158 same…
fuk USSR. I was born in communist occupation and the best thing that ever happened in my life is the fact that USSR collapsed like a bitxch it was..
@@kruusmannjoosep4158 no i dont think so💀💀💀
Whilst im not a fan of communism both communism and capitalism are wrong and right in some ways. I still believe in a free republic.
we all speak different languages, but we know that these strong feelings come from such beautiful melodies and such strong lyrics
I couldn't have said it better
Зачем ты английском пишешь, лол? Ботиха
for people who want to sing it but dont know russian
Tyomnaya noch', tol'ko puli svistyat po stepi,
Tol'ko veter gudit v provodakh, tusklo zvyozdy mertsayut...
V tyomnuyu noch' ty, lyubimaya, znayu, ne spish',
I u detskoy krovatki taykom ty slezu utiraesh'.
Kak ya lyublyu glubinu tvoikh laskovykh glaz,
Kak ya khochu k nim prizhat'sya khot' raz gubami!
Tyomnaya noch' razdelyaet, lyubimaya, nas,
I trevozhnaya, chyornaya step' prolegla mezhdu nami.
Veryu v tebya, v doroguyu podrugu moyu.
Eta vera ot puli menya tyomnoy noch'yu khranila...
Radostno mne, ya spokoen v smertel'nom boyu:
Znayu, vstretish' s lyubov'yu menya, chto b so mnoy ni sluchilos'.
Smert' ne strashna, s ney vstrechalis' ne raz my v stepi...
Vot i teper' nado mnoyu ona kruzhitsya,
Ty menya zhdyosh' i u detskoy krovatki ne spish',
I poetomu znayu, so mnoy nichego ne sluchitsya!
maybe make it ye for E so it is more similar
and ppl are not gonna be able to understand the hard and soft signs
are you using translation software?
Слава Советской Армии !видео.html
omg thank you so much!
I am from Georgia, and I love this song... ((( so sad
Madloba ❤
Clarify which Georgia 😂
Even as a Canadian who only knows yes in Russian, this song is beautiful and makes me tear up whenever I listen to it
what about "nyet!"
@@mercuriocavaldi2208 nyet molotoff
@@mercuriocavaldi2208 net!
@@gornfrmnwhat about bobrikov?
Privet from Russia :)
@@gornfrmn *winter war flashbacks*
My great grandfather died inWW2
And when i was a child I asked my grandpa “What happened to your dad”
-He responded “He went to war and never come back”😢
I’m from Uzbekistan 🇺🇿, hello to anyone listening to this masterpiece
Me to but I'm Iranian 🇮🇷
Rest in peace🕊
My great-grandfather died in the battle of Stalingrad. He died so that I could live now. When I listen to this song, I remember him and imagine how he sang this song in between battles and realized that he would never return home and see his family again...
It's funny how everyone praises Russia so much for this song, even though it's a Soviet song whose author and performer are Ukrainians.
@@Gold_Not_God Have I said something about Russia or Ukraine? My nationality isn't even russian 😂
@@Gold_Not_Godлюди хвалят за эту песню не Россию, не Украину, а СССР. Тогда русские и украинцы были братьями. Также существует песня, в которой есть слова «Киев бомбили, нам объявили, что началась война» и «война началась на рассвете, поднялся украинский народ», но в России её всё равно считают великой и слушают с гордостью за своих предков, что отстояли великую социалистическую Родину.
My great-grandfather's cousin also fought in the Battle of Stalingrad. He knew he would have to lay down his life to save his family. And the thanks he got was a fate worse than death: Stalin put him in a gulag in 1947.
Yes, unfortunately, the Soviet government often treated its people no better than the Nazis(
my great-grandfather was a gunslinger. he fought near Moscow and Leningrad. they were commissioned for 2 severe wounds at 1943. his wife thought he was dead because a funeral letter came, but it turned out that he was alive. he lived up to 95 years old, never talked about the war and did not listen to military songs.
Wow. That's really impresive.
Mihajlo Bogdanović
He was a true chad
What the Russians experienced was truly terrifying and heart wrenching. I could see why. Still, he was a hero.
Вечная память
@@purehogpowerпочему только русские, там было много солдатов разных наций
I just realised.. The lights in the sky are each the light of a fallen comrade's cigarette
The stars in the sky represent the constellation Ursa, and the light from a cigarette replaces the missing star.
It's funny how everyone praises Russia so much for this song, even though it's a Soviet song whose author and performer are Ukrainians.
@@Gold_Not_GodEverything is right.In Ukraine, the Russian Empire.
@@nicktony8193 Hahaha wrote the dumbest stupid thing possible and then liked it after himself😂
I'm fascinated by this song
I’m an Englishman and for as long as I remember I’ve been told to be worried about Russia and the Russians, I do not fear you brothers and sisters we are all united, peace and love to my russian friends 🇷🇺 ❤️ 🇬🇧
Love and peace to you too! Kind regards to you from Russian sister, Far-East of Russia!
@@linapakhomova1638 Vladivostok?
@@linapakhomova1638 where u from?
@@linapakhomova1638just leave Ukraine
@@cristobalstark6929 average citizens in Russia can’t control their government, leave them out of this.
It is not simply a WWII song, but a universal hymn for mankind,,,,, I am shedding tears.
Sadly I don’t speak Russian but this song is just incredibly beautiful. You don’t have to understand the words to know the meaning and to feel the emotions. That’s true art
The night is dark, only bullets are whizzing over the steppe
Only wind rumbles in the wires, and faded stars twinkle.
I know that you don't sleep in this dark night, my lovely,
And you secretly wipe your tears by the cradle.
I love so much the depth of your gentle eyes,
I want to touch them now with my lips!
The dark night divides us, my lovely,
And severe, black steppe was pushed between me and you.
I do believe in you, my dear friend,
This faith prevented me from the bullets in the dark night...
I am glad and calm in this deadly fight,
Because I know that you will show me love, no matter what wrong happens to me.
The death is not scary, we have faced it many times on the steppe.
And even now it circles around me.
You are waiting for me and you cannot sleep by the cradle.
That's why I know: nothing wrong will happen to me
Какая замечательная песня, которая передает чувства между хорошим и плохим, а также чувства тех, кто пережил атмосферу Второй мировой войны.
Не знаю почему, но от прослушивания этой песни наворачиваются слёзы
Ну да, странно грустить под военную песню про надежды вернуться живым к семье. Ты ОЧЕНЬ странный
Я тоже плачу. Аташку вспомнила, что он пережил бедный. 😢
Из Казахстана.
Потому что эта песня пропитана всей той болью которую терпели солдаты в той войне.
I am Russian, and I want to say that we will never forget the hell our grandfathers went through for the sake of peace and our future
What is your opinion on the war jn ukraine
@@eml9147 ukraine is a nazi country, like germany in 1941
Unfortunately, the world has forgotten the twenty million people you sacrificed in the WW2. We're staring in the eyes of another WW...
@@eml9147the SMO is not a war
It is an war, since 2014 when russia started its illegal invasion of Ukraine, it isn’t an “SMO” but N unjust invasion of Ukraine, the russian government are the nazis.
No one will ever experience the tragedy the soviet people experienced during ww2. literally every family lost someone on the battlefield or else. its when everytime you are with our grandma, all she can think of is this war and the horrors she saw/lived through.
Yes. Literally every grandma I have have memories of the war even when it happened decades ago. I am from Chechnya btwвидео.html
The Soviet's experienced a Massive Tragedy, We hope to god noone experiences what they did, but that'd be naive to assume suffering doesn't find a way.
They died so much, just cause they kill each other in suspicion of betrayal, and starved each other.
In Brazil, it is difficult to find good music. That is why I decided to search in the distant memories of people on the other side of the world. Thank you, Soviet people, for this contribution.
Are you serious right now?
@@dianapototska6684 ele provavelmente não gosta de gêneros antigos como bossa nova e samba, nem gosta das músicas atuais o que é totalmente compreensível pra quem fala português
Als deutscher muss ich sagen das Lied sticht in das Herz
bist du deutsch gebürtig?
@@elli3531 jawoll! ich kam schon deutsch auf diese welt
@@sleepydog4205 Wunderbar. Ich liebe Deutsche, ich weiß nicht, wie du dich fühlst und ich finde, ich sehe gerade aus wie ein Kind. Aber ich möchte sagen, dass Deutsche und Nazis nicht dasselbe sind.
Während des Großen Vaterländischen Krieges tauchten viele Deutsche unter und halfen dem sowjetischen Volk. Was trotz der Angst, von den eigenen gefoltert zu werden, die Bewohner der besetzten Dörfer rettete.
During the war, all he could think about was his wife and child, that’s what kept him going.
The faith he had that he would get back to them when the war is over.
It’s not death he’s afraid of, it’s never being able to see his family again😢
Edit 2024
Actually, it’s even more sad because a lot of fallen soldiers from the Allies had wives who were left widowed and their children left fatherless.
So even though the war was won, it was the families of the fallen soldiers that lost 😞
Он не боится, он знает, что вернется, ведь с ним ничего не случится. Те, кто едут на войну умирать, точно умрут(
@@pushkinadesignВ твоем комментарии вообще есть логика? Что ты имеешь ввиду?
@@RrhyzZ7690 Полагаю, предыдущий комментатор имел ввиду, что у солдата который верит в свою неминуемую смерть на войне , больше шансов погибнуть. Ибо он уже не бережет свою жизнь. А тот, который ВЕРИТ, обязательно вернется домой живым. По крайней мере больше вероятности.
my great-grandfather's favorite song, he held the defense of Stalingrad, and reached Berlin, he never talked about the war, but after each of my questions he wrote them down on a piece of paper, and when he was dying he handed them to me, when I read it all it was difficult to hold back tears. We will always remember the heroes of the old days.
It's funny how everyone praises Russia so much for this song, even though it's a Soviet song whose author and performer are Ukrainians.
@@Gold_Not_God Nobody here's "praising Russians" we're Praising the Sacrifice of Russians, Belorussians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Dagestanis, Georgians, a variety of Siberian People's and More who fought to preserve their Revolution, their Lives and to Crush the Nazis.
@Gold_Not_God you can't ignore the fact that too many other famous soviet songs were made by Russians ( катюша , калинка , священная война etc.. )
@@Ekaterina40219 Kalinka is not a Soviet song, The Sacred War was also written by Ukrainians and afterwards it was simply remade for Soviet propaganda, as well as "The Red Army is the strongest" or "Yablochko" - in fact, the four best Soviet songs were written by Ukrainians, all the rest are little-known songs in the writing of which other peoples besides Russians also participated.
@@Gold_Not_Godпесня советская,а ее исполнитель это житель Якутии, республики Саха)) ты такой смешной конечно😂
My great-grandfather defended the Barricades factory, I am very proud of him :).Greetings to all from Volgograd (from Voroshilovsky district) (former Stalingrad) It is very nice to see how foreigners like this song.
Тёмная ночь, только пули свистят по степи,
Только ветер гудит в проводах, тускло звёзды мерцают.
В тёмную ночь ты, любимая, знаю, не спишь,
И у детской кроватки тайком ты слезу утираешь.
Как я люблю глубину твоих ласковых глаз,
Как я хочу к ним прижаться сейчас губами!
Тёмная ночь разделяет, любимая, нас,
И тревожная, чёрная степь пролегла между нами.
Верю в тебя, в дорогую подругу мою,
Эта вера от пули меня тёмной ночью хранила…
Радостно мне, я спокоен в смертельном бою,
Знаю, встретишь с любовью меня, что б со мной ни случилось.
Смерть не страшна, с ней встречались не раз мы в степи.
Вот и теперь надо мною она кружится.
Ты меня ждёшь и у детской кроватки не спишь,
И поэтому знаю: со мной ничего не случится!
I listen to this masterpice while reading "War and Peace". What a sublime experience.
83 года прошло с начала тех страшных событий...
Память всем погибшим и воевавшим за нашу Родину.
@Rocketboy_001 это хэвискаут
вечный память 🕯
Huges from Brazil
ну та, в основному терпіли Українці весь той двіж... не зря називається "Український фронт"
@@ukrainepower835 Кострюлеголовый, названия фронтов стратегическими задачами определялись, а не этническим составом армий
back in 2020 when we were all in lockdown, a friend of mine showed me some russian song. that little thing changed me forever, changed my cultur, my opinions and my music taste. thanks to him
Lol what does Russia have to do with it if this song is Soviet and the singer and author of the lyrics are ukrainians?
@@Gold_Not_God Not everything is Ukrainian! 🙄
@@Gold_Not_God The song dark is the Night was written by composer Nikita Bogoslovsky (1913-2004) Born in Sankt Petersburg Russia 🇷🇺. But hey you Ukrainians have Stephan Bandera the natsii.
@@RominaCardenas-u6t The song and lyrics were created by Vladimir Garievich, born in 1901, in Kiev. The singer is Mark Bernes was born in 1969, in the city of Nizhyn, Ukraine. The song was created for a ukrainian movie directed by Leonid Davidovich, who was born in Mariupol (which now by the way russian fascist army has leveled to the ground).
The only russian who participated in writing the song is Nikita Vladimirovich, the composer of the barely audible melody in the background.
@@RominaCardenas-u6t Bandera was a great fighter against the Nazis, I guess that's why you're so angry at him.
This somehow manages to make my heart hurt in a depressing, nostalgic yet comforting and relaxing way
Меня одного эта песня до слёз пробирает?
Нет дорогой тëзка, сам прослезился после прослушивания
эта песня была выпущена в 1943.... середина самой жестокой войны в истории...
ты не один
ты просто человек, который становится эмоциональным, как и все мы, братья
My grandmother was at WW 2 as a nurse , she sang me this song as lullaby. She was Polish Jew , who was taken by Russians to army , and that saved her from horrible death by Nazis . She loved Russian war songs and sang them to me . Please , everybody , stop saying horrible things about Russians , they are different people , don't generalise , please . And don't say , that this song , such as victory at WW2 and all good things which was built at USSR , belong only to Russians , they belong to all people of former USSR , who built it together.
The poet who wrote the words of this song and the singer were Jews , who sincerely felt that every Soviet soldier was their brother.
Please , everybody , stop to say hateful things about any nation .
As a foreigner (ironically, an American), I agree that one shouldn't generalise. Every being has their own uniquenesses that defer them from each other, and it is better to read the pages/detailed reviews before you make your own judgements. After all, everything has far more nuances than you see easily. Red is considered a violent colour, but it is the very essence of a mammal that keeps it alive. And blue, while it is the vast ocean, can be overwhelming and drowning.
Your country has some very nice songs, by the way.
I dunno. I remember my grandmother vividly telling me about how the Soviets forced their best friend (a jew) to leave the country when she was still a child only allowing to take one single bag on the way. Doesn't seem very tolerant to me tbh.
Thank you so much, I’m very appreciate it, when somebody saying warm words about Russia. It’s hurt to see awful stuff about your country and your people everyday in the Internet. So thank you very much for you story, it’s make me happy and strong.
we are all brothers
If you listening this so your parents raise you well
Danke für dieses Lied. Es klingt wie die Ruhe vor dem Sturm. Ich muss hier auch an meinen Opa denken, seit Stalingrad vermisst.
It's funny how everyone praises Russia so much for this song, even though it's a Soviet song whose author and performer are Ukrainians.
@@Gold_Not_God потому что Россия правоприемница СССР, все совесткое в прошлом - это все русское в настоящем и будущем, в том числе и творчество, которое шло под общим флагом, флагом СССР, на который полные права сейчас имеет РФ
@@rdxedf5923 Этот бред кроме тебя никто в мире не признает, даже Россия при всём старании путинизма Советский союз исключительно своей территорией или историей не признал.
@@Gold_Not_Godну что же, раз это бред, то когда Украина свою часть советских долгов выплатит? Можно сразу России, которая по всем долгам СССР рассчиталась, скинуться так сказать.
@@РикСанчес-я6з Пхахаха если что долг за лендлиз был выплачен меньше одного процента и даже так то что выплачено - не было обязательством, Путин сам умолял США взять деньги чтоб потом начать реваншистскую пропаганду и пиарить мнение что СССР = россия
This is so beautiful. I couldn't help but cry as I listened to it. My heart goes out for all the people who have and are fighting in the war(s).
It's truly astonishing, to think about the massive carnage the men that sung this song not even a century ago must have endured, among the cold of the steppes, men that had thoughts and dreams just like us. And they died in the millions, and we owe them the world... literally. I don't even want to imagine a world where the nazis succeded in their invasion. May all the souls that were lost in the war rest in peace
@@szymonbaczek7885 i mean that the tens of millions of brave souls that were courageous enough to give away literally everything that they could have ever had in their lives, just to protect their wives, children and the world at large form the monstrosity of the nazi beast… i assume you’re polish by your name, you should be more aware than everybody else of what those sick people were able to do. Stalin was a really bad man too, of course, and had his share of atrocities and brutalities, and forever stained the name of communism to the many people that were, and aren’t, willing to research what it’s actually supposed to be according to people with common sense (and marx himself) with an open mind, but i’m diverging. He arguably helped much to industrialise a broken country like the post-civil war soviet union though, something that surely helped against the german war machine and perhaps was the saving grace of the whole country, given how little the nazi divisions were close to conquer its major cities, and even though the soviet rule after the war, especially with stalin, was oppressive and dictatorial it would be hypocritical to say it was worse than the nazi’s, because it’d be just plain not true… TLDR, it’s really not what i meant with my comment, i was just empathising with the brave ww2 russian soldiers.
@@szymonbaczek7885 а при чем тут Сталин? Говорится о советском народе
It would be a better world than the one that we have today...don't speak that nonsense
@@gsm2424 😐
@@gsm2424 ...
This song helped me endure some pain recently. Now I have to learn in. Moya lyubov~
Rest in peace to all those poor innocent Souls that have to suffer and die for the idiocy of countries and the selfishness of man
Тёмная Ночь - Текст
Тёмная ночь, только пули свистят по степи,
Только ветер гудит в проводах, тускло звёзды мерцают
В тёмную ночь ты, любимая, знаю, не спишь,
И у детской кроватки тайком ты слезу утираешь
Как я люблю глубину твоих ласковых глаз,
Как я хочу к ним прижаться теперь губами
Тёмная ночь разделяет, любимая, нас,
И тревожная, чёрная степь пролегла между нами
Верю в тебя, в дорогую подругу мою,
Эта вера от пули меня тёмной ночью хранила
Радостно мне, я спокоен в смертельном бою,
Знаю, встретишь, с любовью меня, чтоб со мной ни случилось
Смерть не страшна, с ней не раз мы встречались в степи
Вот и теперь надо мною она кружится
Ты меня ждёшь и у детской кроватки не спишь,
И поэтому знаю со мной ничего не случится
И поэтому знаю со мной ничего не случится
Память нашим предкам, отвоевашим Быль и Настоящее наше, и нам честь их не посрамившим, Будущее наше и следующих поколений отвоюем!!!
@Liquid Gravity спасибо товарищ👍
I don't think words exist to describe the feeling
It's definitely a masterpiece
this feeling is called toska
I Find Comfort In This Song.
me to
I, a natural Canadian, will share this every 9th day of May for the rest of my life. No matter what happens in these times, I will never forget what the Russian people sacrificed for our collective future as decent human beings; and I will forever resent the despicable acrimony and bloodlust cast upon you by your lessers, among them the evil governance of the western nations. With all my spirit I wish you success in your campaign for peace and evenness against the imperial chauvinism that operates with an unconscionable contempt for life. May the killing be stopped. May all kinds come together to make a world, once and for all.
"Russian people" You western philistine idiot who has taken russophilia a step too far.
My grandparents on my mom’s side use to sing this to each other during their hard times; wanting to cheer another up and remind the other of the love they felt. She sung this song the day before she died, a day me and my mom severely mourn. Rest In Peace babushka medved'.
I’m only around half Russian, and I can’t speak or read it, but my appreciation for this song is immense.
Another half Russian spotted!
Lived in Russia, for the first year of my life. My dad is American. Never got the accent :c
@@Pgb633 Greetings brother-