When is crime a hate crime?

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2014
  • Smerconish talks with the Philadelphia DA on what constitutes a hate crime in wake of a horrific assault shaking a city

Комментарии • 186

  • @earthtoned
    @earthtoned 6 лет назад +87

    this is a nonsensical argument. It is illegal to assault someone period. it is not more of a crime because you hate them.

  • @justyouraverageintrovert8487
    @justyouraverageintrovert8487 3 года назад +8

    How often does a couple get targeted for being heterosexual? This is insane! Hate crimes should get punished MORE to help protect the minority groups.

  • @yahnbenyasharal6295
    @yahnbenyasharal6295 9 лет назад +28

    Lock them thugs up, and the girl's cop father!

  • @Coffeevaccine
    @Coffeevaccine 9 лет назад +9

    sick of hearing about beatings like this one. It's nobody's business what's happening romantically or sexually between two people. They want to be happy, just like everybody else. To deny them this right is immoral and fucking wrong.

  • @davidfariello3972
    @davidfariello3972 5 лет назад +31

    I love the logic of the host. He's totally right. The crime is the crime itself. The guest just keeps basically saying "well, that's the law." He basically says that certain people deserve more protection than others, which should be a fallacy. The crime is the crime and the arbitrary motivation should not add or take away from the sentencing of the crime. First degree, second degree and manslaughter make sense and account for levels of fault. Hate crime judgements are arbitrary and not needed as another layer.

  • @vitravaah8735
    @vitravaah8735 3 года назад +5

    Common sense: A crime is a hate crime when you attacked someone of difference race, religion, or gender for no any other appearance reason and then making racist remarks afterward or before the attack. It's easily establish that it's a hate crime because the crime usually start or ended with a racial slur or a derogatory slur toward the victim.

  • @onetwo19
    @onetwo19 3 года назад +1

    According to cnn a hate crime is violence against poc or lgbt by whites. If member of lgbtq or poc violently attack white people, that is not a hate crime. Wondeful to be white in America.

  • @raoulmiller4340
    @raoulmiller4340 9 лет назад +5

    Simple answer: If a heterosexual couple had bumped into them,would the beating have occurred?

  • @belligerentinstigator944
    @belligerentinstigator944 4 года назад +1

    Certainly a hate crime is not when 3 black kids torture a white kid who has mental illness right?

  • @johngolden891
    @johngolden891 Год назад

    I thought one of the reasons for extra penalties based on race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation was because the odds of attack on members of these groups is disproportionately high. Therefore, the provide an incentive for would-be attackers to refrain from violence, the penalties for attacking these minorities should be higher than for crimes against other groups.

  • @criptard
    @criptard Год назад

    Hate crime is unconstitutional. All Americans must have the same laws.

  • @hatecrimefighter4400
    @hatecrimefighter4400 9 лет назад +4

    I think hate crimes are more than just the original crime. It hurts victims more than just physically, it hurts the victims mentally. It makes the victims feel worse about themselves just because of their race, gender, sexual preference, etc.

  • @devonhaigh6642
    @devonhaigh6642 4 года назад +1

    Can someone explain what a hate crime is in English?

  • @winnipegdangerousdrivers286
    @winnipegdangerousdrivers286 3 года назад +1

    I am a cyclist and believe me, many car drivers just HATE cyclists and often there driving reflects this.

  • @robertandrade4548
    @robertandrade4548 Год назад

    Hate starts with the media. If I don't like someone, and?or their behavior; it's my choice. The choices we all have. Personally I if you want to be a certain way, or act a certain way that's on you. You cannot force someone to accept you. Let them people go, and accept those that accept you. Noone forces people to be staright, like brown or white, or accept males as equals. Tell a woman that was raped to befriend her attacker, and to enjoy that forced sex. Quit forcing race, religion, or behaviors on someone. Accpet yourselves, and leave well enough alone... PERIOD!!!...

    @VIRGONOMICS 9 лет назад +6

    It's not about what people think, it's about having a criminal intent for specific reasons, such is calculated violence with personal interests of assailant.

  • @maralkittymom4399
    @maralkittymom4399 4 года назад +2

    City of Brotherly Love?

  • @thetooginator153
    @thetooginator153 3 года назад +1

    There’s a precedent for classifying crimes as worse due to who the victim is. For example: the President of the United States; police; and minors. As a nation, we have decided that anyone who targets those people are more dangerous than other criminals. States have decided that targeting people due to their race or sexual orientation is also more threatening to society. It’s a good instinct to want to treat all victims equally, but society has chosen to give certain individuals and groups more protection for many reasons, and I doubt that people who say that all victims should have the same status would not approve of putting that into practice.

  • @donovanstone1105
    @donovanstone1105 5 лет назад +3

    Never. The term is a false distinction. Crime is crime.

  • @1320254
    @1320254 5 лет назад +2

    if mr smollett called the police to find the person or persons who did the hate crime...and the police said..yep we think we got him..... why isnt mr smollett being charged with a hate crime?.... or have i missed something