They finally made the covenant not look like the locus from gears of war. Now if only they put back the gold, glass, and engravings on the forerunner stuff.
Mizan Choudhury yeah I miss the forerunner touch from bungie, where much of the forunner stuff was made to look like it was carved out of the very rock at those places for efficiency and simple beauty.
Beating a dead horse is fine when you are a voice for us, and you are helping 343 hear us. Thank you for what you're doing! Keep beating these dead horses!
Oh my fuck, thank you do much for saying that Elites are meant to be graceful and elegant in a way. I have been thinking this for so long! Halo 2's art is absolutely gorgeous! Especially the Elites armor! God that armor made me so horny! (sorry prolly tmi) Would love to see the gross new Elites next to the old elegant Elites! Gahhh
Counter-Arrogance Offizier I think we will get a good idea of how Halo 6's art style will be soon enough, they will most likely show off a trailer at E3 and they might also show off gameplay as well since they will want to show everyone how good it looks on Scorpio.
they actually did a canon explanation to that in the book Thursday wars. granted it was a bullshity one but an explanation none the less. something about self-upgrading micro-fibers or something.
You use constructive criticism and yet the haters still talk a lot of crap about you. Especially when all they are saying is a bunch of salty and hate filled comments with nothing to offer.... Who is making the community bad again?
My only problem with him is how fervently he does it. Makes some bold, rather controversial claims that I can't even comprehend. Sure, I can see wanting the old Elites back, but what I can't see is what makes these old weapon designs any better.
Jonathan Bourne These "haters" are probably just tired of seeing this every day in the last few years, not that I disagree, I think it's time 343i changes up the art and the art from Halo wars 2 is simply amazing, I'm hoping it's the direction Halo 6 will go and who knows it, could be.
Rhas 'Churol The less you are listened to, the more you speak up. This is especially true with 343i. Now that they have done something good however it is time to compliment them on this, and that is what he is doing here. Giving positive reinforcement to 343i's current actions so that they know this is good.
Jonathan Bourne Except speaking up, and constantly pointing things out(seriously, this is like his third video in the past two months about the art style) is very different. I'm _pretty bloody sure_ 343i has KNOWN no one likes their new designs for ages now, they don't care though - they will _not_ go against _their_ designs. To me, if you want to speak up, go directly to 343. Leave everyone else out of it. It's like that annoying thing when on social media where you tag a brand/company/restaurant/whatever talking about how bad it is, and calling on your followers you trash them. That is cheap. I very much doubt they consider this a compliment. "Yeah, your new art style is horrible, but GOOD JOB on re-using the old art style that you literally had nothing to do with, did great work on that!" 343 had nothing to do with the old art style. All they're doing is duplicating it now. I'm sure that's just _wonderful_ for artists; "forget creativity, you guys just have to duplicate other people's work because you're not good enough to make your own!"
Wait.........343 has nothing to do with the old art style? 343 has nothing to do with the old art style?! 343 HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE OLD ART STYLE?! Then tell me, who the hell made a joint operation with Bungie to make Halo: Reach?! That game, despite looking very different from Halo: CE or Halo Wars, exhibits a lot of changes to make it look similar to the art style. That is bull shit. They've worked with the art style before. They have a stake in it. They just don't do anything with it because a lot of the changes are to help transition the game from the grounded military sci-fi game into sci-fi in general, throwing out ideas that don't look scientific enough. The marines in Halo 4 changed in design to show that Halo is going to be grounded in a more science fiction stand point, using ideas that are commonly represented in sci fi media. They also make changes to just give parts of Halo a different spin. The new elite models were supposed to be different. Hell, in the lore they are different from the standard Covenant you have fought before. No, they have every bit of experience with dealing with a tactical and military look. Just by comparing Spartan III armor in Reach and Spartan IV in Halo 5, you can see that it went from being extremely tactical and orthodox to something you would find in Star Wars. They've worked with the style before. The argument that Bungie made the old art style and not 343i, so they are creating their own style is invalid as they have created very tactile and good looking assets in the past. They even brought them back for H5 as a little thing for the multiplayer to enjoy with a few armor sets from Reach. They know people like that. They recognize that Halo fans do not like the new art style. But they aren't making the art style for them. They are making it for newcomers to enjoy. The Spartan in Halo 3 doesn't attract new players that well if the juggernaut of Call of Duty makes something in the same genre that is flashier. The new style is to bring in new people, not maintain the old people. You think people haven't expressed to 343 to make change? They have. It doesn't work if 200 out of 2,000 people express negative feelings for something if the rest don't. If the majority cries out, they will listen. They would be stupid not to. Because they are located in America, they know that the power of the people can screw them if they decide to.
Thing is when I was playing Halo 5 and the "Throw the Unggoy out the airlock!" scene rolled around I wasn't watching it play out. So when I heard the dialogue I looked over at the screen and thought, "Did they bring the brutes back?"
Joshua Brinkman yes, old covenant design (I doubt that, the covenant is gone) and some old unsc designs with halo 4/5's sounds. (I don't want popcorn). I want more punch in my weapons, more BOOM.
"Should have been?" How do you know it isn't? It' hasn't even been revealed yet. Then again, I wouldn't expect them to change the art style they've been working with.
I think Creative Assembly respects the original art style compared to 343. See bunch of politics. And it's funny how 343 says "if Cod copy Halo, why not Halo copy Cod".
Bending and creating new lore to excuse the new art style is just lazy. I like the mix of the two, but prefer the original over the new. Partly because of nostalgia of course, but it looks like Halo.
Optimus Prime Well both of those examples are the same species, as they're both Homo sapiens, as are all humans...This is an example of the aliens being the same genus but different species, not phenotypes. In some cases, yes. I like the different species of Jackel, but the new, sorry, 'previously unseen' species of Elites look stupid and brutish.
Diego 3068 The newer Forerunner structures look *very* different than the old ones. Much less of an emphasis on micro details like surface patterns, general aesthetic structural solidarity, and materials like glass, for example. It seems like all that 343 took from the old Forerunner style was: - Silver angle-y bits - Lights And that's all they're working with. They've seemingly retconned the old style as well (why do Builder installations like Genesis and even *the Ark* using the new style?) If you're going to make these rules, at least be consistent with them.
I cannot express how much I hope 343 are watching your videos, fuck it man, I straight up wish you worked there... Or perhaps the fact that you do not work there allows you to be free with your opinions in the way that you are, either way, I am grateful for your content and I hope 343 are too :)
LateNightGaming - Halo News & Entertainment wow that's great! Maybe tell em about the forerunner installations? To me they've become almost "action man" level glowy and spinny bits designed to mess with your head
Boamere I do miss the detailed calligraphy of Forerunner structures, made them seem much more mystical and ancient. Felt like the structures served a purpose.
I love how you mimicked Halo's Chapter transitions for each topic in play. The way you set it up is very reminiscent of the original, props for nostalgia.
I'm just tired of 343 thinking that they can do anything they want to this game it's like something handed down through the family you don't just change it the way you want
Halo Wars 2 blended the old art style and the new art style very well. Many people dislike the new art style because it looks too futuristic, and not as iconic. While the game is set in 2550, it had a modern aesthetic. It looked recognizable. 343i didn't do it as a thought of "lets just ruin it and get money!", they did it because they were trying to think logically.
I selfishly hope it goes back just a tad more than Halo Wars 2 did to the original art style, as well as bringing the flood back, despite the M rating they would cause.
If the point about the new Jackals was supposed to be that 343 decided to turn "the bird aliens" into "the dinosaur aliens" to showcase how synonymous birds and dinosaurs really are (in keeping with our growing paleontological knowledge on the subject), all that flies out the window when you realize that the avian quality of the old Jackals looks a thousand times closer to a real theropod dinosaur than the moray eel faces 343 gave them. No, the far more likely reality - particularly given the fact that the science demonstrating completely feathered dinosaurs had already been established for about fifteen years before the release of _Halo 4_ - is that 343 just wanted them to look more scary/menacing/alien (e.g. the same reason they changed the Grunts and Elites the way they did and had them not speaking English) without much thought put into the decision beyond that despite it badly needing some. (In every other regard, though, this video was very much on-point. Great job.)
Here’s an idea the Bungie pelican is the transport and 343 pelican should be the gunship variant of it as long as it’s a little less box like and a lot more weapons I think there wouldn’t be a problem since I like both pelican models but the 343 pelican looks more like the Hind attack helicopter than a transport since the cockpit reminds me of it so I think they should just be variants so nobody gets replaced
halo 3 will forever be the peak halo design wise. the new design for the covenant is nice as it makes it feel more real but everything else is a strange decision
LNG - your content is improving so much! The bit with the Elite laboring to walk under his own goddamn weight and the, "that's right, terrible actors!" both made me laugh out loud. Seriously. I actually lol'd. Your humor and presentation and screen persona is getting so much better and I love it! Good job, you.
While I agree with almost everything said in this video, you have to keep in mind that the Elites are 8'6 on average in height. So they are big heavy creatures, with strength to match a fully armoured Spartan. The thing that made they scary was how they moved. You'd expect something so large to move heavily, and slowly, but when an Elite would suddenly turn on you and sprint towards you, wielding an energy sword, you'd shit your pants as it drew closer and closer, as you are running backwards, shooting, trying to take it down. When it comes to Halo Wars 2, even the Brutes have suddenly gained this scary amount of Speed and Strength, as we see in the trailers. Size isn't the operative factor in these issues, its the way they move. The Elites need to move with power but with speed and agility. Size has less to do with it, and when it comes to the new art style, I kinda like it. They just need to sort the movement out.
Here are some things that a traditional halo fan like myself has to say about the series as of now. I've stopped paying any attention to 343's halo in the last few years, the last halo game i've played was halo 4. I'm not saying it was a bad game, i didn't like it. The story wasn't "halo-esque" like you'd expect it to be and it opened up a bunch of plot holes and rehashed a few sequences from older titles. Here are things wrong with current halo imho. 1. 343 tried too hard to act as if they were actually halo fans. They presented themselves in a way that made it look like they were the "true halo fans" going far as to say most of their staff were the majority of the leftover bungie employees when they split. Not only is this untrue but the majority of the development and arts teams were fresh out of college. They knew halo as a title and a few images. I'm not saying most of their development team didn't like halo or were completely unaware of what game they were developing, i'm just saying they pushed too hard for the "hey we're fans just like you so buy our product so we can all be happy" card. 2. Turning Halo 4/5 into a sob story about cortana wasn't a good idea. Remember when Halo was about shooting funny little aliens and preventing them from activating a mass genocide device all for the sake of their false religion? I remember. I also remember loving every second exploring the first and second halo, and mass murdering my way through the ark. I also remember being scared shitless of level C10 aka Guilty Spark for Halo 1 when i was younger. I also remember being amazed that after decades of war, humanity and the elites joined up to fight off the covenant at the end of Halo 2. I'm not getting the same feeling with cortana's dumb story. I look at cortana and I just see an assigned AI to master chief. Yeah sure, she's been a part of chief's life for so long that it would be heartbreaking to see her go, but having a character die off and being remembered for what or who he/she was is still better than turning x character into a villain just because they need to go. It'd ridiculous. 3. The new lore about how humanity being able to access forerunner tech is just dumb. Humanity shouldn't have access to new particle bayonets or plasma projectile tech. Halo is going through some sort of identity crisis that it's getting harder and harder to tell if humanity is still humanity. The green industrial "army" feel is thrown out the window for this sleek edge shit. Look what they tried to do with the rocket launcher? The classic spnkr? The battle rifle turned into this ultra-impracticable slate of knife-edged sheet metal. The scorpion tank doesn't even look like the scorpion tank anymore. I think the only thing that retains the original unsc look might be the warthog and the pelican and that's just too sad. 4. What did they do to the arbiter? The arbiter was a prevalent character back in Halo 2, he was the literal suicide squad, sent on death missions because he fucked up during the first ring campaign. He lost his honor, his rank as commander, and most importantly, the respect among the covenant. Mission 6 of Halo 2 completely blew my mind. New Hud, New character, ally elites? Holy fuck, it was like a whole new game. I saw the story from the perspective of the enemy, and it made me feel a sense of empathy because i was fighting for a cause i thought was right. Hearing the witty dialog and personality of the elites during combat made me feel sad for killing an abundance of them as chief throughout missions 1-5. It was through the Arbiter missions that i learned that the great journey was nothing more than a hoax and learned about the culture of the covenant. In halo 3 the arbiter gladly helped humanity with his fellow elites if it meant getting back at the brutes and covenant. He stuck by you almost the entire campaign, going as far as to die with you if he needed to. I can't say the same about the current Arbiter. 5. The huge redesign. Why? There was little need. I agree some of the new designs look interesting. The Jackles actually look nice now, i will say that. Prometheasn add a little flare to combat but they give me the impression they're just expendable bad guys they throw at you because they have nothing better to fill the maps with. Mostly all the covenant save for the Jackles didn't need a huge redesign, the same goes for their vehicles. The wraith looks almost too alien to the point where any engineer would agree that it's hugely impractical in terms of usability. The old wraith had a huge armored front section and a light rear section, it was a plasma launcher mortar that resembled a heavily armed blue and purple beetle. Now it looks like they tried to turn it into an actual tank, something the wraith isn't. I'm glad they brought back the spirit and phantom and used them in conjunction instead of seeing the same dropship over and over. Also the grunts aren't funny any more when i shoot them. 6.New characters. I can imagine halo 4 5 and 6 being a bland if the UNSC hadn't showed up to find chief or the forerunner shield world, but the new characters they introduced are bland. If you like palmer, then you're a desperate fuck. Lasky is ok, at least he has a decent amount of backstory. Osiris team can get incinerated and blue team is just fan service at this point. Why bring Buck back if you're not going to bring his original team back? Oh right they killed off/removed most of his ODST squad from the main picture because they weren't recognizable enough. There was no reason to turn mickey into an insurgent and kill the rookie. The rookie, despite not saying a word throughout the entire ODST campaign, had more character than any of these cunts. I have way more points i want to throw out there but I feel like I'm omitting too much time to a cause that might be further washed down the drain.
The part on rookie is just so much more true and knowing that he gets killed off makes my heart hurt so much more because i actually felt attached to rookie unlike any character from halo 5
The fact they utterly destroyed Alpha-9 squad is a disgrace... and making Buck a spartan was a very stupid idea, just like the rest of the spartan IV program.
Halo Wars 2 still has even MORE potential to be a love letter to fans of the original art style. They've confirmed there will be more leaders as DLC in the future, and one of the leaders we're already gonna be getting is an Elite commander. If the game follows the format of the first game, each leader will have some unique counterpart units here and there. If the game is going to really innovate, hopefully they'll even give the new leaders their own unique art style for all units. Imagine playing as a classical elite ship master whose units resemble the classical era of the covenant, where there are more elites, and the weapons and vehicles are more rounded and blue like they were in the original game.
I'm just going to say this. I LOVE the New forerunner art choice and some of the covenant choices. But Overall Halo Wars 2 reminded me why I loved Halo in the first place. That reason is my own. What I want to know, What is yours? @LateNightGaming - Halo News & Entertainment
+Optimus Prime Comlaining about something being practical in a universe where hyper advanced aliens with access to plasma weaponry would rather use swords albeit made of plasma.
said hyper advanced aliens have a culture which is why they use energy swords. its not due to any technological limitations or anything else, besides, we have rifles but still use knives and machetes.
+Optimus Prime So culture is an excuse to completely do something impractical like not bring say long range plasma weapon into combat and instead bring a sword? We don't use machetes for actual combat situations lol they're a utility at best.
Keep the new elites in as heavier and slower ones with heavy weapons and more health. Put the old ones in as more nimble and elegant ones with less health and lighter weapons and swords.
Aaron Hebert I still think the old elite should be the most common (maybe say the big brute ones were genetically spliced with brute DNA)...I remember fighting alongside the elites in halo 3, they certainly were not the massive slow things you see now and definitely fit the description of the honourable powerhouse of the covenant
I'm glad it's a mix of both art styles, the classic and new. That way it pleases the majority of the fans. It pleases those who prefer the old, and those who like the new better. As long as it isn't catering to one part, I'm perfectly fine with it.
Literally the only reason they gave Halo 5 9's and 8.5's is because it is an FPS, that is basically all that reviewers care about. At least the Halo community will appreciate this game much better than that pile of trash that was H5
I'm playing halo wars 2 currently. And right after the first cut scene, I found myself thinking this is the most feeling and sounding halo I've ever played
I think halo six's artstyle should be a mix of Halo Wars 2 and Halo Reach. Cmon we all know that would be badass The only artstyle I want them to keep from Halo 5 is for the Promethian Knights,Soldiers,and crawlers why not the watcher you ask? Thats because the watcher makes no sense and is annoying. They should remove it
+Halo QnA. 1. Do you think that 343 industries is hinting of the return of the original art style for Halo 6? For me, I think that there is a possibility for two reasons. one would be the classic helmet req pack that contains the helmets from halo reach and two would be the release of Halo Wars 2. If you ask me, I would definitely be happy to see the original style back in halo 6 because the original art style, at least to me, made it feel like a halo game. while there are some good things I enjoy from 343's halos such as the railgun, the SAW, the sticky detonator and the mantis, there are also things I find weird and out of place, such as the new designs of the covenant species (especially the elites and grunts, but I do like the model for the jackals), the marines, the exclusion of playable elites as my brother loves playing as the elites in the original trilogy, and the over-design of some of the spartan armor. I do would like to hear your opinion about it, so I can't wait to see what you think. 2. By any chance, do you watch Red vs Blue from Rooster Teeth? I don't believe I heard you mention them before, so I would like to know what you think of the series. and 3. Besides Halo, what other games do you enjoy, such as fallout, the elder scrolls, gears of war, ect. Be interesting to hear. anyways, keep up the good work, I really enjoy the stuff you make here!
Honestly, I'm just SO happy that everything looks as it should, and as you said earlier, innovation isn't frowned upon, which is exactly how they blended the 2 art styles together seamlessly! I personally think it's perfect.
For that “which elite style” dilemma I’d say to add armors similar to what the new elites used and have some elites in game have the light skin the new elites have. Adding diversity to the elites wow
This really is a tiring topic. I'll just write what I usually do. I believe Halo 4's art direction complimented that games narrative. I would have liked to see Chief wearing the old Mjolner, crying over Cortana about as much as I would have liked to listen to the Halo theme as he did (which is not at all). However, the same style didn't work for Halo 5. I'm still waiting to see if the two styles can coexist on screen at the same time in Halo Wars 2.
A mixing of the Art styles is something I'd hoped for since i found out they had a mostly canon reason as to why these aliens look different. I excited myself at the concept of being able to fight some of the newer, brutish elites, alongside the original elites I came to appreciate. A clash of art style is the perfect way to bring back the old. Granted, I'm still upset that they probably won't change Chief's armor to an older model, but at this point, I'll take what I can get.
The biggest problems with the new Halo games are art style, story narrative, and lack of split-screen. Halo Wars 2 shows us promise of bringing back great visuals. 343i have said they're looking for a new narrative director AND that split screen will be returning for good. Fingers crossed guys, but 343i may deliver a perfect Halo game in the future. They're fully capable, let's hope they have the will to do it and make all the old fans and new happy.
Literally the most beaten to death topic that literally has such giant ass holes from being beaten that continents can fall through it I didn't think it was possible for people to continue to make a video on such an overused topic But with enough people on a band wagon and the salt of the halo community anything is possible
LateNightGaming - Halo News & Entertainment o wow the noble LNG has actually graced me with a reply wow I feel so honor. I wonder if He'll grace me with another Explain how's its not a bandwagon When you have not only done - multiple art style videos - and have talked about this topic and explained it in almost every other Q&A
Connor Reed that statement is a fallacy as that does not change the reality that bandwagons still exist Saying that their is none cause it's "pissed off to many" it's a fool gambit
LateNightGaming - Halo News & Entertainment so as long as they are treated as separate units or entities I'm ok with it. Skirmishers from halo reach are technically another race of jackels along with the elites from that game. So as long as they treat the two as separate designs and not make either of them overpower each other I'm happy with a blend of the two styles.
The worst part is that they didn't have to put too much strain on themselves if they wanted (at least) the Arbiter to look good. When Halo 2 Anniversary was released, it came with two new cutscenes to prepare for Halo 5. In the cutscenes, the Arbiter had his new armor (I still prefer is old armor though) but he was the Halo 2a elite.
It's weird to look at 343's work and think "these people are supposedly Halo fans". Because I'm not convinced they are. They seem to hate Halo and its designs and would rather turn the series into what *they* think is a badass sci-fi game.
I'm glad you brought up the new Jackals, because they're the only things that I actually enjoy in the new games. I hope we get a mix of old and new Jackals in future games, considering they come from different landamsses and all and exist alongside each other throughout the series.
It isn't really a return to the old art style. With 343 wanting canon explanations for everything (which I think is dumb because it kills artistic license and integrity), it's more simply that the Spirit of Fire and its crew are using outdated uniforms and gear that they can't handwave as easily as they did with MCs design change, the FUD, etc. when they previously broke canon with art changes in H4. So 343 probably directed Creative Assembly to follow a design aesthetic with that in mind. If/when they encounter modern UNSC troops and gear, it will be more in line with what we saw in H4-5. If we see SPARTANs other than red team, for example, they'll be wearing MJOLNIR G2.
I know. Honestly, I'd have preferred if they'd just handwaved a generic artstyle change instead of trying to reach and stretch for 'canonical' reasons to appease autists. Or, y'know, actually given good, organic reasons for the sudden change in art style. I'm glad that it also allows for a return to old gear, but I just wish they'd never introduced a new aesthetic under the guise of 'advancement' in the first place since there are countless continuity fuck ups because of how badly and suddenly 343 implemented it.
hurrhurrmurr Halo is a universe, it's not like Mario where you're given no reason for things. I fully expect everything in the Halo universe to be explained in some way or another, because logic must apply.
Q&A What do you think of a reach style game only on created occupied earth where you play as one of the surviving ONI teams. I was thinking you could play as each team member until they are killed off. I was thinking of having 6 or 7 members. I think that would make a good game. Hope you see this comment. Keep up the good work.
I always figured the best way to handle a complete redesign like 343 did was something along the lines of having the Covenant races be either experiments, genetically modified, or even just cousins of the originals from either the same planet or one close by; something that made them have to adapt to a vastly different lifestyle and evolving to fit that. With the UNSC was figuring the best bet would maybe have it be a different branch from the UNSC styled stuff that we've seen? Kinda like the difference between Russian, Japanese, and American aircraft and different armour styles. I feel it'd be a very easy way to just tie it all together, please both fans, and not retcon anything.
To be honest I don't think the elites in the old games were as agile as you're making out, in fact when I was a causal fan of Halo I didn't really notice the difference between the elites and brutes: both were tall, bulky, armour-clad aliens- neither seemed too different to me.
LateNightGaming - Halo News & Entertainment Yeah, they were annorexic lizard men, probably because someone forgot to go grocery shopping after Reach. Then in Halo 3, the guy finally came back with Chinese food.
Daniel Moon you can really notice it in halo 2 and 3, where you'll often fight alongside/against both of them. It usually comes down to the animations and how they are treated in cutscenes and in the external lore. Elites will usually have a quiet, swiftness to them when they fight. Where as brutes will often tower through marines executing them brutally like in barracks on earth. Sometimes they can even be seen nocking around cars, crates, and vehicles just to shove a hammer in your face.
Your description of the Elites is spot on. I like to bring up the best example, which is how they looked when they were out of combat in Halo 1: tall, calm, and intelligent, literally the elite of the Covenant. And even in combat they were still graceful and nimble, unlike the 343i era Elites, of which the ones in Spartan Ops, Halo 5's intro cinematic, and the end of the first mission in Halo 5 are the worst examples.
There can be no compromise when aspects like the Warthog's are still wrong and they are still trying to pretend like the old Warthog's designs don't exist. 343's pelican's presence in Halo Wars 2 violates Canon, just like the Warthog in H2A.
Frostbyte6686 He's being given some of the old art style back, and he still complains. You're the same actually, and for all the hate and vitriol you put towards a fucking video game, I'd recommend you find a new one that doesn't upset you (or a therapist). Blatantly insulting everything 343 does isn't "constructive criticism", its whining.
Imagine this... If Sega bought Super Mario from Nintendo and they redesigned him by shaving off his mustache. Do you think Nintendo fans would like Sega for that?
While I am still a huge fan of the art style for Reach, I now truly believe that Reach's style has finally been blown out of the water by Halo Wars 2's. It combined the very best of all Halo art styles, still has that Reach gritty look, and it feels like Halo more than anything. I love it.
Its funny how people hates 343's "power rangers armors" because "they not look like halo" or "military" but at the same time they love the fucking hayabusa armor with the katana and everything lmao
Pretty much this! I saw a lot of people complainig: Fotus doesn't look like Halo, Shinobi doesn't look like Halo". But praising Hayabusa, which I like a lot, but it is completely out of place of how a Spartan armor "should look like".
In my opinion it doesn't need to look like Halo, it is a cool design, so I'm wearing it just like Fotus and Shinobi. There's no difference between them IMO.
(I don't normally use the comments sections this feels strange) As an in training concept artist I find everything you have said about the Halo series art style very interesting and helpful about how to stick to the rules the a series have set for themselves and how a redesign can be harmful to a series. In the future I hope I get to put what you have talked about into practice.
343 is always breaking canon why would they care this time? Two problems I have is how they broke canon this time with changing the art style of especially the warthog and scorpion in halo wars 2, the spirit of fire has not had any contact with humanity to get the new shitty vehicles within its armoury.
Well Master Chief in Halo 4 also had no contact to humanity and was sealed in a cryotube and still woke up with a complete set of new armor. Lore says Cortana revamped his armr but really, she's a computer AI with no spare parts, no physical form and working on something in a sealed container, just how?
The best way I think they can just switch back to the practical looking Halo 3 armour, is if the armour the Master Chief is wearing now get's broken beyond repair. Obviously if he isn't best buddies with ONI so the only option he has is to return back to his old armour..
No. Nope. No. Not at all. The CGI might look like Halo, but people (The vast majority) hate Halo Wars 2's look compared to the original game. It look cartoonish, and the banished look like a joke. It was by far the single largest complaint during the Beta.
you say "vast majority" but I dont think thats so given the reception. In-game visuals will look bright and colorful to help differentiate Units but it doesnt take away from how great the Banished look
yeah, so the problem here is that you are talking about the CGI look of the game. In-game everything looks too bright and cartoonish to be taken seriously.
I have probably spent more time playing Halo Wars than any other game, it was my after-school life in 09. There was never any trouble identifying units, and identifying which units had what upgrades. Halo Wars 2 introduced units to both the UNSC and the Banished that just don't look like they fit either faction. The original Halo Wars had a grittier look. Everything in Halo Wars 2 is bright and over-done, even the bullets being shot from the Hornets.
UrTwiN you're another one of those fuckers who think 343 can't do ANYTHING RIGHT. You're in so much denial it's hilarious. I'm no 343 fanboy either. Halo 4 was a FAILURE. Halo 5 had great multiplayer but the campaign was hideous. But halo wars 2 looks amazing, LOOKS.
Dude... how do i explain this... have you played the mp of the previous halos? they look bright and and sh!t, is a rts, not a fps, this is justified, have you played other rts games b4? i think not.
Now if they could bring back music that sounds like Halo, that would be great. Even though the Halo 5 soundtrack is similar to what we've heard before, it's not very noticeable. 343I doesn't give us a lot of calm areas where all you have to do to move through the terrain, observe the landscape and ambient architecture, and listen to awe inspiring music. That's a major aspect that recent Halo games are lacking. The game has become too fast-paced and players aren't given much opportunity to slow down and take it all in.
I think what I love the most about Halo Wars 2's artstyle is that the Elites look badass again. They look like a combination of the Halo 2, 3 and Reach Elites and it looks fantastic. I can't wait to see shit like this for Halo 6.
The one thing I don't like about the Halo Wars 2 style is Captain Cutter looks 30 years younger. When I first saw him, I didn't even think it was the same guy.
While I will not be buying Halo Wars 2 because I'm not a fan of RTS games the art style still looks amazing and I would love for 343 to use it in Halo 6!
I honestly couldn’t agree with you more. And as for beating a dead horse, I’ve been beating that same dead horse since the announcement of Halo 4 in 2011.
Q&A: Do you think that 343 could make halo class based? Like have the halo 5 suits with thrusters on them, have the halo reach suits with armor abilities, and have the slow halo 1-3 suits with dual wielding?
I like both art styles for the elites but I like the original one better, and it be great to see both elite art styles fight with or against each other
Well the new and old Elite, Jackal and Grunt designs canonically coexist, as seen in the EU, so the games finally getting the same treatment is a godsend.
The things I liked about 343s art style is the jackals look cooler and honestly seem more like a sniper/ weasely type of enemy. I also like arbiters golden armor not his body but the armor. I also enjoyed the way the hunter look they were a nice cyan color and their weapons felt much more fluid.
Dude I understand the point of view you come from. Since playing and reading halo games and books since I was a child this franchise was my all time favorite. But after reach ;the look of what made halo " halo" kinda turned everything into something I didn't appreciate, something that honestly didn't make feel happy that an halo game comes anymore. The anime type armor for all the Spartans and the marines looking more like modern day marines on top of the unoriginal looking weapons and vehicles kinda made halo feel like an modern warfare type game. Until halo wars 2 was announced ;that instantly gave made me the feeling of a kid once more after seeing all the old art from the ORIGINAL series . Because sometimes classic is the way to go, and halo wars 2 is that blast from the past that many fans miss and loved so much.
God that Arbiter change is infuriating, but if Halo 6 adopts the Halo Wars 2 art style, not only will Halo look like Halo again, Arby will FINALLY look like he's supposed to look. Here's to hoping our dreams become reality
ok... well as long as jackals look less ugly ( like in the classic halo artsyle ), I would like a return to the classic artstyle. also, keep the prometheans the way they are... they look badass
I just wish the marines in their blits cards didnt look like nerf soldiers
I feel loved
Eagle Jesus nerf advertisements brought to you by halo
Jive Chip yes
I think LNG should sue. Gameranx just made a video about him without permission. JK
also, Even though they are marines, they for some reason have the Army's Ma37 instead of the Ma5B/C
They finally made the covenant not look like the locus from gears of war. Now if only they put back the gold, glass, and engravings on the forerunner stuff.
ljf3 they weren't really locus they were just odd
RazorEdgeLoki 1 they looked liked they belong in gears of war more then halo
ljf3 glad someone else noticed the engravings on the old art style forerunner tech not some typical glossy tron structure
Mizan Choudhury yeah I miss the forerunner touch from bungie, where much of the forunner stuff was made to look like it was carved out of the very rock at those places for efficiency and simple beauty.
ljf3 hasida
Beating a dead horse is fine when you are a voice for us, and you are helping 343 hear us. Thank you for what you're doing! Keep beating these dead horses!
Oh my fuck, thank you do much for saying that Elites are meant to be graceful and elegant in a way. I have been thinking this for so long! Halo 2's art is absolutely gorgeous! Especially the Elites armor! God that armor made me so horny! (sorry prolly tmi) Would love to see the gross new Elites next to the old elegant Elites! Gahhh
My number one request for h6 is good armor designs. I dont want tumors coming out of my head.
BlahBlahBlah yeah hate halo 343 armor looks like warframe armor or future sports armor and others just look like pure shit
NinjaTyler Funny thing is, according to the description of some of the armors, they are sports armor.
That and a better color palette
You asked and you have received
"We saw Gungnir in Reach, really liked it, and decided 70% of our new helmets would not have visors"
elite: hey brute you brought a gravity hammer to a energy sword fight that's pretty crin-
brute: *BONK*
This comment is underrated
@@smattonellus8354 but damm i found it
Don't bury that horse so early! There's still more than a year or 2 before Halo 6 comes out!
Counter-Arrogance Offizier put it in storage
Counter-Arrogance Offizier I think we will get a good idea of how Halo 6's art style will be soon enough, they will most likely show off a trailer at E3 and they might also show off gameplay as well since they will want to show everyone how good it looks on Scorpio.
they actually did a canon explanation to that in the book Thursday wars. granted it was a bullshity one but an explanation none the less. something about self-upgrading micro-fibers or something.
MrXxsesshomaruxX More likely that they will show _Halo 3: Anniversary_ on Scorpio at E3 releasing on the 25th of September.
Nanomachines, son!
(MGS reference. Both were ass-pulls, so I thought it was fitting.)
You use constructive criticism and yet the haters still talk a lot of crap about you. Especially when all they are saying is a bunch of salty and hate filled comments with nothing to offer.... Who is making the community bad again?
My only problem with him is how fervently he does it. Makes some bold, rather controversial claims that I can't even comprehend. Sure, I can see wanting the old Elites back, but what I can't see is what makes these old weapon designs any better.
Jonathan Bourne These "haters" are probably just tired of seeing this every day in the last few years, not that I disagree, I think it's time 343i changes up the art and the art from Halo wars 2 is simply amazing, I'm hoping it's the direction Halo 6 will go and who knows it, could be.
Rhas 'Churol The less you are listened to, the more you speak up. This is especially true with 343i. Now that they have done something good however it is time to compliment them on this, and that is what he is doing here. Giving positive reinforcement to 343i's current actions so that they know this is good.
Jonathan Bourne
Except speaking up, and constantly pointing things out(seriously, this is like his third video in the past two months about the art style) is very different. I'm _pretty bloody sure_ 343i has KNOWN no one likes their new designs for ages now, they don't care though - they will _not_ go against _their_ designs.
To me, if you want to speak up, go directly to 343. Leave everyone else out of it. It's like that annoying thing when on social media where you tag a brand/company/restaurant/whatever talking about how bad it is, and calling on your followers you trash them. That is cheap.
I very much doubt they consider this a compliment. "Yeah, your new art style is horrible, but GOOD JOB on re-using the old art style that you literally had nothing to do with, did great work on that!"
343 had nothing to do with the old art style. All they're doing is duplicating it now. I'm sure that's just _wonderful_ for artists; "forget creativity, you guys just have to duplicate other people's work because you're not good enough to make your own!"
Wait.........343 has nothing to do with the old art style? 343 has nothing to do with the old art style?! 343 HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE OLD ART STYLE?! Then tell me, who the hell made a joint operation with Bungie to make Halo: Reach?! That game, despite looking very different from Halo: CE or Halo Wars, exhibits a lot of changes to make it look similar to the art style. That is bull shit. They've worked with the art style before. They have a stake in it. They just don't do anything with it because a lot of the changes are to help transition the game from the grounded military sci-fi game into sci-fi in general, throwing out ideas that don't look scientific enough. The marines in Halo 4 changed in design to show that Halo is going to be grounded in a more science fiction stand point, using ideas that are commonly represented in sci fi media. They also make changes to just give parts of Halo a different spin. The new elite models were supposed to be different. Hell, in the lore they are different from the standard Covenant you have fought before.
No, they have every bit of experience with dealing with a tactical and military look. Just by comparing Spartan III armor in Reach and Spartan IV in Halo 5, you can see that it went from being extremely tactical and orthodox to something you would find in Star Wars. They've worked with the style before. The argument that Bungie made the old art style and not 343i, so they are creating their own style is invalid as they have created very tactile and good looking assets in the past. They even brought them back for H5 as a little thing for the multiplayer to enjoy with a few armor sets from Reach. They know people like that. They recognize that Halo fans do not like the new art style. But they aren't making the art style for them. They are making it for newcomers to enjoy. The Spartan in Halo 3 doesn't attract new players that well if the juggernaut of Call of Duty makes something in the same genre that is flashier. The new style is to bring in new people, not maintain the old people.
You think people haven't expressed to 343 to make change? They have. It doesn't work if 200 out of 2,000 people express negative feelings for something if the rest don't. If the majority cries out, they will listen. They would be stupid not to. Because they are located in America, they know that the power of the people can screw them if they decide to.
Thing is when I was playing Halo 5 and the "Throw the Unggoy out the airlock!" scene rolled around I wasn't watching it play out. So when I heard the dialogue I looked over at the screen and thought, "Did they bring the brutes back?"
Halo 6 should have both art styles like halo wars 2
Joshua Brinkman original covenant style/weapon design/weapons sounds and 343's own designs.
Joshua Brinkman yes, old covenant design (I doubt that, the covenant is gone) and some old unsc designs with halo 4/5's sounds. (I don't want popcorn). I want more punch in my weapons, more BOOM.
"Should have been?" How do you know it isn't? It' hasn't even been revealed yet. Then again, I wouldn't expect them to change the art style they've been working with.
You'd have an ethernal war of which things should be combined
Joshua Brinkman no just no
I think Creative Assembly respects the original art style compared to 343. See bunch of politics. And it's funny how 343 says "if Cod copy Halo, why not Halo copy Cod".
Purpletrax but didn't 343 work on Halo Wars 2 this time around?
Creative assembly fucked up the unit models
Bending and creating new lore to excuse the new art style is just lazy. I like the mix of the two, but prefer the original over the new. Partly because of nostalgia of course, but it looks like Halo.
DigitalVanquish the art style is what brought me into Halo in the first place.
so wait, different phenotypes are too much of a stretch despite their being many different races of human
e.g african american, caucasian
Optimus Prime
Well both of those examples are the same species, as they're both Homo sapiens, as are all humans...This is an example of the aliens being the same genus but different species, not phenotypes.
In some cases, yes. I like the different species of Jackel, but the new, sorry, 'previously unseen' species of Elites look stupid and brutish.
only for the case of the jackals. but for elites and grunts its phenotypes.
so the arbiter changes to a different kind of Elite??
7:22 "That's right terrible actors" lol
I wish people complain more about the Forerunner structures new design. for me its te most desgusting thing 343 have done artisctically.
miguel mata People don't complain because its one of the only things they arguably improved
Oh, you did't sey that...
miguel mata they all look the same
Diego 3068 The newer Forerunner structures look *very* different than the old ones. Much less of an emphasis on micro details like surface patterns, general aesthetic structural solidarity, and materials like glass, for example. It seems like all that 343 took from the old Forerunner style was:
- Silver angle-y bits
- Lights
And that's all they're working with. They've seemingly retconned the old style as well (why do Builder installations like Genesis and even *the Ark* using the new style?) If you're going to make these rules, at least be consistent with them.
r u shure itz te mosst diesgusting ting evar???
I cannot express how much I hope 343 are watching your videos, fuck it man, I straight up wish you worked there...
Or perhaps the fact that you do not work there allows you to be free with your opinions in the way that you are, either way, I am grateful for your content and I hope 343 are too :)
A bald, aghast guinea pig 343 are watching my videos :) I've gotten many compliments and a few of them even follow me on twitter!
LateNightGaming - Halo News & Entertainment That brings me a deep sense of hope and joy.
LateNightGaming - Halo News & Entertainment wow that's great! Maybe tell em about the forerunner installations?
To me they've become almost "action man" level glowy and spinny bits designed to mess with your head
Boamere I do miss the detailed calligraphy of Forerunner structures, made them seem much more mystical and ancient. Felt like the structures served a purpose.
I'd rather they'd be paying way more attention to Favyn's videos to be honest.
Ultimate Halo lol don't be salty that people want elites to look like elites again wangtime
Ultimate Halo is the worst halo channel
I know, it fucking blows lmao
Ultimate Halo keep doing your 1 minute borderline clickbait vids
I have top comment and it's going to my head
I love how you mimicked Halo's Chapter transitions for each topic in play. The way you set it up is very reminiscent of the original, props for nostalgia.
**air raid sirens go off**
I'm just tired of 343 thinking that they can do anything they want to this game it's like something handed down through the family you don't just change it the way you want
its a business, its their license now, they can do what they want.
yup and they choose to kill it
guns are cool If that's what you want to believe.
The other 1% is dumb fucks like you
guns are cool Lmfao you couldn't be further from the truth with that stupid fucking statement.
Halo Wars 2 blended the old art style and the new art style very well.
Many people dislike the new art style because it looks too futuristic, and not as iconic.
While the game is set in 2550, it had a modern aesthetic. It looked recognizable.
343i didn't do it as a thought of "lets just ruin it and get money!", they did it because they were trying to think logically.
they need to mix and keep both art styles going forward.
I selfishly hope it goes back just a tad more than Halo Wars 2 did to the original art style, as well as bringing the flood back, despite the M rating they would cause.
If the point about the new Jackals was supposed to be that 343 decided to turn "the bird aliens" into "the dinosaur aliens" to showcase how synonymous birds and dinosaurs really are (in keeping with our growing paleontological knowledge on the subject), all that flies out the window when you realize that the avian quality of the old Jackals looks a thousand times closer to a real theropod dinosaur than the moray eel faces 343 gave them.
No, the far more likely reality - particularly given the fact that the science demonstrating completely feathered dinosaurs had already been established for about fifteen years before the release of _Halo 4_ - is that 343 just wanted them to look more scary/menacing/alien (e.g. the same reason they changed the Grunts and Elites the way they did and had them not speaking English) without much thought put into the decision beyond that despite it badly needing some.
(In every other regard, though, this video was very much on-point. Great job.)
The new warthog is the coolest thing out of the newer art style.
I agree on a visual standpoint but then you realize it doesn't sound like a warthog at all
@@smattonellus8354 sounds better tho
Original halo warthog sounds like a go cart tbh
We don't say "beat a dead horse" in French, we say "shoot at an ambulance"
I bet the ambulance would surrender real quick in France.
0:46 *kill me* hahaha
That made me laugh really hard.
Everybody talks about how they made the elites look like ogres but look at what did they do to the poor plasma pistol
It looks to curvy but it looks cool on its own way.
And yet, nobody talks about the hideously designed stubby Sangheili (Elite) feet from Halo 2 Anniversary.
Here’s an idea the Bungie pelican is the transport and 343 pelican should be the gunship variant of it as long as it’s a little less box like and a lot more weapons I think there wouldn’t be a problem since I like both pelican models but the 343 pelican looks more like the Hind attack helicopter than a transport since the cockpit reminds me of it so I think they should just be variants so nobody gets replaced
Skye Volt exactly
atriox is pretty hot tho...... but not decimus
halo 3 will forever be the peak halo design wise. the new design for the covenant is nice as it makes it feel more real but everything else is a strange decision
LNG - your content is improving so much! The bit with the Elite laboring to walk under his own goddamn weight and the, "that's right, terrible actors!" both made me laugh out loud.
Seriously. I actually lol'd. Your humor and presentation and screen persona is getting so much better and I love it! Good job, you.
While I agree with almost everything said in this video, you have to keep in mind that the Elites are 8'6 on average in height. So they are big heavy creatures, with strength to match a fully armoured Spartan. The thing that made they scary was how they moved. You'd expect something so large to move heavily, and slowly, but when an Elite would suddenly turn on you and sprint towards you, wielding an energy sword, you'd shit your pants as it drew closer and closer, as you are running backwards, shooting, trying to take it down.
When it comes to Halo Wars 2, even the Brutes have suddenly gained this scary amount of Speed and Strength, as we see in the trailers. Size isn't the operative factor in these issues, its the way they move. The Elites need to move with power but with speed and agility. Size has less to do with it, and when it comes to the new art style, I kinda like it. They just need to sort the movement out.
Here are some things that a traditional halo fan like myself has to say about the series as of now. I've stopped paying any attention to 343's halo in the last few years, the last halo game i've played was halo 4. I'm not saying it was a bad game, i didn't like it. The story wasn't "halo-esque" like you'd expect it to be and it opened up a bunch of plot holes and rehashed a few sequences from older titles. Here are things wrong with current halo imho.
1. 343 tried too hard to act as if they were actually halo fans. They presented themselves in a way that made it look like they were the "true halo fans" going far as to say most of their staff were the majority of the leftover bungie employees when they split. Not only is this untrue but the majority of the development and arts teams were fresh out of college. They knew halo as a title and a few images. I'm not saying most of their development team didn't like halo or were completely unaware of what game they were developing, i'm just saying they pushed too hard for the "hey we're fans just like you so buy our product so we can all be happy" card.
2. Turning Halo 4/5 into a sob story about cortana wasn't a good idea. Remember when Halo was about shooting funny little aliens and preventing them from activating a mass genocide device all for the sake of their false religion? I remember. I also remember loving every second exploring the first and second halo, and mass murdering my way through the ark. I also remember being scared shitless of level C10 aka Guilty Spark for Halo 1 when i was younger. I also remember being amazed that after decades of war, humanity and the elites joined up to fight off the covenant at the end of Halo 2. I'm not getting the same feeling with cortana's dumb story. I look at cortana and I just see an assigned AI to master chief. Yeah sure, she's been a part of chief's life for so long that it would be heartbreaking to see her go, but having a character die off and being remembered for what or who he/she was is still better than turning x character into a villain just because they need to go. It'd ridiculous.
3. The new lore about how humanity being able to access forerunner tech is just dumb. Humanity shouldn't have access to new particle bayonets or plasma projectile tech. Halo is going through some sort of identity crisis that it's getting harder and harder to tell if humanity is still humanity. The green industrial "army" feel is thrown out the window for this sleek edge shit. Look what they tried to do with the rocket launcher? The classic spnkr? The battle rifle turned into this ultra-impracticable slate of knife-edged sheet metal. The scorpion tank doesn't even look like the scorpion tank anymore. I think the only thing that retains the original unsc look might be the warthog and the pelican and that's just too sad.
4. What did they do to the arbiter? The arbiter was a prevalent character back in Halo 2, he was the literal suicide squad, sent on death missions because he fucked up during the first ring campaign. He lost his honor, his rank as commander, and most importantly, the respect among the covenant. Mission 6 of Halo 2 completely blew my mind. New Hud, New character, ally elites? Holy fuck, it was like a whole new game. I saw the story from the perspective of the enemy, and it made me feel a sense of empathy because i was fighting for a cause i thought was right. Hearing the witty dialog and personality of the elites during combat made me feel sad for killing an abundance of them as chief throughout missions 1-5. It was through the Arbiter missions that i learned that the great journey was nothing more than a hoax and learned about the culture of the covenant. In halo 3 the arbiter gladly helped humanity with his fellow elites if it meant getting back at the brutes and covenant. He stuck by you almost the entire campaign, going as far as to die with you if he needed to. I can't say the same about the current Arbiter.
5. The huge redesign. Why? There was little need. I agree some of the new designs look interesting. The Jackles actually look nice now, i will say that. Prometheasn add a little flare to combat but they give me the impression they're just expendable bad guys they throw at you because they have nothing better to fill the maps with. Mostly all the covenant save for the Jackles didn't need a huge redesign, the same goes for their vehicles. The wraith looks almost too alien to the point where any engineer would agree that it's hugely impractical in terms of usability. The old wraith had a huge armored front section and a light rear section, it was a plasma launcher mortar that resembled a heavily armed blue and purple beetle. Now it looks like they tried to turn it into an actual tank, something the wraith isn't. I'm glad they brought back the spirit and phantom and used them in conjunction instead of seeing the same dropship over and over. Also the grunts aren't funny any more when i shoot them.
6.New characters. I can imagine halo 4 5 and 6 being a bland if the UNSC hadn't showed up to find chief or the forerunner shield world, but the new characters they introduced are bland. If you like palmer, then you're a desperate fuck. Lasky is ok, at least he has a decent amount of backstory. Osiris team can get incinerated and blue team is just fan service at this point. Why bring Buck back if you're not going to bring his original team back? Oh right they killed off/removed most of his ODST squad from the main picture because they weren't recognizable enough. There was no reason to turn mickey into an insurgent and kill the rookie. The rookie, despite not saying a word throughout the entire ODST campaign, had more character than any of these cunts.
I have way more points i want to throw out there but I feel like I'm omitting too much time to a cause that might be further washed down the drain.
Alkatsojo *sniff sniff* come here man*gives hug* You tell it like it is man. Halo to me is dead.
The part on rookie is just so much more true and knowing that he gets killed off makes my heart hurt so much more because i actually felt attached to rookie unlike any character from halo 5
I actually liked the story where Mickey turns, haven't seen that side
The fact they utterly destroyed Alpha-9 squad is a disgrace... and making Buck a spartan was a very stupid idea, just like the rest of the spartan IV program.
Halo Wars 2 still has even MORE potential to be a love letter to fans of the original art style. They've confirmed there will be more leaders as DLC in the future, and one of the leaders we're already gonna be getting is an Elite commander. If the game follows the format of the first game, each leader will have some unique counterpart units here and there. If the game is going to really innovate, hopefully they'll even give the new leaders their own unique art style for all units. Imagine playing as a classical elite ship master whose units resemble the classical era of the covenant, where there are more elites, and the weapons and vehicles are more rounded and blue like they were in the original game.
I'm just going to say this. I LOVE the New forerunner art choice and some of the covenant choices. But Overall Halo Wars 2 reminded me why I loved Halo in the first place. That reason is my own. What I want to know, What is yours? @LateNightGaming - Halo News & Entertainment
I like that new Rocket Lawnchair, but I wish they kept it with the original.
Is it just me or does it bother anyone else how they ruined chiefs armour in four
it looks much better, way more practical
Optimus Prime agreed
+Optimus Prime Comlaining about something being practical in a universe where hyper advanced aliens with access to plasma weaponry would rather use swords albeit made of plasma.
said hyper advanced aliens have a culture which is why they use energy swords. its not due to any technological limitations or anything else, besides, we have rifles but still use knives and machetes.
+Optimus Prime So culture is an excuse to completely do something impractical like not bring say long range plasma weapon into combat and instead bring a sword? We don't use machetes for actual combat situations lol they're a utility at best.
All I want is for them to bring back the original Rouge Helmet design. It was my favorite helmet, but now it looks like a minecraft EVA helmet.
Keep the new elites in as heavier and slower ones with heavy weapons and more health. Put the old ones in as more nimble and elegant ones with less health and lighter weapons and swords.
Aaron Hebert yes as long as we have them side by side with the old ones.
Aaron Hebert I still think the old elite should be the most common (maybe say the big brute ones were genetically spliced with brute DNA)...I remember fighting alongside the elites in halo 3, they certainly were not the massive slow things you see now and definitely fit the description of the honourable powerhouse of the covenant
I see those elites as buff elites Arby been at the gym
But we already have brutes to fill that role.
I'm glad it's a mix of both art styles, the classic and new. That way it pleases the majority of the fans. It pleases those who prefer the old, and those who like the new better. As long as it isn't catering to one part, I'm perfectly fine with it.
Just wait, halo wars 2 won't sell well and someone will blame it on the art style.
Kaleb Weeders it's already selling well
BionicStryder it is?
The 99th Rogue ñ
Benten games
But reviews are worse than Halo 5. Art style has nothing to do with sales or reviews.
Literally the only reason they gave Halo 5 9's and 8.5's is because it is an FPS, that is basically all that reviewers care about. At least the Halo community will appreciate this game much better than that pile of trash that was H5
I'm playing halo wars 2 currently. And right after the first cut scene, I found myself thinking this is the most feeling and sounding halo I've ever played
I think halo six's artstyle should be a mix of Halo Wars 2 and Halo Reach. Cmon we all know that would be badass The only artstyle I want them to keep from Halo 5 is for the Promethian Knights,Soldiers,and crawlers why not the watcher you ask? Thats because the watcher makes no sense and is annoying. They should remove it
+Halo QnA. 1. Do you think that 343 industries is hinting of the return of the original art style for Halo 6? For me, I think that there is a possibility for two reasons. one would be the classic helmet req pack that contains the helmets from halo reach and two would be the release of Halo Wars 2. If you ask me, I would definitely be happy to see the original style back in halo 6 because the original art style, at least to me, made it feel like a halo game. while there are some good things I enjoy from 343's halos such as the railgun, the SAW, the sticky detonator and the mantis, there are also things I find weird and out of place, such as the new designs of the covenant species (especially the elites and grunts, but I do like the model for the jackals), the marines, the exclusion of playable elites as my brother loves playing as the elites in the original trilogy, and the over-design of some of the spartan armor. I do would like to hear your opinion about it, so I can't wait to see what you think.
2. By any chance, do you watch Red vs Blue from Rooster Teeth? I don't believe I heard you mention them before, so I would like to know what you think of the series.
and 3. Besides Halo, what other games do you enjoy, such as fallout, the elder scrolls, gears of war, ect. Be interesting to hear.
anyways, keep up the good work, I really enjoy the stuff you make here!
probably your best video dude, you killed it.
I love the look of the marines in halo wars 2 (cut scenes at least)
I absolutly loved Halo reach's art style
Honestly, I'm just SO happy that everything looks as it should, and as you said earlier, innovation isn't frowned upon, which is exactly how they blended the 2 art styles together seamlessly! I personally think it's perfect.
Preach on Latenight Preach on!
For that “which elite style” dilemma I’d say to add armors similar to what the new elites used and have some elites in game have the light skin the new elites have. Adding diversity to the elites wow
Halo Q&A:
Do you think that 343 should focus more on releasing halo pornos?
atriox and cutter go at it. tongue action, back n forth, full tongue.
Croiky I gotta check that out
Optimus Prime love the ref holder of the Matrix of Leadership :)
This really is a tiring topic. I'll just write what I usually do. I believe Halo 4's art direction complimented that games narrative. I would have liked to see Chief wearing the old Mjolner, crying over Cortana about as much as I would have liked to listen to the Halo theme as he did (which is not at all). However, the same style didn't work for Halo 5. I'm still waiting to see if the two styles can coexist on screen at the same time in Halo Wars 2.
Bring back OG art style for everything!!!!!
Caz I prefer halo wars take
The 99th Rogue Halo Wars 2 took the best of both worlds. Modernized the old style so it still looks iconic and nostalgic but new at the same time.
Except the Jackals new is better
A mixing of the Art styles is something I'd hoped for since i found out they had a mostly canon reason as to why these aliens look different. I excited myself at the concept of being able to fight some of the newer, brutish elites, alongside the original elites I came to appreciate. A clash of art style is the perfect way to bring back the old. Granted, I'm still upset that they probably won't change Chief's armor to an older model, but at this point, I'll take what I can get.
New style fans: Throw the classic styles out the air lock
343 it wouldn't kill you if you just add the two iconic lights on the shotgun!
thx a mil late night your vids are great and im glad you ain't afraid to call out BS when you see it
The biggest problems with the new Halo games are art style, story narrative, and lack of split-screen.
Halo Wars 2 shows us promise of bringing back great visuals.
343i have said they're looking for a new narrative director AND that split screen will be returning for good.
Fingers crossed guys, but 343i may deliver a perfect Halo game in the future. They're fully capable, let's hope they have the will to do it and make all the old fans and new happy.
Literally the most beaten to death topic that literally has such giant ass holes from being beaten that continents can fall through it
I didn't think it was possible for people to continue to make a video on such an overused topic
But with enough people on a band wagon and the salt of the halo community anything is possible
Zimzilla 99 it's not a bandwagon, it's a legit criticism
LateNightGaming - Halo News & Entertainment o wow the noble LNG has actually graced me with a reply wow I feel so honor.
I wonder if He'll grace me with another
Explain how's its not a bandwagon
When you have not only done
- multiple art style videos
- and have talked about this topic and explained it in almost every other Q&A
Connor Reed that statement is a fallacy as that does not change the reality that bandwagons still exist
Saying that their is none cause it's "pissed off to many" it's a fool gambit
LateNightGaming - Halo News & Entertainment so as long as they are treated as separate units or entities I'm ok with it. Skirmishers from halo reach are technically another race of jackels along with the elites from that game. So as long as they treat the two as separate designs and not make either of them overpower each other I'm happy with a blend of the two styles.
Connor Reed lol
The worst part is that they didn't have to put too much strain on themselves if they wanted (at least) the Arbiter to look good. When Halo 2 Anniversary was released, it came with two new cutscenes to prepare for Halo 5. In the cutscenes, the Arbiter had his new armor (I still prefer is old armor though) but he was the Halo 2a elite.
It's weird to look at 343's work and think "these people are supposedly Halo fans".
Because I'm not convinced they are. They seem to hate Halo and its designs and would rather turn the series into what *they* think is a badass sci-fi game.
Yes 👍 movements in the enemy always bugged me the new halo games
the ad got me good man 😂😂
I'm glad you brought up the new Jackals, because they're the only things that I actually enjoy in the new games. I hope we get a mix of old and new Jackals in future games, considering they come from different landamsses and all and exist alongside each other throughout the series.
It isn't really a return to the old art style. With 343 wanting canon explanations for everything (which I think is dumb because it kills artistic license and integrity), it's more simply that the Spirit of Fire and its crew are using outdated uniforms and gear that they can't handwave as easily as they did with MCs design change, the FUD, etc. when they previously broke canon with art changes in H4. So 343 probably directed Creative Assembly to follow a design aesthetic with that in mind.
If/when they encounter modern UNSC troops and gear, it will be more in line with what we saw in H4-5. If we see SPARTANs other than red team, for example, they'll be wearing MJOLNIR G2.
hurrhurrmurr They're forced to explain things in canon because of all the rabid fans demanding explanations for change
hurrhurrmurr that's all lore behind the art
Halo wars 2 has an art direction that I very much approve of (minus the dumb H5 marines still being used)
hurrhurrmurr And yet they have things like classic elites and grunts.
I know. Honestly, I'd have preferred if they'd just handwaved a generic artstyle change instead of trying to reach and stretch for 'canonical' reasons to appease autists. Or, y'know, actually given good, organic reasons for the sudden change in art style.
I'm glad that it also allows for a return to old gear, but I just wish they'd never introduced a new aesthetic under the guise of 'advancement' in the first place since there are countless continuity fuck ups because of how badly and suddenly 343 implemented it.
Halo is a universe, it's not like Mario where you're given no reason for things. I fully expect everything in the Halo universe to be explained in some way or another, because logic must apply.
Q&A What do you think of a reach style game only on created occupied earth where you play as one of the surviving ONI teams. I was thinking you could play as each team member until they are killed off. I was thinking of having 6 or 7 members. I think that would make a good game. Hope you see this comment. Keep up the good work.
The only thing I don't like is all the armour and the shotgun
The EA Man i agree alot of the armour doesnt mix with other armour sets and the shotgun is ugly
I always figured the best way to handle a complete redesign like 343 did was something along the lines of having the Covenant races be either experiments, genetically modified, or even just cousins of the originals from either the same planet or one close by; something that made them have to adapt to a vastly different lifestyle and evolving to fit that.
With the UNSC was figuring the best bet would maybe have it be a different branch from the UNSC styled stuff that we've seen? Kinda like the difference between Russian, Japanese, and American aircraft and different armour styles. I feel it'd be a very easy way to just tie it all together, please both fans, and not retcon anything.
To be honest I don't think the elites in the old games were as agile as you're making out, in fact when I was a causal fan of Halo I didn't really notice the difference between the elites and brutes: both were tall, bulky, armour-clad aliens- neither seemed too different to me.
Daniel Moon
He's really hyperbolic sometimes.
Daniel Moon have you ever seen them running around in halo CE?
LateNightGaming - Halo News & Entertainment
Yeah, they were annorexic lizard men, probably because someone forgot to go grocery shopping after Reach.
Then in Halo 3, the guy finally came back with Chinese food.
Mega Guy43 XD that made me laugh pretty hard
Daniel Moon you can really notice it in halo 2 and 3, where you'll often fight alongside/against both of them. It usually comes down to the animations and how they are treated in cutscenes and in the external lore.
Elites will usually have a quiet, swiftness to them when they fight.
Where as brutes will often tower through marines executing them brutally like in barracks on earth. Sometimes they can even be seen nocking around cars, crates, and vehicles just to shove a hammer in your face.
Your description of the Elites is spot on. I like to bring up the best example, which is how they looked when they were out of combat in Halo 1: tall, calm, and intelligent, literally the elite of the Covenant. And even in combat they were still graceful and nimble, unlike the 343i era Elites, of which the ones in Spartan Ops, Halo 5's intro cinematic, and the end of the first mission in Halo 5 are the worst examples.
There can be no compromise when aspects like the Warthog's are still wrong and they are still trying to pretend like the old Warthog's designs don't exist. 343's pelican's presence in Halo Wars 2 violates Canon, just like the Warthog in H2A.
David Vander Ven Find a new series bud, you seem pretty impossible to please
Let the salt flow through you.....
David Vander Ven hahahah the new warthog looks better imo..... who fucking cares if a few things are changed? The VAST majority looks great
He's looking for what this series used to be. There's no more of a stupid reply than "get a new series, bud."
Frostbyte6686 He's being given some of the old art style back, and he still complains. You're the same actually, and for all the hate and vitriol you put towards a fucking video game, I'd recommend you find a new one that doesn't upset you (or a therapist).
Blatantly insulting everything 343 does isn't "constructive criticism", its whining.
Imagine this... If Sega bought Super Mario from Nintendo and they redesigned him by shaving off his mustache. Do you think Nintendo fans would like Sega for that?
I still hate the way they changed the look of Captain Cutter.
new va/ motion capture tech
That what 10 years of technology does. Every character has changed due to this, it's not a big issue as long as they look similar.
While I am still a huge fan of the art style for Reach, I now truly believe that Reach's style has finally been blown out of the water by Halo Wars 2's. It combined the very best of all Halo art styles, still has that Reach gritty look, and it feels like Halo more than anything. I love it.
Its funny how people hates 343's "power rangers armors" because "they not look like halo" or "military" but at the same time they love the fucking hayabusa armor with the katana and everything lmao
Pretty much this! I saw a lot of people complainig: Fotus doesn't look like Halo, Shinobi doesn't look like Halo". But praising Hayabusa, which I like a lot, but it is completely out of place of how a Spartan armor "should look like".
In my opinion it doesn't need to look like Halo, it is a cool design, so I'm wearing it just like Fotus and Shinobi. There's no difference between them IMO.
1337GameDev wtf that doesnt makes sense,I can say the same for the new armors
Yeah the hayabusa is my favorite Halo3 armor,and in Halo 5 im actually using the classic ones,but im not a bitch complaining about the new ones
this people wants every of the 100+ armors to be a 10/10 to them
(I don't normally use the comments sections this feels strange) As an in training concept artist I find everything you have said about the Halo series art style very interesting and helpful about how to stick to the rules the a series have set for themselves and how a redesign can be harmful to a series. In the future I hope I get to put what you have talked about into practice.
343 is always breaking canon why would they care this time? Two problems I have is how they broke canon this time with changing the art style of especially the warthog and scorpion in halo wars 2, the spirit of fire has not had any contact with humanity to get the new shitty vehicles within its armoury.
Well Master Chief in Halo 4 also had no contact to humanity and was sealed in a cryotube and still woke up with a complete set of new armor.
Lore says Cortana revamped his armr but really, she's a computer AI with no spare parts, no physical form and working on something in a sealed container, just how?
The Spirit of Fire is able to produce nee equipment and Isabel gave them new schematics that were created before the war.
The best way I think they can just switch back to the practical looking Halo 3 armour, is if the armour the Master Chief is wearing now get's broken beyond repair. Obviously if he isn't best buddies with ONI so the only option he has is to return back to his old armour..
O&A, which do you think could win in a fight? Godzilla or a BIG army of the Flood, including Gravemind? Please answer this.
No. Nope. No. Not at all. The CGI might look like Halo, but people (The vast majority) hate Halo Wars 2's look compared to the original game. It look cartoonish, and the banished look like a joke. It was by far the single largest complaint during the Beta.
you say "vast majority" but I dont think thats so given the reception.
In-game visuals will look bright and colorful to help differentiate Units but it doesnt take away from how great the Banished look
yeah, so the problem here is that you are talking about the CGI look of the game. In-game everything looks too bright and cartoonish to be taken seriously.
I have probably spent more time playing Halo Wars than any other game, it was my after-school life in 09. There was never any trouble identifying units, and identifying which units had what upgrades.
Halo Wars 2 introduced units to both the UNSC and the Banished that just don't look like they fit either faction. The original Halo Wars had a grittier look. Everything in Halo Wars 2 is bright and over-done, even the bullets being shot from the Hornets.
UrTwiN you're another one of those fuckers who think 343 can't do ANYTHING RIGHT. You're in so much denial it's hilarious. I'm no 343 fanboy either. Halo 4 was a FAILURE. Halo 5 had great multiplayer but the campaign was hideous. But halo wars 2 looks amazing, LOOKS.
Dude... how do i explain this... have you played the mp of the previous halos? they look bright and and sh!t, is a rts, not a fps, this is justified, have you played other rts games b4? i think not.
The beginning of this video was the birth of my 30 min laughter
Now if they could bring back music that sounds like Halo, that would be great. Even though the Halo 5 soundtrack is similar to what we've heard before, it's not very noticeable. 343I doesn't give us a lot of calm areas where all you have to do to move through the terrain, observe the landscape and ambient architecture, and listen to awe inspiring music. That's a major aspect that recent Halo games are lacking. The game has become too fast-paced and players aren't given much opportunity to slow down and take it all in.
I think what I love the most about Halo Wars 2's artstyle is that the Elites look badass again. They look like a combination of the Halo 2, 3 and Reach Elites and it looks fantastic. I can't wait to see shit like this for Halo 6.
The one thing I don't like about the Halo Wars 2 style is Captain Cutter looks 30 years younger. When I first saw him, I didn't even think it was the same guy.
I love how you use the Halo's bottom right level title for each new argument
While I will not be buying Halo Wars 2 because I'm not a fan of RTS games the art style still looks amazing and I would love for 343 to use it in Halo 6!
I honestly couldn’t agree with you more. And as for beating a dead horse, I’ve been beating that same dead horse since the announcement of Halo 4 in 2011.
The halo wars 2 e3 trailer was so good i watched it like 20 times
Q&A: Do you think that 343 could make halo class based? Like have the halo 5 suits with thrusters on them, have the halo reach suits with armor abilities, and have the slow halo 1-3 suits with dual wielding?
I like both art styles for the elites but I like the original one better, and it be great to see both elite art styles fight with or against each other
The sad part is that Halo 6 will probably still have the new artstyle and not the old :/
Well the new and old Elite, Jackal and Grunt designs canonically coexist, as seen in the EU, so the games finally getting the same treatment is a godsend.
The things I liked about 343s art style is the jackals look cooler and honestly seem more like a sniper/ weasely type of enemy. I also like arbiters golden armor not his body but the armor. I also enjoyed the way the hunter look they were a nice cyan color and their weapons felt much more fluid.
Dude I understand the point of view you come from. Since playing and reading halo games and books since I was a child this franchise was my all time favorite. But after reach ;the look of what made halo " halo" kinda turned everything into something I didn't appreciate, something that honestly didn't make feel happy that an halo game comes anymore. The anime type armor for all the Spartans and the marines looking more like modern day marines on top of the unoriginal looking weapons and vehicles kinda made halo feel like an modern warfare type game. Until halo wars 2 was announced ;that instantly gave made me the feeling of a kid once more after seeing all the old art from the ORIGINAL series . Because sometimes classic is the way to go, and halo wars 2 is that blast from the past that many fans miss and loved so much.
I really hope this style returns in future games.
I feel you bro... right in the heart, I want my beautiful elites and grunts back
I think that it would have been completely fine if they had both present and original art styles fitting side by side in the first to games
God that Arbiter change is infuriating, but if Halo 6 adopts the Halo Wars 2 art style, not only will Halo look like Halo again, Arby will FINALLY look like he's supposed to look. Here's to hoping our dreams become reality
ok... well as long as jackals look less ugly ( like in the classic halo artsyle ), I would like a return to the classic artstyle. also, keep the prometheans the way they are... they look badass