How to create a File server for a small company

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 132

  • @alibabaei1953
    @alibabaei1953 3 месяца назад +5

    you're the only one in youtube that uses robot voice yet provides an actual solution. most robot voice channels are scams run by indians or nigerians 😁. i guess you use robot voice because you probably have a thick accent (like me) that no one will be able to understand you if you actually explained things yourself yet you still helping. Kudos to you sir

  • @md.riazulkarim3266
    @md.riazulkarim3266 Год назад +13

    Very short, but what a resourfull tutorial. impressed. Thanks man. Hope I can setup my own server based on your tutorial. Thanks Again.

  • @anandagrawal3892
    @anandagrawal3892 2 года назад +15

    Thanks for your great tutorials, Please more content on Windows Server - small company use cases ! ❤👌👌

  • @surajitbarua9510
    @surajitbarua9510 Месяц назад

    Very important video this is. Actually I have learnt a lot. Thanks bro. Carry on. We want many more videos about netwotking related. May God bless you bro.

  • @queenqueents-l9s
    @queenqueents-l9s 11 месяцев назад +1

    u did amazing , thank you so much for great work , i suggest it to every IT Man

  • @Ramadaanahmed-og7vf
    @Ramadaanahmed-og7vf 18 дней назад

    Thank you for your great understandable explanation please make more more vidoes about windows server step by step

  • @getmad2u
    @getmad2u 11 месяцев назад +1

    Great help. Very short and understandable

  • @allenissuperman
    @allenissuperman Месяц назад

    Extremely informative video Sir! Thank you very much

  • @tomask.1826
    @tomask.1826 2 года назад +7

    Very useful video. If possible - make more AD & GPO based tutorials for small business server.

    • @NETVN82
      @NETVN82  2 года назад +4

      Thanks, will do!

  • @dagimayele8567
    @dagimayele8567 2 года назад +2

    wow continue Great and exciting explanation, thank you

  • @noorrahman6187
    @noorrahman6187 2 года назад +1

    Thank you so much learned something new .. keep posting these type of helpful video's God bless you

    • @NETVN82
      @NETVN82  2 года назад +1

      So nice of you

  • @AngweenAnnora
    @AngweenAnnora 2 года назад +2

    with that GPO setting, 11:00, wouldn't that Sale will also get mapped to IT drive?

  • @valigsk3250
    @valigsk3250 3 месяца назад

    Wow superb sir, excellent 👌👌👌👌

  • @shashankkapuria1540
    @shashankkapuria1540 2 года назад +1

    Superb bro keep on doing it and explain in deep what are the other things need to take care of while setting up the Server

  • @mannjtn
    @mannjtn Год назад

    Superb just amazing 👏👏👏

  • @mohsinali-mc1me
    @mohsinali-mc1me 2 года назад +10

    Please make video about how to mount synology brtfs file system data to Ubuntu or windows.

  • @roshanmutha2329
    @roshanmutha2329 19 дней назад

    Thanks for creating this video in Hindi

  • @ezkul95828
    @ezkul95828 2 года назад +3

    Not sure why we need to set a static IP for PCs before joining AD. It's not really practical I think.

    • @RoCketScieNces
      @RoCketScieNces 2 года назад

      As an Administrator it's easier for you to know who owns that PC and what it's his IP,you can give a range of IPs for example x.x.x.10-50 to programmers,x.x.x.60-80 to sales etc, There are also scanners,voIP,Security Cameras.If you have no clue what IP is assigned to your devices then you are just done.

    • @ezkul95828
      @ezkul95828 2 года назад +1

      @@RoCketScieNces you are right for small scale. I guess that I'm spoiled. I manage them all from DC.

    • @dorianmoreno7227
      @dorianmoreno7227 Год назад +1

      dhcp server is not setup thats why it needs to be set static

  • @prazedragon
    @prazedragon 2 года назад

    thaks for the details guide instead normal smb sharing

    • @NETVN82
      @NETVN82  2 года назад

      Glad it helped

  • @Dwjoem
    @Dwjoem 7 месяцев назад

    AI Colonel Campbell teaching me how to create file server, this is pretty cool.

  • @binishtami837
    @binishtami837 11 месяцев назад +1

    Sir, 1:05 is not understanding how to go that page in server manager option.. Pls tellme

  • @jakashiLOL
    @jakashiLOL Год назад +1

    Thank you this gelped alot

  • @kuldeepsinghchouhan1211
    @kuldeepsinghchouhan1211 2 года назад +1

    Very usefull tutorial 👌

    • @NETVN82
      @NETVN82  2 года назад

      Thanks a lot

  • @jabra1946
    @jabra1946 11 месяцев назад

    Nicely explained, 👍

  • @EliasOvitsh
    @EliasOvitsh 2 года назад +1

    Great and interesting explanation, thank you

    • @NETVN82
      @NETVN82  2 года назад

      Glad you liked it!

  • @jeraldthalaiva85
    @jeraldthalaiva85 Год назад

    Sir, 1:05 is not understanding how to go that page in server manager option.. Pls tellme

  • @MusicadiRelax
    @MusicadiRelax Месяц назад

    bạn có lập kênh cho người Việt Nam không vậy, đúng chủ đề mình muốn học mà nghe cái video hơi khó hiểu nà

  • @El_Bkn
    @El_Bkn 2 года назад +3

    Mejor explicado, imposible. Excelente video

  • @famenyah3829
    @famenyah3829 9 месяцев назад

    Very informative. Why did you need to set a static IP for the client machine before joining it to the domain? Couldn't you have simply skipped the step of creating a static IP for the client machine?

  • @MdRaihan-gc5gc
    @MdRaihan-gc5gc Год назад

    Very useful video thank you

  • @supportqubix
    @supportqubix 2 года назад +1

    Thank You, very Useful...can you make video how to enable biometric setup...

  • @bh-slys
    @bh-slys 10 дней назад

    Thanks for Sharing

  • @TECHTIPS321
    @TECHTIPS321 2 года назад

    You are intelligent my dear brother

  • @Vietquat114
    @Vietquat114 Год назад

    Can use a NAS Synology become a Domain controller + active directory both ? thanks

    • @laffytaffyog9276
      @laffytaffyog9276 9 месяцев назад

      You can join your Nas to a domain and share it your network.

  • @ciro8861
    @ciro8861 6 месяцев назад

    this is very informative, if possible, can you do a tutorial on creating your own server to run your own website? i would like to use one to run my own online radio station...

  • @fammind
    @fammind 10 месяцев назад

    Great! One question, since there is a share, how can you protect yourself in case of ransomware?

  • @ricseeds4835
    @ricseeds4835 9 месяцев назад

    Is it possible to have different read/write access for folders in a network drive? If John and Jennifer have access to the same drive, can you make it so that John can only save in a specific folder but can also read from Jennifer's folder?

    • @laffytaffyog9276
      @laffytaffyog9276 9 месяцев назад

      That would be done in security groups. It could be that you can only allow a user to have view access but not write permissions.

  • @botrasone
    @botrasone Год назад

    Thanks for this video.

  • @simratgill7016
    @simratgill7016 Год назад +1

    Nice Video. As a domain user, I want to join this server remotely from my home, Can you please tell how a user can join this domain remotely?

  • @ricardomendoza4122
    @ricardomendoza4122 11 месяцев назад +1

    Hi, my friend, we managed to connect one laptop to the domain but in other systems, we get a timeout for the connection. How could we solve this?

    • @laffytaffyog9276
      @laffytaffyog9276 9 месяцев назад

      Only certain Windows versions support domain joins. Check your version.

  • @cismot
    @cismot 2 года назад

    The client, why it needs to join the domain with a static IP address? Couldn't we use DHCP instead? Just create a DHCP server and configure the /24 subnet

    • @gopiyadavgs681
      @gopiyadavgs681 2 года назад +1

      Then you need to setup dns server locally as well

  • @nid274
    @nid274 2 года назад

    Normally we use free and easy opensource software for this like trueNAS or ubuntu/samba etc..Its opensource, free and does not need a license/crack!

  • @anhdung302
    @anhdung302 2 года назад +1

    Thank you so much

  • @ImranAnsari-ku6kb
    @ImranAnsari-ku6kb 2 года назад

    Thanks for sharing.

    • @NETVN82
      @NETVN82  2 года назад

      Thanks for watching!

  • @SedikiDolley
    @SedikiDolley 3 месяца назад

    excellent tutorial. wow!

  • @backposedtraveller9886
    @backposedtraveller9886 Год назад

    Is it necessary to connect domain and client to the same wifi/network connection?

    • @frajoxn7972
      @frajoxn7972 11 месяцев назад

      yes, same network (ip range and subnet) otherwise you need a vpn

  • @nanayawawuku4114
    @nanayawawuku4114 2 года назад

    I have a pblm sharing files in LAN.
    All the files we need to run the company is dump on one particular client machine
    So how do I move/copy all the files from that particular client to the server so that other clients can access the files incase the client withe the files goes down?

  • @microsoftsarker
    @microsoftsarker 2 года назад

    Very useful video

    • @NETVN82
      @NETVN82  2 года назад

      Thanks a lot

  • @pinikpikantv3555
    @pinikpikantv3555 5 месяцев назад

    ayos lakay.

  • @numair3
    @numair3 2 года назад

    Amazing Dear

    • @NETVN82
      @NETVN82  2 года назад

      Many many thanks

  • @gopiyadavgs681
    @gopiyadavgs681 2 года назад

    How a client is domain joined when it is imaged from sccm, what happens in the backend

  • @estebancutini
    @estebancutini 2 года назад +2

    Muchas gracias por el video. Muy explicativo.

  • @ginsanhertz9788
    @ginsanhertz9788 Год назад

    hi Master, do you have some video to set up a VPN server? I need to connect to a computer located in company, and access to a web application (installed in this computer) from remote host (my home for example), thanks for your videos

  • @RosihanAji
    @RosihanAji 2 года назад

    Untuk urusan file server saya lebih memilih samba server

  • @CGTGPFan
    @CGTGPFan 2 года назад

    hello, using any windows server is enough for this? how about the storage?

  • @nomanfidahussain6510
    @nomanfidahussain6510 10 месяцев назад

    Hello sir, can you create a tutorial in which we configure a switch and a Windows server? In this tutorial, the switch's gi0/1 port should be connected to the main internet line, gi0/3 to the AD server, and users should be assigned class A IPs in 3 different scopes.

  • @ggrocky1435
    @ggrocky1435 Год назад

    An Active Directory domain controller for the domain xyz could not be contacted

  • @osmermorales6015
    @osmermorales6015 2 года назад +1


  • @OpinionatedReviewer
    @OpinionatedReviewer Год назад

    For my home network, I just use the 'net use' command.

  • @wiz2398
    @wiz2398 2 года назад

    Plz make video on filezilla to access out of network or from anywhere

  • @hornchamroeun6064
    @hornchamroeun6064 2 года назад


  • @RynkunPoke
    @RynkunPoke 2 года назад +5

    Advice: It`s not safe to map disk, better to create shortcut to storage with appropriate permissions.

    • @viliamevaisova5608
      @viliamevaisova5608 Год назад +1

      Any reasons why?

    • @frajoxn7972
      @frajoxn7972 11 месяцев назад +1

      Not true, if we give access to the only folder in the disk the people under the domain can't access the root folders

  • @GopadilipReddy
    @GopadilipReddy 2 года назад

    When i shutdown my laptop it is not closing all the application, few are staying in the memory and opening when i login

  • @MajiinBuu
    @MajiinBuu Год назад

    what if I want to connect remote computers to the server?

  • @afrididigitaltech
    @afrididigitaltech 2 года назад

    Very Nice

  • @anareda1630
    @anareda1630 Год назад

    very usufull tuto many thanks

  • @mgunthanit12
    @mgunthanit12 2 года назад

    Do videos on open stack private cloud

  • @OfficialofUniversitasHaluOleo
    @OfficialofUniversitasHaluOleo 2 года назад

    Very interesting 👍

    • @NETVN82
      @NETVN82  2 года назад +1

      Thanks for the visit

  • @rbalzic
    @rbalzic Год назад


  • @hnb1418
    @hnb1418 2 года назад +1

    How do I create local domain?

  • @christinolian4972
    @christinolian4972 Год назад

    Help me.. After changed username I cannot access my data c: directory

  • @SwastikaUniverse-kb9vt
    @SwastikaUniverse-kb9vt 7 месяцев назад

    Thank you

  • @ghass777
    @ghass777 2 года назад


  • @nikamachavariani
    @nikamachavariani Год назад

    Can i make the video server in this way ? and connect it on the website ?

  • @abid21189
    @abid21189 2 года назад

    Nice tutorial but how to make corporately.

  • @shaibannatha795
    @shaibannatha795 2 года назад

    You used John's account to join the domain. Is it because John is server admin? And if he is not then how is he able to join the domain without admin rights?

    • @topkrant4579
      @topkrant4579 2 года назад

      Joining domain requires domain admin privileged, for remote join, you can using windows ADK

  • @AbhishekTiwari-bn3tn
    @AbhishekTiwari-bn3tn 2 года назад

    Nice Video

  • @deepakdeshpande5464
    @deepakdeshpande5464 2 месяца назад


  • @ggrocky1435
    @ggrocky1435 Год назад

    How to use 2 drives with same user

  • @abhijithnair1484
    @abhijithnair1484 10 месяцев назад


  • @cybersecuritysam
    @cybersecuritysam 2 года назад +1


  • @seriesshow5503
    @seriesshow5503 2 года назад


  • @teneoultrius6340
    @teneoultrius6340 Год назад


  • @jeraldthalaiva85
    @jeraldthalaiva85 Год назад

    How to download the server manager

  • @phuongquinguyen9808
    @phuongquinguyen9808 2 года назад +1

    Rất hay

  • @horsehm317
    @horsehm317 3 месяца назад

    from A to Z utmost tutorial

  • @ThatoneBosnianGuy
    @ThatoneBosnianGuy 6 месяцев назад

    omg tysm

  • @Fublue-z1d
    @Fublue-z1d Год назад


  • @bhootpurvmanusya
    @bhootpurvmanusya 2 года назад

    u do realise they have routers with usb port in them to do what u did in 17 mins.

  • @marcosmacias2087
    @marcosmacias2087 2 года назад

    Good video friend permision for file server

    • @NETVN82
      @NETVN82  2 года назад

      Yes, thank you

  • @christopherjames9843
    @christopherjames9843 Год назад +2

    Gotta love these fake. AI voiced videos.

  • @supulchalindu6801
    @supulchalindu6801 3 месяца назад

    great one

  • @ahumuzainnocent634
    @ahumuzainnocent634 5 месяцев назад +1

    its not a clear explaination we cant even how u installed anything

  • @ZUUL74
    @ZUUL74 2 года назад

    Lol just use an normal windows version, and smb is easy to setup better use an Linux version witch is not resource heavy

  • @ferasalfarsi897
    @ferasalfarsi897 2 месяца назад

    Nice Arabic language.

  • @krzysztofozga4842
    @krzysztofozga4842 2 года назад


  • @kristopherleslie8343
    @kristopherleslie8343 2 года назад

    Bad idea 😂

  • @mohamedghrably
    @mohamedghrably Год назад

  • @Crazy--Clown
    @Crazy--Clown 2 года назад

    Use a NAS such as Synology that runs on Linux. Windows is unreliable & is shit