I know what you mean. It sends chills up my spine every time I see it. However, after having seen the movie or that scene however many times, I can't help but wonder . . . 'Why wouldn't they roll-call in numerical order?' "Red Two, standing by . . . Red Three, standing by, . . ., etc." We shall never know.
I really cannot describe what it was like, seeing this film in the theaters as a kid in 1977. There had been nothing like it in moviemaking history, no other film to compare it to. It was hypnotic, colorful, exciting and utterly unique. Each scene showed you something you'd never seen before. I remember watching the trailer and being confused about the images I'd just watched: Darth Vader, light sabers, Chewbacca, TIE fighters....unrecognizable. One year later the SciFi market was flooded with cheap imitations and countless spin offs on the themes explored in this film. Empire also managed to be unique, but it was a losing battle after that point, the genie was out of the bottle. Episode 7 will undoubtably be a really exciting, well made film, but the science fiction market is long passed saturated and it will never compare to the original.
The Death Star ! Would have ! Had to be the Newer Battlestar Galactica ! ( EDWARD ALMOS ss Opposed to Lorne Greene !) The Gun placements Much Tighter ! Than Tarkins ! Station ! Was The Emperor overlooked this ! But as was stated by La ! Donna ! We Really NEVER ! Saw ! Completion of the Second Station ! ! So How much Difference that would be ! ?? And other Reasons that Can / could be addressed Here !
George Lucas is a genius. Previous Sci-fi films where they all had king-tut style gear (heh), King Tut was a joking name for Uncle Sam during WWII, during which there was a belief that a U.S. without God would be akin to the Egyptians in the old testament. George Lucas hit the nail on the head.
Luke: "Not on your life. How ya doin R2?" R2: "Weep Wop" (Translated) "I haven't had a tune up in months, being forced into a ship to battle a space station with a kid barely old enough to smoke. What do you think?" Luke: "Good." R2 Thinking: "I wish someone would just shoot me."
@6:35 Gold leader reminds me of my ex-boss... Me: we can't finish this project on time Boss: Stay on target Me: but sir, I think we better come up with a new plan Boss: Stay on target! < Project Fails > Boss: We failed, something "unexpected" happended
Massive IT Implosion > Boss: This must be your fault, despite you giving us multiple warnings that this exact thing would happen if we did the thing. You: Yeah, well I already got another job, good luck sorting out your totally avoidable implosion.
@ 1:42 Red leader says he's going to cut across the axis and try to draw their fire, yet it looks like the whole squadron follows him in instead of splitting up. @ 7:38 he says he's within range and needs them to cover for him, but he's nowhere near the target and takes like an eternity to get there. After his run he loses the starboard engine, which could have been due to the horrendous explosion it caused, and with the fighters still on his tail, they finish him off. But, he didn't say they shot-out his engine, I think it just happened to malfunction, making him an easy target. But, you're right about having analyzed the Rebel's strategy too soon, and firing up the DS lasers...
Sick @ 1:44...Xwings roll over and go in attack mode...dam..I remember being 10 yrs old at the time Star Wars came out and I was just mesmerized by this movie..would eventually go to the theatre 6 times stand in mass lines of course...didnt matter..good times..circa 1977-78...
l was maybe 7, and l did the same thing. First showing there was a super-crappy Darth Vader taking pictures for like 5 bucks, which l think l still have. Movie got out, and l just zipped out to the back of the next show's line. There was so much hope then.
I have replayed only this scene actually hundred times when I was very young. For example, I have often replayed only this scene which last less than ten minutes just before I went to school in the morning.
Re: 4:55 - I was there back in 1977, watching this movie for the very first time, in a big theater, on a HUUUGE widescreen. When the film came to this scene where we, as star pilots, are plunging down into that abyss, only to be wrenched sideways, to pull up and hurtle down that trench, in THAT moment, the ENTIRE audience all shifted to the right, as if we were all on an amusement park ride. The immersion, the sensation of movement and the loss of balance, in that moment, was palpable. Plus, we were seeing it for the first time. We all shifted and we all screamed with delight. Watching this movie on a big flat screen TV, or even on a large home theater projection screen, it's never quite the same. It needs that larger-than-life scale which only a huge cinema screen can provide. I think it's a sensation that today's audience will never quite experience, unless this film were re-released back into theaters again.
9:00 I love that Luke immediately becomes the leader of the assault team after red leader dies. Neither Wedge nor Biggs question that he is calling the shots even though he is the rookie.
Biggs knew Luke was better pilot than himself and Wedge, in the Rogue Squadron novels, Wedge said it, if Biggs survived to be in the new Rogue Squadron, Biggs would be the leader and not himself
I love how many lines there are in this that could be taken the wrong way out of context. "Look at the size of that thing!" "We're starting for the target shaft now." "Watch it, you've got one on your tail!" "They came from behind!" "It didn't go in. It just impacted on the surface." "Luke, at that speed will you be able to pull out in time?" "Just like Beggar's Canyon back home!"
Great edit here. THIS is what should've been on screen. I loved the movie and while this Death Star trench run was such a highlight and so captivating, I was so bothered by a few things... namely, the poor editing of the combat between Rebel and Imperial fighters. So many problems my eyes just couldn't overlook. One glaring point was an x-Wing evading the TIE fighters behind, and from momentum and course, it would've slammed right into the trench wall... but somehow does not. Plus, far too easy hits for the TIE fighters, yet so many misses. Infuriating. And the Y-Wing fighters were taken out far too easily. Infuriating.
At 5:12 Red Leader asks Red 6 if he can see Red 5 (Luke). Unfortunately, Red 6, aka Porkins, was already dead. The voice that answers is Red 2 (Wedge). Never noticed that till tonight when rewatching the trilogy.
I've watched this scene millions of times over, and this just haunted me. I thought about it and realized that Porkins was dead, and I got uneasy as a result.
+Logan Ferguson Luke was lucky to get out of that. There was a heavy firezone and several x-wings had gone down already. You can hear barely hear Wedge over the comms because of the firezone. Good catch, Logan!
I would eat my own dirty shorts for a week to be able to own a real Y-Wing and fly it around in space for fun. Then stop at a 7 Eleven to get a refreshment and go back to flying around.
This does feel a lot more organic, and makes more sense dramatically. I like the cross-cutting between the different battles, and some of the overlaps. Good work!
Best movie ever. You can't imagine what it was like being 7 years old and seeing this in a huge theater for the first time. There was nothing to compare it to.
4:53 I am still so impressed by the effect you feel descending in that corridor. I Wonder how impressed were the people in 1977 when they discovered that UFO of the cinema. So cool... :-)
The inclusion of both the models and the CGI in the initial scenes of the fighters only interrupts the flow of events. It provides unnecessary visual information and only gives the audience time to compare the differences between the CGI and models, instead of blending them. Again, not only is the pacing thrown off, but we are fed too much of scenes with ships flying or repeating actions. No one wants to see the same thing twice. With the exception of this, the remaining edits are fine and well made.
+Cory Morr He didn't get to make the Prequels how he 100% wanted if he did Ron Howard would have directed Phantom Menace, Irv Kushner would have directed Attack of the Clones and Stephen Speilburg would have directed Revenge of the Sith.
WAS a genius. Star Wars was only as good as it was because his friends (mainly Spielberg) and Lucas's own ex wife were able to edit and reign in all of his more rubbish ideas into something good. Which Isn't to say that Lucas doesn't deserve credit, he is in fact the visionary and creative motivator behind all the original star wars and prequel movies. For what that's worth.
The scene with Chief Bast/Tarkin was moved to much earlier in the Battle of Yavin during the Marcia Lucas re-edit. In the original assembly of the film, the scene occurs just after Luke has made a failed first attempt at the target port and after Red Leader's attempt. This major re-edit of Battle of Yavin created this continuity error, although it does make the final released film far more exciting.
ya know I thought the same thing every time I see this scene I think the rebel just committed mass murder now granted the empire did the same but hey in order for them to control their empire sometimes fear is the best weapon
well its a war and a military operation, (despite the rebels looking more like a hippie army) it would be the same as if you sink a ship, no one would blame the pilot as a war criminal for killing sailors, hes just doing what he has to and was ordered to do..... ergo not war criminal
well if you think of it this way, every storm trooper, imperial officer and civilian on the Death Star was an accessory to genocide for the action on Alderaan, which wasn't a military operation. So Luke is given a pass because it was a military strike and also it was bringing murders to justice.
I like the voice communication. They come from H.A.M. radios. "Cover me Porkin's, I'm goin' in". My favorite line of the movie. Never, EVER, say that to your spouse!! Hahahaha...
He may have RE-USED old ideas, yes, but he gave them a completely new and unique face. In addition, his advances into special effects technology have been undeniably completely World changing for film as we know it.
I think there was a scene when this movie was first edited and put together that I believe would have occurred here at time 3:50 right after where it shows the TIE fighters in formation. The scene included John D aka Red Four who shoots down a TIE fighter right after the TIE fighters come out of the death star. This scene was shot and did exist according to a source of mine, but was cut out and probably actually thrown away because I have never seen it as a deleted scene. The scene almost immediately afterwards is still in the movie and starts when Red Leader tells Red Four "You've got one on your tail", then John D aka Red Four gets shot down himself.
To hit an extremely small target, a ship has to remain very still in order for the targeting computer to lock on or come up with a firing solution. Because free-firing a torpedo at 10,000-5,000 meters was mind-numbingly impossible. Unless you had the force...
@magnumxlpi At 2:31 there's an explosion sound like a lightning bolt striking, but just before the lightning bolt sound, as Luke flies his X-wing through the explosion, Biggs yells, "Luke! Pull up!!!!" then after the lightning bolt sound, Biggs then yells, "Are you All right?!"
You know, when red leader gets his engine hit, I always thought he implied he had lost one engine, then Vader hits the other side leaving the leader with nothing left to keep him up. I think that's why Lucas did it that way.
@MikeFright He's right. Besides that, those are ion cannons, which require a lot more matainence than normal cannons, so the rebellion only had two with working ions at the time.
One thing I never understood... I always thought the X-wing and TIE fighter had compariable speeds, that is both are rated at 100MGLT. Vader's X1 is only slightly faster at 105MGLT. How the hell did Vader manage to catch up to the rebel fighters so quickly, when the rebels started their trench run with a massive lead on them? And why didn't Vader pull away from his wingmen?
903IDFOLEY 1. At the point in time this movie was made, George Lucas most certainly did not anticipate the huge success it was going to be and thus didn't work out the background of each ship in such a detailed manner as it has been done later for the PC games. 2. You can reroute power from lasers and shields to the engine to make a ship go much faster than it's listed average speed (which only states the speed of a ship that has power distributed equally between lasers, shields and engine.
Nak Naks I read the book once and in the original story, there were two more squadrons of rebel fighter who distracted the majority of the TIE Fighters, IIRC.
xSuperiorManx Wasn't the explaination for the lack of imperial fighters was that Tarkin was underestimating the rebels, and in his arrogance refused to launch fighters? The TIE fighters that do show up were the squadrons directly under Darth Vader's command, and were a lot better than the average TIE pilots.
903IDFOLEY That's probably true as well, but I'm fairly certain that there were some differences in the book. Red Squadron was actually called Blue Squadron there and out of the four "colors", two squadrons were fighting off the majority of the TIE's. Kind of like during the battle at Endor, where Tycho Celchu alone led a large number of TIE's away in his A-Wing so not too many other were defending the Death Star "entrance" / following the Rebels inside. That's always the case, the book originak and the film version of a franchise always differ in many points.
Nak Naks Red Squadron in the books became Rogue Squadron. Initially Luke was promoted to its commander, then Wedge Antilles. In the Rogue Squadron books, they made a point of putting in as many historical references as possible. Including recruiting Biggs Darklighter's younger cousin Gavin, whom had just as much talent in an X-wing as his cousin, but survived far more missions
I'm not trying to disparage this movie or anything, but there's a question that I've been curious about: Why didn't the rebels try to evacuate? Granted, some probably wouldn't have been able to because they had to provide support for those assaulting the Death Star (and I'm guessing that this would have been too difficult to accomplish from a transport vessel), but it seems like the rebellion could have avoided total destruction if they had tried to relocate what wasn't necessary for the operation. Especially considering the fact that, from what I'm told, the Death Star can only fire once every 24 hours. It didn't seem like much time had passed since Alderaan was destroyed, unless they were on the Death Star for much longer than it seemed. If not, then shouldn't they have had the time to evacuate?
The base is actually under pretty heavy fighter/bomber attack while all this is going on preventing any evacuation (since all their air support is attacking the Death Star).
lol, if Porkins ejected, wouldn't he just be launched into the vacuum of space. I don't get it since he's not in a space suit suited for surviving in a vacuum
@djcorbijn Yep...not to mention, the turret in a Y-Wing is usually an *ion* cannon, used for disabling gunships rather than anti-fighter work. Like most bombers and fighter-bombers in history, they rely on dedicated fighters to keep them safe.
Something I NEVER understood. How does Luke not go to the "Academy," JUST starts learning the force and he is made a commander!? Love the movies, but that never computed with me.
That's the only explanation I was thinking, but I didn't think it would work like that. Qualifications? experience? Bullshit, all you need is balls. lol. Skywalker is awesome.
This is even more apparent in the special edition, where there is an added scene where some pilot asks him something like "are you sure you can pilot this thing" and his friend vouches for him "luke is the best bush pilot in the outer rim". Then the other guy goes "oh, you'll do great then".. LOL, oh, you're a bush pilot, I'm sure you'll do fine in this highly important military operation to destroy a giant space station that's about to destroy us.
Baltazar Martinez You're forgetting something; Luke was not referred to as a Commander until the Battle of Hoth, which was (as I understand it) a good deal of time after the Battle of Yavin. So, you could infer that between those two periods of blowing up the Death Star and running around the galaxy in the attempt to avoid the Empire, Luke had some time to gain experience, get the promotion to Commander and form Rogue Squadron. Prior to that, his qualifications and experience came from hours of training in a T-16 Skyhopper, a tri-foil craft designed to train pilots for more advanced starfighters such as the X-wing or the Z-95 Headhunter. Let's not also forget that while the Rebel alliance was in its infancy at the time Skywalker joined, squadron commanders were in short supply. During the attack on the Death Star, most of Red squadron had been wiped out, leaving only three remaining X-wing pilots: Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antiles and Biggs Darklighter. While it did not advance Luke to the rank of Commander, it did temporarily put him in command of the remaining squadron pilots. That being said, when you have a small rebel force that is gradually growing, any help is good help. Even so, I still think that Luke had time to make the rank of commander between the two events. Although, Han Solo makes General well before Luke does. All he did was go missing for a while and makes a leap from Captain to General upon his return. Now, how does THAT work? :P
@MikeFright 4. i think your right about 4. for 2. i meant "so you dont know if that part was even the starboard engine",not even an engine because yes it was an engine.
Dude what was the point the of editing this part of the movie? This was hands down the most legendary part of the movie and you made all of these trash edits.... Why?
He says in the description why he did it. Regarding that, I always thought the reason the Y-Wings did not start their trench run immediately is because they needed time to reach the starting point. Also, I don't see why they could not analyze the attack simply by observing where they Y-Wings were headed.
Some issues with this attack. The rebel attack for such an important target is only about 3 squadrons, which is inadequate. The Death Star, the ultimate power in the galaxy, doesn't even have a fighter screen operating. The AA fire was useless. If they thought there was a risk ( Ive annalysed thier attack and there is a danger ) they would have deployed every tie fighter available. There would be a thousand tie fighters out there. Not a couple of squadrons. The Death Star Commander was an arrogant sod, but was he an inept fool?
The Y-wing had a turret above the cockpit that could be rotated to fire toward the rear. But the twin SW-4 ion cannon was a temperamental weapon that need constant maintenance. Only two Y-wings at the Battle of Yavin had functioning cannons. The cannons were usually locked forward since rotating the gun could put it out alignment and cause a malfunction.
3:36 I always think Darth Vader is gonna open a flask of alcohol.
me too
NYfan92 loool! me too haha! 😆
That's something I'd expect Dark Helmet to do in Spaceballs. Haven't watched that entirely yet, though.
It does look that way--or he's opening a bottle of beer.
"All wings, report in." "Red Ten, standing by." "Red Seven, standing by" "Red Three, standing by." "Red Six, standing by." "Red Nine, standing by." "Red Two, standing by." "Red Eleven, standing by." "Red Five, standing by." I will never forget that roll-call!
Red 5 , I'm going in!
I know what you mean. It sends chills up my spine every time I see it. However, after having seen the movie or that scene however many times, I can't help but wonder . . .
'Why wouldn't they roll-call in numerical order?' "Red Two, standing by . . . Red Three, standing by, . . ., etc."
We shall never know.
“Lock S Foils on attack position!”
Super cool every time
Why didn’t they go in numerical order?
Woe hows
The originals will never be beat. Timeless movies that still hold up.
All six of Lucas` films are timeless classics, that hold up very well indeed.
There was no such thing as bad filmmaking in Star Wars before 2015.
fundhund62 Well, lucas didn’t direct 5 or 6 and the prequels are disasters so I don’t know what you’re talking about.
@@hugobegnini1350 Can’t take an opinion like that seriously
@@hugobegnini1350 but he did do all of the writing so idk what you’re talking about
Still gives me goosebumps all these years later!
6:09: Vader: "I'll take them myself. Cover me!" One of the lesser-known, but equally badass lines from Vader.
Followed by " we'll have to destroy them ship by ship"
@@nelsonzambrano5788 get the crews to their fighters.
Yup. Sick line. Full annakin mode.
But my fav is,
Hm. The force is STRONG with this one...
@@stevencoardvenice close up, formation.
"It's not good I can't manuever!"
"Stay on target..."
"We're too close!"
"Stay on target!"
"It came from....behi-"
Favorite lines.
Perfect for some that’s what she said jokes
Look at the size of that thing
This time I'm goin' in full speed.
I can hold it.
I really cannot describe what it was like, seeing this film in the theaters as a kid in 1977. There had been nothing like it in moviemaking history, no other film to compare it to. It was hypnotic, colorful, exciting and utterly unique. Each scene showed you something you'd never seen before. I remember watching the trailer and being confused about the images I'd just watched: Darth Vader, light sabers, Chewbacca, TIE fighters....unrecognizable. One year later the SciFi market was flooded with cheap imitations and countless spin offs on the themes explored in this film. Empire also managed to be unique, but it was a losing battle after that point, the genie was out of the bottle.
Episode 7 will undoubtably be a really exciting, well made film, but the science fiction market is long passed saturated and it will never compare to the original.
If you have ever seen The Dambusters...then you had already seen the death star attack.
@@dclark142002 Bouncing Betty!
Truly magic.
Oh the irony, every real Star Wars fan knows the sequels are just cheap knock-offs of the original trilogy 😂
Very good battle scenes especially; going down the tunnel leading to the portal. Lots of action. Very great all around!
The Y-Wings have the best sound of any fictional vehicle.
Yeh tye fighters sound like screaming old men.
Too bad they completely forgot about them In The Last Jedi.
Agreed on those Y-Wings man. Too bad those Disney hacks forgot about them and gave us a trash bomber in TLJ.
@@christianalanwilson434 better ..they arent tainted been in that abobination of movie..they remain awesome
Ywings and LAATs
Porkin's death is ironic as he was the only one killed by the Death Star's laser fire. The other deaths were caused by Vader or the tie fighters.
He was fat so his x-wing was slower XD
Sorry, how is it ironic? I don't see the irony.
@@armaan1091 yeah definitely not ironic
I always thought it made Porkins look like an incompetent fool, maybe that was the intention.
The Death Star ! Would have ! Had to be the Newer Battlestar Galactica ! ( EDWARD ALMOS ss Opposed to Lorne Greene !) The Gun placements Much Tighter ! Than Tarkins ! Station ! Was The Emperor overlooked this ! But as was stated by La ! Donna ! We Really NEVER ! Saw ! Completion of the Second Station ! ! So How much Difference that would be ! ?? And other Reasons that Can / could be addressed Here !
George Lucas is a genius. Previous Sci-fi films where they all had king-tut style gear (heh), King Tut was a joking name for Uncle Sam during WWII, during which there was a belief that a U.S. without God would be akin to the Egyptians in the old testament.
George Lucas hit the nail on the head.
Luke: "Not on your life. How ya doin R2?"
R2: "Weep Wop"
(Translated) "I haven't had a tune up in months, being forced into a ship to battle a space station with a kid barely old enough to smoke. What do you think?"
Luke: "Good."
R2 Thinking: "I wish someone would just shoot me."
He got his wish
Vader: I gochu bro
The fat guy is named "porkins" haha man, I love this movie
Porkins will be remembered
That run by the Y-wings is one of the coolest things ever seen in the movies before or since.
love y-wings!!!
That TIE fighter pilot on the left had the strut! He probably said to himself "WHAT!? Vader wants me to be his wingman? HOW CAN WE LOSE!?"
I dunno - he looks a bit pissed. As if he's thinking "not bloody Vader again OH I'LL DO IT but god damn what a waste of my time".
I’ve always called him the unknown black guy.
Vader Carried the Team
To me, that TIE Fighter pilot on the left with the strut ALWAYS reminded me of GEORGE JEFFERSON
@6:35 Gold leader reminds me of my ex-boss...
Me: we can't finish this project on time
Boss: Stay on target
Me: but sir, I think we better come up with a new plan
Boss: Stay on target!
< Project Fails >
Boss: We failed, something "unexpected" happended
Just to be clear: Gold 5 was the one who said that. Gold Leader was the central Y-Wing, based on his identifying himself on the first run.
smart ass.:)
Massive IT Implosion > Boss: This must be your fault, despite you giving us multiple warnings that this exact thing would happen if we did the thing.
You: Yeah, well I already got another job, good luck sorting out your totally avoidable implosion.
"Stay on target; Stay on target.". Classic!
when those x-wings roll over at the beginning...it's just the greatest thing in movie history.
all wings report in
red 2 standing by
red 6 standing by
red 5 standing by
red october shtanding by
Simply Red standing by
Little Red Riding H... sorry... I'll show myself out...
chris wyble Red Rover standing by
Goldenkosher saxybacon Redd Foxx standing by
Aaron Spratt Red Deer standing by.
"They came from behind", one of my favorite lines
@ 1:42 Red leader says he's going to cut across the axis and try to draw their fire, yet it looks like the whole squadron follows him in instead of splitting up. @ 7:38 he says he's within range and needs them to cover for him, but he's nowhere near the target and takes like an eternity to get there. After his run he loses the starboard engine, which could have been due to the horrendous explosion it caused, and with the fighters still on his tail, they finish him off. But, he didn't say they shot-out his engine, I think it just happened to malfunction, making him an easy target. But, you're right about having analyzed the Rebel's strategy too soon, and firing up the DS lasers...
Sick @ 1:44...Xwings roll over and go in attack mode...dam..I remember being 10 yrs old at the time Star Wars came out and I was just mesmerized by this movie..would eventually go to the theatre 6 times stand in mass lines of course...didnt matter..good times..circa 1977-78...
l was maybe 7, and l did the same thing. First showing there was a super-crappy Darth Vader taking pictures for like 5 bucks, which l think l still have.
Movie got out, and l just zipped out to the back of the next show's line.
There was so much hope then.
I have replayed only this scene actually hundred times when I was very young. For example, I have often replayed only this scene which last less than ten minutes just before I went to school in the morning.
Came to make sure that Red Leader and Gold Leader were in Rogue One. Awesome!
Re: 4:55 - I was there back in 1977, watching this movie for the very first time, in a big theater, on a HUUUGE widescreen. When the film came to this scene where we, as star pilots, are plunging down into that abyss, only to be wrenched sideways, to pull up and hurtle down that trench, in THAT moment, the ENTIRE audience all shifted to the right, as if we were all on an amusement park ride. The immersion, the sensation of movement and the loss of balance, in that moment, was palpable. Plus, we were seeing it for the first time. We all shifted and we all screamed with delight. Watching this movie on a big flat screen TV, or even on a large home theater projection screen, it's never quite the same. It needs that larger-than-life scale which only a huge cinema screen can provide. I think it's a sensation that today's audience will never quite experience, unless this film were re-released back into theaters again.
I'm sure it was great. Can't imagine that dive into the trench during the original release
I am so thankful that I got to experience the VERY FIRST SUMMER of Star Wars at the perfect age of 11 years old.
Everything considered, I would say this is a very, very good re-edit.
I love that Luke immediately becomes the leader of the assault team after red leader dies. Neither Wedge nor Biggs question that he is calling the shots even though he is the rookie.
Biggs knew Luke was better pilot than himself and Wedge, in the Rogue Squadron novels, Wedge said it, if Biggs survived to be in the new Rogue Squadron, Biggs would be the leader and not himself
*It came from behind! *Bllleeearrrgghhh!!**
This is a very good edit of combination old and new footage...a very good idea. I enjoyed it.
I love how many lines there are in this that could be taken the wrong way out of context.
"Look at the size of that thing!"
"We're starting for the target shaft now."
"Watch it, you've got one on your tail!"
"They came from behind!"
"It didn't go in. It just impacted on the surface."
"Luke, at that speed will you be able to pull out in time?"
"Just like Beggar's Canyon back home!"
The English language has been vulgarized to a point where 25% to a third is now used in a slang and sexual manner.
Movie is almost 40 years old. Its ashamed young people have less imagination and more BS
Love seeing these old clips from the past.
"negative it didn't go in..."
Lando: "that's what she said..."
Great edit here. THIS is what should've been on screen.
I loved the movie and while this Death Star trench run was such a highlight and so captivating, I was so bothered by a few things... namely, the poor editing of the combat between Rebel and Imperial fighters. So many problems my eyes just couldn't overlook. One glaring point was an x-Wing evading the TIE fighters behind, and from momentum and course, it would've slammed right into the trench wall... but somehow does not. Plus, far too easy hits for the TIE fighters, yet so many misses. Infuriating. And the Y-Wing fighters were taken out far too easily. Infuriating.
Thank you for the compliment Sir
At 5:12 Red Leader asks Red 6 if he can see Red 5 (Luke). Unfortunately, Red 6, aka Porkins, was already dead. The voice that answers is Red 2 (Wedge). Never noticed that till tonight when rewatching the trilogy.
I've watched this scene millions of times over, and this just haunted me. I thought about it and realized that Porkins was dead, and I got uneasy as a result.
+Logan Ferguson Luke was lucky to get out of that. There was a heavy firezone and several x-wings had gone down already. You can hear barely hear Wedge over the comms because of the firezone. Good catch, Logan!
Maybe hesa nutten ded
The sound effects, the music, the cuts, just freaking awesome. What a great and wonderful movie.
I like that porkins lives a little longer in this re edit. Does make sense to have the y-wings go for the trench right away.
"I'm going in. Cover me, Porkins."
"What did you call me???
That short enterting the trech shot at 4:53 still gives me goosebumps. Its so freaking awesome!
Actor Ewan Mc.Gregor.s Uncle is in Episode IV. Actor Dennis Lawson. One of the X-Wing Fighter Pilot
And Episode IX 🤫
goddamn WedgeAntilles baddas, the baddas of the rebel aliance
He is even in Hoth and destroys and At at and evrythin
FoX SieteFox A bit of trivia: Did you know that Ewan McGregor ,the actor who played Obi wan in the prequels, has an Uncle who plays Wedge? Crazy.
Sandor Williams
u mean the nephew in real life ? :O
FoX SieteFox Yep uncle and Nephew. The force is strong with this family.
Sandor Williams
Ewan McGregors brother was a fighter pilot in the RAF. Must have learned from his uncle
Porkins was also Lt. Eckhart in Batman with Michael Keaton.
"Look at the size of that thing!"
"That's what she said Red Two!"
@ 8:43, I love how you can hear the engine in Red Leader's X-Wing malfunctioning. The sound effects are still amazing now as they were back in 1977.
I would eat my own dirty shorts for a week to be able to own a real Y-Wing and fly it around in space for fun. Then stop at a 7 Eleven to get a refreshment and go back to flying around.
Why not an X-wing?........Then again, that thing's like fucking Sanic, so you'd probably crash in the first few seconds
andy tiburcio .... at that rate why not just fly your own TIE-Phantom and call it an evening
whatever you do dude. do not stop at a truck stop and eat something there.:)
This does feel a lot more organic, and makes more sense dramatically. I like the cross-cutting between the different battles, and some of the overlaps. Good work!
I always wondered why Red Squadron didn't check-in in numerical order.
Maybe George wanted it that way, y'know? To change things up a bit. Or maybe they just went in order from where they were flying (side to side)
***** Because they're Rebels and they don't like doing as they're told.
Maybe it was formation
Perhaps it implies the other squadron numbers died from other missions.
You did fantastic here. Please add a Part 2.
Best movie ever. You can't imagine what it was like being 7 years old and seeing this in a huge theater for the first time. There was nothing to compare it to.
4:53 I am still so impressed by the effect you feel descending in that corridor. I Wonder how impressed were the people in 1977 when they discovered that UFO of the cinema. So cool... :-)
The inclusion of both the models and the CGI in the initial scenes of the fighters only interrupts the flow of events. It provides unnecessary visual information and only gives the audience time to compare the differences between the CGI and models, instead of blending them. Again, not only is the pacing thrown off, but we are fed too much of scenes with ships flying or repeating actions. No one wants to see the same thing twice. With the exception of this, the remaining edits are fine and well made.
Dear Halo...., you can never have too much STAR WARS. Nuff said.
Yes, yes you can. It's called the Prequel trilogy.
That... was a sick burn.
May the 4th be with you.
I like your name.
This sequence is my favorite in all of the Star Wars movies. It's just perfect.
Very good. You obviously got your starfighter degree at a more reputable institution than the on-line Jar Jar college.
"With that speed will you be able to pull out in time?"
Lucas was a genius.....
He was insanly good.
true... he is and surely he will surprise us in the near future with something possibly just as fantastic like Star Wars...
And an ignoramus for the PT.
+Cory Morr He didn't get to make the Prequels how he 100% wanted if he did Ron Howard would have directed Phantom Menace, Irv Kushner would have directed Attack of the Clones and Stephen Speilburg would have directed Revenge of the Sith.
WAS a genius. Star Wars was only as good as it was because his friends (mainly Spielberg) and Lucas's own ex wife were able to edit and reign in all of his more rubbish ideas into something good. Which Isn't to say that Lucas doesn't deserve credit, he is in fact the visionary and creative motivator behind all the original star wars and prequel movies. For what that's worth.
The scene with Chief Bast/Tarkin was moved to much earlier in the Battle of Yavin during the Marcia Lucas re-edit. In the original assembly of the film, the scene occurs just after Luke has made a failed first attempt at the target port and after Red Leader's attempt. This major re-edit of Battle of Yavin created this continuity error, although it does make the final released film far more exciting.
I always understood that Red Leader lost his first starboard engine, then Vader shot his second one, causing him to hit the surface.
That's how I always saw it too! The change was not needed.
freakin' awesome. i loved this. ty for posting!!
rip porkins
4:05 that roll was absolutely the most iconic pat of this entire dogfight
I really am liking this version! I am an original Star Wars puke and i really like this.... First saw Star Wars in June 1977 Never forgot it!!!
Thanks a bunch for posting this :D
Has anybody ever cared to think about the thousands, if not millions, of stormtroopers killed in this operation?
Luke is a war criminal.
ya know I thought the same thing every time I see this scene I think the rebel just committed mass murder now granted the empire did the same but hey in order for them to control their empire sometimes fear is the best weapon
i'm a big Kevin smith fan and I've finally seen the movie Clerks
well its a war and a military operation, (despite the rebels looking more like a hippie army) it would be the same as if you sink a ship, no one would blame the pilot as a war criminal for killing sailors, hes just doing what he has to and was ordered to do..... ergo not war criminal
well if you think of it this way, every storm trooper, imperial officer and civilian on the Death Star was an accessory to genocide for the action on Alderaan, which wasn't a military operation. So Luke is given a pass because it was a military strike and also it was bringing murders to justice.
Actually, more 'innocents' were killed when the 2nd deathstar was destroyed. All those construction workers working on it.. gone!
I like the voice communication. They come from H.A.M. radios. "Cover me Porkin's, I'm goin' in". My favorite line of the movie. Never, EVER, say that to your spouse!! Hahahaha...
Feels like TopGun met Starwars.
Red Leader's death actually felt more noble in this version.
Interesting edit and very clean. Great job!
He may have RE-USED old ideas, yes, but he gave them a completely new and unique face. In addition, his advances into special effects technology have been undeniably completely World changing for film as we know it.
It's 2014, and this is still one of my favorite movie scenes ever
9:06 Luke at that speed will we be able to pull out in time? THATS WHAT SHE SAID hahahahha
Wow I like your edit I like how you combined the original version shots with the special edition cgi shots. This might be time accurate!
This is still one of the best space battle scenes ever, (the original and this version is really good too), nothing in ep 1-3 comes close to this.
I think there was a scene when this movie was first edited and put together that I believe would have occurred here at time 3:50 right after where it shows the TIE fighters in formation. The scene included John D aka Red Four who shoots down a TIE fighter right after the TIE fighters come out of the death star. This scene was shot and did exist according to a source of mine, but was cut out and probably actually thrown away because I have never seen it as a deleted scene.
The scene almost immediately afterwards is still in the movie and starts when Red Leader tells Red Four "You've got one on your tail", then John D aka Red Four gets shot down himself.
What does "loosen up" in this context mean? Gold Leader screams it at Gold 5 before he gets shot down. Also I saw Red 9 shout it before his death.
Loosen up the formation ; terminate attack run .
+Luke Skypestalker "I can hold it..." --Jek Porkins.
To hit an extremely small target, a ship has to remain very still in order for the targeting computer to lock on or come up with a firing solution.
Because free-firing a torpedo at 10,000-5,000 meters was mind-numbingly impossible.
Unless you had the force...
@magnumxlpi At 2:31 there's an explosion sound like a lightning bolt striking, but just before the lightning bolt sound, as Luke flies his X-wing through the explosion, Biggs yells, "Luke! Pull up!!!!" then after the lightning bolt sound, Biggs then yells, "Are you All right?!"
You know, when red leader gets his engine hit, I always thought he implied he had lost one engine, then Vader hits the other side leaving the leader with nothing left to keep him up. I think that's why Lucas did it that way.
Nicely edited! I like what you've done here. Gonna go watch pt. 2...
this fight has much more atmosphere than any other star battle in movie history !
and after 36 years it still looks fantastic !
@MikeFright He's right. Besides that, those are ion cannons, which require a lot more matainence than normal cannons, so the rebellion only had two with working ions at the time.
One thing I never understood... I always thought the X-wing and TIE fighter had compariable speeds, that is both are rated at 100MGLT. Vader's X1 is only slightly faster at 105MGLT. How the hell did Vader manage to catch up to the rebel fighters so quickly, when the rebels started their trench run with a massive lead on them? And why didn't Vader pull away from his wingmen?
1. At the point in time this movie was made, George Lucas most certainly did not anticipate the huge success it was going to be and thus didn't work out the background of each ship in such a detailed manner as it has been done later for the PC games.
2. You can reroute power from lasers and shields to the engine to make a ship go much faster than it's listed average speed (which only states the speed of a ship that has power distributed equally between lasers, shields and engine.
Nak Naks I read the book once and in the original story, there were two more squadrons of rebel fighter who distracted the majority of the TIE Fighters, IIRC.
xSuperiorManx Wasn't the explaination for the lack of imperial fighters was that Tarkin was underestimating the rebels, and in his arrogance refused to launch fighters?
The TIE fighters that do show up were the squadrons directly under Darth Vader's command, and were a lot better than the average TIE pilots.
That's probably true as well, but I'm fairly certain that there were some differences in the book. Red Squadron was actually called Blue Squadron there and out of the four "colors", two squadrons were fighting off the majority of the TIE's. Kind of like during the battle at Endor, where Tycho Celchu alone led a large number of TIE's away in his A-Wing so not too many other were defending the Death Star "entrance" / following the Rebels inside. That's always the case, the book originak and the film version of a franchise always differ in many points.
Nak Naks Red Squadron in the books became Rogue Squadron. Initially Luke was promoted to its commander, then Wedge Antilles. In the Rogue Squadron books, they made a point of putting in as many historical references as possible. Including recruiting Biggs Darklighter's younger cousin Gavin, whom had just as much talent in an X-wing as his cousin, but survived far more missions
This still holds up for to days standarts
A long time later in a conference room not far away at. all....Porkins would have "top men" working on the Ark of the Covenant
i like it great re-edited, thanks
I'm not trying to disparage this movie or anything, but there's a question that I've been curious about: Why didn't the rebels try to evacuate? Granted, some probably wouldn't have been able to because they had to provide support for those assaulting the Death Star (and I'm guessing that this would have been too difficult to accomplish from a transport vessel), but it seems like the rebellion could have avoided total destruction if they had tried to relocate what wasn't necessary for the operation. Especially considering the fact that, from what I'm told, the Death Star can only fire once every 24 hours. It didn't seem like much time had passed since Alderaan was destroyed, unless they were on the Death Star for much longer than it seemed. If not, then shouldn't they have had the time to evacuate?
The base is actually under pretty heavy fighter/bomber attack while all this is going on preventing any evacuation (since all their air support is attacking the Death Star).
Nikolas Maxwell I was thinking that that would be a good reason to not evacuate, but I don't remember them mentioning that in the movie.
I think they show it in one of the rouge squadron games, can't remember which one.
Nikolas Maxwell I'm guessing not the first one, because I don't remember it in that one.
They haven't no place to hide. It was their only chance... Survive or Death
My god, i have seen it tons of time, and today is the best movie scene
lol, if Porkins ejected, wouldn't he just be launched into the vacuum of space. I don't get it since he's not in a space suit suited for surviving in a vacuum
Actually the rebel flight suits are rated for limited space exposure. A pilot would usually eject then be picked up by a recovery shuttle soon after.
Yeah that makes nooooo sense it's not like there flying on earth where ejecting won't harm them.
9:38 Moff Tarkin should have listened to the admiral
R.I.P. Porkins and Pokins. J.R. (R1)
@djcorbijn Yep...not to mention, the turret in a Y-Wing is usually an *ion* cannon, used for disabling gunships rather than anti-fighter work. Like most bombers and fighter-bombers in history, they rely on dedicated fighters to keep them safe.
Something I NEVER understood. How does Luke not go to the "Academy," JUST starts learning the force and he is made a commander!? Love the movies, but that never computed with me.
I said Commander, not master. Commander meaning, why was he given a high rank in a battle like the death star if he JUST joined the rebels.
Baltazar Martinez Most likely he received the rank due to his rescue of Princess Leia. She undoubtedly put in a few good words for him.
That's the only explanation I was thinking, but I didn't think it would work like that. Qualifications? experience? Bullshit, all you need is balls. lol. Skywalker is awesome.
This is even more apparent in the special edition, where there is an added scene where some pilot asks him something like "are you sure you can pilot this thing" and his friend vouches for him "luke is the best bush pilot in the outer rim". Then the other guy goes "oh, you'll do great then".. LOL, oh, you're a bush pilot, I'm sure you'll do fine in this highly important military operation to destroy a giant space station that's about to destroy us.
Baltazar Martinez
You're forgetting something; Luke was not referred to as a Commander until the Battle of Hoth, which was (as I understand it) a good deal of time after the Battle of Yavin. So, you could infer that between those two periods of blowing up the Death Star and running around the galaxy in the attempt to avoid the Empire, Luke had some time to gain experience, get the promotion to Commander and form Rogue Squadron. Prior to that, his qualifications and experience came from hours of training in a T-16 Skyhopper, a tri-foil craft designed to train pilots for more advanced starfighters such as the X-wing or the Z-95 Headhunter. Let's not also forget that while the Rebel alliance was in its infancy at the time Skywalker joined, squadron commanders were in short supply. During the attack on the Death Star, most of Red squadron had been wiped out, leaving only three remaining X-wing pilots: Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antiles and Biggs Darklighter. While it did not advance Luke to the rank of Commander, it did temporarily put him in command of the remaining squadron pilots. That being said, when you have a small rebel force that is gradually growing, any help is good help. Even so, I still think that Luke had time to make the rank of commander between the two events. Although, Han Solo makes General well before Luke does. All he did was go missing for a while and makes a leap from Captain to General upon his return. Now, how does THAT work? :P
@MikeFright 4. i think your right about 4. for 2. i meant "so you dont know if that part was even the starboard engine",not even an engine because yes it was an engine.
Dude what was the point the of editing this part of the movie? This was hands down the most legendary part of the movie and you made all of these trash edits.... Why?
This guy. I agree.
He says in the description why he did it. Regarding that, I always thought the reason the Y-Wings did not start their trench run immediately is because they needed time to reach the starting point. Also, I don't see why they could not analyze the attack simply by observing where they Y-Wings were headed.
SwordHMX I though Y-Wings were not as shielded or tough as the x-wings.
TheRealMrPooPyNuTz On the contrary; Y-wings are fighter/bombers - heavier and tougher, but SLOWER and less maneuverable than the X-wing interceptors.
Oh okay,its been some time for me. Yes, heaver and slower. I remember that early pc game, I HATED the Y wings for that. Thank you for the correction!
Some issues with this attack. The rebel attack for such an important target is only about 3 squadrons, which is inadequate. The Death Star, the ultimate power in the galaxy, doesn't even have a fighter screen operating. The AA fire was useless. If they thought there was a risk ( Ive annalysed thier attack and there is a danger ) they would have deployed every tie fighter available. There would be a thousand tie fighters out there. Not a couple of squadrons. The Death Star Commander was an arrogant sod, but was he an inept fool?
did the rebellion ever think of having a rear firing fighter? Oh.. wait.. that might have fixed a few things.
The Y-wing had a turret above the cockpit that could be rotated to fire toward the rear. But the twin SW-4 ion cannon was a temperamental weapon that need constant maintenance. Only two Y-wings at the Battle of Yavin had functioning cannons. The cannons were usually locked forward since rotating the gun could put it out alignment and cause a malfunction.
The A-wing was designed with guns that could rotate 120-degrees. Any fighter that dropped onto an A-wing was in danger the second it locked on.
thanks.. too bad that they didn't have any a-wings in this battle. would have helped a few of them.
Maybe. A-wings have weak shields, but they're extremely fast and agile.
As Star Wars is perfect with it's small faults, I always wonder about things like this :)
It's a TIE Advanced X1. Limited produced TIE model. The design influenced the TIE Interceptor.
1:27 every time...
(For those few who don't know, that's Ewan McGregor's oncle..)
hogemoh Cut the chatter, red 2!
My favorite segment in cinema history.
Red October shhtanding by.....
Red Foxx standing by
Big Red standing by....
Simply Red standing by
Red Hot Chili Peppers, Standing By......
Red Bull standing by.
Awesome work!
It doesn't flow so well with those many repetitions.
Nice and Clean Edit