Should You Change Your Training With Age? | Ask GCN Anything

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024

Комментарии • 177

  • @charlesmansplaining
    @charlesmansplaining 6 лет назад +10

    I'm 62 and I used to race mostly MTB. I have just noticed the last five years that I can no longer make gains and that I am slowing down. I ride almost daily but like I said there are no gains anymore. I'm still strong and I love cycling so I've changed my mindset from racing to retro. I purchased my last set of bib shorts about a year ago and no longer care to sport those colorful race jerseys with all the crazy naming logos. Rapha seems to make most of the clothing I need these days. Yup, Retro and daily rides is still cool and a bit more social and fun than simply killing yourself to make gains so you can try to win a few races. I'm happy that GCN is starting to post more videos for the people like me.

  • @daveyoung6680
    @daveyoung6680 6 лет назад +27

    I'm 52 chaps and although there is no way I'm as strong as I was when I was in my 20's I still have an FTP of 260 and I've still got some way to go. I have to work harder, have to be patient and I don't recover as quick but steady state rides in Z2 and 3 with turbo work for sprints and low cadence strength and It's going okay. Age is a number and listen to your body and no reason you can't maintain muscle. I've just returned to cycling after a 20 year lay off and wish I'd kept it going and not had the curry and beer lay off :-)

    • @andy54giddings
      @andy54giddings 6 лет назад +3

      Totally agree, Dave - although I'm 12 years your senior and only been back into it for a few months - the weight drop and return to fitness is what keeps me going; that and I can eat Curry/drink Beer whenever I like again without impacting the waistline

    • @jamesfinn9838
      @jamesfinn9838 6 лет назад

      Yep! All the chat about decline in max muscle mass and VO2 max etc is if you were at your physical peak and biggest muscle mass in your late 20's early 30's..... I wasnt training anywhere near as hard back then and I have surprised myself at the improvements in strength and muscle gain Ive seen over the months of hard dedicated training, focused diet and sufficient rest periods. The wife also likes the improvements.
      I think it is about intercepting that line of declining potential fitness as you age.

    • @James-zu1ij
      @James-zu1ij 5 лет назад

      57 never raced and getting stronger I seem to be able hold 300 - 350 (FTP 307) watts easily. I do train more consistently these days. A couple of years ago I could barely hold 300 for long. I train like I used to run i.e 16 X 400m only on the bike I use the powermeter and do 16 X 1 minute at 450. As I have gotten older I find I need to do more sprint training i.e. repeated 700+ watt efforts just to keep up with a chaingang In my 40s this wasn't necessary. I seemed to get fit by magic.My FTP was probably lower then too. I am hindered only by my motivation so far.

  • @stuartdryer1352
    @stuartdryer1352 6 лет назад +7

    As a general rule eating after the ride is more important, or rather, always important. You need to fuel recovery or your workout will be less effective at increasing strength and fitness. Training fasted may enhance fat mobilization. Of course all of this depends on the duration of training and intensity. Some training sessions will need some food before and/or during the ride. So the answer is really that it depends.
    Also mitochondria are a cellular organelle of eukaryotic organisms, not cells.

  • @stephentuthill4598
    @stephentuthill4598 6 лет назад +6

    I do Century Rides, and don't use anything but "feel"... It has always worked for me, and as a man in his forties my advice is "just ride".

  • @Cappy609
    @Cappy609 6 лет назад

    I nearly 71 (December) and I ride 200 miles a week. I don't really call my riding training, but I do mix it up. Average speed is about 16 MPH. Ride about 10,000 miles a year. Had to start leaving out climbs just because of pain in my joints. And anybody who says, "Age is just a number," needs to get a grip.

  • @jackdaniels2127
    @jackdaniels2127 Год назад

    I am 49 and picked up riding MTB on roads progressing from 7-8KM in 40mins to 22KM in little more 1 hr. Motivation seems to be the biggest challenge for the long roads.

  • @jansprij2858
    @jansprij2858 3 года назад

    Thanks for this video, I can understand you mainly talk about cycling under the age of 50, because most of you are not there yet. But we all get older (despite we think we are not older then 25) and maybe you could look to your future. I am already 58 and started cycling on race bike only 4 years ago, lover your video's, but really would love some items about training when you get over 50 or start cycling when you are over 50.

  • @robbchastain3036
    @robbchastain3036 6 лет назад +1

    The one-meal question is interesting and my choice would be to eat before a race or high-performance ride and to eat after a sure and steady one, with, certainly, proper hydration on the bike regardless of meal time.

  • @infinitereason1981
    @infinitereason1981 6 лет назад

    My first amateur peloton join ride was when i was 30 or 31 years old with some cyclist who are ahead of me in experience.. some of those companions asked me if i had ridden before.. honestly i have no proper training, i just tried harder challenging myself.. its a matter of age and proper training, and the mega bonus is if you are a gifted cyclist.. its in the genes and passion.. peace everyone.. good day.. :)

  • @chrisfisher5960
    @chrisfisher5960 2 года назад

    Older I get, lower gears. 50-40-30 to 32-14 Wider tyres 25mm slightly higher stem height. Max distance ride 90 miles. Still riding in years 70's

  • @chiefrocker12
    @chiefrocker12 6 лет назад

    WRT to Bjarne's question, gents, I am 46 and found the same issue as Bjarne. Two years ago I started boot camp style training , on average three times a day, spending more and more time improving agility , leg strength and endurance. This included full body workouts that was focused increasing core strength. As a result of this, I am stronger and have more endurance then in my twenties. With this new found leg strength, I changed my cycling technique to lower cadence and lower HR (avg 150's now as opposed to 170's, and cadence from 90's to 70's). Its worked!! Just sharing what the two pundits here have pointed out.

  • @WilliamNesse
    @WilliamNesse 6 лет назад

    I turned 40 and over the last few years I've found that weight training (squats and such, not too many or too heavy, just do them regularly) really help. I'm sure they would help at any age but now I notice it helps me retain a type of fitness I used to have without weight training. The biggest thing is aid in recovery and overall energy levels. In a sense, I get less sore on a bike if I life weights because my legs have a base level of strength far beyond what you'd need for any single pedal stroke, so I can ride more often and not get that devastated leg-feel after rides, so I can repeat again tomorrow. The only challenge is that you have to make time for those squats, and those do make you sore, particularly at first.

  • @ebayfield
    @ebayfield 6 лет назад

    A power meter, training plan, and a good dose of GCN was behind my move into competition this year. At the age of 52. Thanks guys!

    • @ebayfield
      @ebayfield 6 лет назад

      Never too old to race!

  • @00goop43
    @00goop43 6 лет назад +4

    Guard: Get back in your cell.
    Me: You can't make me, you don't run this cell.
    Guard: *Rips off mask to reveal mitochondria* Actually, I do.

  • @podfunk
    @podfunk 6 лет назад

    In terms of the question about getting a power meter and all that gubbins...try Strava on your mobile phone first. Just tuck it in the back of your cycling jersey. I'm sure many people bring their phones with them anyway. It will give you a (presumably very rough) idea of your power and of course will show how you rank against other local riders as well as showing speed and elevation gain. Presumably just using your phone like this is not terrifically accurate compared with a power meter but it's a good place to start getting into cycling and you can input your weight into your Strava hopefully the power data will give you a rough ballpark figure.

  • @jasongirvan6729
    @jasongirvan6729 6 лет назад

    I’ve lost over 130 lbs and if there’s one thing I learned about eating and training is, are u a breakfast person or not during your normal work week?
    A breakfast person is a person who must eat before rides as their body isn’t used to carrying on after waking up and needs an energy source first and a non breakfast person can carry on in the day before receiving energy.
    If you apply this principle to your training you will know your answer whether or not to eat before your ride
    I also that with myself and most people that I trained with is that the body would in some manner reject your eating decisions
    People who at when they didn’t normally would vomit and people who didn’t would have south end problems

  • @robtaylor7049
    @robtaylor7049 6 лет назад +17

    Mitochondria are actually little things ('organelles') inside all cells :)

    • @liangyinmax
      @liangyinmax 6 лет назад +2

      not "all" cells :P :)

    • @robtaylor7049
      @robtaylor7049 6 лет назад +2

      yeah yeah, trying to keep it simple(ish) ;)

    • @Juan0003
      @Juan0003 6 лет назад +2

      Are those the ones that are Force sensetive? ;)

    • @stevek8829
      @stevek8829 6 лет назад

      Somebody just took HS bio

    • @jinngeechia9715
      @jinngeechia9715 6 лет назад +1

      Something interesting about mitochondria. We only inherit them from our mothers only.

  • @andrewbackhouse5828
    @andrewbackhouse5828 6 лет назад

    On the "eat before or after" question... where's Emma when you need her!!
    My summary (I'm not a nutritionist, but I am a doctor): Fuel with more carbs prior (Emma has done some awesome recipes for this), but as others have pointed out, not just before you ride, otherwise more of your cardiac output is diverted to your gut for digestion.
    After riding you need to get some protein for muscle repair, particularly for more intense or long duration rides (evidence there for rides over 2 hours, and you should also consider some protein in your in-ride nutrition for those longer rides). This is why brands of dietary supplements make protein shakes for post-ride refueling (that's what's in those drinks handed from the soigneurs to the riders doing post-race interviews). These are typically whey protein or some such, but just having some protein in a meal soon after finishing (say, within an hour, but the earlier the better). Again, Emma has done some videos on great protein meals to make.
    There are options like low carbs, and special methods like fasted training, but most of us don't need to go there, or at least not often. I'm sure there are plenty of folk who swear by them, and good on them for being that keen, but it isn't for most.

  • @neilmdon
    @neilmdon 6 лет назад

    Yep - at 55 my experience in the weekly crits is that I can about hang on but I have no sprint at all at the finish. So it would seem like sprint work would have a 2-fold benefit...

  • @liangyinmax
    @liangyinmax 6 лет назад +5

    Sorry for the nitpicking but mitochondria are part of cells.

    • @calvinjonesyoutube
      @calvinjonesyoutube 6 лет назад

      Yes, although i believe just to add a twist, the prevailing theory of their origins is that they where independent organisms before somehow being incorporated into unicellular organisms, conferring a competitive advantage and then becoming obligate symbiotes. Those unicellular organiosms then eveolved into multicellular organisms like us and the mitochondria remained. Hence they have their own genetic material.. unlike the rest of the cell which is coded for by dna held in the nucleus.

  • @mungolikescandy3270
    @mungolikescandy3270 6 лет назад +12

    I was going to say something smart, but I'm to depressed at being an "older rider"

    • @robbchastain3036
      @robbchastain3036 6 лет назад

      Yeah, and here in the States, you are considered an 'older worker' at age 40. yikes.

    • @chesterules
      @chesterules 6 лет назад +1

      The fastest guy on our A ride out of the local bike shop is pushing 60 and he blows everyone else in our group way, including the 20something and 30somethings (one of which is a cat 2 racer!) so I wouldn't get too depressed!

  • @maapandmag
    @maapandmag 6 лет назад

    More detail about how to train when getting older would be apreciated!

  • @willitstandthetestoftime228
    @willitstandthetestoftime228 4 года назад

    I know this was a year ago. However I'm 52 have cycled a lot in the past. Do you have any videos for older riders how best to train and what distances oldies should be training at for maximum benefit?

  • @lukeenparis
    @lukeenparis 6 лет назад

    £100 to go faster? A couple of weeks ago I bought some clip-on aero bars to aid my mostly flat commute. I've not done any science but my estimate is I gain about 4 to 5 kph on the flat for the same power output. On my commute that saves me about 6 minutes. Happy days :) I don't know how much a skin suit would help but I can't imagine turning up to work in one.

  • @conradgeorgebecorney237
    @conradgeorgebecorney237 2 года назад

    What is Today's Best Hubs and Why, Please

  • @rieckstudio
    @rieckstudio 6 лет назад +1

    Well good questions asked actually

  • @boomerangsruckflug8513
    @boomerangsruckflug8513 4 года назад

    Thanks guys.

  • @djuradbrankovic5802
    @djuradbrankovic5802 3 года назад

    in the USA, 50% or more are riders in the age of 45+. And this is the last video dedicated to older riding group. You guys are seriously behind this topic, not to mention introducing someone of that age into your team.

  • @normanzielke6108
    @normanzielke6108 6 лет назад +16

    Yikes, "Mitochondrial cells" don't exist!!! Mitochondria are organelles, and every cell has them. However, it's true that they are the powerhouses of the cell, and that their density increases with exercise.

    • @calvinjonesyoutube
      @calvinjonesyoutube 6 лет назад +2

      Yeah, almost right. Most cells have them. Red blood cells don't, not sure about other exceptions.

  • @kurtcyclebike5450
    @kurtcyclebike5450 6 лет назад

    A better answer for how much 100.00 will get you would be: put the money into coaching- better techniques and understanding of wattage etc. The techniques now are more effective than 10 years ago. Maybe it buys you 5 minutes faster over a 100km...discuss?

  • @adam7597
    @adam7597 6 лет назад

    I always believed resting was mostly irrelevant when recovering from illness, but I did it a few times and did actually recover a lot faster (to be honest I was annoyed because I don't like being wrong).

  • @gravsten1
    @gravsten1 6 лет назад

    Dont eat too much right before cycling as blood (and thereby oxygen) Will flow more to your stomach and organs and away from the rest of your body, also your nervoussystem will switch to parasymphaticus making it harder to work with effort, thats why eating lots of carbs makes you tired and bloated sometimes. Recommendations i see mostly Are eating 1-2 hours before and not a huge meal

  • @James-zu1ij
    @James-zu1ij 5 лет назад

    I would eat after the ride if I had the choice. Glycogen loading has a limited affect since you are trying to fill already full glycogen stores. A lot of food will hinder you. Just nibble before and during eg a small bowl of porridge without sugar (avoid insulin spike) 2-3 hours before.
    You will find there are biased interests in promoting nutrition and fluids. Scientist are usually sponsored.

  • @JAVIER04101979
    @JAVIER04101979 6 лет назад +6

    Valverde is the most powerful Guy in the peloton iiii and 38 years old iii

    • @MrAndypree
      @MrAndypree 6 лет назад +2

      Javier Rodriguez Alonso he’s on the juice that’s why

    • @JAVIER04101979
      @JAVIER04101979 6 лет назад

      @@MrAndypree , you're right but I believe genes are also in this lovely mixture ;)

    • @MrAndypree
      @MrAndypree 6 лет назад

      Javier Rodriguez Alonso well there’s no doubt they are all genetically gifted in the peloton, some more than others. Just hope there isn’t a huge scandal going on we don’t know about. It would kill the sport.

  • @lycheeeis603
    @lycheeeis603 6 лет назад +1

    Almost 50. Still sub 18 though. And tackle cycling accordingly :-)

  • @RobBelanger
    @RobBelanger 6 лет назад

    #AskGCNTraining #torqueback I'm assuming even the pros can bonk spectacularly during grand tours. Question is: what can you do to recover rapidly, refill the tank, and be able to dish out pain the next day???

  • @richardsonj96
    @richardsonj96 6 лет назад

    #AskGCNTraining I'm a local racer in Colorado. I am a student as well and I find myself getting sick more often and feeling quite burned out after racing from March until August. I know that pros have special methods to keep from getting sick and spreading germs (separate washers, nutritionists, doctors etc.). So how do i avoid over fatigue, what are the symptoms, and what can I do to keep from getting sick as to not undo all my training?

  • @galenkehler
    @galenkehler 6 лет назад

    100 pound skinsuit isn't a good idea, you'll probably damage your bike carrying that much weight.
    If you need resistance like that and you don't have 25% hills, use a stationary trainer, or do sprints with the brakes on.

  • @mpaluchowski
    @mpaluchowski 6 лет назад

    #TorqueBack when cycling on two consecutive days, is it better to have the (significantly) longer or shorter ride on the first day?

  • @benspriggs4345
    @benspriggs4345 6 лет назад

    What is the best training type for improving fitness for other sports such as rugby?

  • @JeremyHansenblue2kid3
    @JeremyHansenblue2kid3 6 лет назад

    Great video as always

  • @Rawsan
    @Rawsan 6 лет назад

    Nice video.

  • @ortizma13
    @ortizma13 6 лет назад

    Question: which is better, going 1-2 mph slower on the flats to stay fresh for a climb, or go 1-2 mph faster on the flats to get to a climb faster. I’m looking to better my time on Alpe du Zwift #askgcntraining

  • @lgarzon2
    @lgarzon2 6 лет назад

    #askgcntraining I eat afterwards and ride in morning on empty stomach. But I have been intermittent fasting for over a year and my body performs worse with food on rides shorter than 45 or 50 miles. It stops using fat for fuel

  • @thomasabbott2277
    @thomasabbott2277 6 лет назад

    I’m in my late teens and have been racing for a while and would like to break into the pro ranks but am a lightweight climber with very little sprinting capability and live in quite possibly the flattest region of the UK and therefore don’t win as often as I’d like. How would you guys recommend getting the attention of pro teams without a bucket load in f wins.

  • @keitholding8541
    @keitholding8541 6 лет назад

    #Torqueback I'm a newcomer to watching road racing - can you explain the presentations made to the leading competitors, particularly at the Tour of Britain? Wine and flowers seems sensible, and the unidentifiable stuff in boxes could well be just what the cyclists want. But the teddy-bears seem a bit odd and the miniature trees are just bizarre. After stage 3 Patrick Bevin seemed particularly bemused by the addition to his bonsai collection.

  • @dolly55parton
    @dolly55parton 6 лет назад

    Hi guys I’m am 68 and have a meal before I go out cycling nothing worse than to start filling hungry a hour out I all way take fruit bars with me
    In case I feel peckish and plenty of fluids

  • @whattheref2724
    @whattheref2724 6 лет назад

    Which intervals on the bike should i do, and how many to get big legs?

  • @tommorrissey6422
    @tommorrissey6422 6 лет назад

    As a sprinter, I have training for sprinting a lot more than climbs but now I am happy with my sprinting should I balance my training between sprinting and climbing. Thanks #torqueback

  • @ondrastehlikll.1948
    @ondrastehlikll.1948 6 лет назад +1

    #torqueback I am good on both short and long climbs and time trials, but I am a terrible sprinter(183 cm, 66 kg).What should I focus on most?

  • @lukeenparis
    @lukeenparis 6 лет назад

    #ASKGCNTRAINING Hello GCN. What are the important metrics for fasted training, time on the bike, intensity of effort, calories burned or something else? And how would say a spaghetti Bolognese Vs a leafy green salad the night before a fasted training ride affect the efficacy of your training?
    I'm 40, my commute is around 40km, and I'm wondering if it's worth skipping breakfast until I get to work to try and keep the belly from bulging.

  • @Miersemann
    @Miersemann 6 лет назад

    Biside the powermeter there is something like Humon Hex.
    Which one would be beter for training perpersis?

  • @MartinLeib
    @MartinLeib 6 лет назад

    #tourqueback Bike 'Sit Bone' measuring. I have just bought a second hand 2015 Giant Defy 0 (first proper road bike) and need to get a seat that fits me. Please can you explain how to measure Sit Bone distance, what the different seat sizes offered by seat manufaturers are in relation to buying a new seat and which seats are best for road cyclists. Thanks. P.S. love your socks every month and would love to see a section on a very important issue - LBS. Local bike shops are really important and often incorporate a coffee shop. Local knowledge, device, maintenance and bike fits as well as sales are what they offer which are a big part of riding. A section showcasing a shop each week could be great to help riders in that area go d out about it, see what innovations or ways the LBS is surviving or thriving and what trends the oeners/staff are seeing ( as they are in a great place to hear the latest trend/frustration/wants). "Coffee Corner", "Coffee Chain" or plain "LBS" for the segment names!

  • @sds1605
    @sds1605 6 лет назад

    #askgcntraining What is the best way to prepare for a multistage/multi day event? I am doing a 7 day event at the end of the year and am concerned that I am focussing on volume, riding back to back days etc. What is the best approach leading in to the event?

  • @Drzhounder
    @Drzhounder 6 лет назад +2

    So for us even older guys (on the edge of 57), what do you suggest? I just started riding 3 years ago. I don't want to start going backwards already!

    • @deantonna
      @deantonna 6 лет назад +1

      At least you are actually out riding, most guys of our age -I’m 55-spend the weekends in front of the TV and couldn’t ride 2 miles without collapsing!

    • @Drzhounder
      @Drzhounder 6 лет назад

      The b**ch is the slower recovery from injury. I sprained my foot and it’s pushing 3 weeks off the bike. I finally feel good enough to ride and rain. Ugh!

    • @Drzhounder
      @Drzhounder 6 лет назад

      Not one for the competitive rides, but I get your point. For me it’s about Miles Not Medals. Naps aren’t bad either!

    • @James-zu1ij
      @James-zu1ij 5 лет назад

      What I do, and is utterly lazy and avoids hard work, is use a power meter and program the gps to record time spent above a certain power such as 400 or 500 watts. I do random bursts of power 10 - 60 seconds. I dont go to fatigue. I seem to have hit on accidentally away of getting very strong and fit. In 30 miles I will have spent 10 to 15 minutes above 400 watts. I do this about once per week.
      Every now and again do 60 to 80 miles just below sweet spot just to empty your glycogen stores. By the way I am 57 :-(((((((((

  • @JW-jg3de
    @JW-jg3de 6 лет назад

    How long should i wait to get back training after a broken wrist ? , pretty sure i can do the turbo now but think i will sit out the cx season 😕

  • @cyklatillbahamas
    @cyklatillbahamas 6 лет назад

    I got a gravelbike a few months ago, which I love. It's my only bike and I've come to realize that I mainly ride tarmac. It's got all-round 35 tires, and I'm thinking about getting some continental gp4000's. My question is, will it make me faster? And how narrow should I go for optimum speed? The 35's stick out quite a bit from the wheels width, so I think I could downsize, if it's a good idea. #torqueback

    • @cyklatillbahamas
      @cyklatillbahamas 6 лет назад

      Btw, my bike is a scott speedster gravel 20 disc. Weighs in at about 11kg (yikes)

    • @cyklatillbahamas
      @cyklatillbahamas 6 лет назад

      Got some gp4000s 28mm today. Bit of a pain to get on the rims, but mission complete :). Maiden voyage tomorrow I think. Cheers

  • @rzeckner
    @rzeckner 6 лет назад

    I will defer to the advice of a nutritionist, but if one uses a car an an analog, doesn't it make more sense to fill its tank before you take a trip rather then waiting until its finished and worrying that your tank doesn't go dry during your drive?

  • @SonjaTheDork
    @SonjaTheDork 6 лет назад

    #askgcntraining || I'm still a pretty new cyclist and I want to increase my performance, but my budget is extremely limited. I've got a HRM for training but I'm hearing everywhere that power meters are the superior option. Will training with only a HRM be a viable option, or would I be better off getting a power meter?

  • @santiagoarenas9912
    @santiagoarenas9912 6 лет назад

    Hi guys. I recently crashed, and as a result, my bike is totally ruined. While I gather the money to buy a new one, what can I do to preserve (or even improve) my form and weight? Cheers #AskGCNtraining #torqueback

  • @georgefreeman9438
    @georgefreeman9438 6 лет назад

    I’ve been riding a few years and only this year discovered de-greaser (through one of your how to videos). Is it possible to overuse degreaser? I’ve found myself wanting for a super clean chain every time I ride (by using degreaser). Will this cause any long term extra wear to the drivetrain?

  • @ZeroSeriesMMX
    @ZeroSeriesMMX 6 лет назад

    Old man jokes (maybe except MAMIL ones) are on Dan now. Too bad that James is the audio engineer's dream, and through the lad no joke will remain unheard. 😂😂😂
    But hell, inflation is one of the very few things which can make grown men cry. Hard. For periods on end. Especially those who spend on their bikes like if the two-wheeled machines were living beings.

  • @R0bertP
    @R0bertP 6 лет назад +1

    It's amazing when you see a question like the one in the title, and then there's two chaps just randomly chatting and answering even more random questions from some random internet users... I lasted 6 min into the video and it still seemed too much.

  • @ABM-UK
    @ABM-UK 6 лет назад

    #torqueback I was wondering whether I could use 11sp shifters with 11sp derailleurs but with a 10sp chainset, a 10sp cassette and a 10sp chain. Also would I then be able to put the 10sp cassette on to an 11sp freehub?

  • @SNR20001
    @SNR20001 6 лет назад

    Hey GCN. You always hear that riders are trying to lose weight, but can you actually lose some of your power when losing bodyweight or should you just be as light as possible? (Mostly thinking about fat) #AskGCNtraining

  • @jsquare3276
    @jsquare3276 6 лет назад

    I think I changed my training as I got older, but it may be that I just can't remember what I used to do.

  • @nelsoncampos7339
    @nelsoncampos7339 4 года назад

    Why when I am climbing to certain power (say 250 W) sitting on the saddle, and then stand on the pedals, my power goes down. Should not my cadence go down and my power remain or increase?

  • @dschumbonn
    @dschumbonn 6 лет назад

    #torqueback Renting a road bike for an upcoming vacation, size charts say I could choose either the "small" or the "medium"-sized frame (based on my height and other relevant measurements). What to do?

  • @leeoien3645
    @leeoien3645 3 года назад

    #aksgcntraining I recently started to use a smart trainer w/ my road bike (~1 week and 60 miles over 4 rides). While on the road, my bike is quite comfortable. However, I've found that on the smart trainer it is super stiff (obviously) the saddle uncomfortable, and the handlebar's position is a bit too aggressive (forward). Is this a common experience as one starts to use a smart trainer set-up? Are there any rules of thumb for adjustments that should be made to the bike set-up when it's used on a trainer?

  • @jjmorin2392
    @jjmorin2392 6 лет назад

    I’ve recently bought a cross bike in the hopes of doing cyclocross to keep up fitness during the winter months. With regards to the set up, if I slam the step and give it an aggressive position such as my road bike, am I going to lose off road performance? Any advice appreciated please!

  • @carlosdavid2720
    @carlosdavid2720 6 лет назад

    Hi I'm Carlos from Fortaleza, Brazil. If I train with a heavy bike (something that Goku would do) can help to build up my performance faster?

  • @paulheelis4798
    @paulheelis4798 6 лет назад +1

    Hi. I'm 43 years old, asmathic, my max heart rate is 181 and my FTHR is 170 (thanks TrainingPeaks). In racing I will easily be at FTHR and over but whilst training I need ventoline and a caffeine gel just to get there. Am I too tired to train or is there something else? I'm looking forward to using my IQSquare powermeter. #askgcntraining

    • @James-zu1ij
      @James-zu1ij 5 лет назад

      Consistency is key. Do some mental visualisations where you imagine a ride where you are breathing easily. I feel for you. I had to use Salbutamol for nearly 2 years after a chest infection. I felt like I was breathing through a sponge

  • @ljadf
    @ljadf 6 лет назад

    #askgcntraining I hear a lot about tapering for a race which allows your legs to recover, I've also read about accumulated stress on your legs through longer, slower rides. I find that my skills lie more with sprinting, so most of my rides are intervals or long hard 15 - 20 minute efforts while commuting. After doing a few of these rides sometimes back to back, my legs feel fatigued before I even start the hard stuff. As a general rule, should I go really slow or stop all together, to allow them to recover so I can concentrate on improving my sprints, or keep doing the same thing, for fear of losing fitness, or muscle mass?

  • @againstdrivingdrunk614
    @againstdrivingdrunk614 6 лет назад +1

    strength work does not increase aerobic capacity well. running does. running is probably 25X more effective than any strength work. strength work in my exp. makes aerobic ability worse because you need to pump blood to the new vascularized muscle (strength) and it can be dead weight.

    • @vaporisedair4919
      @vaporisedair4919 6 лет назад

      Jackson Steward likely true. Maybe they had in mind low intensity workouts definitely not powerlifting level of intensity. Still, I gather that strength work if done properly would still be essential to avoid things like back pain and obviously help with expolivess and sprinting which is good on itself .

    • @againstdrivingdrunk614
      @againstdrivingdrunk614 6 лет назад

      Agreed. In my experience more power lifting makes my cycling better. I was commenting on the aerobic capacity notion.

    • @jinngeechia9715
      @jinngeechia9715 6 лет назад

      You need some core strength work. It helps a lot. Bodyweight exercises are excellent for a cyclist.

  • @danieljaques2418
    @danieljaques2418 6 лет назад

    #torqueback hi GCN.. tricky one but how much does it cost to run a pro team per year on average.. riders staff mechanic's vehicles bikes and parts etc..

  • @valeccylinder8703
    @valeccylinder8703 6 лет назад

    Eat after

  • @johnb4396
    @johnb4396 6 лет назад

    I would love to learn about racing. I love to ride but know nothing about racing other than what a peleton is, I think I would like to watch racing if I knew more about what was going on.

  • @ABM-UK
    @ABM-UK 6 лет назад +1

    #torqueback I'm considering buying an old steel frame, and I'm looking for new components with a chromed finish (and specifically a crankset - not a modern Campagnolo Potenza one because I don't like the four arm design). So I was wondering whether you knew of a modern brand currently making any spider cranksets with a silverish finish, or will I have to buy a new old stock Campy one?

    • @vaporisedair4919
      @vaporisedair4919 6 лет назад

      Arthur Bown-Mazzoni I think the guys at Gcntech #askgcntech might have an answer to that!

    • @palicar
      @palicar 6 лет назад

      Rene Herse make nice old school cranks, but they come at a premium. You can find them through under components. Compass make some nice rubber while you're there too.

    • @ABM-UK
      @ABM-UK 6 лет назад

      Thank you all!

  • @Vam1500
    @Vam1500 6 лет назад

    #torqueback crazy question: would carrying a small canister of supplemental oxygen make me faster?

  • @ChrisinOSMS
    @ChrisinOSMS 6 лет назад

    For 100£ one could buy a chain cleaning device & fresh bar tape while still having money left over for mineral waters.

  • @willeigo8468
    @willeigo8468 6 лет назад

    Use it or lose it. That’s what she told me

  • @markevison7427
    @markevison7427 6 лет назад

    Hi guys. Ordered my first power meter yesterday, and wondering where to start. I did a 4dp test before snapping my collarbone last month, but it said i was a sprinter, with 223 ftp. obviously I want to improve... How do i use the peer meter in the road? Thanks a lot #askgcn #askgcntraining

  • @heavymatel9677
    @heavymatel9677 6 лет назад

    Hey guys I live in Florida a relatively flat state I ride fix gear track bike and was wandering how do you guys feel towards crit racing and fix riders in group rides ?

  • @pascaladl
    @pascaladl 6 лет назад

    #torqueback how do you guys decide on what to wear for a ride. I'm always too cold or too hot or both, often on the same outing.

  • @pietrochiappa2875
    @pietrochiappa2875 6 лет назад

    #AskGCNTraining Hey GCN, i live near Milan and the autumn and the winter are coming, i’m also joining a junior team in november what should i buy to improve my training?
    A good powermeter or a good indoor trainer?
    Thanks for your help.

  • @pab2611
    @pab2611 6 лет назад

    Hi! First of all, love the channel! I've learned a lot about cycling thru you, thank you.
    #torqueback I'm considering to buy a 1x CX bike with two sets of wheels, one for the road and one 27,5 with bigger tires for gravel and bikepacking . for the road I would use a 50 teeth chainring with an 11-40 cassette or a 46 chainring with an 11-36 cassette.
    My questions are, do you think that in the 11-40 the jumps between gears will be too big to find the right cadence on a group ride? and if I chose the 11-36 do you think that the highest gear will be to low? finally, do you think that the CX bike with road tires would represent a big disadvantage against a road specific bike? (my favorite option right now is the canyon inflite CF SL 8.0 RACE )

  • @ianherman9580
    @ianherman9580 6 лет назад

    #tourqueback with some presenters with track cycling background now can we get some more track content?

  • @BobBobby-rd7hb
    @BobBobby-rd7hb 6 лет назад

    #AskGCNTraining What are the best sessions to improve my power for a 20 min hill climb race? Thanks!

  • @00goop43
    @00goop43 6 лет назад

    #AskGCNTraining I'm a triathlete looking to become more involved in strictly TT events, but I also run cross country for my school. I'd like to keep doing both, but some people have said that running causes power loss on the bike. Is this true? Are running and cycling not compatible?

  • @running4fun863
    @running4fun863 6 лет назад

    Does the same apply for Women. I am sure a lot slower than couple of years ago. . Had to stop due to broken leg .

    • @jinngeechia9715
      @jinngeechia9715 6 лет назад +1

      Physiologically men and women are pretty similar. We all get slower. Put it another way, everything gets harder. 😂

  • @bca-biciclindcuaxel7527
    @bca-biciclindcuaxel7527 6 лет назад

    I forgot my age ... well being born in the Vampire's lands does help :))

  • @rhozjan
    @rhozjan 6 лет назад

    I train with power, but in winter on winter bike with HeartRate Monitor. FTP is 340 and FTHR is 165 (max. HR is 186). I am 39 years old. This is taken during normal conditions, but lately, as it is very hot, heart rate is much higher, I keep getting notifications (after longer high intensity rides) that I should correct my FTHR (lastly yesterday) to 169 (so it measured for an hour or 20min-5% to that amount). Is this then my new FTHR also for winter training, or does HR in these extra hot conditions not count, as one gets tired earlier and therefore HR is higher? Should I have two FTHR, one for winter and one for summer (if needed)? #AskGCNTraining

  • @eriknelson9975
    @eriknelson9975 6 лет назад

    #Torqueback Do deep section wheels still provide a meaningful aero benefit (in light of, say, a 150-200 gram weight penalty) for a gravel bike set-up when you are running tires (say, 40mm) that are wider than the OD of the aero rim (say, 30mm)? Can GCN do some science on this? Thanks!

  • @sandiegocyclingnutz
    @sandiegocyclingnutz 6 лет назад

    Great episode guys! Though I wonder what good skin suit cost 100 pounds? ($129)

    • @apv1
      @apv1 6 лет назад

      Eric Combes think paria do something nice within that price range

  • @godcomplex7918
    @godcomplex7918 6 лет назад +2

    #Tourqueback what is the best but cheapest power metre that could be bought.

    • @joshmagrum3552
      @joshmagrum3552 6 лет назад

      I have a used single sided stages I picked up on ebay for about $250. Places like ebay and amazon are great for this kind of ting

    • @godcomplex7918
      @godcomplex7918 6 лет назад


      @LUCYDIAMONDBOXER1 6 лет назад +2

      4iii power meters

    • @deantonna
      @deantonna 6 лет назад

      Stages -single side is all you need

    • @stuartdryer1352
      @stuartdryer1352 6 лет назад

      4iiii is same price or cheaper than Stages. It functions similarly (one sided) but is a bit more reliable because less problems with water ingress or dropping signals to the head unit. Both can be had for 250 to 300 USD. It really does help you improve faster. Stages 3rd gen units are better than before but still have some issues with water getting into the battery case.

  • @ashshogun1994
    @ashshogun1994 6 лет назад

    I'm 24 years old. is it too late for me to involve in cycling race? #torqueback

  • @Reniat314
    @Reniat314 6 лет назад

    #Torqueback Started cycling at the beginning of this year and recently completed my first century. Aside from starting racing (already have that planned), what would a good next cycling milestone be?

  • @roddywardrop6858
    @roddywardrop6858 6 лет назад

    #askgcntraining. hi, loving the shows. will doing 80 to 100 mile ride, going by perceived rate of effort at weekend have a negative impact on any ftp boosting or hill climbing improvement training I do through week (in early 50's)

  • @brandonkirk5357
    @brandonkirk5357 6 лет назад +1

    GCN are there any bike computers that have a programmable odometer mileage, since I am in need of a bike computer upgrade (currently using an old Cateye Velo 7) but I do not want to loose all the progress I've made on my Giant DefyAdvanced1. I wanted to get a Garmin 520, but see that this is not a feature... are programmable bike computer odometers a thing?? Please help; I don't want to flush away my progress, of which most of it was made before I joined Strava :(

    • @CalinCETERAS
      @CalinCETERAS 6 лет назад

      I'm using a Specialized Sport wired bike computer and at reset (or first start) you can program the odometer (total distance). I think it's this model:
      Good value, battery lasts forever (well, I've only had it for one and a half years and 3000 kilometers and it's on the original battery). Only has hour/speed/distance readings, no cadence, pulse, GPS or other newfangled thingies.

  • @jameydehens1836
    @jameydehens1836 6 лет назад

    Sprint training