I remember you from the Korean chatroom at this year's Polyglot Gathering. I was really amazed by your speaking then. I searched about TOPIK just the other day and by chance I found this video and now I'm watching your other videos and I'm inspired to improve my Korean. I don't know how recently or long ago you passed level 6 but congratulations. I look forward to more videos!
Thanks for the kind words! Good luck with your Korean studies and hopefully we can chat again at the next opportunity. I got level 6 about 2 years ago, so I actually took the test again a few weeks back. Results should be out soon so I'll make a follow-up TOPIK video then.
Hey man, thanks for your video. I see lots of people from an Asian background getting high scores in the reading section due to their knowledge of hanja based words, but you only got a 70 on the results you showed in the video, barely scrapping through to get level 6 which is amazing. Do you recommend not putting as much effort into the reading section and just try get a high score on the listening like you did? Can literally spend hours memorizing hanja based words in Ankiapp yet still some will come in the reading section that we haven't even seen before. Interested in your thoughts!
Hi, yeah that's a good question. I personally focused on listening because I felt that it was the section that I needed the most improvement, but that is not at all to say that I didn't work on my reading too. I read a lot of texts about various subjects and made Anki flashcards for new words that I encountered when reading. To be honest, expanding your vocabulary will help you in all sections of the test, so that is just something you have to do in general. As you say, there will always be unknown words that come out in the reading section, and the language used in the reading section is generally harder than that of the listening section. Also, developing the ability to make educated guesses about unknown words is an important soft skill that is hard to actively develop, it just comes from exposing yourself to the language as much as possible. While taking the test, I will usually underline key words that I don't know and try to make a decent guess at its meaning. Anyway it sounds like you're doing the right thing by trying actively to expand your vocabulary, so just keep doing what you're doing. If you identify which section needs the most improvement and put a little extra study into that one you should be on the right track.
Hi, I read anything I can really, novels in Korean, Wikipedia pages, news articles transcripts of interviews. Reading content made for native speakers is usually easier than listening to it.
Hi Ewan, I'm really confused regarding this and no one has answered it yet. How many words do I need to know (or how vast my vocabulary need to be) in order to assure TOPIK 5-6. For example, it is usually said that atleast 2000 words are a must for TOPIK I. I would be thankful if you could take out some time to help out. Thank you.
Hi, this is a pretty difficult question, as far as I know there isn't a standard number for how many words you need to know. At lower levels it is possible to say how many words you need, since there are certain concepts that you must know from the beginning. As your level gets higher, the new words you learn are not essential daily words but more specialised and less common words. In other words, two people who both have TOPIK 6 will not know the exact same set of words, especially when it comes to more advanced vocabulary. With that being said, I would guess that TOPIK 6 requires maybe 8000+ words? It's just a guess, but the more you know the better. Hope this helps!
@@Ewan_Smith Thank you Ewan! That did bring in some clarity. It is better to keep reading as much as I can, in the end it'll all be useful. Thank you so much for taking out time for a detailed reply. Take care! ✨
안녕하세요! 54번은 어려운 거 맞아요. 제가 준비하는 방법은 그냥 다양한 주제에 대해서 글을 쓰는 건데, 사실은 텍스트의 길이에 비해서 점수가 많지 않아요. 53번과 같은 경우 텍스트의 길이는 200자이고 30점 있는데 54번은600-700자이고 50점만 있어요. 따라서 54번은 최대한 많이 쓰는 것에 집중하고 문법적 실수나 엄청 유창하게 쓰는 것에 대해 너무 걱정하지 마세요. 시험 잘 보길 바래요!
Learning grammar really depends on your level - if you're still a beginner then I think it's important to really master the basic word order and the different way that Korean sentences are structured. If you're past that point, then advanced grammar is more about discovering more and more endings that all have slight nuances to them. To learn these, you could either seek out a list of endings, or you could read as much as possible and note down new endings that you encounter (I much prefer the second method as reading will also help expand your vocabulary) As for resources, I used Talk to Me in Korean's Iyagi series a lot. I listened and read each one many times until I knew them back to front. Other than that, reading anything, Sebasi talks (Korean version of TED Talks) and also TOPIK preparation material from TOPIK Guide are all good resources. Hope this helps!
I'm a beginner in self learning korean, 5 months its been fun but struggling. Do you have any tips or advice to help be less stressful? Or how you learned?
Honestly you should do things that you enjoy - if you like korean films and things then watching them is good, if you like reading then that is good. Don't worry too much about perfecting your grammar yet, it's more enjoyable and effective to absorb lots of the language first, learn some bits of grammar as you come across them, and then work on perfecting your grammar a bit later on. Hope this helps!
@@Ewan_Smith I love kdramas, im trying to find one that I would repeat a few times lol. I watched crash landing on you lastnight. I noticed that im understanding some words and noticed some that I've heard before. I got excited lol.
@@melodywilson Nice, watching those sorts of things is good exposure - just remember that they are usually very difficult for learners to understand so don't expect to be able to understand everything soon haha. Sounds like you're doing all the right things!
Good question! I think it's a big jump from 2 to 4-5 but it's definitely possible. Remember that the test for TOPIK 4 and 5 has a writing section that you will have to practice for, so spend some time memorising sentences from the example responses. Apart from that, I would say focus on improving your reading speed and expanding your vocabulary - you can do both by reading every day about a range of topics. There are plenty of texts but Wikipedia is a good resource! Anyway take a practice exam to see what score you get, and put some extra focus on whichever section is the hardest for you Hope this helps!
I've taken it 3 times now. The first time I was September 2019 - I was aiming for level 6 and got level 5, so I took it again and managed level 6. I also retook it in October this year
@@freak5914 I had actively studied Korean for about a year and a half when I took it the first time (and I studied pretty intensively for most of that time)
@@Ewan_Smith Studies how? Only Topik related? With a tutor? With a textbook? Memorizing phrases? How many hours a day? A week? A month? Every morning? Every night? Rewatch movies and videos and dramas? Did you write down a study plan or did you wing it? Can you share a step by step guide?
@@nicoleraheem1195 That's a lot of questions - I never had a tutor or a TOPIK textbook, I mainly used the past exams for TOPIK prep. In terms of hours, I was studying every day for about an hour in the morning before work, and listening to the past listening tests on my commute. I was also continuting with general Korean study, which I do through watching videos, then reading and breaking down the transcripts.
Don't worry, Korean is a hard language so progress might be slow, but as some point you'll have a breakthrough where things start to click. If you want to focus on improving your speaking, you really need to speak as much as possible. I also like practicing writing as it trains the same output skills as speaking does. Apart from that just try to get as much exposure to Korean as possible. Good luck!
Vocab is the biggest difficulty I'd say - I like using flashcards but if you don't find them useful then you don't have to use them. The important part for remembering new vocabulary is seeing it many times, and that means you have to review content that you read or listen to many times. I kept track of all the reading and listening I did and made sure that I went back and revisited all that content multiple times. That allowed me to see those words again and helped them stick in my mind better. Hope this helps!
Great. Thanks. I was wondering how long shall I spend in essay writing section?? Cause you know words dont pop up in my head and I have to spend some time thinking the appropriate word.
Yeah that happens, and yeah I think its better to spend a bit of time thinking about than having to go back later and try correct it. I would say focus on doing questions 51-53 really well, and then write the long essay as quickly as you can. The long essay is worth 50 marks, but it is a lot longer than the other questions (meaning that each word is worth fewer marks). I think when I did it I had about 25 minutes left when I started the long essay.
hi i have a question. i got topik level 3 and now i wanna get topik level 5. what would you recommend me? I have 4 months to study. i wanna progress by solving topik questions. do u think that is a good idea?
That sounds like a great idea - I would recommend focusing on building your vocabulary, listening and reading as much as possible. Also you should spend some time writing essays in preparation for the writing section. I think the most important thing is to expose yourself to as much Korean as possible, preferably about many different topics. Hope this helps
@@Ewan_Smith I took the exam and got 35 points from the writing part. my listening and reading was bad, if it wasn't bad I could have taken the 4th level.
@@user-jz2dk3mh3c Sounds like you have it figured out, remember for question 54 the important thing is to reach the word limit and not make too many mistakes, you can keep your sentences fairly simple and still do well. Usually you start to run out of time so you need to write fairly quickly
Hi, yep Talk to Me in Korean is great, also the website howtolearnkorean.com has a full Korean course with audio for free. You can get the hang of Hangul pretty quickly, and then I recommend just starting to read as soon as you can. Only by reading a lot will you become really proficient at reading Hangul. Good luck!
I always just used the free content. Also their second channel Talk to me in 100% Korean is a good resource for interviews with Korean subtitles. Listening to and reading the subtitles for each episode many times is a great method
@@musharrafaminboeva9279 제 말은 일반적으로 많이 읽어야 한다는 것이에요 - 뉴스 기사, 소설, Wikipedia 등등... 제가 그렇게 했는데 저에게 잘 맞는 방법이에요. 구체적으로 TOPIK에 나오는 글을 찾고 계시다면 TOPIK Guide 웹사이트를 참고하시면 좋을 것 같아요.
It depends on your current level - if you are starting from scratch, I think going from 0 to TOPIK 5 in 5 months is going to be pretty difficult unless you can dedicate all day every day to studying. There's only so much your brain can take in a day! That being said, I think it's good to aim high and miss, so studying with the goal of reaching TOPIK 5 will improve your Korean a lot. For me, the test itself was not as important as the improvement I gained from studying for it.
Not really, I had a quick look at a list of Korean grammar rules and a vocab list just to check for any gaps in my knowledge but other than I didn't. I know of some TOPIK books but haven't looked at them.
@@freak5914 here are some pdfs for Korean grammar drive.google.com/folderview?id=1fhvMgC2ww2_N9pS6ns-F8KmClXJfvj_Z And here are some for vocab drive.google.com/folderview?id=1WMpVfRqd0wGUJ_Ncjqd1xe2dwmrcSD31
I knew nothing about Korea or Korean until 2017 - I learnt how to say hello and some basic phrases then, but I started studying actively at the start of 2018
Noted! But this video is for people taking the TOPIK II exam, and I think by that point, it's important for people to get comfortable listening to Korean. If it's hard to understand, feel free to turn on the subtitles with the CC button!
This is IMPRESSIVE! To make it even more perfect you definitely should consider working on your accent. It´s very hard to follow you bc many tones and your pronunciation is a bit off. (Just my opinion). Keep going.
What a great accomplishment! I'm now feeling more inspired and motivated again to prepare for the TOPIK test this month and next :)
Good luck!
I remember you from the Korean chatroom at this year's Polyglot Gathering. I was really amazed by your speaking then. I searched about TOPIK just the other day and by chance I found this video and now I'm watching your other videos and I'm inspired to improve my Korean. I don't know how recently or long ago you passed level 6 but congratulations. I look forward to more videos!
Thanks for the kind words! Good luck with your Korean studies and hopefully we can chat again at the next opportunity. I got level 6 about 2 years ago, so I actually took the test again a few weeks back. Results should be out soon so I'll make a follow-up TOPIK video then.
진짜 대단하십니다
6급이 최상등급인데 공부하신 시간이 짧으신데
성과가 대단하시네요
You are so smart! Please continue to share how you study Korean in RUclips. Thanks a lot!
I'll definitely make more videos about learning Korean! Thanks for watching!
Thank you so much for this video series!! I want to take the TOPIK soon so your explanations is VERY helpful!!
Thank you so much for explaining the sections with tips that would be very useful for all of us taking topik 2 exam. Thank you💜
저도 올해 6급 시험을 볼 예정인데 영상 보고 자신감이 높아지네요 ㅋㅋ 좋은 영상 감사합니당 ㅋㅋ
행운을 빌어요!
와.. 정말 공부 많이 하셨나봅니다ㅎㅎ 발음도 좋고, 어휘구사력도 상당하네요! 전 한국사람인데 외국인 입장에서 읽기 파트와 쓰기 파트는 참 어려울거같네요..
흥미로운 영상 잘 보고 갑니다!
아 정말 감사합니다!
한국말 진짜 신통방통하게 잘하네♡
토픽 보시는분들 다들화이팅~~
Very helpful tips! I'll keep them in mind next time I take the test. Thank you! :)
No problem!
Following! Amazing achievement man!
너무 멋있어요.감사합니다❤❤
wao el mejor video explicando este examen que he visto , actualmente me estoy preparando para hacerlo y es de gran ayuda
¡Gracias por las amables palabras y buena suerte para tu examen! Eché un vistazo a tu canal y tienes vídeos muy geniales.
@@Ewan_Smith gracias por la motivación saludos
진짜 공부 열심히 한 게 느껴져요 ㅎㅎ
Ill be taking it in October too. Good luck ~
Good luck to you too!
Hey man, thanks for your video.
I see lots of people from an Asian background getting high scores in the reading section due to their knowledge of hanja based words, but you only got a 70 on the results you showed in the video, barely scrapping through to get level 6 which is amazing.
Do you recommend not putting as much effort into the reading section and just try get a high score on the listening like you did?
Can literally spend hours memorizing hanja based words in Ankiapp yet still some will come in the reading section that we haven't even seen before.
Interested in your thoughts!
Hi, yeah that's a good question. I personally focused on listening because I felt that it was the section that I needed the most improvement, but that is not at all to say that I didn't work on my reading too. I read a lot of texts about various subjects and made Anki flashcards for new words that I encountered when reading. To be honest, expanding your vocabulary will help you in all sections of the test, so that is just something you have to do in general. As you say, there will always be unknown words that come out in the reading section, and the language used in the reading section is generally harder than that of the listening section. Also, developing the ability to make educated guesses about unknown words is an important soft skill that is hard to actively develop, it just comes from exposing yourself to the language as much as possible. While taking the test, I will usually underline key words that I don't know and try to make a decent guess at its meaning.
Anyway it sounds like you're doing the right thing by trying actively to expand your vocabulary, so just keep doing what you're doing. If you identify which section needs the most improvement and put a little extra study into that one you should be on the right track.
제가 영어 토플 공부할때 생각나서 우연히 들어왔는데요..정말 대단하시네요..한국에서 응원합니다..
감사합니다! 영어 공부도 잘 되길 바래요!
Ohhhh great..I want to improve learning Korean.plzzz share tips by uploading more videos..plzzz
Will do - if you have any topics you want me to make videos about let me know!
@@Ewan_Smith what reading resources you use.
Hi, I read anything I can really, novels in Korean, Wikipedia pages, news articles transcripts of interviews. Reading content made for native speakers is usually easier than listening to it.
This was so helpful! Thank you so much :)
Thank you!
This was super helpful! Thank you!
No problem!
your korean accent so cute 😊
정말 멋집니다!!!
모두 토픽 잘 보세요 ㅎㅎㅎ
지능이 높은듯요… 거기다 공부법까지 알고. 결국 단어를 많이 알아야하고 , 듣기시험치며 다음문제 보기 읽는건 토익도 마찬가지. 속담 2점짜리 공부한다고 다른공부 못하는건 손해. 쓰기 54번문제 일단 글자수 맞추고 보기.
감사합니다! 네 54번에서는 그냥 많이 쓸수록 좋은 것이죠
구독할게요! 저는 TOEIC공부 하고 있어요 같이 화이팅
시험 잘 보길 바래요!
@@Ewan_Smith 감사합니다🕶
저는 한국어 선생님인데요
정말 한국어 잘하시네요^^
앗 감사합니다!
Hi Ewan,
I'm really confused regarding this and no one has answered it yet.
How many words do I need to know (or how vast my vocabulary need to be) in order to assure TOPIK 5-6. For example, it is usually said that atleast 2000 words are a must for TOPIK I.
I would be thankful if you could take out some time to help out. Thank you.
Hi, this is a pretty difficult question, as far as I know there isn't a standard number for how many words you need to know. At lower levels it is possible to say how many words you need, since there are certain concepts that you must know from the beginning. As your level gets higher, the new words you learn are not essential daily words but more specialised and less common words. In other words, two people who both have TOPIK 6 will not know the exact same set of words, especially when it comes to more advanced vocabulary.
With that being said, I would guess that TOPIK 6 requires maybe 8000+ words? It's just a guess, but the more you know the better. Hope this helps!
@@Ewan_Smith Thank you Ewan! That did bring in some clarity. It is better to keep reading as much as I can, in the end it'll all be useful.
Thank you so much for taking out time for a detailed reply.
Take care! ✨
I don't know anything about korean. I just learned the alphabet and to getting level 6 or 5 how long will it take
안녕하십니까 이완씨? 전 토픽준비를 하고 있는데 쓰기 54번은 넘넘 어렵더라구요. 혹시 이완씨는 토픽 쓰기 팁을 좀 말씀해 주실 수 있으십니까? 오! 그리고, 좀 늦은 거 같지만, 토픽 6급 합격을 축하드립니당~~~
안녕하세요! 54번은 어려운 거 맞아요. 제가 준비하는 방법은 그냥 다양한 주제에 대해서 글을 쓰는 건데, 사실은 텍스트의 길이에 비해서 점수가 많지 않아요. 53번과 같은 경우 텍스트의 길이는 200자이고 30점 있는데 54번은600-700자이고 50점만 있어요. 따라서 54번은 최대한 많이 쓰는 것에 집중하고 문법적 실수나 엄청 유창하게 쓰는 것에 대해 너무 걱정하지 마세요. 시험 잘 보길 바래요!
@@Ewan_Smith 조언을 해 주셔서 대단히 감사합니다^^
what is the validity of topik 6??
Well I am also learning.. Any tips to learn grammar or recommendations for study material
Learning grammar really depends on your level - if you're still a beginner then I think it's important to really master the basic word order and the different way that Korean sentences are structured. If you're past that point, then advanced grammar is more about discovering more and more endings that all have slight nuances to them. To learn these, you could either seek out a list of endings, or you could read as much as possible and note down new endings that you encounter (I much prefer the second method as reading will also help expand your vocabulary)
As for resources, I used Talk to Me in Korean's Iyagi series a lot. I listened and read each one many times until I knew them back to front. Other than that, reading anything, Sebasi talks (Korean version of TED Talks) and also TOPIK preparation material from TOPIK Guide are all good resources. Hope this helps!
I'm a beginner in self learning korean, 5 months its been fun but struggling. Do you have any tips or advice to help be less stressful? Or how you learned?
Try to watch more korean films, shows and etc
@@garycreatives7668 do I watch it more then once or what do I need to do?
Honestly you should do things that you enjoy - if you like korean films and things then watching them is good, if you like reading then that is good. Don't worry too much about perfecting your grammar yet, it's more enjoyable and effective to absorb lots of the language first, learn some bits of grammar as you come across them, and then work on perfecting your grammar a bit later on. Hope this helps!
@@Ewan_Smith I love kdramas, im trying to find one that I would repeat a few times lol. I watched crash landing on you lastnight. I noticed that im understanding some words and noticed some that I've heard before. I got excited lol.
@@melodywilson Nice, watching those sorts of things is good exposure - just remember that they are usually very difficult for learners to understand so don't expect to be able to understand everything soon haha. Sounds like you're doing all the right things!
좋은 영상입니다.
How old were you when you started learning Korean?
Ah I think I was about 21 when I started studying it seriously - I had learnt the alphabet and a couple of basic greetings a few years before that too
Nice! Thank you for your reply.
한국어를 잘하는 외국분을 채용하려고, Topik 6급이면 어느정도 하는지 궁금해서 검색중에 들어왔는데...놀라고 갑니다...
I will take the topik exam in april and my level is topik 2 right now. Can I get level 4 or 5 in 5-6 months ? What would you suggest?
Good question! I think it's a big jump from 2 to 4-5 but it's definitely possible. Remember that the test for TOPIK 4 and 5 has a writing section that you will have to practice for, so spend some time memorising sentences from the example responses. Apart from that, I would say focus on improving your reading speed and expanding your vocabulary - you can do both by reading every day about a range of topics. There are plenty of texts but Wikipedia is a good resource! Anyway take a practice exam to see what score you get, and put some extra focus on whichever section is the hardest for you Hope this helps!
@@Ewan_Smith thank you so much 💜 i will try my best!
did u just practice from topik guide ? did you use any specific book? can i get the pdf link to practice?
Sorry I missed your comment, if you send me an email I can send you some pdfs and things - smith.ewan.a@gmail.com
한국어로 설명했어서 감사합니다~~
봐주셔서 감사합니다!
간대한 수고했어요. 저도 오랬동안 한국어 배웠어요 =)
How many times did you take the topik exam? what did you get when you took your first topik exam?
I've taken it 3 times now. The first time I was September 2019 - I was aiming for level 6 and got level 5, so I took it again and managed level 6. I also retook it in October this year
@@Ewan_SmithHow many years did you study when you took your first topik exam? btw thank u so much for answering
@@freak5914 I had actively studied Korean for about a year and a half when I took it the first time (and I studied pretty intensively for most of that time)
@@Ewan_Smith Studies how? Only Topik related? With a tutor? With a textbook? Memorizing phrases? How many hours a day? A week? A month? Every morning? Every night?
Rewatch movies and videos and dramas? Did you write down a study plan or did you wing it? Can you share a step by step guide?
@@nicoleraheem1195 That's a lot of questions - I never had a tutor or a TOPIK textbook, I mainly used the past exams for TOPIK prep. In terms of hours, I was studying every day for about an hour in the morning before work, and listening to the past listening tests on my commute. I was also continuting with general Korean study, which I do through watching videos, then reading and breaking down the transcripts.
I've been studying Korean for 2 years now but I can't speak Korean nor pass TOPIK level 3 :( i don't know what I'm doing wrong
Don't worry, Korean is a hard language so progress might be slow, but as some point you'll have a breakthrough where things start to click. If you want to focus on improving your speaking, you really need to speak as much as possible. I also like practicing writing as it trains the same output skills as speaking does. Apart from that just try to get as much exposure to Korean as possible. Good luck!
Howww i cant get above intermediate level. How do u learn all the vocab
Vocab is the biggest difficulty I'd say - I like using flashcards but if you don't find them useful then you don't have to use them. The important part for remembering new vocabulary is seeing it many times, and that means you have to review content that you read or listen to many times. I kept track of all the reading and listening I did and made sure that I went back and revisited all that content multiple times. That allowed me to see those words again and helped them stick in my mind better. Hope this helps!
@@Ewan_Smith thankyouuu
Great. Thanks. I was wondering how long shall I spend in essay writing section?? Cause you know words dont pop up in my head and I have to spend some time thinking the appropriate word.
Yeah that happens, and yeah I think its better to spend a bit of time thinking about than having to go back later and try correct it. I would say focus on doing questions 51-53 really well, and then write the long essay as quickly as you can. The long essay is worth 50 marks, but it is a lot longer than the other questions (meaning that each word is worth fewer marks). I think when I did it I had about 25 minutes left when I started the long essay.
Thanks a lot. I will give my best.😊
@@sarahtiwari4449 Good luck!
hi i have a question. i got topik level 3 and now i wanna get topik level 5. what would you recommend me? I have 4 months to study. i wanna progress by solving topik questions. do u think that is a good idea?
That sounds like a great idea - I would recommend focusing on building your vocabulary, listening and reading as much as possible. Also you should spend some time writing essays in preparation for the writing section. I think the most important thing is to expose yourself to as much Korean as possible, preferably about many different topics. Hope this helps
@@Ewan_Smith thank u so much
@@Ewan_Smith I took the exam and got 35 points from the writing part. my listening and reading was bad, if it wasn't bad I could have taken the 4th level.
@@Ewan_Smith in writing i will focus on question 54. cus im good at other writing questions.
@@user-jz2dk3mh3c Sounds like you have it figured out, remember for question 54 the important thing is to reach the word limit and not make too many mistakes, you can keep your sentences fairly simple and still do well. Usually you start to run out of time so you need to write fairly quickly
thank you
No problem!
How long are you completed korean langauge
안녕하세요 6급 합격하신 것은 축하드려요.
저는 올해 10월에 토픽을 봐야 돼는데 처음이라서 너무 떨려요. 4급까지 받고 싶어요.
화이팅! 할 수 있습니다!
@@Ewan_Smith 네 감사합니다
어떤 책으로 공부하셨나요?
Hello Could you let me know about some online course I could take to learn Hangul. Is talk to me in Korean good for learning Koren
Hi, yep Talk to Me in Korean is great, also the website howtolearnkorean.com has a full Korean course with audio for free. You can get the hang of Hangul pretty quickly, and then I recommend just starting to read as soon as you can. Only by reading a lot will you become really proficient at reading Hangul. Good luck!
@@Ewan_Smith thanks really appreciate your reply. Would you recommend to take the premium membership for TTMIK?
I always just used the free content. Also their second channel Talk to me in 100% Korean is a good resource for interviews with Korean subtitles. Listening to and reading the subtitles for each episode many times is a great method
@@Ewan_Smith thanks again for your prompt response
I also have 1 year and a couple months to learn Korean do you offer private classes if so I need your help please 🙏🏻
Sorry, I'm not really a Korean teacher but I'm sure you can find some Korean tutors on italki!
Topik학원같은 없나요? 학원에서 공부 하고 싶어서
대면 학원과 같은 거에 대해서 잘 모르겠는데 topikguide.com 은 재일 나을 것 같아요, 아니면 italki에서 토픽 도와주는 한국어 선생님 찾을 수 있을 것 같아요
어우 넘 멋있어
이 형 발음 좋네 ㅎ 👍
6급 받기 위해서 어느 책들에서 사용했어요? 어느 책들이 필요해요?
사실은 제가 교과서를 안 썼는데, 이전 시험 몇개를 봤고 많은 다양한 텍스트를 읽었어요. 그냥 시험 포맷을 알고 어휘 확장에 집중하신면 좋을 것 같아요
@@Ewan_Smith 대답을 주셔서 고마워요.하지만 테스트들을 어디에서 찾았어요? 내가 알려주세요
@@musharrafaminboeva9279 제 말은 일반적으로 많이 읽어야 한다는 것이에요 - 뉴스 기사, 소설, Wikipedia 등등... 제가 그렇게 했는데 저에게 잘 맞는 방법이에요. 구체적으로 TOPIK에 나오는 글을 찾고 계시다면 TOPIK Guide 웹사이트를 참고하시면 좋을 것 같아요.
@@Ewan_Smith 정말 감사합니다.나도 이렇게 할거예요^^
Is it possible to get 5 level within 4/5 months?
It depends on your current level - if you are starting from scratch, I think going from 0 to TOPIK 5 in 5 months is going to be pretty difficult unless you can dedicate all day every day to studying. There's only so much your brain can take in a day!
That being said, I think it's good to aim high and miss, so studying with the goal of reaching TOPIK 5 will improve your Korean a lot. For me, the test itself was not as important as the improvement I gained from studying for it.
Did you use any book while studying for this exam?
Not really, I had a quick look at a list of Korean grammar rules and a vocab list just to check for any gaps in my knowledge but other than I didn't. I know of some TOPIK books but haven't looked at them.
@@Ewan_Smith where can i find these lists
@@Ewan_Smith btw thank u so much for answering
@@freak5914 here are some pdfs for Korean grammar
And here are some for vocab
@@Ewan_Smith im so thankful thank u so much seriously
When did you first become exposed to Korean, starting with " hello"?
I knew nothing about Korea or Korean until 2017 - I learnt how to say hello and some basic phrases then, but I started studying actively at the start of 2018
@@Ewan_Smith Thanks for answering.
Did you just solve old topic exams while studying?
Yep! That was the most useful for me, since you can see the pattern in the questions and what kind of subjects they are about.
@@Ewan_Smith thank u
You obviously speak Korean very well..congrats. However it would be better for non-fluent students to listen in english…Thanks
Noted! But this video is for people taking the TOPIK II exam, and I think by that point, it's important for people to get comfortable listening to Korean. If it's hard to understand, feel free to turn on the subtitles with the CC button!
@@Ewan_Smith I agree. Listening is very important. 👍
This is IMPRESSIVE! To make it even more perfect you definitely should consider working on your accent. It´s very hard to follow you bc many tones and your pronunciation is a bit off. (Just my opinion). Keep going.
Thanks for the feedback! I'll keep it in mind