My father is of the same mindset. Luckily I have little to no contact with the man. There's so many scary things about all of this. I hope our country (and world) survives this somehow and recovers.
Add reply if the rule that would send you or I to jail also sent people like the Donald but sadly no because he’s rich and buys his way out and the courts over there seem to say oh ok
"Survives"? The world has become even more dangerous. Biden's botched Afghanistan withdrawal resulted in 13 dead military and the loss of Bagram air base. The invasion of Ukraine because energy prices soared due to Biden Exec Orders funding the Putin war machine. China is strong arming Filipino fishermen and the entire region. Things are not safer. More war. More tensions.
There is bound to be a feeding frenzy where the world and his wife jumps in for a buck. What I did notice was an apparent lack of cognitive awareness in the way he speeks to people. He is an employer and he is used to people doing as he tells them. He appears to have failed to realise the difference in the environment he is in and he is not the boss anymore. I expect Napoleon had the same problem. The use of a 'psychiatric' diagnosis in a political way is common, and cheap. I have seen mr trump resort to it several times in his arguments with people. I never saw him as the sort of person anyone would want as a president in the first place, and I felt it would not be safe to allow him to have two terms.
I am a member of Duty to Warn, though I am retired, I still have my license. I worked in maximum security forensic psychiatric care with Sexually Violent Predators (by diagnosis) as well as serial killers/rapists and mass murderers in lifetime incarceration situations. I recognized his multiple issues from the beginning.
Nancy Beveridge Taylor Please, please, please write a book about your experiences and a chapter on DT. I believe he has done many bad things that we know nothing about. I hope his DNA somehow gets into the national database.
@@MartineReed I agree with you, I think he has donesome very horrible things in his life as well. I still can't wrap my head around how he got elected. Dumbing down of society.
You should probably know that brave Dr. Lee is a professional liar for the World Economic Forum, the globalists who would like to see you happily munching bugs and owning nothing in your fifteen minute human hives.
6 years later and all of these assesments have proved to be frighteningly accurate. DJT in his malignant narcissism is a mentally ill individual and a clear + present danger to the country.
6 years later are you still chasseing Trump, in DREANGMENT. 6 years same of made-up accusations as democrats drive America off a cliff yet still Trump is stronger than ever. you must have woken up by now?
@Mario Antonio Crespo You don't have to be born in the US to vote! you only have to be a citizen!! and vote BLUE so we don't have another four years of this!!!
"He is emotionally driven, not intellectually driven". "Donald Trump doesn't like people, he sees them as useful or not useful!" The thought that our President can be described as he is described above should send chills down the spine of every American!
"Donald Trump doesn't like people, he sees them as useful or not useful!" that's exactly who i want for my president .... just as in industry , where most people have a stake , the ceo's and most of their cadres at the top are no different , except that they are not transparent .. hasn't anyone here worked for a large corporation and hear all of the garbage that mgmt bandies about , only to find out that their beneificial programs are just lies "?? or .. "if you do this for 80 hrs / wk , you will get promoted " ..only to see some numbskull or bimbo get the job ?
In my professional career I have worked with psychotics, sociopaths, the mentally ill, developmentally disabled, autistic, mentally disabled, those with PTSD, and various criminals. I've never feared for my life or hated these clients I've worked with. Yet Trump seems so much worse than all of them combined, and he deserves our hatred, and he should strike fear in all of us that we have given power to someone so utterly unstable and irredemably evil.
Danny Awalt Jr. I'm not a mental health professional but I have been a patient for a long time, and have dealt with my share of people with psychiatric problems (runs in the family, go figure.) and he truly is something else. He can't be this un-self aware, right?
Unfortunately, Maggie, he can be that unaware of himself. He has built himself a false construct (like The Matrix) where he is God and King. Everything is seen through that lens. When he is being "empathetic", he is merely acting the part. In my opinion, he does not feel the pain nor can he equate to it on any realistic level.
Danny Awalt Jr. Did I not consider him so VERY dangerous, I would extent to him my pity, so I don't agree with hating him, but I scream at the failure of our legislators to rid us of his menace
The Republicans control the House and Senate. In order for impeachment to happen, the House must initiate an impeachment hearing, then it would move to the Senate for a vote. The alternative would be to remove him because he is unfit for office; this is justifiable through Amendment 25, section 4 - but again - only the majority party (Republicans, in this case) can initiate action. See: “Unfit for Office”
What an objective resource! Although I think you should look more into the amendment and it’s historical context. The one case that might apply is if the president was in a coma (e.g. Woodrow Wilson, but because the amendment was not yet in place, his wife Edith actually assumed his office in some capacity).
What makes them anti-minority? As for anti-abortion, before you can make an argument for whether or not it is a matter of the rights of the woman, you have to ask yourself if the fetus is an individual. Is it viability? If that’s the case, and they cannot support themselves outside of the womb, then I guess you can make the case for people who are in life support, and we should just let them die.
How did Hitler get as far as he did? There were those who saw the problems but also the many who believed Hitler was their saviour. My husband has a cousin in the states, who despite being a nice person thinks Trump is going to fix all their problems. As a Canadian I am terrified at the thought of living next to a dictatorship. I also feel and fear for the many US citizens who see it coming and feel helpless to stop it. My heart goes out to you.
mary sunshine That’s not how the burden of proof works. I’m aware of basic physiological facts of the human body. I however require proof of wrong doing in order to fight against it. Innocent until proven guilty has always been an important philosophy both in and outside of judicial proceedings.
mary sunshine All of my points were in response to your ad homonym. The use of which indicates that you are on the defensive. This is further suggested by your refusal to support your claims and rather attack my character. The points were as follows. A. I know I am not bullet proof. Common knowledge such as this is just that, common. It is also not an accusation like the ones you have made against our president. And is thus a pointless argument. The burden of this discovery does not exist because I already know it. The burden of proof regarding your claims of wrong doing remains solely on you. B. The burden of proof is on the accuser to prove wrong doing. Innocent until proven guilty. Otherwise I could accuse you of raping Jane Doe at some point last year without any evidence and you must now prove that you didn’t.
Half way through this book already--FASCINATING and TERRIFYING to realize, yet again, that this inhumane animal is the leader of the free world and doesnt know anything, but whats worse is he refuses to LEARN anything. He already knows everything in his head, so he has no need to know what the 'lowlife's" below him (you know, ALL OF US) have to teach him.
He is not intellectually limited, he is non-intellectually inclined, severely emotionally deranged with lots of baggage from his upbringing. Most importantly, he has a near total lack of empathy. He can't even pretend he cares.
Immigrants need to take an exam to prove they understand how America works before they can become citizens,but it looks like presidents don't. Trump seems not to have a clue.
He took away the stupid mandate that you must buy health insurance. There were millions of young people who really want to keep their paycheck, are in good health and do not wish to support a government-run boondoggle aka Medicare / Medicaid and just about every other government program.
He IS the thing damaging our nation! I've never seen people so divided and angry. Hate crimes are up because he's given voice to so many negative stereotypes about minority groups that he's made those people who previously kept their hateful thoughts to themselves feel that it's perfectly acceptable to spew the worst insults at people who are different from them. We need to Make America Civilized Again.
He lost by almost 3 million votes. It was a huge heist of a presidency pulled off by the republi ans, who care only for their tax cuts, rescinding of regulations and destruction of any programs that help poor people.
Though many Fox News brainwashed ignorant fools voted for Trump, he didn't win the election.. It was rigged by the Russians and all part of a global autocratic conspiracy to destroy American democracy.
@@ktee6370 I'm watching this in 2022 he's not in office anymore but...😨 he's way more dangerous now as I'm sure you are aware. Sounds like these psychiatrists didn't shirk their "duty to warn". Every American should have listened. It's very sad what he's done. He should be in prison for the criminally insane!
@@SipLeila R u being sarcastic, like trump.....he is the biggest bully with the biggest bully pulpit. You may have seen where he mocked a disabled journalist...bully is too nice for a man who could care less for you .research his past and his 5 yr old temperament..he is the WORST PRESIDENT IN "THE HISTORY OF PRESIDENTS"
@@amybirkemeier1965 You are taking a strong leader wHo takes no crap as being a bully. You are so wrong. Trump is an awesome POTUS! It is HE who has been bullied and lied about and trashed since day one. HE DID NOT MOCK A DISABLED PERSON. If you had ever watched him much he has used those same gestures he used that night that you took as him mocking the guy many times. It is something I have seen him do many times as a gesture meaning all confused.He accomplished so many things for this country his first 3 years that other Presidents only promised to do to get elected. We finally have a President that does what he says that he is going to do.
I just read this book (note; I myself have had personal experience with other malignant narcissists in my life so I know more about the subject than perhaps a person with no such knowledge) and it exceed my expectations. I was initially concerned that this would be too simplistic but it is very much worth reading - unfortunately it only confirms my fears concerning this person. He is not fit to hold a job, let alone this job.
So alarmingly is the fact that 27 mental health Experts came together for the 1st time in the history of this nation and wrote a book about him warning America and how many are Listening And the number of supporters that he still has who make excuses for him The condition of this nation mentally is very sad all I could say is we get what we deserve
Bryan Wofford I wish MSNBC would talk about Debbie Wasserman Shultz and Awan scandal. This is very relevant to the DNC and potential future of the party, but MSM refuses to talk about it.
I would really like to hear a Trump supporter say something intelligent and give an intelligent reason for supporting Trump. Not holding out much hope for that.
As a Clinical Psychologist I must say this is a very conservative assessment of Donald Trumps actions and motives. Yes it is an issue of public safety. We see it every day in his conduct and un-presidential responses. Well done to the Health Professionals in coming together to flag the petition, I am encouraged that there are other academic minds in mental health making the same assessment.
So it’s ethical for medical professionals to give an opinion to the public on a patient that they’ve never actually interviewed or assessed themselves, and with no consent? I’m a medical student, still learning, but I think there’s something wrong with this picture.
You don't have to be a medical professional to be able to tell that Drumpf isn't playing with a full deck. You just need to observe his words and actions.
Jay Dee Normal it is the case that a doctor can't opine on a patient they have never met, or spoke with, and the 'Goldwater Rule' enforces that ... However, when you have a chief executive of a nation, that behaves, and is observed to behave, in ways that rings serious alarm bells with clinical professionals, both in psychology and psychiatry, then someone has stand up, and speak out. If you, after finnishing your medical degree, enters into either field, and you know that a patient of yours is presenting a grave and present danger to themselves, but especially others, you have 'the duty to warn' the appropriate local, and perhaps as far as Federal, law enforcement agencies, especially if there is a need for involuntary psychiatric treatment. This is just an extension, abet in extraordinary circumstances, to that 'duty to warn' ...
True that Jay Dee. Look, I totally get all the reasons for disliking Trump; he's a loud-mouth buffoon, I get it. But there's no confirmation bias going on on the other side? We get in our little social media cocoons where we're shown more of all the things we already agree with and work ourselves into a frenzy about how it's "up to me to save the world" from Trump. Now, in the middle of an already boiling over cauldron of political hysteria, we need yet another book by some "experts" about how its even worse than we thought. Maybe the sky isn't falling. Maybe the sun will come up tomorrow.
T N - Bias? Who do you think is biased? Could that possibly, MAYBE be Trump? Isn't time to admit the Russians have something on him? Oh, no? Not at all. Nothing wrong with Trump. He's just going to cozy up to Russia, deny they ever helped him win the election, though everyone, including OUR intelligence agencies say they did, AND our CONGRESS and the vast majority of our citizens. But NO. You can go on believing what you want in your happy little bubble...... let me burst it for ya..... Trump is off his rocker. If you haven't figured that out from the way he's dismantling the world, wow..... Dude.... wtf?? You and our country are headed for a crash. Keep watching. Bad economic times coming. Really bad.
I'v read the book by Dr. Brandy Lee, actually several months ago. I wonder why it is not publicized more widely? It is authoritative and valuable for the understanding of the mental state of this president.
Trump lives in a fantasy world. To make fun of Disable people is a "Reflection of someone who is a Child in his mind. I could never take a stand for that. That is not power. Power is to Love one another. Not to make fun at them.
Cheeri Rinaldo: You are the one who should be in a straight jacket and locked up forever because you are so brain damaged that you are a danger to the public and to yourself.
Ok, this is August 2023. With everything the country went through with Donald Trump as president and now with his 4 indictments, this commentary is the most incredible piece of forecasting about a person as I've ever seen.
stephenthomas35 - Trump is a malignant narcissist and I believe he also has antisocial personality disorder. Please read Dr. Robert D Hare's book, Without Conscience. His website has a quiz in which I suggest you take with Trump's behavior. It just may blow your mind as it did for me. Please pass it on. Thank you. Hare, PhD, considered one of the world's foremost experts on psychopathy.
To quote from the clip: "A paranoid, hypersensitive, grandiose, ill-informed leader such as Donald Trump, who has surrounded himself with a Cabinet and set of advisers who either are unable to bring him out of his paranoid suspicions and insistences or, worse, identify with his positions, represents a multidimensional threat to our country and the world."
That is a painfully accurate statement. This needs to be on billboards all across his supporter's areas... or all over america... or the world... this is everyone's problem.
MrM1729 ... Sad to say how many people were loyal to Elvis..? They could not stop him from doing himself in... They were street smart and tough not nitwits like the likes of our VP... God help us all if he wakes up in the middle of any night and thinks "hum, I wonder what would happen if.........."
This is another Great piece of reporting that should be sent to the US Senate for review! What we have witnessed in recent weeks with Donald Trump clearly demonstrates how accurate the 27 Psychiatrists were! GREAT Report!
Trump appears to have one focus, dismantle everything that had anything to with former president Obama, and doesn't care who or how many lives he might, will, and has hurt along the way. The Iran deal is with the world, not just us!
Debbie Jo: impeachment isn't going to do it. Impeachment doesn't mean congressional conviction. Then again, do you think Pence will be so much better? (Well, maybe, I'm not sure Pence is decompensating like Trump is...) Hoping Mueller has something truly actionable and takes that action. Otherwise, if he makes it to running again, we need to VOTE HIM OUT.
It would not take any reasonably intelligent voter long to figure out that same conclusion. As a New Yorker, I’ve known how corrupt and moronic Trump is for over 35 years. You could never convince me that people would actually like and vote for him. What is amazing is how many ignorant people in America actually think Trump is a Godsend. If there ever was a Twilight Zone episode depicting this insane and unbelievable turn of events in America, then we are actually living in it right now and experiencing it.
@@acool6401 Nicely put. As the resident of another country, I am completely baffled by the voter support he has had and to a lesser extent still has. The only logical conclusion I can come to is that there are not that many people in the U.S. who are (a) of voting age, (b) reasonable and (c) intelligent and last but not least (d) willing to cast their vote.
Bruce C .....Thanks ....just when you thought you “more or less” understood human nature and figured that by now history has taught us well. And just when we thought we were a modern and intelligent society that is virtually incapable of supporting a Hitler, Mussolini, or Sadam Hussein type of character.---Here in the USA, we prove that is not the case. We are the laughing stock of the world and it’s very embarrassing. About a third of our country is incredibly racist and/or ignorant. It is baffling and very Twilight Zone. It’s the other 2/3 of the country that stops this from getting worse or turning into a full blown dictatorship. In November that 2/3 will vote this Orange clown/beast out of office convincingly enough to render the electoral college ineffective.
I concur with Dr. Lee's concerns. Not surprising that these Psychiatrists see what others do not. Very concerning he has stated today 'it is the calm before the storm' such comments speak to his deep need for public attention due to his narcissism.
howardrusso2352 - Trump is a malignant narcissist and I believe he also has antisocial personality disorder. Please read Dr. Robert D Hare's book, Without Conscience. His website has a quiz in which I suggest you take with Trump's behavior. It just may blow your mind as it did for me. Please pass it on. Thank you. Hare, PhD, considered one of the world's foremost experts on psychopathy.
It has seriously overwhelmed me to see how much of America can't tell between good and bad, for you or against you, honest or dishonest, intelligence and ignorance, the list goes on and on. Anyone who supports trump is an out right complete and total fool with no backbone. Smh his supporters are our neighbors, coworkers, they prepare our food, they teach our children.......its a sad realization how stupid people are when it comes to assessing what's good for them. The fact that people can be so gullible is just sad.
So what's going to happen to tourism in America when we can no longer get travel insurance to go there on holiday? Soon America will be on the list of countries that are not recommended for you to travel to unless absolutely necessary. They wonder why they can't fill NFL's stadiums and whose going to risk going to an open air concert or any other event now? The victims of the Vegas massacre should be able to claim on the concert proprietor's insurance to pay the medical and burial costs. Insurance companies love to have excuses to deny or diminish cover and the NRA and Trump is giving them precedents every day. Also my name is Caroline Harte and I am using my husband's account so please don't attribute my comments here to him.
Paul Casson : think you’ll find our (Australia) Department of Foreign Affairs will be issuing travel warnings for the US along with Syria, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan!!
I guess he's going to call her a failing Forensic psychologist with low ratings and dumb on Twitter.. I'm pretty sure he will assume he's smarter than her as well..
If he tries to launch they can refuse, they don't have to obey an illegal order. We don't strike first, we only retaliate. I don't think he has the mental capacity to even begin to understand launching a nuclear attack. He will do far more damage to our own people with his cruel policies
One of his most terrifying statements near his election"I love war and i think id be good at it".This is when i knew as though i didnt know from the days of Atlantic city that there is no need in this kind of mass if the deaths we have now are not enough.
Peace would be shutting the f#&* up and realizing that your candidate lost and the electorate has spoken. Never a more self righteous person than a trump hater.
Stacie Upschurch: Think of Trump as a cult leader. People who follow him are filled with morbid fears, hatred, anger, and mistrust. Trump and his media keep them in a bubble of ignorance and misinformation that allows them to believe they are safe with Trump as president and that Trump is doing a great job to better their lives and address their issues. Even if reality hits them over the head they may never change their minds because belief always trumps (sorry for the pun) critical thinking which they park at the door of the Trump bubble when they enter. Of course many, do not even possess critical thinking. Their belief system rules their lives.
It's because it would still be better than voting for the "Liberals". There are certain ideals people want hold on, disregarding all the disadvantages. The majority of Trump supporters have already seen the failure of Trump's presidency. A lot of the Trump supporters you can find now are 'ironically' supporting Trump.
Shame .. admitting a problem makes them look worse than Trump, so they keep up the act as long as possible and hope he can roll back the country to pre-PC status.
Nobody has the power to compel someone to receive medical treatment except possibly a court order. It would however be draconian and unfair to make someone submit to mental evaluation without due reason. Personally if I were a senator or congressman for America right now I'd consider this book to be valid legal evidence because it's written by 27 prestigious psychological experts (many of them respected in their field). So unless you discredit psychology itself it makes a very compelling case that Trump is mentally unfit for the task of being president. And at that point all you need is proof of wrongdoing and the entire thing comes crumbling down.
+Fluffy Kat Not one of them has examined the President. They've never administer any tests nor have they had multiple lengthy face-to-face interviews to be able to determine his mental health status. This book is nothing more than a $25 opinion and carries absolutely no validity or weight.
John Patrick john go to google. Look up up definition of sociopath. If You don't have the ability to see this defines trump to the letter, perhaps you too are a sociopath..maybe that's why you are unable to see that he is mentally ill.
Aren't the Republicans great at picking leaders? My biggest fear isn't just "the dangerous case of Donald Trump" its more "the dangerous case of 30% of voting Americans and their saviour #45"
27% thought G W Bush was doing well after Iraq and Katrina. Somebody has to be the dumbest fraction of the country. Republicans have locked in that bloc.
Is anyone thinking about passing a law requiring a presidential candidate to submit to a psychiatrical exam to determine mental fitness/stability, etc.? And, considering what we're seeing, should there be a consideration for a periodic psychiatric exam of a sitting president? What if the president is exhibiting Alzheimer's or other mental disturbances? -- In other words, how about ensuring whoever takes office is mentally competent? - If she/he is, great! If not, the v.p. takes over.
If we will survive Trump. Then we should implement regulations that all future presidential candidates go through a mental evaluation. I am certainly not a fan of Ted Cruz, but he was disqualified because he was born in Canada. And yet, Trump wasn't disqualified even though we all knew he was off the rails, pretty much right from the begining.
Ted Cruz was not disqualified & can in fact run again should he choose to. His mother was born in Delaware making her & all of her children, regardless of where in the world they're born, U.S. citizens. If you got that tidbit from the media , that would be an example of "fake news".
Actually your both wrong. The term "natural born citizen has never been truly defined. The Supreme Court. has never directly ruled on the citizenship provision for presidential office holders. Because of this reluctance to do so, the last Presidential candidate who had a disputes arise from his place of birth was McCain, born in Panama Canal, while his father was stationed there. So being just and fair Democrats that they were, Obama and then-Sen. Hillary Clinton co-sponsored a Senate measure to settle McCain’s eligibility to run for President. The April 2008 resolution said, "John Sidney McCain, III, is a 'natural born Citizen' under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States." It passed unanimously. How awesome was that? The only other times this issue came up was with Barry Goldwater born in Arizona before it was a state and Mitt Romney, who was born in Mexico in 1963. But neither time were those citizenship's challenged by Democrats to derail their campaigns. Yet President Obama had to endure Trump's false birther claims for years, even with evidence. His father was born in Africa, but his mother a U.S. citizen, gave birth to him in the state of Hawaii! So technically the dispute about what the constitution means regarding Natural born citizen has to be ruled on by the Supreme Court, which they have yet to address. When and if they do, they will have to address the British rule on Natural Born Citizen and the 1790 Naturalization law passed by Congress. These were the same people who wrote the Constitution, so Natural born should include those born abroad. Not fake news. Just the facts.
Ryan We need to rise up in mass and remove this lunatic. We can influence the Gop if we understand our true power. We have to, he will destroy us otherwise.
Ryan Yea Hillary would've been so much better ! As I recall we had two choices and you think Hillary is anything but a turd you're confused. After Clinton, Bush and Obama this country is running on borrowed time, $10 plus trillion in 8 years and what do we have to show for it ?
When he became president I was wondering as a psychiatric nurse if we could actually blue paper the president since he is indeed a threat endangering the lives of others
@@joannefitzpatrick992 You mean social security? Why haven't you "analyzed" Bill Clinton for raping Juanita? Or, do you do everything your UNION tells you to do? The unions are using Communist Party slogans. You're a little uneducated about politics.
Tanks to all diagnostic. UpDate almost 4 years later Dommage Expose Question Is this patient under control or he is still without professional supervision? If so can you try to help him for global health and safety? Tanks (Canada)
I know and very much like a couple who have worked for us, both of whom were born and raised in Nebraska. All of their relatives are hard-working, decent people who are also republicans and they support Trump. Their teen-aged daughter is also an avid Trump supporter. I want to understand why these people who are intelligent, can't see the Prez's immaturity, disrespect, mania, his hatred for anyone who doesn't support him. He's like a toddler for God's sake! I appreciate Lawrence O'Donnell and his guests. I understand Donald's mental state, but would love to understand his appeal to normal, somewhat educated people. Thank you for posting this.
First of all, anyone who has experienced any kind of narcissistic abuse saw how much trouble this man would be before he was even elected. The reason why he was elected is because a large majority of people who rose to the top have a personality disorder, traits of the dark triad. Narcissists in particular are notoriously difficult to diagnose and I would guess there are millions of narcissists running rampant worldwide who may never be diagnosed in their lifetime. He is one of them. Secondly, a distinction I feel is important to be made here is that a Narcissist only has feelings and emotions which are purely driven by their own gain. They feel NOTHING for others, they completely lack the ability to empathize or sympathize with anyone. His ultimate weakness here is that since he can't feel for others he will always have a hard time combating people who are genuine in their beliefs and their feelings. Feeling for others, emotions, they are not a weakness. But his tantrums which can easily be seen as some out of control, emotional guy is really just an obvious sign of how stunted he is. If you follow AOC and the way she's been combating corruption, you wouldn't say that her emotions are getting in the way, her emotions, her capacity for empathy is what gives her strength. It feels like the experts are trying to say that the only way you can make a difference is being 'intellectually driven', but our emotions is what strengthens our intelligence.
Barry Sabahat His base won't believe it even if the top people in psychology say that this man is unstable. They will think that because media outlets like MSNBC report about it; that it is "fake news." The only way that his base will see the light is when he does something that effects them directly. It's a sad reality we live in right now. Fortunately his base is not the majority of Americans. That, is the only hope we have right now.
Angie, I think you expect way too much! Just think about this, 99% of the Republican party support an ideology whose stated goal it to take money from them and give it to the 1%, they are supporting a party that wants to take away resources whether cash or services and give it to the 1%, why do you think facts will make any difference, they are already supporting the party that wants to take away their healthcare.
L98FIERO My comment was in reference to Trump's mental stability. It's not the tax plan or healthcare plans that will wake people up. The Republicans know how to spin their draconian plans in a way that supporters fall for each and every time. Although, you'd think that people would learn from history that the tax plan they want doesn't work. Even though I didn't say it in my initial comment; I was referring to some drastic military strike that will lead us into WWIII or some bombastic comment that will cause someone to attack us at home. I do not think I have too high of expectations. People change their views of leaders when they do things that impact them personally. If the GOP tax plan passes, supporters will not see the damage immediately. That will take time.
Angie Norton - the crazy part of his base is in the minority but they are the noisiest. Remember, people who are traditional republicans voted for DT also - they would vote for any republican running for president. Trump doesn't cater to the traditional group, he caters to the lowest of the low in our society - Charlottesville only reinforced what many of us already knew. This is disgusting and there's little that is republican about Trump anyway. Republicans like order, not chaos. If Trump and friends can deconstruct the federal government, he and his cronies can govern without any of the safeguards we regard as essential to our democracy. That man would abolish the Constitution if he thought he could get away with it.
colleenarcury3941 - You read. Thank goodness. Many people do not. Please read Dr Robert D Hare's Without Conscience. Then take his checklist quiz with Trump's behavior in mind. It is shocking. I truly believe Trump has antisocial personality disorder. He is a very dangerous man. We are in deep trouble with his manipulative ways. Please pass this on. Thank you.
“Individually, most of Trump’s supporters are probably not psychopaths. But the collective group is psychopathic … While many predict that Trump’s followers will eventually be disillusioned and abandon the ‘Trump Train,’ their prediction is naively optimistic. Cults don’t operate rationally; cult members do not change their core beliefs and behavior on the basis of facts and evidence. Instead, they blindly follow their leader wherever he and his inner circle decide to go … If the 60% who do not support Trump want to avoid calamity, they need to start talking not merely about how to resist Trump and win the 2018 elections but also how to de-program millions of people.” Ken Levy, “A Psychological Divide: Irrationality, Psychopathy and Trump’s Cult,” CounterPunch, February 2, 2017
Thanks Jeff, nice reference - the scary thing is that it is an echo chamber of my thoughts. I don't think McMasters, Kelly or Tillerson are under Trump's spell, I think they are motivated to guide as best they can, the three wheeled shopping trolley that is Trump. The 'angry white guy left behind' Trump voter is the real and big problem that will remain even if Trump remains in office or is removed tomorrow. The only answer will be for the 'rational' 60%, including GOP and Dems, unite and push back. Sadly I don't see this happening this side of existential threat to the USA - and then it will be probably too little too late. May you live in interesting times.
Cult mentality, which is actually quite common. It brews from a wild range of insecurities, restricted world views, fear of abandonment, lack of individual responsibility, courage, etc. Anyone can grow that way and get into a cult, really.
worse... what Trump has is a deeply rooted INFERIORITY COMPLEX. the phenomena of an individual diagnosed with an IC is they will engage in behaviors of OVERCOMPENSATION. okay, does this sound like any 1-Term President we know...?
She made a very important statement. "Our duty is to warn".
What would she say about Joe Biden's constant lying? Dementia, or, pathological liar?
My father is of the same mindset. Luckily I have little to no contact with the man. There's so many scary things about all of this. I hope our country (and world) survives this somehow and recovers.
Add reply if the rule that would send you or I to jail also sent people like the Donald but sadly no because he’s rich and buys his way out and the courts over there seem to say oh ok
"Survives"? The world has become even more dangerous. Biden's botched Afghanistan withdrawal resulted in 13 dead military and the loss of Bagram air base. The invasion of Ukraine because energy prices soared due to Biden Exec Orders funding the Putin war machine. China is strong arming Filipino fishermen and the entire region. Things are not safer. More war. More tensions.
There is bound to be a feeding frenzy where the world and his wife jumps in for a buck. What I did notice was an apparent lack of cognitive awareness in the way he speeks to people. He is an employer and he is used to people doing as he tells them. He appears to have failed to realise the difference in the environment he is in and he is not the boss anymore. I expect Napoleon had the same problem. The use of a 'psychiatric' diagnosis in a political way is common, and cheap. I have seen mr trump resort to it several times in his arguments with people. I never saw him as the sort of person anyone would want as a president in the first place, and I felt it would not be safe to allow him to have two terms.
Speak that way of your father? What a true loser you are. Betray your own father?
I have said this all along; even his campaign gave plenty of warning signs and raised eyebrows all over the world. Going to read this book!
I am a member of Duty to Warn, though I am retired, I still have my license. I worked in maximum security forensic psychiatric care with Sexually Violent Predators (by diagnosis) as well as serial killers/rapists and mass murderers in lifetime incarceration situations. I recognized his multiple issues from the beginning.
Nancy Beveridge Taylor Please, please, please write a book about your experiences and a chapter on DT. I believe he has done many bad things that we know nothing about. I hope his DNA somehow gets into the national database.
I know professionals who say the same thing. They recognized it from the very beginning.
@@MartineReed I agree with you, I think he has donesome very horrible things in his life as well. I still can't wrap my head around how he got elected. Dumbing down of society.
@@marydurham5976 Emojis are for people who cannot recognise nuance (your response has none) or subtlety, and drop the random upper-case please.
Tia Allen..... here you go....sounds just like him.! I do what I want!
Very courageous of Ms. Lee to speak up. Need more people like her.
She never met with him. All her comments are from watching t.v.
You should probably know that brave Dr. Lee is a professional liar for the World Economic Forum, the globalists who would like to see you happily munching bugs and owning nothing in your fifteen minute human hives.
It's terrifying! He doesn't seem capable of compassion or empathy, which makes him extremely dangerous.
U described Joe Biden to a T !
6 years later and all of these assesments have proved to be frighteningly accurate. DJT in his malignant narcissism is a mentally ill individual and a clear + present danger to the country.
6 years later are you still chasseing Trump, in DREANGMENT. 6 years same of made-up accusations as democrats drive America off a cliff yet still Trump is stronger than ever. you must have woken up by now?
@@GMCTIM Trump told you how to attack
I still can not understand how so many can stand by and let this insanity continue.
Impeachment is moving forward
Beacuse we living in a world of more evil than good.
Oh my Vicki, how things have escalated since your comment.
It's bad when the common phrase for supporting him is... "at least he" ...fill in the blanks....
How can so many stand by an listen to your insanity?
This needs updating.... it’s even worse .. July 2019
There's an update on this MSNBC show right after Trump said he was chosen. So, around 6 or 8 weeks ago.
Ah yes, 2017. Such quaint times...
Trump is not the problem. The problem is those little cats around him
Why did they vote for him???
@Mario Antonio Crespo You don't have to be born in the US to vote! you only have to be a citizen!! and vote BLUE so we don't have another four years of this!!!
"He is emotionally driven, not intellectually driven".
"Donald Trump doesn't like people, he sees them as useful or not useful!"
The thought that our President can be described as he is described above should send chills down the spine of every American!
Rick Ammon and the rest of the world too...
It's the description of a sociopath. They don't see people as people. To him, people are just a means to an end.
"Donald Trump doesn't like people, he sees them as useful or not useful!"
that's exactly who i want for my president .... just as in industry , where most people have a stake ,
the ceo's and most of their cadres at the top are no different , except that they are not transparent ..
hasn't anyone here worked for a large corporation and hear all of the garbage that mgmt bandies
about , only to find out that their beneificial programs are just lies "?? or .. "if you do this for 80 hrs / wk ,
you will get promoted " ..only to see some numbskull or bimbo get the job ?
Crazy rich asian
He doesn't bother me in th least!..Pelosi;Schumer bother me to NO end!
In my professional career I have worked with psychotics, sociopaths, the mentally ill, developmentally disabled, autistic, mentally disabled, those with PTSD, and various criminals. I've never feared for my life or hated these clients I've worked with. Yet Trump seems so much worse than all of them combined, and he deserves our hatred, and he should strike fear in all of us that we have given power to someone so utterly unstable and irredemably evil.
Danny Awalt Jr. I'm not a mental health professional but I have been a patient for a long time, and have dealt with my share of people with psychiatric problems (runs in the family, go figure.) and he truly is something else. He can't be this un-self aware, right?
Trump is fine, you guys are the ones who look crazy
sweet rocka come on buddy you can't be that stupid well if you voted for Donald Trump I guess you could
Unfortunately, Maggie, he can be that unaware of himself. He has built himself a false construct (like The Matrix) where he is God and King. Everything is seen through that lens. When he is being "empathetic", he is merely acting the part. In my opinion, he does not feel the pain nor can he equate to it on any realistic level.
Danny Awalt Jr. Did I not consider him so VERY dangerous, I would extent to him my pity, so I don't agree with hating him, but I scream at the failure of our legislators to rid us of his menace
Despite the number of mental health professionals who talk about how dangerous Trump is he is still in office! Why?
The Republicans control the House and Senate. In order for impeachment to happen, the House must initiate an impeachment hearing, then it would move to the Senate for a vote. The alternative would be to remove him because he is unfit for office; this is justifiable through Amendment 25, section 4 - but again - only the majority party (Republicans, in this case) can initiate action. See: “Unfit for Office”
Republicans have been going bad long before Trump. He gave them their anti-abortion justice and anti-minority AG. They are low crawling bigots.
What an objective resource! Although I think you should look more into the amendment and it’s historical context. The one case that might apply is if the president was in a coma (e.g. Woodrow Wilson, but because the amendment was not yet in place, his wife Edith actually assumed his office in some capacity).
What makes them anti-minority? As for anti-abortion, before you can make an argument for whether or not it is a matter of the rights of the woman, you have to ask yourself if the fetus is an individual. Is it viability? If that’s the case, and they cannot support themselves outside of the womb, then I guess you can make the case for people who are in life support, and we should just let them die.
How did Hitler get as far as he did? There were those who saw the problems but also the many who believed Hitler was their saviour. My husband has a cousin in the states, who despite being a nice person thinks Trump is going to fix all their problems.
As a Canadian I am terrified at the thought of living next to a dictatorship. I also feel and fear for the many US citizens who see it coming and feel helpless to stop it. My heart goes out to you.
It was obvious from the very first time he announced his running for the presidency. God help us!!!
He won’t win
People elected him because they can identify with him. This is the state of our union...a nation of mental patients.
mary sunshine that’s a lot of claims that you’re goin to need some evidence for
mary sunshine That’s not how the burden of proof works. I’m aware of basic physiological facts of the human body. I however require proof of wrong doing in order to fight against it. Innocent until proven guilty has always been an important philosophy both in and outside of judicial proceedings.
mary sunshine All of my points were in response to your ad homonym. The use of which indicates that you are on the defensive. This is further suggested by your refusal to support your claims and rather attack my character. The points were as follows.
A. I know I am not bullet proof. Common knowledge such as this is just that, common. It is also not an accusation like the ones you have made against our president. And is thus a pointless argument. The burden of this discovery does not exist because I already know it. The burden of proof regarding your claims of wrong doing remains solely on you.
B. The burden of proof is on the accuser to prove wrong doing. Innocent until proven guilty. Otherwise I could accuse you of raping Jane Doe at some point last year without any evidence and you must now prove that you didn’t.
Donald J referring to whom
Donald J Ah sorry. No worries
Half way through this book already--FASCINATING and TERRIFYING to realize, yet again, that this inhumane animal is the leader of the free world and doesnt know anything, but whats worse is he refuses to LEARN anything. He already knows everything in his head, so he has no need to know what the 'lowlife's" below him (you know, ALL OF US) have to teach him.
Not the leader of the free world anymore the US has lost any claim to that title and it will take a long time if ever to earn it back
Lisa YODER ~ You know how to read?
What is the difference between 4 and 14?
Name a country that’s better, and had the diversity the way the US does.
House should file for article 25 and bring all these psychiatrist into the hearing
Robyn Robison __ great idea and I will back it - I am a CA psychiatric social worker! Thx Sara VanValkenburg LCSW
It would not work, his crony's will still clean up behind him, This is aweful.
The republican senate would just toss it out.
Shouldn't people running for the presidency take an I.Q. exam, before letting them run or even be considered for the campaign?
He is not intellectually limited, he is non-intellectually inclined, severely emotionally deranged with lots of baggage from his upbringing. Most importantly, he has a near total lack of empathy. He can't even pretend he cares.
@@store1584 AGREE 1000000% 😔
Immigrants need to take an exam to prove they understand how America works before they can become citizens,but it looks like presidents don't. Trump seems not to have a clue.
@@store1584 He cannot empathize. He is a sociopath.
Strife24: Don't be so obvious in your Biden animosity! You know he could not pass.
Why is it taking so long for the Republicans to vote out Trump, instead they would rather take Health Care away from many people who need the help
My point exactly; read: “Economic Terrorism 2.0”
Betsy Stewart They are in office making huge money
He took away the stupid mandate that you must buy health insurance. There were millions of young people who really want to keep their paycheck, are in good health and do not wish to support a government-run boondoggle aka Medicare / Medicaid and just about every other government program.
He IS the thing damaging our nation! I've never seen people so divided and angry. Hate crimes are up because he's given voice to so many negative stereotypes about minority groups that he's made those people who previously kept their hateful thoughts to themselves feel that it's perfectly acceptable to spew the worst insults at people who are different from them. We need to Make America Civilized Again.
@@rhodawatkins4516 Wrong. Resident Zero, his predecessor was the great divider.
America, how could you possibly have elected this man?
You've endangered not only your country, but the entire world
mikeboy0001 Strictly speaking, it wasn't "America" that voted for Trump, it was the Electoral College.
He lost by almost 3 million votes. It was a huge heist of a presidency pulled off by the republi ans, who care only for their tax cuts, rescinding of regulations and destruction of any programs that help poor people.
He was elected because of low IQ People like you are sissies!
Though many Fox News brainwashed ignorant fools voted for Trump, he didn't win the election.. It was rigged by the Russians and all part of a global autocratic conspiracy to destroy American democracy.
mikeboy0001 i am actually beginning to believe that the russians elected him
Continues to be a threat to the world!!!! A time bomb!
Eli Maldonado It goes boom
He's still here 2019 LMAO at you crazy dem/libs ..
Eli Maldonado more true now than ever!!!🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️
18 April 2020 - I would really, really like to hear what these psychiatrists have to say about him today!!!
And now again in December 2020.
@@ktee6370 I'm watching this in 2022 he's not in office anymore but...😨 he's way more dangerous now as I'm sure you are aware. Sounds like these psychiatrists didn't shirk their "duty to warn". Every American should have listened. It's very sad what he's done. He should be in prison for the criminally insane!
Dr, Lee has another book out very recently. Trump has gone down and is even sicker
Please get this man out of office before he destroys this country....and world!
I just ordered the book!! It is currently out of stock
The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump
he already has
I worry more about those people who's believe everything he said
Yet their delusional too.
@Donald J selfish dummy.
That is my concern as well, the folks who support this guy.
me too
Don't forget he has no empathy or compassion
YOU'RE JUST MAD AND A DIE-HARD. Quit bullying Trump.
Elisa: I really feel sorry for you! DT
Lei Shy he is the bully! And he brainwashed you!
R u being sarcastic, like trump.....he is the biggest bully with the biggest bully pulpit. You may have seen where he mocked a disabled journalist...bully is too nice for a man who could care less for you .research his past and his 5 yr old temperament..he is the WORST PRESIDENT IN "THE HISTORY OF PRESIDENTS"
@@amybirkemeier1965 You are taking a strong leader wHo takes no crap as being a bully. You are so wrong. Trump is an awesome POTUS! It is HE who has been bullied and lied about and trashed since day one. HE DID NOT MOCK A DISABLED PERSON. If you had ever watched him much he has used those same gestures he used that night that you took as him mocking the guy many times. It is something I have seen him do many times as a gesture meaning all confused.He accomplished so many things for this country his first 3 years that other Presidents only promised to do to get elected. We finally have a President that does what he says that he is going to do.
This needs updating again June 2020. It can now be concluded that “Everything Trump touches Dies”.
Geraldine Burns: Still don't rate the photo G
john ryan ... you’re that ugly you can’t show your pic! 😂😂
@@johnryan3381 👎
@@ktee6370 Who pulled your chain young Tennenbum? "Beam me up , Snotty!"
@@geraldineburns1619 I'll have you know I'm pretty good looking G - How do I know? - My mother told me !
I just read this book (note; I myself have had personal experience with other malignant narcissists in my life so I know more about the subject than perhaps a person with no such knowledge) and it exceed my expectations. I was initially concerned that this would be too simplistic but it is very much worth reading - unfortunately it only confirms my fears concerning this person. He is not fit to hold a job, let alone this job.
She Yells At Sea Shells By The Sea Shore o
Sarah Nyb p
They need to do a study about Trump Followers.. What type of pathology accompanying the mentally of someone who supports this utter madness by #45.
The real problem is not Trump but who voted him in the office and they are too many.
Rivobravo, Amen to that.Morons beget morons.
unfortunately that’s how i feel too
Hillary or Trump. Which mad narcissist do we want 2 choose? Not much of a selection there.
Deplorable isn't it but the left could have swept but millions of abortions cost them at the ballot box
So alarmingly is the fact that 27 mental health Experts came together for the 1st time in the history of this nation and wrote a book about him warning America and how many are Listening And the number of supporters that he still has who make excuses for him The condition of this nation mentally is very sad all I could say is we get what we deserve
Exemplary reporting, Lawrence, and MSNBC. Thanks and keep it up. Our country desperately needs you.
Inappropriate Mushroom
1 second ago
Bryan Wofford I wish MSNBC would talk about Debbie Wasserman Shultz and Awan scandal. This is very relevant to the DNC and potential future of the party, but MSM refuses to talk about it.
I would really like to hear a Trump supporter say something intelligent and give an intelligent reason for supporting Trump. Not holding out much hope for that.
Lawrence wouldn't know the truth if it bit him on his rather sizable derriere. MAGA
Just because your arrogant little self disagrees doesn't mean the opposition isn't intelligent.
As a Clinical Psychologist I must say this is a very conservative assessment of Donald Trumps actions and motives. Yes it is an issue of public safety. We see it every day in his conduct and un-presidential responses. Well done to the Health Professionals in coming together to flag the petition, I am encouraged that there are other academic minds in mental health making the same assessment.
So it’s ethical for medical professionals to give an opinion to the public on a patient that they’ve never actually interviewed or assessed themselves, and with no consent? I’m a medical student, still learning, but I think there’s something wrong with this picture.
You don't have to be a medical professional to be able to tell that Drumpf isn't playing with a full deck. You just need to observe his words and actions.
Jay Dee
Normal it is the case that a doctor can't opine on a patient they have never met, or spoke with, and the 'Goldwater Rule' enforces that ...
However, when you have a chief executive of a nation, that behaves, and is observed to behave, in ways that rings serious alarm bells with clinical professionals, both in psychology and psychiatry, then someone has stand up, and speak out. If you, after finnishing your medical degree, enters into either field, and you know that a patient of yours is presenting a grave and present danger to themselves, but especially others, you have 'the duty to warn' the appropriate local, and perhaps as far as Federal, law enforcement agencies, especially if there is a need for involuntary psychiatric treatment. This is just an extension, abet in extraordinary circumstances, to that 'duty to warn' ...
True that Jay Dee. Look, I totally get all the reasons for disliking Trump; he's a loud-mouth buffoon, I get it. But there's no confirmation bias going on on the other side? We get in our little social media cocoons where we're shown more of all the things we already agree with and work ourselves into a frenzy about how it's "up to me to save the world" from Trump. Now, in the middle of an already boiling over cauldron of political hysteria, we need yet another book by some "experts" about how its even worse than we thought. Maybe the sky isn't falling. Maybe the sun will come up tomorrow.
T N - Bias? Who do you think is biased? Could that possibly, MAYBE be Trump? Isn't time to admit the Russians have something on him? Oh, no? Not at all. Nothing wrong with Trump. He's just going to cozy up to Russia, deny they ever helped him win the election, though everyone, including OUR intelligence agencies say they did, AND our CONGRESS and the vast majority of our citizens. But NO. You can go on believing what you want in your happy little bubble...... let me burst it for ya..... Trump is off his rocker. If you haven't figured that out from the way he's dismantling the world, wow..... Dude.... wtf?? You and our country are headed for a crash. Keep watching. Bad economic times coming. Really bad.
I'v read the book by Dr. Brandy Lee, actually several months ago. I wonder why it is not publicized more widely? It is authoritative and valuable for the understanding of
the mental state of this president.
Jerald Watts It’s garbage
Judy DeBonis Racist
Thank you Dr. For speaking out thank Goddess.🙏
And now a year later, it's even worse than any of these people could have even imagined!!!!!!
In a few more (yrs) your mind will be absolutely blown 😭
Trump lives in a fantasy world. To make fun of Disable people is a "Reflection of someone who is a Child in his mind. I could never take a stand for that. That is not power. Power is to Love one another. Not to make fun at them.
Integrity Honor. If you Govern this world. I would feel so much safer and I mean that.
Powerful comment I agree we should love one another.
@@juanrifriguez7526 But 'LOVE' does not mean rubber-stamping wrong, for the sake of 'peace'. That is 'Enabling'.
And now we are living that dangerous outcome with the Coronairus! He had no idea what to do and people are dying!!!
He lies to much that’s why his brain got damaged!!!
Covid-19 is the “ orange tangerines fault)
@@kimpham6946 are you sure it isn't the other way around? He lies because his brain is on a slow boat somewhere
What keeps stopping you????????????????????
@DB Stevens Like 27 psychiatrists and "mental health experts" makes a difference. They are probably ALL DEMOCRATS.
Trump is in on something you are not and other people write the script for him.
Something very, very bad is going to happen before this is over, and this book will become infamous as a result.
andy, the book has been relegated to the ashbin of history.
I agree with you Andy......
andybaldman yeah.., welcome to 2020. Happy New Year 🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️🤦🏽♀️
Days after Trump has attempted to start an actual war with Iran 🙄
Whys doesn't the Senate take these 27 psychiatrists comments and concerns and use it to remove Trump as mentally unfit.
Some of them would have to go with him.
----> Elfin4
I'm sure the senators are afraid of starting a political precedent that might boomerang against them individually in the future.
Elf. Because it is against the constitution.
Cheeri Rinaldo: You are the one who should be in a straight jacket and locked up forever because you are so brain damaged that you are a danger to the public and to yourself.
They thought they could use him.
I have GOT to get this book!
Ok, this is August 2023. With everything the country went through with Donald Trump as president and now with his 4 indictments, this commentary is the most incredible piece of forecasting about a person as I've ever seen.
stephenthomas35 - Trump is a malignant narcissist and I believe he also has antisocial personality disorder.
Please read Dr. Robert D Hare's book, Without Conscience. His website has a quiz in which I suggest you take with Trump's behavior. It just may blow your mind as it did for me.
Please pass it on. Thank you.
Hare, PhD, considered one of the world's foremost experts on psychopathy.
Be very afraid. I am.
"We're all gonna die." ,Billy.
Marco Polo no waiting necessary. Trumpocalypse is happening before your Russian eyes, troll.
Clozehorse fear is no good adviserвидео.htmlвидео.html
To quote from the clip:
"A paranoid, hypersensitive, grandiose, ill-informed leader such as Donald Trump,
who has surrounded himself with a Cabinet and set of advisers who either are
unable to bring him out of his paranoid suspicions and insistences or, worse, identify
with his positions, represents a multidimensional threat to our country and the world."
Indeed and only 80% of republicans thinks he is doing a great job!
Well he's friend with Alex Johnes. Rest my case ..
That is a painfully accurate statement. This needs to be on billboards all across his supporter's areas... or all over america... or the world... this is everyone's problem.
MrM1729 ... Sad to say how many people were loyal to Elvis..? They could not stop him from doing himself in... They were street smart and tough not nitwits like the likes of our VP... God help us all if he wakes up in the middle of any night and thinks "hum, I wonder what would happen if.........."
Well, everyone with an IQ over 40 has known this for at least a year now.
Upon hearing this, I felt for the first time the sense of danger that we are all in under this administration.
This is another Great piece of reporting that should be sent to the US Senate for review! What we have witnessed in recent weeks with Donald Trump clearly demonstrates how accurate the 27 Psychiatrists were! GREAT Report!
A very important journalism here! Thank you so very much! Keep up the important work you are doing!!!
Trump appears to have one focus, dismantle everything that had anything to with former president Obama, and doesn't care who or how many lives he might, will, and has hurt along the way. The Iran deal is with the world, not just us!
This is so true
I agree.
The Madness of King Trump
Debbie Jo: impeachment isn't going to do it. Impeachment doesn't mean congressional conviction. Then again, do you think Pence will be so much better? (Well, maybe, I'm not sure Pence is decompensating like Trump is...) Hoping Mueller has something truly actionable and takes that action. Otherwise, if he makes it to running again, we need to VOTE HIM OUT.
Trump is a toxic leader.Anything can come out of his mouth.
There is a scene in the movie Joker where he spreads his insanity among his followers
This comment would comeback to haunt you!! 🤣
"The secretary of state calls the president A MORON" hahaha i died right there 😂😂😂
It would not take any reasonably intelligent voter long to figure out that same conclusion. As a New Yorker, I’ve known how corrupt and moronic Trump is for over 35 years. You could never convince me that people would actually like and vote for him.
What is amazing is how many ignorant people in America actually think Trump is a Godsend. If there ever was a Twilight Zone episode
depicting this insane and unbelievable turn of events in America, then we are actually living in it right now and experiencing it.
@@acool6401 Nicely put. As the resident of another country, I am completely baffled by the voter support he has had and to a lesser extent still has. The only logical conclusion I can come to is that there are not that many people in the U.S. who are (a) of voting age, (b) reasonable and (c) intelligent and last but not least (d) willing to cast their vote.
Bruce C .....Thanks ....just when you thought you “more or less” understood human nature and figured that by now history has taught us well. And just when we thought we were a modern and intelligent society that is virtually incapable of supporting a Hitler, Mussolini, or Sadam Hussein type of character.---Here in the USA, we prove that is not the case. We are the laughing stock of the world and it’s very embarrassing. About a third of our country is incredibly racist and/or ignorant. It is baffling and very Twilight Zone. It’s the other 2/3 of the country that stops this from getting worse or turning into a full blown dictatorship. In November that 2/3 will vote this Orange clown/beast out of office convincingly enough to render the electoral college ineffective.
I concur with Dr. Lee's concerns. Not surprising that these Psychiatrists see what others do not. Very concerning he has stated today 'it is the calm before the storm' such comments speak to his deep need for public attention due to his narcissism.
I always like Lawrence's show.
Fan Mac: Lawrence has been nominated for an Emmy.
I concur 100%
Clear and Present Danger
Stop this asap
Pat X
howardrusso2352 - Trump is a malignant narcissist and I believe he also has antisocial personality disorder.
Please read Dr. Robert D Hare's book, Without Conscience. His website has a quiz in which I suggest you take with Trump's behavior. It just may blow your mind as it did for me.
Please pass it on. Thank you.
Hare, PhD, considered one of the world's foremost experts on psychopathy.
It has seriously overwhelmed me to see how much of America can't tell between good and bad, for you or against you, honest or dishonest, intelligence and ignorance, the list goes on and on. Anyone who supports trump is an out right complete and total fool with no backbone. Smh his supporters are our neighbors, coworkers, they prepare our food, they teach our children.......its a sad realization how stupid people are when it comes to assessing what's good for them. The fact that people can be so gullible is just sad.
I so agree.
These sick dems all need to be evaluated
So what's going to happen to tourism in America when we can no longer get travel insurance to go there on holiday? Soon America will be on the list of countries that are not recommended for you to travel to unless absolutely necessary. They wonder why they can't fill NFL's stadiums and whose going to risk going to an open air concert or any other event now? The victims of the Vegas massacre should be able to claim on the concert proprietor's insurance to pay the medical and burial costs. Insurance companies love to have excuses to deny or diminish cover and the NRA and Trump is giving them precedents every day. Also my name is Caroline Harte and I am using my husband's account so please don't attribute my comments here to him.
Paul Casson : think you’ll find our (Australia) Department of Foreign Affairs will be issuing travel warnings for the US along with Syria, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan!!
I guess he's going to call her a failing Forensic psychologist with low ratings and dumb on Twitter.. I'm pretty sure he will assume he's smarter than her as well..
My God we have a madman in the White House...I hope that by this time the Pentagon has changed all the nukes launching codes.🙁☹😥
If he tries to launch they can refuse, they don't have to obey an illegal order. We don't strike first, we only retaliate. I don't think he has the mental capacity to even begin to understand launching a nuclear attack. He will do far more damage to our own people with his cruel policies
One of his most terrifying statements near his election"I love war and i think id be good at it".This is when i knew as though i didnt know from the days of Atlantic city that there is no need in this kind of mass if the deaths we have now are not enough.
Never have i ever heard of a President being questioned on his mental health.while in office.
I won't be surprised that donald T. Will tell you that is an honor for him to be the 1st , president to resives mental health assistance....
Because the Democrats will make sure he is put down in any way possible. What kind of Maniac was Obama?
walter ontiveros If your hearing isn’t good try reading
Zeek M so very true! 🇺🇸😂
Yup, just plain nuts. What does that say about the Chumpsters who put this alleged human being in office?
Resist, Remove ASAP. Peace.
remember to vote them all out
Peace would be shutting the f#&* up and realizing that your candidate lost and the electorate has spoken. Never a more self righteous person than a trump hater.
Waxifari. Lets start by removing Maxine Waters...Elizabeth Warren...and every leftwing lunatic in congress.
Waxy, the ones that have to be removed are the corrupt elements in the DOJ + FBI.
Waxifari cut
The authors of this book have been proven 100% correct.
someone, please help me understand why people continue to support trump?
Stacie Upschurch: Think of Trump as a cult leader. People who follow him are filled with morbid fears, hatred, anger, and mistrust. Trump and his media keep them in a bubble of ignorance and misinformation that allows them to believe they are safe with Trump as president and that Trump is doing a great job to better their lives and address their issues. Even if reality hits them over the head they may never change their minds because belief always trumps (sorry for the pun) critical thinking which they park at the door of the Trump bubble when they enter. Of course many, do not even possess critical thinking. Their belief system rules their lives.
It's because it would still be better than voting for the "Liberals". There are certain ideals people want hold on, disregarding all the disadvantages. The majority of Trump supporters have already seen the failure of Trump's presidency. A lot of the Trump supporters you can find now are 'ironically' supporting Trump.
+Denise Eugene That's what I would say about the Democrats...
+Denise Eugene I wasn't trying to deny your point, but it's true for both sides.
Shame .. admitting a problem makes them look worse than Trump, so they keep up the act as long as possible and hope he can roll back the country to pre-PC status.
Trump should have to do a mandatory mental health evaluation. Who has authority to make that happen?
Sandy Ozuna any member from the National Rifle Association
Nobody has the power to compel someone to receive medical treatment except possibly a court order. It would however be draconian and unfair to make someone submit to mental evaluation without due reason. Personally if I were a senator or congressman for America right now I'd consider this book to be valid legal evidence because it's written by 27 prestigious psychological experts (many of them respected in their field). So unless you discredit psychology itself it makes a very compelling case that Trump is mentally unfit for the task of being president. And at that point all you need is proof of wrongdoing and the entire thing comes crumbling down.
+Fluffy Kat Not one of them has examined the President.
They've never administer any tests nor have they had multiple lengthy face-to-face interviews to be able to determine his mental health status.
This book is nothing more than a $25 opinion and carries absolutely no validity or weight.
John Patrick john go to google. Look up up definition of sociopath. If You don't have the ability to see this defines trump to the letter, perhaps you too are a sociopath..maybe that's why you are unable to see that he is mentally ill.
you killing me. lol
Everyday I feel physically and mentally sick
karenpiotte90 - I am so sorry. I feel this way as well. Here I am July 2024.
Aren't the Republicans great at picking leaders?
My biggest fear isn't just "the dangerous case of Donald Trump" its more "the dangerous case of 30% of voting Americans and their saviour #45"
27% thought G W Bush was doing well after Iraq and Katrina. Somebody has to be the dumbest fraction of the country. Republicans have locked in that bloc.
Is anyone thinking about passing a law requiring a presidential candidate to submit to a psychiatrical exam to determine mental fitness/stability, etc.? And, considering what we're seeing, should there be a consideration for a periodic psychiatric exam of a sitting president? What if the president is exhibiting Alzheimer's or other mental disturbances? -- In other words, how about ensuring whoever takes office is mentally competent? - If she/he is, great! If not, the v.p. takes over.
Pence 'taking over' is probably why dTRUMPf is still in power.....stuck with Pence is not exactly enticing, either.
If we will survive Trump. Then we should implement regulations that all future presidential candidates go through a mental evaluation. I am certainly not a fan of Ted Cruz, but he was disqualified because he was born in Canada. And yet, Trump wasn't disqualified even though we all knew he was off the rails, pretty much right from the begining.
Ted Cruz was not disqualified & can in fact run again should he choose to. His mother was born in Delaware making her & all of her children, regardless of where in the world they're born, U.S. citizens. If you got that tidbit from the media , that would be an example of "fake news".
Actually your both wrong. The term "natural born citizen has never been truly defined. The Supreme Court. has never directly ruled on the citizenship provision for presidential office holders. Because of this reluctance to do so, the last Presidential candidate who had a disputes arise from his place of birth was McCain, born in Panama Canal, while his father was stationed there. So being just and fair Democrats that they were, Obama and then-Sen. Hillary Clinton co-sponsored a Senate measure to settle McCain’s eligibility to run for President. The April 2008 resolution said, "John Sidney McCain, III, is a 'natural born Citizen' under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States." It passed unanimously.
How awesome was that?
The only other times this issue came up was with Barry Goldwater born in Arizona before it was a state and Mitt Romney, who was born in Mexico in 1963. But neither time were those citizenship's challenged by Democrats to derail their campaigns.
Yet President Obama had to endure Trump's false birther claims for years, even with evidence. His father was born in Africa, but his mother a U.S. citizen, gave birth to him in the state of Hawaii!
So technically the dispute about what the constitution means regarding Natural born citizen has to be ruled on by the Supreme Court, which they have yet to address. When and if they do, they will have to address the British rule on Natural Born Citizen and the 1790 Naturalization law passed by Congress. These were the same people who wrote the Constitution, so Natural born should include those born abroad.
Not fake news. Just the facts.
thanks for great piece of information. Much appreciated
Robert Drymajlo you're welcome
This should be trending on YT. It is relevant again and could be good reminder for Trumpist what they are currently witnessing.
Article 4, 25th Amendment, now.
Doesn’t apply. Read the constitution and the process by which that works.
Sadly the GOP will not move on this as they don't have the backbone, thus we are at the mercy of our current administration.
We need to rise up in mass and remove this lunatic. We can influence the Gop if we understand our true power. We have to, he will destroy us otherwise.
It's pretty obvious that the GOP is just as sick in the head and is living vicariously through this current administration.
How can American democracy work when the lobbyists control the politicians? There should be a better way to run the government.
Stop blaming, and do something constructive.
Ryan Yea Hillary would've been so much better ! As I recall we had two choices and you think Hillary is anything but a turd you're confused. After Clinton, Bush and Obama this country is running on borrowed time, $10 plus trillion in 8 years and what do we have to show for it ?
When he became president I was wondering as a psychiatric nurse if we could actually blue paper the president since he is indeed a threat endangering the lives of others
Where were you working? I worked for Medicaid and you are probably benefitting from the anonymous taxpayer funding.
@@SipLeila no, the benefits I get are the ones that I paid into as a taxpayer
@@joannefitzpatrick992 You mean social security? Why haven't you "analyzed" Bill Clinton for raping Juanita? Or, do you do everything your UNION tells you to do? The unions are using Communist Party slogans. You're a little uneducated about politics.
As one with a degree in SOCIOLOGY, I think you're a NUT.
You know nothing about Psychiatry. Or, society. Your side deletes posts they don't like which isn't democratic.
Tanks to all diagnostic. UpDate almost 4 years later Dommage Expose Question Is this patient under control or
he is still without professional supervision? If so can you try to help him for global health and safety? Tanks (Canada)
She is brilliant
Me like
You're not though. Maybe you should stop commenting on RUclips and leave that for adults.
She never even met Trump
She is unethical and partisan. Notice dickhead claimed 27 psychiatrists is a "consensus". This is a lie, just as most everything he says.
I studied psychology myself although I have not finished my degree, the exact same diagnosis I came up with.
Even his autobiographer thinks trump is nuts.
And he knows the truth!!
The guy who wrote his book, 'The Art of the Deal', thinks so too. And he lived with him for a year!
An AUTObiography can’t be written by another person.
Also, the Art of the Deal is neither a biography nor an autobiography.
Renzo I would have said ghost writer, but I like this turn of phrase
Inappropriate Mushroom
1 second ago
I know and very much like a couple who have worked for us, both of whom were born and raised in Nebraska. All of their relatives are hard-working, decent people who are also republicans and they support Trump. Their teen-aged daughter is also an avid Trump supporter. I want to understand why these people who are intelligent, can't see the Prez's immaturity, disrespect, mania, his hatred for anyone who doesn't support him. He's like a toddler for God's sake! I appreciate Lawrence O'Donnell and his guests. I understand Donald's mental state, but would love to understand his appeal to normal, somewhat educated people. Thank you for posting this.
Wow, that's deep! LORD HELP THIS NATION!
Anyone giving odds on Trump's trying to sue everyone involved with this book?
qhsperson, wonder if he'd have to have a mental evaluation if he did that? I mean, to win he'd have to prove them wrong, right?
Everyday I feel our intelligence is insulted.
First of all, anyone who has experienced any kind of narcissistic abuse saw how much trouble this man would be before he was even elected. The reason why he was elected is because a large majority of people who rose to the top have a personality disorder, traits of the dark triad. Narcissists in particular are notoriously difficult to diagnose and I would guess there are millions of narcissists running rampant worldwide who may never be diagnosed in their lifetime. He is one of them.
Secondly, a distinction I feel is important to be made here is that a Narcissist only has feelings and emotions which are purely driven by their own gain. They feel NOTHING for others, they completely lack the ability to empathize or sympathize with anyone. His ultimate weakness here is that since he can't feel for others he will always have a hard time combating people who are genuine in their beliefs and their feelings. Feeling for others, emotions, they are not a weakness. But his tantrums which can easily be seen as some out of control, emotional guy is really just an obvious sign of how stunted he is. If you follow AOC and the way she's been combating corruption, you wouldn't say that her emotions are getting in the way, her emotions, her capacity for empathy is what gives her strength. It feels like the experts are trying to say that the only way you can make a difference is being 'intellectually driven', but our emotions is what strengthens our intelligence.
I dont need trained people to tell me this guy is CRAZY..... lmao
luckyluke33 but his base does.
Barry Sabahat His base won't believe it even if the top people in psychology say that this man is unstable. They will think that because media outlets like MSNBC report about it; that it is "fake news." The only way that his base will see the light is when he does something that effects them directly. It's a sad reality we live in right now. Fortunately his base is not the majority of Americans. That, is the only hope we have right now.
Angie, I think you expect way too much! Just think about this, 99% of the Republican party support an ideology whose stated goal it to take money from them and give it to the 1%, they are supporting a party that wants to take away resources whether cash or services and give it to the 1%, why do you think facts will make any difference, they are already supporting the party that wants to take away their healthcare.
L98FIERO My comment was in reference to Trump's mental stability. It's not the tax plan or healthcare plans that will wake people up. The Republicans know how to spin their draconian plans in a way that supporters fall for each and every time. Although, you'd think that people would learn from history that the tax plan they want doesn't work.
Even though I didn't say it in my initial comment; I was referring to some drastic military strike that will lead us into WWIII or some bombastic comment that will cause someone to attack us at home.
I do not think I have too high of expectations. People change their views of leaders when they do things that impact them personally. If the GOP tax plan passes, supporters will not see the damage immediately. That will take time.
Angie Norton - the crazy part of his base is in the minority but they are the noisiest. Remember, people who are traditional republicans voted for DT also - they would vote for any republican running for president. Trump doesn't cater to the traditional group, he caters to the lowest of the low in our society - Charlottesville only reinforced what many of us already knew. This is disgusting and there's little that is republican about Trump anyway. Republicans like order, not chaos. If Trump and friends can deconstruct the federal government, he and his cronies can govern without any of the safeguards we regard as essential to our democracy. That man would abolish the Constitution if he thought he could get away with it.
Sorry for the american people but it's true .You must prevent his second term .
@Brian Sandberg obviously
Trump is delusional.
So is th 😳Bovine that delivered you!😒
I bought the book as soon as it was available! Itt is very well done.
colleenarcury3941 - You read. Thank goodness. Many people do not.
Please read Dr Robert D Hare's Without Conscience. Then take his checklist quiz with Trump's behavior in mind. It is shocking.
I truly believe Trump has antisocial personality disorder. He is a very dangerous man. We are in deep trouble with his manipulative ways.
Please pass this on. Thank you.
The Orange Emperor wears no clothes. In other words, he is *not* a stable genius.
Nathan Baker You might enjoy Randy Rainbow’s brilliant song parody A Very Stable Genius. If you are unfamiliar with RR search him on RUclips. Cheers
The dangerous case of donald trump... About sums up this presidency...
Thank you, even if it's for stating the obvious, even if it's the obvious from which cowards run.
Wow! watching this during the covid pandemic explains a lot about Trump's melt down.
The Emperor wears no clothes.
Oh my gosh that is exactly what the acquittal was..I thought about this..It was The emperor new cloth ...I think by Hans Christian Anderson
"Compare Donald Trump's speaking patterns to those of Robin Williams, with insults instead of jokes."
" A duty to warn and the duty to protect"... 8:44 is chilling.
The scary thing is, even if he loses in 2024, we will have to live with the Supreme Court he gave us for quite some time.
you don't know what are you talking about! your full of belony
It should be obvious to any layman. You don't have to be a mental health expert to see a serious problem.
Good reporting Lawrence!
Remember he also said that he has a larger nuclear launch button than Kim ... I be real worry here.
Could you please diagnose the Trumps supporters now - it takes two to tango.
“Individually, most of Trump’s supporters are probably not psychopaths. But the collective group is psychopathic … While many predict that Trump’s followers will eventually be disillusioned and abandon the ‘Trump Train,’ their prediction is naively optimistic. Cults don’t operate rationally; cult members do not change their core beliefs and behavior on the basis of facts and evidence. Instead, they blindly follow their leader wherever he and his inner circle decide to go … If the 60% who do not support Trump want to avoid calamity, they need to start talking not merely about how to resist Trump and win the 2018 elections but also how to de-program millions of people.” Ken Levy, “A Psychological Divide: Irrationality, Psychopathy and Trump’s Cult,” CounterPunch, February 2, 2017
Thanks Jeff, nice reference - the scary thing is that it is an echo chamber of my thoughts. I don't think McMasters, Kelly or Tillerson are under Trump's spell, I think they are motivated to guide as best they can, the three wheeled shopping trolley that is Trump.
The 'angry white guy left behind' Trump voter is the real and big problem that will remain even if Trump remains in office or is removed tomorrow. The only answer will be for the 'rational' 60%, including GOP and Dems, unite and push back. Sadly I don't see this happening this side of existential threat to the USA - and then it will be probably too little too late.
May you live in interesting times.
Single digit IQ, for starters.
Cult mentality, which is actually quite common. It brews from a wild range of insecurities, restricted world views, fear of abandonment, lack of individual responsibility, courage, etc. Anyone can grow that way and get into a cult, really.
Ryan and Mcconnel are the two dancers
So we're being led by Emperor Pelagius III. Great.
Trump is very insecure about himself!
worse... what Trump has is a deeply rooted INFERIORITY COMPLEX. the phenomena of an individual diagnosed with an IC is they will engage in behaviors of OVERCOMPENSATION. okay, does this sound like any 1-Term President we know...?
Classic narcissist
Not only did half the country vote for him . They would march off a cliff for him . WHY ?
Impeachment is the cure.
Not dispersions.