Catalonia Referendum: Vote would be unconstitutional says Spainish government - BBC News

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2017
  • The Spanish Government has defended its decision to send thousands of extra police officers to Catalonia to try to stop an independence referendum taking place. The region's devolved government wants schools to open as polling stations on Sunday. But in a BBC interview, the Education Minister Inigo Mendez insisted any vote would be illegal and cannot take place. Our correspondent Tom Burridge reports from Madrid and Barcelona.
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Комментарии • 177

  • @MsPierre31
    @MsPierre31 6 лет назад +9

    Mossos d'Esquadra are not "local police", but regional police. The locals are the guardia urbana in Barcelona. Really those British journalists don't go very often out of their "anglosaxon" world...

  • @WitsEnds
    @WitsEnds 6 лет назад +9

    Amusing to see how most of the comments from people writing "free catalonia!" have arab and african names.

  • @danialashraf99
    @danialashraf99 6 лет назад +45

    Dear BBC News,learn how to spell Spanish and not Spainish...

  • @fozziebear9626
    @fozziebear9626 6 лет назад +4

    He is right. Although it seems to be, that the Spanish government failed before in not recognizing enough the needs of Catalonia. Spain is a democratic constitutional state. You cannot compare this referendum with Jugoslavia in the 80th and 90th or other states who wanted to be independent from a kingdom or a dictatorship. It isn't that easy. The rule of law is on the side of Spain. Which doesn't mean the Spanish government missed the opportunity since decades to react right - as far I can tell, maybe I am wrong, I am not Spanish. It is a disaster for Spain, that's for sure.
    Love that country anyway and I wish they'll find a good and peaceful solution for Spain, for Catalonia and Europe.

    • @allianceofunitedcommunitie5541
      @allianceofunitedcommunitie5541 2 года назад

      By the way, Croatia won Jugoslavia Army and won independence. They didn't get independence by talking, but by winning independence war!!!

  • @risbolensky3921
    @risbolensky3921 6 лет назад +75

    Kosovo independence was also illegal

    • @phildobson8705
      @phildobson8705 6 лет назад

      Kosovo gave the Terrorists the *command* they could claim a religious majority & get NATO to destroy whatever government they wanted, then Instal a Hate Preacher woman suppressor Regime

    • @risbolensky3921
      @risbolensky3921 6 лет назад +3

      But for Serbians in Bosnia and Croatia is denied that right. Kosovo was hijacked literally. Not to mention Basques, Palestinians. If anyone has a right for independence that would be Palestinians

    • @samiam9235
      @samiam9235 6 лет назад +1

      Independence is illegal because we are owned with bills of sale.
      Central banks, Rockefellers, English Royals et al..

    • @LoveHarmonica
      @LoveHarmonica 6 лет назад +3

      Kosovo can be independent but Republika Srpska cannot. Why?

    • @ShinkuRosetta
      @ShinkuRosetta 6 лет назад

      Canadian, Australian and Indian independence was the right way to go about it. No violence.

  • @darylmars1445
    @darylmars1445 6 лет назад +4

    Everyone wants independence these days :/

    • @Loddyshaw
      @Loddyshaw 6 лет назад +2

      DarylMars because they're sick of the empire

    • @AlxzAlec
      @AlxzAlec Год назад

      And it’s haram/sin. We shouldn’t divide into sects. It’s stupid

  • @mielerodriguez5678
    @mielerodriguez5678 6 лет назад +2

    So What? Give them the vote.

  • @Robomatix
    @Robomatix 6 лет назад +1

    Just because it's illegal doesnt mean you need to beat the shit out of people, violating their human rights

  • @dongmingim
    @dongmingim 6 лет назад +5

    Smilar government as UK right?

    • @dr4nkss
      @dr4nkss 6 лет назад +3

      except they got the referendum.

    • @georgezee5173
      @georgezee5173 6 лет назад

      MikeW SAMP Who? The Northern Irish? Last time I checked, Theresa May said to them "It's not the right moment for that" back in March.

  • @ShinkuRosetta
    @ShinkuRosetta 6 лет назад

    How about doing this the legal way instead of holding an illegal referendum?

  • @vinm300
    @vinm300 6 лет назад +4

    Rajoy is stuck between a rock and a hard place.

  • @arisbel
    @arisbel 6 лет назад +1

    Spainish : not exactly spanish but very close to

  • @Jamal-Ahmed786
    @Jamal-Ahmed786 6 лет назад

    i see where he's coming from. That referendum is not in line with the constitution. No one is against votes. It's about making sure the referendum is held in a constitutional manner.

  • @amarLoveMore
    @amarLoveMore 4 года назад +1

    The Mexican Americans have more claim for independence on the whole western part of the United States than the Catalans will ever have in Spain. If you would argue that cultural, ethnic and historic dwelling governs the right for independence, then the Mexican Americans have a much stronger claim for claiming the entire western United States as an independent country from the United States of America, the United States of Mexico and the Kingdom of Spain, for that "historic" matter! So, if you think Catalonia deserves independence, then just give all the western United States to "La Raza" Chicano Power - Mexican American, and recognize it as the Aztlan Nation.
    The Catalan argument fomenting this independence movement is based on corrupt politicians wanting to break the law in hopes of keeping fraudulently obtained funds.

  • @Kriegtime101
    @Kriegtime101 6 лет назад

    You'd think a British broadcaster could spell "Spanish" correctly...

  • @gpgp01
    @gpgp01 6 лет назад

    It shouldn't be end tragically.

  • @michaelross582
    @michaelross582 6 лет назад

    To all international people who may be watching the news and what it is happening in the Spanish region of Catalonia.
    It might seem that Spain is forbidding Catalonia to vote, to fulfill its democratic right to self-determination. It looks like it is using the police and the strength of the State to persecute freedom fighters. This is not true.
    Please, do not forget that voting is not democratic by itself; voting is just one of the premises together with others to build and maintain a democracy. The other premises are to respect the law (democratically approved), and to decide (to vote) over the matters that we are entitled to.
    I.e. the House of Representatives of Tennessee could unanimously vote to declare war over Quebec; yes, they would vote, but still that is not democratic because they do not have the power to do so.
    Venezuela can call its citizens to vote for a parallel constitutive Congress (as they did), but that was not democratic as they did not abide by its very own Constitution.
    They city hall of Paris could vote to expel Gypsy citizens from town, but that would not be democratic as it goes against human rights.
    PLEASE DO NOT CONFUSE the act of voting with the great principle of democracy.
    Catalonia's parliament (with a seat majority but only a 48% of the popular vote) has imposed an unconstitutional law to vote for independence through an illegal referendum prohibited by our Constitutional Court in order to set an atmosphere of violence willing to get pictures and tweets of an allege repressive police and State to convince the International Community that Spain is not democratic, but a dictatorship.
    Do not believe them, do not let them deceive you. Spain became a strong, progressive, modern democracy in 1978 and approved a Constitution which is being breached today. Just for information, Catalonia was the most supportive region of Spain to that Constitution in 1978 referendum.
    A five-century united country will not be vanished today.
    Long live Spain, long live Spanish Catalonia and long live real democracy: vote, law and respect to all!

  • @AndreasP07
    @AndreasP07 6 лет назад +14

    Lol the constitution of syria doesnt allow a referendum so assad is the good guy here

    • @guillee112
      @guillee112 6 лет назад +1

      Italy(Veneto),France(Corcega) and Germany(Baviera)are examples of other countries whose constitutions don''t allow a referendum for independence of those regions(same case of Spain),and you have to respect that.

    • @sarjaan9130
      @sarjaan9130 6 лет назад

      but they allow the right of determination,

  • @sheryllarmer4702
    @sheryllarmer4702 6 лет назад

    He's right, Spain have democratic mechanisms, checks, balances and recourse to change things peacefully through democracy in place within their Constitution if the will exists to. Many are saying the separatists have formed a cabal of sorts within the political institutions and are effectively a minority dictating to a majority who have no wish to change constructional position and secede . The only way it can be resolved is through an official referendum with safeguards put in place to ensure the integrity of results. The Catalonian nationalists will have to work with the central government toward these amendments, they will never be taken seriously otherwise. An insurgency followed by a coup d'etat will just plunge the region into turmoil and uncertainty.

  • @ToulKorkMan
    @ToulKorkMan 6 лет назад

    It is illegal when it is against your agenda.

  • @SocietyOfTheSpectacl
    @SocietyOfTheSpectacl 6 лет назад

    jimmy saville broadcasting Corpse Aeration.

  • @achmedzuzali7279
    @achmedzuzali7279 6 лет назад +3

    BBC always trying to twist things

  • @Davbach01
    @Davbach01 6 лет назад

    "Vote would be unconstitutional" says Spainish government - Yes BBC, the Catalan people must be more *"Spain-ish"* .

  • @jordipujadas2462
    @jordipujadas2462 6 лет назад +6

    I could told many reasons to exlpain why we want to be free. Because the finality is that: Be free. But like Mr. Romeva says the 80% of population of Catalonia says that we want to vote, the majority of catalans thinks that the solution is to vote. And that's true.
    Tomorrow we will go to vote, and the real facts are we are invided by thousands of police and thousans of militars (the guardia civil are not civils, are militars) arrived from every sites of Spain. Never, never, in the history in the young democracy of the Spanish state, the '78 regime mobilitze so many militars, including the worst years of ETA. We have banned our rights of assmebly and expression, inside Catalinoia and outside (Valencia, Madrid, and others) if we want to arge about the Referendum. The ONU has pronunced two days ago against that.
    But tomorrow we want to vote. Some spaniards are searching violence, but they don't undestand us. What we could do in that situation? Keep calm and go to vote.
    Free Catalonia !!*!!
    Free Scottland (Alba), Cymru, the brave Kurdistan!!
    And free every nation that feels the boot in his neck from states that not respect the nations and his people!

    • @AMegia-pe5qr
      @AMegia-pe5qr 6 лет назад +4

      You, selfish arrogants, you will never be independent because the right of choose belongs to all the Spanish People, stop crying and face the reality.

    • @jarlbronson8641
      @jarlbronson8641 6 лет назад +1

      I keep wondering where they get that "80% of population of Catalonia want to vote" from...

    • @ir7651
      @ir7651 6 лет назад

      And why exactly are you going to decide the future of Cataluña without taking into account the opinion of catalans living abroad or in other regions of Spain?

    • @jordipujadas2462
      @jordipujadas2462 6 лет назад

      Yeah, yeah... The people can ceck if i'm a lier or you are a spaniard with fascist trends, as usual. All will can see with his eyes two scenaries: Mass voting in Catalonia for decide his future or the militars and the police treading our rights. The rest is real bullshit. Including you.

    • @ir7651
      @ir7651 6 лет назад

      Jordi Pujadas I would be very glad if you could only answer my question above. However you seem to forget that two years ago another illegitimate vote took place in Cataluña and not even the half of its population voted. That, as far as I'm concerned, clearly shows that the only aim of this referendum is creating social division and calling the international attention that you never had. Just try to open your mind a little bit and please show more respect. Whether people agree with you or not, doesn't make them fascists or suporters of a dictatorship of which we had all been victims.

  • @SergioSanchez-og7ms
    @SergioSanchez-og7ms 6 лет назад

    I want Madrid to be only a country so that lidchestein or something like that

  • @03jhughes
    @03jhughes 6 лет назад +2

    Get the UK out of the EU NOW! The EU does not support democracy and never has.

    • @paulvanh1796
      @paulvanh1796 6 лет назад +1

      03jhughes : Yes go back to be the slave of Trump. Has the UK been democratic when ruling their colonies?

    • @03jhughes
      @03jhughes 6 лет назад +2

      Paul VANH Yes you go back to being a slave for President Juncker and the German EU empire! The UK is leaving the EU and we are NEVER going back, and we're taking our money back too.

    • @paulvanh1796
      @paulvanh1796 6 лет назад +1

      You'll have to pay for the pensions of the UK members of the EU parliament first and also of the UK employees of the EU ! And I prefer to be a slave of someone from a small country (Juncker) . As far as Germany is concerned , my country is profiting from them so is all of Europe. In any case if the UK is leaving that is one less puppet power we have to worry about.

    • @03jhughes
      @03jhughes 6 лет назад +1

      +Paul VANH If the UK left today, tomorrow, or anytime in the future, that's it, we don't have to pay for anything. The German EU empire has taken billions of UK money but it is coming to an end soon. Bye EU, the UK will NOT be thinking of you.

    • @paulvanh1796
      @paulvanh1796 6 лет назад +1

      03jhughes: Where did you get that invention that the Germans and the EU took UK money? How funny that every country thinks they pay more than the other. In any case the UK has to pay for their own nationals (salaries, pensions) otherwise you'll get problems from them not the EU. Glad the UK and its master the USA won't be thinking of us so the bullying of the small countries (Netherlands; Belgium, Luxemburg etc) in the EU will hopefully stop. Bye bye!

  • @allianceofunitedcommunitie5541
    @allianceofunitedcommunitie5541 2 года назад

    When 13 colonies declared independence, was it constitutional by British law???
    When Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria declared independence, was it constitutional by Ottoman law???
    When Algeria declared independence, was it constitutional by French law???
    When I declared independence, it means I want an independence war and I will defeat the fascist state in battlefield!!!

  • @vacoum1
    @vacoum1 6 лет назад

    Double standards. Europe has a new standard to beat peaceful people. Like in Africa. This is not democracy. I am shocked.

  • @spartacusforlife1508
    @spartacusforlife1508 6 лет назад +1

    Spain is in the e.u. the e.u will do nothing about this. Therefore why stay in europe. I,m certain many human rights violations are in progress there yet there,s no condemnation from european parliament. Maybe all those pro european voters should re think their views now

  • @ProcrastinationMaster
    @ProcrastinationMaster 6 лет назад +9

    Free Catalonia

  • @Geedi1977
    @Geedi1977 6 лет назад +1

    Luxurious office, like Saddam Hussein.

  • @SunnyFLBoy
    @SunnyFLBoy 6 лет назад

    that means Kosovo is an illegal country`? No? So why don't recognize Crimea? This is illegal? I don't get this law shit.

  • @waranle961
    @waranle961 6 лет назад +5

    jail them

    • @Loddyshaw
      @Loddyshaw 6 лет назад +1

      Jail up to a million people? What a very Franco-esque response.

    • @SocietyOfTheSpectacl
      @SocietyOfTheSpectacl 6 лет назад

      you really are Lost arent you.

  • @dam-hu5dh
    @dam-hu5dh 6 лет назад

    SPAINISH?? Wtf BBC!?!

  • @SocietyOfTheSpectacl
    @SocietyOfTheSpectacl 6 лет назад +3

    A Majority of Spanish Voted for a 1933.
    Fascism was the answer then too.

    • @hankscorpiouk
      @hankscorpiouk 6 лет назад

      SocietyOfTheSpectacl It worked. Spain needs a new Franco.

  • @atisalvaro
    @atisalvaro 6 лет назад

    Well international agreements are above national constitutions. Spain is among signatories of OCSE Helsinki Accords in 1975. Why does it not respect the international agreement? "VIII. Equal rights and self-determination of peoples
    The participating States will respect the equal rights of peoples and their right to selfdetermination,
    acting at all times in conformity with the purposes and principles of the
    Charter of the United Nations and with the relevant norms of international law, including
    those relating to territorial integrity of States.
    By virtue of the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, all
    peoples always have the right, in full freedom, to determine, when and as they wish, their
    internal and external political status, without external interference, and to pursue as they wish
    their political, economic, social and cultural development.
    The participating States reaffirm the universal significance of respect for and effective
    exercise of equal rights and self-determination of peoples for the development of friendly
    relations among themselves as among all States; they also recall the importance of the
    elimination of any form of violation of this principle."

  • @epicx666
    @epicx666 6 лет назад +1


  • @ellkat58
    @ellkat58 6 лет назад

    The way Madrid is dealing with the referendum is quite simply Francoist.No one has the right to put a boundary on the aspirations of the Catalonian people.

  • @s.p.2494
    @s.p.2494 6 лет назад

    " Spainish " .... good job BBC

  • @Joe-bn9fz
    @Joe-bn9fz 6 лет назад

    Spain has the right to defend her sovereignty! ¡Viva España! Visca Catalunya!

    • @allianceofunitedcommunitie5541
      @allianceofunitedcommunitie5541 2 года назад

      What about Ottoman Turkey? What about Austria-Hungary Empire?
      What about British Empire (India, 13 colonies...)?
      What about Latin America?

  • @mahabharat4985
    @mahabharat4985 6 лет назад +33

    Free catalonia.

    • @MsPierre31
      @MsPierre31 6 лет назад +4

      You don't understand nothing, democracy is not only referendums. And moreover if this one is illegal according to the Spanish Constitution.

    • @guillee112
      @guillee112 6 лет назад +2

      There isn't a Catalonian law.... and Catalonia isn't oppressed. Don't lie,please.

    • @ShinkuRosetta
      @ShinkuRosetta 6 лет назад +1

      I had a little referendum to see if you're an idiot. And it doesn't look good.

  • @RobertK1993
    @RobertK1993 6 лет назад

    British should mind their own business otherwise they risk UK breaking up.

  • @estelalopez148
    @estelalopez148 6 лет назад

    It is not true that they offer a dialogue. The catalans tried many many times and they always say no. This is not dialogue.

  • @jagaimo2
    @jagaimo2 6 лет назад

    00:35 Tom Burridge, thank you so much for having asked these questions. Despite the MPs kind persona, his response hints the Spanish government's viciousness. Watch out for some police brutality against peaceful citizens lining up to vote on today's referendum.
    My impression is that this referendum is being misinterpreted: this referendum is not another case of a rich region not willing to share. This referendum is a case of a region speaking up: we are fed up with historically receiving a colonialish treatment.

  • @saygnklc1871
    @saygnklc1871 6 лет назад

    Damn, the guy speaks good english even though he's education minister... unlike our education minister...

  • @michaelangelo2248
    @michaelangelo2248 6 лет назад


  • @henrybyrd5402
    @henrybyrd5402 6 лет назад

    Everybody understands that the referendum was illegal under the Spanish Constitution, therefore Spain would not be bound by any result and Catalonia would lose any legal battle for independence. However, the referendum had developed so much momentum that it was futile to use force in an attempt to stop it taking place.
    History shows us that the use of force always hardens attitudes against the enforcer.

  • @boiledfrog5739
    @boiledfrog5739 6 лет назад

    vote for the united states of europe !!!end these bullshit

    • @trewlinson4582
      @trewlinson4582 6 лет назад +1

      EU fascist scum roman empire will never progress, it will take us back to the dark ages and will slave us all.

  • @personaldove
    @personaldove 6 лет назад +1

    As an American I support a united Spain.
    Shame on these separatist radicals.

    • @CGetRight
      @CGetRight 6 лет назад +2

      No one cares about what you think as an 'American'.

    • @ellkat58
      @ellkat58 6 лет назад +1

      As an American it's got nothing to do with you.Get your own very divided country sorted out before you poke your nose into the situation in Catalunia.

  • @Kerath
    @Kerath 6 лет назад +7

    Cataluña ≠ Espania

  • @jatocaunrefinternationalri2021
    @jatocaunrefinternationalri2021 4 года назад

    It.s half agreement for having spanish government but not yet done it. It.s still missing most important still missing more parties for having majority to lock it, between them independentists parties who where rejected before because spanish government refuse to sit and speak with Catalonia about referendum and freedom for Political Prisoners, Catalonia.s government elected prosecuted and convicted more than 100 years all together, 9-13 years each one just for offer a polling, for putting a ballot box of Referendum which sPain refuse.
    Today European Parliament's lawyer said a preview of MEP sentence about Junqueras, Puigdemont, Comin, Ponsatí who were elected for more than 2 milion of votes ans sPain rejected and blocked their inmunity and seat changing way of rules for avoiding that. So in a few days we.ll see the final decision of the EP's Court will be a slap on fake.s democracy of sPain.

  • @genevonderlinden1768
    @genevonderlinden1768 6 лет назад +1

    barcelona is spain, end of story !

  • @artm8dk
    @artm8dk 6 лет назад

    The government of Spain is reacting like a conservative father refusing and punishing the free will of "his teenage child".
    That is about the most stupid and counterproductive thing they could ever do.

  • @jatocaunrefinternationalri2021
    @jatocaunrefinternationalri2021 4 года назад

    En Anglès:

  • @saintlouiswinly1545
    @saintlouiswinly1545 6 лет назад

    Free catalan let him get it

  • @hushhush461
    @hushhush461 6 лет назад +5

    put the Spanish army on the streets to deal with the traitors. Spain cannot be divided

    • @Loddyshaw
      @Loddyshaw 6 лет назад +11

      It's already divided. It has been for 300 years.

    • @Infernal460
      @Infernal460 6 лет назад +4

      Hush Hush Was in 1936.

    • @SocietyOfTheSpectacl
      @SocietyOfTheSpectacl 6 лет назад +1

      a MAJORITY voted for the republic in the 1930's.
      Fascism restored the King, and Today the Kings Brother in law is a Convicted thief.
      viva la corruption.

    • @Loddyshaw
      @Loddyshaw 6 лет назад

      Sergio Casa which things were made up?

    • @Loddyshaw
      @Loddyshaw 6 лет назад

      Sergio Casa which things were made up?