Bernard, thank you; a really valuable perspective. One quick point, I think it's also true that, as Accenture Growth Markets CEO, Gianfranco Casati, said back in April 2020, "today we say every business will be a health business, with companies needing to invest in resources that make customers and employees alike feel safe". This aligns with the point you make, highlighting not only the war on talent but also supply chain security and sustainability.
Thanks for your sharing, sir. How do I get your contact? I would like to discuss seriously about buying your courses if possible. We are an education company.
Bernard, thank you; a really valuable perspective.
One quick point, I think it's also true that, as Accenture Growth Markets CEO, Gianfranco Casati, said back in April 2020, "today we say every business will be a health business, with companies needing to invest in resources that make customers and employees alike feel safe". This aligns with the point you make, highlighting not only the war on talent but also supply chain security and sustainability.
The 7 Biggest Business Challenges 2023
You have a great channel. I’m a blog writer and I’m stealing all of your content. Thanks 🙏 😂
Awesome! Thank you!
Thanks for your sharing, sir. How do I get your contact? I would like to discuss seriously about buying your courses if possible. We are an education company.