A STOLEN SYMBOL - A Sign of Things to Come

  • Опубликовано: 12 янв 2024
  • Hexagrams or six pointed stars today are rarely used by Arab artists or designers if at all. The hexagram once a staple of geometric and architectural design is now socially forbidden due to its association with Zionism and Israel.
    This video separates the facts from the fiction when it comes to the Zionist narrative that the hexagram, or as labeled by the Zionists, the Star of David, is a false premise without any foundation or archaeological history or reference. It is a myth based on another myth from another Abrahamic religion, Islam. And on that basis, a falsified history was constructed to suit the Zionist narrative.
    There is a spoken error in the video when referring to the first proven use of the hexagram by Buddhism. What should be the 1st Millennium BCE was spoken as 1st Century BCE.
    #symbol #thievery #judaism #star #david #solomon #seal #muslim #hexagram #andalusia #history #arab #israel #ring #mystic #zionism #icon #memory #fake #palestine #expression #geometry #pattern
    Subscribe: bit.ly/3jCXuCw:
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Комментарии • 679

  • @gotmilk91
    @gotmilk91 6 месяцев назад +41

    "There are two great criminals of Jewish history, H1tl€r and HerzI; H1tl€r wanted to kill the body of the Jewish people, HerzI wanted to destroy the soul, which is far more important than the body." - Mizrahi Jewish Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +17

      That is a very accurate quote. Amazing how a single sentence can sum up 150 years of moral corruption and destruction. Thank you so much for sharing! 🙏🏼

    • @crazyforcanada
      @crazyforcanada 3 месяца назад

      What evidence do you have that Hitler wanted to kill the body of the Jewish people? I hear these kinds of accusations all the time, but never with any evidence. I would be very interested in the evidence, from an academic viewpoint.

    • @shachargabbay1496
      @shachargabbay1496 2 дня назад

      @@tareqkandari7277 You dont know what you are talking about and have no idea what Zionism really means.

  • @jessemarr6159
    @jessemarr6159 6 месяцев назад +42

    When I was like 10 years old I was drawing in day care and I drew a ninja with a headband and I drew an ‘s’ symbol and realized I could turn it 90 degrees and drew that. It was a curved swastika, I had no concept of it. I was reprimanded, even though I was literally an innocent child experimenting with symbols...

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +11

      Sounds very familiar. What ever happened to innocence. Thank you for sharing your experience. .

    • @lesliekingsley4993
      @lesliekingsley4993 6 месяцев назад +5

      "Swastika" is an ancient Sanskrit word - "swasti" means a blessing of luck, prosperity, wellness or good fortune. Swastika is a mark for these things, but its adoption and misuse by the German Nazis during the 1930s & 1940s has caused the uninformed to view it as a tainted symbol.
      lts specific (and easily recognisable) Nazi presentation is illegal in some countries because of its association with the atrocities of the Nazis.

    • @shachargabbay1496
      @shachargabbay1496 2 дня назад

      @@tareqkandari7277 It's amazing how your sick mind is only referring to the mere use of star of David by the Jewish nation but you don't care about other symbols (the cross, the cressant and more). You are entitled to hate Israel, and you will do what ever possible to continue your morbid agenda. God bless you

  • @claudermiller
    @claudermiller 6 месяцев назад +37

    I'm catholic. The church I attended as a child has tiles with swastikas on them on the floor. The church was built before the nazis.

    • @fightback397
      @fightback397 6 месяцев назад

      Swastika is an hindu sign .

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +3

      Oh wow. That’s a great observation confining the universality of symbols across the world.
      Thank you so much for sharing.

    • @saqeralthawara2342
      @saqeralthawara2342 4 месяца назад +1

      Are you from Eastern Europe?

    • @claudermiller
      @claudermiller 4 месяца назад +5

      @@saqeralthawara2342 😆 🤣 😂. No, Cincinnati Ohio.

    • @saqeralthawara2342
      @saqeralthawara2342 4 месяца назад +1

      @@claudermiller Because when you said swastika I thought that you were from Ukraine, or Moldova since those are Scythian symbols.

  • @elainegoad9777
    @elainegoad9777 6 месяцев назад +27

    the Swastika symbol was used all over the world until the Nazi's took the symbol for themselves and ruined the true spiritual meanings.

    • @niteshades_promise
      @niteshades_promise 6 месяцев назад +1

      It's a calendar. The North Star and the Big Dipper. It shows you the seasons.🍻

    • @crazyforcanada
      @crazyforcanada 3 месяца назад +1

      Did they? Again, from an academic viewpoint, I'd be interested in seeing the verifiable evidence for thie allegation that they ruined it.

    • @Hardwaregeekx
      @Hardwaregeekx 3 месяца назад +5

      @@crazyforcanada I know first hand it is a Buddhist symbol that you will find all over Japan. According to an internet article "The swastika was long used as a symbol of well-being in ancient societies, including those in India, China, Africa, native America, and Europe."

    • @ThrashersShogun
      @ThrashersShogun 3 месяца назад

      like on the video, when Kandari says it's on us Arabs for letting Zionist steal the Hexagram symbol and went with it. it's on the world for letting propaganda tarnish the Swastika symbol and accept that it is a Nazi Symbol, where it's not the case.

  • @gregorylister6536
    @gregorylister6536 6 месяцев назад +91

    I think you have forgotten to mention that the star of Moloch , the God of child sacrifice, who was adorned in Canaan when the Israelites arrived , there is many drawings of the Monuments to Moloch and Remphan with the star increasted on them. many Jews took up the faith to this god in the times and were warned by their Rabbi's you will have god turn his back on you for this.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +34

      Thank you Gregory. I haven't come across it. Will investigate it for sure. Further shows how more cultures and religions used this symbol and isn't one exclusive to any one nation, belief system or people.
      Thanks so much for your insight. Wonderfully constructive. Greatly appreciate your time watching.

    • @sanjazuljevic8046
      @sanjazuljevic8046 6 месяцев назад +3

    • @markriding1267
      @markriding1267 6 месяцев назад +14

      Is that the God of tunnels too? 🤫

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +9

      ⁠​⁠@@markriding1267No that’s actually Amalek.

    • @gmw3083
      @gmw3083 6 месяцев назад

      Anyway. Zion is self terminating. Sane jews are leaving it behind.

  • @lesliekingsley4993
    @lesliekingsley4993 6 месяцев назад +50

    All Hindus know this symbol as the Shatkonayantra - षट्कोणयन्त्र, a symbol that pre-dates Buddhist & Abrahamic religions. The symbol is often used in relation to the deity Skanda - स्कन्द (also known as Sanat Kumara - सनत्कुमार or Kartikeya - कार्तिकेय).
    lnteresting to note: Saknda's brother, the elephant-headed Ganesha - गणेश, is associated with the ancient Swastika - स्वस्तिक symbol - essentially giving these two (in modern times opposed) symbols a fraternal relationship.

    • @gkeith64
      @gkeith64 6 месяцев назад

      YaHU'aH the 4|For power WORDs = tetYHUHgrammarten, in the shortest definition is; SOVEREIGN ETERNAL SUPREME IMMORTAL POTENTATE, and via sonic implosion creates light 🔯, the Star TetYHUHhedron 🔯, YaHs sigNATURE aka sign in nature.. his glory the lilly 🌷
      Note sigNATURE of YaH🔯👆
      In Geometry 🔯⚛️
      2 Esdras 5:24
      “And of all lands of the whole world thou hast chosen thee one pit: and of all the flowers thereof, one Lillie🔯.”
      MatithYahu 6:28-29 Gift of YaHU'aH🔯
      28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
      29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
      As in the many flowers of the field, the Lilly, Iris, tulip and mulberry, peppers, and many more. All display, Father's Great sigNATURE🔯, in flower form.
      Psalms 91:4
      He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: YaHU'aHs🔯TRUTH shall be thy shield and buckler. As King David did, {rather ∆au∆}, placed YaHs sign, on his shield🔯, buckler🔯, & breastplate🔯
      Ayob 38:2 words with knowledge
      As with all beautiful words spoKIN, even eternity, TRUTH, Harmony, Love, and Joy, so each Mandelbrot forms🔯around this sigNATURE🔯 cymatic tone. And no matter how many times, each word is written or spoken, the cymatic image of each, tho unique, still remain in the same form🔯. See Dr. Emoto Masuro & Prof. Luc Montagnier.
      Ayob 38:22
      “Hast thou entered into the treasures of the SNOW ❄️? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail❄️? As the tears, (RAIN}, of the heavenly hosts fall, through the cold & snowflakes ❄️ are formed, in accordance to their praises, HalleluYah 🔯💜 Yashayahu 55:10-11
      Genesis 2:7
      And YaHU'aH AllahAYnu formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life🔯......YaH🔯 SPEAKS; EL yoU Cee, EL oM into MoLeCule's, & formation of seMaN! WE Swim to the womb, as Atoms ⚛️ form as 2 SowEL's collide, into DNA 🧬 , by which all cells are made & multiply! Having united, 2 married in2, 1 new sowel, for the making of a zygote, new NaMes, in human form. And the cymatic heartbeat of a FetUS🔯639 hertz, another sown Eloheim, 2 be born, as 1, a marriage & unbreakable bond!
      Marriage = baby🍼! YeremiYahu 1:5
      As in the Ancient Covenant Elders Yahu∆ah, which are called by YaH🔯's Great name. Yahu∆ah = YaHU'aHs🔯,🔺 ∆oor, of IMMORTALITY. The π🔯mi∆!
      Sonic implosion creates the star tetYAHedron🔯 when speaKING: YaHUaHs Great NAME.
      In all the above, what do we see? Fathers sigNATURE🔯 is how everything is KINnected 💜, tested, known & proven!
      Go Look, know & see!
      Romans 1:
      18 For the wrath of YaHU'aH🔯⚛️ is revealed from heaven against all unYaHliness and unrighteousness of men, WHO HOLD THE TRUTH IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS;
      19 Because that which may be known of YaHUaH is manifest in them, {Molecules & Atoms⚛️}; for YaHUaH🔯 hath shewed it unto them.
      20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power⚛️ and YaHhead🔯; so that they are without excuse:
      21 Because that, when they knew YaHU'aH, they glorified him not as AllahAYnu, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
      22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
      23 And changed the GLORY 🔯 of the uncorruptible YaHU'aH🔯 into an image made like to corruptible man (J.C.✝️), and to birds, ( 🦅,eagle) and four footed beasts, ( 🐂bull), and creeping things, ( 🐍snake- don't tread on me).

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +6

      Very powerful info Leslie and greatly appreciated. This is what i love about these comments. They can reinforce or contradict what has been triggered as a discussion and what ensues is great knowledge being shared. Whether we agree or disagree, that is secondary.

    • @asafheller5720
      @asafheller5720 6 месяцев назад +1

      Only that King David and King Solomon exited on 1000 BCE and Kartikeya was presented first around 500 years later in 550 BCE during the Ikshvaku dynasty.

    • @rajashah1353
      @rajashah1353 6 месяцев назад

      ​@@asafheller5720 No dude Aryans invasion or Migration happened in 15 or 10 Century BC so can be both Jews and Aryans know eachother because this was normal back then

    • @asafheller5720
      @asafheller5720 6 месяцев назад

      @@rajashah1353 wdym? Kartikeya symbol had six points because of the story of six heads to watch six mothers, I don't know if they took this symbol from elsewhere or adopted it since it fit with the six pattern or what, I just stated a fact.
      Shatkona is the symbol of Kartikeya son of Shiva, Kartikeya was first presented around 500 BCE, meaning 500 years after King David and King Solomon exited, those are facts.
      If it arrived with some other invasion or whatever, it doesn't matter.
      It's just a geomatic shape that was used by King David and then by his son Solomon and then by their nation the Israelites, and they were Jews, so yeah, the Jews didn't steal anything and this video is utterly antisemitic.
      If anything Islam stole the Seal of Solomon symbol from the Jews and used it, since Solomon was a JEW...

  • @jakemcnamee9417
    @jakemcnamee9417 6 месяцев назад +23

    Yes both the hexegram and the swastika were independently developed by human civilizations across the globe. There are shapes that exist so much in nature that it is hard fir humans not to notice them. Nobody owns the swastika or the hexegram, so I would argue that they are not stolen .

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +13

      I almost agree full with you. Conceptually I do indeed agree with your premise that none are stolen. But that’s now human nature works. If I hold up a card with a hexagram on it. Most if not all people from across the world would say it’s the Star of David. Not a Hindu symbol neither a Buddhist nor an Armenian symbol. To me that’s theft of the mind.

    • @danielkarni5114
      @danielkarni5114 6 месяцев назад

      Or maybe you just don't like jews... ​@@tareqkandari7277

    • @MR-zi8gy
      @MR-zi8gy 6 месяцев назад

      That is not theft, it's just how history rolled.@@tareqkandari7277

    • @markjohnson4217
      @markjohnson4217 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@tareqkandari7277 A person has only themselves to blame for their 'missing mind'. It doesn't take much research to find out what a particular symbol means and from whence it may have come. I often ask people of otber nations what their flag means, and most have no clue whatsoever. Included us here in North America. No one stole our minds, we keep gjving them away..

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +3

      @@markjohnson4217 Ultimately, I believe your statement is totally accurate. We ourselves are to blame for anything that we allow to affect our psyche. Thank you for sharing.

  • @Ushmadand
    @Ushmadand 6 месяцев назад +37

    Great topic especially considering right now. It's especially funny since the blue and white flag with a blue hexagram was already used by the Karamanids.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +7

      Thank you. It is appropriate especially when one movement is trying to wipe out another people from their land. Again. As was said in the video, events, even as sinister as what’s happening now, start with the smallest of acts.
      Thanks so much for watching and sharing your thoughts.

    • @asafheller5720
      @asafheller5720 6 месяцев назад +3

      Great topic? an antisemitic video is a great topic? saying that the king of the Jews King David and King Solomon who used this symbol almost 2000 years before Islam start using it, means the Jews stole it? when even Islam calls it Seal of Solomon who was an Israelite Jew? 🤣🤣🤣 Holy crap, you are right "especially considering right now" this video shows exactly why it was made. To again appropriate Jewish heritage by Islamists while showing how ridiculous their common sense is. This symbol have been used by Jews since recorded history as was found on letters, houses and synagogues that predate the creation of Islam.

    • @user-bx3hz6wl5m
      @user-bx3hz6wl5m 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@asafheller5720 I also loved the side by side comparison of the Star of David with the Swastika just in case you missed the antisemitism in the rest of the video.

    • @asafheller5720
      @asafheller5720 6 месяцев назад

      @@user-bx3hz6wl5m Yeah the Swastika as well, it's insane, claiming Jews stole this symbol while saying Islam used "Seal of Solomon" in the 9th century as if King Solomon wasn't a Israelite Jew.
      Quick google can give you archeology sites that have mosaics or synagogues with the star of david that are older then Islam.
      This video is utterly antisemitic and is Islamists propaganda that doesn't even make sense.

    • @asafheller5720
      @asafheller5720 6 месяцев назад

      @@CoruscationsOfIneptitude Scotland was Jewish? No, must been short period since I didn't hear about it. I'll google it up.

  • @Avigdor1655
    @Avigdor1655 6 месяцев назад +16

    The star of David is actually the seal of Solomon it represents the hexagram on Saturn representing the Egyptian Greco Romano god Geb, Saturnus, Cronus father of the serpent, Jewish mystics adopted it in the middle ages because they believed it possessed magical powers. When you combine the swastika with the star of David /seal of Solomon you make the Slava Arian Christian Church symbol the yinglin, the swastika is a cross with bent limbs it's the symbol of the Hindu god of war Murugan.

    • @SVTCO
      @SVTCO 6 месяцев назад

      The star of David aka the divider. Saturn is the G 7 gateway out of the circle 7 time trap andnis the Stargate into the 8 (higher mind) and return to spirit form via the first eye. It is also the great judge that throws the souls that have fallen under the spell of Lucifer (Venus) back into the circle 7 reincarnation loop and the hex colored blue represents the closed stargate aka fist eye and that's what modern day pseudo-Israel represents, keeping the stargate closed and the perpetual reincarnation to Cap-It-All. Saturn itself is not the true God of time but infact it is Venus.

    • @rafaelvilas4230
      @rafaelvilas4230 6 месяцев назад +1

      the 666 star.

    • @TheJakecakes
      @TheJakecakes Месяц назад

      It is Saturian yes. When they call it the Magen David it is referring to magic. I had read in Arthur Koestler's book that the Kazhars used it as well.

  • @Thoughtful_7
    @Thoughtful_7 6 месяцев назад +16

    Very nice work. Forgot to mention its Armenian origin and reference as in 4:30 is inserted Armenian symbol with eternity rotated sun swastica within it! Beautiful

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +5

      Actually there is a lot of Armenian imagery that was researched and some used. Yes, I didn't make all references to the various cultures and identities that were associated with the hexagram but I really appreciate your insight and comments. Again thank you for your support. Grateful!

  • @user-ov5zm5rz3v
    @user-ov5zm5rz3v 6 месяцев назад +5

    Oh my goodness, the expression, ‘A thief gets angry at the person being robbed’ is useful!
    As far as I know, the most widely used use of the 'Star of David' in the Islamic world is in connection with the 'Jizya' system.
    In the Arab world, according to Islamic regulations, Muslims cannot enslave other Muslims! Therefore, every Islamic empire needed people of other religions within the empire. This is the true nature of the so-called ‘Islamic tolerance toward other religions.’
    However, although they tolerated the existence of infidels out of necessity, their Quran did not tolerate infidels! Muslims must actively exclude infidels. That is why jizya is introduced. What is jizya? It is a protection fee. Who do you protect from? It is to protect infidels from Muslims who want to kill them. To whom should the jizya be offered? is a muslim
    This is where the Star of David appears. Jews within the Islamic Empire were required to offer Jizya to Muslims, especially to the rulers there, and as a symbol of offering Jizya, they wore a chain around their necks and hung a Star of David on the chain.
    Discrimination against Jews and anti-Semitism begins with the Star of David.
    And it was the Muslims who started it.
    If Muslims used the Star of David as a symbol of their own Muslims, then why did they hang that precious thing around the neck of a Jew as a sign of shame????
    All claims are false and fabricated!
    The symbols of Islam are the crescent moon and star, not the Star of David!

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +2

      Wow that’s a long comment but greatly appreciated as allot of thought and effort went into it.
      First general point you make about the jizyah system, this wasn’t towards Jews but included all those outside the Islamic faith. But not importantly this is pre 13th century you are referring to. The same time when any Jews living in European nations would have taken the jizyah system how they were massacred during pogrom events. And to be clear it wasn’t only about the Jews.
      The fact that you bring up a point that doesn’t take into account the pre evolved concept of civility and human rights around the world at that point in time reveals the weakness in your argument.

    • @arcturus4762
      @arcturus4762 6 месяцев назад +1

      I don’t know why you’re acting surprised. At least 60% of Islam is taken from the Torah, Talmud, or the Injeel, and a lot is also taken from local pagan practices. This “adoption” of symbols is not exclusive to the Jews.

    • @user-ov5zm5rz3v
      @user-ov5zm5rz3v 6 месяцев назад

      @@arcturus4762 //Of course, we know that history, culture, and even religion interact.
      But isn't this like the Nazis boasting that the Swastika is their own, and claiming that the Star of David, which they hung as a sign of discrimination and abuse, was stolen from them by the Jews?

  • @gotmilk91
    @gotmilk91 6 месяцев назад +5

    Before the advent of Zionism imposed on Palestinians, Palestinian boys were fairly commonly named *'Israel'*

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +1

      I’ve heard that before. A long time ago. Nonetheless thank you for sharing this.

    • @EM-tx3ly
      @EM-tx3ly 2 месяца назад +1

      Perhaps Native Jews or Descendants of Native Jewish Ancestry by now Muslims
      Can’t remember a video where a village of Palestinian Muslims have houses with Star on it for their ancestors being Jews long ago

    • @gotmilk91
      @gotmilk91 2 месяца назад

      @EM-tx3ly - the conversions would've mostly taken place over a thousand years ago (7th-9th centuries); while keeping Judaic memorabilia after all this time is very unusual, having the original Semitic DNA from the people of Judea & Samaria is of course very common; there's a video presentation by Rational Religion called 'The Original Jews' / 'The Original Children of Israel' that delves into this with scientifically-backed studies.

  • @enkaiscott
    @enkaiscott 4 месяца назад +3

    Also Herzle drew the six-pointed star in his journal. The two bars adorn it. I am sure you can find his sketch online.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  4 месяца назад +1

      Another gem Enkai. Would love to see any source here if you've come across it.

    • @enkaiscott
      @enkaiscott 4 месяца назад

      @@tareqkandari7277 Sorry the proper term for the boxes is OSSUARY but you will get the European variety unless you search bone box or some such variant. Took hours. I make presentations in powerpoint reams of photos but can not one for you just now. Many motifs the Muslims will later use. Something about the Abrahamic faiths and symmetry and geometry in particular circles and triangles. But yes I have a few on some hard drive or another.

  • @markjohnson4217
    @markjohnson4217 6 месяцев назад +6

    The hexagram and it's relationship to the creation drama of Genesis, as well as the earliest appearance of Merkebah mysticism relating to the visions of Ezekiel and the prophecies of Daniel DOES appear to go back much further than the unnamed 'Islamic scbolars' of the 8th snd 9th century and it is important to draw a distinction between a six-pointed star and a hexagram.
    The hexagram (a figure of six intersecting lines within a circle) is a much older symbol than the figure of the star traced around the
    outer perimeter only without the inner lines, which was more common with Islam. The heptagram, hexagram and pentagram were typical of ancient Anatolia, so why couldn't they have been present in some form with the begjnnings of the Judean dynasties? From a people who originally migrated down from Mesopotamia? Anyway, it is absurd for any one culture to lay claim to such primary geometric figures. Morroco has the unenclosed black pentagram upon a red backdrop, who do we accuse as thieves? The new age Wiccan movement or the Baphomet entbusiasts who first appropriated it from Eliphas Levi?
    It amounts to trying to patent a triangle or a square, there is no need to talk of 'stealing', these are all very ancient symbols, just like the beautiful swastikas of tbe Hittites ,Yesidis, and Akkadians of Sumer. (Also hexagrams by the way)

    • @dannylo5875
      @dannylo5875 6 месяцев назад

      👍 totally agree...

    • @christophgriener9852
      @christophgriener9852 6 месяцев назад

      And many more...
      The earliest symbol of the Israelites seems to have been the menorah.

    • @TheJakecakes
      @TheJakecakes Месяц назад


  • @dakinilove9451
    @dakinilove9451 6 месяцев назад +16

    Thank you for this topic. It is important. Did you do some researches about the period of the deportation of the jews in Persia, where may be we can find some links with the hexagram given that Persia was not so far from south caucasus and India where this symbol was very common in hindouism and bouddhism ? I think it will be pertinent also to talk about the science of the power of the symbols. The nazis used a lot the power of the symbols and sciences of esoterism. Two of the their favorite symbols were very old (from the runnic tradition, bouddhism and hindouism). The kabbalists were particularly strong in the science of esoterism and magical pratices. I think it is a error of some muslims to feel embarrased about the hexagram because the symbols are universal and do not belong for one culture and not for another one. Each patrimony has to be protected and transmitted to the young generations. In my personnal point of view, the problem (now) is not the fact that the flag has the hexagram but to believe that the hexagram represents the country of Israel and the judaism. The hexagram does not represent Israel and the judaism. Because the hexagram is a strong and very powerful universal symbol, an universal archetype. But some jews decide to chose it as representative symbol to their new country, in addition also of the facts (religious, myhtical or historical) that you mention in the video. This choice of this symbol is also linked in the faith of the messianism, and the faith that the judaism is for them the pure religion. 'Somewhere' there is a war of the power of the symbols. Some people use this power on others. In other side, we could imagine that we live on a peaceful planet, where there is not war, no poverty etc, if Israel would be a country of peace and example of vertues and in respect of others countries and peoples, the hexagram will not be a problem, because this symbol (as tell) is universal. The question is why some people (zionists or not) have chosen this strong symbol to represent a new country that at the beginning do not respect the universal rights of the native people of this land ? (Sorry for my bad english)

    • @peelingoffthelayers
      @peelingoffthelayers 6 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you.

    • @aaliyahbugeja2959
      @aaliyahbugeja2959 6 месяцев назад

      If the Palestinians were such peaceful people instead of trouble makers the world would be a better place you muppet

    • @lyndasutherland6165
      @lyndasutherland6165 6 месяцев назад +2

      Your English is excellent! Thank you for writing such a clear and informative explanation.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +2

      Thank you so much for your wonderful insight. I really appreciate the time and effort you’ve put into it. I agree with many of the elements you share. But the point of the video is not about how the symbol relates to a religion but how a political movement like Zionism used a global symbol and took over its existence to feed its own narrative of that makes sense.
      I totally are with your point in if the behaviour of Israel was different then the outlook on the hexagram would in turn be different. But don’t forget, this symbol was used by Zionists from the late 19th century and the meaning of that symbol evolved from then.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад

      Ditto. Thank you for your support.

  • @luzluz2980
    @luzluz2980 6 месяцев назад +4

    We should keep using this symbol in any colors and with any decoration. Not using it is reserving it for them.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +4

      That is the best solution! Take it back!
      Thanks for watching and sharing your thoughts.

  • @ulitas2125
    @ulitas2125 6 месяцев назад +2

    I am honestly feeling humbled by your video ..... i am myself coming from jewish heritage , but as a true seeker of ancient knowledge , even counting my early years growing up supposing that the Six-pointed Star was representing the Nation of Israel and David's most regarded symbol, reaching on the adult life and starting my own journey researching about ancient symbolism and its roots , i came to the realisation that some symbols may have paved their way throughout history, ending up being associated with "this" or "that" culture , even if in the first part of their existence they were being associated with a totally diverse root. Some of the most known symbols used by the biggest religions from mankind are commonly accepted as belonging to "them" since the dawn of the times, such as the Sacred Cross, for the Christianism , that actually have its foundations coming from the Egyptians, even the Mycenaean Greeks, and even the Sumerians were depicting the it, even before the Egyptians .......that was indeed a meaningful presentation rooted in genuine beliefs and driving force to keep your traditions . My humble and deepest respect about that . The great mistake the human have been doing is to allow some "forces" to divide us in categories , "my God", "your God" , "their God" .....when essentially everyone is looking to the same: A Superior Power...... i am capable to keep my respects towards you even if we do not share a common belief , as that doesn't make u less human than me . I believe as far as u do not intent to harm me, and i do not wish the same on u , we can coexist in Peace, despite our differences. That should be the premise under the Sky, for every human on this Earth. Wish u a peaceful rest of week, my friend .

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад

      Hello. What a wonderful and positive outlook you’ve achieved. It’s truly inspiring to read your insight and I must say that I agree with all you have to say. I am grateful that you’ve taken in the positives of the video. That narratives that alienate one people at the expense of another is not the way. Some people say the aspirations for fairness is naïveté but I believe that fairness is a human way of proper conduct.
      As much as you have taken in from my video I have in turn taken from your commentary. Thank you again and from one humble person to another, I am very appreciative of this great give and take of knowledge. 🙏🏼

    • @ulitas2125
      @ulitas2125 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@tareqkandari7277 hi my friend , sorry about this long gap in order to reply .... i do appreciate more that u took on some of your precious time to read and respond my comment. No one should be above the other under our Sky , as the Universal Power just created us all equal , with the same Divine Spirit . I hope u'll keep up your good work and get the results u seek for , spreading some wisdom with ur videos.....I still have the hope that may not be that far when all humans will start to understand that Life is not about a plethora of a certain belief system or religion , but an acting with accordance to the Universal Law of mutual respect, between each other, doesn't matter what "race" , colour or any other physical aspect one may display .....Peace to you and thank you again .

  • @amanhasnoname71
    @amanhasnoname71 6 месяцев назад +10

    Maybe due to a reset, some people realized that graven images are not good. It is written that king Silliman warned against doing what he did. I love sacred geometry and draw it in the sand often, not too much on paper. Some of those images you showed are quite mesmerizing and I'm tempted to duplicate some of the patterns, though it is kinda strange 🤔. ..
    As an artist one never likes to copy another's design so I mainly stick with my own surreal style and stay away from symbolism.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +2

      Makes me really happy to hear you say that the imagery in my video have triggered your creativity. I love the facts that you draw them in the sand. Both eyeball and fading at the same time.
      Art is a constant state of copying and the first inspiration was nature. So go for it and no worries.

    • @rafaelvilas4230
      @rafaelvilas4230 6 месяцев назад


    • @ruh8659
      @ruh8659 6 месяцев назад +1

      Its not what you do, its how you do it! Graven images can potentially cause either good or bad.

  • @ulitas2125
    @ulitas2125 6 месяцев назад +2

    Six -pointed Star is also very well depicted on Sumerian depicting art, circa 3.000 BC Era.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад

      I didn’t know that fact. Amazing. Thanks for shedding light. Any visual references?

    • @ulitas2125
      @ulitas2125 5 месяцев назад

      @@tareqkandari7277 i apologize , i got no really precise info about it , therefore i think there are some references here and there around the internet depicting the Sumerian or even Babylonian clay tablets , some dating from around 2.500/3.000 BCE , some of them with representations of the sky with stellar objects and some ancient gods, i saw them in some photos on history books, some time ago .....

  • @JB-dg7if
    @JB-dg7if 6 месяцев назад +9

    This was a great piece of work. Thank you for sharing. We are all a part of one uniqueness, separated by ideologies of personal and religious preference. We have lost view of the universal truth that accompanied our soul in the time of creation. The symbol of life is within the living. The attachment to external things entraps the mind by what it sees, hears smells, tastes and touches. Diluting the principals and core values of existence by discouraging one from recognizing the spiritual body from which all life has emerged. All is One but mankind has separated himself from the ONE. Just as they separate themselves from one another by race, color, creed and religion, etc. It is mostly from here that symbolism is created, through the outward expression of thought. But, there is one universal symbol. This can be seen by the outward sense of self looking inward for the truth. God is. Be blessed all my brothers and sisters. 🙏🏽

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +2

      JB. You are a diamond! Nothing more I can say but “Preach ye truth!”
      Thanks so much for the commentary. I really enjoy it when you take the time to elaborate. I’m privileged to be able to share a small part of knowledge with you and you return the favour by doing the same. Absolute balance of give and take.

    • @JB-dg7if
      @JB-dg7if 6 месяцев назад +2

      @@tareqkandari7277 I am thankful to know of you beyond what words can express. Please continue to shine your light my brother so all can see what has been hidden from their hearts. Be blessed🙏🏽

    • @Flunko97
      @Flunko97 6 месяцев назад +1

      This is a joke right? This video is excusing Jews of stealing a symbol which was used by Jews prior to Islam even existing while Muslims themselves appropriate the Jewish religion by saying all the Jewish prophets were Muslim when in fact Islam did not exist at the time and it came into reality more than a thousand years later.
      So you’re commenting something general about us all being human and all but this has nothing to do with the video when this video is showcasing the exact opposite of your message.
      Because we Jews didn’t steal it, this symbol is not owned by Jews nor is it owned by Muslims or Hindus or anyone else. It is simply a geometric shape.
      So unless you hold different standards to Jews vs the whole of humanity which makes you antisemitic, I don’t get your comment at all.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад

      @@Flunko97 Not Jews. Zionists. Big difference. Jews have a connection to this symbol, just not the one that is conditioned into a lot of people.

    • @brianjones4026
      @brianjones4026 6 месяцев назад

      Tell the Truth on the Star of Remphan and Molech, end your deception and repent to the God that saved your people from Egyptian slavery !@@Flunko97

  • @rickster3488
    @rickster3488 6 месяцев назад +2

    - David never had a star, also, the hexagram is used in some occult circles, too.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +1

      Rickster my friend. It’s used by many many civilisations and cultures. That’s the whole premise of this video. It belongs to none.
      Thank you though for your commentary. Really appreciate your time in watching and giving feedback.

  • @kornelia8627
    @kornelia8627 6 месяцев назад +2

    Yes, I thought about that two days ago. Will I be able to use the Hexagram in Germany as hindu sign? We should use it frequently from now on....

  • @PsicologiaSocialBrasil
    @PsicologiaSocialBrasil 6 месяцев назад +2

    Thank so much from Brazil. I think the same. So, I have some swastics from buddhism home and ever explain why it here to friends. Symbols don't need to be one sign.

  • @FightingGold1
    @FightingGold1 6 месяцев назад +3

    Brilliant video! Thank you for bringing this to light.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +1

      You’re most welcome. And thank you for viewing and sharing your kind words.

  • @Voyage.001
    @Voyage.001 2 месяца назад +1

    What most frustrate me that the western people think Arab food is Israeli.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  2 месяца назад

      I know what you mean but thats a small worry compared to whats happening with the Palestinian people.

  • @chronic_daydreamer
    @chronic_daydreamer 6 месяцев назад +2

    I always find it incredible when people are brave enough to expose the true history of symbols. You should do the cross next. Like the hexagram, the cross is a pagan symbol which was adopted by the church (and really heavily influenced by Emperor Constantine) in later centuries. They even translated the Greek word “stauron” in the New Testament incorrectly as “cross” to continue the false narrative.

    • @arcturus4762
      @arcturus4762 6 месяцев назад +2

      I agree, the star, the cross, or the crescent moon. All pagan symbols adopted by different religions

    • @TheJakecakes
      @TheJakecakes Месяц назад

      ​@@arcturus4762Because they were all based in astrology. People do not like to hear it but the evidence is overwhelming.

  • @welcometosemeticpalestine
    @welcometosemeticpalestine 6 месяцев назад +19

    The Star of David is donned on the front of older Muslim homes in small villages of Palestine. I was surprised when I witnessed this! Architecture proves this history.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +4

      I’m not surprised. It was a symbol that many centuries had connections to. But what a great observation and insight. Thank you so much for sharing.

    • @trishh.7675
      @trishh.7675 6 месяцев назад +6

      Ohhhh that must have been so nostalgic to have seen. Such old buildings/homes should be preserved and treasured by us (regardless of religion and or culture)......To think that it's all been bombed to bits at the moment - along with the people and children😢

    • @jacksonlee3771
      @jacksonlee3771 6 месяцев назад

      The homes may have been owned by Jews. Were killed by a Muslim for the home.

    • @k-pax532
      @k-pax532 6 месяцев назад


    • @christophgriener9852
      @christophgriener9852 6 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@trishh.7675It's sad that so much of it is pointlessly destroyed.

  • @SalawaniBai
    @SalawaniBai 5 месяцев назад +1

    Not only the symbol and all the resources of the world they have stolen gold silver tin copper and wood.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  5 месяцев назад +1

      Zionism’s mission is to fill the gap. With any and every thing possible. Land, history and culture.

  • @hasslefreehass9380
    @hasslefreehass9380 6 месяцев назад +4

    Brilliant, educational and informative 👏👏👏

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад

      Such kind words. Greatly appreciated.
      And I thank you for your time in watching and wonderful commentary.

  • @adam82279
    @adam82279 6 месяцев назад +2

    Accordingly to Muslim philosophy what does the star mean or represent?

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +3

      More mysticism than philosophy, but it relates to the seal of Solomon specifically and the power it held as the hexagram was the pattern on the head of the signet ring.
      Really appreciate your question.

    • @shachargabbay1496
      @shachargabbay1496 2 дня назад

      @@tareqkandari7277Who was solomon? a Muslim king?

  • @heatherintheskywithdiamondz
    @heatherintheskywithdiamondz 6 месяцев назад +1

    I have this symbol tattooed. It had a special meaning to me… but has come to represent everything I condemn. Long story short, the tattoo is being removed. 😞

  • @sammalama
    @sammalama 8 дней назад

    If they love our culture, food, art, and way of life so much. Then maybe it can be used to share with them, and bring them into peace?

  • @user-qw3on4wq5b
    @user-qw3on4wq5b 6 месяцев назад +9

    Great job ❤

  • @munirdaair5737
    @munirdaair5737 2 месяца назад +1

    Brilliant brother. Thoroughly enjoyable and very informative. Keep them coming.

  • @AncientGreece23
    @AncientGreece23 6 месяцев назад +5

    Every religion had adopted a symbol in some point in history in one way or another. Many symbols were passed through different cultures and ages. It doesn’t make it “appropriation”.
    With this logic the Hindus must’ve appropriated it too right.
    You’re clearly a bright dude who knows what you are talking about. But to use your knowledge to push a hateful antisemitic narrative is incredibly low and really not a good look.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад

      I agree with your first points. Totally. The call for me being anti Semitic assumes you equate a dislike for Zionist agenda with Judaism and Jews. That is a very shallow understanding of what either of those two belief systems stand for and i must disagree with you completely. Calling someone antisemitic is not acceptable period when we might disagree with the actions of a political movement. Also i am a Semite so what are you saying exactly? Or is that word stolen as well from my being?

    • @AncientGreece23
      @AncientGreece23 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@tareqkandari7277 Well when you look at the logic you are using I believe it’s reasonable to assume you are being anti-Semitic (or anti-Jewish if you’d prefer)
      The idea of Zionism is to give the Jewish people a state. Therefore it would only make sense that they use the Star of David as their symbol, as it is the symbol used by Jews. The Zionist only use it because their Jews so clearly they couldn’t have stole it.
      It’s as if I said the Ottoman Empire appropriated the moon and star, when of course it being a Muslim authority they will use the symbol of Islam.
      The problem with your video is you tried to make the point of “How Zionists appropriated the flag”.
      And then you gave a history lesson on how the Jews ADOPTED the symbol.
      This is type of misinformation that gets people, who are already angry about Zionism, confused, and takes their anger out on Jews.
      Anti-Semitism today hides behind the mask of “Anti-Zionism”

  • @bobroy3746
    @bobroy3746 6 месяцев назад +1

    4:15 The hexagon symbol in Hinduism originated from the Tantrik tradition of Shaivism and Shaktaism. Vajrayana Buddhism also called Tantrik Buddhism, that is a subsect of Mahayana Buddhism, adopted that symbol later.

    • @lesliekingsley4993
      @lesliekingsley4993 6 месяцев назад

      Yes, from Vedic times.
      Shiva (शिव)) as purusha (पुरुष) and Shakti (शक्ति) as prakriti (प्रकृति).

  • @gerriedoll154
    @gerriedoll154 6 месяцев назад +3

    I dream about this symbol 2 weeks ago , with a man voice but I don't understand him on the back was a dark sirkel..wonder what can this mean. The voice wake me up.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +1

      I wish I had an answer to your predicament. Maybe you're having forewarnings of Zionists? Apologies by my dream interpretations is a bit shabby!

    • @rizanz2108
      @rizanz2108 6 месяцев назад +1

      An Alien visit. It's positive. Keep a dream journal.

  • @Azizullah13579
    @Azizullah13579 6 месяцев назад +1

    Fire video❤ I love you deeply for this. You speak the truth 💯 🙌

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад

      Azizullah that is a very heartwarming message. I appreciate it greatly.

    • @Azizullah13579
      @Azizullah13579 6 месяцев назад

      @tareqkandari7277 Yes, for years, I explained this subject to 10s of people, you were able to get word out in 15 mins to 100s of people and inshallah 1000s. Thank you for your work!

  • @e2e4au
    @e2e4au 6 месяцев назад

    Very nicely done and the information was uplifting - keep up the good work - let's live in peace (Without Zionist !)

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад

      Your words are wonderful and your simple conclusion is spot on! No zionism or any movement that considers itself over others and all the religious and non religious peoples will live in a substantially less violent world.

  • @TheGhostofCarlSchmitt
    @TheGhostofCarlSchmitt 6 месяцев назад +2

    europe must protect its culture, heritage and history.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +2

      Indeed they should. It is their right.

    • @christophgriener9852
      @christophgriener9852 6 месяцев назад

      There seem to be forces at work, that want to uproot people everywhere and destroy the culture and heritage of all peoples. (Maybe except for one.😉) People with no homeland, heritage, who can work anywhere, but belong nowhere. Easier to rule over and to manipulate, at least that seems to be part of the goals.
      All the wars in my lifetime were justified by lies, so I get more and more sceptical about what we are being told about the things that happened before my birth. I won't write in more detail, a lot of comments seem to just disapper.
      Keep well!

  • @ibrahimsued4906
    @ibrahimsued4906 2 дня назад

    A classic confusion on symbols is 'The caduceus' for medicine, with its two sepents, thst truly represents commerce, misused in place of the 'Rod of Asclepius', with only one snake, and originally the true madicine symbol.

  • @c.kainoabugado7935
    @c.kainoabugado7935 6 месяцев назад +5

    I appreciate this content! Yet disagree with them claim its a universal symbol at all. If it was really universal, then my culture in Pacific Islands would have it too. There's no such symbol in my particular Pacific culture. Just the triangles alone not combined in any way. But I'm not a kumu so better research needed.

    • @costumercare1663
      @costumercare1663 6 месяцев назад +2

      Everything he said is not true or a fact rather than to twist history

    • @c.kainoabugado7935
      @c.kainoabugado7935 6 месяцев назад +1

      @costumercare1663 👍🏾 more research needed, this won't be my only source for this topic.

    • @tmkeesler
      @tmkeesler 6 месяцев назад +2

      Does a symbol need to be represented in every single global culture to be considered “universal”? I understand that this is the connotation of the word, but how many things that we consider universal are, indeed, actually universal?

    • @crozraven
      @crozraven 6 месяцев назад +3

      by "universal" mean it's much more common & widespread across the globe. It's one of the simplest geometrical shape too. Just like pentagram, almost every known civilization used such symbol too. But then, it's evolving with times & even go down into negative aspect with inverted pentagram, now used by satanism & paganism as a symbol of black magic.
      It's in human nature to find commonality within our minds, despite the seemingly independent ideas & designs. This is also why we have "archetypes" in human psychology.

    • @c.kainoabugado7935
      @c.kainoabugado7935 6 месяцев назад

      @tmkeesler my point is similar...if it's excluded, yea it's not universal 🙄
      I come from the group that's ALWAYS left out of the universal term and that's just wicked and genocidal thinking to base THAT word on the certain cultures or nations that COUNT. Why do THEY count? Minimizing cultures is dehumanizing us so we're not thought of and our needs are not viewed, ever. NO THANKS. Multi polar world is here, cuz the world is bigger than you usually think on a daily basis.

  • @nelyousfi
    @nelyousfi 2 месяца назад

    The symbol also was used by plenty of Moroccan dynasties such as Almoravid, Marinid, Wattassid and even Alaouite.

  • @johnbrereton5229
    @johnbrereton5229 6 месяцев назад +8

    Well said !
    From an Englishman who wishes the Palestinians well.

    • @robertmitchell8630
      @robertmitchell8630 6 месяцев назад

      An English man? You created as much bloodshed towers of skulls over ocean of innocent blood
      Like the Islamic empire and the Vatican

  • @jacket8818
    @jacket8818 2 месяца назад +1

    The zionist entity flag is suspiciously similar to Karaman Emirate flag that existed 500 years ago

    • @user98344
      @user98344 Месяц назад

      I'm the guy that you talked about the Persians in the new video of this channel. I'm writing here because RUclips baged and I cannot respond to you.
      They were and there would have continued to be even without Islam. It's just that we don't know a lot of it because when the Arabs conquered them they destroyed a lot of their knowledge. Even Ibn Khaldoun the greatest Muslim historian said that "However, when the Muslims conquered Persia and came upon an indescribably large number of books and scientific papers, Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas wrote to Umar ibn al-Khattab, asking him for permission to take them and distribute them as booty among the Muslims. On that occasion, Umar wrote him: "Throw them into the water. If what they contain is the right guidance, God has given us better guidance. If it is an error, God has protected us against it." Thus, the (Muslims) threw them into the water or into the fire, and the sciences of the Persians were lost and did not reach us."
      As for the Khwarizmians no they weren't Turks, they were an east Iranic culture group, you can search it up. The Khwarizmians also suffered a lot from the Muslims as it is mentioned by Aburayhan Biruni:"Qutayba killed everyone who knew writing the Khwarizmian language and everyone who knew and were teaching Khwarizmian culture. so, Khwarizmian culture is inaccessible and unknown after Islam."

  • @JB-ef7ks
    @JB-ef7ks Месяц назад +1

    I remember being in gym class in the 3rd or 4th grade outside on the basketball court and drawing a swastika which was completely oblivious to me other then picturing it in my mind and thinking it looked cool only to be screamed at by the coach asking where i learned it n why i was drawing it. He then demanded i cover it up somehow and i never understood why till i got indoctrinated later on in life during history class in high school! Crazy because that symbols been around just as long as the hexagram!

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  Месяц назад

      Yes. People steal each other’s symbols and claim it exclusively as their own and then the whole world has to respond by abandoning those signs that had so much more depth and humanity to them.

  • @robertwestinghouse4098
    @robertwestinghouse4098 6 месяцев назад

    Well said. With knowledge come power. I applaud you...keep telling the truth.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад

      Thank you Robert. It’s tough but I keep truckin! Appreciate your wonderful words of support.

  • @balkanicbeaver3
    @balkanicbeaver3 2 месяца назад

    The Star of David is known in ancient Jewish sites that predate medieval Prague, I am not sure why there is a focus on medieval Prague's Jewish community here.

  • @HussainFahmy
    @HussainFahmy 2 месяца назад +1


    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  2 месяца назад +1

      Oh wow you are on a binger. That makes me happy to see that the content is resonating with you.

  • @darthvader6005
    @darthvader6005 6 месяцев назад +1

    Very Interesting and informative. Subscribed! Thank you Sir!

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +1

      That’s awesome. How amazing is that! Joining my journey is a blessing to me. Thank you so no much.

  • @AlternicityBlogspot
    @AlternicityBlogspot 6 месяцев назад

    There is also a unicursal hexagram, though it is, I believe, much more recent.

  • @davidtyler3116
    @davidtyler3116 6 месяцев назад +7

    It was used early on by Jews. For example, in Israel, there is a stone bearing a hexagram from the arch of the 3rd-4th century Khirbet Shura synagogue in the Galilee. It also appears on a temple on Bar Kokhba Revolt coinage which dates from 135 CE. I do agree it was used more heavily in later times from the 1800s on.

    • @Katya_Lastochka
      @Katya_Lastochka 6 месяцев назад +1

      Israel is not the geographic location of ancient Israel. Turkey is. Jerusalem, the city of 7 hills, is Istanbul, city on the 7 hills. Joshua is buried there, the Promised Land. Suleiman is Solomon, because when we switched to the Gregorian timeline, the j before the date was reinterpreted as 1, thus adding an extra 1000 years.

    • @user-cl6pb9km7j
      @user-cl6pb9km7j 6 месяцев назад +2

      Just because you made something up doesn't mean it's true Katya 😂😂😂​@@Katya_Lastochka

    • @Em29273
      @Em29273 6 месяцев назад

      @@Katya_Lastochkasource is ur toilet right?

  • @Olegstuff21986
    @Olegstuff21986 6 месяцев назад +8

    I'm by no means pro-Israeli but I don't really see the point of your argument. Granted, a lot of the symbols countries use on their flags didn't originate in said country. For example, if you look at Turkey's flag, the typical Islamic crescent portrayed on it didn't originate in Turkey. Should Turkey then be blamed for stealing that symbol from Arabic cultures? The problem isn't Israel's chosen symbol per se. The symbol is more or less arbitrary. And there's no evidence (correct me if I'm wrong) that the hexagram is of such central importance to Arabic/Muslim culture which would prompt frustration from the side of Muslims. It's not the symbol that's at the root of the problem. What are you then trying to achieve?

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +4

      I don’t disagree with any of what you write. And that’s actually the whole intro to the video. But let’s say that the Ottoman Empire took the crescent and made it into a symbol that was strictly a Muslim Turkish symbol and concocted a whole history around it that was overwhelmingly fictional, that would not sit well with me either.
      Zionists had a different strategy that was much more comprehensive on retelling history to serve their cause. And all types of tools were used. Symbology is one of these tools that they were unfortunately very successful with The second message made in the video is that we as Arabs are also to blame for allowing ourselves to give in to the notion that the star was exclusively Jewish by our distancing ourselves from the hexagram.

    • @dakinilove9451
      @dakinilove9451 6 месяцев назад

      Peut etre devriez vous interesser à l'esoterisme qui traite de la puissance des symboles pour comprendre davantage ? Les nazis utilisaient les symboles des runes, du bouddhisme et de l'hindouisme afin de s'approprier certaines puisances. Idem pour Israel concernant ce symbole

    • @Olegstuff21986
      @Olegstuff21986 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@tareqkandari7277 Well, one can't also say that the Jews had absolutely nothing to do with this symbol. Maybe they didn't create it but it did become a symbol of the Jewish community in Europe, from which the Zionists come. So, I guess it shouldn't be much of a surprise that they chose this symbol. In fact, the Buddhist use of the hexagram is probably (again, correct me if I'm wrong) older than Muslim use of it, so I guess Buddhist could launch the same argument at both the Arabs and the Jews. Point is, once a symbol establishes itself culturally, it can be used by any other culture. This is basically a normal process of cultural interaction and appropriation. Much in the same way as the Ancient Egyptian statues changed in time when the Egyptians came more into contact with Ancient Greece. Is there evidence to suggest that Israel claims that this symbol has an exclusively Jewish significance? Or that the Israeli state assigns the idea of superiority or supremacy to this symbol? The Zionists do that when they go on about Amaleks ,etc., but again, the symbol could be a bear for all it's worth.

    • @Olegstuff21986
      @Olegstuff21986 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@tareqkandari7277 Also, one has to remember that there was no concept of "intellectual property" back then as there is now. Symbols, especially "mystical" ones, were easily transferred from one culture to another. In fact, I'd view the use of the hexagram by both Arabs and Jews as more of a unifying thing than one that should divide them, since both cultures gave that symbol significance. As regards the blame on the Arabs for not "sticking" to this symbol, I think that's a bit beyond the point. The Arabs couldn't have stopped the European Zionists from adopting this symbol back then and it perhaps isn't central or important enough in Muslim culture for Muslims to actively "fight" for supremacy or control over this symbol. My main point is, once a symbol becomes a cultural commonplace across different cultures, then you can no longer blame a different culture for using it. A good example is the use of the eagle as a coat of arms in Europe. Several counries, notably Germany, Poland and Russia, use the eagle as an emblem on their coat of arms. Cultural appropriation, someone stole the idea from someone else? Sure. Was that the reason why these countries were at war many times? Certainly not!

    • @Mossaab-kg3cj5hc5s
      @Mossaab-kg3cj5hc5s 4 месяца назад

      @@Olegstuff21986 I am not aware of any Arab group using the crescent before the Turks .

  • @FirstLast-zk5ow
    @FirstLast-zk5ow 6 месяцев назад

    The star is the 3,6 and 9. Not sure if it has anything to do with what Nicola Tesla was referring too .. when talking about the same numbers. But nonetheless , it is the 3,6 and 9 , .

  • @tareqkandari7277
    @tareqkandari7277  5 месяцев назад

    That’s great input. Thanks for sharing! 🙏🏼

  • @TheNiqabiDiaries
    @TheNiqabiDiaries Месяц назад

    Another fantastic and informative video. Im not surprised they stole it, that is their speciality along with lying.

  • @MJ4mat
    @MJ4mat 6 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for this informative post may more to come 👍

  • @dennisyoung7363
    @dennisyoung7363 6 месяцев назад +1

    Excellent video!! Thanks.

  • @zebarnorth523
    @zebarnorth523 6 месяцев назад

    great job god bless you , how about the letters and the language they claim as their heritage .

  • @menib7574
    @menib7574 3 месяца назад +1

    8:02 thats unfair seeing how there were many jews from arab countries which ate and made these foods and consider it a part of their heritage far before the establishment of even any zionist movment

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  3 месяца назад

      Hi Meni and thanks for the thought. The point isn’t with regard to certain dishes or cuisine falling under one’s original heritage or that other nations have a mish mash of cultures. The issue is when a new nation intentionally labels such dishes or foods as exclusively theirs.

    • @menib7574
      @menib7574 3 месяца назад +1

      @tareqkandari7277 I see. My mistake, sorry for my hasty comment, and thank you for the reply

    • @ziyadpepe6291
      @ziyadpepe6291 14 дней назад

      It's an Arab food, and it just happened that they were living in Arabs countries.

  • @gregcooper6355
    @gregcooper6355 6 месяцев назад +1

    Very interesting,thank you 👍

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +1

      Thank you for watching. I greatly appreciate it.

  • @Shimra8888
    @Shimra8888 6 месяцев назад

    Is the ☯️ exclusive to the Chinese?

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад

      I am not sure about the balance of life symbols. But I personally haven’t been exposed to it in other cultures or where other cultures claim it as originally theirs. Great question though! Thank you for sharing that!

  • @SerialMascot
    @SerialMascot 6 месяцев назад +3

    Greetings from Jerusalem!! (aka Zion) Sorry to tell you, but the descendants of Jacob are indeed here to stay! Others are welcome to visit and live here, but we're uhh..... not leaving. For some background on that particular shape: ruclips.net/video/XqUOgqlZ8bc/видео.html
    It is obvious that the Muslims have been more careful than us with "images". This is good. And their hexagrams are better as a result. Like waaaaay nicer.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад

      “Well. Can I come to Israel and reclaim my home that was taken from me decades ago? Or am I not welcome” said the Palestinian refugee.

    • @SerialMascot
      @SerialMascot 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@tareqkandari7277 when the secular politicians finally abandon the two state solution, and the Persians stop trying to control Dar-El Islam, using Arabs as cannon fodder, they can be welcomed. We now all understand how difficult this will be. Also: "taken from me"? Jews are not permitted to steal property, and historical cases of such reports are vanishingly rare. The courts here continue to defend Arab land rights.

  • @alik7884
    @alik7884 23 дня назад +1

    الله يجزاك كل خير على مجهودك الرائع و يجعله في ميزان حسناتك

  • @_robustus_
    @_robustus_ 6 месяцев назад

    2 triangles. 1 pointing up. 1 pointing down. Was common among all the tribes of the middle east and north Africa, symbolizing that which is found on earth will also be found in heaven and vice versa.

  • @Andism001
    @Andism001 6 месяцев назад +2

    So you begin by saying we have no way of knowing the origins of symbols and finish by claiming Islamic ownership of one.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад

      I never said Islam owns any symbol. The symbol for Arabs was never exclusively theirs. I am saying Arabs shouldn’t have disowned its importance to them. And I criticise them for this.

    • @Andism001
      @Andism001 6 месяцев назад


    • @mohammedsiddiq9635
      @mohammedsiddiq9635 14 дней назад

      @@Andism001what ?

  • @Tzadokite
    @Tzadokite 6 месяцев назад

    the seal of solomon, six pointed star within a circle, has been the symbol used by us, the zadokite priesthood, since the time of solomon. our ancestor zadok was the first high priest of the first temple of solomon. it was never a "jewish" symbol as you correctly show. it was also never a symbol for any israelite tribe or clan except for the clan of zadok. after the hasmonean uprising against us around 185bce, in which our clan would have been eliminated completely by the israelite populace if we had not been saved by the greeks who came to stop our slaughter, we moved to arabia and especially to mecca with some to medina. we took our symbol with us and it was quite common in arabia before the prophet (saws). it would be drawn on door posts or doors of homes. archeology has shown this conclusively. it continued to remain as a symbol not just for us but for all muslims as well since the prophet (saws) himself was from us as well as the quraish. the european christians mistakenly considered the european jews (who has no genetic and religious connection to us or the israelites) to be a sect of islam given the common belief of one G-D and several rituals. this is why in the 14th century the king gave the jews of prague a choice of symbols to be placed on their homes to differentiate them from the european christians. the menorah was the symbol used by the european jewry until the 17th century when the rothschild family put the six pointed star without the circle as the symbol for their business. it was germany, home of the rothschild banking family, that made it a "jewish" symbol in 1930s by forcing european jews to wear a yellow six pointed star. no one considered it a "jewish" symbol even after herzl used it. it was on the flag of morocco until 1956. there is even a picture in which hitler is giving a speech to nations of the world which has the flags from many nations including morocco. the six pointed star on the moroccan flag can be easily seen even in this picture! my guess is that the nazi's adopted the swastika as the aryan symbol and made the rothschild symbol as the semitic and "jewish" symbol according to their simplistic world view.

    • @christophgriener9852
      @christophgriener9852 6 месяцев назад

      Morocco has a five-pointed star, if I remember correctly. Germany didn't make it into a Jewish symbol, they chose it themselves. There is definitely oriental blood in many Ashkenazi and a high number of genetic diseases, resulting from their long period of inbreeding. Some people in Israel do look European, however, that is true. On the other hand, Palestinians are not Arabs by blood, although there is some mixed in. I've seen quite a few with mostly European appearance. Someone in another comment wrote about a Palestinian friend who had his DNA examined and it came back pure Greek. It would make sense, since the Philistines most likely came from Crete and were not Semites and Greek influence, especially during the Hellenistic period was very strong. Later the Palestinians were assimilated into the Arabic culture after the Islamic conquest of their country.
      So your family legend refers to the Zadokites and their rescue by the greeks? I've heard that the Pharisees eliminated all other forms of Judaism, except from their version (and they haven't succeeded with Christianity, although not for lack of trying). You also wrote, that, according to your family's legend, Mohammed was also of Zadokite descent?
      So there is a little Zadokistan hidden in Arabia?
      There seem to have been a lot of Jews in the Hadramaut in medieval times. Are you, by chance, familiar with the work of Kamal Salibi?
      With kind regards

    • @christophgriener9852
      @christophgriener9852 6 месяцев назад

      As far as I know there was only one temple of Solomon. I'm not aware that he built a second one.

    • @Tzadokite
      @Tzadokite 6 месяцев назад

      having a discussion through back and forth replies quickly results in a rapid decline in the "signal to noise" ratio and the discussion becomes meaningless. briefly, 1) the star on morocco flag was six pointed before it was changed to five, 2) the amish also have high prevalence of rare genetic diseases and they are not oriental, 3) lineage is determined through the y-chromosome and not the autosomes. the latter determines physical appearance which can vary widely even in the people who have the same y-chromosomes, 4) we have historical genealogies consisting of male ancestors alone. there are 24 zadokite sub-clans and each sub-clan has its historical genealogy. these can be corroborated with y-chromosome to determine the time to the most common recent ancestor (TMRCA) for the various SNPs. ours have TMRCA ~4000 years ago in iraq, followed by TMRCA in levant ~3000 years ago, followed by TMRCA in arabia (hijaz) ~2200 years ago, followed by TMRCA in arabia (hijaz) ~1400 years ago and so forth, 5) the pharisees were called perushim and were from the tribe of judah and who rebelled against us, the sadducees/zadokites, 6) the zadokite high priest onias III sent his son, an'an/hannan (arabic 'adnan), away just before the revolt in 185bce, first to egypt then to arabia (mecca in particular) for safety. the kaaba has the dimensions of the ha-kodesh in the temple of solomon and we used to circumambulate it 7 times counter clockwise which still continues around the kaaba, 7) the prophet gave his genealogy up to adnan and said anyone who extends it beyond adnan is wrong. there is an authentic hadith about this, 8) the prophet never said he was a descendant of ishmael, 8) the quran only has 'O children of israel' and never says 'O jews' when it is reminding them of numerous favors bestowed on them and yet how they disobeyed G-D rather than being thankful and humble. it mentions jews who considered ezra to be divine. these were in medina, not mecca and were arab converts to sadduceanism but made ezra divine similar to the arab converts of najran who made jesus divine and with whom they interacted, 9) there were no trade treaties or any other treaties between the quraish and any jewish tribe, whether medina or otherwise, even though the caravans of the quraish passed through medina to syria. the quraish kept to themselves. they had a meeting house, sanhedrin and followed the zadokite calendar, 10) there is no zadokistan in arabia now. mecca before and during the time of the prophet could be called "zadokistan". 11) after conquest of jerusalem by caliph umar we moved to jerusalem but were expelled in '48. some families live in west bank and east jerusalem together with the muslims, who we consider to be our brethren rather than any other religious group, because we follow the quran like they do, however, we fast for 40 days like moses rather than 30 days, keep sabbath, have 6 daily prayers, have to wear black turban around a white turban cap, wear priestly undergarments (which the prophet also used to wear but is not necessary for muslims though they can if they want) and wear a white shawl, also worn by the prophet and his companions, over the turban and have the seal of solomon on our door posts (the families in israel keep them inside because of its association with the state) as well as have to wear it inside our clothes to keep our connection with our ancestors.

  • @biffphuddle6581
    @biffphuddle6581 6 месяцев назад +3

    It is a sign of divine and earthly natures powers in balance and harmony for the good of life . As above so below and predates the joo. Probable occult symbol of worship in Egypt or India.

  • @khuramhussain7162
    @khuramhussain7162 5 месяцев назад

    Kudos to Morocco for sticking with the symbol on their flag.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  5 месяцев назад

      Yes indeed. And what a beautiful flag it is!

  • @robertanderson3905
    @robertanderson3905 6 месяцев назад +2

    loud and clear

  • @heatherkoutny2620
    @heatherkoutny2620 6 месяцев назад +2

    There is another, the pentagram.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +1

      There are many. The pentagram didn’t really have one movement assimilate it into their own possession and create a whole narrative around its exclusivity to them.
      Thank you for sharing.

  • @aliahmed-kv5nt
    @aliahmed-kv5nt 6 месяцев назад

    educational finding you. thank you

  • @renesoucy3444
    @renesoucy3444 6 месяцев назад +2

    They taught mathematics was the language of God, it comes from much deeper than you think, even the Egyptians knew the famous 3-6-9 and all of the Cabalistic science of Gematria is old superstitious stuff.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад

      That’s a great point I never thought about. Thanks so much for the insight and I’ll definitely take a look at your explanation.
      Thanks so much for watching and your feedback.

  • @donaldlococo954
    @donaldlococo954 6 месяцев назад

    There is a hole in your theory. You stated that a Christian king granted the use of the hexagram as a symbol of Jews in his kingdom and they used it. Was it imposed in the 14th C or the 20th? Either your theory is not fully developed or you forgot this detail.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +3

      Hi Donald. And thank for watching and your questioning. True I said that a flag with a hexagram was approved as a flag for the Jews of Prague. That was indeed in the 14th century. My point is that all cultures that had used the hexagram have a right to it. No one culture should claim it necessarily as rightfully and exclusively theirs as did the Zionists. And fabricated while narrative to suit a much larger purpose.That’s my point. Hope this clarifies.

  • @Pascal9004
    @Pascal9004 6 месяцев назад +1

    How unfortunate that you don't reveal your sources and keep everything vague.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад

      The purpose is not to be vague but concise in the length of the video. It’s a perspective that triggers thought and discussion. And beyond that, further exploration by whomever is enticed by the topic towards their own path to discover, whether concluded in agreement or not.
      Thank you for watching though and I really appreciate your time.

    • @Pascal9004
      @Pascal9004 6 месяцев назад

      @@tareqkandari7277 I see a lot of work has gone into the video and appreciate the effort, but I think it would be more effective if you showed us the sources of the information. Otherwise, this becomes a really thoughtful and professional looking revisionist, anti-Israel propaganda. I have no problem with accepting the truth if it was indeed "stolen" if you cited the sources.

  • @tonyrock7375
    @tonyrock7375 6 месяцев назад +1

    great video, regards from sweden

  • @kishfoo
    @kishfoo 6 месяцев назад

    I believe that this segulot symbol, the hexagram, represents genetic diversity, a universal symbol showing genetic lineage from all races. It could have been copied or created independently by different civilizations and cultures who believe themselves holding what they consider to be the perfect and ideal human. That's why it shows up in multi-ethnic societies?

  • @user-jd7yg8bz6j
    @user-jd7yg8bz6j 6 месяцев назад +8

    That's what they did to the real Jews stole their religion

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +4

      Agreed fully. You know before Zionism in the Middle East, Arab Jews were a great part of the region’s society and culture. Such a shame that so Zionism brought about the destruction of such a beautiful existence.
      Thank you so much for sharing and watching.

    • @orenmizrahi6528
      @orenmizrahi6528 6 месяцев назад

      רצחתם אנסתם גנבתם שרפתם מכרתם אותנו לעבדות אותנו 2000 שנה, עכשיו כשברוב רחמיו של הבורא יתברך חזרנו לארצנו. נשרפות לכם העיניים, אתם לא יכולים לסבול את זה.
      אנחנו מקימים 613 מצוות כל מצווה מאות הלכות. בשבת אנחנו כמו מלאכים. מחשבה דיבור ומעשה 24 /7 .. הבורא מצווה אותנו, קדושים תהיו כי קדוש אני.
      אני יודע שזאת צפרדע שקשה לכם לבלוע.
      לכן אתם תבואו באחרית הימים על גבולינו לבדוק עם מי נמצא הבורא.
      כשיגיע הזמן אתם תדעו.
      כשסנחריב בא על ירושלים בכלל לא היה למלך חזקיה צבא. כולם למדו תורה.... הלך לישון.
      כשהתעורר בבוקר כל צבא סנחריב היה מת. וזה מתועד היסטורית בבל.

  • @TheRoundandround
    @TheRoundandround 6 месяцев назад +1


    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад

      My voice is strong and my breath is long.
      Appreciate your support greatly.

  • @sablechicken
    @sablechicken 6 месяцев назад

    Great video, It really makes one think.
    Just recently the state flag of Minnesota has been changed. My reaction of sadness and disappointment is the same as many others about it. I feel like there is an erasing of history with the change.
    It would have made more sense for Israel to use the symbol of the menorah on the flag. But from my studies on the situation, lots of orthodox Jews are against the formation of the National state of Israel. And I am finding our that two thirds of the new residents are Atheists, maybe they should have used the atomic /whirl symbol instead. But that would really wake up the Christian Zionists and Israel would lose all their Christian support.

  • @openmindedone
    @openmindedone 6 месяцев назад +1

    There are no symbols in Islam so I find this Information hard to digest

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад

      Not sure Islam was brought up in this video from a point of view that Islam had symbols. Islamic geometry has nothing to do with the religion, only the fact that it was developed greatly during the caliphate times. But you are indeed correct, no symbols in the Islamic faith. Thank you for sharing.

  • @edrevill
    @edrevill 6 месяцев назад

    "I can not think of any symbols that have had such a significant impact.... maybe one other?" 😂😂😂

  • @GennadiyMukha-hg2pn
    @GennadiyMukha-hg2pn 6 месяцев назад

    Good job,very interesting video

  • @eytanbasch2980
    @eytanbasch2980 5 месяцев назад

    I'm jewish. As the most prominent Middle Eastern community in Europe it made sense we became associated w the hexagram there. It also makes sense the zionist movement adopted this flag after centuries of identification w it (exclusively in a 1k mile radius). There is no exclusivity to its use, and the fact that other cultures have it too (like in India or Marocco for a while) makes no difference. It wasn't stolen, as usual, you and your teacher let their hatred get the best of them as this video clearly shows. And our culture has a 3k year old multigeographic uniqueness, i cant imagine a universe where there would be something to "steal" from others (arabs have their own beautiful culture which doesn't bother anyone unless they preach violence). There is cross polination of cultures (which is great imo) such as Israeli food which is the fusion of arab and European cuisines (among a bunch of others) which created the shnitzel in a pita and yes we agree on the greatness of hummus. Peace.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  5 месяцев назад

      Hi Eytan. Thank you for your great input and openness.. Overall, I don't disagree with you but there are a couple of points I would like to highlight. Your statement about cross pollination of culture is a wonderful and very accurate representation of past, present and future. It's the way of the world.
      The first point I would like to draw attention to is the fact that the application of the hexagram by the Zionist movement was not innocent. Yes the hexagram was identified by the Jewish nation as a symbol of the faith but I challenge the narrative that the Star of David was indeed from antiquity, ie the start of the faith, a symbol for the nation. That symbol was around prior to the founding of the Jewish faith and it was this cross polination you refer to that led to its use by the nation. But when you read Ziionist literature and propoganda, you realise that the approach was different. The symbol starts and end with the Jewish faith and that is my concern.
      The second point I would like to make is about your further commentary about what people consider appropriation of culture, such as the food. Let me remind you that faith has nothing to do with cuisine. In the turn of the 20th century, in the Palestinian Territories at the time, there were approximately 35,000 Jewish Arabs residing in Palestine for many centuries if not Millenia. They most likely had their pita, their hummus, their falafel. It was normal. They were Arabs of that nations, and they were also Jews. Faith didn't come into play. But when we look at the modern fabric of Israel and their ethnicity, they are not the same people. They are immigrants from Europe and elsewhere around the world. Even other Arab or African nations that had nothing to with that specific cuisine. But now it's not only Israeli but represented as a Jewish cuisine.

    • @eytanbasch2980
      @eytanbasch2980 5 месяцев назад

      @tareqkandari7277 Appreciate the response. I agree w the star not being from antiquity. There's a myth of it being in David's shield but not that he created it (its slightly plausible since it was a symbol already in use) I also heard it was used by Bar Kochvah (which would make more sense w the name even). Anyway, the point is, it's adoption had political reasons naturally for the flag of a political entity, but not to "steal" or preclude others from using it. If anything they were playing on the existing jewish identification with it to convince the rest of the jewish community of their goals (which for sure in 1897 was a much bigger concern for the zionists than what symbols others used in MENA) so from that perspective it is innocent since there was no goal of appropriation. On the cuisine point, I think it's a bit convoluted. I grew up in Brazil and a lot of what is Israeli food was called Syrian or Lebanese since they brought it there. But for most jewish people (in say America), it was Israeli jews who introduced them to hummus and that's how it became associated as such. Again, nobody ever claimed jews invented falafel. But, at the same time it is Israeli food, and Syrian, and Lebanese and Egyptian (if you like Fava beans yuk). I don't see any attack on a culture just shunning of one.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  5 месяцев назад

      @@eytanbasch2980 You again make great points in this argument. But I think you are approaching the detail points in a vacuum of Israel and mainly Zionist behaviour over the ages. Dont forget, Zionists claim there were no people in the Palestinian Territories, no such thing as Palestinians. Actually my upcoming video speaks to this narrative over the past 150 years but from the own words of Zionists. The wiping out of a culture is part of a clear cut strategy. The symbol/hexagram is a glorified topic representative of a much bigger strategy if you know what I mean. By the way, I love Fava beans. Hehe.

    • @eytanbasch2980
      @eytanbasch2980 5 месяцев назад

      @tareqkandari7277 clearly we won't agree on everything (especially on Fava beans). I don't deny the early zionists position that rejects Palestinians as a nation (considering them as arabs), but I don't think anyone denied people lived in the area. You have to understand, they were advocating for a state under the circumstances that the times required, and its important to look at other states created at the time. Most zionists today believe Palestinian nationhood was successfully created in the 60s, and stopped denying its existence (after realizing it helped their own cause demographically too). I haven't the research w quotes, but I'd be happy to discuss based on my point of view.

  • @zandanshah
    @zandanshah 6 месяцев назад +1

    Very well done.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад

      Thank you so much. Really appreciate it. 🙏🏼

  • @dianaw4827
    @dianaw4827 6 месяцев назад

    The Khazars didn't just steal a symbol, they stole the entire identity of the original African Israelites and much, much more.

  • @GeneralKato
    @GeneralKato 6 месяцев назад

    It’s the Star of Remphan, a symbol of an evil spirit, across time for they don’t die. He has many names through time also.
    Believe what thou wilt.

  • @jenathent4840
    @jenathent4840 6 месяцев назад +1

    This star goes back to the Hindu god murukan. This god was the god of war. Wonder why the Catholic Church gave them this symbol ?

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад

      Another iteration of the same symbol! Thank you for proving my point that this symbol belongs to no one.

  • @IronFromNW
    @IronFromNW 6 месяцев назад +11

    *Thank you for telling the truth about this not many people talk about this or even know about this history. And good on you for talking about how us Arabs were at fault for allowing our own sentiment to defend our heritage. And glad to see more content out there against Zionism and its absolute cruelty.*

    • @robertmitchell8630
      @robertmitchell8630 6 месяцев назад

      Sounds identical to Christianity plagerizing from Zoroastrian Buddhist etc
      Same as Muslims poped up claiming the black box was built by Abraham etc
      Islam simply plagerized from the plagerisers

    • @shbyshby
      @shbyshby 6 месяцев назад

      לא אמת, זה סמל של האלה לקשמי - 5 אלף שנה לפני מוחמד

    • @Em29273
      @Em29273 6 месяцев назад

      So the attack that happend today isn’t a Arabs fault?

  • @aliskandari
    @aliskandari 6 месяцев назад

    Indeed, six pointed stars were used in Islamic art as far as Volga Bulgaria in the middle ages. As well as six petals flower (which is a solar symbol). And Bukharian jews used a lot of swastikas in their decorations.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад

      Wonderful data Ali, that is excellent detail to the history of the hexagram from an Islamic point of view. Thanks so much for sharing.

  • @MrSparkums
    @MrSparkums 6 месяцев назад +2

    Great video, but if you dig deep enough into it you will find it is associated with the planet Saturn, just like the swastika..

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад

      Could be. But rest assured that there are many more that reflect the beliefs of others cultures. Thank you for sharing though. 🙏🏼.

    • @christophgriener9852
      @christophgriener9852 6 месяцев назад

      The Swastika is connected with the sun. Was there a time, when Saturn was a sun?

  • @the180degreerule3
    @the180degreerule3 2 месяца назад

    I would love to see an episode about how zionism didn't only cost palestinians their lives but also jews who never had the same experience european jews had and now detached from their original homelands because of zionism.
    it did destroy a lot of lives

  • @rafaelvilas4230
    @rafaelvilas4230 6 месяцев назад

    This is a symbol to envoke demons... salomons was the great summoner ever

  • @ia1530
    @ia1530 6 месяцев назад +1

    What is your evidence for “…the period of the deportation of the [j]ews in Persia…?” What do you know about the Jews in the Neo-Babylonian period, and how things turned out for them?

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  6 месяцев назад +1

      The timelines of your questions are quite different. Unless I am understanding you incorrectly. Which deportation of Jews from Persia are you referring to?
      As for the Jews during the Neo Babylonian period, that I am able to say I don’t know much.

  • @iambored2006
    @iambored2006 6 месяцев назад +2

    If we want to talk about cultural appropriation, why don't we start with how Christianity and Islam appropriated just about everything Jewish?
    Our prophets, our stories, our values, our God.
    Want us to give up the Star of David? Give up Islam. Then we'll talk.

  • @enkaiscott
    @enkaiscott 4 месяца назад +1

    Very good presentation. However, thousands of bone boxes dating back before Jesus have been found in Israel and Palestine with the symbol on it. These bone boxes are the whited sepulchers Jesus uses as an analogy to insult the Pharisees. It is these noblemen and Priests who used to dry the body and place the bones into these boxes. Decorative motifs often included geometric patterns, the seal of Solomon was one. This does not mean the modern-day usage is not as you say, but it does mean the ancient use of this symbol by the Jews is assured.

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  4 месяца назад +1

      Hi Enkai. That is some great findings you have about the boxes found. Do you have the source for this discovery as I would be very curious about.
      The idea that Jews didn't have an association with the hexagram is not a statement that is made in the video. The notion that the hexagram is a "Jewish" symbol first and foremost is what the video contends. And the narrative that is associated with it in telling a revisionist history that feeds into the Zionist movement.

  • @swee_j
    @swee_j 2 месяца назад

    the images flash by too fast, please show them a little longer :)

    • @tareqkandari7277
      @tareqkandari7277  2 месяца назад

      Sorry about that Sweet_j. Will make sure images remain a touch longer. Thank you for your constructive criticism.

  • @we7shewe7she67
    @we7shewe7she67 6 месяцев назад +1

    very interesting video 👍

  • @fairuzmaileen5691
    @fairuzmaileen5691 6 месяцев назад


  • @georgiosmastoras2079
    @georgiosmastoras2079 6 месяцев назад

    Don’t forget the crescent moon and star the Symbol of the goddess Εκατη and symbol of Byzantium or will Muslims be offended ?