This was incredible. As someone who grew up in DeKalb, this really touched home. I 100% would have believed this woman was born, raised, and worked at an elementary school here. To say she nailed the role would be an understatement. Even the actor that portrayed the shooter here did such an outstanding job. Better acting than I've seen in any blockbuster in years.
Totally agree! I used to go to Chapel Hill when it was k-7th and SWD. Well done but so, so sad! It was a different time when I was in school. At most , we’d have drugs or a fight but nothing like kids have to cope with now!
The first thing I noticed that immediately set him apart from your typical shooter is how he seemed to not want to hurt anyone. Him telling that man to leave was surprising because usually their goal is a high body count. Once it was confirmed he didn't hurt anyone by the time he gave up I was pretty much ready to forgive him and by end I just felt straight up sorry for him. I think what it showed it that while he was trying to become a monster as a way to exit the world, he really wasn't one which is why being receptive to her kind words and giving up came rather quickly for him. So happy I stumbled across this. Really well done.
@@ohshucks7156 I'm not sure I follow what you are saying. Short films have shown death before. The length doesn't have anything to do with it. If anything if they wanted to show he killed someone they could've just implied it off screen or had the dispatcher say he's he killed a few cops.
@SpaceHippo420 She knew that he was mentally unstable and needed help. She was proud of the fact that he came to his senses enough to not hurt anyone. You may not know someone personally, but you can be proud of them when they do something good and/or something hard. I'm proud of the receptionist who held herself together during a terrifying situation and saw the scared, lonely, unsteady human being underneath his intimidation tactics.
All schools need a Silent Alarm System. You can notify cops without telling anyone. With the risk of school shootings, this should be top priority Edit: I dont wanna be that guy so I am not gonna be that guy even tho I wanna be that guy but I'm not gonna be that guy because I'm not that guy
We had a full-time liaison officer who doubled as hall monitor. One of my teachers also kept a gun on him (controversial, sure, but comforting). Not to mention a number of level minded adults who could look you in the eye and see the motivation in your soul. No hiding. Felt like the iron dome with them around lol
I was holding my breath through the whole the end when she was breaking down I got the sense she was not weeping for herself but for the boy and the whole situation. The mental health issues in America are real...
Bullying plays a HUGE part in this. Please teach and emphasize to your kids that bullying is not ok! I was bullied as a kid a lot and harrased everyday.
Everyone is lauding the brave and compassionate woman, but the kid who almost became a killer that day doesn’t get enough recognition! He was able to control his impulses and stop himself from hurting people that day. He was strikingly self aware throughout the whole ordeal and recognized he was mentally unstable and that he needed to get to a hospital. Mental illness is the real culprit here, and I wish nothing more than for that poor kid to get the help he needs and deserves.
I've been saying mental health needs to be address since 2009. It's getting worse. I'm telling you, all governments care about is money, greed, and guns. They dont care about mental health.
I have no idea how I came across this... But I was intrigued. Very well done! Both of them acted great! My son loves making short movies. The amount of work it takes is insane. Kudos!
@@MutMaster500 I know it feels empowering to say that, but I'm just a kid, nothing I can actually do. I don't live in America either. I'd love to help, it's not physically possible though.
@@Michael-hc8bh Nope, I'm a Christian. Never said God shouldn't be in schools. Jesus can help, but I mean places like mental health care, other specialist humans.
This video is almost word for word as the events unfolded in real life when Antionette Tuff, the Receptionist at this school spoke with and calmly negotiated with the shooter. Its incredible. What a brave brave woman. The woman who reenacted the incident was also amazing as was the young shooter. Both the characters also look incredibly like the actual people involved.
Given this was an actual phone call from the school receptionist about the young gunman and that it happened in one room in reality. The dialogue is word for word what was actually spoken between the two participants . Agree very well done
Remember this is based of a real shooting in Atlanta, Georgia. The character who talked with the shooter in this was based off of 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐮𝐟𝐟. She's a Crisis Resolution Expert, and a true hero who deserves to be recognized. Because of what she did in the school, every student, every teacher, every staff and faculty were able to go home that day, their lives saved by her acts of heroism and empathy.
@@JerseyDevilJerseyGirl yeah they say nothing or very little if they're too far gone off the deep end they just unload on anyone very sick and very sad.
*Amazing that countless short films like this on RUclips are better than 99% of multi-million dollar movies coming out of professional Hollywood producers*
This is what happens when you let your society decay, ♀ breeding poorly and breaking up the nuclear family, social and familial cohesion dissolves, community dissolves, don't hold people to limitations, expectations and standards, don't take mental health seriously, allow sexual promiscuity, allow sexual mating disparity, no societal purpose etc etc. 🤷
I am grateful that Ms. Tuff was there that day. I am super grateful that the young man who entered that school wasn't too far gone beyond reason. That day could've ended much differently.
This is a FILM, it is not real lol. It just gives people the idea of how these situations actually go down. But most of the times, the shooters don't actually care about people. I personally do not think this film is realistic, if you compare it to real life events.
This was such a brilliant short film. The intensity as soon as the shooter walked in was like a pressure cooker that didn’t let up until the police finally barged in. The script was very simple and the characters were one dimensional until the phones started ringing. this made it even more relatable and realistic thinking about how worried sick their families must be. I love how they didn’t need to display and violence or brutality to get the point across just how traumatic and damaging this can be. We got the good ending this time, but your imagination is left haunting you with what “could have been.”
Wow! I have never watched anything on a school shooting and hoped nothing happened to the shooter until today. It definitely puts a whole different perspective on things
Hi i dont mean to interrupt ur business but if i see this comment: Prayers for residents of Apalachee and the rest of Georgia. 4 souls have sadly perished from the face of the Earth. Lord have mercy on us all 🙏
Heavenly Father, l pray for the survivors and families of the Apalachee shooting, that You give them the strength to go through the healing process. Comfort them heavenly Father and allow them to have peace in their souls as they go through the pain of loosing love ones, and I ask this in Jesus's name amen. The Bowtie Professor!
wow, for a fshort film she is a great actor, the fact that she tried to relate to the victim, also said I care for you was the most touching words, I love you. helped him to give up, alot of people have so much hatred that the world shows them, never feeling love. nice short clip tbh
You can tell deep down he is a person just like the rest of us and does have kindness and is caring, His mind is just so destroyed from society and scared with the world it controls him to a point where he can’t control it
Wow! Didnt expect to watch this. Up it popped. Fabulous acting. Great drama. I was gripped all the way. The message was clear..if there was one. Everybody hurts sometimes. The compassion the beautiful lady showed was uplifting. Despite her fear She understood in some way. The guy was unwell. Confused. Striking out! The location of the film was quite disturbing at first. I doubted id watch it all but i did. WOW!
Sometimes a smile, a bit of kindness can make a world of difference. He was able to reciprocate the love and calm she gave him. Beautiful story of love and the hurt people go thru.
this hit me really hard. The moment they had him under arrest and she started to cry I could not help but to break down into tears. this was incredibly well done. I have never watched something and been taken over by such profound emotions… wow.
This was so very perfectly portrayed----and the need for more mental health help comes over more than anything. Beautiful acting--very, very real. Lynn in NYC
_"911 we're on our way."_ *_In the meantime_* *bang bang bang bang bang* _"When _*_seconds_*_ count, the police are _*_minutes_*_ away."_ _"Before all else, be armed."_ - Niccolò Machiavelli
I felt almost every emotion known to man watching this short film. I honestly even shedded a tear for the actor portraying the shooter at the end... very well scripted and directed. Great job.
This REALLY hit home for me. Im a Crisis Mental Healthcare QHP/Clinician and we just had a 12 year old bring a loaded hand gun to school because the child was being bullied by a group of teenagers. They called him names, would steal money from his pockets, push him around, and make fun of him in front of other schoolmates. This child said they were only going to scare them with the gun and they never planned to actually use it! However the gun was fully loaded along with 2 full magazines in his backpack and a box of extra ammo. That doesn't sound to me like someone who planned to just scare some kids. The kid had enough ammo to take out at least a good 175 possibly 200. Thats absolutely mind-blowing to me that that child had access to that much ammunition and that gun.. Thankfully nobody was hurt l. He didn't get the chance to scare anyone with it because he showed a couple friends who told a couple others and eventually the teachers heard and called it in! This case turned out much better than most of my cases Thankfully. Usually, I deal with lots of suicidal, homicidal, schizophrenic episodes, extreme bipolar episodes, + more. The job is VERY rewarding at times and feels SOOO GOOD when your actually able to help someone and you see them make better decisions and better their lives. It's the best feeling in the world especially when they come back or call to say thank you. It's such a rewarding feeling. However its not always like that. I all too often get really sad, depressing, emotionally draining cases where they don't want the help or to change. I watch them spiral out of control to the point of going mentally insane, giving up, and dying!
You lost me on that one. You said his gun was loaded plus 2 other magazines, yet you also say he had to enough to kill up to 200 people. That math ain't adding up.
@yomaxmax6279 the comment said "2 full magazines in his backpack and a box of extra ammo." Assuming the commenter knows what they're talking about, a box means it's not loaded into the magazine. I don't know if you've loaded a mag before, but it's not exactly quick.
The fact that he only brought one magazine (I'm only 4 minutes in) makes me already blown away with how well they can portray how unprepared he really was
The sad part is a lot of shooters go to those offices looking for help from other abusive students and are met with laughs and a quick fix telling the child ",shh!, no one likes a snitch "
I'm a 35 year old man. Raised on tough love. Never cried about anything in my life, except when my dog died as a kid. When she told him "I dont know your name or nothing, but i want you to know that i love you. And im proud of you." I absofuckinglutely lost it. That shit was powerful as fuck.
This is based nearly verbatim on an actual shooting in Decatur, Georgia just outside Atlanta in 2013 so accurately it might as well be a dramatic re-enactment. Actors even look identical to real life counterparts. Antoinette Tuff talked down Brandon Hill into surrendering. Despite brief exchange of gunfire between Hill and police as shown here, nobody was injured. Police response was also lightning fast, again, as shown here. Tuff and two other staffers trained in crisis resolution extensively and initially thought the whole thing was a drill, which is probably why they were so chill at the start. The words of love and encouragement she said are recorded in the conversation she had with the dispatcher. Shut up, I'm not crying, you're crying.
I watched this in theater when it was nominated for an Oscar Award, showing the short film nominations in an Art Theater. I remember feeling the intensity. the feeling of panic, feeling on edge, and feeling the fear of death coming before you even realize.
It's pretty accurate. Here are exact quotes from a CNN article about the real life incident: "By the end - with police themselves having never directly talked to him - Tuff and the gunman were talking about where he would put his weapon, how he’d empty his pockets and where he’d lie down before authorities could get him. “It’s going to be all right, sweetie,” she tells Hill at one point in the call. “I just want you to know I love you, though, OK? And I’m proud of you. That’s a good thing that you’re just giving up and don’t worry about it. We all go through something in life.” Tuff then let the gunman know that she’d been down before herself, but she’d picked herself up. He could, too. “I thought the same thing, you know, I tried to commit suicide last year after my husband left me,” she said. “But look at me now. I’m still working and everything is OK.”
Powerful imagery, powerful acting, powerful message! This film was so reminiscent of what globally renound director from Iran Abbas Rostami would have made the film look like! Bravo!
Very well done. This film has taught me to stay true to who i am, that im proud of who i am. When i see news stories, i find myself to be the literal only comment mentioning how hard it is to be human, how complex it is, that no criminal willingly chooses darkness. I tend to no longer read replies since it's usually just jerks accusing me of condoning violence or sympathizing with the criminals. ❤
Having empathy isn't the issue. It is the people that dismiss the extra reason that usually the tragedies end so big...which is that the killer does not carry a knife.
As someone that once thought that violence was the only way out, I can relate to the boy. If you have violent thoughts seek help and especially God. Amen.
This was amazing. I clicked on this expecting it to be misinformation about how the gun is the whole problem and not how the mental health of the shooter was. This short film filled me with emotions I didn't expect to feel over something like this. The actors of the receptionist and the shooter did a phenomenal job. TLDR, this was so good it made me spell butiful right.
I'm not sure what you are referring to. The weapon/prop used here looks and operates like any AK-47 that you will see. The time stamp you give did not even show the manipulation of the bolt/carrier group, but the sound was that of a typical AK as far as one can tell.
@@DocFixit32he's referring to the fact that he racks the bolt multiple times. Could very well also be attributed to the fact that not all of the dudes mental faculties are there.
That was gripping. Very well done. Terrific performances. I was not inclined to watch something dramatic right now, yet somehow I found myself reading closing credits. Impressive and relevant. Keep on making.
I was born in DeKalb and live right nextdoor now, i really love that it fits the area makes it realistic. And with the real shooting we just had not far away... Its sad. My heart goes out to the people who are just crying out for help, he didnt want to hurt anyone he was just having a hard time i wanted to give him a hug 😭 theres a difference between the people who are evil, and people who just want to be noticed and who are aware enough to not do anything too serious.
i really hope people don't mistake this for sympathizing with school shooters. it's sympathizing with the mentally ill, and how powerful it is on your brain to the point where it corrupts you and makes you lash out and do extremely horrible things. sometimes people just need a person to talk to.
This woman deserves to be in Hollywood, she nailed her role
@@DaveandDebepls b quiet
@@DaveandDebe shut up your child in that play did worse than this woman
@@DaveandDebesomeone's jealous or doesn't have anything better to do in life
@@DaveandDebe the acting wasn't even bad bro what are you yapping about
@@Sarahsworld-v that's really rude, everyone has their own opinion why can't you accept the truth of sucking
This was incredible. As someone who grew up in DeKalb, this really touched home. I 100% would have believed this woman was born, raised, and worked at an elementary school here. To say she nailed the role would be an understatement. Even the actor that portrayed the shooter here did such an outstanding job. Better acting than I've seen in any blockbuster in years.
I agree. I lived in Dekalb for a lot of my life, and this hit me hard
Totally agree! I used to go to Chapel Hill when it was k-7th and SWD. Well done but so, so sad! It was a different time when I was in school. At most , we’d have drugs or a fight but nothing like kids have to cope with now!
is this based on dekalb illinois?
Bro I was raised in Sycamore IL city next to dekalb only shooting I know of is niu 08 :(
@@kyleshuman6817 Different DeKalb.
The first thing I noticed that immediately set him apart from your typical shooter is how he seemed to not want to hurt anyone. Him telling that man to leave was surprising because usually their goal is a high body count. Once it was confirmed he didn't hurt anyone by the time he gave up I was pretty much ready to forgive him and by end I just felt straight up sorry for him. I think what it showed it that while he was trying to become a monster as a way to exit the world, he really wasn't one which is why being receptive to her kind words and giving up came rather quickly for him. So happy I stumbled across this. Really well done.
Its a short film did u expect a body
@@ohshucks7156 I'm not sure I follow what you are saying. Short films have shown death before. The length doesn't have anything to do with it. If anything if they wanted to show he killed someone they could've just implied it off screen or had the dispatcher say he's he killed a few cops.
Me too
@@ohshucks7156 dumb comment
Watch White Rabbit 2013 and thank me later
"I don't know your name or nothin, but I want you to know that I love you and that I'm proud of you," that fucking line killed me.
@SpaceHippo420 She knew that he was mentally unstable and needed help. She was proud of the fact that he came to his senses enough to not hurt anyone. You may not know someone personally, but you can be proud of them when they do something good and/or something hard. I'm proud of the receptionist who held herself together during a terrifying situation and saw the scared, lonely, unsteady human being underneath his intimidation tactics.
Drama queen
I know that line hit hard af
Big same
@mariokartmasta5000 It's an absolutely terrifying place to be. I wasn't in a school shooting, but I have been chased while being shot at.
The last "sorry" was for her. I felt it.
@@simonacland9028 "I felt it" 🤣,, 🤡
absolutely, he was too ashamed to look at her
@@636ari you should be ashamed of your comment 😂
All schools need a Silent Alarm System. You can notify cops without telling anyone. With the risk of school shootings, this should be top priority
Edit: I dont wanna be that guy so I am not gonna be that guy even tho I wanna be that guy but I'm not gonna be that guy because I'm not that guy
Definitely 😢
This just goes to show you,that they dont give a fuc about us normal people. Such a disgrace
We had a full-time liaison officer who doubled as hall monitor.
One of my teachers also kept a gun on him (controversial, sure, but comforting).
Not to mention a number of level minded adults who could look you in the eye and see the motivation in your soul. No hiding.
Felt like the iron dome with them around lol
My school has this
@@Ameliaadair-xt9cu u are lucky
Caseoh done had enough of the fat jokes
Here before this comment is famous
Bro 😭
bro got me shitting im laughing so hard
Not me dying
The receptionist was brilliant! She won his trust by convincing him to come back inside
Its a movie
I was holding my breath through the whole the end when she was breaking down I got the sense she was not weeping for herself but for the boy and the whole situation. The mental health issues in America are real...
I was also. It's as if I was there on scene instead of watching the video. I was hoping he didn't shoot her and happy that's how it ended.
@@carolemerle9995trump is a killer !
The guns aint the problem, it's the mental health of americans.
@@TakenWasTakenYT It's both.
A guy with a knife can't take out nearly as many people as a guy with an automatic rifle case.
Mental health is real. Please do not ignore it.
@clutchtucker It’s something that needs to be said. People ignore mental health and this stuff happens for real.
And here come all the ignorant anti-gun nuts who know nothing about gun laws or firearms
@@JAy-ct2bu Yup
I'm a licensed gun owner myself here in the Philippines.
mental health is the result of your looks
imagine if makeup was banned
vvomen would go on a rampage
What incredible acting, this seriously deserves that Oscar. Havent seen such a gripping Film in quite a while..
Bullying plays a HUGE part in this. Please teach and emphasize to your kids that bullying is not ok! I was bullied as a kid a lot and harrased everyday.
It leaves huge scars on oneself, hope you heal from it🙏
Yes but bullying shouldn't be a reason a person can shoot up innocent 7 year olds
@b.b.B_ true it shouldn't be but unfortunately this is reality.
@@b.b.B_Its mostly mental issues, but bullying is a big part of it.
bullying is a vital part of our ecosystem and teaches kids to be resilient
I can see why it won an award. Man it was so touching. I literally cried at the end
did you literally cry or just cry?
I cannot imagine the compassion and strength that was portrayed here - thank you Reed Van Dyk, for this amazing piece
Everyone is lauding the brave and compassionate woman, but the kid who almost became a killer that day doesn’t get enough recognition! He was able to control his impulses and stop himself from hurting people that day. He was strikingly self aware throughout the whole ordeal and recognized he was mentally unstable and that he needed to get to a hospital. Mental illness is the real culprit here, and I wish nothing more than for that poor kid to get the help he needs and deserves.
Well said.
I've been saying mental health needs to be address since 2009. It's getting worse. I'm telling you, all governments care about is money, greed, and guns. They dont care about mental health.
i agree respect ur comment here
This wasn’t real you guys.
@@GuessWhatChickenBut This is word for word a re-creation of an actual 911 call of an actual school shooting. This is as real as you eating breakfast.
2:02 bro said “what is this?” like if it was a surprise party 😭😭
it was
Thought they were throwing a birthday party with a gun at a school or sum 😭🙏
Dude looks like the type that would do something like this in real life. I would be worried about this guy in real life
@@Damien_Priest Dude, it's acting. What the heck did you get from this role that would make you actually think this lol
@@Chronorust right? Plus he was calm about it, and trying to be a peacemaker.
I have no idea how I came across this... But I was intrigued. Very well done! Both of them acted great! My son loves making short movies. The amount of work it takes is insane. Kudos!
Just saw this today after the Georgia high school incident today, how cruel this world is
It is a battleground...sooo many do not realize it.
There was one on Friday too. In Maryland
@@aestheticperson4875 yeah I heard of it
Doesn’t happen in Canada
Someone help these people. Like genuinely, these people aren't okay and they need the support and help they need. Very good film.
You say...
So easy telling other people to do things. Why not take the initiative on something you want to be done
Only one who can help is Jesus. But y'all wanted to God gone from all schools. This is what happens!
@@MutMaster500 I know it feels empowering to say that, but I'm just a kid, nothing I can actually do. I don't live in America either. I'd love to help, it's not physically possible though.
@@Michael-hc8bh Nope, I'm a Christian. Never said God shouldn't be in schools. Jesus can help, but I mean places like mental health care, other specialist humans.
This video is almost word for word as the events unfolded in real life when Antionette Tuff, the Receptionist at this school spoke with and calmly negotiated with the shooter. Its incredible. What a brave brave woman. The woman who reenacted the incident was also amazing as was the young shooter. Both the characters also look incredibly like the actual people involved.
The filming and the story were perfectly told, this was very well put together especially use of only one room
Given this was an actual phone call from the school receptionist about the young gunman and that it happened in one room in reality. The dialogue is word for word what was actually spoken between the two participants . Agree very well done
Its amazing how far u get with a little bit of humanity.
Remember this is based of a real shooting in Atlanta, Georgia. The character who talked with the shooter in this was based off of 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐮𝐟𝐟. She's a Crisis Resolution Expert, and a true hero who deserves to be recognized. Because of what she did in the school, every student, every teacher, every staff and faculty were able to go home that day, their lives saved by her acts of heroism and empathy.
wait, seriously? damn
props to her
Thanks for the info. Super sad stuff.
I'm actually not too far from DeKalb county i haven't watched local news in forever but I'm surprised I hadn't heard about this 😮
I saw an interview with her about the situation.. It's on RUclips somewhere..
Note: this whole time I could tell the boy was having second thoughts
Yep-bc they just start blasting when they’ve really made their mind up
@@JerseyDevilJerseyGirl yeah they say nothing or very little if they're too far gone off the deep end they just unload on anyone very sick and very sad.
Why do you call him white???
@@GardenGuy1942 ?
Because this is what these people do
He was brave enough to listen to his gut. Respect
*Amazing that countless short films like this on RUclips are better than 99% of multi-million dollar movies coming out of professional Hollywood producers*
No kid should ever go through this.
I almost had to go through but the cops stopped it
Sure for it? The finnish 12 yr old kid on April 2nd 2024 just got through it.
No one should
This is what happens when you let your society decay, ♀ breeding poorly and breaking up the nuclear family, social and familial cohesion dissolves, community dissolves, don't hold people to limitations, expectations and standards, don't take mental health seriously, allow sexual promiscuity, allow sexual mating disparity, no societal purpose etc etc.
Thanks, Great Video and great Production! This felt real
@@TheKSRQExperience ?
Thank you so much @B737-hh4yk 🤗 Glad you enjoyed the short film!
I give that office worker a lot of credit. She stayed calm and was able to talk the guy down and defuse the situation. Thanks to her no one was hurt.
I am grateful that Ms. Tuff was there that day. I am super grateful that the young man who entered that school wasn't too far gone beyond reason. That day could've ended much differently.
its not real btw
@@jarlefds654 It's based on something very real btw. Antoinette Tuff. Look it up.
@@jarlefds654 Based on real events btw. Look it up.
This is a FILM, it is not real lol.
It just gives people the idea of how these situations actually go down. But most of the times, the shooters don't actually care about people.
I personally do not think this film is realistic, if you compare it to real life events.
@@_barskii This is based on real events. Lol.
Bo Mitchell nailed this role, He reminds me of someone who should be on an episode of Criminal Minds.
He’s also the character named Brucks from Cobra kai that’s what i remembered him from
This was such a brilliant short film. The intensity as soon as the shooter walked in was like a pressure cooker that didn’t let up until the police finally barged in.
The script was very simple and the characters were one dimensional until the phones started ringing. this made it even more relatable and realistic thinking about how worried sick their families must be.
I love how they didn’t need to display and violence or brutality to get the point across just how traumatic and damaging this can be. We got the good ending this time, but your imagination is left haunting you with what “could have been.”
It took me the whole film to realise it was only taken in one room, bravo
@neversoart .......yes, in order to make that determination you would have to watch the entire thing. Don't vote please.
@@Ed_G_Boise lol
goldfish brain
@@THEE05087 fr
I wouldn't have cried over this 10 years ago. Now that I have kids, this really hits home.
That’s part of the problem now. Ppl just got out don’t gaf
So you only care because you have kids now.
@@Krispy.86 no, I cared before but having kids changes your perspective on nearly everything in life
@@Krispy.86Strawman argument, a classic.
This is a hostage situation, not an active shooter situation
Well both technically
he shot within the school thats an active shooter
@@Kuraakka and he also held people hostage
Wow! I have never watched anything on a school shooting and hoped nothing happened to the shooter until today. It definitely puts a whole different perspective on things
The actor and actress was amazing🎉❤
I totally agree.
The special effects however...
@@Ed_G_Boisedawg it’s a short film, I did BTS for a short film it’s nothing like a big movie project.
@@emilioquiroz5704 yeh dawg. Busting for real for real no cap.
Hi i dont mean to interrupt ur business but if i see this comment:
Prayers for residents of Apalachee and the rest of Georgia. 4 souls have sadly perished from the face of the Earth. Lord have mercy on us all 🙏
R.I.P Fly high all who died ever. 🪦🕊️❤
Heavenly Father, l pray for the survivors and families of the Apalachee shooting, that You give them the strength to go through the healing process. Comfort them heavenly Father and allow them to have peace in their souls as they go through the pain of loosing love ones, and I ask this in Jesus's name amen.
The Bowtie Professor!
@@professoryecats1297 amen
wow, for a fshort film she is a great actor, the fact that she tried to relate to the victim, also said I care for you was the most touching words, I love you. helped him to give up, alot of people have so much hatred that the world shows them, never feeling love. nice short clip tbh
poor kid , just needed someone to tell him they care.
Nah, needed to stay on his medication so the intrusive thoughts didn't overwhelm him.
@@bethrains3105 and he needed someone he knows that cares about him????
@@bethrains3105 Meds and willpower isn't enough sometimes. Humans are social creatures
mate this gives no right to murder children what’s ur logic u think everyone without love does this sht
@@agsk1205 are you just looking to argue, Are you a Karen ?
You can tell deep down he is a person just like the rest of us and does have kindness and is caring, His mind is just so destroyed from society and scared with the world it controls him to a point where he can’t control it
Great scenario and outstanding cast! This movie deserves Oscar.
It's more like a Short, but yes
Am I the only one who actually got this on my recommended?
Obviously there were more people that got it. Plenty commented before you. TF? Lol
@@KillerxLavishno need to be rude abt it
Powerful example of how love can defeat fear
Wow! Didnt expect to watch this. Up it popped.
Fabulous acting. Great drama. I was gripped all the way.
The message was clear..if there was one.
Everybody hurts sometimes.
The compassion the beautiful lady showed was uplifting. Despite her fear She understood in some way.
The guy was unwell. Confused. Striking out!
The location of the film was quite disturbing at first. I doubted id watch it all but i did. WOW!
Sometimes a smile, a bit of kindness can make a world of difference. He was able to reciprocate the love and calm she gave him. Beautiful story of love and the hurt people go thru.
this hit me really hard. The moment they had him under arrest and she started to cry I could not help but to break down into tears. this was incredibly well done. I have never watched something and been taken over by such profound emotions… wow.
This was so very perfectly portrayed----and the need for more mental health help comes over more than anything. Beautiful acting--very, very real. Lynn in NYC
not portrayed by the guns it is
This short film was eye opening. Wow… God Bless everybody out there. Mental health matters 🙏🏽
half way through and i am stopping to say... this is VERY well done. all involved. Excellent. Now to finish...
This was such an beautiful movie… i teared up. I felt so bad for the kids, the shooter….
That actress was AMAZING. She bought me to tears at the end. She made it so realistic. Bravo to you madam 👏🏼👏🏼 bravo!
Brooks from cobra Kai never fully recovered from that beating hawk gave him huh
@@reaperofcookiezbro shut uuuuup
Her maintaining the fear deep down was crazy. She had no choice but to help him..
_"911 we're on our way."_
*_In the meantime_*
*bang bang bang bang bang*
_"When _*_seconds_*_ count, the police are _*_minutes_*_ away."_
_"Before all else, be armed."_ - Niccolò Machiavelli
_"Before all else, be hungry."_
*-Nabisco Snackiavelli*
Is that why Tupac acknowledge him ?
@@melancholymoshpit Mr Affable
I felt almost every emotion known to man watching this short film. I honestly even shedded a tear for the actor portraying the shooter at the end... very well scripted and directed. Great job.
This a a powerful video. Brought me to tears. Thank you for making it and sharing it. Everyone involved should be proud of this work.
Love how every one’s so chill
@@caroline_random lol
This REALLY hit home for me. Im a Crisis Mental Healthcare QHP/Clinician and we just had a 12 year old bring a loaded hand gun to school because the child was being bullied by a group of teenagers. They called him names, would steal money from his pockets, push him around, and make fun of him in front of other schoolmates. This child said they were only going to scare them with the gun and they never planned to actually use it! However the gun was fully loaded along with 2 full magazines in his backpack and a box of extra ammo. That doesn't sound to me like someone who planned to just scare some kids. The kid had enough ammo to take out at least a good 175 possibly 200. Thats absolutely mind-blowing to me that that child had access to that much ammunition and that gun.. Thankfully nobody was hurt l. He didn't get the chance to scare anyone with it because he showed a couple friends who told a couple others and eventually the teachers heard and called it in!
This case turned out much better than most of my cases Thankfully. Usually, I deal with lots of suicidal, homicidal, schizophrenic episodes, extreme bipolar episodes, + more.
The job is VERY rewarding at times and feels SOOO GOOD when your actually able to help someone and you see them make better decisions and better their lives. It's the best feeling in the world especially when they come back or call to say thank you. It's such a rewarding feeling.
However its not always like that. I all too often get really sad, depressing, emotionally draining cases where they don't want the help or to change. I watch them spiral out of control to the point of going mentally insane, giving up, and dying!
You lost me on that one. You said his gun was loaded plus 2 other magazines, yet you also say he had to enough to kill up to 200 people. That math ain't adding up.
@yomaxmax6279 a drum mag maybe but that's also betting against the fact that drums suck and usually don't work very well.
@yomaxmax6279 the comment said "2 full magazines in his backpack and a box of extra ammo." Assuming the commenter knows what they're talking about, a box means it's not loaded into the magazine. I don't know if you've loaded a mag before, but it's not exactly quick.
@yomaxmax6279 and what would be your solution for this?
He made my heart beat so hard when he said”tell everybody I’m sorry”
This actor plays the cobra kai bully in the show hahaha
The fact that he only brought one magazine (I'm only 4 minutes in) makes me already blown away with how well they can portray how unprepared he really was
Also it's weird that he only brought 1 magazine clip he really didn't prepare for it
@@Vicc-p5mthat is, in fact, exactly what this commenter said. Verbatim, if you will, of the original comment.
The sad part is a lot of shooters go to those offices looking for help from other abusive students and are met with laughs and a quick fix telling the child ",shh!, no one likes a snitch "
I'm a 35 year old man. Raised on tough love. Never cried about anything in my life, except when my dog died as a kid.
When she told him "I dont know your name or nothing, but i want you to know that i love you. And im proud of you." I absofuckinglutely lost it. That shit was powerful as fuck.
Everyone played their role exceptionally well, and the writing was surprisingly good! All around an excellent short film about a very serious subject
This is based nearly verbatim on an actual shooting in Decatur, Georgia just outside Atlanta in 2013 so accurately it might as well be a dramatic re-enactment. Actors even look identical to real life counterparts. Antoinette Tuff talked down Brandon Hill into surrendering. Despite brief exchange of gunfire between Hill and police as shown here, nobody was injured. Police response was also lightning fast, again, as shown here. Tuff and two other staffers trained in crisis resolution extensively and initially thought the whole thing was a drill, which is probably why they were so chill at the start. The words of love and encouragement she said are recorded in the conversation she had with the dispatcher. Shut up, I'm not crying, you're crying.
Thanks for the info, just read up on it.
Why does he keep cocking his gun every 10 seconds 😂
Probably to show instability, stress, and inexperience.
I love how bros just chill asf
@yomaxmax6279 oh damn
Glad the young man came to his senses and made right decision not to hurt anyone.
Stay strong , aware love your self and your neighbors
WOW. Incredible. No music, no dramatization… just phenomenal.
It’s the guy that was in Cobra Kai💀
Fr bro
He's in this new season, too.
Hes going after Hawk
was it?
Yep, same actor
Those actors are absolutely amazing for their roles.
Awww. When she said "I love you & I'm proud of you." ❤🥺
I broke down crying when he said “I have nobody”😢😭😭
It’s amazing how the receptionist is trying to take care of him even tho he could kill her at any time
I watched this in theater when it was nominated for an Oscar Award, showing the short film nominations in an Art Theater. I remember feeling the intensity. the feeling of panic, feeling on edge, and feeling the fear of death coming before you even realize.
Not him casually pulling out a water bottle and taking a drink🤦🏾♀️
This is not how it goes but close to how to goes
It's pretty accurate. Here are exact quotes from a CNN article about the real life incident:
"By the end - with police themselves having never directly talked to him - Tuff and the gunman were talking about where he would put his weapon, how he’d empty his pockets and where he’d lie down before authorities could get him.
“It’s going to be all right, sweetie,” she tells Hill at one point in the call. “I just want you to know I love you, though, OK? And I’m proud of you. That’s a good thing that you’re just giving up and don’t worry about it. We all go through something in life.”
Tuff then let the gunman know that she’d been down before herself, but she’d picked herself up. He could, too.
“I thought the same thing, you know, I tried to commit suicide last year after my husband left me,” she said. “But look at me now. I’m still working and everything is OK.”
Based on an actual event. So this is how it went, one time.
“I love you & I’m proud of you”
That boy needed to hear that is whole life
DUDE i'm shivering when I was watching this
This was heart wrenching to watch
Powerful imagery, powerful acting, powerful message! This film was so reminiscent of what globally renound director from Iran Abbas Rostami would have made the film look like! Bravo!
Very well done. This film has taught me to stay true to who i am, that im proud of who i am. When i see news stories, i find myself to be the literal only comment mentioning how hard it is to be human, how complex it is, that no criminal willingly chooses darkness. I tend to no longer read replies since it's usually just jerks accusing me of condoning violence or sympathizing with the criminals. ❤
Having empathy isn't the issue.
It is the people that dismiss the extra reason that usually the tragedies end so big...which is that the killer does not carry a knife.
@@Widdekuu91 China's mass stabbings would like to have a word with you.
Why is he actually being chill.
He was being nervous
Would you rather him be a psycho?
@@veghester3204 yes
@@veghester3204 that's more traditional
@@ChickenBakeMan hesitation is a btch
I actually find it surprising that everybody is so calm in such a scary situation
As someone that once thought that violence was the only way out, I can relate to the boy. If you have violent thoughts seek help and especially God. Amen.
Good job for not acting on those feelings! You should be very proud of yourself!! You could be an advocate for a lot of people. ❤
i like the creativity, but how is nominated for oscars 😭
Probably because it's based on a true story
This was amazing. I clicked on this expecting it to be misinformation about how the gun is the whole problem and not how the mental health of the shooter was. This short film filled me with emotions I didn't expect to feel over something like this. The actors of the receptionist and the shooter did a phenomenal job. TLDR, this was so good it made me spell butiful right.
What an amazing courageous God fearing receptionist. She deserves a medal 🏅 👏 if this was real life.
It’s based on a true story, and the lady was a real person ms tuff.
Well it is real life
2:12 apparently, he bought the bolt-action AK.
could be an off-brand ripoff 😂🤣
I was like, why did he chamber a round?
I'm not sure what you are referring to. The weapon/prop used here looks and operates like any AK-47 that you will see. The time stamp you give did not even show the manipulation of the bolt/carrier group, but the sound was that of a typical AK as far as one can tell.
I know I was waiting on this comment. I heard him cock it two times and nearly died laughing
@@DocFixit32he's referring to the fact that he racks the bolt multiple times. Could very well also be attributed to the fact that not all of the dudes mental faculties are there.
WOW. What an outstanding performance by both.
The tension was unbeatable. Great, great job!
Regards from Germany.
This was an absolute masterpiece. May people out there take care of guys like this man and stop the bullying. I HATE BULLIES
That was gripping. Very well done. Terrific performances. I was not inclined to watch something dramatic right now, yet somehow I found myself reading closing credits. Impressive and relevant. Keep on making.
im gripping rn
I was born in DeKalb and live right nextdoor now, i really love that it fits the area makes it realistic. And with the real shooting we just had not far away... Its sad. My heart goes out to the people who are just crying out for help, he didnt want to hurt anyone he was just having a hard time i wanted to give him a hug 😭 theres a difference between the people who are evil, and people who just want to be noticed and who are aware enough to not do anything too serious.
The acting in this is amazing, this is all pretty much word for word true and based on a real story, absolutely amazing 👍
I never thought I could feel compassion for a person who was like this
i really hope people don't mistake this for sympathizing with school shooters.
it's sympathizing with the mentally ill, and how powerful it is on your brain to the point where it corrupts you and makes you lash out and do extremely horrible things. sometimes people just need a person to talk to.
4:46 stop all movement right neow