Love fiercely, guide gently, never impose limits.

  • Опубликовано: 9 фев 2024
  • Last night's chat with mom & bro sparked a deep dive into nurturing my nieces. As an auntie, I'm learning that love isn't about control, but about creating a safe space for growth.
    Jessica Nichole, PhD
    IG: SimplieGolden

Комментарии • 4

  • @sabrinaburnham4395
    @sabrinaburnham4395 5 месяцев назад

    Every day I pray and ask the Lord for guidance to help me parent my children with LOVE and GRACE because I tend to repeat the controlling tactics that I experienced as a child. Fortunately, the Lord has helped me to be wiser and more humbled to recognize when my actions are not appropriate. There are times when the answer is “NO”, because the answer will be NO many times in your life so learn patience and respect the authority.

    • @SimplieGolden
      @SimplieGolden  5 месяцев назад

      Thank you for sharing your perspective! Parenting with love and grace truly lays a strong foundation for growth, both vertically and horizontally within the family dynamic. It's commendable that you're actively seeking guidance and reflecting on your own experiences to nurture your children in a more compassionate and respectful manner. Recognizing and correcting past patterns takes courage and humility, and your commitment to evolving as a parent is inspiring. Setting boundaries with a balance of love and authority is essential for fostering resilience and understanding in children. Wishing you continued wisdom and grace on your parenting journey!

  • @kayess2888
    @kayess2888 5 месяцев назад +1

    These topics are ALWAYS highly controversial.. lol. If I may, id like to add a perspective usually not taken into consideration. Historical Knowledge! a child doesn't know they are a child because they have yet to meet adulthood; Just as Some children Like to play fight and as adults with Hindsight, foresight and insight we rule against it. There is a time to fight and a time not to. when you come Into age you can decide if play fighting is something u choose to do. Until then, you are to be guided with authority, that comes from the faculties of adult insight, foresight, and hindsight. It is only through the removal of those important faculties of authority that you get the idea of being a controlling parent. A parent who experienced hardship will use their power to keep their children from facing the same hardship by applying the faculties of authority beyond personal preference. Does that mean children should not have a voice, or express how they think, what they want or how they feel? No. But The authority to apply the important faculties should not be left up to those who are unable to see the bigger picture but rather their personal desires. As parents.. we are the guides and the authority.. being guided by another authority. To see that is to also humble oneself to the authority of the unknown but in high regard of what is already known, Historical knowledge!. For some years now there has been an implementation of the separation of the "foundation" which leads to everyone wanting to be the King and queen and make their own decisions before it's time. Even if they are correct. There is a historical reason to having order. The alternative is chaos. What is chaos?? I wanna be This.. I wanna be that... (Can't be anything other than who u are)... also is... I am This.. and I am that....(I am, is enough).
    Being who we are is supposed to be enough.. I dont need to travel abroad to become educated in a subject.. I want to, so if I'm told, no, I dont feel as bad as if I thought I needed to. This is putting things in perspective. Everything else is trying something new for the sake of those who felt like they should not have been told no. Parents aren't parents anymore, they have been reduced to adult caretakers/Roommates!!

    • @SimplieGolden
      @SimplieGolden  4 месяца назад +1

      Thanks for sharing your perspective on parenting. It's interesting to hear different viewpoints on this topic.