So after digging through the files, I found out the ROM files are intact in install directory, and if you zip them up, it works in FBNeo (assuming you have Neo Geo BIOS files... which you can grab from most of the Dotemu Neo Geo GOG releases)! A lot of the typo fixes and color changes in this version are being patched into the ROM in real-time (which is probably why there's some audio lag in this release). This might be disappointing to some folks, but I'm just happy to have a legal PC port of this game after 20+ years
Cassandra and Oni both of them have so much Good Skills to Fight Rage of the Dragons is a Good Game about Teaming then switch Partners Great Job Loading Geek Tremendous Work! 😎👍
i once watched a video regarding DLC teams for kof 15 and there was a team rage of dragons in there. well i think the game should have some representation in a future entry. cassandra would be a good fit for the women fighters team while johann would fit well in a bosses team that also has shin shishioh and a few others. pepe and pupa would be good teammates for nelson or bandeiras from kof 14 or both. kang jae-mo would be a good teammate for a certain mexican wrestler from 3 count bout and another grappler from another game. james and william lewis along with sonia romanenko and lynn baker would be the official team rage of dragons. that is if the striker system comes back in a future kof game.
This year has been so good for fighting games. First MVC2 comes back and now Rage of the Dragons, I'm loving it.
Here’s hoping Qubyte brings back Asura Buster next. I really want that game to get a modern release.
Thanks as always for introducing us to fighting games we may have not known.
So after digging through the files, I found out the ROM files are intact in install directory, and if you zip them up, it works in FBNeo (assuming you have Neo Geo BIOS files... which you can grab from most of the Dotemu Neo Geo GOG releases)! A lot of the typo fixes and color changes in this version are being patched into the ROM in real-time (which is probably why there's some audio lag in this release).
This might be disappointing to some folks, but I'm just happy to have a legal PC port of this game after 20+ years
that explains why they had to use the method they used to remove the evoga logo, by removing the layer itself
Glad viewing here from time to time seeing latest releases ^_^
More power to you sir!
Cassandra and Oni both of them have so much Good Skills to Fight Rage of the Dragons is a Good Game about Teaming then switch Partners Great Job Loading Geek Tremendous Work! 😎👍
WOW, that's perfect for Christmas Party Stuff ☃️🎄🎆🎇🎆
Por lo menos lo hubieran hecho en HD para que valiera la pena pero es un refrito del mame32 para steam
Hmm. Interesting name. An oni is a demon in Japanese folklore.
'It great to see family working together saving the world 🫡'.
Except for bit where Oni almost murdered his own sister in the game's lore lmao (also he buys her clothes so... hoo boy)
@KetsubanSolo ohhh no that's bad and worst at the same token (but he still take care of his sister) it's weird dynamic for family.
Unbelievable video lg.
i once watched a video regarding DLC teams for kof 15 and there was a team rage of dragons in there. well i think the game should have some representation in a future entry. cassandra would be a good fit for the women fighters team while johann would fit well in a bosses team that also has shin shishioh and a few others. pepe and pupa would be good teammates for nelson or bandeiras from kof 14 or both. kang jae-mo would be a good teammate for a certain mexican wrestler from 3 count bout and another grappler from another game. james and william lewis along with sonia romanenko and lynn baker would be the official team rage of dragons. that is if the striker system comes back in a future kof game.
Such a shame evoga is gone
Is this on PS5?
Can we pair up Sonia with Cassandra or Sonia with Pupa?
This is a remake?
I prefer arcade version that is my favorite. 👍🙏
well, at least has english from Open English, not the Wachu one