Most Awesome Karma Moments Ever

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
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Комментарии • 97

  • @brettlarch8050
    @brettlarch8050 2 года назад +79

    Karen at work who called me and a coworker “the worst most useless people to exist at lowes.” Said she was leaving and would be taking her business elsewhere. On the way out the door she tripped and fell and hurt her ankle. Me and a co worker laughed hysterically.

    • @crystalgemgirl731
      @crystalgemgirl731 9 месяцев назад +2

      *completely Deadpan* Oh, no, however will you survive without a woman who looks down on you shopping there.

  • @rai4119
    @rai4119 2 года назад +21

    13:48 That reply........ Did I miss something??

    • @monterrang1
      @monterrang1 2 года назад +3

      from seeing that the post was from [deleted] my guess is that the story was fake & the user did it for Reddit karma

    • @melwhite2023
      @melwhite2023 2 года назад +3

      yeah i'm confused

    • @bubzilla6137
      @bubzilla6137 2 года назад +4

      I had to scroll deep to find this comment. I was looking to see if anyone else had an explanation because I'm confused too... I mean, the reply is totally true, but it has absolutely no relevance whatsoever to the main story....

    • @Phantosification
      @Phantosification 2 года назад


  • @alinepeed7167
    @alinepeed7167 2 года назад +30

    "Ovary punch." Damn I felt that.
    I don't know what ever became of my school bully's, but I hope that karma has continued to bitch slap them. I absolutely have no regrets for saying that.

  • @Davtwan
    @Davtwan 2 года назад +23

    Karma is great but don’t hold your breath for it. The best revenge is living well. (Seriously, some bullies go apeshit when they see you’re succeeding.)

    • @AhDollar
      @AhDollar 22 дня назад

      fair enough, but a lot of these seem like the victims finding out about their bully’s demise later in life through a passing mention, not them actively seeking out what happened

  • @elderliddle2733
    @elderliddle2733 2 года назад +2

    Sometimes Karma is having good parents to help sort things out. My mom grew up in the hood, then went military, then housewife as my father is a NASA scientist.
    Anyway, I was being bullied by a girl at school. This included her putting her hands on me. I told the teachers and they did nothing. I told my mom and she was like, “Son, didn’t I teach you to hit back no matter who they are?” Mom grew up constantly getting into fights in the hood, so this was what she taught me. I told mom that if I did anything I would get in trouble because she’s a girl. My mom then called the school and told them that if they didn’t take care of the bullying, she would give me permission to beat up my bully, then take the bully to court for bullying and the school to court for gender based discrimination. Guess who didn’t show up to first period. Bullying stopped after that.

  • @nyanbinary1717
    @nyanbinary1717 2 года назад +24

    One of the girls who bullied me in early high school was recently accused of murder, and her booking photo looks like she’s been a meth user for some time. Honestly the best karma is that she stayed in our shitty hometown and I moved across the country to a big, liberal city. I’ve also never been accused of murder.

    • @Erraddo
      @Erraddo 2 года назад +1

      Normally i'd tell you that small towns are better than big cities but yeah meth and murder soo

    • @nyanbinary1717
      @nyanbinary1717 2 года назад

      @@Erraddo I vastly prefer my big city of 750k to the small shitty town of 10k. I can at least get away from the people I don’t like.

    • @Erraddo
      @Erraddo 2 года назад

      @@nyanbinary1717 i live in a 20k people town and i have farmer friends in small villages which i look to with envy

    • @TeemoTeemosson
      @TeemoTeemosson 2 года назад +2

      Liberal city? I'm so sorry for you.

    • @nyanbinary1717
      @nyanbinary1717 2 года назад +1

      @@TeemoTeemosson You and I would not be friends.

  • @9foxgrl15
    @9foxgrl15 Год назад +2

    Met the girl who bullied me in elementary again in HS. She had been held back a grade, and joined our tutoring program sponsored by the Seniors. I was her tutor.

  • @chrisfoulk4715
    @chrisfoulk4715 2 года назад +5

    I had a really cruel boss when I was younger. My mother ended up getting diagnosed with a brain tumor. When I went to ask for time off to go to her surgery she told me no. Said that all I was doing was looking for sympathy and it was all in my mom's head. My old boss is now dying from terminal brain cancer. Don't feel bad at all. She treated me like the lowest form of life and emotionally and mentally abused me, used threats to keep me there, threatened to have my family members killed. So no sympathy from me at all.

  • @nate87799
    @nate87799 2 года назад +8

    My ex fiancé and I had to move into her parents house when covid started because her mother and step father were extremely worried that we were going to get covid, moving in they could keep a better eye on us. I got laid off both my jobs, and wasn’t allowed to leave the house. I in particular wasn’t trusted. One day they went to the beach and I snuck out of the house to go to a close friends birthday party. I was caught when my ex’s brother saw me on a Snapchat story. I was kicked out of the house and my ex called off our wedding. I was homeless for a little while and eventually moved in with my grandpa as his caretaker because he got very ill. I find out about a month later that the whole house got covid a few days after I left. I never had it. As of now they have had it 3 times and I have had it 0 times. All the restriction I got and they apparently weren’t “safe” enough.

    • @KaileyB616
      @KaileyB616 2 года назад

      That's batshit crazy and you should never have agreed to moving in with them in the first place. People can live in irrational fear like that if they want, but I will have no part of it.

    • @FancySpicyTuna
      @FancySpicyTuna 2 года назад +1

      @@KaileyB616 it wasn’t about fear, they went to beaches and stuff. It was about control. It was about isolation and breaking them until they never think about leaving.

  • @QueenSunstar
    @QueenSunstar 2 года назад +11

    I friended my former bullies on Facebook just so I can sit back and watch the dumpster fires their lives have become.
    The one who always bragged about how he was going to go to Harvard and start making six figures right after graduation was rejected by all Ivy League schools, rejected by most big colleges state side, so had to settle for community college. He flunked out of that and now is a stay at home dad because he can’t hold down a job for long.
    I did apply to Harvard and Yale just to see if I would be accepted, and he’s pissed because I got accepted to both. He claims it’s just because I’m disabled, not because of my perfect GPA or the fact I completed a hard to get into two year college program with top marks at the same time.
    One who planned to be a housewife with a husband making at least 7 figures is now a single mom of four from three different fathers working multiple jobs just to stay afloat. I know one father was killed in a car accident as I was one of the responders to said accident. The other two, don’t know and don’t care.
    The third had it all. Then her AP was caught raping her six year old daughter. It was revealed AP was sexually assaulting her eight year old and four year old daughters too. Her reaction made me sick. Instead of, oh I don’t know, being pissed at her AP, she’s pissed at her daughters for what happened to them! Says it’s their fault for seducing her AP! Now she’s forced to work the streets to survive and laments not being allowed to see her kids. AP is in the wind last I heard. How she escaped jail time, I don’t know.

  • @matthewbrooks5470
    @matthewbrooks5470 2 года назад +4

    I’m not here to shame any of these people for their reactions, it’s certainly not my place to do so. But to hear of such joy at their misfortune, especially decades later, really shows the kind of darkness bullying can leave someone with. It makes me thankful that my experience with bullying was incredibly minor and short-lived (as in, said bully found much better things to do with his life than put others down).

  • @NatGeoGacha
    @NatGeoGacha 2 года назад +2

    Throughout middle school and high school, I was… messed up, to say the least. And I had a tendency to befriend messed up kids as well. When they needed a shoulder to cry on, I was there. When they needed someone to listen to their issues at home, I was there. When they needed someone to make them feel better, I was there.
    But in the blink of an eye, they were gone. By the time I had entered 11th grade, I had no friends. I sat alone at lunch like I did all throughout elementary school and middle school. But that’s when I started to get better. I opened up more, began talking to the popular kids, telling them jokes and making them laugh. I never did become one of the popular kids, but they began starting conversations with me. I got out of the depressed rut, but my friends didn’t. They still have constant problems and drama in their lives, but I don’t. And it feels good.
    I still miss some of my old friends, though. I hope Alex becomes a successful make-up artist. I hope Tyler breaks free from his ex girlfriend’s control. I hope Izzy finds a boyfriend or girlfriend who loves her. I hope Katie gets the mental help she needs. I hope Audrina realizes that she’s a spoiled brat and becomes a better person. And I hope Reece gets away from his dad and is able to see his mom again.

  • @LAG09
    @LAG09 Год назад +1

    My elementary school bully; Bullied me for years, excluded me from the small group of boys in our year, showed up with his gang to harass anyone who did play with me and then made fun of me for being all alone with no friends. Eventually my sadness turned to rage so I attacked him when he came to mock me for being all alone and the fight ended in him backing off. Lost his leadership status in the boys group and would still try to exclude me, but fail when I'd fight back and the other boys were sick of his crap. Went from my mom calling his mom to make him stop bullying me and getting nowhere to his mom calling my mom to do the same and my mom laughing at her.
    Eventually his mom got sick of me "bullying him" (kid was a massive crybaby when he didn't get his way) and moved him to another school. In said school he decided to establish his "alpha" status by trying to bully a kid from a grade below him who all the boys in his class liked and it completely backfired. The nickname he tried to give him, that he'd previously try to give to me, ended up sticking to him and nobody really liked him. In middle school he came over during PE class one day to "beat me up" after class was over and taunted me from the side, saying that I sucked, when we were playing baseball. Did a home run, he shut up and was nowhere to be found when class was over.
    Last I heard he was in middle school and had no friends. Almost feel sorry for him. Almost being the operative word.

  • @vladimirenlow4388
    @vladimirenlow4388 2 года назад +3

    My ex-boss made my life a living hell. It was almost like an abusive marriage--he treated me like shit, but also had me brainwashed into thinking that I was so incompetent and worthless that I'd never get a job anywhere else. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore and started discreetly looking for work someplace else. TLDR, he found out about it, and within six months my position had been eliminated due to "corporate restructuring".
    Almost two years to the day after I finished my time there, I was awakened by a text message from a former co-worker. My old boss had himself resigned or been fired--I'm still not sure which. I did eventually suss out that without his favorite whipping boy around, he'd turned on other subordinates who came on board after I left, and who weren't as acquiescent as I was.

  • @cyanidejack1013
    @cyanidejack1013 2 года назад +1

    I was bullied by one guy from 3rd grade to senior year of high school. Still scared 40 years later.

    • @cyanidejack1013
      @cyanidejack1013 2 года назад

      Don't know what happened to him. Although I did hear he was an abusive husband.
      F you Mark Stackpole.

  • @izzywolflover
    @izzywolflover 2 года назад +5

    My abusive ex foster mom got extremely sick and became a walking skeleton and lost her business

  • @jackgibsxxx0750
    @jackgibsxxx0750 2 года назад +2

    Had two. A tag team. The "leader" smarted up and "repented" in his late 30s/40s and became a decent person but cancer got him. The side kick took over his dad's used car lot and ran it in the ground. Now spends his mornings at the country club chewing on "hair of the dog" and his afternoons/evenings on whatever bottle the clubhouse has on sale. And still has the personality of a used car salesman.

  • @DestructiveDave1900
    @DestructiveDave1900 2 года назад +2

    Had a bully in middle school who would give me crap, which includes assaulting me. Even the teachers did nothing about it. We were both 13 at that time.
    Fast forward 2 years later... his face was on the news one night; turns out he joined a violent gang and ended up being shot to death by another rival gang member in front of the steps at the high school he attended. In my eyes, he deserved it.
    TL;DR... bully's life got cut very short due to gang life, gets taken out by a rival gang member. The guy who killed him is currently serving a 60-year sentence for first-degree murder as well as for a bunch of other crimes such as violation of parole, grand theft auto, evading police for four years, resisting arrest when finally caught, assaulting police officers, vandalism, and possession of various drugs.

  • @tavi9598
    @tavi9598 2 года назад +2

    The best case of karmic justice I've ever experienced has been my success relative to the ex girlfriend who humiliated me. When she left me, I was broke and unemployed, waiting for the opportunity for me to start on my way to my dream job. I was too young at the time, by all of 4 months, before I could get started. She left me for a guy who was employed in a unionized factory. Seemed fair at the time, even if the humiliation was not. She got pregnant maybe 2 months later, it put a huge strain on their relationship and she was unable to hold down a steady job. Last I heard, she was on her second kid and her second man, who was as chronically unemployed as she was. All in all not too happy with life.
    As for me, I got into my dream career. I own a fun little sports car I drive on the weekends. And while there's been a few tough times, life is pretty damn good.

  • @ericpanissidi6761
    @ericpanissidi6761 2 года назад +2

    My father was my bully.i had to forgive him to stay sober.i don't hang with him because he hasn't free

  • @1adrock12
    @1adrock12 2 года назад +4

    I have no idea why people don’t press charges for what is essentially physical assault they could’ve seriously hurt her or worse she probably could’ve died Head injuries are no joke it’s like just because it happened in school people think that they can’t press charges on a minor who almost killed another minor well yeah you can and they can go to Juvie and potentially jail after they hit 18

    • @aSmolGoth
      @aSmolGoth 2 года назад +1

      If you noticed, most of these happen in school. Courts cost money and the board of administration will also take action. There is also a chain of command you are supposed to go through, but the same board of administration won't do anything unless you present irrefutable proof of negligence that will cost them their job and/or funding. Needless to say, this is much harder to do than it sounds. Especially for something that is often considered a "nonissue" (IE: bullying), even in the case of assault.

  • @chrisofthehoovers4055
    @chrisofthehoovers4055 9 месяцев назад

    I was the bully in school as a kid and my life has turned out pretty ok so I hope all the kids I hurt are doing great and are well past even thinking of the nobody I was back then.
    I've run into a few of them here and there and apologized but I wont just expect forgiveness from them as I was an absolute dong.

  • @happyheidi747
    @happyheidi747 2 года назад +7

    I love karma, and these stories explain why

    • @DarkNocta
      @DarkNocta 2 года назад

      Karma dont exist

    • @animezia
      @animezia 2 года назад

      @@DarkNocta fr .. we should not depend on universe for shit, take matters in own hands, I always find these type people kind of doormats who wait for "karma".

    • @DarkNocta
      @DarkNocta 2 года назад

      @@animezia i agree

  • @dorothylloyd1804
    @dorothylloyd1804 2 года назад +4

    Good afternoon. Thanks for the stories. Have a great day

  • @j.tgrooms
    @j.tgrooms 2 года назад +6

    Thanks for the cool stories

  • @eyesofwater123
    @eyesofwater123 2 года назад +1

    Some of my MS bullies either got knocked up in HS or died. My ex-best friend from HS who turned into a jeark the summer I went away for college b/c of mistakes I made, the same one who used to "miss me" and said would fight for our friendship if things got rough (which he didn't). About a year later when I was I was in college he PM me on Facebook wanting to "expand" our friendship but I wasn't having it. Turns out he pissed quite a few folks in school...don't know much beyond that. Looking back I think he was having trouble making more friends and tried to patch things up between us. I should've told him off about how he treated me but alas, I was too emotionally distraught and was still hurt/scared to realize this. But I will say it's satisfying knowing that he tried it with the wrong people and learned folks weren't going to put up with his crap and that the one person who he ignored all summer didn't want anything to do with him either. Quite satisfying indeed. I just wished I realized this sooner.

    @DERTHIX 2 года назад +1

    I was 6'2" and 240lbs by grade 10... I wasn't bullied, I think people were scared or something since I was so big and so quiet...

  • @meteorytekrenaryte
    @meteorytekrenaryte 2 года назад +7

    Why does tts always misuse read (reed) and read (red)? Even going as far as to say reading (redding) instead of reading (reeding). It's just silly.

    • @jamesrau100
      @jamesrau100 2 года назад +2

      I regret I can only upvote you once. :-)

    • @parisgreen4600
      @parisgreen4600 2 года назад

      ...yes, and then it gets "Schadenfreude" right, LOL.

  • @mx.viscera2247
    @mx.viscera2247 2 года назад +1

    Holy shit, Brendan Shanks is real, too.

  • @kendoruslink7017
    @kendoruslink7017 Год назад +1

    Bullies in school are a special kind of evil

  • @E.J.Vulgary
    @E.J.Vulgary 2 года назад +1

    I went to high school in NYC in the 90's and used to be a part of the alternative/goth/raver scene at the time. There was a mixture of people who were fun, bullies, a-holes, and party kids. Raves back then brought all sorts of drugs and other mind-altering substances that made some of these "friends" unbearable. Anyhow, there was this chick...let's call her "Jenny", who was one of the more attractive raver girls within the group. She knew everyone and partied every other weekend with some of the dudes we both hangout with. One of these dudes called "Jose" was a bully! He tried many times to intimidate me and others for fun, along with his strung-out friend who couldn't function without a hit of acid or popped an ecstasy. One day, "Jenny" and I were in the same class. She took it upon herself to slap me in the face for no reason. She just had it in her mind to do it, so she did. I retaliated, not violently but gave her a little nudge in the side for hitting so hard.
    Well, she mentioned said nudge to "Jose" who took it as I beat the living heck out of her. About 2 days later, he saw me in the hallway and proceed to threaten me. He wanted to kill me, beat me up, so on and so forth. Me, being the skinny kid I was, was very intimidated because he had a reputation of having violent outburst for seemingly no reason. When I confronted "jenny" about this, she just laughed and said do not worry, he is harmless. What she did not know was the number of times I had to run for my life when he and I would see each other outside and he, along with his friends, would chase me down to do God knows what. Eventually, time passes, and I had moved to another state to finish high school due to poor grades and other home life issues that came full circle before the year 2000.
    Fast forward to 2019, I go to NYC to visit family and friends. Reconnected with a friend who was a part of our high school click and hang out for a day. Among the reminiscing, I had mentioned my high school bully. She proceeds to tell me how much he had changed, and he was not the same person, etc... I sort of hinted how bad he affected my mental state and safety back in the day. She looks at me and proceeds to continue, "Well, you do not ever have to worry about that or think about him ever again", she says. To which I say, "How come?". She looks away for a second and starts to talk. "He was caught in Florida for a murder he has been accused of committing. He had stabbed his stripper girlfriends' ex-boyfriend to death in her home. He stated it was in self-defense, but the girlfriend had claimed her ex did nothing wrong and her boyfriend (Jose) just stabbed him repeatedly." She then went on to say how she believes he is innocent, to which a burst of laughter protruded from my mouth. I looked dead into her eyes and told her, "Karma truly has a way of working wonders". She staired at me with a confused, yet minor irritation, look of discuss at my reaction. I am not a person who enjoys the pain of others, but in this extremely rare occasion, I smoked one for the fact he will have to follow a sad pattern of life until he passes away while I am on RUclips writing this story from the comfort of my home.

  • @boogiebear3095
    @boogiebear3095 2 года назад +2

    19:19 I knew it was Sean Avery gdi

  • @queenpig
    @queenpig 9 месяцев назад

    Cycling to work with a friend. I met up with her in her street and even before leaving she had a go at me for something mundane no doubt anyway cycling a little further up the street the chain on her bike snapped and she had to walk to work and was late.😂

  • @janedevel4684
    @janedevel4684 Год назад

    Freakazoid WAS an underrated show!! Settle...

  • @birkinsmith88
    @birkinsmith88 2 года назад +2

    Though for myself I tried to 'rise above it' when it came to being horribly bullied so I didn't become like them, I can't blame the victims who saw their opportunity years later and pounced.
    I was a good person once but all it got me was constant hell... By being a horrible douche to your bullies, you're showing them what they made you into. It's disgusting and not right but at the very least it's honest.

  • @robbysavage6880
    @robbysavage6880 5 месяцев назад

    I've read alot too. Ken Follett, George RR Martan, John Grisham. Even read some of the wheel of Time series think i got to book 6 outta 14. And as a 90s baby, Mississippi man, it's impressive. Let me just say It drives me crazy when people speak like that in a conversational context.

  • @okaykh-o5316
    @okaykh-o5316 2 года назад

    This neighbor kid and his family lost their house and my mom bought it and they moved in a trailer next door and he said “has anyone ever called you a n1663r??” And I said “no.” Bc I was in like 8th grade and never experienced racism or got called a slur.. yeah.. he said “well you’re a N1663R!!” And he’d constantly bully me for being one of the only Black kids in the neighborhood (me and my sister were the only Black kids that lived there till like 2016. Mostly old White people lived there and most of them were related).. his parents lost the trailer (it was coated in black mold and they never paid their bills) it got torn down and his great aunt moved in..

  • @boxmike87
    @boxmike87 2 года назад

    Daryl Hardy, and Sean Coats. 2 middle school kids that I will never forget. I don't know what happened to them. I hope I find them one day. I've got plenty to say, and plenty to do. They made my life hell, and one tried to kill me.

    • @TheComemnter
      @TheComemnter 2 года назад

      What you do mean by "do"...LOL

  • @rebekahsearcy8986
    @rebekahsearcy8986 2 года назад

    A kid in the bus during my freshman year of high school would not stop yelling in my fucking ear and it got on my nerves. Thankfully that was the only day he did though. He kept asking me if I believed in God and all that stuff. I prayed to get to school quickly so I could get away from him. That was a very interesting bus ride that day.

  • @ArcanineEspeon
    @ArcanineEspeon 2 месяца назад

    Wait a second. This is identical to one from the year before. Buddy, people are posting new Reddit content all the time.

  • @askreddit3021
    @askreddit3021 2 года назад

    Kind of a short story. Kid I met in sixth grade became that kind of "is your friend but is really secretly your bully" type with me. I knew he was going to fail sixth grade (the first grade in my school system that you could really actually "fail" and get held back), so he did. I saw him a couple of times in the hall after that but I haven't really heard from him since.
    He used to talk about how he wouldn't mind being in jail at all, because you get lots of cole slaw there and he likes cole slaw. Hopefully his wish came true.

  • @wesleythomas7125
    @wesleythomas7125 2 года назад

    One of them's homeless and one works in retail. I make enough money working at a nonrofit recycling company to eat steak every night if I want to.

  • @a3s1r1986
    @a3s1r1986 2 года назад

    Mine got kidnapped and murdered. Funny, a math teacher/dean at our school warned him exactly that would happen to his rich-daddy ass from 1st form all the way to 5th if he kept it up. I feel sorry for his kids though.

  • @ericpanissidi6761
    @ericpanissidi6761 2 года назад

    Junior count of Monte Cristo action revenge

  • @catattack885
    @catattack885 2 года назад +2

    Karma's just betting on the universe to go your way, like gambling, complete spoiled idiocy

    • @vladimirenlow4388
      @vladimirenlow4388 2 года назад +3

      Maybe so. Relying on it instead of pursuing your own justice may not end well for you. And yet, over and over again, we see people who cast negative energy into the world getting that energy back. And positive energy, the good things we do, often works the same way. You don't have to believe in a Higher Power to accept that principle. It follows from the natural consequences of people's actions. You help people; they'll want to help you. You hurt people; they'll want to hurt you. It's a gamble, but the dice are loaded.

    • @catattack885
      @catattack885 2 года назад

      @@vladimirenlow4388 Well yeah, but not necessarily because they're people, i mean, a volcano erupts and destroys itself as much as it changes the environment around it, that doesn't have anything to do with the actions of any human and yet still demonstrates equalibrium.

  • @haseozenithmaru1186
    @haseozenithmaru1186 2 года назад

    Budweisr strawberry- lime
    She cute

  • @mayleecole1761
    @mayleecole1761 2 года назад +1

    I'm half asian half American was the only Asian in my high school was a very late bloomer when I was 16 I look like a 10-year-old boy except for my long hair and was picked on constantly to the point where I wanted to go to a private school the summer of my 16th year my body which I can only explain just exploded and grew leaps and bounds suddenly going back to public school that year I was the most popular girl there was constantly asked out on dates by girls and boys never gave the people who picked on me the time of day

  • @ajerome321
    @ajerome321 Год назад

    Well I do have a story

  • @madelinegarber7860
    @madelinegarber7860 2 года назад

    For me it’s the opposite. The girls who were mean to me in high school all are way more successful than me mow. Meaning jobs and or masters.

  • @IndigoTsa.
    @IndigoTsa. 2 года назад

    What dose tldr mean

    • @NatGeoGacha
      @NatGeoGacha 2 года назад +1

      It meals “too long didn’t read”

  • @nobodythenobody9779
    @nobodythenobody9779 2 года назад

    These are all repeats

  • @max-mk1iz
    @max-mk1iz 2 года назад

    It was December 2018 i asked my brother what happened when he came in he just got mad at me for asking it was snowing for a few days so he was a little frustrated days go by he's still mad at me were talking to each other i close the door on him he was pissed

  • @EragonWhatIf
    @EragonWhatIf 2 года назад

    For once. Just once stop with the damn reposts. It's every video

  • @aSmolGoth
    @aSmolGoth 2 года назад +2

    Story at 21:13 is fake as fuck. No bus driver would allow this nonsense to happen and a bus driver is required to be present when kids are present. Especially if there is a seat shortage, the driver would step in and put that kid in place, especially with that kind of shouting. Assigned seating is within the driver's right. Not to mention a kid trying to start a fight? That's grounds for getting thrown off the bus and possibly banned (yes, they can do that to you; you are left at school and your parents get called and are forced to come and pick you up; it is then up to the parent to arrange for transportation). Most city buses are equipped with cameras that do run, especially if there are frequent incidents (bus drivers are assigned a bus; even if their bus doesn't usually have a camera, a new bus is temporarily assigned). My parents drove for different districts, including contractors. I very much got to learn the innerworkings of the school bus department.

    • @jamesrau100
      @jamesrau100 2 года назад +1

      That's what I thought. No school bus driver is paid enough to put up with this BS. I was waiting for the BD to stop the bus, stand up, and throw the bully off the bus. :-/

    • @erickpoorbaugh6728
      @erickpoorbaugh6728 2 года назад +4

      I don't know, I heard about a bus driver who mocked a heavily autistic student for the noises he'd make and encouraged the other students to mock him, too. One of his family members told me about it because they were wondering why things had been getting worse for him, and they eventually found out what the bus driver had been doing. I never heard if he got any repercussions for it. Even if it's unusual, there are outliers in every profession.

    • @aSmolGoth
      @aSmolGoth 2 года назад +1

      @@erickpoorbaugh6728 Of course there are outliers. Point being there were far too many instances that required suspension of disbelief to take the story remotely seriously. Short of leaving a child on the bus, drivers generally don't get fired, but may be forced to take a different route (in the case of that incident you mentioned). While people complain it's hard to find teachers to fill positions, drivers are even worse and are a separate union from teachers (part of support staff, along with janitors), getting paid far less and much smaller raises. Bus ports will do what they can to keep drivers, going so far as to protect bad actors like the driver you described.
      The flaw I find in your story, and the one I said was fake, is that "special needs" children are usually (emphasis on usually) on their own bus (usually the short bus) and have an aid. This is both for their safety as well as the driver's safety. The driver's job is to drive and any problems the special needs child may need cannot be attended to by the driver. Even high functioning special needs children get this treatment.

  • @deano8894
    @deano8894 2 года назад

    redditor: *talks about a something that happened to them*
    repliers: *insert nonsensical reference only vaguely connected to story or unfunny cliche joke here*

    • @TheComemnter
      @TheComemnter 2 года назад

      This goes for most stories, sadly.