LIFE OF BRIAN | Movie Reaction | It's Hilarious!

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 64

  • @MantisEnergy
    @MantisEnergy Год назад +5

    "Red sea pedestrian" from when Moses parted the red sea allowing the jews to escape Egypt 😂

  • @doktordanomite9105
    @doktordanomite9105 Год назад +5

    So the “children’s matinée” is an old theater concept of showing a modified version of a show at an early time so aimed at little kids, usually has a little interactive bit, maybe cut a scene or too if its too blue for the room. Which is hilarious considering it was a gladiator match.

  • @ink-cow
    @ink-cow Год назад +6

    In fact, you can eat gold, although it is meant to sound ridiculous. You can go to some very expensive restaurants and order a gold-foiled steak. I mean, you can if you WANT to.
    Life of Brian is in the news recently, as they are preparing a new stage version. John Cleese (who played Reg and the main Roman guard here, and Lancelot and Tim the Enchanter in Holy Grail) said that they will NOT be cutting the Loretta bit.

    • @henryellow
      @henryellow  Год назад +4

      Oh yes, I've heard of those before. Steak in gold foil or burgers sprinkled with gold.
      No thanks. Why would you want to flush money (and gold) down the toilet?

    • @johnnehrich9601
      @johnnehrich9601 Год назад +2

      I think you can eat it because most common chemicals don't affect it - which is why it doesn't rust or tarnish. Hence it passes through your digestive tract unaltered.

  • @rna151
    @rna151 Год назад +2

    "Cheese makers? They have cheese at this time?"
    If you have milk sooner or later you're going to have cheese, it kind of just happens.

    • @JP200
      @JP200 Год назад +1

      It's a joke. In the biblical 'Sermon on the Mountain' Jesus said: "Blessed are the peace makers."
      But he was too far away, so they heard wrong 😏

  • @cjmacq-vg8um
    @cjmacq-vg8um Год назад +7

    no one seems to recognize the title sequence, the song, is a parody of the james bond songs that open each bond movie. watch "goldfinger," "diamonds are forever" or any james bond film and you'll hear the similarities.
    who's oppressing him from having babies? its called reality, biology. that's the point. no one is oppressing poor stan. they're just trying to get him to accept reality.

    • @henryellow
      @henryellow  Год назад +2

      Interesting. I've never watched any James Bond films. Maybe I'll add some to my movies list.

  • @johnnehrich9601
    @johnnehrich9601 Год назад +2

    Monty Python's previous movie, Holy Grail, was produced on such a low budget that they couldn't afford horses (as per the jokes in that movie about the coconut shells). It was a big success but many sources of income were terrified of being involved with a movie making fun (or seen to be making fun) of christianity. This movie was financed by former Beatles member, George Harrison.

    • @henryellow
      @henryellow  Год назад

      We'll have to thank George for his contribution 😊 or else this movie would never have happened.

  • @Lee-Darin
    @Lee-Darin 10 месяцев назад +1

    Red Sea Pedestrian means passing through the Red Sea to escape the Egyptians.

  • @voidmstr
    @voidmstr Год назад +11

    You did pretty good on most of the gags; the ones you missed were mostly Bible/history/religion related and that’s OK if you didn’t grow up among Christians and Jews. (“Red Sea pedestrian”, Brian’s mother’s virginity, taking the Lord’s name in vain, etc.) Good luck with your channel!

    • @henryellow
      @henryellow  Год назад +4

      Now that you've mentioned it, I get the reference (with the help of a bit of Googling).
      Red Sea pedestrian refer to Moses parting the Red Sea.
      Brian's mother's virginity refers to Virgin Mary.
      Thanks for pointing these out, otherwise I wouldn't have noticed 😂

    • @joebloggs396
      @joebloggs396 Год назад +4

      Blessed are the peacemakers misheard as blessed are the cheesemakers.

  • @Lee-Darin
    @Lee-Darin 10 месяцев назад +1

    A.D. is Anno Domini meaning "In the year of our Lord."

  • @kingludacris4202
    @kingludacris4202 Год назад +1

    Brian was the first to go to space 😂😂😂

    • @henryellow
      @henryellow  Год назад +1

      He's a lucky bastard, he is 😂

  • @darrylglynn1557
    @darrylglynn1557 Год назад +6

    A.D. is "Anno Domini" meaning "The year of our lord"

    • @DelGuy03
      @DelGuy03 Год назад +4

      Right, it's supposed to count from his birth year (though it's always been acknowledged, even within the church, that the count was about 3 years off).

    • @henryellow
      @henryellow  Год назад +2

      So that's how it is.
      I heard from someone a long time ago that A.D. meant "After Death".
      Seems like that was not it...

    • @darrylglynn1557
      @darrylglynn1557 Год назад +5

      @@DelGuy03 . His birth year is unknown (I would say he didn't even exist), and there are two stories of his birth, in the synoptic Gospels, both give a different time.
      In Matthew 2, King Herod sends 3 Magi (Wise men) to the house where Jesus was, and report back to him. Herod died in 4 BC. However, Herod ordered the execution of every male child aged 2 years and below, in an attempt to kill Jesus. So the child must have been two or less, at least, by the time Herod died. Giving us the date of 6 BC.
      In Luke, Jesus' father, Joseph, and mother Mary, traveled to the City of David to register in the first census of Rome. This happened in 6 AD.
      So there's 6 years either side of year zero when Jesus was born. A 12 year gap.

    • @eddhardy1054
      @eddhardy1054 Год назад +3

      ​@@henryellowAfter Death would be P.M. (Post Mortum) I think 🤔

    • @chrisleebowers
      @chrisleebowers Год назад +3

      @@henryellow If BC is "Before Christ" and AD is "after Death" then what would the years when he was *alive* be called?
      It's not an entirely invalid assumption: Like why is "Anno Domini" in Latin but "Before Christ" in English?

  • @robsambosky6444
    @robsambosky6444 Год назад +4

    GREETINGS EARTH GUY: The guards were not in on the joke before filming, so their laughter is authentic. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says "Blessed are the peacemakers."

    • @henryellow
      @henryellow  Год назад +1

      That makes it even better! 😂

  • @vgalea
    @vgalea Год назад +3

    You got a lot right and caught a lot of the jokes. I don't think I heard anyone pick up on the "prophets" spewing various kinds of nonsense.
    I would point out that, while the authorities were the Roman empire, the story takes place in and around Jerusalem, which was a part of the empire then A lot of the jokes seem to me to very sharply point out the absurdities of religion in general and christianity in particular. It shows how people in that time and place were eager to make a messiah out of anybody, and would see "miracles" everywhere, which seem to always turn out to be mistakes, at best.

  • @jonunya1163
    @jonunya1163 10 месяцев назад +1

    AD means Anno Domini. In English it means in the year of our lord

  • @johnnehrich9601
    @johnnehrich9601 Год назад +1

    The movie starts with the so-called star of Bethlehem - a heavenly portent of a great religious event like a birth or death was a common trope in stories all over the region back then. This magic star led the so-called wise men ("magi" from the same root that gives us "magic) to where Jesus was born. Interestingly, NO one else back then saw this star. It leads these men from the East to follow it, and since they claim they saw it in the east (in the bible account), doesn't make much sense.
    Once the star gets the magi to Jerusalem, it abruptly turns off so the wise men have to ask King Herod about it and what it meant. This alerts him to this coming threat to his power (at least he thinks so). He in turn asks them to return on their way home to tell them what they found, so he could kill this upstart to his throne. (He could have just sent some of his guys to follow them instead, OR his men could have followed the same star.)
    The wise men go home a different route, avoiding Jerusalem. This gives Herod a reason to slaughter all the newborn (up to age two) male children in Bethlehem. This story only occurs in one gospel and this incident and several others are intended to invoke the Moses story hundreds of years earlier, where the pharaoh slaughters all the newborns in Egypt. (I.e., most scholars think this story is one of many made up for religious reasons.)

  • @0okamino
    @0okamino Год назад +1

    There’s no animal called a balm, but there is a balm named after a dangerous animal. Tiger Balm (made in Singapore). The balm itself isn’t dangerous, though. Not that I know of, anyway.

    • @henryellow
      @henryellow  Год назад +1

      Oh, I know that Tiger Balm 😂

  • @johnnehrich9601
    @johnnehrich9601 Год назад +1

    We don't have good accounts of how prisoners were actually crucified, including nailing or tying their hands (which for nailing would have to be through the wrists as the palms are not strong enough to bear the weight). The account in the gospels seems to be referring back a psalm in the old testament about someone being pierced but it might also translate as clawed by a lion.
    However, there is a broader meaning. "Crucified" is from a Latin word which also gives us the word "cross." But the gospels were written in Greek, and the term they use is related to "stick" or "stake." Crucified actually meant any execution by any means, including stoning, and then the hanging of the corpse on a tree, stake, cross, whatever afterwards as an ultimate humiliation, left to be eaten by birds and wild dogs. (It could also mean impaling a person lengthwise - don't want to get more graphic than that.)

    • @henryellow
      @henryellow  Год назад

      So you're saying that "crucified" actually refers to execution (by any means) but people took it literally.
      Well I'm sure a lot of details are lost in translation. Or details were accidentally altered, like a telephone game that lasts for millennia.

    • @johnnehrich9601
      @johnnehrich9601 Год назад +1

      @@henryellow There is actually lots of evidence, LOTS, that this was all made up, the same as the so-similar myths of the surrounding regions. There was the rise of the "dying-and-rising" god concept, where the son of the head god is sacrificed which granted eternal life after death for the believer.
      So many events in the gospels seem to be retelling of ancient Jewish and pagan stories such as from the Homer epics.

    • @Lee-Darin
      @Lee-Darin 10 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@henryellowthere is only a couple of pieces of evidence of crucifixion. In 1968 an archeologist found remains of a crucified man

  • @fibrown444
    @fibrown444 Год назад +2

    My high school Latin teacher here in the UK let us watch it once a term it felt like, so have seen it many times then and since. Maybe why I did my PhD in connection to the Romans! Glad you enjoyed it.

  • @johnnehrich9601
    @johnnehrich9601 Год назад +2

    The gospels claim that Pilate had a tradition (which for many reasons, we know he didn't) during Passover to give the crowd a choice of which of two criminals to crucify. In this case, Jesus or a person named Barabbas (in some accounts, his first name was also Jesus). Barabbas was a monster criminal but the crowd chose him over Jesus.
    Now "barabbas" literally means "son of the father." Jesus at times was called "the son of the father." Many atheist scholars feel this was made up, and was to make the crucifixion into a symbolic Yon Kipper event. In this Jewish ceremony, two identical goats are chosen. On one all the sins of the nation were supposedly transferred, and sacrificed, while the other is literally the scapegoat, set free.
    In this movie, they are parodying the idea of this choosing one prisoner to set free concept. Again, Pilate was a brutal monster who the emperor eventually recalled due to his excessive cruelty, and no way would they let loose a convicted criminal/murderer to appease the Jewish population.

  • @joebloggs396
    @joebloggs396 Год назад +2

    It's really about politics as well, such as Roman occupation, people blindly following (including the old man in the dungeon) such as when Brian makes his speech and the crowd chants in unison that they are all individuals (obviously they aren't as they act together). Everyone is made fun of whether those in power or rebels.
    It's more of a narrative than Holy Grail and the layers and word play are much more prevalent.
    The alien space ship vaguely references Star Wars battles, both films were shot in Tunisia.

  • @IsraelShekelberg
    @IsraelShekelberg Год назад +1

    AD = Anno Domini, or 'Year of the Lord' in Latin, commemorating Jesus's birth.

  • @johnnehrich9601
    @johnnehrich9601 Год назад +2

    Two contradictory birth stories in the bible. One has the "holy family" living in Bethlehem, the wise men visit the newborn in the house where the family must be living. The other has the family originally from Nazareth who have to travel to Bethlehem for tax purposes, and because all the inns, etc. are crowded, Jesus is born in a "manger" in a stable. In other words, either newborn in a manager OR a visit by the wise men.
    Christians typically mush the two very different stories together for the xmas card version generally presented today.

  • @garylee3685
    @garylee3685 Год назад +1

    AD starts with the Birth of Jesus, not when he was gone.

    • @Lee-Darin
      @Lee-Darin 10 месяцев назад

      Except Jesus was born still in B.C. between 6-4 B.C.

    • @garylee3685
      @garylee3685 10 месяцев назад

      @@Lee-Darin oh?

  • @jasonfazackarley6896
    @jasonfazackarley6896 Год назад

    'She has a son, how is she not a virgin' may wish to rethink that!

  • @Muckylittleme
    @Muckylittleme Год назад +2

    Yeah, pretty good reaction.
    Monty Python sort the wheat from the chafe when it comes to reactions because the humour is pretty obscure.

  • @stevensprunger3422
    @stevensprunger3422 Год назад +1

    Enjoy yer reaction
    no you got nothing much went over your head I’ve seen lotta reactions and I enjoy watching your reaction one of the most😊

    • @henryellow
      @henryellow  Год назад

      Thank you, Steven.
      Glad you enjoyed it 😊

  • @glennrobinson2014
    @glennrobinson2014 Год назад +1

    The light in the night sky was the star of Bethlehem, which led the wise men to Jesus' birthplace. A,D, + anno domini -- "the year of the lord".The sermon on the mount you should have recognized, it was Jesus' most famous speech. A stoning is an execution by throwing stones. No, Jews cannot speak the name of God, it it too holy. Nor can it be taken in vain, by Christians.
    "He should be happier?" That's the whole joke. Jesus' healing ruined his livelihood. "Red Sea Pedestrian" refers to Moses' leading the Jews out of Egypt and miraculously parting the red sea so they could escape the Egyptian army across the dry sea bed.

  • @larryk731
    @larryk731 Год назад +1

    This film uses a judeo-christian framework to poke fun at all organized religion

    • @JP200
      @JP200 Год назад

      And a show called "Not the Nine O'Clock News" (with Rowan Atkinson) did a funny sketch where they made fun of "Life of Brian" in reverse 😁, it's on RUclips too, called "Monty Pythons worshipers".

  • @Lee-Darin
    @Lee-Darin 10 месяцев назад

    The whole movie apparently went over your head!😂😂😂😂😂

  • @Dufftata
    @Dufftata 7 месяцев назад +1

    the bearded women were in fact men

    • @henryellow
      @henryellow  7 месяцев назад

      Yes yes, of course they are! After all, women aren't allowed to go to stonings! 🧔🏻‍♀️

  • @brandonflorida1092
    @brandonflorida1092 Год назад +1

    Leprosy doesn't mean that you don't have limbs. It means that your body has patches of poorly pigmented, numb skin.
    I notice that you missed every biblical reference.

    • @henryellow
      @henryellow  Год назад

      There was a myth that leprosy causes flesh to rot and fingers and toes fall off. Now I know it isn't true, thank goodness.
      In severe cases, leprosy does cause disfigurement and deformities.
      Yes, those references went over my head 😂

    • @johnnehrich9601
      @johnnehrich9601 Год назад +2

      Leprosy in the bible is not considered to be the same disease that we call it today. From Wiki:
      "Tzaraath (Hebrew: צָרַעַת‎ ṣāraʿaṯ), variously transcribed into English and frequently translated as leprosy (though it is not Hansen's disease, the disease known as "leprosy" in modern times[1]), is a term used in the Bible to describe various ritually impure disfigurative conditions of the human skin,[2] clothing,[3] and houses.[4] Skin tzaraath generally involves patches that are white and contain unusually colored hair.[1] Clothing and house tzaraath consists of a reddish or greenish discoloration.[5]

  • @uluruh1527
    @uluruh1527 5 месяцев назад +1

    Jesus' mother is said to be a virgin...